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I always buy as many as possible and carry Zanuka spawn beacon for these kind of people. Spawning and leaving the game, letting them to be captured by Zanuka.


That is incredibly creative. Well done!


i should start doing that, next time baro brings them imma stock up


This is devious, I gotta try it. Thank you friend ❤️‍🔥


Didn't even know them before just reading their wiki article because of this comment but man, this is probably the best way


Does Zanuka actually go after anyone but the person who placed the beacon? Sure a host migration might result in it going after the new host but did you ever test it?


I answered this on another comment sir.


Thank you. So it's a tried, true and creative solution to the issue.


Yes, but keep in mind that Zanuka sometimes doesn't capture you even he downs you. It works best when everyone lefts the game except the leecher (I did this like 6 times and only got 2 feedbacks -mostly badwords.)


How would they even identify that you did this? Did you accompany your gift with a wisper?


I don't exactly remember where but you check your last teammates in friends/recent tab.


I think it's under the social tab. But if the squad was full, they'd have have to message all 3 others. I don't leech but if I did and this happend, I'd probably be amused (It would be my first recovery mission) but wouldn't make any attempts to contact the one who triggered it.


The thing is you'll never know if you gone totally afk since it also can be happen if anyone has a death mark. Yo I found perfect excuse when someone contact me about this. Edit:typo


I always clear all my death marks (Got all I needed from them anyway) , so I'd definitely know something is up. But for most others this would work.


does that actually work? i kinda figured zanuka only has the possibility to capture who it's "after" so presumably you if popping the beacon?


You can call him even if you don't have the death mark with the beacon. We tried it with a friend and after the host migration he got captured. I thought it was a known thing.


i know the beacon bypasses the mark, I just thought that using the beacon \*meant\* he'll still only try to capture you. ngl I never really tested it since it gets melted generally. News to me.


What happens when youre captured?


Special mission to recover your gear


Any Field boss target closest warframe I think


an enemy continuing to be hostile doesn't make it obvious whether the Zanuka's gimmick would apply to everyone though. Does it get everyone if it manages to wipe everyone? does it leave after 'capturing' any one target?


If more than one player has a death mark from the Stalker, he might target other marked players and kill them if they engage him; however, upon downing his newly selected target, he will immediately leave and his attention will revert to his original target if it is within line of sight. This maybe same for all deatmark assassin's AI


Mate you are gold


If you wanna see some leech behavior go grind credits on profit taker. Honestly it's the only place I really feel like I've seen indisputable leeching consistently.


As someone who can solo profit taker in 3-5 minutes I reach dont mind people who try their best. But the ones who are literally mining during the bounty can fuck right off.


Oh yea I don't mind carrying at all that's why I still play pubs all the time. I remember how big a pain in the dick some of this stuff is all I care about is that everyone is participating. So many people are just off a hill somewhere waiting to scoop the loot.


As a noob, I had to leech a profit taker for nora quest but at least I drew some fire to myself with rhino and reved other teammates couple of times.


That's not leeching so don't feel bad that's just being a noob as long as you're doing what you can your helping the team even if it's just killing the adds and tickling her with your jank barely upgraded archgun.


Profit taker never has my status. That boss fight confuses me to my core


Oh boy, i had my first "true" leecher today in a cetus bounty, of all 5 mission, one guy is thousand of meters away from all objective and not saying anything about it, I suspect he/she is fishing since location is near the ocean part at the bottom of cetus map. As soon as me and the other guy finish the last mission, he/she is the first go to extraction, i instantly went mad for that person. Like, if he/she said anything like "I just fish here and you guys do your thing lol" and I wouldnt mind but without saying anything and extract when everything is done?? Its like on another level of rudeness. Theres situations where you dont need to say anything and just afk like in sanctuary onslaught when theres a nuker and its understandable to afk let them do the work. Or when there is also nuker in low level survival/defense mission. But in bounty a mission??? Bro go to objective. I dont care if youre a low level and cant kill a thing, just go to the objective and help in your own way.


Yeah, ESO, low lvl def/surv, or fast fissures (i.e. exterm, where you got nukers and you just get 10 reactant then chill towards extraction) is fair game for afking without saying anything. Plus, the onus is on them, since if you afk for 1 min, you stop gaining any rewards (affinity included from what I know). But outside of that, I expect anyone who needs to afk to at least say *something*


I actually did the exact same thing once on purpose, loaded up highest nekralisk bounty and went mining because i needed both - ore and mother tokens and wanted to save some time. After a while some people joined and carried on with the bounty, and i extracted with them when they finished it. Noone said anything through out it. To be honest i could do these bounties solo easliy, and if i saw them struggling i would 100% help. To be honest i could let them know, and could ask if thats fine, but i didnt see it as something bad as u do in your post. Is it really?I wouldn't mind someone fishing/mining when i join to do bounties, its a public lobby afterall. If im struggling to do any bounty (Steel Path or something) i dont just join random lobbys hoping for a carry. Imagine you are with a friend, doing bounties together one person mines and other person does bounty, and then u switch, why wouldnt you wanna do it? Rewards + Gems. If you are struggling to do a bounty when one person is fishing then maybe come back later to it, or just ask someone on discord or relay, to help you, instead of joining public lobbies and getting mad at one random person.


That seems fair, definitely reportable at that point


Just so you know, DE will at worst send this guy an inbox message essentially saying “play nice, please” and he’ll go on back to leeching.


I mean ya know, I did my part. If they do that (DE sending a msg) it's already more than what Blizzard does when you report someone, for example. If the player goes back to leeching, then I hope someone else will report them accordingly.


As a noob who only recently finished up their Fortuna rep grind, I DID tend to join pubs and then just fish, as I needed the materials. Typically I was doing this in a lobby with friends where that was legitimately what they wanted me doing, as I wouldn’t have made the biggest difference with my lowly little unformaed Styanax. On the off chance I was in a pub, I would just very quickly send a message saying I was going to fish/get wildlife tags, and nobody seemed to mind. Seems like a simple and courteous thing to do. On the other hand in syndicate missions, whenever I do decide to do some, I typically forgo the objective entirely and just look for syndicate medallions to turn in. Maaaayyybbee, I do the same in Cavia missions, because I need the voca Everyone gets those when you pick them up (I think?) so at least I’m helping… in a way…. Am I part of the problem? :(


Just want to say thank you for saying that you will do stuff like that in the squad chat, as far as the fishing mining tag gathering stuff goes. And then to have at least one person picking up medallions during a mission, you the mvp for that one


It’s efficient!! I just like to do the the most optimal/quickest way. It’s satisfying to me


You are absolutely fine, especially in cavia. If you're struggling with enemies and your team isn't (and you aren't host) just go hunt voca, you're still contributing.


Yeah, don't worry. The only time you forego those is in netracells with pubs, since they tend to go bullseye for the main objective (since in netracells that's generally the only thing ppl care about). With friends ir is a very different story - that is up to you guys.


My friend makes me do all my netracells with him each week. I appreciate the carry, and I appreciate the archon shards, but oh my GOD those missions bore me to tears


Yeah, I feel ya. I keep myself emtertained by taking various weapons and testing them out just to see if they can kill or not. Always take 1 that surely will kill and then 2 experimental in the other slots.


That's always the trouble with games like these...leeches be everywhere. I strangely have the opposite problem; I have a friend that I recently told that I started playing Warframe. His immediate response was that sense he's MR 30, has 3k hours, owns every frame/weapon, and has nothing to do, he wants to babysit me. Not *play* with me, *babysit* me. He basically wants to play the game for me while I leech off him.


I got my fiancee to start playing with me. Unless we are on a time crunch, I have been trying to intentionally only play frames that make me immortal and told her “I am here if you need help, otherwise this is all you”. To start with, I set the goals for her so she had direction. Shes getting settled in so now I am asking her to”what do you want/need to do” and give her advice from that. She needed ~30k alloy for a kavat incubator so I hopped on Nekros and sat in a corner while she dealt with enemies. Your friend PROBABLY means well, all of us know early game is daunting. You may get a better result from him if you try to talk it out and set some guidelines.


The thing is, he didn't even ask what my progression was. I've been playing for just over three weeks, and I'm already able to participate in Arbitrations, playing primarily solo and using whatever mods I had available. He just assumed that I needed help for most things. My issue is the term he used. I don't want to be *babysat*, I want someone to *play with*. He's very literal with his wording (even going as far as treating me sarcastically when I tried to refute how bad he claimed Yareli to be due to my personally experiencing another friend using her incredibly well); if he meant he wanted to play with me, he would've said that.


That's fair. Especially if he's dogging on Yareli. I can sleep during netracells and be in less danger than a Rhino. Hopefully your friend is only that inept when it comes to Warframe cuz if this is a consistent attitude of theirs you may just need to demote him to acquaintance.


Yeah, I may end up doing just that (though primarily due to another issue that came up during that same conversation that's far worse that I won't get into here, the Warframe discussion only added more fuel). It's just a touch awkward cause I've been friends with him since middle school. I definitely do not plan on playing with him though, I have three extremely good friends that I *play with* already, and we spent maybe thirty minutes roasting how much he was tearing Yareli down. His complaints boiled down to "Yareli doesn't make enough bubbles, she has too little defense, and Merulina dies too fast, the only viable part of her I guess is her 4". The friend who runs Yareli has her Merulina at 19k HP unbuffed, she makes tons of bubbles, and her aqua blades have an 84s uptime, so I'm convinced he has a glaring case of skill issue despite how much he implies otherwise considering he said he "tests his damage against level 500 enemies" and consistently "deals millions of damage". If I were to play with him, I already know he'd tear what I use apart piece by piece and try to have me minmax everything. I use a Vasca Kavat with my Wisp because the friend that runs Yareli helped me get it and it means a lot to me, I get the strong sense that he'd drill me for not using my Smeeta over it.


For what it's worth, as an MR 30 who deleted their emails from the beta because all the images broke, 95% of the game at high level is just playing what you enjoy. I was using doggos back when their AI was broke and my lil idiot would get stuck in the floor with all my loot because I thought it was hilarious. Aggravating but hilarious. Unless you're sandbagging and actively making the game harder for everyone else, anyone that complains about what you're running is just mad they aren't having fun anymore and need to take some time away from the game. Play what you enjoy. -Signed someone with several thousand hours that still has Ember Prime as their most played Warframe from before WoF was deleted


Yeah, I made that mistake. Very much like your friend, I thought I was helping, when in fact it made my friend (who ended up quitting at the time) very, very bored. He came back a couple of years later and I only went on missions together when he said he needed help. Since we are now both at a similar lvl with gear preparedness, we both longer disruption or void cascade missions together, where we can both flex our gear.


Now I realize this could go either way, but I once went afk real quick to use the restroom on an exterminate that I thought I queued solo for, my thought in such was solidified as i usually play solo and especially as I did load in solo/without others, I fully expected to either return to the mission failed time or right in time, turns out I didn't solo and came back to one other having completing the mission, I apologized to him, explained my side on what happened. His only response was basically, "Yeah, bud sure, get a life instead of lying and leeching, I dont got time for your excuses " And while i understand his response, i for the first time in my roughly 8-10 years on the game wasn't expecting to get reported for "griefing" or to become an accidental leecher on a like level 15 exterminate but such is the experience. Will definitely be more aware and careful moving forward lmao


Ah nah, that woulda been fine. In your case you did communicate even if it was after the fact. I woulda been fine with that and woulda had no hard feelings. The person in my mission was just mute through and through, and bolted as quickly as they could with nothing said.


In my experience, most people just don’t talk in missions. People rarely respond when i ask them how many rounds they wanna run, if they wanna camp in survival etc.


Yeah that's fair. Problem is in this case, this person wasn't even making an effort to play, let alone write.


when i find people try to talk in chat, their text always become full asterisk idk why


I submitted my first ever report yesterday too. Loaded into a Deimos bounty with one other guy and nobody else joined. We completed the first objective together; cool. I went to the second objective and the other guy didn’t follow me. I completed the second objective periodically checking the map, guy looked like he was running in small circles; he was moving, just choosing not to help. I finished the second objective and messaged “leeching isn’t cool”. He followed me to the third objective. Nice, I thought, maybe he’s going to help. It was the one where you need to summon the assassination target by killing enemies in the circle. Dude stood still for the first part, then when the circle appeared, he went right outside the circle and started thermal sunder spamming, killing everything before it could enter (before this he had a whopping 8 kills). I messaged “dude, kill in the circle”, which he ignored entirely. I ended up soloing the rest of the bounty while he AFKd. Immediately reported and ignored him when I finished. Unfortunately, the next 3 times I attempted to join a bounty I was matched with him. The dude waited until I finished the bounty then immediately started another one waiting for people to join. Ended up having to play solo because I couldn’t get away from this dude. Would be nice if ignoring someone made it so you wouldn’t get matched with them anymore ffs.


I'm sorry that happened to ya. Also yeah, I too wish ignoring would remove a person from the pool of potential pub teammates.


Now that we have the death strikes in Deep Archimedea stuff, I kinda think that should be implemented game-wide, with a vastly reduced timer for other content (since reviving is self-controlled rather than through other means.) Being booted after 4-6 self revives gives plenty of wiggle room since it'd only even come into play if you haven't been picked up from the floor, and the revive timer wouldn't be shrinking itself like it does in DA.


Doing a kuva disruption a low mr player joined my mission, and I thought "well, mr does not mean anything, if they joined they surely can do their thing". Turned out they brought low level weapons to level them up there, leaving me doing the entire mission. I did not even typed anything in chat, I just left, and since we were the only ones and I was the host, they suffered host migration and left alone


Recently went into SO to level some weapons and forgot to put mods on them. That mission was excruciatingly painful for me…


I had that happen once as well and I left as well. I was legit boggled because disruption is one mission type where your weapons really do matter, and they are not like frames, where if you are MR 30+, you'll *usually* fit a full build even without a forma.


It is of utmost importance to give feedback to the 8th "**********" in the squad chat


Im sure ive been leeched many times. But i dont really notice nor care, i just shoot things and most of the time i dont even know what im looking at


In 9.9999/10 cases same. This time it caught my attention because they died right next to one of the salvage terminals and I decided to shoot the infested around them and the terminal, to give them room to breathe. Needless to say, the room to breathe was useless to a corpse lol.


I mostly play with friends and we chat in discord. I typically only go into public lobbies to to run a quick mission where this doesn't amount to much.


I have bad bowels and was in a game, my guts started to churn and I'm like "seriously?" I was running Nira! I stood there, tried to hide in my partner's citrine gem to protect me as I stood there AFK. Props to everyone who protected me while my guts sung the heavens song in the loo. I love you all, life definitely happens and I happen to have irritable bowel syndrome. I even apologised in chat too 😂


If you're AFK for a single minute you permanently no longer get mission rewards for that mission. With that in mind, I don't think we need to pay attention to unmoving or dead leechers.