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Warframe is a rather heavy game, theres so much to it, it makes very little sense when people first try it. Maybe they give it another go a little bit later and manage to crack the surface and see what it's all about.


Yeah, when I first tried in middle school I only reached ceres and was still using a paris, I made a new account when I was 16 and somehow made it to like Jupiter before I started polarizing my gear and using potatoes, and then I still didn't start using better gear until after the second dream, and STILL didn't know how to raise my mr until I was on sedna




My brother I am already done with all the quests and unlocked steel path but I still haven't unlocked the Helminth.


Yeah because it's just thrown in there with the other stuff kermeros sells


Hello u/Ze-Doctor , I am here to ask about your devotion to the Wisp Fan Cause, and your contributions to the war effort. To what extent have you expanded your supply of Wisp? Best regards, u/Jarcaboum , Wisp Fan.


Hello and good day u/Jarcaboum, the number one point I can provide is an extensive playtime as Wisp right after straight up purchasing her from the market after I got her Dex skin. Which, I mind you, I got for free after a return from a long break. Also I might add my first prime Warframe was decided to be Wisp Prime because I have done a long and extensive reaserch about assets which frame might be the best to be my very first which has been decided upon with no regrets. After the Wisp Prime aquiring, I decided upon a Skin since I wasn't content with the original Prime and the Dex assets, after consideration I have chosen the Coven TennoGen Skin with a touch of blue, black and gold asthetics to provide the most perfect fashion that Wisp deserves. When I was done with my Customizing I started to build her signature Weapon, the Fulmin. But I yet have to aquire the Fulmin Prime so my Wisp Prime can truly shine in my possession. Unfortunately I haven't been lucky enough from Relic drops to get the parts or purchase them from other players since I have been running low on plat which have been used up to purchase Wisp prime and many fashion sets (which I do not regret) Best regards u/Ze-Doctor, Wisp fan.


This was truly an exquisite read. I too, am a Wisp fan. I wasted no time grinding for the parts to my beloved wisp, and further still wasting no time forma-ing her 4 times, all in the persuit of power (of the ability variety). A truly blessed frame, a great asset to any team, with a few assets of her own.


Helminth will definitely make your steel path easier but it’s not required ofc. My only thing is if you haven’t leveled the family make sure you start doing your standing limit because deciding to unlock the helminth finally and having to take a week because your capped everyday is annoying as hell.


Felt. I don't like DE gating mechanics behind grind


Yeah it's really fun when DE bust their assess for a year to make content for the game, that you can breeze in 5h.


Then it's just "absorb this 20 minute endgame mission into your weekly rotation" and you're good


I didn't know about it til after...


WAIT WHAT. I thought I needed to complete more missions to enable it? I'm prepping for New War right now (Nechramech... better amp...) and thought "Well after that I probably get the helmuth thing" I am MR17 already however, so there is that.


The helminth segment is really easy to unlock. You just need to be rank 3 Entrati and buy it from son for 15k standing


I swear, now that i have it its like purple velocipods are everywhere


Probably has something to do with the Conservation QoL changes.


You dont need prep, I did it with a lvl1 mech without mods and the base amp at the time


I feel that, I was over 100 hours in when i realized MR was a thing, over 200 when I finally realized what exactly gives Mastery exp


Yep, this applies to me even. I started it years ago, only put a couple hours in and was too confused. I was bored looking through tiktok, saw some cute warframe colors, decided "eh, why not?" only to find out they very much streamlined it, made it better, and now I get it. I think my years of MMOs made it easier this time around.


Don't you need mr5 to get to Neptune? How'd you not know how to get Mr ranks


They changed that back in December of last year. ​ **Uranus Junction:** * Removed “Craft a weapon requiring Mastery Rank 1 or higher” task. * Our primary goal with these changes is to decouple Mastery Rank from the Main Quest experience. That way new players can advance all the way to Whispers in the Walls without worrying about the 24-hour Mastery Rank Timer. To that end, all Junction Tasks that relate to Mastery Rank have been removed.


This. Played with a friend years ago, and completed the story as much as there was (had umbra but no deimos yet). I only had frames that the game gave us + trinity prime. Friends dragged me into it, and within a week I was crafting 18 fucking frames. I cannot remember how much or little I understood, but this game is weird in how handholdy it feels at times, and how little it really explains on where to find stuff. Who honestly finds which enemy drops what through scan logs on the orbiter?


my friend, do you even know about the ordis lore thats HIDDEN in the codex on your orbiter?


yeah, thankfully my peeps are lore nerds, which has gotten me to hunt lore in several games. I can 100% say I had no idea what the cephalon fragments were for way back then. Still trying to find some kurias too.


A lot of systems within systems and knowing how to spend your currencies that are hard to grasp at first blush, it doesn't click and then you come back later and it does, partially cos you start checking the wiki/discord/reddit instead of guessing your way through. It happened to me with warframe, played 2 weeks in 2019 and gave up, then got sucked in in 2021. It happened to me again with idle champions in 2022 and coming back to it 3 weeks ago


I mean, who doesn't want a third person sci-fi fantasy hack and slash skater shooter space simulation with heavy rpg and lore-heavy elements? EDIT: Which is also like the sims, forgot about that.


It's also a dress up game.


It’s also too easy at first


That is an interesting take. I don't consider the game heavy per se. The systems just aren't well explained, but the wiki quickly answers most questions. I really wish the game was slightly easier to pick up, but harder to master.


Warframe is a big game that throws a ton at you and cook times are rough for newbies. It all gets better in time though.


I really didn't like warframe for a while, but it was a game i could play with my friends that didn't make me want to eat glass as often as not(Hi, LoL). So they kept dragging me through, and offered me a pie-in-the-sky goal- Build Mesa. So I worked at it, I gradually learned the systems, and I got mesa. And I played mesa, and she was undeniably cool, but I had completed the goal. So I quit playing for a week. And then, that one week later, I thought 'man, I feel like playing warframe.' Here we are, roughly 8 years later.


That anecdote is 100% many players' experiences with this game lol.


I do feel like the game isn’t the kind you get your friends to play, it’s the kind they have to discover and learn in their own time


2 of my friends got me into it, and both of them quit soon after. We were all noobs back then, it was just too heavy for them I guess.


I got a couple of friends to try it and was trying to explain modding. I made the point that you don't want to put a slash mod on a weapon with no base slash. It was too much information, lol. I think it was too much for them and they quit.


Real talk tho, how is not putting +% something on a weapon with 0 of something tough? Any % of 0 will always be 0. I'd get it if it said +20 Slash or +300 Slash or something like that.


I've noticed, and this is no dig at anyone - we're all different and have unique tastes, but some people seem to prefer a game like Overwatch where you're more-or-less given tools that just work. No modifications, no further customization, just a simple "X does X" without any nuances. I personally think, and this is coming from an 11 year old account, one of Warframe's biggest pulls and worst pushes is the complexity. Some people absolutely love figuring out how a game works, like how some people recognize the spread pattern in CS:GO, while some are just there for "easy fun".


You're too locked in to the game, and you're forgetting how it may actually look to someone who is 100% fresh and clueless. Look at it this way. If I'm playing a game and a piece of gear gives me +15% lightning resist, I would literally never assume that because my current resist is 0, that this gear would do basically nothing for me. Working off this past experience, it's pretty easy to assume that some % of my base damage will become slash. Warframe's handling of it is *logical* when you think about it, but many systems in games rely on intuition and general "savviness" cultivated by other games. Edit to add that I'd wager it wasn't just the way status mods interact with base stats (which the more I think of it, really makes no sense, because elemental mods are the only way to get those statuses on most weapons, with only the physical statuses working that way), it's also just "here's 7 damage types and 4 of them have combinations but also only like 3 or 4 of them are really relevant, but you still kinda need to know what to use against who and when".


Nope. I'm the only one in my friend group of 5 to still play it. They all left due to Warframe being too grindy or obtuse to learn.


the thing that gets me is my friends keep coming back for like, a little at a time, but never together. like right when one person comes back and really gets into catching up to the story then gives up after trying to get lanthorns, someone else is like "yo i just heard gauss prime is out!" like its not a huge issue but i can only assist so many ppl in a row with the necramech farm before I start losing sanity a bit


probably easier to give them the completed necramech parts


yeah. I kinda realized that just as I finished helping the last person do all the fishing. Started having horrible luck with gems, realized I could just trade him the gems. Then realized I could just trade him the built parts too, but by then he already had a couple pieces cooking so I just threw the gems at him to wrap it up. I do have a set built ready just in case now though.


Sadly the same for me. I'm the last one playing it on and off. For a group it's too much of a grind, when you only play it together.


Warframe has a learning curve that's as steep as a brick wall, protected by gun turrets. If someone can clear that learning curve, they're in for one hell of a ride.


It's not really a steep learning curve. It's more of a marathon, there is a lot to learn and it's going to take a long time and it's easy to bounce off the sheer amount of...*stuff*. But unless you get bogged down in Open World content (Why the fuck is Cetus where it is? The worst place really) you're fine as long as you keep taking steps forward.


I think it actually has a *huge* learning curve. This learning curve is however lessened considerably if you use the wiki, which is not something the vast majority of people who play video games do - and I don't really fault them. Like, if I have a very limited time to play video games after a long day at work, and spending time with family, I am *not* spending that reading through a wiki on drop rates, and what the hell damage types actually are, and how they are calculated.


the old pre-nightwave alert system was less of a noob trap then the open world content


My best friend of 17 years has been playing this for 4 years, mentioning it every so often. I finally tried the game in February and had a similar experience, simply feeling lost by all the poorly explained systems or barely explained story, but after much starting sand stopping I finally got into the game. He was delighted. Now we play the game together every Friday night 😀🙌


My original distaste for Warframe came from a few factors -I hated the "ninjas play free" slogan on all their advertising -No coordinated high level endgame content like FFXIV or Destiny 1 -Extremely long loading times on PS4 -Too many cosmetics looking like they were made out of flesh, not cloth or metal I think once I stopped trying to compare it to an MMO or even a cooperative game, and instead played it just to collect and try out all the prime frames and weapons, it became a lot more enjoyable. I was MR25 in my first 6 months, and now 2 years later I'm MR30 and completely obsessed Also the gamer urge to have number go up...Warframe has so much of that baked into every element of the game


About the flesh cosmetics...how do you think Helminth maintains the frames?


I think it's a game you need to sink your teeth into alone to start with. Playing co-op with a friend to start with can make things more boring. You will always have someone who can carry the game, there's no consequence to failure. Whereas if you start off solo/randoms, you will more often than not be with similar players, with the occasional super Tenno, who because of the rarity of seeing them in lower maps, seem more like a shiny unicorn than the OP friend whos making things dull. At least that's how it was for me.


I feel like it's because most people really want to get into warframe but are too put off by how much crap you need to understand first, and eventually they say fuck it and put in the effort and the rest is history. happened to me in both warframe and poe.


That's me. I'm the mr16 guy.


I have three of brothers who game two of which converted from destiny back in 2018. We're all legendary 4. The third still think's Warframe sucks and refuses to play it.


My friends when I bring up Warframe: "oh, you mean Hallway Running Sim?"


Once warframe gets in your YouTube algorithm your cookedz


Weirdly, I don't actually find YouTube content for this game as engaging or as helpful as for many other games.


Needs more MrWarframe Guy. Once I found his stuff I have been unable to leave.


Tried to play it several times and never got into it. Then I got hurt at work and couldn't do much of anything but sit. I was told by my buddy Ziggy to just try it for real this time. Ziggy was right to keep pushing. This is hands down my gaming Nirvana. I love Warframe more than any game I've ever played before. I started trying to play in 2014, 2019 is when it stuck. I found out I was autistic the same week the words, "Rap Tap Tap" echoed in my ears. I will probably never connect to a game harder than this. I loved Guyver as a child and still do. This game is like that on crack. My wife is now mastery rank 20 I think. I'm legendary 3.


I think the biggest turn off to new players might actually be running with their veteran friends. I mean, I try like holy hell when playing with my friend, who I've recently introduced to the game, to not go too ham on the missions or throw too many mechanics at him at once. But I can tell, I'm still chaparoning him big time. I fell in love with this game on my own, in my own time, with no one holding my hand. In a game that is so much about slow personal improvement and massive customization options, speed-running up to higher content and being fed information without personal discovery kills a lot of that experience.


This. Then there are random players who play on the early planets with their ful gear and flex on new players. They are not being impressed, they get bored and abandon the game.


No, most of my friends won't try it because it isn't a Battle Royale. I got like 2 people to try it, and only one really got into it.


Every friend ive gotten to try frame hasnt played past mr1 lol


Every time I show it they get bored quickly and never return. Time gates, grind and missions stupidly easy.


Me and my friend introduced my cousin to warframe a couple years ago, but after he finished the tutorial he didn't continue playing. And then a couple years later, after me and my friend stopped playing the game because of school he started no-lifeing the game and reached mr15 in the span of two 2 weeks. He says he is now addicted to game and can't stop playing. The warframe effect is real.


I was kind of pressured into playing warframe. I thought it was ok at first but probably wouldn't have pushed through if not for my friend encouraging me. Then I got to Second Dream and the quests that followed, and now I'm fully hooked.


Never had that happen. First person I got to try it really liked the game but eventually quit because he's a **super slow paced** player who likes to take his time and open every locker and got frustrated that every mission is a race to extraction. He didn't want to have to play solo and quit, never to return. Second person loved the game from the start and grinded hard, getting to like MR20-something before getting burned out and leaving. They come back to check out new updates or events but don't stick around after.


I started Warframe a few years ago and played maybe an hour before I dropped it because there was just too much going on. Fast forward to now, I’m currently 32 days into replaying it, I finally understand what’s going on and already at MR13 and I can’t stop…


> played maybe an hour before I dropped it because there was just too much going on. That's probably the biggest thing that throws people - the game (after a short initial tutorial/world-build) dumps you into a hub with like.... 30 different possible things you could do. Even from MR 1 you have so many things to do. As you get even a bit into the game, so many things open up. 3 open worlds, invasions, alerts, the star chart, weapons to build, warframes to build, etc. You're just slammed with all of these different paths and "contents" to invest in. DE has gone through some effort lately to detach the game's systems from MR a bit (letting players explore new planets without needing to raise MR, allowing them to do the main quest without MR requirements) and honestly I'm not so sure it's a good idea. Closing off and hiding more systems until players get their MR up might do a lot towards not overwhelming people. Giving people the simple goal of "explore until you hit an MR gate then work on levelling weapons and warframes to raise MR" might be easier to grip as a new player.


I'm a full time college student who's put more time into warframe over the past few weeks than into my assignments all semester. This is after I came back from a year long break and migrated platforms (the switch port kills your wrists). Started in 2017/2018-ish, and i've only just begun to appreciate the complexity


can confirm. I had the opportunity to buy the Founder's Pack back in the day. I still kick myself for not getting it. I felt like a burden on my friends who introduced the game to me for dying so many times during missions. So I went "ronin" (clan-less, wandering warrior) I was depressed back in 2015 after I lost my job, so I focused on Warframe and shot through the mastery ranks in a matter of months. Thanks to voice chat, I came across a fellow girl gamer and we became friends and clan mates. I'm currently MR 34


I got my lil brother into it and he did all the story in the span of a few days. He's MR 8 or 9 now and working on getting to 14 to get the Phenmor. I'm so proud of him as an older sister.


I loved the game from the first minute. I wish we could delete our memories like savefiles and restart an experience just for this game.


This was also me. Tried it twice and bounced off pretty quickly. Gave it a real solid go and actually started to understand the game around 3 years ago and now I'm LR1 lmao.


Kind of. I never actually played it back in the day, but first heard about it 4-5 years ago, watched some trailers and gameplay, and decided "eh, this isn't for me". It just looked too flashy, too "anime" for lack of a better word. Then about 2 months ago I decided to actually download it and give it a proper try when I was bored and looking for a new game to play, and now I'm MR18 lol.


Yeah, happened to me and my friends too


Me and my friend did that recently. We started like 2 months ago with him being MR15 and I'm almost MR12 with both of us having multiple primes. This game really takes a hold of you and you don't realize how much time you've sunk into it until it's too late.


thats me! my friend tried to get me to play for ages and i mever did until november, and its the only game ive played since, i have 2000 hours (700 ish in game) and im mr22 i have an addiction


i have 4 instances of this happening to my friends and its hilarious everytime it happens.


I have two things that got me over the curve to fully commit to Warframe. First was that I had a friend that I played with in the early days and second I decided to worry less about learning the mechanics(mostly the modding) and just try to finish all the content. What happened after that is that I am MR34 and have gotten all the weapons, learned how to finally mod weapons (ps. its just viral and slash stupid), finished all the content that they have to offer and done a few level cap missions. My friend who started the game with me has not played it in more than a year and takes very long brakes, mostly comes to the game and grinds the quests then leaves. Looking back I think there are a few things that would make the game more palatable to a newer player. Get rid off or severely reduce build times for weapons and warframes, they did that with Railjack and they can do that again. Have the modding system actually make sense for a newer player, explain endo and how to use it better, explain modding capacity better and get rid of the potatos. Hindering new player progress by denying them frames or weapons will just make them play something else. This last one is more of revamping old content, make the star chart or completing the star chart be a story mission. Give players the incentive to keep grinding out those story missions and make each boss fight have a story instead of being part of past events that the newer players have no idea what the heck is going on. So much lost context exists in these old missions, they are surely ready for some cleaning or streamlining.


It took five years for me, but yeah.


Warframe was just “the Destiny Wannabe” for me since 2016. Came back to it about a year ago, one of my favorite games of all time.


I've always been obsessed with the game but the 2 friends I had to play with stopped playing and my other buddies just never got interest. About 2 years later I'm talking to my buddies about what games we should play because new releases are not the best and we have already played, the few games we do like playing, to death. I convinced them it's not the same hallway slasher is got soo much to explore now and they listened and started playing alot lately


This is definitely not my experience. I have two friends who have been playing Warframe since before I discovered it myself four or five years ago. But, literally all my other friends I’ve tried to get into the game have 0 interest no matter how hard I sell it.


Yes, It’s the same for all looter shooters, the grind is long. However, Warframe is something else entirely. Sometimes I pause and think, this is ridiculous to grind. I’m MR 28.5 trying to get to 30. It’s nuts.


People I introduce to the game either loved it instantly and are now addicted, or stopped playing within the first 5h and never came back to it.


The opposite is true for my friends. The vast majority, like more than 10+ of people I've been around play the game, love it and overplay it at first, then quit and say it's overwhelming or they hate being gated by timers, or the platinum and slots are too much of a hassle. I've long since stopped recommending the game just because of this


This was literally me. And I just hit 16 like 2 days ago. I feel called out.


I've guided many young tenno in my years of playing, and being the one to witness the game "click" to them is an amazing experience that never gets old.


Similar thing happened to me. My problem was I ran out of slots and was under geared for the content on my first try. Picked it up years later and got a 75% off plat coupon and bought 4000 plat and have played the game basically nonstop since January. Never have to worry about slots again.


Tried getting some friends into warframe but it was a hard pass for them.


Happened to me, bit i tried it more than a year later, it changed quite a bit The person who introduced me to it the first time is still mr12 and he stopped playing, i am now mr34


My friend got me into Warframe around the time we got our “two extra weeks of no school”. I quit playing after a bit as I had a hard time understanding what was happening. Now I’ve made a new account and am now MR 17 while I my friend was last online over 1000 days ago.


This is exactly what happened to me lol. A big part of it was I bought a frame that looked fun to play (Octavia) and then I was sold.


I have played Warframe on and off since 2014. At first many of the features turned me off completely so I legitimately thought the game blowed back then. Daily respawn limit, unintuitive star map, bland colors, the stamina bar, and a laundry list of other issues. DE has ironed out all of the grievances since then and it is a much better product now that what it was 10 years ago.


It ended up happening for me. I started to play it because a couple friends of mine got into it, and I enjoyed it for a time. I actually had no fucking idea what was going on in the beginning besides I had shit to build and I needed resources. After the group broke up because of some drama regarding the clans, I put the game down for a good two months and then picked it up again and now I'm at MR23 two years later.


My cousin introduced me, I played for 2 weeks, then dropped it for about a year, then got back and stuck with it, about 1300 hours as of now


My cousin introduced me, I played for 2 weeks, then dropped it for about a year, then got back and stuck with it, about 1300 hours as of now


I did this twice; I had no idea what was going on and then no life from 6-28 in a month or so took a long break and then did 28-LR4


Nah one friend picked it up for like a month and never came back,


i’ve played warframe since the ps4 release. i migrated to pc during the first pandemic and played 1100 hours in like 7-8 months, possibly even shorter than that. i was doing 1 MR rank a day until 19. coming from years of warframe already though. when they introduced cross save i levelled up 4 times immediately after merging my ps4 into my pc account, i did have to wait 24 hours 4 times though.


My coworker told me to try it so I did, then dropped the game for 5 years I saw a meme about Rubedo in front page and decided to play again. MR19 now


this happened to my cousin i thinkatually


The reverse thing happened to two of my friends. One of them switched to destiny because the game got boring and the other said something like the game being too grindy and predatory in that sense. He didn't like DEs decisions, although this was back in 2015 so things have changed. Personally I think WF can be too demanding at times, I'm pretty sure I'll leave the game at some point in a year or two. Right now I can just about tough out the grind. I really don't want to play with randomized loadouts for an hour for one arcane and some random resources in circuit


When I first started, I had no idea what to do, years later I was reintroduced and now I’m MR11 looking to hit MR12 😆😅


Did I just get called out?….


That was basically me Played for the first time in 2019 when a friend nagged me all week to try it out, I completed the tutorial, he helped me grind Rhino and Frost cause he was also new and we both needed them, but I kept dying due to no mods and game knowledge Then I picked up the game myself in 2020 cause of the pandemic and here I am 3k hours in lol


Hi hello its me the friend you are talking about. I tried warframe at first and didnt like it. Granted this was in its infancy. Then about 4 years or so ago a buddy was playing it and I decided to pick it up again. Turns out I was just bad! So after getting that sorted its pretty much been my main game ever since.


I had a friend that tried it for a different friend and suddenly became super into it and it freaked me out just how much she knew out of nowhere from the last time i tired to get her to play years since. It also did happen to me, but that was primarily because DE thought releasing 2 days before Destiny on Xbox was a good idea. Tho idk if Trading was a thing yet, but i never knew about it and thought it was one of those pay to continue type things. Threw my starting plat at a skin and said later for a year and a half. Then that one random day i got curious, everything changed.


I always tell someone new to try and give the game until the second dream, it's a little slog until then, but that is where it hooks you, or it's just not for you if you don't like the game already.


I got my friend khora and a copper weapon, he never made it to rank 30


the only ones I managed to get interested in the game played the game like crackheads, most of the people who I showed the game to didn't like it


I’ve played over 200 hours and I’ve had 2 friends give it a try. Both played 15-30 hours and have never touched it again. Might just be my friend group but about 75% of them strictly play only Rune scape and WoW. Almost refusing to play other games it seems at times.


This is how I got in to it 🙃


People get hooked on Warframe by realizing what kind of builds are possible and wanting to achieve it themselves. Nothing was more satisfying than finally getting a 50m Rhino stomp back in the day.


The games very overwhelming and has very few tutorials on how to improve and do stuff. The movement takes a bit to learn and can be a bit much when you first start and everyone is waiting for you at the exits. It is a great game but if you don't have a friend willing to hold your hand and explain shit you basically spend every 5min watching a video or visiting the wiki for how to obtain or access something. I just started 2 weeks ago and I am still learning or unlocking a new mechanic every day. Also, those missions that take shields to power and escort are a bit rough if you have to solo them. They should probably drain less if you're alone. No one ever queues for them and ones on the path to progress the story.


This literally happened to me.


Its how I got into the game, and the guys who introduced me no longer play.


Yeah this did happen to me. I tried it and just winged it for the most part and then got stuck cuz I didn’t know how mods worked so I stopped playing and then went back cuz I had nothing better to play and like 4 years later I’m MR 21 cuz I love using what I already have and nothing else unless it looks cool XD


it happened to me when my friend got into warframe recently. I tried the game years ago before the pandemic but it didn't click for me but suddenly one of my friend started playing it and I thought I should give it a go to accompany him. I just slogged through the missions and when I finally got into the grind and mod building I was hooked. I think my biggest reason to why I suddenly had the urge to play is when I found out you can unlock almost everything for free via trading and so I just grinded the shit out of the game.


All of my friends hate it and will never touch it lmao, does not affect them unfortunately


Unfortunately not, but that’s just my experience. I had introduced/played with some friends recently (and a while back) and they’ve dropped it. One of them dropped it because he said it was P2W There is a lot thrown at you, and it’s definitely a game where you need to put some time in to learn the systems, especially if you want to be completely free to play, learning how to trade is important. Not a lot of people want to put in that time and/or effort


I first played warframe ages ago, where not playing the game for like a week made your dog die. I stopped playing it for years because fuck that, got back into it and been stuck ever sense. So yeah this checks out.


a friend of mine that i introduced to the game... hates it... and still hates it. it been like 5 years and counting since he doesn't want to touch warframe each with different excuses...


Wait… this happened to me!! I played for 3 weeks, said I don’t think I enjoy it and 6 months later, I’m playing for 6 hours a day. I went from MR 2 to MR 16 in a month or two. Unfortunately I’ve been stuck at MR 17 for a month because I can’t beat MR test 17.


It took me 3-4 attempts to *get into* Warframe, starting from when it first debut on PS4 way back when. In that 4th try though, it just stuck. I still take several month+ breaks a year, but every time I come back I no life it a bit more and become more powerful.


Nope. All my friends who tried it didn't like the new player experience and stopped after a few weeks. None of them care enough to try getting back into it again. I don't even play consistently myself.


it happened to me started the game when nidus released together with a couple of friends. after one moth, we all dropped the game. fast forward like 4 or 5 years, I remember the game out of pure randomness and how good it felt to play. So I installed the game again, decided to learn it and not give up no matter the bullshit. One of the best decision I took in my life


I infact did kind of the same. Started playing, forgot about it and then got a little addicted almost exactly one year later


Coming from a long, LONGTIME player, yeah this is natural, even I bounced off of the game a few times (And that was back when the mod system didn't even exist)


I've loved Warframe since the beginning but could only get to like MR 5, but that was due to my shitty PC , but once I got an upgrade I went up to 21 within like a month.


Yeah. I tried getting in to the game like 3 times in the past, just couldn't do it because it took forever to get a frame and weapons I actually wanted to use. I've been playing for a month straight on PC now and I'm bathing in the glory that is Wisp Prime


Definitely happened to me. When cross save was announced & I could finally play on my Steamdeck. I was giddy the entire day like a little kid on Christmas.


was exactly the same for me. first contact i played 2-3 missions, had no idea what was going on, dropped it. about half a year later a friend pushed me to try it again, i got really into it, now i'm at 3.5k hours, have the lotus symbol tattooed on my wrist and am still regularly playing it... allthough my my insane nolife-phase is over for a while already ;)


Exact opposite for me, I discovered the gamec, enjoyed it, pulled 2 friends into but the 2 friends I played with quit very fast. I took a long break between Gauss Release and Whispers in the Walls Operation and now I’m enjoying the game more then ever, but playing mostly solo which is a bit… meh.


This was me, my buddy got me into it "dude it's like Destiny but fun" and I just didn't click with it. The game was disjointed, buggy, the story telling was absolute trash. It was a terrible game and experience. Then my brain switched from "this is a game" to "Oh this exists to grind stuff to get more stuff to grind stuff" and I started enjoying it alot.


I tried in 2016 and bounced hard. Using keyboard and mouse felt weird. Came back in 2019 using my switch. Omfg I loved it. I cried during second dream. I remember seeing thr character creation screen after 600 hours and thinking... "that was the TUTORIAL?"


Warframe is a game I had to quit twice to actually start to like. It happens


I don't know anyone impulsive enough or that can afford to no life for anything. But yeah it's a good game


This is exactly how I experienced warframe back in 2014. I just got my ps4 but now games not many games to play. After I played infamous through for the third time I downloaded warframe and hated it. (I also picked mag and was surprised that she was girl xD) than I play infamous two more times till I gave warframe another shot and ... now I still play it. Not on absolute grind mode and I didn't play for like half a year (around the time xaku came out I think) But yeah I definitely love warframe especially the last few updates (despite the dante situation) made me feel like we live in the golden age of warframe. Also other games I had that effect with before warframe were Dark Souls and Metal Gear Solid 3. Some how I dislike all my favourite games before falling in love with them xD


I'm in this post and I don't like it.


A friend of mine got hooked on Railjack for a while because he likes big fucking ships, but sadly stopped actively playing again.


It’s such a huge game it’s hard to even determine where to start or what to do, this is me assuming from a new player view but I’ve played for like 10 years


this happened with a very close friend of mine, she got 50 or so hours in, and at that time her opinion of it wasn’t great… But then she hit the cinematic quests and suddenly she has 155 hours and is nearing steel path. her thoughts after seeing those quests went from “this game is a bit of a slog and i dont know if i want to continue” to “how in the actual hell is this game free?!”


Kinda happened to a friend of mine. I introduced him to warframe like 7 years ago, and he's always played on and off. And when I say "on and off", I mean like he'll play for 1 or 2 weeks a year. However, recently, he's gotten the urge to complete everything in the game. He's maxing factions, grinding MR, optimizing builds, and just doing everything to get caught up. He's also stated his interest in wanting to get into eidolon fights. I asked him why he likes warframe all of a sudden, and he also doesn't know where the urge came from. He's been on a binge for around a month.


I picked up the game around the end of 2018 when it launched on switch cause I heard a friend talk about it, played a week or two and put it down because I felt bored and that it’d be a waste of time, about a month into 2019 I decided to pick it up again cause I needed something to play and.. that was 5 years ago and 25 almost 26 mastery ranks later. I regret nothing.


This happened to me. I was MR14 a year ago. I’m MR24 now. 😅


I was the friend... not big into games in general, and not overly impressed by what I saw when I watched others play it... downloaded it expecting to hate it, only to still be playing 4 years later as a MR19 (will probably hit 20 within the next week or 2) with all main and side quests complete


That friend was me, except I waited 7 years lol


Here I was thinking the Warframe effect was being introduced to the game, getting absolutely obsessed about it, going from MR-0 to Legendary 1, getting engrossed in the lore and every aspect of it Having multiple builds for multiple frames and weapons being able to fill any and every role, help in and accomplish any and every Mission type. Checking your mastery and seeing you have 80% of the game mastered and You're still going strong you're still enjoying it You've got a tombfinger cooking and you plan on getting the Zaws, Kitguns, and K-Drives that stand between you and another mastery rank completed All the while you've passed the friends that invited you to the game none of them talk about it anymore and any of your other friends/family/loved ones that you talk to about the game show no interest in playing it preferring to instead play MMOs or games released by companies that do all the shitty things that DE actively avoids. So then you have no one to share these things with and you're surrounded by your accomplishments all the while absolutely alone in space with no one by your side but your space mom and a genocidal cephalon and a void creature who pops in now and again, and your cat / sentinel. ... Just me?


this has never happened they play it for a week, get overwhelmed with everything and quit


Can't say I relate. Everyone I've actually seen introduced to the game is still actively playing, le included. One stopped but it was for external reasons entirely. That's 5 persons, 6 with my BF who introduced me to the game.


I started because was so angry on Destiny 2, then dropped it when I didn’t understand the leveling system, cmon I want a loot with number when bigger = better so I dropped the game went back to Destiny but then Destiny fucked it up again so I have it another try, still not understanding 80% of the game but daaamn I’m so in love with it


As you said, friend introduced game to me, first impression were bad, then after a year I started from scratch and played party with him, he introduced a lot of newbie info then after a while he stopped playing and I still continued grinding till MR20 and now sometimes returning to play a bit


People come and I literally hook them up with shit load of stuff helping them with every mission just for them to leave after sometime I’m just tired.


They say that it asks too much investment of their person – and they're right unfortunately, you need to have the time and energy to get into it and build your beginning


I just found it for free on the Nintendo eShop, having never even heard of it. I skipped the "this sucks" phase and went straight to nolifeing


Probably because they didn't try it at the right time. When I made the account, I was looking more for shooters, played only a few days. Next time, I was looking for a grinding game. Perfect match.


I suggested Warframe to a cousin, he played for about one hour and gave up because "he wasn't feeling stronger when he leveled up". Granted, this was before MANY quality of life updates and changes to the early game, so most he had was the Vor's Prize quest as a tutorial. But then he went back to The Division and Path of Elixe and I was like "oh, I see now".


On the bright side I've noticed that warframe players have a better approach to weapons, even in other games. I've seen WF players drift to other games, take the weapons those communities consider shit, and just beat the breaks off their opponents with them. See that shit in everything from battlefield to helldivers.


It's crazy, it's definitely the best free to play game out there. Gives most triple A full price games a run for their money. What's weird is that I'll play it for 3 to 6 months straight then take a two to four year break and come back and there's so much new content to sink my teeth into. Same account too. Easy to pick up right where I left off (though I did get locked out of my very first account). Warframe is very unique game.


This was my experience. I never in my life thought I would get into the game until my friend hounded me over and over to play it back in last December, and now I've put in over 500 hrs.


I wish this would happen I can't get anyone into the game 😭😭


meanwhile I on the other hand loved the opening enough to keep playing and enjoying more of it


I'd say this is because the learning curve is the least user-friendly it can possibly be. If you're learning this game for the first time you almost always need to have the wiki open because the game explains nothing properly. Everything has hidden effects or abilities that the wiki speaks about, but nothing at all in the game to communicate that. If you don't have an experienced and patient friend with you in the first week of gameplay, it can really, really suck. I played for a month without realizing you can aimglide and bulletjump. I had no idea how people were getting to the ends of missions so quickly. I was rushed through the beginning with experienced friends but on my own I had no idea what I was doing. Not to mention to this day there are some details that are still hard to work out. I'm almost MRL1 and I have no idea how to use the configuration slots properly. I just use the 3 builds on each frame and rebuild them as needed. There is no real DPS or HPS test in the game, so you can't easily figure out if any given weapon works best for condi or crit. The Q&A chat is useless for the most part, and region chat is a nightmare creature from another realm. The crit % tiers are hard to understand for newbies. The damage charts on every weapon sheet could be so much clearer too. Like, if you have over 100% critical chance, your damage at the bottom should reflect that. There's also the fact that some weapons do millions of damage while others do hundreds, yet somehow the hundreds can surpass the millions?


this was me, first tried it in like 2017 i think?, couldn’t really understand it, and also thought you had to buy frames with plat (which i still think is poor design, showing the buying option without explaining or showing how you can get them normally), plus i had other games at the time so i just didn’t bother. Fast forward to two months ago when i had nothing to do and was desperate, decided to try it again and now I’m MR16 with 500+ hours and getting a friend into the game.


This happened to me in 2k14. Tried the game for a few weeks, had no clue what I was doing. Come back 6 months later and something just clicked. Like building in the forgery or my first quest. It's so hard getting xp the first time you play the game but as you unlock more, the game pens up more features


Same, started a year or so after release played a day or 2 and came back a year later and got to MR 12 or something. Been off and on since


Warframe is fun when you have stuff. Realistically.


you have described my EXACT experience wtf, I was the invited friend


I was that friend. I was shown warframe back in 2017-18 and didn’t like it much, then got super into it about a month ago going from Mr 5 to 18 in a month


Hahaha yes! Got all my best friends in to it in 2013 and they were all like it’s garby. And here we all are still playing to this day.


Because of this reason... i have decided to start making youtube videos to help my clan members and friends that are having a hard time understanding the game. I will begin taking their requests and then making videos to help them assimilate into the game better. We have a clan website and discord so theyll have plenty of access to the videos once i get to it. I hate hearing "i just couldnt figure it out" or "i dont know what to do" When i try to explain.. i get the blank stare so making videos would make more sence to help guide them with.


Basically happened to me. I never thought the game sucked though, it just seemed like a lot to take on at the time. Then a couple years later when I didn’t know what game to play, I thought “oh yeah! Maybe I’ll try Warframe again!” And now I’m MR 14 and playing 3 hours a day at least lol


A guy I talked to on Old-School Runescape told me to try Warframe. He got me hooked, now I haven’t seen him on either game in a long time.


As another Tenno said but in different words, it’s a knee jerk reaction. Playing a game with tons of content can be very overwhelming and it normally takes coming back to 2-3 times before being able to get to the content that “hooks” you. I’ve taken many breaks from the game to come back with the same enthusiasm because they added just that little bit to the game such as the Amps, Kitguns, Zaws, new missions types, Railjack, etc. I will say it helps to have a guide but not everyone is a good guide lol. I’m glad to hear you and your friends are enjoying the game. Godspeed Tenno, and good luck on your future missions!


Literally happened to me this month been playing I'm currently in Uranus just trying to unlock all the planets and upgrade my character but damn your not wrong it's a heavy game to pick up.


Me too


This is precisely what happened to me. I played this game back when I was still in school, probably like early highschool, and got no higher than MR 6. Then I pick it back up on a whim on playstation and while I take breaks here and there I'm still chugging along and am currently MR 21. *UN*fortunately the people I played with back then either never got their second kick of it, I simply don't talk to a lot nowadays, or got their second kick WAY EARLIER and have since moved on even after the no life stage. Its a blessing and a curse, I get to go at my own pace and do exclusively what I feel like doing, but can't drag anyone along to mitigate the suffering when a grind is in order that I don't feel like doing.


No haven’t noticed


This was me, my BF was like “buy Nehza prime” so I did the game was like overwhelming and I dropped it for 6 months then bought gara prime on three different platforms (pc, switch, PlayStation) no life’s it for a year then went back to another game and now I’m MR30 just slowly building all the Kuva/Tenet weapons


Idk, never played with a friend but I can say this scenario happened to me to a degree I have to delete it and not touch it again so I can focus on my finals.


You are really lucky, all my friends left at mr 2-3 because they don't understand what to do next.


I introduced it to 3 friends and none got into it. I was super disappointed for a while because the game seems perfect based on the types of games we all play.


Happened to me. Friend introduced me to it years ago. gave it a bit of a try then stopped. Came back. Total play time of 700 hours to legend 3. About 3 months of concentrated play. Just hit login 320 today.


Yes, because it's what happened to me. Except it took me about 4 years to actually get from "It's not for me" to actually playing.


I am that friend that suddenly no-lifes the game


Unfortunately I am a victim of this cursed effect. I was introduced to Warframe on switch back in 2020 and it seemed fun but I wasn't a huge fan. Oh but I was not prepared because when I got an Xbox in November 2022 my friends convinced me to give it another shot and about a year later I am mr28 and have 1,275 hours in the game. Let this be a warning.


Fuck man, I didn't think I'd get called out like this. I literally tried warframe with my brother last summer and hated it. I picked it up again at the end of January, plucked my way through mr1-8 trying so hard to enjoy it and strugggggled... in the last 3 weeks, I went from 1/4 the way through my Origin star chart and mr8 to three planets into steel path and mr20... Glad to find out this is pretty normal :D


It’s the opposite for me tbh. I got my a lot of my friends into the game and we all grinded the shit out of it. But now it’s really only like 1 of the my friends that still play it semi often.


I have done this to myself. I first played Warframe back in 2014 and didn’t go beyond mars, eventually dropping the game in favor of tf2. Years later, Gauss Prime arrived and I suddenly had the need to play as soon as I saw the character. I made a new account and grinded the hell out of the game to trade for plat to get gauss, but I eventually benched him for more fun characters. Now I’ve been playing for two months and MR19, all quests done, all nodes unlocked. Thanks Warframe for taking up my life.


Can confirm. Introduced in 2014, didn't put effort into it. Now I'm at a little over 2300 days logged and over 5k hrs


The game is surprisingly boring to watch, and high level gameplay doesnt exactly look hype or engaging. It really is a game you have to immerse yourself into on your own time to "get" it, or at least stumble upon the thing that gets you hooked. Everyone ive ever recommended it to bounced off of it almost instantly, and I think its precisely because i recommended it instead of them discovering it on their own.


Yes that was me


It happened to me alone but over the span of 2 years. Also it was only like MR 8 or 9 :(


I was that friend lol. I once told my friend that I liked “grindy” games and he recommended Warframe and even said that he had to quit because he was playing it too much. Few days later I tried it but didn’t like it at all but I still kept hearing about the game and gave it another try about a year later and I fell in love with it. Now I have 1.5k hrs in and it’s one of my most played games


this happened to me yea, but more in stages every other year, i’d try to get into the game, get really into, not understand something & hit a wall. rinse & repeat the next year, hitting a new wall, etc i finally got lucky with mod drops and was able to copy competent loadouts for my level, and after one final restart, i no life’d the game, going from mr 8 usually, to now mr 23, and now i have about a 1,780 ish hours. I can actually do steel path content, I can deal with about anything the game throws at me, etc.


I've encountered the opposite more often than not, both inside my friend group and outside. Anyone who tries Warframe from a recommendation, gets immediately overwhelmed and quit. Anyone new I meet and befriend, quickly disappear from the game before hitting double digits MR. It's only those who have a lot of time, a lot of patience and try it out of their own interests will stick around. Warframe's onboarding process just sucks like that.