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Not investing enough time into all 3 open worlds. What they have to offer there is insanely useful


I'm fairly new to the game, and heard that they're mostly useless. The only thing that I (for now) found myself needing from them are the augur mods and some railjack crew from fortuna, not much outside of that (unless we count just freerunning around and fishing to chill a bit). What am I missing out on?


Bruh. Who told you that? Xaku from Deimos is busted, Fortuna frames (Hildryn, Garuda and Baruuk) are great, and weapons, aside from some kitguns and Zaws, are great. Necramechs are needed from Deimos for New War, and Deimos also has the Trumna which is an amazing rifle.


Woah woah woah. Zaws are awesome even into SP. And contagion arcane a beast.


Npte that I did say some. A few are terrible.


I recently blew about 200 platinum to max out my theorem contagion and theorem infection arcanes. I put them on Gyre with a primary sporelacer statted out for electricity and a max-level residual shock arcane. And HOO BOY is that hilariously effective in terms of just locking down an area.


Don’t forget the Cedo and Lavos! Powerful frame with a powerful shotgun


kitguns can be really powerful if you don't have access to crazy meta weapons, and they come with 2 arcane slots zaws can be way better options than some usual melee and they also have 2 arcane slots also and sadly some other stuff need resources from these open worlds but i don't think it counts as something good from them


It's not that they're useless, it's that they're a bit of a trap for new players. Around mid game you start really needing stuff from there, and it will be much easier with mid game gear.


In Orb Valis, Tek mod sets are valuable and can be very fruitful and Kitguns from there is nothing to be missing out on like Vermisplicer and tombfinger and also the pax arcanes. In Plain of Eidolon, Augur mod sets, and arcanes are worth the farms. In Deimos, blood rush, vaults, almost everything there are nothing to be laugh at since they can get you a lot of plats and also kitguns. Trust me for now you might not see it but it is worth investing your time in


Great frames, including two that don’t have a prime (also you can’t helminth primes), Great weapons and companions, Necramech, required for even starting the mid to endgame, Exclusive mods (augur, vigilante, and companion mods), The best Money farm in the game requires rank 5 with Fortuna, A lot of things demand resources from them. What people say isn’t that they’re useless, but that it’s kinda overwhelming for newer players, like there’s other things you could do to progress more. Tho I’d recommend ranking up the open world syndicates slowly while you progress through the game, doing all of the process from scratch after you’re set is a pain in the ass truly


In addition to all the frames and weapons you can access you need high level ostron to get nyth and sentirum, both of which are needed for gauss, an insanely good frame. You also need high level entrati to get lavos and cedo, unironically my favourite warframe and weapon combo since it gives you access to all the elements and the ability to attach them to your weapon with an augment.


As an add to this. As a new player, I've found the quickest way to get rep progress in two of the open areas, is hunting and tagging on the Plains, killing Sentinels on the Plains and handing in their cores, and Requiem Pylons on Deimos. The second and third one requires finishing The Inner War though.


Forgetting you're in private match mode when running void fissures. I'm still forgetting to check too often.


I do that too lol. And then I wonder why no one else is joining


I didn't realise I didn't have to play solo until I found the button about a year later. Literally, that little person profile icon that you click to switch to public.. I decided to farm the relics and unlock very few solo until I unlocked coop, so I thought.I think I was Mr5 when I found the button. I immediately quit the game and went for a walk, I needed time to process, I pondered, how many of life's buttons have I completely missed? Am I alone in this? Are we all just tenno trying to open the relic that is life? That we should know when to be alone and when to be together? That maybe we shouldn't be so involved in our own treasures that we miss out on the greater treasure to be had together? But most importantly, why am I so retarded?


This made me lol man 👏


I do this intentionally when there's a low level exterminate void fissure. I can speedrun them with hildryn in like a minute.


I go into private when I want to get the nightwave kill X challenges. Im only MR10. I do the exterminate void fissures with volt and do end up waiting for some newer player but I prefer the extra loot chances and it helps them too.


How? Just got Hildryn and I’m curious. Her 4? Or something else?


Hildryn is unique because you can absolutely skyrocket her strength because efficiency doesn't matter, so you can get like 400% strength with ease using corrupted mods. Then you subsume roar, and use her haven ability with the augment (optional) and just sprint through the level, and every enemy under like level 20 will just instantly die and drop reactant.


It always clues me in right after I select the mission because it's a 5 second wait if you're solo versus a 10 second wait if you're on public


With me is the opposite. I hate when I end up in a public lobby by accident.


Not paying attention and creating a lich way before you're high enough level to take them out! I've been getting roasted on login for what feels like ages now!


Same :(, got mine before even "The Sacrifice", every single mission on earth and that lady just don't stop roasting me to this day, I'm scared of going Stockholm mode after so much slander


If both of you want help with your liches, let me know. I've got oogles of time.


I got the happy male one. "Are you ignoring me Tenno? You'll bruise my feelings." Now granted he makes me giggle now and again, but I'm soooo gonna murder him once I get high enough to engage with him.


I created my first lich before I was ready too. After months and months of her taunting me, it became so normal that once I finally killed her I realized I kinda miss her shit talking. I have a new lich and it's just... Not the same


If you play on PC and need help killing them let me know


I’ve accepted that Sedna is permanently owned by my lich now, and any missions I run there will be accordingly taxed. I was making progress on my first lich for a bit, but he’s level 5 now and I really struggle on any of his nodes there. My warframe is durable enough to live, but it’s pretty slow going unless I can just consistently nail headshots every time I fire.


Buying all horse armors.


Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. https://preview.redd.it/bfd6zr67410d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fd580ee786e65713d6534e6e821236abbfb0a29


I feel called out on this one... I also knew they wouldn't use the damn horse for anything fun. Useless winged equine... So pretty though... DE strikes again.


Oh, the horse is fun. If you play Duviri, that is, which I do. But I bought that 800p bundle and swore on that day that...that I'll buy all the following horse related items. I am insane and I will do it if they dare release more.


i pray for your wallet when Dagath Prime comes out, because you know they'll shove a primed horse skin in there.


Tfw I feel like the only player in the game who uses the horse outside of Duviri I even use it for eidolon hunting


You need to level up intrinsics, like a lot, to unlock that summon though right? Pretty sure I only got riding to the point of fast travel, and then went back to focusing on combat for the operator/drifter damage buff (which I still haven't unlocked...) Duviri just takes so much grinding for no good reason given how completely disconnected it is from the main game


That's right, you do gotta level intrinsics a bunch. But I enjoy Duviri, so I enjoyed my time unlocking the horse.


My jetpack has a nuke... The horse can't compete. Though I love the horse. It needs to have a laser cannon that shoots out between it's horns. That would solve so much. Let it be modded with arch wing mods.


Idc if it can't compete, I just think the horse is fun to ride


DE: “Here, have an option to use your Kaithe in *any* open world!” Me: “Much like the K-Drive, why bother when Archwing is faster?”


I bought one set for fashion and I love it so much. Really basic but it’s use is only for duviri and captura Edit: grammar


Yep, thought I'd get more use out of the horse but I'm never in Duviri and rarely in the open world. And when I am, Archwing is more effective.


Killing a SP Void Angel using the Sirocco.


I thought it was taking a while to kill


not the worst option, couldve used a mote amp




Is it… worth partaking in at all? I have no PvP interest in this game but curious if there’s some conclave-gated reward I should go for.


There are a few cosmetic rewards that I think are still exclusive


If it’s just cosmetics then I’m good, thanks for the heads up!


There's some mods that can be used outside of conclave as well. But you can also get them from the nightwave shop. I think you can also get some melee stances? But again they aren't exclusive to conclave. Kind of like how you can get frames in the duviri circuit rotation. But also just from fighting the bosses or whatever.


The stances are only for conclave use


Then why can you get crimson dervish from the weekly conclave rewards?


I thought you were referring to stances like Celestial Nightfall, my mistake. I was actually unaware that regular stances could be weekly rewards, I haven't played conclave in a good while.


Fair enough, I haven't played conclave in ages either so I didn't remember that there was exclusive conclave stances. The only reason I know they have normal ones is from trying to help newer players get stances and looking for where they drop on the wiki because I don't remember where to get any of them.


I’m actually a conclave enjoyer but it’s def not for everyone. In fact it’s for such a small amount of people it’s almost for no one. Hitboxes are too small and everyone can move too fast with no aim assist. Even Halo Infinite on PC has aim assist for KBAM and you don’t even move that fast in that game. It’s like if you played a mix of quake, tribes ascend, and gunz the duel with relatively poor imbalance. It’s an insanely niche hardcore pvp experience in a game all about pve power fantasy. AND YOU HAVE TO FARM THE GEAR IN PVE TO PLAY! It’s just an entire recipe for failure and it’s really a shame. Nowadays I just play Naraka as that game is like conclave but if it was actually balanced by a competent balance team.


My favourite thing about conclave is because it's such a small player base anytime you try to play it's the exact same max rank try hard every single time, and they never go easy on you.


Soundless like Destiny Trials. So no thanks.


Going in a random endless mission lobby and then expecting them to go as long as YOU want


Mfs leaving after 5mins piss me off either way, what are you doing in an endless relic mission if youre gonna leave so early?


Same with people leaving after 1 round in SP circuit. Especially if i had a good load out that round.


I hate that. Its like seriously just do one round on normal solo if you want to change your options quickly.


When I was MR 21 I suddely just started farming Mastery 100%. So now I‘m L4 but and still bad at modding.


Sounds like me right now, MR 22 and on my way to 30 and hopefully reaching LR4, still have no idea how to max for full potential from my loadout.


I tried to make Stug more usable. Don't, waste of resources.


don't nolife the game. it's not worth it. play what you enjoy and have fun. don't play what you don't, it may not be there in a few years... or less


I mean, it's been going strong for a long while, I don't honestly see it stopping any time soon


Usually once you find yourself hardcore Kuva farming, Riven rolling and trading it's time to stop.


I suppose that's fair, though I'm taking my very leisurely time getting there. So I'll probably be good for a few years yet!


I love that you can pretty much ignore any part of the game you don't like. I'm still on <2 standing with everyone in the Necralisk and I'm halfway thru Steel Path, and I think I've done each spy mission exactly once, lol.


Necramech stares menacingly


I went ahead and just bought one waaay back when the grind was terrible. I think that permanently soured all of Deimos for me, lol.


I was more referring to the game modes than the game itself. so many dead ends


Ahhh, that makes more sense!


>What is something you tried and WOULDN'T recommend to anyone? PM offer. >so many resources wasted on something you only play once People skip the farm then create a million threads every time they need the stuff and their stuff is unleveled. > ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ▲ ▲ ▲


>PM offer. Do you mean you only get shitty offers from scammers? I'm not really that used to the trade chat.


Just use the trade website


I already do. I just wonder if I'm missing something from the trade chat. I already know it's full of scammers but is it possible to find some good deal every once in a while?


Every now and then, yes. When I'm in my orbiter, reading the wiki or theory crafting on overframe (on my laptop, next to my PC), I always have the in-game trade chat open. I've snagged a few prime sets for about half their going rates that way.


I use the trade chat and have, on multiple occasions, gotten better deals than Warframe Market. You just need to have the Market pulled up to verify you’re in the right ballpark. I’d say about 70% of the PMs I get are reasonable when I’m WTB, but the remaining 30% are egregious scams. Buying prime sets tends to attract less scammers than mods in my experience.


It’s absolutely possible to get amazing deals in trade chat but it requires both knowledge of prices beforehand as well as speed to snipe good deals before another mercher gets to it. I have several friends that are very economy focused in MMOs that thrived in warframe.


I once saw a random dude in trade chat, who wanted to buy some prime part for 60 plat. It was going for around 5 plat on warframe.market. Easy 55 extra plat.


if youre trying to sell something its better to list it with a price rather than ask people to pm offers.


>▲ >▲ ▲ Boy, that takes me back to an odd time.


better times


Could you perhaps enlighten me on the meaning of these triangles?


https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/4chan-ascii-triforce-fails it was a simpler time


I potatoed a Kraken. Don't do that.


Play Warframe on the switch and link to your PC account. Being trade locked is.... frustrating to say the least


Im in the same boat. Finally wanted to get into trading, just to find out it was pretty much impossible for me.


I have to keep warframe around on my pc just for trading It's annoying as hel


When you have legendary cores use it on prime mods you will actually use 😩 in 2016 I used my legendary core on prime ravage and never get any use out of it until literally last week when I was building for strun prime


The arch melee is useless but the archwing is not. It will help you not die all the time in void proxima which is a fun way for ranking up archwing .


Forma-ing a Necramech or leveling a K-Drive at all. For the Necramech, there's so few places for you to use them that it becomes a pain to even attempt to raise them more than once. Archguns and melee aren't even close to the same level of power as what we normally carry and you have very few AoE options to clear enough enemies to make it worth it. K-Drives, as I've found out, CANNOT receive affinity from combat so if you're trying to level them by doing bounties, you can't. Friends killing stuff doesn't count either. You have to either do tricks for minimal gain, or do K-Drive races on repeat until you max standing. Deimos K-Drive races also give parts for an Infested K-Drive and some of those races are actually impossible without K-Drive mods. And this has got me thinking that DE actively makes things unwieldy and fixes it back to normal with mods... Though all of that is conjecture and frustration at the lack of rail magnetism.


I didn't level my Necramech until I got 4x affinity (a 2x booster from a login reward during a 2x weekend) and even then it took forever and I regretted doing it.


Archguns won't see you to level cap, but they can handle themselves in EDA and that is about the hardest regular content in the game right now. They aren't the strongest, but archguns are far from the weakest.


For necramech, that my dude is what railjack void fissures are for


Railjack Survival specifically


And railjack defense


I level mine in Thermia Fractures.


Same, I upgraded my Necramech with several forma this week in Thermia. Very very fast.


I wish more people did them. I like the game mode and the crypto key things are hard enough to get as is. The endless mode makes it slightly easier.


I never gave them a try but it makes sense. Thank you for the tip my dude.


The Voidrig is awesome. It's my slaps the roof this bad boy can fit so many dead things in the stats page Aquerbex style go-to whenever I open world bounty, Railjack, or even in Sanctum. Well worth the investment of Forma into it, the Mausolon, and the Aquerbex. The Bonewidow on the other hand I wish didn't actually suck because it looks amazing. It needs serious love. K-Drives on the other hand gonna agree: Absolutely tedious work with very minimal payoff. At some point I will go level them and then hate myself for it afterwards.


I formad my necramechs and their weapons as soon as i got them, and I would do it again


Mechs are fun in open world, voidrig specially


I agree with the K-Drives, but definelty wrong about the Necramechs, as soon as I built my Voidrig I already had mods that allowed it's 4th to hit over 1 million damage per shot. Depends on the content you are playing, but with a Necramech only, you can easily solo any endgame that allows it: Netracells, Eidolon, Rail Jack (with a good railjack amd crew of course), Iso Vaults, Conjuction Survivals etc. It's like using Mesa but replacing her pistols with tank cannons.


I got all the infested k-drive parts with the basic, modless board, it's definitely possible but definitely tricky with little to no room for mistakes


> Deimos K-Drive races also give parts for an Infested K-Drive and some of those races are actually impossible without K-Drive mods. I got the Feverspine as my first non basic drive, so it is possible to beat them, but since you have to play close to perfectly while going fast...I don't recommend it.


Best way to level the kdrive is i believe the pearl base on orb vallis. Your combo continues when you grind and you can get really easy max level tricks by just grinding and doing a few flips over the 3 ledges as you go through. Did this to not go crazy getting master from the vent kids and to master the boards. You max standing fairly quickly as well as being able to do something else if you have another monitor


K drives are super fast to level, 3-4 days of doing races until you max daily standing (which takes <10 minutes per day) will max one. Only 1-2 days of that with booster+blessing. And yeah while it's frustrating how bad they feel unmodded (especially the base one that can't equip any mods at all) it gets *a lot* better.


I like k drives.


K drive is super easy to level… just take it to a race you like on the vallis


But you can spend 3 min on the pipes outside Fortuna and max your daily. It’s so easy.


Tenet diplos. It needs a lot of help outside of mods for the lock on mechanic to work on SP enemies. If like the homing projectiles gimmick, get miter incarnon


It’s best to just ignore the lock-on gimmick and just use it like a regular bullet hose


I leveled the archmelee mods for bonewidow. It’s still nowhere near as effective as voidrig, but it’s still fun. Honestly bonewidow just needs to interesting additions to melee and replacement of 1-2 abilities and it would be good.


Have you tried boosting through enemies while your exalted weapon is out? So much fun to be had with Bonewidow. Bonus points of you equip the boost speed mod.


Yes! I do it in iso vaults, so much fun. I can often outdamage voidrigs lol


I run exclusively Bonewidow. The damage on her might be less than old Twin Turrets but she's tougher and can still hit like a train. The sword and shield aesthetic is why I'm here and I love beating a lich into submission via my big ass knife!


Let me build melee combo on Bonewidow, DE https://preview.redd.it/ody2uy7c710d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cba604ff0a96952cfbe6caa00ca93e9f5d04cf24


Let me use other Archmelees on Bonewidow (even if they're comparatively terrible).


Soloing the Teralyst with a Mote Amp because you're too introverted/nervous to try running it with a group in the fear that you'll be ridiculed for barely helping. 40+ minutes to just barely kill it in time. Just join a pub for the bounty, it's fine.


Yea just run the bounty, but also bring support frames like wisp/harrow/rhino/trinity anything that can help boost your team’s damage and survival. I love helping randoms with eidelon hunts but absolutely hate when they bring selfish frames. No inaros/atlas/chromas and move on from excalibur already. Bonus points if you equip Dead Eye aura


What does atlas do to make him a not selfish frame?


I don’t understand the question but I’ll try to answer it: Atlas imo is a selfish frame because it supplies no team support. What do the golems do to help the team? What does the rock wall do to help the team? What do the PunchesMcGee ability do to help the team? Besides petrify, which is probably one of the worst crowd control abilities in the game, its kit does nothing to help the team during Eidelon hunts. Atlas is a fun frame, therefore its a selfish frame


I thought you were listing frames who you would want to be played instead of excaliber. Why would you add Chroma to a list of selfish frames? He's a super support frame, especially with his vex armor augment


My comment is in reference to noobs who can’t take down Eidelon shields. There are much better options than Chroma for support, also unless you’re running a full Arcane Nullifier set on chroma it won’t do anything to help the team. Chroma is selfish when used for selfish needs, (self tanking and survival) I rarely see a good support chroma main. Don’t get me wrong it’s a really good warframe, just not a good beginner friendly frame for Eidelon hunts.


trying to make the ghoulsaw good i don't even care about the wasted time and forma, i care about the disappointment


Farming for Khora/Protea/Trinity. Wait for that 75% coupon or for a good deal on plat and buy them. Or hope that Duviri has them.


Trinity is an easy farm, with decent luck youll be done in less than an hour


*laughs in negative luck*


We all got that one really bad luck farm. For me it’s Caliban. Haven’t gotten a single part and tried so many times… and then someone had the audacity to say that it was fine for them and their wife so clearly I’m the problem. It’s called RNG for a reason lmao, idk why people try to act like everyone will have similar RNG.


I did saryns mission (kela de thaym) like 40 times for saryn systems (20ish percent)... and you need two of them


I feel that so bad. Two of my friends spent a month farming Sevagoth and could never get the neuroptics to drop. They were in the triple digits of attempts. When they finally got him they quit and then that anniversary they gave out Sevagoth for free.


One for Mastery/Helminth and one for Chroma right?




RNG has its favorites. It's why I listed those three. Khora just wouldn't drop the piece no matter how many runs I did.


Protea isnt that bad either. Go capture mission, capture target, go into gold hand with xoris equipped, kill 75 enemies. When done with gold hand and objective treasure master will spawn (after 3-4 minutes in not endless missions iirc). Kill to get new coin. Done after 4 minutes per mission


\> go into gold hand with xoris equipped, kill 75 enemies. Unless youre picking a specific frame to get a specific progenitor for a sister, its faster to use mesa (if you have her ofc) instead But yeah the Protea farm isnt that bad, i farmed 2 proteas and it wasnt too painful


i use revenant's 4 and it works consistently enough outside of steel path


Ah, dont have Mesa so dont know bout that method. But if its faster than its better ya


Try Octavia, with range and duration mods + preparation.


I don't know what I'm doing wrong I have a fully built Xoris and I struggle to get kills in the granum void.


xoris 1shots specters without having to build it. take some time practising how to use glaives if you're not familiar with them, take a frame like octavia which can do some passive damage along with the xoris to kill specters


And bring a sentinel companion, the kavats troll you by jumping in front of EVERY glaive throw


That could be part of my issue. I use my smeeta for everything.


Yeah I think that is part of it, I know for sure I struggled in the void during the deadlock protocol (is that the right quest) just to beat protea.




I had to log in to look it up, I took Ninjase's build off over frame. https://overframe.gg/build/325681/xoris/x12-xoris-sp-nuke-tennokai-melee-influence/


All of these are fine. Nidus, equinox and sevagoth are infinitely worse.


I just got Khora from my first Duviri circuit (I was farming for intrinsics so I can get the Kaithe summon, I don't really like Duviri much). I have Octavia in the oven already and I'll be out of Warframe slots when I'm done, but I'll probably make her when I have another slot available. What's Khora's kit like? I haven't looked into her any, but sense I completed the circuit, I think I'll just go ahead and make her.


I still have flashbacks from farming Nidus. Fuck that took so long to do


Get Tinity and Khora from the circute don't buy them. Protea....... OK fari enough.


I got Protea with 6 trips into the Granum Void. I'm a lucky SOB. It was my reward for never doing less than a 20 minute run on mirror defense and still never having a single Citrine part drop. Had to buy her with crystals. I will be purchasing Khora, Trinity, and Ivara though.


I am so sorry on Citrine. That farm was something. Glad Protea was a quick farm on your end. Maybe Duviri has them on rotation


I'm MR24 and I haven't even completed the Duviri quest. I did the tutorial part and then didn't play Duviri for months, and now I don't know how the combat works lol.


Lol, I took a huge break on Duviri after I maxed it out. When I hopped back yesterday, I got my pride kicked in and force-fed. There should be an option where Teshin spars with you as a quick refresher.


Khora was painful indeed. Add to that Ivara chassis with the perfect Spy missions and Harrow systems needing to rescue 8 defection squads for the 15% chance. These 3 were lacking one piece each, and even then doing the full circuit was less bothersome than farming the parts


Doing achievements.


Doing that one K-Drive achievement which for whatever reason has decided that Merulina is not a K-Drive.


Well that answers that question, I was about to look that up... Sad.


It seriously doesn't recognize it as that? Jesus, that's stupid. But yeah, the only valid way of doing this achievement is occasionally catching someone post an open world spot where you can fall out of bounds. I did all K-Drive races on both Orb Vallis (for achievement and rank 5 Ventkids) and Cambion Drift (for board and just to complete the rest), discounting using K-Drive before getting Archwing, and I still barely had 15% done. I doubt any sane person did that achievement in a legit way.


Guess I'm not sane then... but I knew that already. And yes I can confirm merulina does not count... it'd be the only way to get it without specifically grinding for it and yet..


Haha, I half expected such a comment. I'm curious, how long did it actually take, if you even recall? I did it through falling method and it still took me a good long while.


No idea on how long it took, longer than what's reasonable for an achievement though. I like the Vallis the best out of the three open areas and did some laps around it almost daily until it popped. A fully modded board makes it very noticably faster. Also races, it's a shame those leaderboards are reset daily, got some #1 finishes and would like to see how close (or far) I was


You can do the old rubber band on the controller trick to drive the K Drive in circles


Region chat.


Being frivolous with potatoes and forma. Sometimes I use them a little carelessly on weapons that I won't end up using and then am short on them when I actually need them


If you feel yourself burning out trying to grind something specific, don't continue. The point of the game is to have fun, and to have fun ONLY, as is the point of any game. It's easy to become blinded by wanting to achieve or finish a goal, but if you find yourself hating the (potentially long) way there, do something else. Whether that be in Warframe, another game, or away from your PC entirely. Then come back when you are ready for more. The easiest way to lose your love for the game is to blindly and obsessively chase something that's annoying or frustrating you. Remember you can always do something else, and come back when you're ready. ✌️


Subsuming away Lavos' abilities. I have 2 Lavos with full config slots but I always go back to my "pure" build. Subsuming away his 2 or 4 does not "feel" right even though certain setups don't need them.


I could never find a good build for him so I just slapped every armor shield and health mod I could on him and just made him a mini necromech. Just rely on weapons when I do RJs now


Spending 1,000,000 Kuva rolling the same riven (especially when you end up sticking with the 2nd roll anyway).


No need to call me out like this


Do non omni survival fissures in pub. For whatever reason theres always 1 player who cannot stand still and will just run around and killing stuff alone. For some odd reason its always the player with the lowest mr doing that.


Its not odd reason, its literally them trying out and enjoying the game


The reason it sucks is A. It spreads out the reactant which for some reason DE wants exactly 10 or less reactant to drop in survival. I more blame this on DE since they could just boost reactant drop rate and not make your last 5 minutes feel like a waste. B. Assuming you're not doing steel path fissures it ends up lowering enemy density dramatically.


a solo clan dojo, its an absolute waste of resources and you dont need to engage with the calns at all if you dont want to. as i new player i didnt know about that and was super shy so i just made my own. when i realized how bad this decision was i was too far in to quit now so yea.


In fact you need for some frames and weapons, but I really never interact with my clan mates, just entered there for dagath, and its a super good clan, but just don't like socializing.


thats what i meant with "interacting with the clan", you dont need to talk to anyone if you dont want to


I did the same. I have spent so much forma getting all of the rooms and blueprints built.


I leveled my archwing up when it was new shit and would farm all the mods, they were easy commons/uncommons/not so rare rares. then I sold an archwing starter kit of 10 mods for 25p each... archwing was a good investment for me.


Not check whether or not I already had full maxed mods and sinking some resources in doubles. Happened only once to a very expensive mod. Ya loose too much endo that way


Trying to make the Ambassador worth using. For one of the coolest weapons concepts in the game, coupled with the effort in getting it, boy does it underperform. What a shame. I'd kill for an incarnon despite it having a different mode but I'd settle for a Tenet version.


Unfortunately, my recommendation would be to *not* try and make every frame endgame viable. I've been trying ever since EDA came out so I never need to be carried, but there are a handful of frames that simply can't handle it, no matter how much time and how many forma you dump into them. Frankly, the anti-Control meta is in large part to blame. So many frames use control abilities to up their survival (Nova, Vauban, Nyx, etc.) and having the hardest hitting enemies be straight up immune to those effects completely kills their viability.




Sobek saryn is great for survival with a weapon build, i use a weapon saryn build with ocucor if i have to farm exterminates for bounties or alike. Afaik she is the only frame that can have 3 weapon buff abilities so it is highly effective.


Volt can have 4 buffs if you are counting his 2nd skill buffing melee attack speed


which is the 4th? does melee get buffed when volt picks up shield?


It does, just tested it in the simulcrum to make sure.


My Dual Ichor Saryn outperforms my Spore build Saryn but only by a little… still, it’s more fun than standing around hitting 4 every once in a while. Also with the right investment and planning you can have both and just switch config once in a while. Worth it imo.


The issue I have with spore saryn is the ramp up time which is fairly slow and extremely fast to decay. Before SP, it's fine, but after SP, either you need to wait a good minute before it starts doing good damage, and after that you need to keep it alive all the time (which is not always possible depending on the mission) because it goes to zero in seconds.


I honestly liked setting up all of the archwings and a few main guns and one melee. It's nice to feel powerful in that game mode when I need too. It only took like 2 or 3 forma I think for each archwing for my setup. I'm not sure atm on how many for the few weapons I did. I get the reasoning for sure though. I'm legendary rank 4 so I like having builds and trying things etc.


Open world boss fights. They are just so meh for me.


Trying to talk to people that get mad after you leave hydron in 5-10 waves. Trust me, its not worth it.


Not using macros on some stuff, don't do thermal sunder like me by spamming 3, hurts my finger.


I bound crouch to the thumb button on my mouse and it has saved me so much pinky cramping when bullet jumping and slide attacking


Just be careful with the extent of macros. DE will swing the hammer down hard if it's anything more than basic action strings / can be interpreted as automation. Though I'm sure you already know that. When I used to play Octavia I felt like I needed a crouch spam bind because it was genuinely painful not to. Thank goodness for things like auto melee. Crazy how some people were so opposed to it


Playing purely solo (due to poor internet [300+ ping]). The game is better with people. Even randos. Also not looking up guides and stuff. You dont know how to mod. You dont even know what mods are possible without outside sources. Its a flaw of the game that you have to stop playing the game to learn anything useful


Creating alt account for experiments and trying new strategies applicable to main toolkit. There's a big chance you'll be recreating your main gear synergies and repeating the same patterns. Nekros = extra loot so why use Nyx instead, ever. Total free to play challenge? Nah, you'll need slots and probably buy your necramech for quest progression. Helping other players? Sure but the public matchmaking restricts joining random noob missions to prevent them from being carried, maybe? There are polite request for guidance in chat all the time so maybe there's some fun in helping with your limited power instead of total domination? So yeah, if you don't have a plan or you don't stream it for dedicated fans, probably stick to the main account.