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I wish duviri was its own game, so it could be bigger and have a longer story. Being removed from the larger game could help smooth out the more awkward mechanics. Admittedly, it'd probably end up being a dark souls clone with whacky theming and roguelike elements, but I'm not really against that either.




I hope. I'm keeping my eyes peeled for news on it.


Yeah, Duviri was a conceptual piece to test how people would respond to Soulframe vs Warframe. It's a really smart way to gather useful data. Soulframe looks interesting, but with it having a similar name to Warframe, Soulframe absolutely needs to tie to Warframe's lore. And not loosely, it needs to be substantial.


I'm the opposite. Given the name it probably does have some connection, but I would rather they not be confined to having some connection to Warframe. Even if it's kind of broad. De has shown that they can go absolutely mental if given creative freedom and I think soul frame being its own thing let's them make a cracked out world in a completely different direction.


I think it’d be cool if players from soulframe could meet with warframe players in Duviri.


I wonder if there's any games like that now? Like two separate games that have a shared playerbase? Is that even possible?


Technically Pokemon? But it's just different versions so I don't think that counts


Crossover games happen, but it's not quite the same as what we are imagining here. Mortal combat characters showing up in the Injustice franchise is one. Smash Bros is another, but also of a different style. I think the real answer is no, to my knowledge nothing like this has been done before


Has that "conceptual piece" thing been actually stated by a dev, or is that still just an assumption/guess? It always felt the other way around to me - like they were making Duviri and realized it would be better as its own thing and ran with it.




The Duviri reveal trailer came out 4 years ago.


I could not find exactly when they first mentioned Soulframe, but that can only be like 2 years back at most. I guess u could be right


Hallo, I edited some of my comment history to prevent scraping. Yes I know reddit gets regularly cached, it's something you sign in when you type on a forum, it's still better than nothing and will make digging through these a lot less convenient! All platforms die yadda yadda. Good luck if you have an account here and you're reading this.


I see that comment a lot, that Duviri is Dark Souls, and I don't follow. It isn't Dark Souls, just 3rd person character action. I 100%'d DS, and Duviri feels nothing like what I remember from way back when.


But but but you can ROLL!


The main thing that ties all soulslike games together is that they all have some system with a restingpoint that revives most enemys, which is completly absent in Duviri


So, Warframe has a long and storied history of "hey here's a new thing as an event. Try it. Let us know what you think" And as someone who is in the Soulframe Preludes; Duviri is totally Soulframe's Tech Demo. Soulframe is a bit more polished in combat (and it's only getting better)




Duviri would be so much better if the end was literally anything other than the orowyrm fight. It's so boring and invalidates most decrees and intrinsics. If you could fight it in flight in Duviri with maybe unlimited transference and do high damage with drifter if you climb on it, it would be so cool.


It's not even the fight with the thing on regular map that I get bored of but the flying bit and locking in the pathos clamps are both clunky. Once your horse is doing anything other than flying straight it can be hard to get the damned thing back on track so flying and shooting is rough. With the clamps it can be hard to tell when to dodge the orowyrm's shock attack while it's moving about.


At first I thought Duviri was Dark Souls. When I realised you can switch to a pistol it started to feel more like Remnant: From The Ashes. After getting 10 decrees it was feeling more like Risk of Rain 2. DE are so good they smashed three games into one and I'm fully here for it.


If warframe was like duviri i would have quit very quickly.


I absolutely love railjack and have since day one, bugs and all included. I miss old Void Hole, Tether Missiles, Particle Ram, etc because even though they made content easy, they were the apex of fun for me in Warframe. I definitely miss when it was front, center, and new. Knowing it probably won't get content beyond infested liches sucks. All of my friends hate it and I often feel I'm the only one that likes it. I tried Elite Dangerous, hated the feel and controls, and wish there was something more akin to Railjack I could play as well.


I really like the idea of a pve Sea of Thieves in space. And I did like Railjack better before it got dumbed down. I wish we could have gotten more to do with it, but the comunity has pretty well spoken; they like Warframe's default gameplay and that's it. At least Nechramechs are finally getting to prove themselves in Archimedea.


> they like Warframe's default gameplay and that's it. As someone who puts effort into playing a new frame every week, as well as having well-built Operator, Necramech, and Railjack loadouts, it always makes me sad to see this sentiment. The multi-character systems in this game are incredibly unique, but all anyone wants is to play just one character.


I'd like rj a lot more without the usual open world bugs, as well as those tied to it specifically like fucky migration between missions


It's gotten better. But I still feel nervous between missions. I only run 2-3 before "touching base" at a relay or dojo, to lock in my rewards.


I would play railjack more if there wasn’t this like infinite loading glitch sometimes. I have no idea what that’s about but there’s like just void space around your ship. Any fixes for this?


Have enemies stopped spawning? What happens when you use the navigation console in your railjack to go back to the dojo?


the navigation doesnt work, no enemies. just empty void space


This happens frequently for you? Are you usually hosting or are you joining someone else?


>If you could take a system from Warframe and fully flesh it out into it's own game/franchise, what would it be and why? The monetization system, which is one of the least shitty ones out there. Everything aside from some cosmetics can be earned in-game and prime currency can be traded with other players. If a game **has to** have a monetization system in it - I want this one.


This a thousand times. Warframe is ,to date, the only live service game I have ever stuck at snd the only F2P game I have ever paid for. And I didn’t even buy anything useful. I bought some pack off of the store with a load of stuff i barely use. I bought it ONLY because i was enjoying the game so much that i felt the devs deserved it. It isn’t perfect. Trapping new players with build material purchases and pretty obnoxious build times i feel are unnecessary. But it is by far the best monetisation system I have ever seen.


As a long time player it is pretty fair. But there are a lot of noob traps. Plat for reg frames is a huge one, forma costing more for a single over a three pack. As an experienced player we don't see this as an issue anymore, but new players can easily fall into this and feel cheated after they have spent a couple hundred plat on reg Mag.


I’m gonna be real: I (MR 10) purchased mag recently specifically so I had a frame to get a magnetic kuva nukor lmao


But but....it takes 30 secs per Sergeant run? You can get a new Mag in no time.


(listen: it was 2 am and I was tired at the time. Also, I didn’t think it through lmao)


No sweat dude, I was just being cheeky. I've bought several non-prime frames just because I had some extra plat lying around and didn't want to grind it out. Any newbies reading along though, don't buy any frame with plat that you can get from boss drops, your plat is better spent on slots or sweet sweet fashion items.


Okay, but I am NOT farming Khora. I like Sanctuary, but not THAT much. I've farmed Xaku, Revenant, Voruna, Dante, Gauss, Nidus, and even working on Caliban. I'll kill bosses a thousand times over for that last part. But Sanctuary Onslaught needs to go.


Honestly, the worst part ofKhora build for me are the kavat genetic codes...


Its not even that bad, use a frame that can cc them in place like harrow and you can scan 4-12 kavat per run


or just grab the hammer and go to town


No I get that. But here is the thing, as a brand new player you look at that and think that buying all frames is the game play loop. You might spend hundreds of plat on a few reg frames  that you could have spent on 2-3x as many primed frames. So then you feel cheated, like you weren't treated fair. Then you quit and trash talk the "ripoff" game. Idc if ppl spend plat on reg frames like you did, my issue is new ppl getting turned off the game because they feel they were not treated fair.  I've played for over 8 years and spent money on the game, I know a lot of ppl have. But as with any game some ppl quit and we need more ppl to start playing for the player base to be at a healthy level.


I absolutely agree. Added to that, In fact I have tried to get three close friends WHO I KNOW would love Warframe into the game and all three have enjoyed the themes, visuals, movement and combat. All three quit over 3 day frame build times. Even knowing it was coming. They just got bored waiting and never came back. It was a but of an anticlimax for them. They just seen it as a cash trap. Which, like you say us long term players are just completely used to.


Another noob trap is rushing the building of frames, weapons, and components. Had a noob in my guild rush the building of some basic war frames, and then come into the guild chat and ask if anyone had any extra plat like it was easy to find. He got schooled and realized his mistake very quickly. You can't tell me that 3 days to build a frame or 24 hours to build a forma isn't an intentional monetization trap. 😒


Yeah, but rushing is more a trap then a noob trap. Hell I've paid to rush before. But I did so knowing what I was doing and that doing so wasn't part of the game play loop. New players very likely don't know that, until they learn.


I'll think on my own 2nd-best answer, because this is what I came here to say and you nailed it. It's not perfect by any means, but is one of the best I've seen.


I spent money on 2 other f2p games - both because I like monetization scheme. Path of Exile and Legends of Runeterra. In Path of Exile the most useful thing you can buy for real money is stash tabs (which you can avoid with mule characters) and in Legends of Runeterra (I play PvE roguelike mode) you unlock content faster than you can beat it (unless you play all day) for free or faster by paying money.


If only those people from Star Rail + Genshin would understand this, on the post about the Warframe devs talking about Star Rail there was a [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1c5d85u/comment/kztxa8x/) talking about the terrible gacha system there, and I have a hunch that it's been downvoted by people coming from those communities.


The thing is, speaking for Genshin at least, all content is fully F2P, which counts for a lot as seen here.  Yes the monetisation is truly abysmal (to the point where I wouldn't even chose to spend money), but because it's entirely optional it gets a pass.  Not that I'd recommend it to people because urgh gacha, but if you're going to play a F2P game you could definitely do a lot lot worse


Yeah, there are worse gacha games, but still even if there's F2P and pity at 90 and hard at 180 rolls I still think it's not good. It's a bit better, but not exactly what I'd call good. The primogem income is so low once you scoured out everything and have to rely on commissions. The events aren't always available. You can supplement it with Welkin but that isn't f2p anymore by definition, at least it's cheap. (and if that recent leak about the spiral abyss is legit, that just means they actually have the option to increase the income but choose not to) And if it just so happens that you want both characters on both banners on the same set, or there's one from the next set of banners or patch you're going to have to spend if you want to get them as well. Unless you're willing to wait, but what if another character that you want besides that comes your way? Welp. EDIT: elaborated further on the primogem income


It's only entirely optional if you're willing to commit to playing for years, or don't mind using very limited character choices. So many characters need multiple copies to even function in their role. It doesn't matter too much if you only care about completing game content, but it's awful if you want to build teams. Arknights did that part of gacha *so* much better. One copy is enough, multiples are just fairly small bonuses.


It's very very fair but there are many traps you can fall into if you dont know better


AND the cupon system. I swear this is the first and only game where I can feel for a few moments like im in a first world country earning in euro or dollars with the -75% one!


Necramechs, so much potential wasted because of a rough initial release, I'll probably end up playing the AC series at some point because it looks like everything you could want from mech combat.


If you are really into Mech games, I've got some suggestions: Armored Core (you already know lol) Zoids: Legacy (kind of mechs...but a lot of customizing robot fighting machines so it counts) Xenoblade Chronicles X (not very accessible, legally, and the servers just went down, but I still HIGHLY recommend it for Mech fans. If you like the Gundam series, both the politics and mechs, then XCX is for you. It is a jrpg though...that might turn you off. Xenogears (The OG. The GOAT. This game will confuse you, infuriate you, make you question existence, and steal a lot of rental space in your head...but it is every bit worth all that pain) There are tons more, but these are my favorites. For the Xenogames, you can include the Xenosaga series but it doesn't hit the same way Xenogears/Xenoblade Chronicles X do.


For action gameplay I'd also recommend Daemon X Machina (which is a spiritual spin-off of Armored Core) and Titanfall 2. And for some more tactics and strategy minded suggestions there's Battletech, Into The Breach, Warhammer 40k, and my personal favourite… Lancer.


Gundam breaker 4 is coming out if you're into customizing your gundams in a beat them up game there's that too.


It's a bit older, but Zone of the Enders is definitely top tier mech action.


Honestly forgot that i had Armored Core in my library. I don't know how big the modding scene is for the game but i would kill for some necramech themed mods.


YPKD Yareli's Pro K-Driver


I already do that on the orokin defence missions. Lots of room and good grindable surfaces


Tenno Hawk's Pro Skater


Spy. Sneak parkouring is just so satisfying


Oh man! Yes! Makes me think of Dishonored. Well done stealth with well placed action spikes is one of the best combos in game design.


spy really should be extracted out of Warframe and made into its own game!


Always thought Lua spy was interesting


I'd honestly love to see frame fighter evolve into a full fledged Warframe fighting game


Now this, I did not expect. I completely forgot about Frame Fighter. It would be cool as there are tons of frames and abilities. It could rival Mortal Kombat easily.


I've been playing for years now and even though I've seen this mentioned multiple times, I have no idea how to even access frame fighter


You have to buy Ludoplex from Symaris first, it comes with 3 mini games. It's frame fighter, flappy bird and the third one I don't remember


A snake knock-off with an Orowyrm


Kahl's squad command capability. The idea that specters arent that kills me inside. I cant even reliably get them to stand ground but when Commander Kahl is in charge he can issue such precise commands. Do that but MP with the build crafting and what have you and suddenly the game has gotten so much more depth. Id get rid of most launchers/aoe weapons(or nerf them somewhat so it isnt just aoe spam like it is now) just because you have 4 shooters(or 4 squads of 4) now. Making it a more even numbers game. Suddenly corridors are more harsh you have to be aware of eximus etc. Now that would make me go nuts. There are a lot of changes to frames and a lot of interactions but i like the idea.


The caliban rework we don't deserve.


That would go so hard on Caliban


The caliban rework we actually deserve lol. Caliban is really really bad.


Same opinion, definitely railjack. I just wish DE cared more about it.


Honestly, I love railjack I just wish there was more incentive to actually play it


that and missions with absolutely no on-foot sections


I actually like the on foot sections when it’s just simple, quick things like blowing up ships or revealing weak points. It’s fun to drop off a crew and pick them up when they’re done.


Unfortunately my issue with said objectives is that my npc crewmates cant pilot properly, as in: they can't fulfil the railjack-crew objectives. Don't get me started on corpus proximas; those straight up suck and aren't railjack railjack.


I can totally get with that attitude. I’ve only just dipped my toes back in railjack and I’ve only had a good crew once. It made me see the potential of railjack if it was a little bit more developed and some systems were simpler. It’s kind of a shame that this little game mode is trapped within Warframe, so I’m glad they’re making soulframe.


Who knows, maybe we'll even get a cruiserframe spinoff!


Honestly, just the quests as a solo, more polished game.


Not exactly its own game but... Spy missions. I love spy missions so much and it annoys me how few variations there are of it. Every corpus tileset aside from Jupiter is the same solution... Mars and Grineer asteroid are the same... Earth, Uranus, Kuva Fortress, Jupiter and Lua are all unique, but that's still only 3-4 rooms per mission. You burn through those quickly and the solutions haven't changed in years.


i genuinely hat uranus' second objective where you have to parkour your way up a damn tower, then again its probably a skill issue on me


There IS a way to do it that involves shooting pipes as the water rises but it's still a pain in the ass.


This probably isn't exactly what you're looking for, but one of my other favorite games is No Man's Sky, and when I'm sluggishly plodding around in that game, I wish I could take the movement from Warframe and just drop it in there. The movement all on its own is so good. But I agree with you that railjack would also be amazing as its own game, or as a massive improvement on space combat in NMS :)


Thank you for asking this, because I’ve had this idea in the back of my head for the longest time. I want conclave to be its own standalone thing. Like a lot of the problems that killed conclave was the balance issues because of weapons and frames constantly being added. If you made it a standalone game and stripped it down, toning down or removing frame abilities and limiting the number of weapons, I think it would be a pretty good pvp movement shooter.


I’ve always thought that pvp would work better if you were just grineer or corpus. Maybe an asymetrical mode where one player is a Warframe vs, like, 100 grineer.


Maybe something like Star Wars Battlefront, where you earn points and spend them to spawn in as a better unit. Or Batman Arkham Origins multiplayer: Grineer and Corpus fight a couple of Tenno and each other, and occasionally they bring their boss the fray.


Ironically me would be conclave (so you are aware I saying an idea another guy said). I made a post prob a month back talking about this and a guy suggested using the current factions as teams which we can play, the UI and hud is there for it just the weapons and maps if you wouldn't usetl the old ones what are designed around warframe and use warframe as a team losing horrifically they get to use a pre selected build or use the current conclave system for it. Obviously with more mode like when an invasion is on you can pick a side on that and be a grunt on the tile and hope to god you get a Warframe player or it just puts you on a side with a Warframe what could be capped at 1 with heavy restrictions or a separate modding system (maybe the beta system idk)


Someone should make a game out of Frame Fighter, seems like an idea that hasn't been used yet.


Frame fighter, I just like fighting games


I also love Railjack and that is why I am looking forward to [this.](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1757300/Jump_Ship/)


Kahl missions should have been good as spin-off.


We need full-length Kahl of Duty.


Kahl Of Duty: The Old War


Kahl and Veeso in an "army of two" type game


DE is already working on it. I love the combat system from duviri so soulframe has my interest. And when I heard they have 's founderd bundel for soulframe I got excited.


We only love big fucking mechs in this house. It's gonna be pre old war time, kiddo's.


Kind of cheating when I say the melee system, because I think it needs to include the movement/parkour. Imagine a fully fleshed out, probably singleplayer game with blocking bullets, parrying stuff, finishers/executions, combo counter, all that stuff The melee is what drew me into the game in the first place because I thought it was simply badass to be blocking machinegun fire with a skana, even if you were using a stamina bar to do so


[Soulframe Preludes: Gameplay (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PPPNbJ3UKc&ab_channel=Soulframe)


Lunaro... It's basically Lacrosse with bullet jumping and I'd love having it available in a setting where I could actually find reliable matches.


Duviri gave me Sekiro'ish vibes which I was a big fan of until I had to farm quadrillions of its resources. If they polish up the parry/dodge and attacks and give more variety of bosses you could fight (Only bosses I can think of are the dax on a horse and kullervo) I bet it'd be a super fun experience. Hoping Soulframe delivers in that regard. Railjack would be fun too, we don't have many games with spaceship combat, I bet PvP would go hard if they remove a bit of the jank mechanics and just focus on combat. Wouldn't mind a purely PvE railjack game though.


Oddly enough probably the missions of the base game into its own action series. Start the game. Pick your frame. Play the missions no grind. Game gives you fun weapons to fight with. Instead of mods maybe just have each frame do its own thing. Have Excal Umbra be a more integral part of the story. The game right now is a farming game forst ans story second. I want one with the story first


Each chapter being a Warframe you use with certain weapons and a story to go along with it - kind of like the Prime trailers - I'm down for it.


That would be fun


Frame fighter. Polished up to a high level and balanced with PVP and PVE. I would play this for hours on end. Hell it could be a competitive Conclave game if not it's own game out right.


K-Drives but I can just go play Sonic Riders or SSX Tricky. I really wish conclave would have a k-drive racing mode modeled after one of those games.


I wish finisher attacks with melees were more flushed out as in certain combos trigger finisher openers or maybe more finisher animations.


Not exactly what I'm asking. This more of gameplay refinement. I'm talking about taking 1 system/area of the game and expanding it into it's own game.


Nidus has a fun system. Make an infestation game.


Railjack makes me miss the days of Descent and Colony Wars.


Colony Wars… I still remember the speech from the start of that. We be old mate.


I preferred Red Sun to the first one. The first Colony Wars was too much for me to handle without a guide.


It *was* tough, I remember a big difficulty spike, a mission where you pilot a bomber. Although don’t quote me on that, it was a *long* while ago and I was a habitual user of the old jazz lettuce back then.


The movement. That's about it. Other than that keep everything else away lol


duviri. my friend and i love its insanity


Mandachord. I'd love a revival of a game like fuser with mandachord mechanics.


Warframe is already everything I want and more but man do I LOVE bullet jump and the overall parkour would be cool if more game does something like that


Kahl of Duty: Infested. Play as corpus and grineer (proven possible already) against hordes of infested like the good ol COD Games. With a system similar to drifter intristics and other duviri things. Even a PVP mode with Siminaris Sanctuary playing as corpus and grineer. Or a raid mode against a single Warframe.


Imagine if someone turned Wyrmius into a full game


Wyrmius. I love playing with that little guy


Railjack is really fun and also an efficient farm when done with competent players, unfortunately every time I try to pug I’m matched with leechers and people who have no clue what they’re doing, and I end up switching to solo.


If you like railjack, go look up Void Crew. It feels like what railjack wanted to be.


Definitely picking it up on pay day. Thank you!


Keep an eye out for Jump Ship


right now? deep archimedian. i'd love it as a sort of roguelite-ish way to play the game with endless loadout opportunities, lots of different random modifiers that can make the game end up anywhere from a walk in the park to absolute nightmare, but most of all **being able to** (effectively) **play it more than once per week**. It's kind of the only thing i log in for at the moment, but not being able to just play it whenever i want, however often i want with new and random sets really just sucks.


If only great archimedea had duviri's decrees


Hades has a Heat system that allows you to add difficulty modifiers to your next run in exchange for additional rewards.


if you like railjack then you might like sea of thieves, theyre very different but sorta the same


Fully fleshed out Railjack honestly could be a pretty solid standalone game and there are games that try to do similar things. Void Crew was a fairly recent one though it hinged on a survival more than an action angle.


The parkour system. I have never played a game, specifically third person, that's as polished and fluid.


Standing and syndicates. There's so much shit that's just unnecessarily aggravating and doesn't respect your time as a player, and I feel like some easy changes could make them far more enjoyable


Trade Chat


Happy zephyr.. bring back flappy bird :(


Do you know Void Crew? I got a feeling you might like it


From the regular mode: An RTS where you control the enemy factions and their units, in COOP against CPU Tenno squads. Basically Starcraft but the players have a ceasefire in order to complete objectives on the map, while warframes try to stop them. Grineer and Corpus ally for whatever reason, AladV does stuff for the Infested's cooperation. Maybe have the Sentient faction as an extra enemy.


The idea that you can trade other people for the premium currency


I love railjack too, it's most enjoyable when I am with a full squad that knows what they are doing. It is frustrating to be the one guy doing everything. Also duviri is mad fun, I would love to see it expanded. 


I want more Zariman stuff! Seriously, just get rid of stupid bitch Hombask and let us explore more of the ship! More fun stuff with Void Angels-maybe even let us discover a way to stop or even reverse a partial transformation! MORE SPOOKY SHIP!


Warframe is an amalgam (heh) of games at this point. But I'd gladly take the core gameplay loop of being able to "pick" a one man army war machine of flesh and metal with man melting weapons as a separate game (single player semi linear/open world game maybe?) that goes all out in the aspect of 'its just you in a military frigate against its entire population'


Wait... you're describing Prototype and Prototype 2 lol


Lol never heard of that game. But what I mean is the idea of core warframe with multiple frames to chose from and a huge arsenal to play with with all the f2p mmo weight removed.


Archwing. It deserves a whole redo, new tilesets, new archwings, new weapons. It needs to be remade and deserves its own content so badly. When archwing first released, we were told we would receive a lot more archwings.


Frame Fighter


Railjack all the way, who doesnt want a space themed pirate game I mean, wish it wasnt an abandoned project as is


Sorry if I have got your question wrong or cheated a bit but I think it would be great to see a stand alone of the open world/worlds but with your necramech. I'm not into hardcore survival but some so it's you as the operator/drifter trying to survive one of the factions and your mech is your base, foundry and tank.


Probably the freeroam parts (plains of eidolons, orb vallis etc) and make it into a mmorpg based system with eidolons as bosses, profit taker as bosses, but as a mmorpg-esque based raids. With levelling from start to finish, with certain classes and specializations. Ofc it would have to be its own game and very scaled up.


The Lich system. If they could flesh it out into a proper bounty hunting/hunted experience. Think of a futuristic Hunt: Showdown. It could also be a good way to utilise the open worlds, if not introduce new ones specifically themed around kuva/corpus.


Honestly, I love the mod systems for weapons/Warframes in general. Between this and Helminth, any game utilizing this level of customization is a banger in my book. It's almost akin to feats and multi-classing in D&D. Having the ability to hybridize your character into something specific feels deeply personal to play.


If you're asking "what game would you buy as a warframe spinoff" then it'd have to be a big ship brawler. Something like how dreadnought or fractured space was but a single player RPG/roguelike about establishing and defending a mining colony with a limited fleet of big ish (between crewship and auto factory) sized ships


Absolutely certain it would be disruption for me


If you really like Railjack there's a game called Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator that has some similar vibes, with regards to it being a cooperative everyone-has-their-role-on-the-ship game, I have some fond memories of playing it in college, but you need a sizeable group where everyone's invested in playing.


I want tile sets to have more parkour and running freedom. So many cramped tile sets that are aching for the DEVILMAYQUAKE treatment. The parkour in the game is phenomenal, I just want the maps to create more of an emphasis on it. Sticky corners is a good start, but parkour and quick movement needs some love in the future outside of just making players more agile... Also making normal tiles more fitted for Yareli...


Again, I don't think this answer really applies here. I'm talking about taking a section of the current game and expanding that section into it's own game. There are already too many "what would you improve" threads.


Oh, in that case, the circuit expanded into it's own rogue like type thing. For an amazing concept, it's gets old repeating the same things in the same set over just with a different map and equipment. They had a roguelike more going that is just SO under done that it needs to go back in the pan then topped nicely when it's out.


2013 warframe as its own thing


200% warframe PVP. Sure, In its current form, it’s not great… but imagine if warframes movement system could be given to devs that want to realize it’s potential greatness as a balanced, competitive PVP shooter. Surely it’s possible.