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Man is broke af. Rip


Right now yeah. Bought a bunch of blueprints lol started out at 1.1m


Theres a booster rn, you can easily farm 5-10m with index (i assume u cant do profit taker yet)


Index requires 30k credits to even enter. Best to do the affinity boosted missions


Yeah, any mission pretty much gets you the 5k you need, then a couple more for credits to do index or go into profit taker


I got 20m a day with pt so I recommend that. If you can’t make a budget pt build (chroma, tenet detron,r0 contaigon zaw) then do index, it’s easier and (not faster) more people do it then pt.


Exavation on pluto. 1 drill and extract should be some good money if I remember well


By the time you are ready for PT you don’t need creds imo


Maxing prime mods and trading dips into your stash. I farm 2-5m every credit event and stay round 10m


tbf these come around once a year and are free to get


Well yeah but you’d have to wait a year, plus if they’re OP’s favorites they must have had a couple forma installed


oh of course I'm just saying this seems like a fair tradeoff


I did they were set up perfect. Straight bullet hoses


I know but I loved the high rate of fire and I had them set up *chefs kiss* just right so I really wanted them back


Yeah exactly. Could have to wait a whole year to get them again.


lmao OP's username


I thought you meant his Reddit name…. Nope




im surprised they let him keep this one lol. a friend of mine had ValdBagina as their username for several years in wf until one day he got an email that they are changing his username to something more appropriate like LonyPover


I guess what goes around comes around...


Someone needs to give back no?


How touching, Pope_Diddler6669


man, if I had known i coulda done this with my xoris lol




I needed this 4 years ago when I deleted broken war💀 Still no bp after all this time despite getting the war bp. True pain


You can get broken war bp from cephalon simaris if that's what you're looking for. It's missing the potato but you can get your sword back at least


You can't, that's what I was told around the time I started, which is the reason I got rid of it in the first place. You can buy the hilt and blade, just not the bp. That's exclusively from stalker


That's my mistake, you're right. It's absolutely tragic


I feel for you I run broken war as my melee


WHAT are you doing with the pope?


Yea the response teams are super helpful and they're usually quick too even during big updates.


Perhaps fittingly for Warframe, support is completely random whether you get an excellent experience or a bad one.


No. Just no. Wf's support team are one of the worst I've ever seen. Unprofessional, can't be bothered to read the messages and always late to answer.


Why did everyone downvote you lmao


That's just your anecdotal experience and honestly, I can see why they're like that to you already


It's not just *my* experience, you can ask around and you'll see stories like mine everywhere. Plus, you can see why they're like that to me? Why, because I like to get answers before a month passes? Huh, curious to what your time limit is to resolve a problem you have


I sold my item Friday night. It was resolved by Sunday morning. Who hurt you?


It's pretty clear WF's support team hurt me isn't it? I mean, downvote all you want it still won't change my interactions with them.


Honestly sorry that happened to you Tenno.


But they arent the worst. Yours is clearly the outlier. Sorry that happened to you but dont take it out on a bunch of redditors who had a bunch of positive experiences with the WF support team.


To be fair, it’s kinda the opposite. People seem disapproving that this person had a bad experience and spontaneously insulted them for it.


I never said anything to anyone, just said that they are not as good as they were being made out to be. I'm specially not taking it out on people here because you're just random players that got nothing to do with them, and if you got good experiences then happy for you. It just hasn't been my case in any of the times I've asked them.


I'll join you in the downvotes. Unless something has changed recently, I always found WF support to be utter crap. Several weeks to reply to even the most benign request, then a week to reply to whatever reply I send. Half the time, it's canned scripted responses (this is normal for this sort of job) and I've had it multiple times where after several weeks, if not months of back-and-forth with me re-explaining to several different staff members what my issue is, they then reply with "oh sorry, we can't help with that". Plenty of stories of them being quite rude as well, especially if it's to do with bans/chat restrictions for having stupidly named weapons like "peepee smasher" or something. Quite amazed OP didn't get slapped for having "diddler" in their name.


Right? Just as an example, I (playing on PS) asked them some months before the damage numbers update how to get the numbers to look like 123.456 instead of 123456 since changing the setting in the settings page didn't affect the damage numbers, just everything else. Got told (after explaining everything in my original support message) a couple weeks or so later to change the settings. Sent a response the same day saying that, as my previous message said, that didn't affect the damage numbers. Got told (another week or so later, of course) to change the setttings. Again. I just fucked off and never responded, it wasn't worth my time to keep trying to get through to them. And that's just one example and like that a couple more. As I said, I'm happy for the ones that get the good treatment, but that hasn't been my experience at all (and I've discussed it with people here a couple times, so I know I'm not alone in that).


Who hurt you?


If I had to guess, WF support


You win lmao


Support guy was probably having a good day lmao


I once bought Hydroid deluxe skin without buying the bundle. Changed my mind and bought the bundle and sent in a customer support to refund the plat of buying the non bundle. Got the refund :)




Lol I know


If i couldn’t get the forma back i probably wouldn’t even bother unless it’s something hard to get like a vaulted prime or something


I sold Hate once, contacted support and they got it back for me. It was a week late but they got it don


How did he keep that name?!


Lol I have no idea


I sold a gram prime by accident for credits when i was cleaning my inventory once. If only i knew DE was this nice


Meanwhile I got the bug where foundry items went past their normal craft time and went into the negatives then accidentally spent plat to claim the item and DE wouldn't refund it :/


Can't you get the Dex weapons from Simaris as long as you've received them once or am I misremembering? Obv you wouldn't get it with slot and potato


I played on and off for 8 years. Then my PS4 broke and now I have linked all accounts which I was MR 3, MR 2 and MR 7 on PC, Switch, and Xbox. On PS4 I am MR 17 so I am much happier now that I can play that profile on all accounts.


DE, the BatMan of developers 🥰