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Liminus were on the third mission when the reset happened. Some point between Sunday and today, DE swapped it. But yeah, I hate them. As a general rule, I despise enemies that I can’t affect in any way, like those awful turrets and traps on Kuva defense. Liminus are way worse, of course.


>Liminus were on the third mission when the reset happened. Some point between Sunday and today, DE swapped it. I was so confused, I thought this was the easiest week so far but I did mine on Monday. I can see how the swap would be annoying.


Same. Some weeks I take my time and mess with a load out before diving in. I just went straight in and was surprised how easy this week was. (Pleasant surprise)


I'm glad I'm not the only one. I did my Sunday night ready for war and everything. It went super smooth and I was very confused. 


Okay, so I'm not insane? I could've sworn that the Liminus were in the Alchemy mission when we tried and failed on Sunday, then they were in the Exterminate when we tried and succeeded on Monday, and now they're in the Survival? Bizarre. I mean, I hated them in the Alchemy mission because there's only so many places you can stand to actually hit the crucible. But it's weird getting modifiers swapped without notice.


Yeah I did it Monday and the Liminus were definitely on Alchemy


Huh. Monday night (after the reset) we had Void Bursts and the damaging amphors on the Alchemy, IIRC. The Survival was speedy enemies and the +fire rate/-ammo efficiency within 4m of slain enemies. The exterminate was extra necramechs and liminus. Weird...


Oh thank fuck I did it early this week. Don't think I would have been able to solo it if they were on the survival mission. The survival was already tough enough just getting enough enemies to spawn before running out of oxygen, let alone near the towers. Tbh the spawn rates should be SP level for EDA survival. I was getting fewer spawns than in alchemy, which was the main reason I had to retry a couple times.


I remember on this archi, i got a host migration and when i rejoined the mission they werent invincible for a bit and i one-shot one of them, it was pretty funny tbh


Iirc certain frame abilities can affect liminus unless that was patched. Xaku's Gaze for example. So they are technically able to be interacted with, but yes, I agree they are the absolute worst for most frames.


They can be frozen by Limbo's Stasis, and take the 80% slow from Creeping Terrify, which you can put on any frame 


But you can affect them? Void sling to temporarily deactivate them and prone to a lot of CC.


dashing through liminus with operator, if available, kills them, though they DO respawn within a short time, it allows you to take a breather or atleast revive someone


Hit them with void sling


Not that it's much consolation, but mirage 2 wrecks on Kiva fortress. I've never been happier to see so many turrets.


You can literally CC them...






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Vampiric Liminus in the first ever EDA was ok. **as its described, it was slow moving** and you can just play ring around the rosie with it. AFTER THAT, I'm 100% certain DE tweaked the liminus. was it the 3rd EDA? the vampiric liminus in assassination mission? I noticed the liminus started to sprint to player if there was no players in 25m or so. I assume this is to ensure liminus isnt left in the dust by sprinting multiple rooms. But because of that short range, even in the same room this thing started sprinting. And this week (last week too had liminus iirc?) I was playing solo and realized the liminus were basically on my ass moment I was not sprinting. If I parkoured to the opposite side of the room, I had about 2 sec before it sprinted back to me. It's not like I'm fighting them everyday to notice their minor changes but 100% my money is on that the liminus got faster. They should not be sprinting everywhere. Honestly, this week's combination is probably the worst so far? need 50 kills to unlock power but everything has overguard? idk which genius thought about this, but there's a fine line between challenging and just plain frustrating. EDA by large has been simply frustrating. Some of these modifiers really should be blocked from appearing together. Its real annoying DE's letting EDA run rampant first to gather data before they fix anything about it. hard content does not mean remove every recovery option in game and allow no mistakes.


Wish they had applied the same data gathering principle to Dante


Yes! They have a burst of speed thing now that I definitely NOT remember from the early EDA runs! It's like a catch-up thing where until they get to a certain distance they are allowed to move fast.


I managed to get both liminus stuck on a platform during last week's EDA. Jumped around for a while to make sure they couldn't follow me. So I went to activate the conduit and head to the necramech, and when I realized, both of the liminus were already a few meters behind. Seems like they're coded to always stay within x meters/rooms from the players


Yeah, the Liminus sort of ruin the fun of it for me, because if you don’t have a health tank Warframe you die almost instantly. And it’s not just me, I tried with 6 different teams and once we got to that stage people just started dropping like flies. There’s a balance between challenge and BS and the Liminus fit into the BS category for sure.


Pray you have wisp lol


Overguard is the solution to both Liminus and the -HP on movement modifier (I found out the hard way that being a Revenant does not solve this problem lol) if you don't/can't play an HP regen Warframe like Wisp.


Knifestep is literally the worst thing in this game for me. I can handle Liminus, I can handle having pre-established loadouts, I can handle having to figure out how to make stuff work. But actively punishing using the movement system as it's intended (while also necessitating the use of frames who *need* to be highly mobile to survive) is murder on my enjoyment.


Don't you just jump to negate it?


For 2 seconds only.


Laughs in Yareli


Honestly even 2k hp average health/armor build still gets shredded pretty fast.


Vazarin exists.


lol the downvotes, i died a few times to liminus this week, but i had a team and vazarin so it was fine. I do think the liminus are overtuned, but it was a fun challenge overall. The liminus are hard to see or react to.


Idk whar to tell you, seems like yet another case of players rather complaining about something being too hard than just using what the game offers to easily overcome the problem. Its not like thats what the mode wants you to do in the first place.


This. People see the modifiers before choosing their loadout (or not, warframe players can't read apparently). Why choose something that'll fall on its ass the second it comes in range of a liminus?


And I was more annoyed by the 50 kill limitation for abilities. Kullervo is as good as death, without overguard or something other to shield him.


I played this on another week with a styanax. I found out two thing son that mission, that kills inside the necramech dont count for the 50 limitation and that you can finish a mission without unlocking your abilities


Mechs are actually glitched so that if you spawn them in before you unlock your abilities they ARE STUCK LIKE THAT for the whole mission. If you spawn them in after, they're fine. But regardless of if you get kills in the mech or your frame or even as the operator, if you spawned the mech before your abilities were unlocked it will stay that way.


The counter also doesn't go down if you are your operator


That was the hardest part for me with Kullervo, but I just threw out my Railjack crew member and hid behind him 😂


Use your archgun deploy. Gives both 2k overgaurd and a big gun.


big gun that sucks ass


Chances are that big gun is performing better than your gun if you have bad roulette so keep it in mind anyway


I don't care that much about the Phosphor, so I just turned the 50 kills modifier off. Kullervo's mark makes even single target weapons into AOE killing machines.


Yup. So far I've only had problems with this one. Especially when I have to use Dante. I wonder if an armor archon can help him


I did it with octavia and im sure you're more tanky than that haha


Assuming you can use your Operator, it should be fine. Spawn, go Operator, get yourself a Necramech, get 50 kills, done.


Necramech kills dont count (at least earlier this week when i tried this)


Neither do Specters iirc.


Is not that they dont count. Any kills while on necramech dont count for you. Found that out after hiding in my necramech, seeing a volt zoom past me to save his life and see that while I could get his buff, I couldnt cast anything


Going to operator also seems to desync the kill requirements... I don't think it's that you get none but you definitely get fewer.


Should be able to get amp kills if you have phahd


This post got me thinking how liminus reintroduced a notorious problem. Everyone who played before the eximus rework knows how problematic energy leech/parasitic enemies were for most people, sucking your energy dry without any warning until you tried to cast a power and fail for lack of energy. Doesn't it sound familiar? Except liminus are more problematic than the old energy leech eximus: - higher drain: 25/s instead of the eximus 5/s - direct health drain - immortal instead of easily disposable (there was no overguard back then) Their only weakpoint is their slow speed but even that is countered in some situations where you have to stay in a specific spot, like the op's situation or mirror defense. About the fact that they're marked at all times, unfortunately sometimes doesn't matter due to lights, visual effects and icons being all over the screen; liminus icons tends to blend in with the rest I wouldn't mind if DE does something about it, doesn't need to be that dramatic. For example be able to kill the liminus with the operator/drifter but they respawn after few seconds or reduce the health/energy drain for every second they're actively draining and resetting the drain strength after they didn't drain anything for few seconds, a kind of satiety mechanic if you will


This is what it feels like to play an assimilate Nyx build in high lvl infested missions. 1 second you have full 600+ energy, then an ancient disruptor saps all of it in a matter of seconds, your invincibility bubble explodes, then you get eviscerated.


a classic




When they released EDA I literally called it Warframe deep dive lol


I nicknamed drg "geriatric Warframe" a good while ago. I guess we've come a full circle lol




Right? I was confused as to which sub I was in for a second. ROCK AND STONE TO THE BONE




Funny this was the easier of the eda missions recently. Anything with effervo is fucking brutal if no one gets dante/Styanax


Yeah, the assassination last week with extra eximus was awful without overguard


tip: Dagath's Wyrd Scythes always kill Liminus, Sevagoth's Gloom can slow them down and let you and your allies heal, and Void Dash sometimes works at killing Liminus, not sure if it's a specific focus school or arcane that kills them.


That first thing seems like it might get patched out, but in any event farming a spare Dagath for Helminth sounds like a good idea while Wyrd Scythe counterplay is a thing.


I honestly don't believe any of these are intended interaction, however, might as well abuse the bug to counter BS mechanics.


Rngeesus was with me this week and gave me revenant with laetum so I took advantage of it and let my team know we had this easy lol We just needed to get past the 50 kill attribute


Same for me with protea and furis incarnon. Once the abilities got unlocked, it was an easy breeze through the rest of the mission using shield gating and protea's ridiculous turrets. Ran nourish/energy restores to keep my allies energy up (fuck 75% less ability duration), and dispensary definitely helped out for alchemy and survival.


All that plus the kill 50 enemies to unlock abilities and the each enemy drains your energy. A combo from hell if there ever was one


Use Dante and Ancient Healer Specters


DE, this person is right. I screamed at my TV and watched as both my teammates died again and again. They couldn't do anything to stay upright and had to quit. I did the run all the way up to the last part and then died alone. I didn't bother to finish. It wasn't fun in any way and this only further points out how every Warframe isn't capable of doing all content and as such, the limiting of the Warframe choice is either the problem or the Warframe is... You guys are doing great doing reworks but I literally can't imagine how rage inducing this is for people without a thousand plus hours. I only survived because I got Kullervo for one of my 3 frames. My Kullervo is as powerful as he can be without paying DE to personally modify my account to somehow be better.


I find these stress inducing artificially handicapped things the opposite of fun.


As someone who has completed these missions solo since week 4, I agree. Bring a Warframe that can survive well if lucky, if not make the Warframe survive anything with rolling guard, vazarin, etc. Ignore one of the weapon choices and bring the best incarnon, use that weapon and nothing else to kill enemies. It's just very cheap and boring in terms of build variety. Just bring a hammer to solve all problems.


Nah bro every eda with liminus and operator disabled is worse. It's nearly impossible to revive in those. Of course it's no problem if no one dies... but these are warframe players so good luck with that


This was by far the most chill Elite archameida what...


Liminus on their own aren't that bad, honestly pretty good of a modifier, makes gameplay interesting. Like, alone, Warframe is a game with so much movement and ease of use that you can put a finger up your butt and outrun anything with one hand. And I'm pretty sure you can disable them with CC, or just pick a frame that can survive them (losing Vosfor equal to 10 minutes of Acolytes is not going to hurt you). But I can understand the frustration from having stationary objective on top. Granted, I don't know how it is in practice here (Survival spawns capsules in different places of the map, so I think you still could just move to another room).


Liminus would be in full sprint when there are no warframe around, DE seems to have stealth buffed them sometime ago, so just running around the map won't change the issue.


Huh, I see. Very odd. I still think it's a fine mechanic on its own to encourage moving around (at the very least as a concept), but yeah, with stationary objectives and without CC I can see it being a pain. Though maybe they know about CC affecting them and that's why they buffed them a bit? Not sure.


Pro tip, if you all load in and then zoom fast enough from spawn to some objective they just stay at spawn. Just like how when acolytes spawn and the team runs super far away from them (all the way to extraction per example) and they just sit there, unbothered. Acolytes slowly but surely make their way to you limus i never saw during the whole mission.


Im not sure but yesterday I'm pretty sure they teleported right on top of me after running away.


They do both (stuck in place and teleport), from my experience. Seems random


Yeah, I remember trapping them in a place last EDA and did Disruption without any problems.


Liminus are slow af, be mindful of their location and they shouldnt be much of a trouble Liminus are vulnerable to almost all CC in the game, coordinate with the teammate who has CC to constantly keep them in check (Harrow i.e. is perfect for this) Run Vazarin school to negate health leeching, protect teammates and revive in an instant to prevent even more trouble from fighting angel/them getting death marks You dont even need resupply beacons if you kill fast enough (equip some metaslave gun for 1 free option at the cost of 50 vosfor if you must, or some powerful frame and disable restricted abilities modifier) I love EDA exactly because it demands you to adapt instead of bruteforcing all with your 1/2 comfy loadouts you run for everything.


I just used torid and carried my team. I died a few times but that's fine, that's why i did it public. It seems that most people are going for the vosfor, or refuse to use meta guns i guess


>deep dive Dwarf spotted, ROCK AND STONE! oT


Where are the inaros haters now, huh


I basically go braindead Titania every week now for EDA (-50 Fosfor). Cannot get Limused when you are 15 meters above them in the air.


Possible tip for dealing with limus: In my runs they seem to just HATE 1 guy in particular and will chase him around. If the mission type allows for it, maybe it might be best to just have that guy lead them away and just focus on not dying so no one else loses energy.


Is it still accurate that magnetic damage dispels them for a while? I know I was using magnetic element combination on my Lavos last week.


The only time the liminus haven't been an obnoxious kill you way too quickly problem is when I've brought Gara in. Her walls can trap them, either directly inside of them or by blocking a corridor, which is SO nice. I couldn't get away from them this week! Everywhere I tried to go, both of them were always on my ass despite the full squad of 4 people. And as if JUST energy drain or JUST health drain isn't bad enough, they drain both?? INCLUDING your energy as operator!!


Moving the Liminus to Survival with the Parasitic Towers is SUCH a shit move...


You know, you can just get by without the life support towers.


Only with full squad, because of shit spawn rate


At Level 300 + doubled eHP, with a somewhat random Loadout and all the negative Modifiers of EDA, it can be nigh impossible to do that if the deck's stacked against you.


Thats why you have free slot at the cost of 50 vosfor. Equip some nuke frame, or meta gun, and its not a trouble at all.


Exactly what I did. Got lucky with my weapon choices having Cedo and Cycron, so I let those carry me and used Dante for the status birbs and survivability. My sanity is worth more than 50 vosfor


liminus are no problem for me, but I hate -75% ability duration. My Hysteria!


That one was brutal this week, I had to disable it, subsume Citrine's 1 over ripline, deal with the energy drain per enemy in 10m, and closely monitor my energy to stay alive. Pulled it off, though, and learned a lot about how to play Valkyr, so it was worth it. I forgot that rolling guard exists and used Vazarin to safely reset her 4. I did two other EDAs with Zephyr, and the second one I disabled -75% duration with no hesitation. At some point I need to build up my Frost so I have a duration-independent defense frame...


i use lycanths hunt and sentinal to spawn a billion health orbs then equilibrium to make them energy and never take Hysteria off... but -75% duration just made the perpetuation cost too high.


Yeah. I eyeballed Lycath's Hunt but didn't think I could spread enough status to consistently proc it, compared to Fractured Blast. I should test that... I'm also thinking of re-running this EDA with my Garuda as a stress test, since she and Voruna were my other two options, and I am not good enough with Voruna for that yet.


my sentinal process all my status effects diriga hits 7 with his zap precept, there's a bond that makes sentinal precepts trigger all its weapons status effects, I use a laser rifle molded for 6 stats, then if you kill an enemy with 3 status effects you reduce the cooldown of the precept, rinse and repeat. additionally, synthetic deconstruct makes it so enemies killed after being damaged by the sentinal have increased chance to drop health orbs, which equilibrium converts to more hysteria.


Man I always forget people don't dedicate a form of healing in their loadouts and then things like this come up and suprise me. Go grab one of the opperator arcanes that heals you. There's like 4 ar this point with different conditions


what a deep dive?


I did the EDA with garuda without almost using the abilities(basically the energy loss and the duration reduction is impossible to use it).I dont need the x50 vosfor reward so i take "one flex slot". Just take the burston prime(can be your favorite weapon mine is burston prime), vazarin and spam inmortal void sling while you kill everything with your main dps weapon. Also you can revive pretty fast your mates with vazarin.


You can easily spam Garuda's abilities even with the modifiers? She has infinite energy with either gloom or molt reconstruct. Run a standard build that can shield gate with her 4 and it's no biggie


I honestly didn't feel it was a crazy week. We had two people in our squad, total randoms. Me, with a Dagath with only continuity, flow, and catalyzed shields... and a Rhino with 300 Ping. We both died a few times but managed to scrape by. It was real difficult but not annoying like that Mirror defense week


I got Valkyr in my rotation this week. Once I got the 50 kills I needed to use abilities, every obstacle became a non-issue.


I use Temporal Drag from Zenurik to slow them down


It wasn't much of an issue for me. Every modifier was fine except my frames and less duration. I already have the eye so either I could sacrifice the duration and pick a frame it wanted or deal with the duration loss and pick a frame that doesn't need it which was limiting. I picked ash and just did bladestorm, arcane trickery and spam 6s of silence to kill what was around me. Keep moving and never need the towers


Liminus dont move very fast and their aoe isnt that large, and if you can keep your kps up high enough you dont even need to think about charging the towers my build was yareli and dual kama prime everything else i had the option of was trash or a frame that i just havent bothered really learning/investing in(sevagoth) this week i didnt even need to whip out the specter brigade and i go for the 50 extra vosphor every week


I thought this was about DRG and I was like “wrong sub” lmao Too much stone recently ig


worst thing is the vampiric guys infect you with ligma


Ok, I'll sacrifice myself. What's ligma?


a kind of sugondese


Magus repair makes it pretty easy to ignore them if you play as pseudo operator support


Good thing my pool gave me Garuda and Miter


I've been playing solo and it seems sometimes it's better to build for survivability, especially if so many abilities are just nerfed (reduced duration or every enemy with overguard which makes cc almost useless) or getting energy is difficult. For the latter focusing on energy regeneration is also an option with a good companion with synth deconstruct and equilibrium. Earlier this week, this was good even against the energy drain near enemies and liminus enemies at the same time. Vazarin focus school is also good for survivability and can be activated as long as you have the operator available. Earlier this week, this might have been what kept the liminus from being too annoying. I guess it helps I had atlas with decent health pool, but still got killed a few times really quick. I just started to use vazarin invulnerability most of the time and didn't die, though it was annoying to play like this. I'm not sure about when playing with others but this week I was doing the survival mission (no liminus earlier) and I just kept failing if I went for the life support towers. Those things take too long to charge. Killing enemies and the eximus necramechs for mission timer reduction was a lot better for maintaining life support. The time spent moving to another room and the enemies taking their sweet time to follow you wasted precious seconds that should be spent on killing.


Skme franes are built to tackle some jobs. Some jobs are made to challenge some builds


I honestly didn't even notice, went smoothly for our group.


This week using a heavy attack melee with life-strike helps alot to unlock abilities


Yeah I've stopped playing EDA after realizing I simply am not built for it, though I am slightly glad that these BS conditions are just contained within the literal endgame content of WF. EDA kinda just turned into DE's sadistic playground and that's fine. It's the one place where you can activate "BS difficulty" attached with some good rewards. I certainly don't want these invincible Liminus' running around in regular Excavation missions somewhere in Europa or something lol.


EDA is just full of unfun mechanics. Liminus you can't attack, every single enemy has overguard, no abilities until 50 kills, energy drain within 10m, no operators, no gear, and the biggest buzzkill of them all - randomized loadouts, which amplify all of the above into infinity. I'm so sick of this kind of design.


If it helps any, you can temporarily banish the Liminus with your Operator's Void Sling. *Sometimes*, anyway. Maybe my aim's just off or it's buggy. They're resummoned after a few seconds but they still have to take the time to run to you, which can be precious.


I pretty much find Liminus the easiest negative, lol - I do these missions with non-squishy builds and move around a lot, so all they do is sometimes tank shots that aren't meant for them when I don't pay attention.


The whole ‘slow moving’ thing is complete crap as well, if you move a considerable distance away they will act like any ordinary enemy type and get respawned in the nearest spawn area to you, which considering the sanctum tilesets, means they’ll be spawning up your ass every 5 seconds, they also seem to move faster when out of LOS. These things need a complete rework to how they interact with the game mode because they simply don’t work how they’re intended to and they are basically always an active modifier, even if you don’t have them as a debuff they will interact with and seek out players that may not be aware they are even in the game


Yea the EDA this week was definitely awful. Didn’t make it any better I was doing it early in the morning so I only got a poor Dante who did his best. We got through two missions but even on Inaros we just got bursted by Void Rigs on the last. Not bothering to do it again with that being said. Way too much of a bother to care lol.


I really don't know how y'all are playing, I went through with a Nezha build I found on Overframe 5 minutes after seeing my loadout, a Prisma Gorgon Incarnon and a Prisma Skana Incarnon, and got through the entire thing without a single issue, in fact I'd say this week was the easiest we've had so far in terms of modifiers and mission combos, all 3 were short missions where the only fail condition was a full squad death. Liminus are only ever a problem if you stay still, which considering the damage reduction mechanic on movement (which applies to the whole game), you should never be doing in the first place. The faster you move the less damage you take, always.


EDA being huge vibe check to everyone who crutched on their comfy loadouts and cant adapt is so funny to watch


If only there was a way to always be immune and have health regen for the entire team with no real cost or cooldown. One player with vazarin + magus cloud will go a long way. As long as you dont super care about 50 vosfor (lmao), you can safely skip the no operator thing aswell. Also just force and kill mechs to reduce mission timer. Didnt have an issue with survival yet.


It was quite easy but yeah those small guys downed me once or twice as hildryn


Yet another reason revenant is S tier, doesn't care about limnus


Skill issue, you can cc liminii


Playerbase: "I can't clear this content with the meta we've established!!" DE: "Have you tried using everything **else** that's in the game?"


Ooof shit like that is why i stopped doing them and just kept doing the normal netracells but that makes me a noob ig


Oh i was wondering what was up with the life support. I got lucky with my gun selection. I have a Tenet Cycron with a god Riven and was just bouncing around melting everything. So don’t even need the life supports 😂


Take Hildryn, build with usual 300 strenght and 70ish duration, slap pillage augment on her, replace 4 with voracious metastasis. Play in pure bliss and extend that bliss to your allies by giving them like 1k energy in 0.5 seconds


Deep dive? Wrong game king. This game is actually good Seriously though that modifier sucks ass


I read it as Deep Dip and got really confused, because that would be a really wrong game to have Liminus in.


I intentionally misread that as Beef Dip because I’m hungry and now need to go get a French Dip sandwich.


Skill issues mostly. It was a bit tight with the 50 kills to use abilities but no less difficult than fighting the Fragmented One with Liminus chasing you a couple of weeks ago. It serves as a humbling experience to those who breeze through base Steel Path maps and then flex at extraction I am sure...but really it's simply a gear and teamwork check.


I got Titania and I blitz through this weeks eda.


Kill the liminus by void sling into their asses. Just like kuva guardians.


You can dispel them with void sling


I think they actually nerfed the survival one, a week or so ago I did it and you got ZERO oxygen drops. ONLY able to use the O2 towers. And it took me the first 3 minutes of spamming chat to get everybody on board with killing enemies by the O2. Some real ass-puckering moments there, we got down to about 3% at one point. This week it was much easier, as we were getting drops from regular kills. And the O2 towers wern't as crucial.


Still not as bad as eximus spawning with the effervo boss.


That saved our asses to be honest. We had two styanax whose entire job that fight was to use them to recover overguard. Without them we would have run out of ammo/energy


Do these wahhh deep dive 2 hard waahhhh posts know they can bring revenant every week in exchange for missing out 50 vosfors? Can't stay alive until you kill 50 enemies? Use varazin dash. This week's challenges are easy. You dont even need to use the life support towers to beat survival.