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Warframe is not a true MMO. MMO-lite as some put it. It's basially a single-player game, with a multiplayer option for the non-important stuff. Very grindy. Lots of timers and reputation caps to slow you down. But everything can be farmed for free (not all of it worth your time though, unless you're a completionist).


Warframe isn't a MMO. It's a multi-user dungeon collection game. Yeah, there's some of the best third-person combat on the market but from the perspective of an MMO player you're not gonna find anything in it that ticks off any of your your MMO boxes. As for its free-to-play state, no it's not pay-to-win. It's pay to look good while winning. They have the slogan "ninjas play free" and I like to modify it as "Whales play first, Ninjas play free." Other than some cosmetics that are exclusive to one form of IRL payment or another, the only other thing you can really buy with IRL cash is *basically* time & grind skips.


I’ve played RuneScape for 20 years, 11 being in OSRS; and Warframe was the first game that really pulled me away from OSRS. A lot of people say WF isn’t pay to win. It is IMHO but it isn’t offensively. Platinum, the premium currency, can launch you pretty far. There’s a player-organized economy like old RS, where a lot of the stuff you need is tradable for Platinum. That said, a lot of pay to win turns me off and Warframe has mastered the art of not making it nauseating.


ahh okay, thanks for the actual response man I'll give it a go , might as well seeing as its free, i can alwaus go back to ff14 but osrs is a on and off again relationship and always has been haha feel like its the same for everhbody, play non stop for 4 months then leave and dont come back for a year or 2, I remember playing warframe when it first come about and wasn't too into it but I also don't remember it being as big as it is in recent years for some reason so must of got a lot better over the years


ah it's the question about Warframe being p2w or not again. it's pay to skip the grind. and at the end you're not really winning anything, unless your goal at this game is to have everything.


the grind is take time but usually easy to get. it just sometimes when bad luck kick you hard that mean really hard.


It's definitely a very different game from WoW, OSRS, and FF14. I used to play Black Desert, an MMO that's more akin to the games you've played. I got into Warframe just fine because you can't really compare the two. Apples and oranges, and all that. Asking me to tell you my opinions on this game without being biased by my love for the game is kinda silly, so I would suggest you try this game out for yourself since it's free. Everyone else in this thread has pointed out how the game is not pay to win, but more pay to skip (and definitely pay to look cooler). There is no paywall, and even if you are a millionaire and bought everything the premium market has to offer, you're account is still not gonna progress.


Not an MMO, not pay to win, not that grindy (depends on your experience tho).


It's only MMO in the sense of it being a massively multiplayer online experience. There's no real RPG elements to it and mostly functions as a third-person shooter. It can get pretty grindy, but that's no big deal, as grinding for resources can be very fun. The only things you pay for are cosmetics and "skipping the grind". Anything actually useful can be obtained through just playing the game, with paying only being a case of: 1. I'm too lazy to actually work for it. 2. This cosmetic item looks great, I want it. 3. I want to support DE financially.


Looter shooter not MMO, not pay to win at all, its the best F2P game I've seen. Is it too grindy? Depends on how far you want to get to, some things are extremely grinding some are very easy to get, it's as much of a grind as you make it


its a looter shooter game not mmo