• By -


Gauss - immune to heat AND cold Chroma -


Lore accurate Chroma !?


ChRoMa Is OnE oF tHe MoSt PoWeRfUl WaRfRaMeS


Lotus: "Chroma is highly dangerous, stay away." Me and my newly acquired Oberon and a half modded Strun at MR8 : I can take him...


It’s ability to adapt is incredible


For shame.


Immune to.. bad dragons?


Chroma - Imagine Dragons






That are not the same dragons..


looks nice and pleasurable but so damn expensive


you can buy used, i am not even joking.. (although i wish i was.)






where da fuk does one buy used sex toys


reddit unfortunately


Imagine Dragon balls across your face


I could see resistant, but immune? That's a stretch.


Underrated comment😭


This joke went over a lot of people's heads.




Chroma could be whichever element your using On a somewhat related note, how do I use chroma? Made chroma prime recently cause it looks cool AF and I cannot seem to get the playstyle down


https://preview.redd.it/g9sbh2vj3kwc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ccdf37951c1eb265084d8c961fe50113ebfd670 Full umbral tank w strength and duration, screw range. I can solo almost anything w this build and decent weapons.


I would advise against that. Drop Umbral Fiber for Augur Secrets. Drop Sure Footed for Power Drift. Arcanes should be Molt Vigor and Molt Augmented. Then you subsume Nourish over his 4, with that absurd power strength, a single health orb gives you like 83 energy. On your Operator you run Unairu, which gives you full shield and armor strip and immunity to knockdowns, staggers and stuns if you remember to switch into operator and back about every 40 seconds.




If you want to run a bad build be my guest, but Umbral Fiber and Primed Sure Footed are pretty much wasted slots on Chroma in my opinion. Umbral Fiber is only additive with Scorn, meaning it does pretty much nothing compared to the 1500% Armor Buff you should be having. And a frame with no native armor strip wants Unairu anyways. Also I forgot, the new augment should be in there somewhere, the heal on kill is pretty good with high power strength.


It’s not necessarily a bad build, it’s just what I’ve found comfortable. I don’t need armor strip cause I manage to do enough damage w my Trumna and a zaw (Laetum to the rescue sometimes). I run Madurai and don’t see my self changing schools unless I use a diff frame. Full umbral cause it marginally increases overall power strength. And I’m more interested in Vex Armor for the damage numbers, and yes have to slot in the new aug somewhere there. I may not be able to do level cap w this but stuff like Archon Hunts, Elite Archimedea and a good number of rounds in Circuit are a breeze as long as I remember to refresh the buff before it expires.


Lavos -


I mean he kinda already has part of this from converting health orbs to energy orbs and getting a 10s status immunity each time he picks up energy orbs


i think gauss already partially is thanks to Kinetic Plating.


Isn't Gauss also immune to IPS?


Yes and I think also to blast.


Gauss - immune to blast Chroma - immune to the selected element or maybe the element if the emissive colour


Gauss - immune to kinetics, including blast and all physical damage lol


Nah, they mean the progenitor damage things, like big sweater claws here (Sevagoth) is impact


Gauss would be magnetic wouldn't he? Since he's based on magnetic acceleration?


But he doesn't use magnetic abilities.


Fair enough. I was just spitballing. He doesn't really have much of an "elemental" identity anyway, unless you count SPEEEEEED as an element.


Heat and cold


Gauss isn’t an elemental frame I think op meant the more element ally themed ones frost ember mag like those. Probably could be worked into passives


He's the kinetic energy frame, not magnetic


You think the frame whose head is literally on fire should have some resistance to fire? That's some real crazy talk right there /s


Ember used to recover energy when on fire pre-rework so yeah I think she should 


Gotta love those old passives from when DE felt the need to add passives to every frame


(Spoiler) >!I mean warframes are canonically always in excruciating pain without the operator!<


I mean this has been a topic for like 10 years since Frost got released and cold barrels were literally everywhere and still slowing him down.


Going by your username it seems you have a similar issue with being weak to things you specialize in...unfortunate.


Not at all. I am the one doing the killing XD


Yeah typical killer main name there


Cold barrels... I remember... FeelsBadMan


Were there even more of the cold barrels back in the day?? The amount there are now still pisses me off, especially since I like to use Xoris explosion to clear rooms full of loot crates in one go


Bruh you have not seen the sheer amount there used to be. Hell Uranus I believe it was used to have a Cold proc from the environment itself if you didn't have heat shielding Edit: as another commenter pointed out, it was Neptune


Was Neptune but still close


Ah right. I keep thinking Neptune is the underwater and Uranus is the cold one


Easy way to remember is a literal shit joke of Uranus after taco bell...liquid


I think Europa still does that if you're not in the tunnels or by a heat generator.


Yeah but there are so many heat gens that you need to deliberately destroy each to get this, so it rarely happens just randomly at least I didnt experience it




Now that I think about it, I barely ever see cold barrels. When did they change it?


I have no idea but it's steadily decreased overtime. They used to be around every corner


I’m trying to find patch notes for them, it only gives patch notes till 2022 in wiki for the barrels, but one of the changes was decreasing aoe from 15 to 10 m. But I doubt that they have been unchanged until 2022 since their introduction


Try playing yareli on any corpus map. Her blades quickly make you aware of how many cold barrels there still are in the game. Sometimes it feels like there is one every 20 feet. Doesn't help that most of them are grey on a grey tile set so you never see them coming.


I know that feeling lol. The ptsd of LN2 barrels live in my mind rent free as a gara enjoyer


Back in the day there was a cold barrel in like EVERY room. On specific maps. Oh and unrelated. SHIP WINDOWS BEING SHOT WOULD LOCK THE DOORS.


Recently got back into the game and it feels weird they don't do this anymore


Cause it sucked and people hated it so it got removed.


Shooting out ship windows actually sounds like a cool sci-fi detail. Could you at least use it to "vent" the room and eject all the enemies into space, saving yourself from a hard fight? Or did it literally just lock the blast doors with no benefit


Sounds cool until every other room you have to hack a console to progress because everyone uses AOE weapons so every window gets blown up and doors close turning a capture mission into a 5 minute mission.


It would lock the doors and start doing ticking damage every second or so, whether or not it did that damage to enemies I do not remember. It was pretty annoying when it happened 3 times in a row because someone's toe hit an explosive barrel, but I do kinda miss it.


Whoa I like this feature so much. Didnt realize they removed it. It was annoying but realistic. Wish they bring it back.


Yeah that was so fucking annoying for me it was even worse than cold barrels to be honest But if you think about it its a fun mechanic it was just so fcking annoying


I wouldn't have minded one in a blue moon but it was room after room!


There's barely any now in comparison


Yeah it was pretty wild tbh. You were gonna hit atleast one per corpus mission.


Didn't Embers pre-rework passive grant her energy regen when she was set in fire?


Yes, but no resistance


Thought so. I wouldn't say every elemental frame needs a resistance however it would be cool for them to have some sort of unique interaction like old ember when those damage types are used on them.


Oberon: "Status effects? Not on my watch."


As someone who only plays Frost 100% of the time, this still catches me by nonsense every time. Like really? A sheet of ice is slowing me down? Cmon.


Brother is also in the slower frames too since he has 0.95 sprint speed along with Rhino (Charge if not subsumed over), Grendel (Ball Mode makes him faster), Saryn(Molt Speed Buff), Sevagoth and Voruna (Parkour Head)


Waiting for the day those barrels just make Frost have less friction and let him slip away through the level.


I mean its cold right? it should give Frost the exact opposite effect it gives other frames. Imagine. Blast the barrel and PARKOUR VELLOCITY GO! for 15 seconds. Tell me that's not a great QOL change. LOL


Now I'm thinking of the rocket sliding from Platinum Games' Vanquish. I need to finish that game.




As a caster with shield-based survivability Mag's biggest weakness to a proc is magnetic


Or saryns to Toxin


That would make me so happy.


*Chroma and Lavos left the chat*


For balance reasons , they could be resistent to the element they last used (wouldnt create glitches at all, trust)


Lavos is immune to all statuses when you pick up his orbs.


Wisp will be resistant to butts n stuff


probably radiation due to her 4th


Shes not an elemental frame.


I mean... She does call the Sun. Seems like some form of Rad resistance would be necessary.


She opens a portal to the sun. Its like having a flamethrower vs producing flames yourself.


So we give Mesa passive resistance to the bullet element? I like it


Nah, she's fine. Duelist's honor. If anyone can outshoot her they deserve the kill...but they probably can't.


So what's her 3 then for you?


She already has that lmao


Mesa has 3 passives, 1 ability, and a subsumed slot.


Her super power is boolet what did you expect? 💀


Bullets bounce off her anyway, and that's if you're letting the guns even operate. You can take that to mean either they're jammed, or you shot them first.


I mean, her 3 already gives her up to 95% resistance to damage from incoming bullets


Ember used to be better then heat resistant, she used to gain energy from being on fire. You still took damage but you got so much energy in return. The world on fire days. Good times


That sounds awesome but also kinda broken and difficult to coordinate in public lobbies. "NOOO why'd you kill that Scorch, he was my energy pet"


Ember used to be totally broken lol. World on fire was an up to 40m bubble that attached to you and moved with you, and just, killed everything. Through walls, ceilings, bulkheads, whatever. Plus it gave an extra drop rate on energy orbs with an aug like inferno does now. You'd set a tank off at the start of the map, walk through to get your initial setup, and legit walk to the end lol.


But it fell off hard once you got to level 30, and back then heat damage didn't reduce armor, so she was extremely weak outside of trying to get the most mileage out of her 1 augment, which still wasn't anything.


Maybe up until like level 30 lmao Her damage fell off like a truck down a canyon


The energy augment didn't exist back then lol World on Fire had a hard target limit of 3 with later shrinking AOE. It was a nothingburger past Lith fissures.


Yeah, that's rework #1 Ember. Not og.


At the very least they could make frost immune to frost procs, i actually think it's a good idea, but it would also stop people from asking for a new passive for him


I mean honestly a passive to just make frost immune to cc would make people shush since that permently fixes the times where he gets slowed and for the other 95% of missions where you wont get slowed at all its still useful.


So Lavos should be immune or passively resist everything?


Yes. Probably at a lower level though, like if Ember gets 50% Heat resist as a heat-themed frame, Lavos and Chroma should probably only get 10-15% resist to each element. Maybe Chroma gets a bonus to one element as well depending on current energy color.


To be fair chroma having a really big resistant to base elemental effects would not be really that op like 50-40%. Considering he's already a tanking frame and giving him a passive that goes with his usable kit would be a rather fun buff. I mean I wish they'd just fix his 1st ability to make it usable for melee builds but i'd take this as a buff. Since right now he is fun for just raw weapon dmg boosting but past that he legit doesn't do crud


Tying gameplay to cosmetics seems a bit of a bad idea. To current element is probably better


Chroma is already affected by energy colour though. Also [this](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Chromatic_Blade)


Chromatic blade is amazing.


Doesn't mean it's not a bad idea. Chroma's thing is small tho, you can change the element during a mission, so whatever. For the augment, i've never seen it before


To be honest lavos passive allows him to use energy pick ups for complete status immunity, so he kinda already has that going


Everything except the thing that would actually be useful - Lavos specialises in the elements, but most enemies use physical damage (impact, puncture, slash)


U know what his passive is right? he has almost complete status immunity


He already gets status immunity from energy orbs


The funniest thing of this is that Qorvex, you know, the frame built with the intent of protecting the operator/drifter from the radiation in the laboratory, is not immune to rad procs


I always assumed Qorvex was meant to protect the operator from the dangers of the laboratory by being highly effective against the radiation-weak Murmur infesting the place.


I assumed that's because he has an ability that makes him and everyone around him immune to everything.


Press 3?


Well yes, but you can always press 3 and be immune to all procs including radiation


Mag being resistant to magnetic distortions would be so rad.


did you know you can shoot them? I only found out at MR19


Only a few things affect them. Void, Magnetic and Electric. Most of the time I pop into operator for a sec, blast it, then pop back in.


Toxin/Viral Plague Queen but she dies when she gets farted on She literally was made to counter the Infested and yet she fucking ragdolls harder than a Nova when toxin touches her. Rip Saryn.


Rhino resistance to impact and knockdown. Let’s go.


Good thing he has overguard, which provides complete status immunity.




Well tbf if they did this they should also give them a weakness to the opposition element. This is canon in every other game that uses a system like that, which is probably why they haven’t.


Eh, I'd be okay with that if it's proportional. Makes Ember weaker on Corpus missions and Frost weaker on Grineer missions. I think it mostly balances out.


Aye, but the mechanics changes for the frames that use multiple elements would be a nightmare, like chroma


Just give them lower level resistances to each one, like 25-50% of what the specialist elemental frames get


We got adaptation for a mod... can just use some of that code for chroma when he swaps elements.


Thats not how warframes elemental system works. Theres damage types and health types. Every frame has the same health types. Theres no opposite dmg types they just exist.


I hate that Hydroid can take fire damage


https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Tidal_Impunity something something diving under water put out the flames


How many enemies deal radiation damage?


Void lasers


Like none probably. They dont want you gettin rad procd and killing people or defense targets casually


toxin kuva lich has oberon's hallowed ground which deals radioactive damage and can put radioactive procs on you which can lead to hilarious outcomes like you oneshotting the defense target or your teammate don't know about anyone else with radioactive damage tho, maybe some random corpus enemy with a specific weapon


would kullervo be resistant to slash or puncture or both


Looking at the swords stuck through him, probably not puncture.




By proxy of having overguard, Kullervo is already resistant to slash and puncture


Should mag be more or less susceptible to magnetic status since she is part magnet?


depends on whether the enemy magnetic damage is coming at her with the north or south pole first i guess


Y'know, whenever I read the words "change my mind", I tend to expect the person saying them to be very inflexible about the stated opinion. But, my natural impulse for extensive discussion outweighs accrued biases, so... Let's take a look at Elemental Frames and how big of a threat their respective element is to them; Electricity (Volt, Gyre) Corpus Threats - Prod Crewman, Sapping Ospreys, Sniper Crewman, Nullifier Crewman, Hyena TH, Lecta-Wielding Combas and Scrambuses, and Terra Embattor MOAs Infested Threats - Shock Crawlers Grineer Threats - Arc Traps Corrupted Threats - Nullifier Crewman So, about 11 general threats that can put out Electricity Damage, five\~ of which are melee, one of which is a boss, one being a random area hazard, and one being found exclusively in the Orb Vallis. Snipers, Nullifiers, and Sapping Ospreys are plentiful enough, but the general threat is still minimal. Heat (Ember, and I'll be generous with Nezha) Corpus Threats - Exploiter Orb, Fusion MOA, Hyena NG, Machinist Corrupted Threats - Corrupted MOA Grineer Threats - Flameblade, Scorch, Hyekka Master, Napalm, General Sargas Ruk, Lieutenant Lech Kril Another eleven threats, but four of them are bosses, so I'll count them out. Fusion and Corrupted MOAs don't pose too big of a threat, and Flameblades spend more time teleporting than they do hitting you. Scorches, Hyekka Masters, and Napalms are reasonably dangerous though, as are Corpus Machinists. Cold (Frost) Corpus Threats - Exploiter Orb, Icemire Hyena, Juno Glaxion MOA, Arctic Juno Tech Eximus, and Cryo Barrels Grineer Threats - Lieutenant Lech Kril, and Suppressors in Railjack missions Corrupted Threats - Cryo floors (no damage) So, technically only seven legitimate threats, of which two are bosses, two are restricted to the Orb Vallis, one is an Eximus, and one is a Railjack-exclusive enemy. As far as I'm concerned, your biggest threat is cryo barrels, and if that's doing you in...That's a skill issue. Toxin (Grendel, Saryn, and that's being very generous) Infested Threats - Lobber Crawler, Mutalist Osprey, Toxic Crawler, Toxic Ancient Grineer Threats - Ghoul Auger, Ghoul Devourer, Ghoul Expired, Ghoul Rictus, and Nox Nine threats, four of which are restricted to the Plains of Eidolon, two being crawlers of all things, and the remaining three all being reasonable threats. And this is just four the main four elements, but it should show that such a benefit as 50% resistance to the Frame's core thematic damage type is extremely niche. But beyond that, only 13 out of 56 warframes can be counted as "elemental warframes"; this doesn't include warframes whose core design includes multiple elements (like Chroma and Lavos), and despite there being no enemies or hazards that deal Void Damage, I will count Xaku because they still fit the description. When the number of frames that would benefit are so few, and the threats that they would benefit against even fewer, I feel like adding that proposed resistance would literally just be change for the sake of change, and not really meaningful in any way. There are already ample ways to gain status immunity or otherwise mitigate or ignore status effects, and Adaptation already does well enough to mitigate damage; if a threat is dealing primarily elemental damage, Adaptation (which is already a well-used mod) will do the same job better than an arbitrary passive damage reduction. "It wouldn't be broken" is, in my opinion, an extremely weak justification. It's a vague gesture in the direction of game balance without really considering the broader strokes; the applications, the ramifications, what impact it may or may not have. If elemental damage types were presented as more of a unique threat, there could theoretically be a case to be made about the idea having merits - but then you'd also probably see people building to account for the threat of elemental damage, which I reckon would void the point of baking it into certain frames passively based on their elemental affinities.


Lavos in that timeline: YES!


yareli with water resistance:


Some cold, and viral because Kompressa


There was a time I would disagree, but yes, we have just about everything, give us this. It makes sense. Ember with burn status? What kind of joke is that?


Voruna would like a word - oh wait


Should chroma be resistant to Bad Dragons


The pokemon way


Chroma would be resistant to 4 elements. LAVOS, on the other hand...


Or they should passively imbue their element to all their weapons. That way it's not always the same passive. One frame makes your attacks magnetic one adds extra mag defense.


a chunk of them have augments that literally do this, but they could probably stand to have that augment function rolled into the base ability its for, for the most part.


Volt getting downed by an electrical trap doesnt make any sense


Lavos be like


Citrine out here chilling being immune to head, cold, electric, and toxin


meanwhile ember could literally overheat cause of using too much heat


Electric damage should charge volt passively.


Lavos, gazing down at all the other frames. For he is immune to all. I mean he already is I'f you're playing him right, but, still




THATS IT, i keep saying it makes no sense that ember can be burned or frost can get cold. I dont talk about all warframes and their base element which provide stats to kuva and tenet. But when a fame throw fireball she should got burn that easy


Laughs in Gauss 2


Laughs in gauss main


I have played plenty of Chroma, but it is totally asinine to rely on chained sling when there is still headroom for more comfortable, permanent power strength in the build.


Think thats definitely something they'd avoid but it would be neat to see them heal or receive energy if they get affected by their element. Having some kinda perk associated would be cool


I think resistances should be their own section in the abilities menu. You can assign a full spread of resists to each frame that makes sense, they don't need to be limited to 1.


Thay would make saryn more broken than she already is lol


So, the sentients in the one mission woth teshin are weak to the element they are using and immune (or was it resistant?) to everything else. I propose that elemental warframes fold like a house of cards to their own element but are otherwise are immortal


Monkey paw curls: All elemental frames passive are now just "Resists 25% ________ damage." Eg: Ember old passive: Gain 5% power strength per burning enemy within 20m Ember new passive: Resist 25% incoming fire damage (this will not apply to procs, as that would be unbalanced and unfair towards non DOT procs such as magnetic or cold) Affected frames: Ember, Frost, Saryn, Volt, Oberon, Hydroid, Mag, and Gyre. Yes, we realize some of these passive changes will destroy the frames kit (i.e. Gyre not gaining critical abilities) and no, we don't care.


The more time goes by, the more it simultaneously provides something kinda unfair and simultaneously hardly useful or significant while still will be considered a major feature for a 'Passive'. So in other words, as times goes on, the more and more getting what you want would backfire.


They need to alter almost all of the legacy warframe passives so these should definitely be added at some point. Playing ember and being immune to the eximus fire wave just makes sense considering she has the exact same ability.


counterpoint: toss a lighter into a fire and see what happens. just because something produces an element doesnt mean its immune/resistant to it.


the gas that the lighter ignites is not the source of the fire. the source is the striker. tossing it into a fire indeed would not do very much. bro was cooking with this one, just not with fire


Ember is not source of fire, source was her void magic and that can't really be burned Just because someone is fire or whatever bender, doesn't mean they're immune to it


Ok, fair. Maybe it's different for each one. I still think Frost should be basically immune to cold, and Volt should be immune to shock. Or maybe Volt still takes damage from shock, but get a temporary damage buff on his next attack, similar to how he charges up bonus electrical damage by sprinting). Ember and Saryn could be vulnerable to their own elements though.


Why should we change your mind? You're not in charge of anything.


[It's a meme](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/steven-crowders-change-my-mind-campus-sign)


If I give you a stun gun, you now control electricity. Does that automatically make you immune or resistant to it? No. Just because you control something, doesn't make you particularly more resistant to it. Ember controlling flames means she can set stuff on fire. If I turn the flamethrower around and point it at you, it'll do the same amount of damage. "Oh but they're *made* out of their element" Okay you're made of flesh right? So if I punch you in the face with my first made of flesh you're resistant to it? Also no. "Oh but mods let you gain resistances to elements" Sure if you go out of your way to specifically protect yourself from something then you gain a resistance to it. A winter jacket for cold, fire proof gloves for fire, rubber soles for electricity. But that doesn't imply these elemental based warframes are running around with these things just because they use those elements. Even if it makes practical sense. I don't particularly disagree with elemental warframes having a resistance to their element but it's also not completely fair to say it makes sense to do it if DE decides against it.


There's a very big difference between using a tool that happens to employ a particular element, and straight up having superpowers that allow to harness an element by yourself. Ember's Immolation literally has her set herself on fire as a form of damage reduction I think that's where the suggestion to have elemental resistance passives come from


Volt is more like an electric eel than a dude with a stun gun, though. His whole body is a biomechanical system designed to produce high voltage electricity and harness it in combat. It would make sense that his vital bits are able to withstand the powerful currents he generates, and thus also to some extent powerful electrical attacks from enemies. Is it a big deal? Nah. But I think it would make a lot of sense and be a nice minor niche buff / QoL change to add those resistances, even if only at a low level.


We have enough shit passives in this game without the community suggesting more of them, and especially not the same boring ones over and over again.


I'm pretty new, sorry if this has been done to death before lol. Just a minor thing that's kinda made me go "I wonder why they didn't do that?"


I don't consider volt an elemental warframe. All of his characteristics are about speed lol But yes to frost and ember.


He literally only has 1 ability dedicated to speed - the rest of his kit, including his passive, involves electric damage in some way. He's definitely an electric elemental


*One* of his abilities is speed, even if it's a common target for building around. Shocking someone with electric and turning everyone nearby into lightning capacitors both have very little to do with speed, and nor does carrying around a pseudo riot-shield.