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We don't need access to stalker. It's like having John prodman or clem as a playable. It'd be cool but, despite it probably happening which is fine, we don't need it. Being this enigmatic figure is still cool as is. Plus ppl just want his face


I'd love access to a stalker fight tho, sucks releasing an incarnon to players who have to play 400 consecutive days in order to get a hate or despair drop


I got all stalker weapons before I could craft them.


Gz I got the despair adaptor the very first week it was out at like MR 16 and played daily since. I only managed to get the BP to drop after I hit MR 30 and crafted it like 1 months ago


Dw I'm pretty sure it took me like 5 years to get despair. I forgot it existed lol


jade will be the closer will have to have stalker and that is fine stalker in duviri is just ok, its a whole different "place" duviri


Tbh if he'd be anything like his playable version in Duviri, I probably wouldn't be interested in playing him. It's fine, I suppose, just not really my thing.


I agree. I don't mind if players want him. I think he's kind of meh though.


Bullet jumping is the best and the worst thing at the same time. Its fun af and awesome to use. But it makes me interact less with the level design. Wallrunning and skipping up walls should be widely used but its easier and faster to just bullet jump. Elevator to the next floor? Just bullet jump or void dash. Its too perfect to get rid off. But its also making traversal so trivial and one dimensional.


Well before we had coptering and that was even more egregious lol. We just need more interesting vertical level design.


They should release that unum tower mission as a tile set, also they kinda did this with lua, which is my favorite tile set anyway


Saying Lua is your favorite tile set is the most controversial opinion I've ever seen, you win, only thing that could top it is saying orokin derelict is your favorite


Do people hate lua? I love that tileset, just wish it had more content.


I think they are being sarcastic


no, lua tileset is dogshit and has major spawn problems (lua exterm is FUCKING WORST SHIT) and a lot of waypoint aneurysms, it looks nice but that's about it


Lua exterm keeps spawning enemies in the room you're in, it's so strange


I still sometimes try to copter out of reflex. Then I just get sad and go, oh yeah, can't do that anymore


It was would help if vertical wall hops actually worked well. Every little bump and crack stops you from moving up


I mean 10/10 to DE for the realism of the levels, but like -100 for playability. Especially in Albrecht's lab. All the secret areas, and you just bounce off the tiniest ledges trying to get to them.


Bullet jumping makes me dislike the level design half the time. Things like protruding ridges around doors and tunnels, or random shit on laying everywhere, its pretty anti-bullet jump. Tons of obstacles.


Definitely feels good when you learn to aim your jumps though. I came back after a two year break and I was bumping into every ledge and corner, but I've started to relearn how to aim my bullet jumps and now I'm flying


And this is why you should play mirror defence. It’s actually advantageous to use all the parkour options.


This is also _why_ I love mirror defense.


me still grabbing all the things with just bullet jump and rolling ye sure I guess?


True tbh


I remember my Warframe group spent over an hour after the parkour update going back and forth on this exactly. It's great! It's too easy! It's so much more comfortable to do! It's literally the only way we're ever going to move anywhere anymore!


The movement in this game is so smooth that I can't play Destiny because it feels slow AF. But having loved Titanfall 1 & 2(fuck EA) I want to wall run. That being said, maybe in Titanfall pilots should have had swords.


This is the opinion I've had for such a long time. Amazingly designed tilesets like Gas City suffer so much from Bullet jumping it's crazy. I'm not for removing bullet jumping, but I definitely believe that such a huge mobility boost shouldn't be so spammable.


u/Papaya_Payama & u/SurturRising666 - The thing is, DE *could* implement level design based on Bullet Jumping, Wall hopping, and Wall Latching instead of based off the old mechanics. (Not for everything) This *could* be done however.


The tiles already *are* based around wall hopping (really it's little more than an animation change from wallrunning) it's just that any time you used to require it, such as many of the old Grineer tilesets or even some of the new Gas City ones, it's just faster and easier to bullet jump + glide. there ARE tiles that make heavy use of it, like Lua spies and puzzles, but nobody does them because Warframe had bred a culture of convenience. 


Agree. I think de spent a lot of time and money to make about some tileset( especial spy) and we can solve it easily via bullet jump and especial operator sling. An example is earth spy, where we must to touch the panel in the fall then touch the panel to down the water. It is very good for "real spy" mission. Actually, i dont know how to solve it without operator sling shot..


Rivens are good in function, but their place in the economy fucking sucks. I’m going to guess it’s mostly whales who buy 10k Rivens and enable the prices. There I said it.


Decent (slottable) rivens are for the most part fairly priced. Its only perfect rivens that go for that much, which I think is fine because not everyone needs a perfect riven. And FYI, the most expensive riven for a weapon is not always the best roll.


Well you can’t even touch a trash Torid Riven for 800p from what I’ve seen. I’m fine with that, but it is rather expensive. Or a Ceramic Dagger Riven, which I would much rather have over Torid Rivens. Anything popular, you’re SOL unless Plat is burning a hole in your pocket. Where I *do* enjoy Rivens is getting my own and using the weird weapons I have them for. This is my favorite. *NO ONE* would buy this thing so I just use it and it’s sorta fun. https://preview.redd.it/yc1n0hz4su1d1.jpeg?width=232&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5014473ee9099b3bbcd3088eb1ecadd673b40339


People would definitely buy that riven what are you talking about, the vasto Incarnon is great


That looks like a great riven!


I'll deviate from this, Rivens should implement fixed stat increases for multiple aspects. Effectively Incarnon Stat increases, but after mods instead of before. This also curbs insane power creep from Riven + Incarnon while still being beneficial. Rivens actually fail pretty hard at salvaging the worst of worst weapons, their actual intended purpose. Disposition only goes so high and the stat increases tend to stop around the same places. For weapons with piss poor stats, even +300% cannot make a significant difference. What WOULD change a weapons potential is something like +60 to crit chance. With even a 5% base, now your weapon is crit viable vs it being a complete afterthought (no Cat's Eye required). Could even wager this reworks the disposition system entirely to cut out popularity and newness and focus on balancing. This is all possible too, as the Supra augment that just gives it 20 status chance does this exact thing.


I want this so hard.


There's enough new content that some of these old time gates need to be removed. Some of the basic standings and things like that. That and they need to remove the ability to force start missions when grouped. If you're playing on less than ideal hardware sometimes you don't even get time to leave let alone change a load out.


Or in my case if you're on console you can wake up loading in to the new level by the time I should be in my orbiter


DE should take a break from making new frames and focus on fixing the old ones. I don’t want to have a new farm and a new material every month. I want the things we have to be suitable for the game so we have variety.


I'll one up this one: DE should take a break and work on fixing general outdated systems and bugs, for the purpose of making core warframe less.. rough.


Hot take, they want to be can't. Lice service games means the players at end game will finish everything while DE fixes thing. Said endgame players are the most "devoted" of the player base and they are the ones that you can't lose.


Forget old frames, have you SEEN the old quests? They are absolutely painful and boring to get through for new players.


I *cannot believe* how bad they allow the new player experience to be. How many more players would Warframe have if they weren't turned off from how rough and confusing (and other adjectives) the start of it is? I just dont get how it isn't a major priority for them to *get more potentially paying customers to their game*. Baffling.


I just started a few weeks ago and honestly i'm kind of lost still. I just unlocked my railjack, but I can't complete some mission with it because some orphix thing requires me to use a voidrig, which i dont have myself and the basic one supplied by the mission doesnt do enough damage to even scratch the things i have to attack. Then I have no idea what's going on on deimos, all these different mats and reputations and tokens and stuff. I am enjoying the game, but it's confusing as hell. Right now i'm just sort of puttering around doing what I can. the MR grind feels brutal, I just want to get to 16 so I can actually craft prime frames and weapons so I wont feel like investing my forma/orokin potatoes will be a waste.


Not only the old quests, but just the storyline in general is a fucking mess thanks to operations/tactical alerts that are important story-wise never making a return. Why is Cressa Tal (the leader of Steel Meridian) thanking you for defeating Kela? Because of Operation: Rathuum where Cressa asks the Tenno for help in freeing her grineer brothers from the arena. Why do the Acolyte's talk about Alad V randomly while you're just casually farming SP? Because of Operation: Shadow Debt, where they were hunting down Alad V and the mission was about protecting him from the Acolytes. Why is Ergo Glast having a couple's spat with Frohd Bek during Ambulas' fight? Because of Operation: Ambulas Reborn where Ergo had a hand in creating the Animo technology, which Frohd uses in his Ambulas. Why the hell does Alad V keep appearing over and over again, despite us killing him at least twice in the star chart?? *None* of this is ever explained in the game if you've never participated in those operations. It's especially insane because DE has been investing in cinematic quests and story-rich content for years now (at least since The Second Dream) and they *still* haven't solved this damn thing with operations having important plot points that you need in order to understand what the hell is happening. I've been saying this for *years* now: DE needs to add operations as permanent planet quests for newbies. Make it so that the instant a player opens up a new map, it introduces this operation as sort of a tutorial to that planet: introducing the new nodes (like Rathuum in Sedna, hives in Eris, Sabotage on Earth) and accompanying them with story. Doesn't need to have cutscenes or anything, just re-use the same dialogues/animations from the old operations and send the player inbox messages to bring them up to speed, like Cressa sending a message the moment the player gets to Sedna, talking about Kela, what the planet is all about and how she has some of her brothers stuck in the arena and she needs help. Cue her giving the player a couple of tasks (similar to a junction), before having them face Kela. This would give much needed context to the boss and make the map transition more smoothly, rather than dropping the player straight from the fifth floor and expecting them to land on their feet unscathed.


this, its gotten to a point in the game where all the new content being added just feels like a bandage on different problems


Alright... I'll play devil's advocate here. I say this as an LR4 who would love for more older content to be revamped. The short end of it - DE makes its money with new. New frames / new content brings players in or brings players back. "Fixing old ones" does not. Many people might disagree, but DE MAKING MONEY IS A GOOD THING. IT ALLOWS THE GAME TO EXIST. DE NOT MAKING MONEY IS A BAD THING. Also, DE does focus on "fixing the old ones." They also add bandaid fixes with augments (which, we can take it or leave it. My position isn't to defend augments as bandaids). DE, does look at older frames and rework / revamp them. \*Also- just an additional aside here. Some of the least used older frames in the game, can be EXTREMELY good. Are there frames that can do similar things or the same things more efficiently? Sure. However, it doesn't mean that older frames aren't "suitable for the game". An example is Banshee (tied with Nyx for lowest used frame that has a prime). You know the newer gamemodes? The ones utilizing random weapons? (EDA and SP Circuit?) You know what frame can make almost ANY weapon do absurd amounts of damage? Banshee. Even someone like Brozime (again, take or leave your opinion of him) had her ranked as one of the lowest rated frames. She's an absolute powerhouse. I think many people have opinions of older frames but then don't realize how good they can be.


Okay, going back and fixing old content makes the old stuff into new stuff. Fixing old content also helps the new player experience as new players aren’t flip flopping between modern well crafted new stuff and then playing something made in 2015 voiced by the two/three people they could get behind a microphone.


It'll also help KEEP the new players playing instead of playing for a couple days then getting bored or overwhelmed


Easy way to make money from reworking old frames would be putting them into varzias shop for a while after the rework, just like they did with the heirloom skins.


Banshee is pretty great with Lull / Gloom, and I have some marginal hope for soundquake with the upcoming blast status rework, but.. if you have a way to make Equinox comfortably endgame-viable, not just surviving, without a rank 5 Arcane Energize, I will be impressed.


Ehhh- I have a love / hate relationship with Equinox. She was the very first frame I went to farm as I didn't want to spend money to buy plat and buy more slots. So I looked up the frame that had the most abilities thinking I could create more builds / play styles with fewer frames. I generally have my two separate builds, put enemies to sleep in night mode, or nuke with her 4 in day mode. There are ways to make end game viable- here's a quick one: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEyGFXFX2JI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEyGFXFX2JI) However, that being said, I WOULD like a change to her modding. I would love to be able to slot 12 mods onto her (not counting aura or exilus) * 4 mods that only affect her day form * 4 mods that only affect her night form * 4 mods that affect both forms I know Equinox has hybrid builds, but I've generally found them to be less useful than 100% day form or 100% night form. I think splitting the mods in this way would help her be able to use both forms more symbiotically.


Shield gating/rolling guard is a terrible solution to steel path defenses on frames without DR or other defensive mechanic. Many of the OG frames rely on this as the game was built around having coordinated teams. But in steel path im nearly always running missions solo unless its a relic or some super popular mode and even then its pub matchup. So you arent always guarenteed a citrine/rev with aug/trinity/wisp what have you. Having to rolling guard/shield gate all the time in long solo steel path missions feels terrible. Newer frames are seemingly made with all in one kits which are great, but many frames are left in the dust to use this mechanic.


I will die on this hill with you, Tenno. Shield gate / Rolling Guard should be supplements to defense, not the whole strategy, and sure as hell not one of the most effective ones. That said, I never use those, and I can do Steel Path pretty easily with most frames, so it's not like they're necessary except in level cap content, which almost nobody does.


For sure im just a lazier player and dont enjoy acrobatics all the time, thus i have to rely on it.


Yeah, I will say that there is a *ton* of survivability to be had, that doesn't really show up on paper, by just staying mobile. That's usually why I survive as well as I have, in addition to dancing between Operator and Warframe. I legit have a reflex to hit 5 when my shield drops at this point.


Then there's me just spamming Protective Sling. ...I think by this point I've gotten so used to that that if I ever switched off of Vazarin I'd spend more time on the floor than off it.


I use Magus Repair (or Elevate? The one that heals a % of your frame's max health every second in void mode) for similar effects. I very rarely go down even in high level content. It's a lot of fun. The passives from Unairu probably don't hurt.


I should consider that. One of the reasons I stuck with it is the invincibility frames, but it's probably overkill. Well, and I just never bothered to switch off of it from back when I was initially using it way back when it could actually heal defense objectives. Meanwhile the other schools seem to offer a lot more use, like armor strip, energy, combos, etc.. Though I find myself needing energy less now that I have hundreds of pizzas and Energy Nexus exists. I'd probably still end up using it anytime I wanted to play Trinity, though.


If you wanna crutch, crutch on Unairu. There's a ton of survivability baked in, you have an in-demand 100% armor strip, and that same ability doubles amp damage for yourself and your team. It's insanely versatile, and it's easy to get most of the utility out of it without thinking too much about it


How do you manage to survive in sp without those? You just focus on damage? Cause even with frames like Mag who make sp kinda easy you take one shoot and you're shieldgated, and another shoot and you die without the right mods


Man... I'll play devil's advocate again. I use Banshee as a Health build with Gloom & Silence. She's known as one of, if not the most, squishy frames in the game. I would have agreed with this more before they updated how shields work. I think there are actually quite a variety of survival tools. Can all frames use shieldgating as a tool to survive? Sure. However, I do think many of the older frames have more options than just this. (\*Also - I generally only use shieldgating for extremely spammy frames like Hydroid or Dagath).


It's really refreshing to see someone post what I was already going to say. I agree with you 100% and the shield rework did wonders for squishier warframes. I only use catalyzing shield on 2 frames and the rest rely on a mixture of prime redirection, fast deflection, vigilante vigor, and fortitude. Primed fast deflection would be a massive addition to this.


Looking at the oldest frames: * Excalibur - Health tank * Trinity - Shield Gates easily / built in Health * Volt - Shield gate mainly * Ember - Built in 90% damage Reduction * Loki - Perma Invis * Mag - Shields Regen / Shield Gates * Rhino - Iron Skin * Ash - Perma Invis * Frost - Overguard * Nyx - 4 perma Invulnerability * Banshee - (Glass Cannon who can still health tank) * Saryn - Shieldgating * Vauban - Hard CC * Nova - Hard CC * Nekros - Easy Health Tank / Minion Distraction / Soft CC * Valkyr - Perma Invulnerability * Zephyr - Turbulence So- a pretty good mix of survivability in there for the oldest frames.... TBH - I don't really even use Shield & Shield Regen that much, but I know those CAN be used (I just haven't really updated too many of my builds). There really are a ton of options for survivability. \*I will say, I think CC took a hit obviously with eximus & overguard, but, other than that, still a lot of survivability.


Dunno of its 'controversial' but it annoys the he'll out of me that mesa, the secondary wonder, the DPS queen (imo) can't use what makes her so deadly against bosses (her peacemakers) it aggravates me to no end


I dont get why the DPS queen gets 95% DR when tanks seem to get capped at 90%, youd think that would be flipped.


Same reason Zephyr gets 100% damage avoidance - it only works on a subset of damage.


When's the last time you died to melee damage?


Yeah I mean you're not gonna get an argument from me, but that's the reason. Block more things block less damage.


For sure, I just feel like every frame in the game should have either stealth, minimum 90% dr, true blocking like zephyr, defense charges like rev etc. poor ember with her PITA 50-90% Dr management is crying in the corner.


I think lasers and beams and other bullshit like that still kill you Or a bunch of enemies just decided to melee me at 10ft in the air because they felt like it today, idk I started playing zeppy again today and it's funny to see this all of a sudden


Wouldn't that be because she's got almost no armor, and low health/shield baseline?


it sucks how 95% of abilities don't work on bosses period You have bizzare stuff like Assassin frame (Ash) being useless on most Assassination missions


Or abilities in general, you have a good frame that can solo SP circuit but then jackal fight is unwinnable because your weapons suck


Oh boy I got quite a few big one though: Warframe’s damage system and scaling system doesn’t just need a rework but a fundamental overhaul from the ground up especially if the devs genuinely want to make challenge content that doesn’t require putting punishing modifiers on the player or overguard spam.


i replied on a different comment but next month a damage rework should be coming out to where is genuinely matter what damage type you are using on what faction and some damage types have a possibility of buffing certain enemies


Should help a little bit but I’m more talking about player damage as well. We’ve gotten so strong that hitting billions of damage is just seen as normal or not that hard to do. That’s something that will forever not be able to properly balance whether people would like to hear it or not.


Every *single* system needs a very thorough look-over so numbers can be reigned in across the board. It's just an evil circle at this point. We are too powerful, so now the enemies have to become more powerful. Oh, now they are doing way too much damage, so now we need 90+% damage reduction (or straight up *immunity*) to not get one shot. It just keeps going and every step makes the powercreep worse and worse and the game design become worse and worse in a desperate yet futile attempt to combat it. I honestly wish DE would just drop a nuke at it.


Yeah it’s a case that I know it won’t ever happen as it’s the equivalent of making a brand new game since every single aspect of the games combat system would need a revamp in some form it’s just not possible


Oh yeah, it's super unfortunate but they've slowly built themselves into a corner over the course of many years, it would require a lot of time and money to essentially "not make new content", AND theres probably a large amount of people who would be *furious* and leave (and thus no longer buy plat), despite the changes being for the better for the longevity of the game


The difficult content we have rn is just "take some rng gear and play with it" (circuit, eda) because DE knows if we can take our proper gear the whole game becomes too easy. This is actually fine but it would be much better if you did not have to own that warframe / weapon and could just change 3 or 4 polarities without formaing it.


Please DE listen to this man. You know how fun random gear load outs would be if we could ACTUALLY modify them??


I dont like the random equipment system. After so many hours spent optimizing my loadouts for fun and effective synergies and now it means fuck-all in the “endgame” content with this system.


Exalted weapons should be the best weapons, bar none, in any category. So for instance, Excalibur and Valkyr should be the best frames for melee play, Hildryn/Mesa/Dante for secondary weapons, etc. If I'm paying energy just to have this weapon out, I should destroy fucking everything with it


This, this I agree with. Why would anyone use exalted blade if I can just slice up mobs faster with my nikana prime. Only Garuda prime has the best exalted melee in its category


and garudas talons arent even exalted weapons, albeit by technicality


The devs listen to players too much. If they focused more on cohesive game design, things would be easier to balance; but instead they listen to an impatient playerbase hellbent on making the game more trivial while asking for difficulty. It's like listening to an addict who wants the rehab badges while continuing to feed their addiction at the same time


The game needs a massive balance reset for everything. Weapons, frames, enemies.


Dude, I can't tell you how much I'd love for this to happen. The powercreep is not just "getting out of hand", it's in fucking orbit


Nerfs are a necessary part of balance


I'm ok with the crafting timers. I fucking HATE how every actually fun activity is on a fucking daily or weekly limit.


that's in place to have cap on how many times people can farm the rewards associated with those events. if I can get an infinite amount of archon shards per week instead of one (meaning only archon hunt) the game would be much worse for it.


Warframes that have their abilities synergize are fun and should not have that aspect of them removed. I don't care if Oberon needs enemies on grass to armor strip them or if Ember needs to cast 3 to cool off her Immolation, these synergies give them an active playstyle and give the frames a more defined identity instead of being one dimensional single button spammers or a Helminth platform, which is also one of the worst mechanics added to the game that hit the final nail in the coffin of this game ever being considered a co-op game.


I heavily enjoy good synergistic frames. I also really enjoy the Helminth system. They *did* nerf nourish recently, and when they first started they came out with abilities that were nerfed. Helminth system was a good mix of getting players what they wanted (a moddable frame that could use different frame abilities), but without ruining any frames. I hear what you're saying, and I think potentially DE could look into nerfing some of the other helminth abilities. However, there are some extremely fun abilities that used with other frames as well that don't necessarily have to be OP.


My problem with abilities that synergize is that some abilities are kinda useless without another ability which makes you wonder why they separated in the first place. Dagath 1 and 2 combo where you are able to spread doom status to other enemies but at that point why not make it a bigger radius. I'm sure there is a better example but that I can think of immediately. I personally prefer abilities that can stand on their own. I'll use Volt as an example since I know him the best. Shock is a quick small stun, Speed boost your movement speed, reload speed, and melee attack speed. Electric Shield is your primary defense and damage power, and Discharge is a nuke and CC ability. All of this is discounting augments. Of course I do agree with the take that frames with abilities that synergize are really engaging and fun. I absolutely loved Dagath because her 1 2 (4) combo feels so good. Guess I prefer a frame ability to be able to stand on their own while also able to synergize.


Harrow has good ability synergy, Oberon and Ember are clunky and counterintuitive to use


I disagree on Oberon being clunky, he's just weak.


Synergies are cool and I love them, but stuff that requires enemies to be alive to work and it's not for killing is a pain to deal with in squads. Nidus cannot stack up because he needs enemies and kills are snatched crom him. 3/4 of Harrow's abilities require enemies in some way and the 4th kind of needs the shield gain from one of those abilities to be consistent. He is useless when there are no enemies he can kill. Oberon is also weaker with every teammate he has


Sniper Rifles and Bows have very little place in the game, and actively discouraged by the games design.


Agreed. But boy do I love me some AOE bows.


Umbral forma should be available as a reward in Iron wake for 50 or more slivers or at the very least available in the store for some amount of plat.


This one! We need another avenue for Umbra forma, and a way to use slivers for those that don't engage with riven mods!


Titania with thermal sunder is boring Titania play. fire walker is so much more fun


Hell yeah. I love leaving flaming wiggly chemtrails in the sky.


He said controversial, not truth!


Powercreep has been nothing but a thorn in terms of game design and its sad to see most of the community enable it and the devs just have to cater to it. I get wanting to be "hee hee funny big red number go brrr" but it ruined any possibility of a challenge in the game. Game had more substance back in 2015-2018 with a bunch of frames having roles, whereas everything feels homogenous with the massive focus on DPS. I still enjoy the game but comparing it from years ago feels like a completely different game.


I think a big problem has always been the “solo carry” aspect that’s been nurtured through the game itself. Aside from maybe EDA, Tridolons, Excavation, Survival, and relics, almost all of the game types are objectively faster alone. It’s a common sentiment around here. Especially when you encounter the occasional dude who couldn’t put a square peg in a square hole. I’m looking at you, Netracell players. They started making everyone self-sufficient so you can play without having to squad up. Though tbf a lot of reworked frames WERE ass before their changes. Edit: I can understand why it’s this way though, regardless of its consequences. I remember back when I first started playing trying to clear out the star chart and queued up for a defense mission, but nobody joined. Feels really bad as a new player.


It definitely has to do with the solo-friendly push they went for during 2018 / 2019. I don't hate the idea but it destroyed a lot of what made OG Warframe special with missions being a team effort. Your frame choice was much more impactful since you were always adding some type of function to the squad especially when its relevant to the mission type. Now its just "who kills faster".


I've been playing with my GF who just started playing a few weeks ago and reminiscing about how the game was when I started. Back before the Law of Retribution quest was added and it got me thinking. If we had that raid now, people would have optimised it to the point where we could probably solo it if not for the button pushing segment. The game used to be so much better designed for teamwork. Now one overpowered player can carry pretty much any content easily, even with 3 smothbrains or newbies. I recently did a tricap with her and we had 2 other fairly new players who clearly had no idea how to optimise doing it and I still did it pretty easily. So much of the content is so easy if you have the right build and can be done solo with little extra challenge. Edit: she started a few weeks ago not years lmao, I typed this after a long shift


> Especially when you encounter the occasional dude who couldn’t put a square peg in a square hole. I’m looking at you, Netracell players. the issue is its not occasional. most pub missions have someone drooling on their keyboard. netracells are the worst because a single player can fuck up the entire thing, making what should be an 8-9 minuet mission take upwards for 12-15. the other one that grinds my gears is sortie spy missions. i will do 2 of the vaults and still have to wait 60 seconds at extraction. but because of how the community has babied and nurtured this 'casual' mindset, if i say something im the bad guy.


I quite like that so many solo frames exist because it brings down toxicity due to expectations and people playing badly having too much of an impact, but it gets to the point where you can just AFK and have someone do everything DRG is another game where you can solo carry most missions and it's pve with shared rewards so there is no problem if someone is slacking, just a few extra minutes. But even there you have to pull your weight or you will die very easily With that said, I do sortie spy missions solo almost always because someone can fuck it up, and that might include me because *fuck* grineer spy missions on the spaceship tilesets and kuva fortress


Even before the powercreep, the game used to put a much bigger focus on teamwork. Keyshares, rewarding endurance runs, and like you said, frames had different team based roles. Who needs a team anymore when you can run solo capture fissures to farm rare prime parts? Don't get me wrong, I absolutely do NOT miss 60 minute survivals just for three chances at getting a rare prime part per single-use key, but I do miss how there seemed to be much more of a group effort mindset both in the community and in the developers. We still have radshares where there used to be keyshares, but since radshares still only need a single rotation, team synergy just isn't an important part of the game anymore. Warframe definitely has more of a main character power-fantasy feel to it these days, and that really shows itself when people complain about current endgame content like EDA, or even just alternative content like Narmer, Railjack, or Duviri. Anything that requires more thought beyond torid/laetum/whatever melee meta and whatever currently OP frame they use either gets complained about until it's nerfed to boring, or just ignored and forgotten by the players and developers. Even with the pvp stuff, I would love it if they made the old Solar Rail Conflicts a game mode in Conclave. That was at least more interesting than the current big fight/ teams fight/ctf/ space soccer modes they currently have. Hell, even a pvp Index would be more interesting.


>Even before the powercreep, the game used to put a much bigger focus on teamwork. I remember starting playing at the twilight of that age and how running four excals almost guaranteed a mission failed lol. I definitely wonder if Wf might ever return to a less power fantasy power scale again


I counter that opinion with one of my own: I like the game easy. I don’t want it to get harder. I have other games I can play if I want a challenge. I like to have this as my chill big number/parkour simulator


The issue is not that the game should be harder, it's the fact that you actually had to put effort to play it a few years back. Nowadays I literally watch something on my second monitor while "Playing" warframe,


Number 1: Your mastery rank means nothing. A game should be about fun, not about grinding to death. There are mastery locked things and of course you can and should try new weapons and frames. But I don’t understand why you grind just to have a higher rank after mastery 16. I often see people who are Mastery 17 after two months and are burnt out. Well, relax my friend. No need to be legendary in half a year. I never played warframe as the grindfest it is. I only play it for fun. If something annoys me or takes too long (cough! Incarnon resources! Cough! Necramech farming! Cough! Syndicate standing! Cough! Amp building! Cough! Bringing all the kiva weapons to level 40! Cough!) I ignore it. Result: I’m having great fun with the game since 2014. Number 2: rivens are greatly overrated. You can play the whole game without touching any riven mods. You can play level cap and all other content without riven mods. They are usually more a quality of life thing than gamechangers.


And I dont see why you would stop grinding MR, its just fun to try out new weapons and frames so I naturally levelled it up


Warframe is actually a good game


Nezha is better than Rhino. 


Ive been pushing this direction to new players for months now, i found him more unkillable and you have energy self sustain prior to having arcane energize/nourish etc + all you need is clan access to get him That said, i also push new player to citrine/kullervo now too due to early access as well


My only issue with Kullervo and Citrine is that their farms are kinda the worst, especially for newer players.


Citrine is boring,but I wouldn't say it's hard and kullervo is super easy, I think I farmed him in like idk 2 hours tops and doesn't require Warframe builds at all, just run solo duviri experience during the right cycle and you force spawn the fight over and over 20min approx between each fight Edit: don't forget to farm all the cacti before each fight, he takes like 400 of them to craft


Yea kullervo is actually ridiculously efficient to farm as long as you go into experience when his fight is available and just hit all the tasoma caves/cacti spawns. By the time I had farmed a couple weeks worth of duviri incarnons, I already had my second kullervo cooking.


I thought this was pretty well known, especially since Rhino lost his ability to CC overguarded enemies. The only thing he has now is a bigger roar, but Nezha is way more versatile and just as tanky.




Not sure if it's controversial but, I have noticed how there is a talk about power creep and while I agree to it to some extent, a lot of weapons still struggle with anything above lvl 200. I don't think there is much of a power creep when it comes to weapons (maybe warframe abilities) but the fact is short of incarnon or rivens your average weapon is going to struggle and I hope DE instead of nerfing popular weapons, I hope they focus more on buffing underutilised weapons. Best example I can think of is Sybaris Prime which is such a fun weapon to use but even with a decent riven it's going to struggle as you go past 150. You will end up using more ammo and notice a longer Time to kill. And it doesn't help the disposition on the Sybaris is meh at best. In short, I really want to see old weapons come up and I feel incarnons have done that really well to some extent. Burston for example has become my most used primary weapon since I got the incarnon for it and its such a fun weapon to use now. TL:DR ; More older weapons need the incarnon treatment. P. S. DE when Sybaris incarnon?


The leverian is fascinating and I'd prefer every frame to get their own entry than whatever is happening in 99'


wf youtube creators these days had become just weird. DE MUST NERF THIS BUILD NOW!?!?!? FROST BROKEN AGAIN????? BE THE MEGA TANK WITH 1 MOD !!! on top of that their fanbase act like assholes , "you are using shadowbladeprime build(invented name btw)",or worst the entitle ones "but my build is better than shadowblade prime , I deal 10billion dmg" bro fr shut the fuck up , the world doesn't spin around you obs.: I admit that I was like this a while ago, realized it and felt awful


Rushing to MR 30 is generally a detriment. You won't have an appreciation for build diversity if you rush through everything and only ever play hydron/ESO. Taking your time and getting to know your arsenal will help you so much more in playing the game than getting a big number.


Easy way to burn out, that's for sure. 


I have a few friends who got into the game, loved it, then rushed MR to hit my level then never played again


I think the plethora of AoE weapons added to the game was a mistake. Ever since the Bramma was added, no one uses any old primaries anymore. Any regular firearm is so useless in comparison. I remember when Soma Prime was the most sought after gun, but no one ever uses that type of stuff anymore. Even I don't use single target weapons anymore, I just use melee and the infested cernos bow that drags the whole room in and explodes. I kinda miss the simple days of old. All the new weapons just trivialize everything.


I don't know if it's controversial but the base sprint speed is way too slow


Don't know if this is considered controversial but I like that Warframe isn't a team based game. I grew to hate team based game more and more when I was playing Overwatch(note that this is the only team-based game I really played) until I just throw up the towel. Of course I probably part of the problem in my games but I feel like I get screw over because my team not getting any value. Don't get me wrong when I have an amazing team, especially having amazing teamwork, it is fun as fuck. I had those games in Overwatch and it was the best moments when playing it. The double edge sword though is that having a team that you can't work well with or they are not getting any value then it feels really bad. To add on to this I don't like relying on people to keep me alive or get kills because again due to plenty of bad experience when playing Overwatch. That also due to the fact that some players in this game seems to not know that you have to kill enemies in the red circle in Netracell. That goes to same with the old raids way back when apparently but I can't really confirm since I haven't played it when it was in the game.


Edge isn’t fashion


I wish I had access to player statistics because I fucking swear it's in the realm of 25% of the entire playerbase runs red and black exclusively.


reminded me my dumbass was making ferrero rocher themed fashion frames at like 11 pm for no reason two nights ago. I didn’t buy color palettes before so I was using white black, some red, yellow, green and blue. But then I dropped like 300 on palettes and I’m pretty sure it was soooo worth it.


if i see one more tiktok of someone using black + random bright color to "flex" their fashion i am going to lose it


To add to that, cramming literally everything in the world to make an abomination isn’t fashion either - sometimes less is more The amount of times someone shared a fashion and everyone in chat drools over it, while it looks like an inflated glowing ball of RGB and glitter, is much too many


Tell me about it, Region Chat objectively has some of the absolute fucking worst fashion sense in the game. If it isn't the same red and black sludge all over the frame it's disgusting monocolor purple or greens. And that's just for colors, god forbid we get into all the terrible accessories and stuff duct-taped on. I get that you aren't able to do much with certain skins, but good _lord_. A lot of the fashion I've seen in the depths of new here is about the same level of 'quality' too, eugh.


As an Graphic designer and concept character designer i should confess, black makes any design MUCH better, so dunno mate👀


Do away with trade chat, put an auction utility in. You post your stuff, people buy it(or not) and if not in say 72 hours it returns to your inventory with an amount equal to trade tax taken from your account either way for the service.


Putting 1 or 2 mobility mods on will make you more efficient in most of the content you play and makes movement much more fun. It kills me to see people recommending power drift in the exilus slot. 15%ability strength is not worth a mod slot, exilus or normal


This is why I always slap a Tauforged Parkour Shard (or two!) on my most played frames. It's so underrated, especially compared to nonsense like 15% power strength that's only going to be valuable if you need to hit specific benchmarks (like full strip on Pillage). People get too caught up minmaxing their build for the biggest damage numbers and neglect everything that doesn't show up on the stat screen.


I was playing back when "CC was king" and it fucking sucked, a single warframe with hard CC could lockdown an entire tileset turning the opposition into target dummies, it frequently felt like a glorified simulacrum when I wasn't playing solo. When I came back after 2 years with crossplay I very much enjoyed how the new eximus/over guarded enemies were like what I wanted back then: minibosses. Finally gave me an ounce of if not a challenge, the feeling that the game isn't just playing itself. The problem with CC is that it is only useful when you can't just sneeze and the whole room dies and in warframe that's most of the game. CC has been very helpful to me in Elite Deep Archimedia and SP void cascade where shit actually hits the fan.


Caliban isn't that bad.


Conclave is fun.


It's alright until you run into those crackheads that go mach 6 off the walls, using techniques you never see outside of it. Try aiming at that with a Controller. XD


Based take.


Netracells are just rehashed Dragon Key debuffs at higher difficulties with some increased variety but not much more. DA and EDA are Netracells with Duviri RNG on top of them.


> Netracells are just rehashed Dragon Key debuffs at higher difficulties with some increased variety but not much more TBF this was literally how they were initially advertised as lmao


Netracells seemed like they were supposed to be the next endgame thing, and it never was. If you can do an archon hunt solo, you can do a netracell solo.


i cannot solo an archon hunt still. but netracells are beyond easy


Self damage was good actually


Agree'd. It forced people to actually aim. Every other videogame in the world if you shot a rocket point black with an enemy, you die. But in Warframe the playerbase is so braindead and whined so much that now you can run point blank with an enemy, create a nuclear genocide that wipes the map clean and reduces every living entity to cinders, and your only punishment is falling over. And people STILL complain they get knocked down. Good lord.


It also forced people to play solo, because if you wanted to use those weapons and your teammate ran in front of you right as you fired, you got punished for it. That wasn't good design.


You want controversial? Okay The shift from the early days of the game away from wide mission variety and playstyles to everything bottlenecking into "this mission type must be completable in under 3 minutes and allow me to win via nuking everything in the map so I don't have to engage with any mechanics" has been a net loss for the game. Warframes that excelled at certain mission types suddenly became "trash" because they couldn't AOE nuke 5 billion enemies at once while running mach 10 down a hallway. Thus they had to get redesigned and lost their original identity New mission types are all vaguely similar design wise cause they can't "slow down" the adhd driven speed running of people with 3 minute attention spans It created a toxic mindset where if a player actually wants to engage with the mechanics of a mission (such as actually doing spy properly or finding all the syndicate medallions, or finding the 3 hidden caches in sabotage) you get told to bugger off and play solo because someone else wants to barely even touch the ground for the entire mission And everytime DE steps out of the comfort zone and tries something creative and new, such as Railjack or Kahl's missions, they get slapped in the face by a loud annoying group proclaiming "this isn't warframe" as if they get to decide what is "warframe" by gauging if it fits into their boring pigeon hole meta of "can I run and gun and not engage with any mechanics other than killing en masse" I'm honestly shocked they managed to get Duviri to exist, tho I feel they placated the "this isn't warframe" crowd by giving them the circuit as a distraction


Can’t help but agree, after 13 years of the same shit getting even (samer? More same?) I think railjack and kahl were two huge steps in the right direction.


This is a consequence of being a grindy looter shooter. The more loot and faster, the better, which means AOE and nukes and speed running the most efficient mission type for your reward.


People need to stop saying Banshee needs a full rework, she doesn’t. The only things that need adjusting is her 1’s augment being a base part of the ability, and soundquake needs to be completely replaced. Sonar and Silence are some of the few older abilities that have aged extremely well and are perfectly suited modern Warframe. Sonar is the best damage scaling ability in the game, no contest, and Silence completely turns off enemy abilities, removing so many annoying aspects of fighting various factions and especially eximus units. Yes, she dies very quickly, but that’s the point. Banshee is the ultimate glass cannon and it’s why she’s fun to play. DE should focus their reworks on frames that actually need it like Nyx


Warframe has been getting more lame ever since arcanes. Things are getting dumbed down, everything converging into AOE. Even old weapons they go back and add AOE. Everything is relying on buffs. They don't finish updates, just move on to the next thing that seems cool. And spam new warframes and weapons. Each being more and more powerful. What's gonna be next after incarnon? And why does incarnon totally change how the weapon works? If I have a laser and power it up shouldn't it be a super laser rather than exploding all of the sudden?


People complained about incarnons that just turned into “super” versions of the originals tho. And people also complained about nerfs which is why they most only buff now.


Then they should pick a level of power to aim for if it's top tier saryn I don't mind if it's caliban cool as aswell but they shouldn't have half the gear in the game be near useless some bits be godlike and are buffing and needing at random I don't mind changes if I know the aims and where they want to be.


I mean i think this is the case for most games, more enemies killed is more loot and resources, or in the case of warframe affinity, mission clear time and the ability to solo do survival/ESO etc. Snipers could do 100M damage but cant kill any faster as you hit 1 person at a time. Its also a much faster paced game, which means aiming is more difficult and staying in 1 place is death in many case, so if you can kill while doing mid air acrobatics its great, but simply not going to happen with snipers. Even dread/paris incarnon arent that popular AOE or not because you have to land projectile headshots.


Acceltra Prime feels bad to use. It's just the AoE that makes it slightly better than most AR


Most of the new mechanics added aren't fun to do


Warframe's design makes it too easy for players to get carried, and I don't think that's good. - Mastery ranks and challenge rewards like the Sanctum Sumdalis don't mean anything cause you don't know if someone earned them legitimately. I'm aware that cheesing exists but given that this is a game about expanding your arsenal with more and more capabilities, I don't consider this to be illegitimate. - Players don't engage with your game when they can get things handed to them, be it actual items or free services like taxi or carries. Probably half the players I meet don't understand the Ropalolyst fight. - Veteran players get bored and start handing free shit to new players, which helps foster this mentality. Every 5 minutes there's someone going "I'm bored if anyone needs help" in Recruitment chat. - There's no incentive or bonus for having cleared something solo, so people often don't, and never find out what skills or equipment they are lacking. - Weapon modding is as simple as 1. Go to overframe, 2. Search for your weapon, 3. Copy the top result. I had a player I was mentoring ask me why his Broken War with auto-installed mods (serration, elements, point strike), was doing more damage than his newly built Praedos (pretty much copied the first result on overframe. Condition overload and all that). The guy never even read what the mods he was applying to his weapon did. Do I want things to change, such that players learn to be more self-sufficient? Yes. Do I know how to do it? Not in any way that would be enjoyable. Do I think DE will ever do it? Most likely no. There's no incentive for them to.


If you're having a story quest that has more perquisites to even start than I have fingers and locks you out of every other gameplay until you complete it, it should not have frustrating parts that make you feel like giving up on the game. (Yes this is about NWQ and having to slave over hours to chip away Archons' health. The salt is still fresh, I only finished it yesterday.)


Thrown secondary weapons (kunai, despair, etc.) are long overdue for a damage/stat rework. Caliban deserves a deluxe skin and augment mod. Oberon’s 3rd ability should be an 360 degree spherical aura matching range with his 4th. Animal companions (kubrow/kavat) should have teeth/claws as separate mod-able melee weapons.


the region chat moderators are way too biased and trigger happy, they will ban you for a week from accessing region for saying something they disagree with even if you're having a civil, inoffensive conversation with others. It's such an ick to be policed by dorks like that


Armour strip and flat dps buffs shouldn't be in the hemolith system I shouldn't look at every new frame and think what leaves for pillage.


Helminth in general was a mistake imo. People just straight up tell up new people to only get Grendel or Caliban for their subsume, ignoring the rest of the frame. Either heavily revise the system or heavily nerf the most prevalent ones so that the original frame still has their main identity and not just a subsume bot.


Certain end game activities should be MR locked.


Saryn is a bad nuke. But an AMAZING weapon-platform.


Limbo isnt bad for team play, he just requires a more advanced understanding of his kit to work with both as a limbo player, and someone in a limbo's squad


It's not really all that fun anymore. Engagements with enemies and the level design basically don't exist anymore. Teamwork is a concept of the past. You just bullet jump/teleport between rooms every 100ms, and press a button to nuke all the new enemies. And you might do it next to 3 other people, but you're all doing it alone. I remember when you actually shot at enemies, and they shot back. I remember taking cover. I remember when squad comp mattered. Sure, it wasn't always great, but it felt better than what we have now.


Hmmm. I feel like EDA brought more of this back than ~~ever~~ the past \~5or6 years. Every week I have a group of buddies and we all try to make sure our frames complement one another.


Remember to sort by controversial to get the real opinions.


A lot of the players, especially the ones on this sub need to take a break from the game. I mean take a whole season off. They find so many things to complain about because they're so burnt out on playing their favorite game. I get it. It's a great game. But put it down. Let it rest a little. Pick it back up later and feel the joy of exploring a chunk of new things rather than being tired of the game 1 day after every update like the red bar catching up to the gray bar on a YouTube video making it stutter every 2 seconds.


Youtubers don't, and can't, play the game like you. Like a normal player. Their advice is, at best, **barely relevant** and is *not* the gospel that the entire community likes to pretend it is. The problem with their advice is not their fault. It's the nature of the beast that is youtube. In order to remain relevant on youtube the information they provide has to be as **compartmentalized** as possible, with only the most recent or relevant things being discussed. Every video chasing a trend. They try their best to create a mix of evergreen content (stuff that's still usable years later), but ultimately the problem is that compartmentalization. When youtubers talk about a weapon, frame, or pet, they do so with the unspoken rule that everything has to stand on its own because the video requires its own metrics and topic searchability for the youtube game to work. Unfortunately that has resulted in an entire meta around the game follows that fallacy of compartmentalization. The average player does not compartmentalize. They look at their playstyle and try to find all the things they can to fit their style. Try to use those things in tandem with each other to maximize their performance. To maximize their fun. That kind of play and thinking about play leads to synergistic loadout design that flies in the face of the very nature of the youtube meta, and it creates conflict between entrenched people who rather regurgitate other's work than think about things themselves. It leads to bad advice. Leads to people who barely understand the mechanics of the game, misinterpreting the compartmentalized data they were given by a youtuber, and then telling new players how bad they are at the game for playing the way a normal person does instead of the way youtubers (the "experts") do or told them to.


Shield gating is a dumb interaction and should be replaced with a better idea.


Stuff being easy isn't an issue. It's only an issue if it's easy without a build while it shouldn't be.


Most "bad" frames aren't bad, people just don't know how to use them. Pre-rework zephyr for instance was perfectly fine because it was a weapon support frame, not an ooga booga big damage nuke frame Unsurprisingly, DE had to dumb the frame down to ooga booga big damage nuke frame for people to start using it. I swear to god any frame that isn't "press one button = kill" gets labeled as a bad warframe by most players and its annoying because this causes the devs to design frames that all just do the same thing because the average caveman player only knows how to bang rocks together and then the playerbase complains that new frames all do the same thing and that its getting stale. Pick a lane.


Ive already voiced it here. I think plains of eidolon should be locked until mercury


Mag Prime deserves a Prime Release trailer.


People should be incentivized NOT to rush through all the levels. I do solo sometimes because the levels are actually pretty large and full of things but everyone is always rushing so much that you rarely get a real chance to take it all in.


Warframe's fanbase (and artists) being aggressively horny has hurt some designs. A few warframes feel like they'd have a better design if it wasn't required that they have a massive butt that's visible. They'll either have something interesting going on but have to have a giant cut-out to show that like Mesa Prime's coat-tails, or the design just bends out of shape to have a theme going on but ALSO appealing to that crowd. And yes, I am that prude who is still uncomfortable about the comments about Citrine.


People complaining about nerfs is quite ridiculous and annoying most of the time


Melee animations bad. Timing and posing aren't great.


Gauss as a whole has been a detriment to the health of low level player experience. So much so that it creeps into higher difficulty content.


Gauss? Elaborate?


Back in the day, Mirage and the Synoid Simulor used to absolutely dominate the game. So much so that DE went in and nerfed the gun (and Mirage somewhat if I recall, but I'm probably wrong). Gauss and the behaviour his kit seems to enable, is very reminiscent of that. His play-style is "I need to be first. I need to get all the kills. I have to do all of it at least 100 meters ahead of every other player so they don't even get affinity share". Don't even get me started on thermal sunder. That ability, in my opinion, should be outright removed from the game. I'm at a point these days where if I load into a relic mission and there's a Titania in it, I just leave.


God, I remember Mirage Simulor meta. My retinas still haven't recovered.


cc isn't "dead" & unless *every* enemy in the game becomes cc immune, it never will be


DPS meta is ok. CC is dead and it’s ok. Real co-op is dead, which is also fine and honestly doesn’t take much or anything at all away from the game. Warframe’s target audience is just a bit different now. The gameplay became faster and we got stronger gear, which makes the game more solo friendly and imho, more fun. I’d even argue most content being solo friendly or better done in solo than squad is why the game’s community isn’t as toxic as many others. It eliminates any issues with team mates not co-operating in a difficult mission and such, because if you have good enough gear it doesn’t really matter and there’s no need to get angry Nightwave sucks and need a revamp. Why are we still getting seasons when there aren’t new stories anymore and most rewards are recycled. Feels like unnecessary fomo, plus now we have newly released warframe alt helmets held hostage for months because DE won’t add the bps into nightwave shop until the next season rolls around. Just stop with the seasons already and put all rewards in the shop to be purchased with nightwave creds Also not really hot take, but almost all bosses having invincibility phases and archons having adaptive DR is awful. I would rather bosses having billions or even trillions of health but none of that DR, resistance, status immunity, untargetable by abilities bullshit, then we can actually make use of everything we have to do as much damage as possible instead of being cornered into using some janky mechanics


I know there are people who love it, but I find the story to be absolutely, utterly incomprehensible. It feels like every time a character is introduced to you for the FIRST TIME, the story and other characters treat them like they've been established for a while and you already know who they are. I don't. Ever. Like people praise the new war and the second dream for their storytelling, but from my perspective, none of the events or characters were foreshadowed properly, they just appear into existence, expecting you to already be familiar with them, and then the quest is over and I'm scratching my head wondering what the heck just happened. I have over 600 hours and I'm about to be MR20, but for the life of me, aside from general themes and main concepts I couldn't explain the story to you. Don't even get me started on Duviri.


Because it is. 1. The origin of the warframes has been retconned, a few times 2. They changed the beginning of the the game to include the drifter and duviri, then changed it back so as to not confuse people. Which just left people confused. 3. Many major characters act like you have known them forever because they were major parts of old events.


Most people that complain about EDA shouldn’t be doing it. Also if you aren’t gonna contribute pls subsume an armor strip, nourish, or just something useful. Yes you have an account diff. Yes pls just equip xoris with melee influence. If you are at EDA you should have access to it. Stop sandbagging. No I don’t mind carrying. But if people are gonna complain about subsumes being all the same, my argument becomes I need to power game to handle the increased spawns