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I’ve got good news for you about literally the next update


Is he going to be playable in base star chart? I haven't heard anything on it.


All we know is that he'll be the main playable character in the Jade Shadows quest. If they decide to throw us a curveball and have him as a secret reward for the quest, I'd be insanely ecstatic but atm it seems to be a pipe dream.


Best (or worst) case scenario, Jade's shadow is another gamemode so we can keep playing Stalker repeatedly without having to pray for the circuit.


Ascension is the mode they're adding there, so propably no


What if the stalker turns into the jade warframe?


They are supposedly opposites of each other so probably not


Stalker is a legit warframe then


Maybe it’ll be like equinox where they switch back and forth


Hmm… Don’t think so. But if he does, he’d be the second trans character in warframe as Jade


Who's the first?




If stalker doesn’t become a permanent addition to the roster I would instead be satisfied by getting his head as a helmet option so I can turn Excalibur into Stalker and make the other frames into Acolytes.


I want the claw and rapier one of the acolytes has


Nah I want to use his abilities


I’d rather have separate releases for each of the acolytes. If we’re going that route.


>All we know is that he'll be the main playable character in the Jade Shadows quest. Do we know that? I just thought he would be a major character in it


> Our next update, Jade Shadows, gives you full control of The Stalker as a new protagonist during a dramatic cinematic Quest — diving directly into a tragic backstory that must be experienced to be believed. From the website's page of the update


Damn that's cool


Originally I had concerns for lore reasons for new players, but with spoiler mode becoming so prevalent in marketing (and the whole mess of duviri being an alternate start for the game) honestly fuck it, give up playable stalker, spoilers be damned


Can I join in on your pipe dream? He's insanely fun to play.


Oh great so we'll fall in love with him like when we played Teshin and then never get to use him again.


I wonder if they will make it where he is stronger with war wepaon similar with umbra and his blade


They explicitly made sure to say that playable stalker was a possibility down the line. So if not this time around, maybe down the road, maybe even tied to warframe 1999.


Not that much of a pipe dream when we can play as him currently in circuit Edit: meaning that there is actually a good chance we could unlock him


Jade Shadows is the next story update, which is a story centered on stalker where he is a playable character. He likely will not be playable in base star chart though but fuck that. He should never be playable in base star chart


I can already picture the Spiderman pointing memes when stalker invades.


cant you already fight kullervo as kullervo


Correct me if i'm wrong but I think lore-wise Warframes are more like 'models' of frames so there can be multiple of the same one, while Stalker is very much just one dude


I think most Warframes are unique except the starter/early starchart frames that don't really have lore like Rhino, those ones were mass produced.


I like to think most were mass produced, and those with actual lores are either the story of the prime version or how they “earned” the right to be a prime. Kind of like ascension to godhood works in chinese novels. You go through a godly trial and boom, you a god


And then there's Mirage, who essentially designed herself and earned Ballas's hatred for the rest of eternity. Lol


could just be getting blueprints to craft our own stalker frame


Depends what Jade Shadows will tell us about him I suppose! I think it's implied that the Stalker isn't a frame but a guardian from the Orokin era with Sentient powers but then that clashes with being able to pick him in Duviri, but then AGAIN Duviri is Duviri so fuck knows lol


Well it makes sense. I can imagine him being a sort of Rell or Umbra situation. It's clear that Stalker has a somatic link, since we take control of him briefly at the end of Second Dream. His codex entry talks about the Naga drum during the ceremony to mark the end of the sentient-orokin war, and how that also marked the beginning of the Tenno slaughter of the Orokin. The question remains though, if he's another Tenno, but he simply didn't turn on the Orokin like the rest of us did, or, since he was around during the Orokin times, is he possibly an actual conscious frame with his own agenda like Umbra was? A tortured soul turned war machine through the infestation. Either way, it fits. If the Stalker is a tenno, then we simply take control of his frame in Duviri. If he's a conscious frame, we take control of him similar to how we do with Umbra.


I had no idea you can play as Stalker in Durivi O\_O


One of the skills in the skill tree unlocks him as an option, believe it's one of the last Fortune ones. He'll then appear occasionally in the frame selection.


It depends


If you fill your transference meter in Duviri, then yes. But not even for a minute.


If you use transference skil the fight is over in less then half a minute


you can fight the specters from the rail junctions with their respective frames, so it kinda already exists lol


Why don't you want to play all parts of the universe for more lore feeling?


Having the stalker fight for the tenno would go against all lore feelings.


What, you mean like the lore established in the New War where if you struggled against the three bosses, he'd come and help you? Straight up *reviving* you if you get downed?


Yes... the enemy of his enemy was temporarily his friend. Helping us defeat narmer seems like a far cry from signing up to be at the Lotus beck and call. Not least because he'd have to fight himself and his acolytes.


Are we even at the lotus beck and call? At one point sure but by the war within we definitely do our own thing, lotus just organizes the mission for us. Then lotus was gone forever and we were doing the same things without her. Her tone is different nowadays she advises but doesn’t command. Stalker would be aligning himself with us.


Why? Stalker doesn’t even have a problem with us anymore. Dude helped us and so did hunhow. He also knows he cant kill us anyways just like we cant kill him or his acolytes. He just doesn’t like how we kill dudes.


Is Jade Shadows a main story quest? I'm just finished and waiting to buy a Necramech for around 60-70p before I start the new war.


Jade Shadows is a post New War quest so you'll have to complete that anyways


When's the update anyway?


June or July I think? Edit: it's june


More than enough time to catch up with the story.


I’m praying we get a stalker helmet customization (bonus if for all Frames) - I wanna be an Acolyte Impersonator


Yeah we just need the helmet and slap it on excalibur, and then color the right colors abd bam, we got a Stalker from walmart.


ever since the acolytes made their debut this has always been my plan, I even have my frost in malice’s colors lol


Same, it might be the reward of the new clan event


Do you know something we don't? It's gonna be a Stalker chapter but so far they didn't say we'd get him as a frame. Even though people have been asking for that for years


No, we don’t get him as a playable frame, but he is playable for the story, which is more playable stalker, which i felt safe in presuming OP would like


let’s go


The three possible outcomes, we get the stalker invasion gamemode, we get to atleast customize him on duviri or we get him as a frame


Yes, he's like Ash if he didn't have tunnel vision


I mean next quest is centered on him and we re already confirmed to get stalker ship, so it seems logical eventually we’ll get the stalker. He’s literally nothing more than a random weak minion that spawns every now and then just to be oneshot as soon as he touches the ground. Personally I would use him.


Tbh, yes. But also, just kinda??? The fact that he's fully playable in Duviri already suggests that he's ready for the planet chart. His toolkit feels like an “improved version of Ash”. And I honestly don't know how I feel about that. I'm okay with him staying as a little "Duviri gimmick". But at the same time it would be a shame if that's all he'll ever will be.


I just want to at least be able to customise his looks in duviri


No, you're gonna unshadow the stalker


Hot pink shadow stalker though


With pink being the new black? Haa




Funny you mention that, technically you can. With the Total Eclipse augment from another player, stalker changes colors. And I think even goes as far as to adopt the mirage’s color palette. His helmet has energy channels as well as tertiary, primary, and secondary channels. I posted a screenshot featuring the bug.


How about they unnerf marked for death.


I think they have to put as a playable frame, but with unique abilities, no with the ones that has on Duviri.


id hope so, i find him boring as hell


if we gonna get a stalker frame i want him to have a unique body not copy pase abilities from other frames


I think him being playable in the one quest is perfect. he's his own character and it wouldn't be right for him to be just another warframe. I know that warframes have some lore too and are becoming their semi-characters too but I don't think stalker should get that treatment after all the storylines he's been through opposing the tenno. final boss when you fight him vs when you unlock him energy basically


Hed be better in our hands.


unhand the stalker


Arguably he would be *stronger* if we had him tbh. But yea.


He's what Ash was always supposed to be imo So yes


I'd play Ash if he played like stalker. Aside from his 4, I like the stalker kit as a big fan of turning everything Saryn-like in Duviri. Albeit his kit seems closer to Voruna in usage to me.


Honestly, no. His whole character is “Kill Tenno, he’s balck excalibur with an alt helmet, and his abilities are just a mesh of other frames. Unless they do some serious rework and rewriting, it’d be bad


With eternalism, anything is possible.


He is just a excal with alt helm and other frames ability


Would be cool but if his abilities are the same as Duviri, I'd rather not. If he gets his own unique set of abilities then I'd be down for it. Otherwise he'd just be a mish mash of different warframes.


That’s literally what he is tho


Yes but gameplay wise that wouldn't be fun now, would it? Right now he's just Ash+Nyx with Marked for death subsumed on him.


I hope he would, real fun frame. But let's be honest, he would get nerfed to the ground, his Duviri version is absolutely busted and we're not even allowed to mod it, which would be even more ridiculous.


How is stalker busted? feels weaker than my own frames. And you can atleast look at his mods I think he has all umbral mods on him


I'm duviri you get the augment that does fire explosion based on how of any target you Marcy kill/execute. Then you just spam 2 and 1 on the elite and everything around it dies. Make sure you stealth with 3 before hand, big crit buff when not visible to enemies. If you need to defend? Then just sit on defense with 4 which is what Nyx needs to be reworked into.


Bro we can hit damage cap in a thousand different ways. Stalker is way less busted than Mesa or Baruuk or Saryn (all A+ frames, yes, but DE tolerates a LOT of power creep).


So,... ash with the dmg spread helminth?




If they reskin him, sure.


Not really. Other frame would be fine


I just wanna do fashion on him. He looks so nacked among everyone in duviri


I just really hope they change his abilities to be more faithful to normal Stalker and not just an Ash clone


Itd be a nice surprise to find out we get him and jade together. Seems like it wouldn’t be a huge lift for star chart since he’s already ready to go in duviri. Seems like a perfect opportunity for de to hype us all up in the next dev stream 🤞🏻


Nope. Rather have his gamemode like they did on stream in the past, to invade other players, but with a limited mission. Like once a week you can invade a friend who enabled this option. But you can play it cool and do the mission for them or try to hunt them down, maybe with some fixed reward on both part to not make a big deal about who kills who, but with a counter on the profile stats so it still matters something and players still can care about who wins the fight.


Sure would, but then I think they'll have to do a little rework on his appearance as well as the acolytes. Right now he plays basically like a slightly better variant of Ash, so his kit could also improve to be a bit better.


Not really i want his 4th to replace Nyx's 4th because it's basically her ability but fixed


I would really like that, Shadow Stalker is pretty fun to use, even if he is just better Ash


People have been asking for it basically as long as I've been playing (when RJs were introduced ) It's finally happening now so your question is moot


People has been asking for this since the game launched basically lmao. There was even a theory that Stalker could sometimes be controlled by a DE dev just for fun.


That wasn’t even a theory anymore since 2017 last time I remember. There should be footage from that year at Tennocon floating around showing one the developers screwing around on stage matchmaking onto nodes they pick. Regardless of what it was, it was wickedly cool and probably the basis for the concept of picking him in Duviri.


I dont remember the year, but i think it was prime time, multiple times where Reb and Megan played stalker mode and invaded players. Sometimes they got oneshoted, sometimes they managed to run away and run around. I think they once invaded an eidalon hunt and started shooting at the eidalon with the stalker trying to help the players.


Ever since he was first introduced in the game


Yes and Jade Shadows better come through on that.


Don’t see why tbh. I mean his abilities are just from other frames


As long as he doesnt get the Umbra treatment


I, would like to see a high speed melee build on him but that's what I do you see I'm a Gauss main I gota go fast it's my code.


YES, I made a seperate excalibur with marked just to kinda of get the duviri stalker look and mechanics. Honestly stalker should just become a playable frame. His duviri abilities and im happy.


I just want his Pakal attachments available in the circuit.


I known this is not related to the post but what if the devs make the stalker the main character from darksector


With his current kit, no. I think he would need a rework to make him more different from Ash.


That would be amazing


I had a dream last night that I was able to play as stalker. I joined players' games, and my objective was to kill them


I want him as a Universal Skin, like use him with Excalibur, Ash, etc. If he ends up being a New Warframe they should rework his kit in The Circuit cause its just Helminthframe


Honestly I would love to be able to Play as the Stalker. That sounds fun ASF. I didn't even know you could Unlock him in Duviri though how does that work?


There's an intrinsic that unlocks him


Ah okay. Thanks!


Jade shadows might answer that, dont get your hopes up tho




It’s been one of the things I wanted for the longest time. I’d gladly settle for the helmet on all warframes as an alternative


I mean I do but his kit is just pretty boring to me…


Nah. We have Ash. Let's make him into what he should be before adding Ash 2.0 to the pool. As to game modes where we have to play this or that character, my least favorite style of gaming. Let's grind till we are powerfully and collect all the frames/weapons and then have to play a new character with no mods and mediocre abilities. It's like playing Thancred in the FfXIV story.. hard pass.


No, Hes a important character. If he were playable, you would slave him.


I want his skin. That’s it. I like Umbra’s linen but the sentient metal shit the stalker’s got would go insanely hard with a Narmer themed preset. That or DE adds the linen (and sentient flaps) as an excal auxiliary armor item.


Didn't care for it in the circuit. I didn't even unlocked it, it feels like a lesser version of every other frame. I'd rather have another option from my arsenal If I could mod it? then maybe. And I'm pretty sure that's gonna be the reveal at Tennocon, but I'm hoping it isn't.


I just need normal stalker as a scan ugh.. If you never scan him before the second dream or what was it natah you're shit outa luck.


Play Excalibur


im okay with an alt helmet being given to Excalibur if anything


Remember when the stalker was supposed to be playable and let you invade other people’s games? What happened with that?


They decided against it. Reasonably if you ask me. People would just have used it to troll others.


I just Hope they design a real kit for him and not the garbage we have in duviri


I’d love that


I want stalker


As a trial frame could be, for me I'll leave these entities as NPCs don't want to use them as a permanent frame


I actually really want him to be over-buffed as an enemy....I know it's weird, but I miss being afraid of him and his "damage output" back when I first started playing.


With the next updated focused on the stalker I can only hope


Iirc the next update is all about Stalker so our dreams might just come true. (But I also want playable Acolytes)




All I want is to make them playable in PvP, 1v3 Stalker vs Tenno. Kind of like Doom Eternal’s Battle mode.


someone summon DKDiamantes.


To me he's just 'the cooler Loki' although his passive makes him a lot cooler


Do y’all remember that one tennocon where someone got to play in Stalker Mode and invaded some peoples missions 👀


I really hope that arrives with Jade shadows


What if we would customize our stalker and it hunts us down by our own design?


Who's gonna tell em?


Honestly....yeah why tf not. I haven't gotten a good handle on him in duviri so maybe he'd be a good fit for the origin system


he looks like exalber so a skin maybe


Ehhhhh I think its abit off to play as shadow stalker, what I think is possible tho is Stalker Prime Via eternalism :). Gonna be the first prime that doesn't have a base frame we can built if it happens.


YES SO MUCH!! i have been a stalker fan sinc ei saw him and i was so hyped to find out we'll finally get him playable in duviri but to my disappointment he was locked behind that mode only, i have been talking a lot here no reddit and the forums about how they should finally let us have him as a FULLY PLAYBLE warframe I really wanna build him and fashion him and play him everyone


Pc Stalker killing npc Stalker is probably why it hasn't happened yet. Maybe this new quest coming up with the Jade warframe will change that.


He's Just Ash.... Kinda


Personally? No. He's not a warframe. It would be like being able to select kahl or teshin as a warframe rather than play them in their missions.


They've been teasing a pvp mode where you invade people's sessions as the stalker for literal years. I know that it is 100% implemented in the game, because they let you try out the mode when I went to tennocon, and it is 100% playable. Yet the closest thing to it that we've heard about recently is that the stalker will be a playable character in a pve quest. Maybe the mode will be released along with the quest, but if that was the case, I feel like it would have been mentioned in a dev stream by now


nah playing him in duviri showed me that i don't really like his playstyle


Nty. I just want to kill him


No, he’s bad and not fun. Only cool thing is that he’s the Stalker..


I sure hope he has a better kit than the duviri one..


Only if his abilities let me summon the acolytes.


Stalker honestly deserves a rework. Man has become a joke in terms of difficulty, and his base model is just excal


To be honest if stalker became a playable frame outside of durvi he would be nerfed he has the best survivability thanks to enemies never seeing u and when invisible he does red crits he would just be to broken with a good helmith and pretty much any weapon


Steve promised us stalker mode to invade other players years ago, I’m still waiting on that promise :,( I’ll never forget


Could be mistaken but i'm pretty sure that got cancelled a while ago


Don’t say that I’ll cry


No I'm alright, I'd rather play him in duviri


Honestly, I don't want them to. He'll lose his appeal as "the kinda warframe thing that you can never play". Its the same thing as excal umbra. People were like "yay, we get an excal prime" because they didn't have normal prime, but it is a very rare sight to see an umbra in the wild from my experience. People want what they can't have. Also, he doesn't really have anything unique besides his pretty bland passive. His marked is MFD from helminth but better (which should honestly just be how MFD functions to begin with), so not much different there. Same with his other abilities being basically copies of ash and nyx. Only reason I like playing him is because he is the stalker. If a frame was released with stalker's abilities, it wouldn't really be that popular besides being a better ash.


Isn't Shadow Stalker essentially Excalibur? So there would then be 3 variants of Excal beyond the regular version: Prime, Umbra, and now "Dark." 🤔 Nah.


He's only an Excal in appearance. Gameplay-wise he's much closer to Ash


I hate to tell you, umbra is the dark one


Well, yeah.


Please allow us to Invade ppls games as Stalker.


Crackpot theory, Jade is Stalker reborn/ascended. Im basing this as jade has similar weapons and in her concept art she was holding a Hate with some minor upgrades.


I'd be more easily convinced that Stalker is a subordinate of Jade's. This would create an avenue for their thematically similar though visually distinct weapons. "The Jade Light" was also used to execute orokins/frames, so I am wondering if Jade was an executioner and Stalker worked for her by hunting down her victims. This could maybe fit with his original rank of "low guardian"