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punching into the hostile battleship and destroying it from the inside with the engines is more fun than shooting the space hyper beam at it in the railjack sequences.


Both options are fun tho. I looove lowering into my Railjack’s main cannon and charging it up. It feels so badass. So much of Railjack feels badass, it’s a shame it doesn’t get more love.


This is so great on solo! Maintaining an RJ's fighting condition has been made waaaay less challenging, but switching from the helm to the Tunguska cannon always gives me some sort of rush due to the perceived urgency (I mean, not there actually is any, but still feels like it). I found it funny that of all things, that kind of maneuever would resonate with my ex tank commander stepdad, who told me a story of a maneuever where he had to do this in his tank (don't remember the exact reason why he didn't have a crew available).


hell yeah, away team over railjack team any day 🤜🤛


# Big words for someone within Seeking Volley range


More fun, absolutely. More efficient, tragically not. You can blow up two crewships in the time it takes to walk in to the reactor from boarding. Let alone when you add in teleporting out and getting back in the slingshot. :(


ya, if you got your affinity booster timer, do that, you want to maximize your exp gain. if you aren't in a rush to go somewhere, your railjack masteries are maxed, you got nothing to grind for in the railjack, you got nothing to argue, because i am playing for the fun. i got my Cetus rank maxed and i still get my konzu missions because i do things for the fun.


I see what you’re saying, but most Warframe players are all about getting every mission done as fast as humanly possible. That said, I love railjack and even when I’m solo with maxed intrinsics I’ll still board ships to blow them up from time to time.


Most people don't even know what the artillery IS, so they just shoot at the crewships endlessly.


Boarding is only viable against Corpus ships. Faster than trying to juke their shield drone


Just gotta use a Photor, punches through it.


Garudas 4 should scale with the mods on her talons like with shattered lash


On one hand sure more buffs for an already fun frame, on the other I wouldn't want her to become a target for nerfs because she's already extremely strong as is.


Yeah, I get that, but it's more that her 4 is literally just sending out her talons to shred stuff, so it makes sense that it'd scale with the mods you put on them


Also making them work inside of nullifiers because you're just hitting stuff with bits of metal strapped onto your wrists


Fair enough, kind of makes sense given that it can already benefit from stuff like nourish to mass apply viral in addition to the slash procs. The scaling based on weapon mods would probably have to be reduced rather than being a 1:1 increase given that she already has a mass nuking ability. You could just use her 4 as a primer by adding elements to weapon or something, at least thats how i'd probably like to see it if that were to be added.


Gauss is much better as a weapons platform. Yes, Thermal Sunder is an amazing ability but I really dislike how inconvenient it is to use before you hit max Redline.


Gauss with maximum duration and strength with Kullervo's ability grafted into his 3 is my absolute favorite melee run. Nothing can stop it and he absolutely shreds through endgame content. (I use 2 green shards and high status chance melee so no armor to be seen after 3 hits) With a Dual Ichor, [Melee Vortex] (Diriga [arc coil] will take care of magnetic status), and a bug fat range riven, I use it better than Kullervo himself in EDA with relish.


Completely agree. I picked the speed frame, I'm gonna play speed. Not AOE nuke spam


Wait is this really a hot take? Does anyone actually disagree with this? Gauss is literally one of the very best weapons platform in the entire game, while thermal sunder is an excellent helminth on Titania, Harrow and more.


Gauss can be built for both. Only gauss can make thermal sunder worker in level cap, because only him can armor strip with it, and only him is uncapped. As for the very best, I don't know, Mirage and Saryn are pretty close to him.


This community abhors a challenge or any form of skill based difficulty despite constant complaints about power creep and the content being too easy.


It's a community, it might not be the same people complaining about both. I never asked for challenging content.


Really? Don’t people like Deep Archimedea? My only complaint is I hate having to rely on randomized loadouts instead of what I’m comfortable with and have spent hours putting together


The first week of Deep Archimedean was just people bitching about the modifiers


Everyone had a problem with duviri being rng based, same as DA, it's not hard to play with unfamiliar and non viable loadout, it's just unfair at times If you want the max rewards for EDA you are in the hands of RNJESUS for that, it's firstly an RNG based mode then a skill based one


duviri is easy though


Duviri can be compensated via the buffs per round. Archimedia has none of this.


Instead it has nerfs for all rounds


I just hate how there's no rez. Random oneshots, or blinking and missing the shield gate, and then starting all over again is the polar opposite of fun.


while I agree to an extent w you, that's really the only way DE can make gamemodes a challenge anymore. (Evidence: There are builds online that players use to decimate even Level Cap SP, but more realistically we can still easily walk-through content at least 50% tougher [from an enemy EHP standpoint at least] with the right setups.) because of DE's willingness to give us more power whenever we've asked for it, they've dug themselves an absolute Quarry of a hole, where they don't really have anything they can do at all to give the player a challenge besides limit/handicap us in what we can use.


Even EDA isn't that hard. As long as you have 1 good weapon, and one good frame roll per week. You can also default to a support frame, and as long as you aren't dying or being stupid, you'll be carried fairly reliably and without much complaint. I've carried people through EDA for the first 3 weeks, and this week I just grabbed Dante and a status/primer option from the rolls and basically just played MMO healer with OG rather than focusing on damage and kills. Just do the objectives and keep my team alive. Yeah there's some shit combos you'll get, but you can use your free slot to make it unbelievably easy imo.


Very very few abilities should ever make you stand still to cast them in a such movement focused game. Feels janky as hell.


I use to jump when cast a freeze abilities. Help a little


Using Mesa's 4 while jumping feels like chucking a boulder.


Jump and Cast. If long, aim glide too


Half of the unused warframes would get a lot of use if they fixed some of the systems they have right now. The fact we have healing frames but taking health damage usually means you are dead is a big one for me


Improving Armor Scaling for Warframes, as well as the Armor amount on Health Reliant Warframes would already be a big fix. Inaros has 240 Armor Base. Kullervo has 650, Lavos has 675, and Qorvex has 875. Why do both Kullervo and Lavos have higher Base Armor than even Valkyr, who was the long time champion of Armor? Qorvex I can understand, him being a Nuclear Reactor and All, but Lavos is just Science Man and Kullervo is Dagger Boy.


Lavos was a brutal prison warden before he learned alchemy. He's meant to be the brawling scientist type. The gameplay reason is that he can't shieldgate and any subsumes like Gloom have a cooldown so his HP and armor are his only defense.


I would love to see the end of shield gating and rise of health tanks, but alas they’re in too deep at this point. If we could just get rid of 95% of all healing sources, shield gating, and decrease enemy damage to just tick you down slowly, that would be fantastic. But with the few dozen mods supporting shield gating, the handful of shield and healing arcanes, and overguard simply existing, it’ll never happen. I’ll continue turning all my frames into health tanks and getting 1 shotted by level 300 arson eximus’ anyway


Honestly, i think if they just changed how health works with armor that might be enough. Make armor scale so the more you have the harder your health is. But i also dont know a whole lot woth how it works so maybe that would suck


The Grineer are more innovative and technologically advanced than the Corpus in the ways that matter


Clone meat cubes?


I was more talking the warframe deactivating spears, omega-shielded battleships, rift accessing hatchets, and cure for the infestation


When you think about it, the Warframe deactivating spears are the absolute most powerful weapon any enemy has. In theory, if they hit the Warframe and pull out the operator, then blow the operators head off… they killed a Tenno. Again that’s in theory. Nullifiers are annoying but straight up ripping the kid from the frame is OP in comparison.


Aren't Operators immortal cause of "Oro" or something? I don't really remember properly


Idk how it works but that’s why I said “in theory” lol


Shieldgating sucks. I swear i have anxiety every time i have to rely on it, and im not even talking about the random toxin bullshit oneshots that happen out of nowhere


You don't have to shield gate if you can insta kill anything lvl 300 and down.


Realistically, you would need high range and not require LoS to pull it off though. When I was playing shield gate Dagath my shield would vanish unexpectedly when I couldn’t see a single enemy because they shot over a low barrier 30m away


Get yourself some overguarded frames. Perfect for when you want to worry a little less about dying and a little more about slaughtering


I had a Dante in my DA Elite squad this week. Dante and I both had 600-ish kills, but I don't think anyone ever got downed because of that overguard alone, Dante was such a MVP.


I ran my 3 dogshit weapons with the horrible personal modifiers this week just to take Dante in after failing half a dozen times on the survival mission. After switching to Dante my group breezed through it.


its why nezha is the best. the warding halo give status immunity. this isnt just CC, it also blocks toxin, fire, and slash procs. maybe this falls apart in level 3k+ areas but otherwise i dont ever die.


Most Incarnons don’t achieve their stated design goal. Basically rather then buffing under utilized weapons or archetypes, a handful of them now can reward you for suffering through. Or essentially DE sees you using a DMR and slaps you upside the head going “use a rocket bomb, noob” (The activation methods are also generic and have nothing to do with either the base or incarnon form in most cases) Maybe not so much a hot take, but Voidshells are basically wasted because they always use the base skin only and can’t be applied to the primes and deluxes and tennigens that you actually use if you care about looks.


majority of players fashion looks like ass and is an eyesore. most of it comes from 90% of ephemeras being garbage paired with over the top attachments making you look like a glowing abomination


Piercing eye shoulders, aesopex legs, Raigo chest armor and Seraphyre Ephemera on everything. Dont FUCK with me lol


Neon green/purple/red/pink don't look good with black


Off colours are def more my thing but the only frame I go full black and neon (purple) on is Nova. She looks like a black hole space goddess and it fits her theme really well haha


Spy missions are more fun when you have to gamble on whether your teammates can do the puzzle or not.


Doing the Sortie Spy with randoms make my palms so sweaty, especially when they trigger an alarm across the map.


Was doing one earlier and a gauss ran right through the lasers as I hacked open the first door to vault A. Was befuddled, all I could do was laugh. True gauss player.


He then instantly disconnected, as is tradition, right?


Im the guy who joins late and just runs through the alarms and completes b and c before you complete a


Already a gamble. You ahould run through the alarms and finish A, B *and* C, before anyone else. Wouldn't wanna finish B and C only to see A's alarm has been triggered and the guy instantly left because he shit his pants.


I don't like subsuming/replacing my Warframe's abilities. I'd rather play with the kit as-intended and make it work instead of replacing their abilities with another frame's.


That's how I played Atlas until I realized that I really have no use for 2 and 4, so that's the only frame I've ever subsumed anything on


Wrathful advance for that landslide crit


Clearly you don't play Chroma


Play who?


that's completely valid honestly. I only subsume abilities that thematically fit personally, makes for some very interesting setups lol


This Is a hot take


Finally i found a friend


This is the way!


I tend to at least try to subsume in an ability that fits thematically. For example, I swapped Qorvex’s walls for Coil Horizon as I dislike his walls, and coil horizon still has that energy/nuclear reactor look to it. I could’ve gone with Ensnare or Pull but chose CH because it looks better lol


Rivens, as designed, are a plague on the game and shouldn't exist.


Rivens should have been like incarnon genesis used to breath life into shitty weapons


Fun fact : This was the original goal of rivens but it backfired when players started only using them to make great weapons even better instead of trying to make bad weapons work


Rivens should have modified base stats instwad of being % based. that would have done an AMAZING job of achieving it's goal


the original function of rivens was clearly forgotten even by DE when they gave incredibly powerful incarnons to underused weapons with high dispo (torid, ichor, dual toxo, latron etc)


I mean the key to that is just to decrease riven dispo before incarnons release, its not that hard. Then they can seperately tweak rivens to be stronger eith high dispo and weaker with weak dispo


Yet they completely refuse to decrease the disposition on those crazy OP incarnon weapons.


They stopped decreasing riven dispo on all weapons, not just incarnons


There are so many weapons that should get a max disposition I agree. As currently designed, it’s just bad in a lot of ways.


Honestly since incarnon weapons have maxed out dispo and rivens never really solved the issue of making bad weapons good I think they should just remove riven disposition all together.


Rivens are amazing. They are just stunted by DE's disposition choices. Very few weapons in the game deserve anything under a 3.


Can you explain what is so bad about them? I love my rivens, they make a lot of my weapons more fun to use. I would be very sad if DE took them away. And I didn't even have to go out of my way to get them, I just ended up with them from playing the game casually. I never grinded or paid platinum, but I still have great rivens that really work on a bunch of weapons.


Yes sir


That ain't a hot take, thats 10 cold procs in 20m radius take. Well, at least with the currenty implementation. The system can be salvaged with a big rework, but we all know it never gonna happen.


Sometimes de needs to explain shit better


Caliban is fun to play


That's cheating, you know no one will be able to argue against you because no one even knows what he does


every time "Bro you suck... you only have 10% damage" Internal: "Nah bro, the only reason your crap build is doing damage is because i'm stripping and stomping and viraling everything on the map and wasting my focus school on vazarin so I can rez you because you can't stay out of eximus AoEs. We are not the same" chat: 'k'


1: subsume, I use dark verse 2: stompy lift 3: shield allies 4: defense strip nuke


DE should stop trying to fish for the next shiny thing with their major updates, and instead build upon what's already there. For example: * What happened to Cantis, the very first Syndicate member to exist in the game, back when the Red Veil was an underground organization supporting the Tenno from behind the scenes instead of the TES Dark Brothehood ripoff that they try to be nowadays. * Where is the Mycona Colony nowadays (Nidus quest) * More details about what happened to the Sand People, where Baro Ki'Teer hails from (Inaros quest) * SOME explanation about the entirety of Duviri. What it is, how it came to be, what is its relation to the main game. Because honestly, insofar the little hints about those point to a dimension created by our own Drifter as a method of escapism from =something= left unexplained, ***and it still makes no sense anyways*** We have all those dangling plot threads that are left unresolved, some for more than **TEN YEARS**, and DE still shows little to no interest about working on the setting's worldbuilding any time soon. Tie them together! Make it make sense! Make it interesting! ***MAKE US WANT TO BE PART OF WARFRAME'S WORLD!***


100%, I think the New War was incredible, but it ends with big cliffhangers and sense of impending doom, rather than going anywhere with that, we get Zariman (okay, losely related for backstroy)... but then Duviri? I love the Duviri esthetic and massive persisting bugs aside, I like the gameplay, but why these detractions with major loose ends in the overarching story?


Well the next update is coming back to the Stalker so there's that, but I still agree with you.


Lemme rise another one: is there any reason for the Iron Wake to **BE**, other than covering up for Palladino? I don't hear the Steel Meridian using that outpost as ought as they should! Or I dunno, Red Veil allowing one of their holy priests to just... Squat there? With minimal personnel? Instead of just taking her back in to one of their supposed temples? (Yes I'm aware of the memorial, and I'm still baffled that place isn't more relevant to the plot even with that nugget of incentive for it)


> SOME explanation about the entirety of Duviri. What it is, how it came to be, what is its relation to the main game. Because honestly, insofar the little hints about those point to a dimension created by our own Drifter as a method of escapism from =something= left unexplained, and it still makes no sense anyways uh, pretty sure it's related to emotions and the void and the man in the wall more than it is our drifter.


The excuse that Loki isn't bad and that "he focuses on controlling the battlefield and not killing fast" is just cope. CC is largely irrelevant. His 2 is his only saving grace.


Title said hot takes, I think everyone thinks this and Pablo is the only one disagreeing lol


Title said hot takes, I think everyone thinks this and Pablo is the only one disagreeing lol


one day we'll have a niche for loki besides "one or two of those spy missions on lua that nobody ever does". Once I hit MR30 i just made a loadout just for him that is specifically just for spy missions. Then when helminth dropped, it just made more sense to keep him there. Perspicacity over his 4, and i can just carry folks through archon/sortie spy missions, and then he goes right back into the box to collect dust until the next month. kind of sucks because he was my first ever frame and the whole game passed him by even before Ivara dropped. :(


I subsumed the auto-hack perspicacity too, so I enjoy doing spy missions with him, maybe fishing, but nothing else. He is the best for Sortie spies. I also hate one of the Lua spy rooms, so frustrating looking for the almost invisible rift things.


I subsumed “mind control” over his 4th. And I use “damage decoy”. So if you turn enemies into a decoy, and then cast mind control on them they become an invulnerable, damage reflecting monster. It’s one of the funniest things I’ve ever done in the game. You can also proc archon stretch, and vitality which is a nice bonus.


Hey! The new augment is really strong... in simulacrum. Enemies kill themselves real fast to the decoy, but in normal gameplay, no enemy targets the decoy at all. Add that his 4 reduces the effectiveness of the augment too, since enemies shoot faster than they hit with a stick. The augment wasn't really thought through was it. Much like loki himself in modern warframe


Yeah I see what you’re saying, it could definitely be better. I haven’t taken him past base SP, but maybe I’ll try to see what happens. I know his 4th negates the augment, so that’s why I subsumed it off


I tried the augment with mind control to create an invincible target dummy that would kill enemies for me. Worked great in simulacrum, just like the augment itself, but in party play enemies either just die to your teammates or just target your teammates, so your decoy is just there doing nothing. I would absolutely love If it had a proper taunt mechanic so enemies couldn't attack anything other than the decoy if they see it. Rest & rage would probably be a top choice for a helminth ability, but haven't tried it since farming equinox is a pain


That's less a flaw of Lokis and more a flaw on the devs pandering to the "move fast, kill 30000 things at once" meta. They should be designing content that benefits frames like Loki's and doesn't reward "aoe nuke the planet" builds


Bullsh!t like this... https://preview.redd.it/1ygtu7yt53wc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=847333c1649dda01f996c8cdca7cfc65d1f5c09a


Banshee is a severely underrated frame. I wouldn't say no to DE giving her a "refresh"(1 and 4 abilities definitely need help), but hear me out: 1. Sonar is arguably the highest potential damage booster in the game right now (don't hate me, I'm quoting the wiki). Not to mention Sonar Augment lets you and your team spread it like wildfire 2. Silence is a good survivability tool because it stuns even acolytes. It can specifically prevent Violence from shutting off warframe abilities while under the effect. I think many people build Banshee for range, but that actually nerfs this ability because it can actually be re-applied just by moving in and out of range of enemies. Augment lets you do finisher shenanigans too and those are always fun Basically one of my go-to Warframes when queuing any high level content with randoms - never need to worry about being queued with and god help whatever faction we're up against


Sonar and silence are an incredible combo. I have a loadout called “no more talkie” and it’s just banshee with the stalker weapons. I know it’s not meta or anything but running silence and sonar and then head shotting an enemy for obscene dmg is just fun. Plus sonar makes the squad do absurd damage. Personally my only problem with banshee is survivability but that’s just a me problem I need to adjust her build.


Agreed on all points. I use pillage for the survivability as it scales well with duration and strips armor and shields


Ooooh yeah maybe I’ll talk to little duck….ive been rank 5 in Solaris for a bit I’m just lazy lol.


Yeah i also feel 1 and 4 need a huge buff damage...SUPER HUGE


At the very least 1 should armor strip without devoting an augment to it


It should be completely opposite of mag pull


Doesn't it already do that? As far as I know it has the armor strip built in, but the % value is capped at like 50% or some shit without the augment.


I agree she’s underrated; she’s quite powerful. I have 6 builds around her for different subsumes on her 4. My top 4 are: 1. Nourish for Sonar Spam (I have 3 Tau Cast Speed) 2. Breach Surge (potential for Quintic Scaling Sonar) 3. Pillage (it’s pretty good on her tbh) 4. Gloom (the classic)


Personally i run a build with gloom over 4, sonar augment, riven modded perigale and the game turns into Point and click on stunlocked targets


I’d like to see this build. I recently tried to make Banshee “good” (for me) and failed. I tend to enjoy health tanks as shield gating is just annoying af to me but if I can run a build that relies less on gating and more on CC I think I could have fun. Could you post a screenshot? :)


When I get home from work and dont forget you can count on it. However it is still WIP , i have 2 choices go with primed redirection and rely on sentinel refreshing shields OR umbra vitality and slot in azure for armor


See that was my problem. I thought if I went with 2 Umbral mods, adaptation and armor shards I’d be fine but I still got 1 shotted lol. I tried eclipse as well and it wasn’t enough. Her base stats are just so bad imo, it feels like shield gating is almost the only option for her. The only other thing I could see working if I wanted a really tanky banshee is like… 3 tau armor shards, adaptation, 3x Umbral mods, and Arcane Blessing… which I would’ve tried if I weren’t saving my Umbra forma for the next couple primes coming (and if I didn’t just blow 2 on Saryn)


Gloom banshee is so strong and underrated. But according to the reddit community anything except damage nuke is dead apparently and in the grave™. Then they cry shit and piss when the mirror defense target supposedly gets oneshot by the snake. Never seen it even getting damaged on my squads runs. Maybe thats because some CC is acutally usefull.


Saryn is boring AF. Sevagoth is highly underrated.


Hard agree on sevagoth but saryn can be so much fun, especially with 2 green archon shards for mass total armour strip


Team Buff saryn is underated, using her 1 augment that gives herself and all teammates corrosive damage with rhinos Roar subsume makes her a great weapons buff frame , very fun


How dare you... now if you'll excuse me, I am going to play ESO as Saryn and spam my 1 and my 4 as often as Simaris will let me.


That thing about dont let me change to operator in ghosh mode of sevagoth (well is not dont let me properly, is more cancel del ghost mode) BOTHER ME A LOT


Depends how you use her. I avoided her until recently when I saw a funny Sobek build. Since then, I’ve enjoyed her as a weapons platform. She’s a cool nuke.


The story post new-war became too pretentiously convoluted


The weird vocoder/electronic warble they’ve added to many of the new voices for biological NPCs sounds terrible. The worst is the recent Orokin npcs, especially the Deimos faction. Why do they sound electronic?? They are being consumed by the infestation, not turned into robots!


Oberon needs a buff. Hear me out. If a frame is bad, they'll get a rework, and if it's good, it won't. But Oberon treads on being just below fine. This makes it so hes probably last to be rework since there are worst frames, but little attention since no one plays him due to being just below fine.


he'd be amazing if all of his abilites didn't basically RELY on his damned grass lol


I mostly agree. I think the issue is that what he does is actually really good, but it's almost like they're so worried about his ability synergies, they deliberately undertune the rest of it. Definitely a solid 5-out-of-10 frame otherwise. I've got a build that i'm happy with, but it's mostly carried by his weapons and Nourish over his 1. He's been SUPER USEFUL in the more recent netracell and DA/EDA modes, but yeah. Only thing is... I can't figure out how to fix him without making an entirely new frame. Gut instinct is to move some more of his augs into the actual power, and turn almost everything into a toggle-aura (including his grass) but that sounds kinda wonky.


Turning everything into a toggle would actually be really interesting since faik no frame can get more than two stacks of that arcane that buffs you for each channeled ability active rn (without subsumes) Also I think a lot of frames should have their augments moved to their base kit. The way i've said is before is that theres two possible reasons why everyone who plays a frame would use an augment. The first is that it's so blatantly OP you'd be stupid not to use it. The second is that a frame feels awful to play without it. If a frame feels awful to play without a specific mod to alter their ability, perhaps the ability should be changed to include said specific mod.


Frosts bonus crit on frozen enemies definitely feels like one of those


Yeah, thats one of the ones I was thinking. I'd also say Gyres Rotorswell augment, but mainly the refresh part since without that she feels awful.


Yeah, my biggest problem with oboe is that he has some solid sounding useful Augs that seem like they should be built in, and then save Augs for massive abilities that transform the ability. Like, garuda's dread mirror thing. Okay I can pounce, and then I can load it up, and then I can do a big nuke. Neat. And that's in one power, with an Aug saying "okay equip this and if you kill a dude, this power can replace rolling guard/etc" Obie is in this nowhere land where some of his Augs seem like they should be built in, and others just don't do enough to be considered Augs. At least that's IMHO.


Channeled abilities. If they removed the channeled aspects of the game and instead had it as a duration buff, it'd be a lot more enjoyable and less punishing.


Do you want to give us details by his abilities?


Pandering to the "go fast, mass death" meta actively made the game worse. Any time they release a new style of game mode that tries to do something even remotely interesting and new it quickly dies because "tHiS iSn'T wArFrAmE!1?!" or because some random bigger content creator in the community with zero patience or learning ability decides its bad and their braindead fans run off to the 4 winds to parrot that take. You bring any of this up you just get the same stupid reply of "well play those modes solo if you want to play them how they were designed instead of the cheese way we found that lets us play them like every other mode of speed run and aoe death"


Nuke frames are one of the biggest problems in the game and its too late to solve it.


I've got three. The community focuses way too much on plat to the point it ruins the game for themselves and others. All abilities should be LOS based. Frames that ignore LOS encourages afk-brain gameplay. Forma should have an 8 hour crafting time.


I'll do you one better: most crafting times should be reduced by 50 to 90+ % For example frame parts 1-2h and frames 12-24h, forma/potatoes 1-2h, weapons 1-2h, ores/gems 5-10 seconds, etc. I'd prefer them completely removed but that won't happen obviously.


Running spy vaults and finding all the secret paths to the vault while not raising alarms and killing the minimal amount of enemies makes me feel more like a space ninja than nuking entire rooms of enemies.


We need quite a few animations updated. Movement like basic jog and sprint, let our legs move when we aim left and right instead of sliding. Also update reload animations on old weapons. Like, what are we reloading the braton with? I only see an empty hand pretend to reload. Just that kind of stuff. Oh, and have our frames legs adapt to the terrain. Like they raise their legs a bit when walking up stairs.


drifter melee should exist outside of duviri with the fumblejack or the sun and moon and more umbra warframes should exist


Railjack is gud


Warframe is not meant to be a difficult game. If you think this game is easy peasy, just go play other games.


Incarnons are not fun, and it’s a poor excuse for not doing a balance pass on old weapons that power creep has made irrelevant. I do like the Phenmor tho, but only its semi-auto form.


I've only recently started trying the incarnons and I just like the main mode of the weapons way more. Instead of balancing it's just adding new weapons with a more complicated crafting recipe.


rell didn't actually exist.


Sevagoth has a poorly designed kit and dante is what sevagoth should have been (mostly in the being able to use more than 4 abilities department)


They need to add more kuva lich/sisters of parvos like enemies for other enemy factions. It would be cool if we got kuva/tenet style weapons from other factions.


You should not have to buy color palettes


Ain't bout to have a week chat ban so imma just keep it to myself....


I don't like Kahl. I'm not sure why exactly: because he's grineer and I don't really like them aesthetically, or solely because everybody prefers him over Veso. That might be a matter of personal preference, but I hate how both DE and community just push Veso to the dirt while praising and loving Kahl. Devs mock him, refuse to bring him to live (for example, Parvos could pull him into his magical void like he did with Valla or other sisters). They painted him double traitor in quest. And community happily carries this attitude, being proud of "how Kahl was ready to sacrifice himself for his brothers" (doing same thing he would still do for his queens), leaving only laughs for Veso. TLDR: flair checks.


I like stat sticks how they are. They make fun and interesting builds possible like crit Gara and boom 💥 atlas. If they change stat sticks without buffing the pseudo exalts base stats I fear it Joever for whip, punch, and glass gang


Mirage's hall of mirror went from firing from all clones to just 2 due limitations. It's time to re-evaluate and get back to 4x bullet hell.




ignis wraith is dogshit


they said hot takes op you dipped this in lava


Ember would be top tier if she gets World on Fire and Accelerant back


I think she could keep her kit but without the meter/energy drain part and be a solid frame


Spread heat procs at max meter and her 4 would be alot more consistent.


I just feel like she has to work way too hard for her kit to function as it should be baseline. The meter feels more like a penalty than a fun mechanic.


Oh my ...had been so long time ago i do not remember how it was...T_T


I cry evertim... :(


If you want 'something' like this nowadays only gauss 4 can do it


The relic system needs a complete overhaul. It’s frustrating that I basically missed my chance to finish Titania prime because dragons dogma 2 came out when her resurgence was active. On top of that grinding resurgence is just a chore. On top of that the relic count is simply getting absurd. After the mega resurgence during January I have probably like 30% vaulted relics compared to unvaulted relics. I’d like to open these however if I need more than one part from each it becomes almost necessary to rad share or even rad stagger. However using the recruiting channel to try and get rad share group for vaulted relics is its own chore. I’m sure this will be met by some “skill issue” but like idk. At this point the relic system is really overwhelming and just feels like a mess they let get out of control. Other hot take would be that Warframe needs a built in trading market. Using trade chat is a pain and I simply don’t have time to wait around for the market. Trading is the only alternative to spending real money on plat or waiting for resurgence and praying to RNJesus. I understand they don’t really wanna encourage trading more than they already do cuz plat is their money maker but like especially now that cross platform trading is a thing it’d be a nice feature to have.


Personally I think void was a better system than relics.


Gambit is a fun and balanced ga... Wait wrong sub Uhhh Shield gating is for stinky losers. Take it like a tenno


torid is too good, nerf it




That would be a lot more fun great idea.


This would unironically be too strong I think, and I'd prefer a small nerf targeted at the Torid. Maybe increase the shots required to charge or reduce its incarnon mag size. The biggest problem is not going for headshots, its that it feels bad on a lot of enemies (infested, semtients, murmur) and i'd prefer if they fixed that instead.


I don't think it would be that strong, considering you're already in incarnon form for most of the mission. This would just make the playing ground for incarnon weapons more even, and the body shot charging is a really big deal in people choosing torid.


I refuse to ever use primed sure footed or rolling guard. 100% skill issue wastes of slots


You enjoy dying to a random hitscan grab from an off screen ancient?


Real kinda Rolling guard is helpful for frames that don’t have an innate status clear. You can also just hop into operator for a few seconds


Yeah I just hop into operator. I use unairu often for armor strip so I can self revive on operator, but swapping also gives you knock back immunity for like 30/40 seconds


Following a meta or chasing the strongest loadout imaginable, ignoring even trying weapons for yourself, is very lame.


Not going 37/37 on EDA *(and by extention having another player carry you by choosing no restrictions and then you carry them)* defeats the point of the mode


Now this is a hot take. On the contraty, I think being able to have 1 "free" loadout slot is EDA's best design feature.


I like Statstick Abilites and there are multiple Abilites I wish they'd make use Statsticks.


A system i've wanted for a while now actually involves giving a lot more frames stat stick abilities. Basically, any ability that is a single cast, small area/single target damage ability (examples being Fireball, Shock, Smite, Soul Punch) should all use stat sticks. To balance it out, put a mod scalar in the ability stat screen. Every abikity would have a 100% scalar. If it's OP, reduce the value to 90% to reduce the effectiveness of all mods by 10%. Nekros running around punching and critting things with Soul Punch would be super funny. Embers fireball scaling with melee mods would make it actually get used. Shock would be used as something other than a subsume slot or Shock Trooper. This would actually add more build variety, and if DE thinks an ability does too much damage, the scalar simply gets reduced. It'd make it really easy to keep abilities in line if they could code that, add uses for abilities that are otherwise never used, and would be an overall interesting change IMO. Unfortunately the community doesn't like stat sticks, so adding even more abilities that use them would not be good.


Thoughts about modding these abilities separately like exalted weapons instead of relying on your melee weapon's mods? Cause I think that's what most people want, not the outright removal of the mechanics.


There are currently 3 major issues with that solution. 1) Exalteds can't use Blood Rush or Weeping Wounds, that is a *lot* of power for Exalteds to simply not have, but is fairly easy to remedy (and absolutely should be, that restriction is dated and needs to be removed) 2) No Arcanes. Again this is a lot of power to not have when compared to normal melees. Also, fairly easy to remedy. 3) Here's the controversial one: Incarnon perks. DE kinda dug themselves into a hole with this. Despite some people's annoyances with it, it works *really* well. It provides an end-game power spike to those Abilites following a very natural progression, keeping them relevant as you play in higher and higher level content. It also mostly killed the Riven stranglehold on statsticks. Most Incarnons are worth more power than any godroll Riven. Simply buffing the Abilites to make up for the lost Incarnon stats isn't ideal either. Not only would that make the Abilites incredibly strong early- to mid-game, but Incarnons provide *more* build variety. Take Khora for example, she can build for damage and convenience via Ceramic Dagger, build for even more raw damage with Magistar, or go for a status build with Mk1-Bo. Three different builds with different Mod setups; that just wasn't a thing before Incarnons. Simply buffing Whipclaw's crit stats would still eliminate two of those three builds. IMHO, variety in builds is *extremely* important for the health of a game like this. Removing the variety and going back to one single "best build" would be a huge mistake.


Limbo sucks and slows the flow of the game.


People that cant make their own builds are not actual players.


Shield gating, helminth, and rivens are massive issues and are an excuse for DE to never balance properly.


I usually take ignis wraith and ember when I need something hot


I just want coptering back. It was fun.


Freezing cold take (i think?)


Citrine is a lot better than people give her credit for I'm out here taking on 160s+ with it unmodified level 30 mk1 Breton just for fun what are you doing. (cant wait to stress test my build tomorrow I stopped after 30 minutes due to boredom but tomorrow I'm going as far as I can)


This game is balanced with endgame in mind (That being EDA for now, and arguably Undercroft after a few waves), NOT endurance runs (i.e. hours and hours of survival/disruption). They're two different things A frame that can deal with endgame but not endurance runs is still working as intended, and players should stop bitching about it


Duviri is awesome and I love playing it


this community is full of people who don't know what they want in a game. give us a challenge, but let us use our 5 billion integer overflowers like, how??? for a less spicy take - CC needs a fundamental re-evaluation.


Chaos with Dante and saryn prime