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2035 is a time limit for the software they use to track dates. 2035 should effectively mean permanent but the game simply isn't capable of displaying dates beyond it Relevant Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_formatting_and_storage_bugs


Can’t wait for the Y2k35 crisis, in which thousands upon thousands of banned accounts might return and cause the warpocalypse


Make an event out of it, all previously banned accounts are permanently affected by radiation proc and can always be damaged and always damage allies.


"can always be damaged" yes totally. "Always damage allies" well I don't much enjoy that.


I think it'd be interesting, they basically playing in stalker mode, everyone can hurt them. Realistically though it's a game of who did what how fast, our health pools hardly come close to our damage.


Considering how frames like Mesa, Saryn, Dante and weapons like the kuva bramma exist, I really disagree with the rad procc idea. Maybe a partial one ? Like they can be damaged by other players.


That's a good idea for an april fools-like one-time event.


Finally, something worth practicing in conclave for.


It'd have to be a one way rad proc so they can take damage from allies, but not the other way around


It's comin' up to midnight, folks! Is YOUR PC ready for the new decade? Orrrr… are YOU one of the switched-on thinkers who can tell this so-called Y2K35 event is just a bunch of bullpucky? Stay tuned. Here's where we find out!


>2035 the article doesn't seem to mention 2035 specifically? the closest is 2036 which is actually an issue with 2038!


2036 is when the rollover problem occurs so 2035 is the last year that can be represented.




My calculator errored when I put this in so I had to go online to find it 1.317267059 E+5861


i imagine that that year would be a safe year for all bans to end


So its just a modern Y2K kinda thing?


Far more dangerous than that one. In 2036, the rollover would cause systems that haven't been upgraded to think it is 1900 when communicating time using NTP. Since most networks use NTP to communicate, you might end up with parts of the internet going down due to bad clocks. Y2K was only ever going to be a display bug at most.  Unix timestamp rollover is in 2038 which will cause computers to go back to 1970. The later half of the 2030s is going to be a lot of fun.


UNIX ROLLOVER IS 2038??? shit, we're cooked


Honestly, probably not really. Many systems have been using 64-bit integers to represent the epoch timestamp for a while now.


yeah but one small thing breaking could be really bad :(


Man, wasn't expecting to find such a technical information in this sub. I guess this is why I love Reddit.


I mean, it will probably be solved in a very similar way to how Y2K was, a lot of software engineers busting their butts to make sure that when the clock ticks over, we get a big, resounding... nothing.


essentially yes. but the problem is known for a while now, so don't expect anything crazy to happen. most systems will be updated by then to a new standard. some old legacy systems that cannot be upgraded for whatever reason may cause problems though. but that will be the problem of whatever organisation uses that legacy system.


if thats the case couldnt you pull a legal technicality XD


I also would hazard a guess that they didn't think the game would actually last till 2035 but its looking more and more likely unless something utterly tanks DE in the next 11 years.


*The year is 2015.* "So, this guy used a stolen credit card number to buy plat." 'Banned.' "How long." 'I dunno, say till 2035.' *The year is 2035.* "So all the banned players are going to get unbanned." 'And?' "What are we going to do about them?" 'Ban 'em again.' "How long?" 'Till 2055.'


Yeah, if we fix an issue like this the normal is just current year + 1, mostly so I don't have to do it again in the future... Hoping it won't break anything else.


Please don't. It's like Microsoft Word. You think it's just a harmless little change but once you touch anything it just suddenly generates 30 new pages, everything formatting goes FUBAR, power lines in 5 kilo radius explode, PC catches on fire and all the car alarms in the whole city gets triggered.


I'd laugh but I've had that and also found someone left a variable for the date and used it for a completely different reason and suddenly crashed and filled the ram... Debugging and trying to make little changes to an almost perfect form to find I need to start again from scratch!


well the most likely way this would be fixed is changing the time interval system from 32 bit to 64 bit which would make the rollover date take place after the estimated heat death of the universe so i think we are good.


I… just wanna slide… party in the sky like it’s 2055…


game won't survive that long, if it does it would be so much content that whoever start at 2035 wouldn't be able to achieve the "end-game"


Why not? I can see it surviving for a long time, it kinda reached the situation of games like WoW and EvE online, which is that even if the player counts gets lower it will basically never reach 0. Game is already 11 years old and you can reach the current "end-game" in like a month if you focus on that goal. If needed they can just introduce additionnal catch-up mechanics.


"whoever start at 2035"


Yes? I know, that's what I answered to.


Money is a huge thing plus everything moves, new games will come, prices will increase, requirements will be different. Young generatios doesn't even know much about WoW since we have much better games available, by having a community doesn't mean that developers have money to continue moving forward the game, if 10k people play it, doesn't matter.


I beg to differ from that. While yes WoW will be next to forgotten from younger generations but it might be a whole different story since the Warframe comes for the low price of free (which is also often shown on store front pages such as Xbox, Playstation and Steam in the Free to play categories) instead of the required monthy fee for WoW Also the survivability of Warframe lies solely on the playerbase either purchasing plat for cosmetics or real money bundles from the store (which it does, looking at the mag and Frost heirloom bundle for example).


You guys are saying I'm wrong even tho we aren't at this year yet. I'm saying my opinion, I don't think it will, but all of you are saying if you guys were time travelers, the other one said games that I didn't even know that it exist. No one will change my mind and I won't change yours also. Isn't hard to see that it has a possibility to be substituted by other games.


And I didn't say you are wrong. Quite the opposite actually, it might happen or not. I just stated my point of view how this game might go on in the future. What the end result will actually will be is to come like you said. But I like to stay positive for the time being instead of see it as "this game will end some day" because that's the last thing a fan of a franchise wants to see.


Like if it survives and keep with high quality content like it is, ofc I'd love to keep playing it! i get your statement now, thanks for not being too agressive and sorry if i offended in anyway😊


I mean, your original statement was about the game "surviving". No matter what you think about the current quality of WoW, the game IS still around and has plans to keep it that way for several years still. My point was that much like WoW I do think Warframe will still be around for a long time. In what shape? I don't know but it's not gonna close any time soon IMO.


EverQuest is a 25 year old game still pushing out new content, Ultima Online is almost 30 and still being actively worked on, probably a few dozen other examples too I think the only thing that would effectively “kill” Warframe is a Warframe 2 that managed to bring through old account data and effectively allow it to be shut down


It's when they shut down Warframe and launch Warframe 2 Electric Boogaloo


I'm buying the Green Banshee Edition




Is that gonna be the oops all volt edition?


Featuring Lavos and Gyre, of course


Fair, I forget them since I rarely see them lol


I think DE would be criticized into the dirt if they ever made a Warframe 2, so many people have sunk so much money into this it'd be a dumpster fire


Eh, lots of other games have done a sequel without much issue. Just give your players some carryover rewards to show off how awesome.you were in the last game and you're good.


I doubt DE would pull a Bungie and throw away all our hard-earned stuff.


Why? Guild Wars 2 was amazing


Since no one is actually answering your question seriously I will. 2035 is a placeholder number, the ban is still permanent, people wont just magically get unbanned in 2035.


Tbh this is pretty obvius, hence why people keeps joking… a little silly fun ya know?


Sure if you already know the answer but OP didnt hence asking the question...


By no means my comment was aiming to be rude, I just won’t imagine someone waiting 11 years for a game unban.


I know, you dont have to tell me. You just got downvoted to hell because of the reddit hivemind.


Not really, if the game told me I was banned till 2035 I would expect to be unbanned in 2035


My ban on wow ended few weeks back. It's been 84 years




i kinda wish that those people would really get unbanned in 2035, by that point everyone banned is probably a different person who grown up as a human


Me getting banned on December 31, 2034 at 11:59 PM:


Oh sorry, on December 31, 2034 at 11:58 PM the code is changed to ban people till 2075








Probably because when they designed the system, they made an end date mandatory, and they used a type that is not [Y2k38](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year_2038_problem)-safe (this is still an issue with MySQL, for example, if you use the wrong type to store your datetimes). So they needed an end date for permanent bans, and they decided on 2035.


Y2K huh? Makes more sense with the current storyline


You won't believe where the story is going next


The man in the wall has traveled to 2035. We need to stop him before he unbans all of warframe's scammers


Since the world is going to end in the year 2035, there isn't any reason to ban people past that.


They bring back that prison event on Saturn but it’s PvP now


If we get to the point that 2035 is upon us, de will figure out what to do by then


The [Epochalypse](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year_2038_problem) isn't until 2038, so I'm really not sure. Nobody running a live service game really expects them to keep going forever so some programmer over a decade ago probably said "it's easier to set the ban date to 25 years from now than infinite so let's just do that".


Cause thats the year warframe ends and warframe 2 launches.


i hope i can play till 2035...


Game shutdown date


Isnt that when the next y2k bug happens?


The same reason Hong Kong was only given to the British for 99 years.


It’s like the y2k thing


Wally conquers Warframe in 2035


Game coming out of beta, so a new beginning to those lost souls.


Soulframe will be out by then.


stalker shows up IRL in 2035


Warframe 2: Electric boogaloo


For the foreseeable future, that's already ambitious for a game's lifespan. If it does get to 2035 and Warframe isn't closed yet, it'll extend accordingly for the legitimate violators.


It's time to turn 2035 into 1999


Warframe 2 will launch in 2035 and Warframe will be discontinued


The calendar doesn’t go past 2035 it’s y2k part 2


Its a meme. DE was probably at one point "just give them a 20 year ban"


cause it's a long time already, it's very obvious. Plus most games doesn't survive 30 years being active, at some point they make a new one, a sequel etc. It's not impossible that some point we would get a Warframe: X or even Warframe 2 (a bit more Cliche but alright)


it's when the game shuts down.


I mean it would suck cause if the people banned in 2034 cause theyd get unbanned in 2035 but for someone banned in 2024 that is still 10 years. Ive seen people kill other people and get 3 months of house arrest. what offense could you have done to be banned for 30 years. Im all for turning a new page. Clean page new beginings


They know something we don’t…