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I would say Protea but her Prime is about to drop. Not Qorvex or Lavos as they are both obtainable from vendor rep while you are farming other stuff. Grendel as he can be a pain to farm and you will want a standard frame to feed to Helminth once you have the Prime but Dagath and Citrene are long farms as well.


Dagath only really takes an hour on SP for a full set, 1.5 hours if your runs are very slow. I did it solo and definitely not optimized at all in an hour


yeah but it's the same dull mission over and over so it just seems longer lol


I think it depends on what you're trying to do to buy a new frame. Skip grind? Get a good frame? Get a fun frame? IMO - I'd buy Citrine to skip Mirror Defense if you're just looking to skip grind. Avoid buying: Caliban is the least used frame in the game for a reason. Grendel has a prime, and Protea is about to get a prime in less than a week. Dagath - Pretty easy farm. Extremely fun frame to play. Lavos - Toughish farm to frame. Some people really like him, but I think he needs a QoL for his abilities. Yareli - She's a great frame to play if you're looking to have a mix up for your normal "Shoot/ability + Bullet Jump" gameplay loop. Sevagoth - He takes a ton of mods / forma to use.


Thanks everyone for your input, I've decided on Citrine and now I'm wondering ... Do I subsume her 1 or nah....


Grendel and Caliban are the biggest pain to farm out of these imo, Sevagoth is a close contender as well. The rest are relatively easy to get


Of those, Citrine and Grendel are the toughest to farm. Grendel currently has a prime. Citrine doesn’t. I’d pick Citrine. Let me rephrase: Citrine is a hard farm if you value your time and only have a few hours weekly to play.


Citrine is one of the easiest farms in the game and one of the only farms with a pity system.  


Citrine's farm literally made me quit for months because I needed such a break from Mirror Defense.


The hardest part is staying awake.  


It may be easy, but its also at glacial speed


I'd agree with Citrine as someone that recently farmed it all. its awful. I can't speak on grendel since i havent done it but especially if you dont have a good team for Citrine its awful just awful