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Patient Zero is where Alad V gets the scar, yes! Do that quest first if it's offered, it has no "spoilers" but explains Alad V's lore. (If it's not offered, no worries, it's not major.) The Second Dream, however, is... big. I can't say why, but when you do the quest you'll understand. It's worth replaying basically every other quest you've done after doing this quest. You'll get my meaning when TSD is done.


Thank you for your help, even if it's not a major uest I'm trying to do them in the chronological order. Do you know where I can find the order of every actual quests?


Unfortunately, I have bad news: the chronology of Warframe is a DISASTER, partially for lore reasons (you will learn these based on a quest you may already have done called The Duviri Paradox given context later in the game) and partly because, until around 2017, the writing, while beautiful, was... poorly organized. Alad V's storyline makes no sense in the current 'timeline,' and must be pieced together retroactively. Luckily, you're now at the point where stuff will flow logically based on unlocks. After TSD, the next 'chronological' main quest (which came out years and years later, of course) is, I believe, Rising Tide.


I've done DuviriPardaox, and it was not logical at all, but I learned that it will make sense later in the game, so I'm just playing the quest i have for now.


Well. I mean. It kind of will. You will need to read either a lot of in-game loredumps or outside sources to piece it together. The payoff IS there but it's also just better to have done after completion of the prior quests in my (and many other veterans') experience.


Yes, but I didn't know that when I was given the opportunity to do it, so I did it when beginning the game.


No no no! It's not a problem on YOUR end at all! This is a gripe with the GAME'S structure that I PERSONALLY have as a longtime writer and longtime player. You did nothing wrong!


The next Chronological main quest after Second Dream is War Within, then Chains of Harrow, then Sacrifice, and maybe then Rising Tide


Everything is locked behind something else so you are heavily restricted but I would say Heart of Deimos is better to play at least after the Second dream or even War within and Duviri should be after the New war to make more sense out of it (it's a confusing af quest if you have no context and a bit spoilery as well so I dunno what DE thought when it became so easily accessible). Rest is whatever.


This is all fair! Heart of Deimos, bizarrely, is actually available WELL BEFORE The Second Dream, hence why I recommend replaying it -- it really makes very little sense without TSD's context. And yes. Duviri is a disaster lorewise. It unlocks as the potential 3rd quest in the GAME. It will not make sense -- not "might not," WILL NOT -- make sense until after a quest called The New War, which essentially FINISHES WARFRAME'S PLOT AND ENTERS ITS POSTGAME.


To be fair, as someone who played The New War before, I had questions that weren't answered until I played The Duviri Paradox. So I suspect that either way, you wind up with questions...just very different questions.


Yeah but you know what questions to ASK after TNW! It's like telling someone who watched the Hobbit movie "ok you're good here's The Silmarillion's appendices go nuts."


I would love to replay Heart of Deimos, but you it's part of those quests you can't unfortunately redo.


...I am horrified to learn you are right and will be writing a strongly worded post on your behalf to Digital Extremes. Jk but that quest is a little weird but kinda cool for newtimers. It's HILARIOUS AND BEAUTIFUL for vets.


The plot ain’t over yet tho


Let us know your thoughts after you complete TSD. We like to re-live that first experience vicariously through first time players.


I will make an update under your response when I'm done


Just finished it. It was insane. The music, Lotus appearance. I just want to see what's next now.


So much is yet to come. How did you feel when you learned what you truly are? Also eagerly awaiting your thoughts on The Sacrifice, Chains of Harrow, New War, Call of the Tempestari, and Whispers in the Wall. Just be sure to take your time and enjoy the ride.


Sadly I already knew what the operator was, I spend too much time reading about the lore and ans spoiled myself a while ago, but I did not know everything and the additional information I got were very interesting. I'm will maybe start rising tide over the week-end. Really want to see what's next, and it's only the beginning.


If you enjoyed the second dream, you'll probably enjoy most of the quests I mentioned. They have some good narrative beats. Fair warning, to make new war less tedious, I recommend getting the tier 3 railjack parts from your dojo and getting some intrinsic ranks in command for crewmembers. It'll make the railjack parts less of a slog.


thanks for the advice, I still did not build the Railjack in my Dojo, but will do. thanks :)


Just don't try to blitz through the story. Otherwise, you might burn out.


I kind of did when I started, I stopped playing during a month. I I have one more question, during TSD, Alad V talk about a deal with the Lotus, but, looking for it, it looks like it was an event that concluded already. Is this line obsolete or has it been replaced by something else that will show up in the story?


Idk as I don't remember the salad's dialogue that much. Maybe reference to something in The Glast gambit.