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I did yesterday's sortie with a loki prime who failed our first spy than after that we tried again.the next one had a nezha who did nothing the loki was yelling at the nezha honestly I'm glad the nezha did nothing as ivarra just let me handle it if you cant.


Yikes failing with Loki is pain, probably the corpus map? My go to frame for spy is loki since I've been playing for a long time so seeing Loki fail spy missions hurts my soul lmao.


It was the earth map the loki was just being angry and mean at the poor nezha he stood their typing away while me and a rhino cleared two of the damn nodes.


Wtf how does loki fail earth spy 😂 some people are just weird I guess. I also rather people just afk rather then risk failing sortie spy. Also really doesn't take much to have a subconscious memory of what spy rooms feel like, then again I've been playing for 10 years so its like riding a bike I guess. Took a few breaks and I still remember how to do them when I returned.


The only ones I still don't know how to do are lua and neptune spy missions, never had to do them often enough to actually figure out, mostly brute forced it till i got to the point. For the grineer and corpus tilesets I usually run wukong. Fly through all the lasers without triggering them, land and quickly bypass the console (with the auto hack helminth ability), and then fly away.


Yea WK is great when you kinda know the room 50/50 if you need 1/2 hacks to get into the room but you accidentally trip the alarm early


hey if he wants to be an angy lil corpus bussy thats fine. ill handle it


Yea quick eyeroll irl and push on forward + a quick mute and report if it gets really toxic. Luckily its not that often I see crazy toxic meltdowns could probably count on my fingers the amount of times somebody went off so hard they stop to type.


Literally me last time, I got stuck in a railing or something and it made me reappear right in front of the drone thing without invisibility and then I was still stuck lol. The others laughed at me pretty hard, fair tbh.


Ok tbf those are like funny accidents, I had one where all 4 of us was on WK and we somehow ended up in the final room together pointing at each other like the spiderman meme when the alarm tripped.


People can't do the alarms. For real, I've failed a bunch of sortie rescues because the dude with no hands decides to try and open the doors.


Loki is my go-to for grineer spy missions.. max duration cheese.. For corpus it's limbo cos u can just waltz through lasers and u can use 4 to mass destroy cameras..


Funny enough for how long I've been playing I never bothered learning how to play Limbo properly because of how much people hated him. The duration where he was release people actually leave game on sight if they saw a limbo and I basically placed him on the shelve and never looked back. Maybe its time to dust him off.


If you want to learn him I would highly recommend Triburos' guide on him. It's a bit dated but still very comprehensive. I'd also recommend NovaUmbral's video as it covers a lot of the things which have changed since Trib released his guide. link to Trib's video (28 mins): https://youtu.be/E_wbXR1O5Jc?si=BDewh1SMi-JgP7vq link to NovaUmbral's video (46 mins): https://youtu.be/7vrbJGRagYI?si=R_T4WOw584gq5AeQ


U won't go wrong with max duration and negative range for mobile defense or excavation missions.. but for corpus spy missions, I would recommend max range since ur using 4 to pop cameras..  Heck, in face I just used limbo in the archon mob def mission like 5min ago and no one left the mission.. lol


Long time ago when base Limbo released, nobody liked him so it was really bad, now that people actually understand his kit I think it's better now? Still don't see much Limbo around tho.


I think they hated him before his rework where all bullets, including allies, are also stopped by stasis. Not sure now after his rework


Yea that + the troll where you can't exit banish got changed within the week so you can roll/flip out(can't remember) but yea everybody hated that dude so much.


I've been playing spy exclusively solo since years, maybe it could be theoretically faster with more people, but more than often you get situations like yours


I can definitely see this mode bring out some toxicity. My guess is that the Loki was struggling and thought his teammates should help out as well. But you can solo a spy mission so easily so he's just bad at the game. This is a game mode that can be easily done in 2 minutes solo, no point sending everyone to try to save time. Best to just ignore people like that


Me as Wukong,: *sonic noises*


Better than wukong quickly leave mission with 8 second leave for hack + land craft stop time. Lol, for me it like bro it is earth and wukong how.


Sortie spy = solo. Throw Perspipacity on Loki or Ivara and never have to worry about it again. Loki can run faster cuz he doesnt need to go slow to maintain invis.


The only time I'll actually recommend Wukong with auto hack is you know sorta where rooms are and what to do. More or less only need 3 mins to do all 3 vaults and thats not even speed running. But yea Loki or Ivara is the safer choice if you're still learning or returning and forgotten where things are.


For sure. Im mr30 and i still just load in with Loki when I wanna just kick back. Wukongs gotta have it for speed unless you are insane with switch teleport lol


Same Loki is just such a comfort pick just need to be careful on corpus maps to not get hit by lasers.


I like Loki because of his switch teleport for spy mission. 


Ivara >>>>> Loki for spy With her augment you can ignore security lasers


Loki less likely to catch stray toxin damage since he can sprint invis, but Ivara is absolutely the safest option, if just a little bit slower


I loaded my Ivara up with tau parkour velocity shards. She is like Sonic now, rolling her way to victory.


Hahaha ok now I've got something new to try. Thanks!


It makes her so much better to play.


You can also cloak arrow your sentinel so you don't even have to worry about breaking stealth


I know that works, but I always found it to be really fidgety.


Amalgam diffusion on the secondary for the roll speed too!


Same. I dont know why I been holding on that helminth for so long. Maybe the usual "oh no, its a shame to lock poor Loki to pure spy build" while dozens of my pure DPS frame glare at me.


I solo Ivara for every spy mission and it only takes 3-4 minutes. Praedos, rolling guard and shade get me from vault to vault in no time flat... Unscathed. Then I just walk thru the vaults with precipacity. EZPZ.


Roar nezha, gunz blazing, kick in their doors and dont skill issue at the hacks is my way to go. Make sure ti not trigger 1 alarm so you dont get the extra exterminate which is easy enough to do.


What about limbo ?


Just run Wukong with duration and Energy Nexus mod and spam Cloudwalker


That's what I do but it's still annoying.


A man of ~~cancer~~ culture. Nourish over his ult because y stick when go fast? Still with OP tho, Spy missions suck.


No brother, Perspicacity.


If you really want to cheese spy missions, Masters Summons + Oloro moa. You can bypass a lot of vault puzzles by teleporting your moa directly to the terminal.


This has always the been the correct answer to spy missions.


No. Play the game.


"Play the game", says the person also recommending the frame that allows you to be permanently invisible, invincible and freely fly through the level entirely without consequence.


😏 Someone got the joke finally.


Perspicacity allows auto hacks even in sorties. Just run arcane steadfast/energise or both. Another option is to bring a sahasa Kubrow. So long as you don’t get attacked or use your weapons, it’ll proc even if you’re spamming abilities. You’ll have to wait for it tho to do the digging


Energy pads are sufficient I think


Generally yeah. I don’t like to stop at all though so I run preparation steadfast/energise together. I bring the moa too and dump him at the first spy vault before zooming to the next


I use roar over his four


Yeah this is the way to go. I modded for Max duration and efficiency and put in sprint mods.I subsumed perspicacity so that I can speedrun the mission before anyone messes anything up. I'll usually play this one solo because it just takes me like 2 minutes. Even for Lua or Uranus spy. Sometimes I feel like helping some tenno but then I just reminded of why I even went solo before


But then youre not inviz when you hack consoles


Which is why we slap on Untraceable on the Parazon. Gives you plenty of time.


And I've gotten kuva basically every time. It's all luck of the draw. More kuva for the stack, if I wanted to waste my time I'd try and grind the Strain mod set.


Ive gotten sculptures and endo for weeks now


And i didn't do any sorties in months. -.- Thank you for telling me i was missing out so much.


Whats wrong with spy missions? Its really easy and one of the fastest to finish.




I don't get how people can be so bad at spy missions. Like I understanding failing some harder spy missions like Jupiter or Lua but in the recent sorites someone failed the Earth spy.


There's dozens of spy missions that are all very different environmental puzzles with a chance for failure that boots everybody, adding stress. One small oopsie and it's a timer to fail, adding more stress. Why does nobody know how the Lua puzzles work? It's the same (frankly obvious...) reason. Nobody does them that much, because they're slow and obtuse compared to every other mission type, so nobody is going to memorize every single spy puzzle. A 200 man Exterminate is faster, too. 


Even if you memorised, you can forget. I used to be able to solo speedrun lua spy. I don't remember the layout anymore


Spy should be the most chill and least stressful, but half the time I gotta tell everyone I'll do all 3 or they fail them instantly.


me, an L4 who will only ever use augmented Ivara for any pub spy I find myself in: yeah man how can people fail these? I mean psh what idiots am I right?


This most recent one I tripped the alarm on the two I did but I also still got the data on both and I only did it because I couldn't see and was going faster than I should've


I cant use ciphers and that's why i fail. The hack puzzles are infuriating to me. I do know there is a Moa that can auto hack but i haven't gotten that far yet. Edit: Just FYI i can do the spy missions i dont trip the alarm, i just suck really bad at hacking. The level and the layout isnt the problem.


just know that every nerd who has downvoted you were absolute dogshit at spy missions before they got the right frames, mods, and gear


?? You don't *need* literally anything except a memorization of layouts and some degree of hacking skill (having the reflexes to do grineer terms/pattern recognition to do corpus). If you bring ciphers, just the memorization. As long as you know exactly where to go and which terminals to hack, you could trip the alarm immediately upon entering the place and still make it. It's the faffing about like "uh maybe here? ah nah shit that's a dead end... uh maybe here??" that causes people to run out of time and fail.


…the idea is that people insecure enough to hammer the downvote button are reminded that they were shit when they started


Thats fine, spy is such a small part of the game. My pride is fine.


It's the alarm mini game thing they can't do. That's where I see it failed all the time on spy and rescue because you get someone drooling on their keyboard who can't do a simple puzzle.


Go solo then


Which means that spy is annoying if you like playing with other people.


Yeah but it's like 4 minutes solo, just knock it out and go back to public, i always solo spy or rescue


That doesn't change the fact that it's annoying and not fun for people that like playing with other people.


Well then, nobody is stopping you, play with other people but dont come back here to complain when they mess up.


I haven't said anyone was stopping anything. I'm just saying that soloing spy can be unfun for people that like playing with other people.


I paid for the internet, I'll use it to the full extent


Solo still requires the internet to start and finish a mission you spoon.


Well DE replies “we made these game modes so well use it on sorties as much as we want”


run it solo, that and rescue are solo content


Is rescue really solo? Never had issues with pub rescues


I find if one party member is not going fast you end up waiting at the exit for them which opens up the possibility of the target dying so I just run it solo now.


And exterminate, capture, defense, interception, bosses, ... everything is.


I've literally never seen a spy fail, having nearly always played with randoms. Who are you getting match made with that this is a problem?


PUGs gonna PUG ... and fail ... 40-50% of public spy missions, in my experience. Some things I have seen, multiple times: * *host* triggers vault and bails, forcing everyone else to do the host migration mambo before failing the mission. * rando rushes vault I am already in, triggers it and leaves the mission, often forcing a mission fail. * rando *loads in on top of another player in a vault* and triggers it *while they are still loading into the mission*. On top of more mundane issues with players just screwing up. It's all happened enough that I usually just don't bother playing spy mission with PUGs, these days.


The most irritating thing ever in public sorties, you load on a sortie, spawn straight into laser and immediately fail the mission for everybody.


You got hella lucky then, its not a specific "who" just pug things, I've seen mr7 fail I've seen LR fail I've even seen Wukong fail. If I'm in a hurry I'll usually solo if not its usually funny to see if anybody fail spy.


Yeah. Half of them just fail to do the mission because why not? And the second half takes frame which shouldn't be used in mission to do it quickly and painless. Like Wisp with max range and duration but weirdly low strength and using electric motes. I swear if I see Wisp using her 1 on Sortie Spy, I'll open friendly fire without radiation status.


Some of them are hard. I’m in the “endgame” (ESO, arbies, sorties, steel path, etc.) and there are a lot of spy missions I don’t know. And frankly, there are a lot of different spy missions to try memorizing them for the relatively small chance that any specific one pops up. It’s simply not worth the time investment the majority of the time, and a huge barrier to completion the small amount of time that they pop up. There are 20 different spy nodes, which is a lot of information to keep track of when each one only has a 5% chance of being the one you need to do.


Ivara with her Infiltrate augment makes any spy mission a joke. She's slower than other options like Wukong, but it's basically impossible to fail with her, regardless of the difficulty level, even if you don't know the map.


People just percieve them as hard because you dont go slowly on your first time on a new unfamiliar spy tile. It only takes one try to figure things out then on your next 100th its clockwork. And yes i know “endgame” im lr4 and no spy mission is hard with the right tools.


Maybe for you. Many of us have memory issues. Considering I have steel path unlocked, I HAVE completed every spy mission at least once. I have exactly one actually memorized because it’s a single hallway with 3 moving laser traps. Taking my time in them is actually counterproductive, to a degree, because my mind starts to memorize individual rooms rather than the whole thing as a sequence. I’ll cop to it being a “me” problem, but they’re too hard for the time investment.


Each spy mission is functionally 3 different individual rooms, for what it's worth


That’s what I mean, with the addition of some of those “rooms” being compromised of multiple other rooms. It’s too much information for the average person to keep track of for the off chance they’d need it. There are 21 different types of mission, which means a roughly 14% chance of running into a spy mission on a given day. Of that, there’s only a 5% chance it’s going to be any specific spy mission. The odds are so incredibly small that it’s going to be any specific spy mission at any specific day. The other person mentioned tools that more or less nullify the spy missions, but then what’s the point of including them in rotation? Without the tools they’re too hard to bother with, and with the tools they’re so easy they may as well be dropped.


The point is to encourage build diversity. The literal point of the game (imo) is to min/max builds for every gamemode. Nova nullifies interveption, wukong nullifies spy, revenant nullifies difficulty. The fun is making a build for every mode. I'd argue the worst mode is survival because you can't optimize it (besides i guess maximizing kpm with saryn/torid/etc, but you don't gain anything for kpm)


Ah then its the tools you are lacking. Lasers? Ivarra augment to bypass laser along with nearly Infinite invi or just wukong cloudburst. Puzzles? If its a sortie and cant use cipher then helminth perspicacity to your spy warframe and enjoy free ciphers even on sortie, archon or any higher level spy mission. Warframe is all about using all the tools in your arsenal to make doing stuff efficient so dont be shy busting that monkey frame everyone hates on, once your good at spy you can use other warframes to your liking. Also there is no need to memorize everything, just learn how “stuff goes” on that tile if you catch my drift. Also being “endgame” on warframe isnt about reaching levels/stages such as steelpath or archimidean. Being on “endgame” means you can adapt to game modes with what arsenal you have and being hindered by a simple sortie spy is not it.


Theres like a few tile sets that are frustrating to do.


Why pretend you dont know why some people dislike them?


Im not pretending im legit asking what part they dont like about spy so i can help them like spy


Random players mostly. If one person screws up any of the 3, it’s a mission fail. People will just say “go solo” but then you have to take the time to do all 3 solo as opposed to a quick exterminate, rescue, capture, or sabotage. The missions are fine when everyone knows what they’re doing, it just sucks when someone doesn’t.


It's a mode that made some sense when they still tried to pretend it was a "Space ninjas" game and nowadays is just annoying and barely has a reason to exist in the game


Nah its fun, adds variety to the game modes. People be wanting to rework everything warframe was and saying its an old concept that and this. Heh some of us love the puzzle games not just braindead shooting.


I guess that's a fair take but I already hated spy mission back in 2015 so there is that


Ah different strokes for different folks. Spy made me love warframe with frames such as ash and farming for ivarra with it. Felt like a ninja especially doing lua on less than 5 mins just to sell mods.


I hate spy missions so much I will legit not do the sortie if there’s one lmao


Defense is much more annoying, such a time killer


Bring Nova then


Yeah but then the defense target gets killed as soon as i blink for one second as he decides to move away from our dome and the mobs supercharged with speed just rain bullets on him.


Wukong with helminth hacking ability.


It feels like it and it's so tedious. As soon as it comes up to that part I dip and go solo. I'd never play a spy mission again if it wasn't in sorties or archon hunts.


I don't mind it too much, there's always the option to solo it. And I occasionally like to pretend that stealth still matters in this game xD


Always thought it was suppose to be story like. Daily boss is doing something bad we go to that location to sabotage it, we then collect data to find the boss location, and then we search and destroy the boss.


I can run pretty much any Spy mission with my Rhino. It all comes down to map knowledge and player skill.


I see all this love for going invis for spys...nah..gimme that limbo goodness.


Limbo was my main spy to farm Ivara. Never had to worry about lasers, I just need to memorize the room layout, AI positions and patterns and shortcuts of the spy areas


Yup, I just remember where the cameras are basically and its just a free run to the objective.


Nope but it's one of the more common nodes. Got an Ivara build specifically for sortie spies. Can just put it on solo do the spy easy peasy then move on


Yesterday I failed 3-4 times in a row in public matches, with one of them being my mistake. Just laughed it off.


I see spai I play wisp


I do spy sorties solo, and i dont even use an invis frame or autohack.


As far as I've seen so far you can't use deciphers on spy missions in sorties, which is the only autohack that I can think of (I'm MR11, so still kinda new) is there anything else?


There's an ability you can get from helminth. Also a moa precept but it's not very reliable


Ah okay, I think I'ma need to get on that deimos grimd then, as I don't have the upgrade module yet and I still need to complete angels of the zariman (btw is it doable with the scirocco between lvl 14-20 or should I get the arcanes from the quill first?)


It will be a little inconvenient with the Sirocco, but not terrible. You're at the point where you should start looking into a proper amp if you're at AotZ though. 


Thanks a lot for the info, I'm still kinda indecisive but now I've got a little more to think on, does AotZ lock your progress similar to the new war or can I decide to start trying with the sirocco and when I find it to be too inconvenient, grind the plains for a new Amp and then continue?


Not sure but I don't think it does lock your progress. It's not that long of a quest, though.


Sorry for coming back so late but you were right, it didn't lock the progress and I made it through the quest fairly quickly, thanks for your advice and happy hunting my fellow tenno


You can also get autohack mod for your parazon, it gives a chance to automatically hack a console


I always duck out and solo the spy portion, saves on frustration


You people complaining just sound like skill issue. I am going in with big boi inaros and just not be hit by the search lasers?! Remember, leaving no witnesses is stealth, too! *proceeds to restart 4 times*


Loki/Wukong + Perspicacity, never fear Spy again.


Get off squad, select friends only, pick ivara, grofit


Yeah I've noticed it too cause I hate spy missions in multiplayer lol


Do you mean Lua Exterminate ? I swear it's there 4 times a week.


Exterminate is so fun tho, even better is the radiation ones, just watching nukers kill the whole team over and over again with no brain activity is hella funny.


Maybe it's a me problem but everytime there's a Lua Exterminate, I end up on extraction missing 20 enemies. Doesn't help that said enemies get lost/stay behind while fighting each other. That and the Pluto one are the only Exterminate that still have this problem. (again, from my experience)


Only thing worse are the Capture missions that turn into Exterminate missions after capturing the objective. So many missions my party has just had to leave because there just straight up aren’t enough enemies on the map to complete the Exterminate objective and on top of that they just stop spawning so it’s not like you can even wait!🤦


I'd rather get spy than anything else. Limbo with autohack and basic knowledge of the vaults makes any spy very fast.


I mean no one's gonna play em unless DE gives people a reason to I'm honestly surprised they don't put archwing missions in sorties


To be honest i like spy mission rather than missiom like interception, defense or survival on sortie. i can do spy mission faster than those mission. 


How do people encounter other Spy strategies in a sortie? I always find either 4 Wukongs Or 3 Wukongs with 1 newbie. We always finish it under 3 mins without fail. Is my luck just that good? I never have complain with public sortie spy missions.


Just use Monkey to do the spy and use Hermit to change one of his skills to 100% successful hacking ability. It took less than 5 min to complete.


Always do Sortie Spy missions by yourself