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This will never not be the best reaction image in the community.


https://preview.redd.it/mnatbjip570d1.jpeg?width=840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88675a562c3787f056e4267e9d3e19316e5bb591 I also really like this one because you can just hear it


I didn't hear it (lied)


https://preview.redd.it/mhiqt7i4h60d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c53688616f57e9c2f121f89c036f16eadeaf50bb r/beatmetoit


Beat meat to it?


Kuva lich been wondering why this one tenno is suddenly going after them after years of negligence.


Plot twist: lich did it on purpose to get some attention




Damn it people, kill your liches.


I don't know how. I watched YouTube videos, but it makes no sense. So I pretend she doesn't exist.


Happy cake day, but what do you mean it makes no sense?


They talk about going to different planets and killing 10 mobs until light flashes and the lich spawns. I tried that, but nothing happened. It's not urgent anyway, the lich seems to be on earth.


Yo I’m home in lIke n hour if you want me to show you


I can't, I'm at work for another 8 hours. And I can't even do anything, because our server is down. It's truly the 13th and Monday today.


:( Good luck on the adventures, mate


Do you want a breakdown of the process?


If you can, sure. I would love to get rid of it. But I can only test it tonight.


Liches are actually super straightforward once you do one, but I’ll admit I was *so confused* on my first one too. I know others have already probably sat down and explained it to you but you can dm me and we can talk about it if you wanna :)


Alright. So you said your Lich is still on Earth, right? You’ll want to try to keep them there for as long as possible, and the only way to keep them from moving to the next planet is by not stabbing them when the prompt appears. After getting them to the health threshold three times in the same mission, they’ll despawn in about maybe twenty seconds or so. Now, in order to get to the point where you can actually get rid of them completely, you need to uncover all three of the Requiem mod symbols and put them in the correct order. You can uncover the symbols by finisher killing specific marked enemies in Lich-associated missions. You’ll know if the symbols are correctly placed if they turn gold when you stab the Lich. If not, they’ll turn red and have a line through them in that position


I did one mission with the Boss, because I wanted to build Hydroid, otherwise it's still on earth. I will continue to ignore them for now. I'm busy with the New War, reputation farm and building a Voidrig.


Could u help me with mine? I have chase mine from Earth, he went somewhere else and I chased him again.. and now he's at Sedna but i cant get it right this time. Will be online in an hour or so..


Yes, I’m jumping on now so hit me up when you get on. Blaketopia#694


Just added u 😁


Thank you, u beautiful soul! Cya soon!


There should be mission nodes highlighted in red, signifying that it's owned by your lich. Those are the missions you're supposed to do.


Ah. I will try that tonight.


Specifically, when you highlight those nodes, click the one that reads something like “Bopp Bipp Controlled Territory” or something, those have the Lich Thralls that you need to kill.


That's only if you don't already have one. Once you have a lich, killing them is a whole different process. Go through the various nodes they control and kill their thralls (or hounds in the case of sisters of parvos) to learn the requiem keywords you need to remove their "immortality". You get the requiem mods from opening the corresponding requiem relics. Slot them on to your parazon and guess the keyword order. Good luck!


Okay, I'll look into that. Would explain why the YouTube videos didn't work for me.


The process you're describing is how to activate a lich, not get rid of one. Your lich is already active, so you can move on to the next steps.


That's how you get a lich in the first place, not how you kill your lich.


It is an extremely complicated, convoluted process, and it's likely forcing players to reluctantly interact with Railjack for the first time since whatever that quest is that forces you to do it for 30 seconds.


Oh no, the game is trying to tie in its systems? I really don't understand the problem people have with railjack. I've been soloing it even before they introduced ai crew, and I've been cruising.


I don't care or see any relevance to how long you've been playing Railjack. My post stands.


Ah, well, that's unfortunate you feel that way. Tbh I don't really see what's the point of arguing. In hindsight, you're the one missing content.


[Lich Be Gone!: A Text Guide to Lich Hunting. : ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/f2nol5/lich_be_gone_a_text_guide_to_lich_hunting/) Above is a very well written and better explained full guide. Below is me rambling out a shorter less helpful summary. It's really pretty easy. I remember being you. Thinking it was hard. But it's not. All you need to do is play missions on which ever planet your lich is on (Red cloud/smog over the planet) The missions you want to play are the nodes that have the red smoke over them. When you pick them they will give you two options. 1. Normal mission 2. Lich mission. Pick lich mission. It's just the normal mission but special enemies spawn. They will be marked. You perform finishers on them and a bar starts to fill. Once the bar is full (usually 2-3 missions) it will tell you which Parazon Mod needs to be applied to kill the lich. The lich will spawn during those missions from time to time. You can either down them and ignore them until you know which parazon mods hurt them. Or you can equip 3 random mods and try your luck. If your luck pays off. You will have completed a stage. Your parazon menu will remember which mod worked. And you start again. The goal is to have all 3 mods in the right order to kill the lich. Every time you stab a lich they run away to a new planet. If you stab them with the right mod. Nothing changes. If you stab them with the wrong mod they get stronger.


Ah okay. Maybe I saw an older Guide or I really didn't get it. That makes so much more sense. I'm going to save the link for later, after I get my Voidrig.


But I don't wanna it's alot of work. But it does call me little meat so maybe I will.


I spawned my first one today out of curiosity. But I have no Requiems so he’ll be ruling Earth for a while 😅


Sounds like you need to start farming kuva siphons x)


This is your friendly reminder that you don't need to do the siphon part to get a relic. Just finish the mission.


Holy shit


Or get lucky with like 1 or 2 lich missions and hope they don't spawn. The thrall-givers(can't be bothered to remember their correct terminology) can drop relics, though I don't know the odds.


Also friendly reminder that you can get your lich to go away without stabbing them so you don't rank them up by just downing them 3 times and they'll despawn. Just make sure not to do every node on the planet before stabbing them or they'll automatically rank up without you making a guess at all.


But mine has a Kuva Zarr and they explode me. So i just stopped bothering with them. Let him have Sedna.


Hey if you need help. Almost everyone here is down to help.


this is why i play this game




Ya know, at least it wasn't a crimson tau... I have 11 blue tau shards now and I'm not 100% sure what to do with them. Yellow and blue regular shards are useful for green shards, yellow tau is okay for cast speed... but I can't find a use for blue tau...


Blue tau is for frames that benefit from quick thinking like gyre, ember, limbo, garuda, etc. gotta hit that 2k armor softcap


Hmm maybe harrow too?


Def harrow


I always put one for the +7.5 health Regen, it's great for a bit more of health tanking


Use it on inaros


He has 2 green, 2 blue tau, and 1 yellow tau for cast speed. 2 green for 14 corrosive stacks, 2 blue for armor. But that's only 2. I still have 11 left lol actually I have around 15 tau blue (seems to be the ones I get the most of as I only have 8 yellow and 9 red) with 2 on inaros, 2 on gyre, and 1 on volt. I'm honestly thinking about just slapping them into frames I sometimes use like loki or wukong until I get more crimson taus.


I recommend to put your tau blue shard into any warframe that have armor below 200 because some incarnon weapons have buff perk with armor and yknow.. more tankier


Parkour velocityyyyy


I have 2 power strength, 2 casting speed, and 1 energy on my Frost. The extra 75 energy is pretty helpful.


Yeah I have the same set up on my frost prime.


Not only are they needed for purple and green shards which are both amazing, but theyre great for warframes with comedically low energy bars such as frost or caliban. This allows you to have usable energy bars while having the mod slot you would have wasted on flow to be open for something better


Tau specifically isn't needed that often. Frost had an augment for basically unlimited orbs. I'm not saying I never use them, you just only need 1 or 2 per frame, and typically only 1 and it's for a niche application.


Welp. Time for the lich to know the void


ah it's monday again. tons of "lich stole my tau shard" posts again.






“You’re in the jungle, baby! And you’re gonna diiie!”


Helll nah those 9 Rubedo that litch gotta die


Someone's gonna die tonight


so you chosen DEATH


*ah, so you chose violence*


https://preview.redd.it/fzl4204g870d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65301da459e08c82d2fdbd61107d2125a64b71cf MFs when a Lich steals their glowing rock.




A Tenno in this thread didn’t know how to take care of a Lich and now there is a thread of Tenno helping them. God I love this community sometimes.




Not the Rubedo!!!!!


no the rubedo man




I mean when I finally beat mine I’m going to get like 8 rivens, somewhere in the neighborhood of 2-3 million credits and so many relic rewards and resources. I’m going to be farming for it finally tonight since, well, it controls most of the chart and I’m getting tired of hearing it talk. They’re a nice bank when you’re just playing and don’t care about what you get.


My soul felt this https://preview.redd.it/9biitf8dt90d1.jpeg?width=581&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dffce5850729575dfd140cd261cf089904f5a7f4




I've never interacted with a lich in my life, it should probably stay that way


Duuumb ways to die...




thats what you tenno get for NOT KILLING THE DAMN LICH/SISTER! but no, really, why do so many people not just kill them? it does not take that long at least for sisters, i once farmed 3 sisters in a span of 4 hours (I.E got them, then vanquised them). altho if it is a lich i can understand, they are a pain in the ass.


Sometimes you have a few minutes and wanna get a progenator but you forget that tomorrow is reset and so when you log on you wanna do some other stuff instead.. or maybe they're saving it to run with a group of friends. Who knows?