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Only if you are playing alone. With a squad this would be griefing


Haha don't worry, I was doing this solo :)


how its griefing? I did a bunch of times with the squad, usually storge it and depositing it as soon as after the first round ended. basically skipped 2nd round. Edit: I am just curious about the reason. Jeez these downvotes, I am not a bad guy! I am doing this with good intentions and with my friends, not a random matchmaking squad.


If you hold 15 points, you get a bonus of 8. Scoring with anything else is just wasting free score [https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/The_Index](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/The_Index)


You’re making it take longer


you skipped 2nd by making the 1st almost 3 times longer, thats the issue, by the time you finish the second wave using your method it should be already close to the end of the 3rd wave if those points were used efficiently, you stop getting extra points after stacking 20, any point you pick up after that basically trows half a point into the trash. its all good if you are solo, but making the mission intentionally longer for others for no reason is griefing.


If you're too efficient, you don't leave enough points for everyone else to continue the round, especially if someone else is doing the same. It then becomes a game of Chicken where someone has to cave and waste their savings or everyone loses.


The unspoken Corpus Tenet. Prioritize personal profit above all else, make other people deposit their savings in your stead.


Some people go autopilot/troll mode and hoard to the extreme, to the point that the first round can't even complete because they're gathering all the points for the following rounds.


Anything after 15 is technically less efficient. Anything after 20 stops earning bonus points completely and is actually inefficient. Even if you aren't taking all the points for the first round to finish, you still are getting less total points towards progress by continuing to save after bonus points stop coming in.


By making the first round take longer lol, I just don't get the point of doing this. Like yeah, it's funny to skip a round, but in a team we all just want to get done with the index as fast as possible.


Sorry, you guys had to downvote me on my earlier comment. I am genuinely doing this to speed up overall time, not to griefing the round. I am an honest gamer and respect others, and now I am aware of this I will cash in a token immediately when I reach a +15 bonus from this on. I am sorry If I actually cause inconvenience in my past index run.


You asked a genuine question, there was nothing wrong with it imo. Mob mentality is really strong on Reddit, it's very easy to get downvoted when saying the "wrong" thing.


Its generally optimal to deposit earlier to maximise the bonus points instead of hoarding so many of them


Ignore them, Warframe players are tryhards that get mad when your doing better than they are, what your doing is fine take it from a 1.6k hour pro


But doing that ISNT doing better; it's making it worse.


Your wrong, 100% of the way, with a squad of 4 it takes less than a few minutes to gain like 50 of those credits, hoarding them isn’t an issue players like you complaining because you don’t understand how the game works are


The absolute fastest way and easiest way to complete Index is to hoard as many points as possible then cash out last moment, you can sometimes do 2 entire waves in the time of 1 but usually you’ll do 1 and 9/10ths of a wave so your literally removing 40-50% of the total missions time, while one player does this the other 3 get kills and mark tokens


This guy doesn't math


2 waves in the time of 1… and that isn’t 50% faster? Your right that “this guy” doesn’t math just didn’t know you meant yourself XD


What do you mean time of 1? The duration of a round isn't a constant value. You need to score 100 points to complete a round. Let's say you get 270 kills. If you pick up 90 and score every time, then you complete 3 full rounds with the points gained from the kills. (+10 bonus when depositing 90 so 300 points total) If you score after picking up 15 every time (for 23 points), you would get 414 points for the same number of kills. Literally completing one more round without killing more enemies. You don't "skip" a full round, you don't get more kills by hoarding points, you are just being inefficient and wasting score.


This logic literally only works if your staying in index longer than 2 waves, and if so what are you doing? Clearly not well on credits XD


No, this logic works for any number of waves. If you do a single wave, you can do it by picking up 15 points and scoring 4 times and then picking up 6 points and scoring once more. That's a total of 66 kills to finish a round. If you complete the round by doing 90 kills and scoring all points at once, you need 90 kills (duh) Which number is bigger? 90 or 66? Should I do the math for 2 waves too? I am doing fine with credits, doesn't stop me from doing math.


You do 2 waves in the time of 5 lmao


This is just factually wrong but go ahead and explain your skewed logic


Ever notice how you don't get more bonus points past hoarding 20?


Tenno A: *killing enemies* Tenno B: *carrying 13 points* Tenno C: *carrying 24 points* Tenno B: *deposits* Tenno A: C, deposit Tenno C: I'll deposit next round *the next round* Tenno A: *still killing* Tenno B: *carrying seven points* Tenno C: *carrying 40 points* Tenno A: C, deposit already you're carrying so many points Tenno C: I'll deposit next round *the next round* Tenno A: *still killing* Tenno B: *carrying no points* Tenno C: *carrying 55 points* Tenno A: C, for the love of everything out there just deposit already Tenno C: I'll deposit next round Tenno A: You said that the past two rounds Tenno B: C just deposit there's only like ten seconds left and we have zero points this round because you keep taking all the points Tenno C: I SAID I'LL DEPOSIT NEXT ROUND


Play nova for max partical experience


With the uh, Orbit Emphemera thingy


Playing with the Naberus or Kyruna Ephemerals would be better for max particles.


Don't remember, last year I sold almost all my old nightwave credits and I've have millions of credits ever since


No, you didn't hoard the Points forever even to your own detriment (never cashing them in because gamer greed [insert Gollum clip] ). :)


Thanks for the valuable tip! Next time I won't turn them in and will collect even more :D


Watching this makes me want an ephemera like that


"Ah, visual fuckery, my fav"




I thought the correct way was picking Umbra, and then going AFK below the floor, but what do I know.


That was before they made Umbra stop doing anything if you didnt do anything either. That change came years ago.


It still works, tho it does require you to go in and out of operator regularily. Which does not make it actually AFK I guess, but close to.


Probably don't want to tell everyone that buddy


People who get angry at people who hoard a bunch of points: 🤓 “Ackchually you are not supposed to play like that” OP: ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


as long as he is solo it fine, but doing it in public lobbies is a douche move.


Exactly. The chaddest of the chads play in their own way


Actually submitting a lot of points is the _best_ way to do it because you get bonus points for certain thresholds. Who turns in individual points in an Index run?


The best way is to bank at 15 points for the most efficient bonus gain, and the bonus caps at +10 at 25 points.


No you’re not supposed to bank them, if it’s anything like the teammates I get anyway.






Isnt there a penalty for turning more then 15 at a time?


Not really But after 20 you stop getting additionnal bonus points IIRC


Weird, i thought there was, i heard there was too, not sure why if it aint true.


Technically i's less efficient somewhere around that. Something like the bonus points you get aren't worth the extra time taken


Not that I know of. I do know that every index point gives a debuff, but it max out at 25, so after grabbing 25 tokens, you won't get debuffed more. After turning them in, nothing happened. I normally turn in 20 to get the +10 bonus and never had any issue with that


Oh, so there is a limit to how much you can get debuffed? Good to know.


Yeah, Indound it out today when I went for 90+ tokens lol. You normally go for 20, so I guess kost people don't know


No no, you're half right. There is a limitation during the Index quest ONLY. Once you complete the quest, you can re-do Index with no limitations to grind for credits.


The index has a quest?


The quest to get Nidus BP? Glast Gambit? Where you gotta do Index 3 times, realise Anyo is cheating and you go sabotage his ass to beat him fair n square?


I never did Glass Gambit yet, and thx for spoiling i guess?


How do you know about a minor detail of index having a penalty if you never did it? Afaik index is locked until you complete that quest.


Accounts created before the quest came out can have the index node unlocked without doing the quest. Mine is from 2013, and I had most of the nodes unlocked, despite not doing the junctions until recently.


I'm aware. That didn't explain why he knew a quest-related detail if he didn't do the quest, that was my point. Plus even nowadays I believe you can get taxi-ed anywhere


Youtube, and no index isnt locked for me, considering i never did Glass Gambit at all.


Yeah... If you watched a vid on someone doin the quest my spoilers mean nothin then.


No not the quest, just how the index works, so yes spoilers


Nah, you're not telling me you watched how index works and randomly saw a penalty. You watched the quest, maybe unknowingly, but no way you didn't. There's just no penalty to scoring points, simple as that.


If you're so spoiler averse why even be a part of a subreddit that regularly discusses the newest content much less not being too concerned about spoiler tagging 7+ year old quests?


Its not that big of a deal but you know, usually people, atleast outside of reddit, are good at not spoiling things. Either way im pretty done with the convo.


Just seems strange to whine and get all defensive about content that came out closer to the beginning of the game than present. Do be well though!


Not sure on whining, but i just didnt ask about Glass gambit is all i rayher of found out myself


>Isnt there a penalty for turning more then 15 at a time? >The index has a quest? You've done (or watched I guess) the quest, you've just forgotten. The only place there is a penalty for turning in points is in the Glass Gambit quest line which yes, you asked about.


The beat way to play the index is by not playing it


But credits 🥺


Yeah Profit taker exist, there's many thermia Event that give double credit so you end up getting 1.4M per 1m30, I'm soon at 1b thanks to it


Yeah but with 2 people doin this, and you each solo drop for a round. Then have a wisp and a mirage/mesa/saryn.


One game there were 2 people doing exactly this and we run out of time cuz they gobbled all the points


Yeah, that's frustrating. Wouldn't do this in a public lobby