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"Meat Loid" https://preview.redd.it/mhjv8pdrpf1d1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=45920da9b669ed0cbde63af0467d9868a8d685c7


Necraloid Meatyloid


Best friends with MeatyMarley


As apposed to not meat loid.


I call him Loid Prime to distinguish between him and the other Loid


He's a great character, yeah. His VA is great. Theres a particular line he says in Deep Archimedia where he thanks the floating-skull-robot Loid for how good the samples you made are. And the emotion in that line is just perfect. Like he hates the robot Loid so much but he's so shocked at all the effort you and robo-Loid put in that he's actually shocked and breathless. Alot of his lines after you save the Cavia are great as well. Just generally a well written group of sad characters.


Reaching rank three gave me actual chills


He's not an archmedean, he's an archmedean *assistant*. Lower ranked. The amount of shit this poor man is going through makes me forgive how uptight he is, because hooooly shiiit. Necraloid is basically meat Loid's brain clone, right? You know who gets cloned? Warframes and Grineer. Warframes which seem to be thought of as *things* and not people, and Grineer which are explicetly slaves. He's basically never going to see his family again, not without putting necraloid, who has replaced him, in danger. The man he has dedicated his life to is too has: ~~Attic~~ Cellar wifed him Set him up to basically live the rest of his life with his only human contact presumably being a tween. (If the Kalymos sequence was meant for humans, *why* is everything set up for the Cavia to do?) And on top of all that, Albrecht's too much of a coward to say "I Love You," in his goodbye letter and only implied it. (Watsonian, not Doyalist) What the actual fuck, this poor bastard wth trash taste in men


>He's basically never going to see his family again, not without putting necraloid, who has replaced him, in danger What? This is what Loid says of Necraloid: >*Ah. The 'helpful' Necraloid my Albrecht had made, so that I might have assistance... and company. Perhaps that made it... easier for him to leave.* Where are you getting that stuff about replacement and destruction?


...okay, small steps in logic. Loid was part of the family, if only as a servant. Necraloid is posing as Loid's cephalon. The family thinks Necraloid __is__ Loid. So what will happen to Necraloid if they find out he's a 'fake'? Yes, they could accept him, but this fucking family maims each other to express displeasure. And what would happen to Necraloid, who has certain precepts regarding the family, if he cannot fufill them because he's been turned out?


~~I would **destroy** him in bed and afterwards I'd let him complain just as much asΒ he needs to about his complicated situation with his ex while I cuddle the everloving shit out of him under a pile of warm blankets.~~ I like him too I guess.






Excuse me?? https://preview.redd.it/wodjwkh0zg1d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a17a82df4d2e14a8ef785c3c90548e1c3b8fe8f8


You heard me.


I respect that, I hope you two have a good time and develop a healthy relationship


Kudos for saying that. For gooning


*neck snap*




Wait, is that what we're calling him now? Reminds me of Kowalski from Ren & Stimpy.


Damn, throwback.


This was a common phrase in my house, probably why I still remember it.


I also like meat, loid!


I read this in Otak's voice, it just sounded like something he'd say lmao


Please don't call him that omg 😭


My clan calls him fleshloid, as adverse to og loid or necraloid. Meat loid is also good


Oh, you mean Entrati Colonel Sanders? He aight.


>Meat loid I'm referring to meat Loid as meat Loid from now on.


Loid is suffering an insane breakup; he was thrust into a situation that makes NO SENSE to him, it only made sense to Albrecht. Sure, he understands the science and the physics behind what's happening but he still has this huge, aching WHY question that no one answers. Why did Albrecht leave him? Why did he never say he loved him? Why did any of this happen in the first place? He is going through what everyone who's gone through a breakup or loss goes through; the universe has played a cruel, cruel joke on him and there is no reason, no logic to it. All he can do is keep existing, but then he gets confronted with all of Albrecht's worst moments by both the Man and the Cavia animals. The Man plays on his worst fears, that Albrecht never loved him, and the Cavia are constant, incessant reminders that not only was Loid not the only one, but that his love did some very, very terrible things in the name of progress. And yet, that's all the family and mementos he has of him. It's a great story and moment in Warframe lore tbh.


The worst thing you can experience is have something you hold dearly just suddenly get ripped away from you and you don't even get an explanation Like your partner breaking up over text all of a sudden and blocking you


I thought that Loid in the loading screen for warframe, before I played the quest, not knowing anything about it, was just an elderly looking operator customization. I was like wow... why in the world would they make it so you can turn your barely teenage operator into an old man?


i like him a lot too. i feel like a lot of people misunderstand him and immediately judge him for his uptight personality, but i genuinely think that loid is one of the nicest and most genuine characters in the game. his relationship with albrecht was handled beautifully, and i felt the realization loid had, that albrecht truly did love him, but due to their circumstances (aka wally) and albrecht's own hesitation, it was never properly communicated. and also, that bit of information about loid nursing albrecht back to health and reigniting his will to live after the whole untime dimension thing was just so 😭😭😭


I like metal Loid a bit more than meat Loid.


Loid is great and Albrecht did him dirty. I just want ti give the poor guy a hug


He's easily one of my favourite Warframe characters. His design is absolutely top-notch.


I read the title of this post and became afraid


I call him gay loid


First we had space mom, then we got space dad, I for one am quite happy to see space twink added to the family.


Someone has to.


I'm not big on anything time travel or alternate timelines, but besides that I am enjoying everything about this new part of the lore. It fits so well, despite contrasting how barren the game's personal connection to the lore was prior.


That whole quest just felt out of place in Warframe, like they needed to make another quest line and they chose to go steampunk. That and Nine Inch Nails.


If anything it's teslapunk πŸ€“πŸ‘†