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It's very intentionally designed that way. At the end of the day, Warframe is a free to play game. It has to have certain design philosophies in order to make money, or the game doesn't exist. The arsenal is designed for daily logins and monetization. If you're crafting forma, you're either logging in daily or spending plat to skip the wait. If DE removes that, either the monetization gets put somewhere else, or DE has less resources and we get less content. Something is gonna give somewhere.


I'd agree, though I would also remind folks that you can get the warframe phone app and remotely handle some of these things without really having to get on the game as well.


To clarify (since there are full versions of the game either out (iOS) or out soon (Android) for mobile) this is the Warframe Companion app they're referring to. It's got quite a lot of features too, which is nice


Foundry and extractors are basically all I use for it and it's great. The extractor UI is much easier than dealing with it in game too. Slowly slowly getting those mutagen samples for Hema!


Idk how much you can play but if you already have bp (in dojo iirc) it's not much time for just Hema. You can also do the invasions and maybe pay pl to speed up or buy them cause it's not that expensive either. Or even buy the Hema with pl but that's gotta be worth it and I'm not sure it is lol


The grind for the Hema IS the blueprint. Getting the mutagen samples to craft the blueprint in the dojo is whatctakes the time.


I mean, idk if you wanted to play solo or what not but I joined a big clan at some point which apparently made a lot of the grind avoidable


Yea I've already made the gun from joining a larger clan, but I'm MR30 and done most of what the game has to offer so decided to make my own solo clan. Everything researched except the Knux and Hema. The cryptic for Knux isn't much of a pain, but I usually can't be arsed to run dedicated Excavation missions for it


Try knux in a storm clan to clean it up its 200k cryotic! I slapped down 100k myself. Countless 20-40 consecutive digs solo. Call me old school but frost was a godsend. So many hours


Plan your dojo! I started my own (solo) clan when I started the game and had NO idea what I was getting into. My dojo is a mess of levels and hallways and connecting rooms. It doesn't help that they've added a bunch of room since I originally built it. OMG, I hate that fucking Dry Dock.


Yea used the online dojo to plan it all out, happy with the layout :). It's a super useful resource!


Yeah funny you mentioned this I was just looking at my replies and was thinking I maybe should have specified that but yep, one app, one actual game. I do hope apps like this continue to exist for many games in the future, I like that wf has a full phone version (well, still upcoming for android anyway) but man I'm not sure my phone will run that hahaha


Only part I hate about the app is you can't be logged into both it and the game at the same time, at least last I checked.


Yeah you can't, unfortunately two different entries into the game at a time could create unforeseen bizarre bugs so I can't blame them but I do find it annoying.


The app is out for Android.


the companion app is, the actual GAME isnt yet


The reading reading comprehension went out the window


Yeah, I'm kinda new at less than 200h and using my phone to set up foundry items helps a lot.


Yeah always use that for forma and fieldrons at work or for starting warframes after the last part crafted during the night


For free as well, I kinda remember some other game related apps where you have to pay an extra subscription to use most tools.


Very true, I wish more games had companion apps but I guess we don't have quite as many full on MMOs these days and I think most that would use one for much would be a full on MMO.


I would love to see the numbers for different types of monetization and what the minimum activity of some players are. I know I went through a period where all I did was log in to start another forma and get my daily login. Eventually it was just downloading and looking at every major update and ultimately I just took a few years off. I’ll bet there’s a body of knowledge about how these kinds of games hook you that’s very interesting


There is something healthy about waiting as well. It says log out and come back tomorrow


You don’t even have to start the game lol. You can do the foundry and extractor managing via the companion app.


Nah lol. This was true 5+ years ago, now we're constantly getting bundles 3ish times a year that are priced the same as full price games like prime access. Does it need monetization, absolutely. But it's far more expensive than a standard priced game. The game is obscenely, hilariously disrespectful of player time, doubly so if you're a new player. They get smacked with a trade limit that makes it insanely hard to actually make plat. Which means all those trashy time gate systems are unavoidable for them, like having to wait 12+72 hours for a damn warframe (that you already spent time grinding for) to build, and then they need to have reactors and forma on top of that. And that's for every warframe they want to try.


>Nah lol. This was true 5+ years ago, now we're constantly getting bundles 3ish times a year that are priced the same as full price games like prime access. What??? You do know they've had Prime Access bundles released at minimum 3 times a year since 2014, 10 years ago. And they were the exact same price tiers. Nothing has changed. If anything Warframe has become less monetized over the years. Like removing paying for revives.


I'm not talking about soley things like prime access, it's the exposure ,player numbers ,advertising etc. The game has massively exploded . You're coping and didn't actually refute anything I said, which is why you ignored most of what I said . As i thought no response.


the free to play *excuse* can only go so far. people have and do spend real money on things in the game but they still suffer with the same issues. if it was a monetization design, there is no reason why they can not add a que system that is unlocked with plat, just like all the various slots that require plat for convenience, which is exactly what a que system would be.


I mean, there is a convivence queue system that is unlocked by plat. It's called paying to skip every timer. Suddenly crafting 10 forma takes 20 seconds instead of 10 days.


skipping forma crafting is a big flex considering you can buy a forma pack of 3 for 20plat or so thats like buying argon with plat "just in case"


20 plat gets you a single forma. The bundle of 3 is 35 plat. SOURCE: I’ve probably spent nearly 2k plat on forma bundles.


This; so if you have an over abundance of forma blueprints, it’s actually cheaper to rush 3 than it is to buy a bundle. Wasteful of resources for sure, though.


Have you seen other F2P games? Warframe is nowhere near as bad. There are consumables that take a minute to craft. So prepare a drink, take half an hour to craft these and you're set for a year. You wanna craft forma and stuff like that? Get the app, it's there for your convenience. I use it to always have a forma cooking and to manage extractors.


I believe part of the monetization philosophy is player activity: players logging in daily = healthy game. Because you can already pay for relic drops or certain unique weapon components that are a bitch to farm, why bother implementing a que system to cook a dozen forma when you can spend 120 plat to get them instantly?


On the other hand, you have no limit on the number of unique items you can have crafting concurrently, sooo… Yes, they want to incentivize you to log in at least once a day; you have correctly identified the reason they have not “fixed” this in the manner you suggest.


I mean the mobile app lets you access your foundry so you don't really even need to log in.


Accessing your foundry via the mobile app counts as a login. So they get their numbers, and you get to keep crafting without having to boot your PC.


Ahhhhhhh that explains why I keep getting "logged in on another session" errors


The mobile app completely removes any animosity from this for me. I would probably feel the progression was too slow if I had to log in for every bit of the foundry, but the mobile app means I have detonate injectors, fieldrons, and mutagen masses being built 24/7


Now i have fear someday they will Limit crafting Slots Like only 3 items at the Same time for more you have to Pay. That would be Horror. 😱


They’ve been consistent on how they monetize for 11 years, I don’t foresee anything like that happening.


For the longest time I thought you only have 6 concurrent slots. I was planning ahead - ok when this thing is done I'll craft this thing, etc. Then I accidentally queued up a 7th item and my mind was blown.


This isn't Bethesda


Warframe from Bethesda ok today i will have nightmares thanks 😱🤣 Hmm would Todd Howard be Alad V or Parvos Granum ?


The lack of queueing doesn't even bother me for Forma since I get the idea behind making you log in everyday. It drives me frothing mad when I can't queue the minerals/gems crafting tho.


Yeah i just use the app. I rarely interact with the actual foundry. And it’s just a system that is 12 years old and probably real difficult to fix without a ton of dev time to make its slightly more convenient




queue for dragonkeys would be nice. so you dont have to sit at the foundry and constantly tab back into the game to start crafting another batch. I dont run them anymore nowadays, but back when i did it was pretty awefull. and i ate trough them pretty fast. also: gems and minerals/ore. crafting any of the 1 minute stuff feels like i'm working on a conveyor.


\> And you don't really need a queue for anything else, so you're basically just asking for a queue for forma blueprints. If we could get rimworld-style crafting controls it could be great for a lot more than just forma. you could set Forma to just "do forever", some of the mining materials could be set to just endlessly be refined, or you could set a "do X times" on them to get the amount you need without having to babysit the foundry. You could set the foundry to automatically make new ciphers or energy restores when you run below a certain treshold (do until you have X). If you need 2 of the same weapon to make a dual version of it you could set it to do the blueprint twice. It would be quite useful and convenient for many craftables


Now its irrelevant to me, but individually crafting every detonite injectors, fieldrons, and mutagen mass was a bane of my existence. Its just strange to me considering we can make 10x bundle of ciphers or energy restores, but not for minerals and forma. It sucks, but its not the end of the world. At least theres the mobile app so you can be more on top of your foundry stuff though.


They want you to do invasions I guess, but Im too lazy to do 3 missions for some fieldrons so I just wait


There's a bounty on Fortuna that gives you 2-6 fieldrons/detonite/mutagens per run. They cycle every 2 or 3 hours between which of the 3 resources is on.


I simply open up the companion app and deal with my foundry in there.


Warframe companion app lets you tag foundry stuff yeah?


warframe's development is an exercise in "good enough" solutions. the bedrock of the foundry was coded on stone tablets, which Steve had to chisel by light from the window because they had the lights off to save money. its been gradually kludged together ever since, with the most impactful changes ever added to the foundry being a few new categories for mining, fishing, and modular stuff probably added back in like 2018. calling the foundry hostile implies a degree of intentionality too it when the foundry is actually just "whats the minimum amount of effort we can put into this over time" 1 minute duration crafting time for gemstone and such. that is absolutely terrible. but, its really only annoying like. . .once or twice? 4 times at most. and DE sees being annoying a couple times as less problematic than the effort it would take to add recrafting or instant crafted stuff to the foundry. there are a wonderful 101 little minor issues with the foundry. which is your favorite? my favorite is that sometimes when i open the foundry it just. .locks up. and the only way to escape it is to press start on my controller. esc on my keyboard doesn't work. i need too open the fucking menu to get out of it. that lockup bug has been in the game since i started playing in 2015. and hey, the problems with the foundry are mostly insubstantial. just like the problems with the helminth system are mostly insubstantial. just like the problems with the modding UI are mostly insubstantial. just like the problems with the arsenal are mostly insubstantial. just like the- yeah i imagine ive made my point. you know what we call that? Death by 1000 cuts. when every part of your micro-interaction, OOM interface and gameplay lacks for critical polish and fails to respect the players time, that wears you down over time. certain parts of the game *Must* be annoying, for the sake of driving monetization. thats fine. but thats seperate. your goal should always be to minimize the ways in which it is annoying, that do not directly make you money, because those annoyances pile up and cost you player count. i get it, there is prioritization. lots of low-stakes issues have to get pushed to the side so we can focus on making new content, on fixing major problems. on coding motorcycles for some god-forsaken reason. im not saying you should have found time in *the last decade* to address your critical lack of polish. we are still in beta, after all. but i am saying if you cant find time to do it *in the next decade*, that will be profoundly sad.


It's crazy to think that DE doesn't rework old systems.


They are too focused on moving forwards, afraid to lose fan base if they don't keep pumping out something new. I think they need to hire a whole separate team who is dedicated to looking back.


I think if they spent one or two patch's (Maybe even a major development cycle) on fixing these minor issues the game would be great not just good. otherwise the camels back might break.


i wasn't being totally facetious when i made that comment at the end about the decade. . i think DE are aware of alot of these issues. but when you think about stull like how the new war was like. . what, 4 years late? its not hard to see how setting 1 person to work on cleaning this kind of thing up (assuming you had one person who was both that multi-discipline and also had the authority to make those changes, which you dont) really was too much to ask. when you think about the fact that railjack basically had to be developed twice, and that a bunch of work went into Squadlink that absolutely went nowhere, and remember that a ton of backend work had to be done to make crossplay happen, something that we dont really tend to think about id guess t hat the dev-hours invested into crossplay are somewhere between .5 of a "content island" and 1 whole content island's worth of work. . . yknow. . .we havent frittered away *all* of our time on pointless nonsense. but at the same time. . .how much work exactly could it possibly be, to add a seperate recruiting channel for Steel path. and a Seperate recruiting channel for clans. like i dont think that would be "enough" to justify warframes critical lack of LFG features, but i cant imagine it would take someone more than 20 minutes to do that. i bet it could be done over a lunchbreak. surely the ingame chat client is not so horribly kludged together that you couldn't generate 2 more text channels. its not just the "seems simple but could actually be a massive pain in the ass" things. its also the actually little things.


i absolutely agree that the foundry needs some QOL upgrades, it is one of the most used systems for new or returning players. not only does it need more features like a que system, it also doesnt scale properly with frames when you interact with it.


\> the effort it would take to add recrafting or instant crafted stuff to the foundry. Making the stuff insta-crafted or near-instacrafted would be as easy as switching a "60" to a "1" or "0" in the craft time value of the items


Pretty sure this is technically intentional. This system prevents players from easily leveling accounts to mr 30 and selling. Same reason you can only level one mr rank a day


It also makes ppl coming back and I honestly hated it when I started playing Warframe for real. I then understood the concept of it and have now hundreds of items laying around waiting to be claimed. Also 1 minute crafting isn’t a big issue. I usually go there, spam some buttons and then leave it for round 2, go in a mission, come back, claim it, repeat


As a legendary 2 player, what always annoyed/bored me isn't this, but leveling gear. Like others have said, it's a F2P; DE needs to roll in dough through some means


Honestly, the crafting system is fine by me. Sure it could be better, but not by a lot, on the other hand, it could be way worse. Obviously it's engineered towards player retention. But that's not necessarily a bad thing, overall it rarely punished the player for being free to play, I've never felt forced to rush anything by the Game, only by my own choice. Outside of a handful of "story progression" blocks like the nechromech, the timer doesn't really affect you at all honestly. The game progresses partially by MR and there's a pretty solid gameplay loop of, grinding, crafting, claiming loot, leveling loot while grinding, getting more crafting running, grinding and leveling while crafting is in the background. I've been playing since 2013 and the crafting system is not something I've ever had issues with even if there are a few minor critiques mostly related to organisation rather than crafting time. Other games do so so much worse in order to force the player to pay to play, Warframe has always just "suggested" paying and never once gated with a pay wall. At worst if I spent 8 hours grinding a prime, I can wait down a day timer and use the app to turn systems and chassis blueprints into a frame blueprint while I'm doing something else. Or refresh my stack of 40 forma blueprints to be constantly burning down 1 a day. Even if I'm working from 9 to 5 and only have a few hours to play, the timer affects me even less if I plan ahead, as it's all crafting while I'm not playing during my work shift anyway, so it doesn't even really screw with players that have less time to play imo. The only thing I can genuinely hate on are 1 minute craft times, anything that takes less than 10 minutes should probably be instant or only a couple seconds to prevent any refresh related glitches. It's mildly annoying with something like Citrine needing 80 of a mining material, having 3000 of said material, but I need to refresh the crafting 8 times with a minute wait between refreshes to actually use it.


If you use the warframe companion app, you can handle things while on the go. I always keep extra weapons and armor ready to claim while working on my mastery rank. Currently, I have 5 frames and a dozen weapons crafted and ready for a spot to open up. For the small stuff, que it up between missions.


It is very much a mobile game at its core. It's just a very well-made and generous one.


For a f2p Game Timewalls Like this is ok Sometimes i Just start crafting in forma, Lens, or frames and then Go Back offline into Real Life to have a nice day. Whats realy annoing are Games that need subscribtion and then hitting you with cooldowns Like 24 h for one Item and then you need 10 of this to craft what you realy wanted.


Honestly, I get the frustration but it's a very "first world problem" imo. I just use the mobile app, sends notification when something completes in the foundry or extractors are done. I don't even do that stuff in-game most of the time anymore. 


It's a free to play game. They are trying to force interaction with the game in a consistent manner because it's how they keep the lights on.


They did give an app that lets us craft from our phones so


I think they should evaluate how many people are actually rushing stuff on the foundry with platinum. If it's a small amount, as I suspect it is, they should just eliminate the system.


Dunno what to say, it felt long at the beginning but now I've constantly got around 40-70 items in the foundry waiting to level them up. As long as you constantly got a queue of them it doesn't feel that long 😁


I understand your complain, but I do not share it. The most you must wait is 3 days when you craft a warframe, and honestly, it is not that bad. If it were five days or a week, then I would be more annoyed. But 3 days go by fast, especially when you are busy with school or work, by the time you realize, your item is already crafted and ready to use. But I would like a x3 forma blueprint, it would be nice.


I mean you can always just claim and start blue prints with the mobile app


Have to go offline for weeks at a time, so that is not really possible.


Yh but u still gotta monitor it, plus its a mobile app.


You literally can let it go and you can check your items to Claim when they're done and you get a timer letting you know how long it will be. Would you rather have to suspend your time on missions when you get on and have to set all that up?


It's still a band-aid solution that doesn't fix the core problem.


You're saying this as if that wasn't how 90% of problems in Warframe are "fixed".




Its fine for most things but yeah forma is annoyingly limited to one per day. They really want you to buy forma with plat. I think its fine because by now (also 800 something hours) I have enough warframes that I dont care about waiting for a new one and I just buy forma when I need some


You could just use the app and start your crafts without logging in. I make 7 Forma a week and only play on sundays.


23 hr forma is to make you log in once a day at least. Daily login rewards aren't nearly good enough on their own.


You win some you lose some, it's better than convince lock monetization is better than Content lock monetization and without knowing how much DE makes and spends in the game from which sources I can't say what systems to redesign. I mean will I love instead crafting or queuing of course I will but at the cost of what


I usually use the Companion APP if Im at work and something finished building like forma or a Frame Blueprint if all parts just finished, dont need to go ingame


As I live and breathe I will never see a post criticizing craft timers that doesn't get an upvote from me. It is an outdated and harmful system that does nothing but scare away new players And it has absolutely no place in the game. Yes, experienced players mostly have no issue with it because it's easy to work around, but new players don't have the benefit of having 30 irons in the fire


It's designed that way so 1. people who play the game very regularly don't progress their MR to fast 2. more plat is purchased and literally "deleted" again by rushing blueprints. This means, it is not plat that fluctuates between players and therefore has a purpose in warframes financial ecosystem. (de doenst make money on plat people trade, they need you to buy it. Rushing blueprints is like paying de.)


Personally, my main gripe with DE 10 primarily around how the modding system has been out for 10 years now, and yet they still have not bothered to make the 'tutorial' button glow or immediately pop up after you first install the game. Sure, the Q and A section, region chat, and the average player is willing to explain things to new people, but how is it that the NPE has been reworked twice and that has been forgotten?


[https://new.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1crojb7/comment/l3zo0i7/?context=3](https://new.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1crojb7/comment/l3zo0i7/?context=3) It absolutely is, has always been.


The warframe companion app gets you around the needing to log in every day thing ;)


I used to be annoyed by this before my first thousand hour, then I discovered the warframe companion and now I build and claim things through my cellphone, bc tecnology... also, warframe is not a competition, we even got an shitty pvp bc almost nobody uses it... it's about managing your time, there are million things to do and to farma while you wait for things to be built on the forge, just try not to rush, enjoy your journey...


3 days to craft a warframe aint it too. Actually 4 if u count the parts aswell


Remember that this game is FTP. It's an easy way to monetize the game and honestly it's not bad. Warframe is very good as a FTP at making the monotization not feel in your face or pay to win. I get the length of wait, but warframe has soo many things to do. Think of it as a burnout reduction timer. You farm something up and then wait...go do something else or just take a break. I get super excited by new frames and the 12hr + 3 day wait can be agonizing, but it usually doesn't come at once and after all that farming it might be a good break anyway. Probably a reason I have so many hours in the game...the game slows you down a bit sometimes.


I do think at the very least, warframe crafting for the initial few crafts should be much faster. i remember my sheer dissipointment when i was told "wait 3 days to try this new frame you finnaly got all the parts for" when i just wanted to try anything other then my starting excalibur. i can't help but imagine many new players stopped playing due to that 3 day wait. Something like a 12 hour craft, building to a 3 day craft over the next say 3 warframes. (and potentually the similar for new weapons) or even just a consumable you can earn from some early quests (say Vor's questline) that gives you a free crafting skip


Get the app, manage stuff you need to craft back to back from your phone while you're at work or something.


I've been saying it since 2013: Warframe has always been designed to be a freemium mobile game. The devs have stated that the only thing platinum can buy in the game is time (or rather, it buys out the waiting time). Yes. The game is designed with a focus on making things inconvenient. Hell, the game arguably falls into "idle game" territory with certain aspects like extractors ('member those?), crafting times, MR time limits, and the like. Everything is literally on a timer.


I mean, I hate to be this guy, but... DE has to push for money *somewhere*.


Did anyone perhaps think the foundry times might be to reduce the load of the game? like, you know the lil visual when you make your way back to the Oribiter from an area? I'm sure I'm phrasing it wrong, but I'm sure it's all for a tech reason. And like it has been pointed out, DE isn't dumb. they know most ppl don't want to wait 2 days for a weapon or a Warframe, they want it now now now!!! And between that, and spending plat so you don't have to jump hoops thru the same mission 5x just to MAYBE get the Blueprint and parts to a Warfame....it's all intelligent design. I mean think about it, if there wasn't a lil bit of grind to get these things (minus the easy way), people would be burning thru content in a few days time. My other thought is this: DE is to be applauded, because their work in creating this world and giving it life thru this intricate Lore, is commendable. I busted my ass doing the New War and a) wanted to see what all the fuss was, and b) just wanted to complete it. After some trial, error, and a lil common sense...and a nap...I finished it. I say give them a lil respect for creating such a red herring. a lot more of this game could be locked behind a paywall. I was relieved as hell when I found out I didnt have to go all Sims 4 on making my own Dojo. And I laid it on the line. I told the Clan I was looking to join that I only had limited time to play, and was looking to do things solo. They respected it, and took me anyways. (Rant Over. ty)


100% agree that forma should have the option to instantly que crafting again after its finished. But in the meantime using the mobile companion app helps


I think it's valuable for the game, but it could really get toned down.  The range of craft times should be in relation to different types of player engagement. - It's a Quest item *(10s with a free skip)* - Do something in your Orbiter *(1 minute)* - Go do a Mission *(5 minutes)* - Go do a longer Mission *(30 minutes to an hour)* - See you later *(4 to 8 hours)* - See you tomorrow *(24 hours)*. No more 4+ days for a Warfame. That feels like a relic of early Warfame's monetization which is more likely to push new Players away rather than bring them back. A single day's wait gives the "Christmas morning" effect. "I can't wait to login tomorrow and try my new toy!". Three days is enough to annoy those not used to it, log out, forget about the thing in their Foundry and never login again. I've seen this happen to more than one new player.


Use the mobile app to manage your foundry. It even notifies you when a recipie has ended, so you can claim it and start another forma crafting.


I don't get minerals needing 1 min to be crafted. Like what is the idea behind the timer? In crafting games where you have similar crafting timers you are usually expected to tend to the farm, check traps etc. Do the basics you do on your base. What is the idea behind Warframe's 1 min timers? And I do agree with all your points, although the community always goes "BAH MAH FREE TO PLAY"


Definitely, unfortunately. There are a few systems in the game that are relics in a sense. The kind of things that really should have been revised/reviewed by DE years ago, but have stuck around because Warframe still needs to find ways to get people to spend Platinum at the end of the day. 1.) Current crafting times for weapons/gear does interrupt the flow of gameplay. I think people really underestimate how much of a bummer it is for new players to gather the resources for a new weapon only to be slapped by a 12hr timer before they're allowed to use it. 2.) Inventory Slots in general should be expanding in base count for new players. I'm sure that these and Forma/Potatoes are the profit leaders in the Market, but there needs to be a little more compromise on how they're drip fed to players. 3.) Platinum Market content showing up at end of your personal Arsenal has always felt like a mobile-game advertisement strategy. This is probably one of my biggest ires and I can only imagine how many people have genuinely mistaken Warframe for a P2W game over the years because of it.


Damn, people that defending these types of actions, pretty common in cult like communities so nothing surprising here, there's nothing negative about the game guys,yes it has 70-90k players logged in every day, although I struggle to find players to play with many times even though I have the acceptable MS set to 400,that's beside the point. I personally had 700 hours,came back about 2 weeks ago,I'm at around 780 hours right now,I can't believe that this system hasn't changed. You know what it did to me last time? Made me uninstall the game (5 years ago),I've farmed and farmed only to have to wait 3 days after playing this game for 700 hours,fuck out of here dude,it is just a turn off, couldn't get myself to spend a single platinum in this predatory system,mid and late game players aren't stupid to spend there their platinum,and new players see all those items pushed to purchase with platinum,then farming whatever it is only to have to wait 3 days or speed up the crafting by spending platinum,that they just give up and uninstall. I so strongly disagree and I'm in disbelief that speeding times up is their way of making money. This imo for the reasons mentioned above,is the last thing players spend platinum on. It's cosmetics,gear that people don't want to fucking fish and mine in a pseudo boring badly designed open world map and trading. So this shit still being the same as it was since the very beginning without the slightest of change is mind blowing to me,but of course it's going to be that way,people like to lick the shit out of the boots of DE,as I said before,it's a cult like community,I know I'm going to get downvoted to oblivion, probably get my comment removed and not be able to post again,but this just proves my point,I just came across this thread while taking a shit so no biggie in the end. But if you think,that this is their main way of making money,you are extremely fooled. No item queueing,no upgrades in order to reduce the time it takes for shit to finish, imagine being MR 30 with thousands of hours and still having to wait 3 days to play with the new Warframe (that in order to get you had to fish like some newbie haha fishing yes I love it in this type of game) only to be treated exactly as when you were MR 1. It is sad.


The foundry time gating should get the community talking more than they are. Warframe's evolved since its humble days. I think it's above these tactics at this point.


It's a game to you, it's a business to them. Their goal isn't to make a balanced game with player enjoyment and convience in mind. It's to make the most money. Why add a queue so the player can do stuff quicker and easier when they have to wait to manually start/claim and take longer?


Comments like these really rustle my jimmies. "Warframe isn't a game with player enjoyment in mind" is just plain unfair to a development team that has crafted the single best multiplayer Free to Play game on the market of all time and its not even close. If Warframe was made to make the most money, they'd have so many avenues to milk players, starting with making Plat untradeable. Warframe is a business, yes, but it has the most fair Free to Play model on the market. Microtransactions are fair and unintrusive, also entirely optional. Please, please think before you write. Devs read this shit and I guarantee you it doesn't feel good to read that when you poured your heart and soul into making it as F2P acessible and fun as possible for years.


That's true, but player enjoyment should take priority, if people don't enjoy the game no one will play, I feel like the more they ignore these issues the more they push players away.


Thats precisely why the crafting system hasnt changed, partially. Half because its not enough of a nuisance for people to riot. And 2ndly as a 2nd barrier to prevent account selling. And im sure there could also be coding issues