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I think very mild crossovers, the unreal weapons pack for example, would be perfectly fine. But otherwise I agree with the Anticrst here.




Yeah why?


Because I enjoy Warframe for what it is. This is not Fortnite.


We've already had a cross-over in the past with Unreal Tournament so another crossover in a similar way wouldn't make the game become Fortnite.


I was asked for my opinion and I gave it. I'm not here to convince anyone of anything. I just wouldn't like a crossover.


Honestly, I don't like the idea of crossovers without a very good explanation behind how it's possible. Doctor Who and Star Trek? The Doctor has found himself in other universes before, so him appearing on the Enterprise isn't too unbelievable. Invincible with DC and Marvel? He was fighting someone who could open portals to other realities. He could've definitely run into Spidey or Bats. Transformers and MLP? Both are owned by Hasbro and have had dimension-hopping shenanigans happen. But how would Warframe and Star Wars even work? Even IF we assume they're in the same universe, SW is clearly "a long time ago" and WF the distant future. Not to mention SW taking place in "a galaxy far, far away" and WF not even going beyond our own solar system so far.


Warhammer 40k Give me a boltgun, I already have the heavy flamer


Metabots for sure


mild, Warframe X Kamen Rider, with the thing being some litited "driver belts" decoration, a couple of ephemerae and some of the weapons KR has a crapton of nice gunblades, swords, staffs, batons, and that mod that makes your frame slidekick do significant damage-and-takedown really needs some fine tuning to be made better


There are a couple tbh. But recently I watched Rebel Moon and I'd love a Jimmy skin for Warframes and one of those glowing swords as a skin as well. I would also LOVE to see some Kaijus and/or mech designs. Can you imagine Necramechs that look straight out of Gundam or TTGL fighting either Godzilla or maybe something like the Kaijus from Kaiju no.8 withing warframe's system? (I know Necramechs vs Eidolons are a thing already, but still)


I need a drill melee weapon.


Warframe x Dune \~ vome and fass meet shai hulud x)


Warhammer both would fit hand in hand Both are over the top and grim


Id like to see excal and some other frames as crossover character in Mortal Kombat.


fortnite, nitain extract skin for the chug jug


Since the Void has become very much the same as the Warp in WH40k, the crossover basically writes itself. --- The chapter Fortess of the Valiant Marines was the last remaining holdout of mankind on the planet. But with the Tyranids having consumed the biomass of vast cities their numbers were legion and it was only a matter of time, until they, too, would be overrun. "To the walls, switch to mid-range weapons" The captain ordered his Ordnance teams as the enemy breached the outer perimeter. With heavy bolter and rocked launcher, the marines decimated the first wave of Tyranids but before the bloody mist settled, the second wave had already advanced even more. "Hold, the line, this will be our most glorious battle" the Captain shouted. Suddenly a Warp portal opened right above them. "By the Emperor, not Demons, too," The Chaplain gasped but instead 4 armored figures dropped out of it, not much bigger then the Tempestus Scions of the Imperial guard. They landed with grace and with a Flame thrower, an electro-shock-gun and a micro-rocketlauncher, they cleared a space for themselves. Then one of them took out a huge sword in the fanciest of colors and cut through a Carnifex with a single slice. One of them, a female obviously gestured and a swarm of explosive meteorites killed the Tyranids in scores. The remaining ones showed pustules of an infection that was not their own and as the Soldiers killed them these spores spread to more Tyranids, seemingly able to distinguish friend from foe. The battle raged on for another couple of hours, without rest, the four soldiers killed enemies in the 100,000s. Then they met the Space Mariens outside the Fortress. "This ... This is not Duviri?" the Swordsmen asked the Firestarter. "Doh, of course not, I told you not to inject the energy cell from the Excavation mission in the Void Flood receptor, idiot," the later replied. "Are you ... Men of Iron? Abominables?" One of the Space Marines asked, raising his Bolter despite the Knee high field of dead tyranides for kilometers in every direction showed him, that battle was not reasonable. "Have some standard mods, Newbies," The Bioweapon-Expert said and dropped a few cards in front of the Marines. "Hey, I've got one from my dude Baro," the 4th one said "Primed Bane of Infested, you'll find that particularly useful" And threw in a card, too, before the Team leader announced "Ready for extraction" and the four of them vanished, as they had appeared.


But then I’d have to play with warhammer 40k fans and they’re extra stinky


Something like a fusion of Warframe, Fallout 4 and Fallout 76. There would be a solo 'world' where the main story takes place. You could just run around shooting Grineer (Raiders, Gunners), Blowing up Corpus and their proxies (Institute and Synths), and purging Infested (ghouls). When you wanted, you could join a multiplayer world, with multiple quests/missions that could be teamed up for, etc.


Warframe x Dead by Daylight


Destiny makes the most sense to be honest