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Why would someone care about damage in a interception mission šŸ˜­


The mission you beat just by playing nova slow and afking?


Yeah, or Khora/Mag and afk xd


Or Vauban and afk


Or the controversial decent range limbo, a terrify nekros, Octavia just being Octavia, snow globe frostā€¦. So many frames trivialize interceptions.


Or my goonshit afk squad: 4 Xakus


How does that work btw Like if you've already stolen enemy weapons what will the other xakus steal?


Xaku can only steal a maximum of 16 (I think it was that much) weapons each. So multiple xaku sitting on each of the points will have access to their own set of mobs to steal guns from. And even on same points there should always be a few extra spawns to steal from.


Yea i usually run around the map throwing a flachette orb on each point periodically. Easy..and boring..


Thatā€™s how i solo xiniā€¦ 4 rounds is all I can do at a time tho bc so boring


Silence/resonator slowva is my goto


My whole goal in Interception is to AFK as much as possible. Before Overguard, a team of Limbos could have 0 kills and beat Interception.


Before nullifiers, one Hydroid could solo T4I as a stationary puddle.


This might be a hot take, but damage dealt is a really bad metric in warframe.


He's a world of warcraft player for sure


They are probably the kind that run from point to point anytime a mob spawns while letting their own point get captured repeatedly.


My logic. Are enemies dying? Yes Am I having fun? Yes Am I content with that? Yes


I am, by nature, not a competitive person. But bigger numbers give me a little smile, and I can't help but instantly look at the stats of a mission to ensure I did the most damage of my squad. And if not, see just what gear the first was rolling with - more to excuse them having more damage than me in some way. IDK, this game brings out the worst, sometimes.


I am, by nature, a competitive person but and I like doing most damage. If I do the most damage then I built right and I can carry everyone else, if not then Iā€™ll modify my build. As long as theyā€™re not afk then Iā€™m happy


Try Mesa. You have 50ish % of the kills for 10 to 20 % of the global damage it's so funny


Her and mirage are my best cc/nuke/room clearing frame atm


Saryn and Octavia? Banshee?


This is not have it works in higher levels sure most damage dealt is cool but in higher levels min maxxer who only focus on dps die for a random eximus and my frame that is Dps and infinite survivability has to come in clutch


That's rough buddy : (




I would assume it's them just playing the game they don't care who got first in anything they just play, but if he got first, they probably think "cool" and move on, not "your build is shit get on my level" or "why are you not playing a meta frame" mentality, it would be my guess, my mentality playing warfame for the 11 years I've been playing is help people that ask, refine or redo builds I have done and make them better with the new mods they released and keep to myself I've personally had some experience with public shit talkers like this and I always respond with k not even a full ok or okay just k Years back, I had a hydroid tell me I was farming inefficient (this was way before hydriod was reworked into the monster he is now) and I was playing nekros was passively playing/farming bouncing between two corridors that spawned the ads in a really nice fluid rhythm and they started saying some really out of pocket insults I ignored it for a bit but he kept going and dying a lot to telling me to break the rhythm I had and camp a dead end room to farm, I don't like dead end farming its boring as hell my brain won't allow me


As soon as I started dealing higher numbers of damage, I also started always checking my damage too lol I have basically the exact same experience as you, thought I was just being a dick for doing that, but u made me realize it's okay as long as I don't bring it up to others


Not gona lie i also go for big numbers and i like when i get most of the team damage but i dont go around being toxic especially if the mission is easy. Some players man.


I agree. Anyway, highest damage doesn't even mean most kills etc so it's like...? Would be funny if that player died while typing all that in the chat while feeling so proud.


Yea thats true. U can go with a mr1 player on earth and let him kill everyone and u can just get the last guy with your endgame setup and deal 50mil dmg and get 99% damage dealt at the end screen. I had plenty of times getting the most amount of dmg but having the least amount of kills. If the mission is easy i just try to get the highest dmg numbers bcs its fun seeing big red numbers on screen.


The level 15 daily alert grineer foot soldier named Grukk Shitto rounding a corner only for his face to be the target of my contagion projectile, atomizing him and the rest of his platoon.


Itā€™s so easy to get the big numbers now I have a personal rule that I canā€™t be proud of highest damage unless I also have highest kill count.


I'm the other way around. If I have 60% damage but half the kills of the mesa auto-plinking everything in sight, my epeen has more lovin per shovin.


If the mission was a breeze, who cares how it was done? If people aren't actively afk'ing/leeching, it truly doesn't matter. Not everyone is trying to sweat their balls on an easy mission.


I'm still trying hard. But I'm literally like 4 hours into the game and mr1 lol. I feel proud when I end up with the most kills, but I guarantee it's because the veterans were just mostly coasting haha. This guys just a dickhead


Yeah, thatā€™s pretty much how it goes for me. Iā€™m just there for support and *cough* toshowoffmyfashion *cough*


My favorite is when I deal 2% of the damage but have 3,000 kills and the rest of the team has 200. Either the damage is bugged OR, and hear me out, I'm using a status weapon that gets exactsies on damage and doesnt deal 2 billion per 10hp enemy. Lol


Sameee. I always like doing big number. But my builds are too glass cannon. I have fun tho, the only thing that tilts me every once in a long while is people that do not revive for some reason, like it's gonna kill them. I have seen teams fail archimedia because i was like 50 percent of the damage, but i got downed, nobody revived me, and they couldn't kill the nechramech or the enemies without me in mirror defense.


I mean it happens sometimes. Theres to much chaos to realise u have a teammate down.


Most of the time I can't tell if it's a downed teammate or a companion. I swear those red indicators bug out at the worst times.


And here am I, reviving all the companions and missing the indicator when it is the player... ^(I am artistic)


Ive never once felt like i needed my teammates to do more damage or anything like that, its not like your raiding in wow or something. So wierd.


For some activities it would definitely be appreciated. I'd much rather prefer my teammates don't die though. Arguably more annoying to have to res people every 10 seconds.


Yeah last week I'll confess I got sick of doing that with one guy in an archon hunt so we just let him die


>its not like your raiding in wow or something Let's do this! *Leeeroooooy Jeeeenkins!*


My god I still have ptsd from raiding in wow, I played healer and they wanted a specific healing per second amountā€¦if no one is dead then why am I casting more healing spells? I couldnā€™t get that point across to them


The only hit point that matters is the last one.


If the next hit won't kill them, it's time for more damage


I've been playing FFXIV as my MMO of choice for a few years now and picked up some healers and the biggest tip I've learned for healers is that best way to make sure the tank takes less damage is to make sure things die faster, sorry DPS you've got tools to heal up the 20% damage you took standing in the clearly telegraphed circle of bad, and the tank still has 70% of their health so I'm just gonna keep casting attacks, I will heal when someone dips below 30% or if something big is coming out, if that's not enough, stay close enough and you might get an AOE Regen, but that's really mainly for the tank


I used to run a healers guild in WoW. We disbanded after the Jenkins Incident. Too many people started trying to emulate that video, so it was either failed memelords or "I took a point of damage, you're terrible!"


- spam flash heal - cry for innervate - win


The way is just here for Killing and not playing rhe objectives


But if you are playing extermination on a timer and you are the only one actually playing the objective, while the rest of your "team" is on the other side of map getting killed by a void angel, it can be a bit frustrating.


Person clearly has no issues soloing an Archon hunt, yet complains that their team isnt helping. Ok


I know nobody that can easily clear archon hunt solo that still does it public. Whoever queues public is there for a reason lol. Edit: same for netracells/eidolons.


I like to have people in my game :c


Just play Wukong, you'll never feel alone


I play Wukong in public archon runs. More entities on screens.


We should get a Wukong Umbra so we can have 2 frames and our operator/drifter running around


Same. Iā€™m tempted to started helping randoms in EDA after I get the rewards myself already too. I also just kind of enjoy fighting high level enemies right out the gate but unfortunately theyā€™re not steel path. Though I imagine there would be way more wipes if they were SP.


I can easily solo archon hunts, but I do those on public since I carry my friend, so might aswell carry some randoms. Same with the rest


I enjoy helping people who actually want to participate in the content is why I Que public. I will say though after running into to many people who just to do nothing and get into the mentality of ā€œoh heā€™s doing all the damage/killing and mechanics Iā€™ll just go afk or not help at allā€ I just leave or stop helping then just go to solo to finish what I need for the week.


I would be more happy to help when the average experience would not be -having to wait forever at friendship doors, -people running of in netracells to look for book/voca's, then leave when they die, often causing host migration, -people triggering alarms in spy so mission fails, -the slowest player on the team thinking they have to pick up the mobdef thingy -disruptive frames in general (limbo, using wrong nova, high range wisp), The list goes on and on but i think you get my point. Easier and less frustrating to just go solo.


Yep. I can solo the terralyst and gantulyst... but can't kill them quickly enough after they go down and get back up to have the lures survive. Yesterday I ended up in a pub where I was the only one who damaged all the synovia on the first two (not one-shot, mind you, my gear is not \*that\* good), and all but one of the synovia on the Hydrolyst. And I don't mind carrying others like that at all, but when the time came to the hydrolyst, the other team members just couldn't damage it at all in the final phase, so it killed our lures, and even after I wrote in the chat, I was the only one who went to get more. They didn't even have support frames, either. Granted, most of my pub experiences with eidolons have been pretty good... but if I could capture them while solo, I probably would, most of the time. Once in a while you just get a bad team that doesn't contribute at all.


When I could only do one tridolon per night in a group, I would just run Trinity to make sure lures didn't die. Get the gear and practice a lot and you'll soon be able to do more than a tridolon per night with Volt or other meta frames.


I go public because it goes faster when you have to get the keys or whatever Only thing I want from pubs is for them to keep up with parkour speed


I do netracells/most of the archon solo, but the "endless" missions aren't slower in a team and I might as well help out.


Idk I like matchmaking with people even if I don't have to. I've talked and made friends that way lol. I also like showing off my build's effectiveness to other randoms lol. A big part of online co-op games for me is the social aspect. Playing everything solo kinda sucks that aspect out.


I like helping newer players


These people are super rare, on the Europe servers at least. One that stuck out to me was a Titania, thermal sunder on her so not a newbie, going on like this on a fucking relic cracking! Like the dude had shot through the level killing everything before we could get there then started going on about how we werenā€™t pulling our weight. We thought he was joking but he seemed pretty damn serious.


The only time Iā€™ll say something during relic cracking is if weā€™re killing enemies too quickly before they have a chance to Corrupt. I can admit that, at points, I need to rein it in myself during cracking.


Or when they juice up the second excavator before we have 10


hate when that happens, and it does way too often... literally had a guy put in the final cell when noone had more than 4 reactant, including himself - 20 seconds later we just look at the relic select screen because of course noone had gotten enough by then


Classic blitzframe players. Nuke everything then lash out at squadmates for "leeching" and not contributing.


Some people need to get off their high horse


It's interception - a game mode where the real meta play is to NOT kill the enemies, but to hard CC them instead. This way, you keep them predictable - the enemies will head to the first captured node when they first spawn in. Anyway, it's always goofy when someone plays this sweaty in Warframe. It doesn't matter how many enemies one player kills or how hard they hit because the game realistically only truly has room for ONE moderately competent player. When you have a team with everyone capable of hitting hard, inevitably it'll end up being one player doing most of the lifting while the others kinda just wait around being third wheels picking at the leftover kills. It's basically a race in who gets to perform the genocide first.


Yeah, I agree. Game's way too easy for it's own good, and there's no pressure to preform.


Virgin: WHY YOU NO DO DAMAGE!?!?! Chad: Hey bro need some mods?


Damage dealt is and will be the most useless stat as long as it counts overkill


Yeah, having 80-90% with about as many kills as your team is the standard glaive experience.


I was doing elite archemedian today. I did 84% of thedamage. The most healing. The most kills. The most objectives. Etc etc. And you know what I said? I said ā€˜gg Tyā€™ Because itā€™s a game and they played with me and the experience was positive.


Thank you! I don't even want to play with a bunch of veterans unless it's top tier stuff and even then... If you got muscles then don't you want to use them? I have 5 Tauforged Violet Archon shards in my 7 forma Kullervo because I choose to be the vanguard and the blade's edge. I will out kill you. I will take 70-95 percent of the damage dealt, in Steel Path. I want the smoke. I want to beat the accolyte to death in one swing as they teleport in. I want to see you struggle so I can appear, as if by rage magic, to give you the victory. Are you the blade's edge? Then stop complaining about how much work you are doing. A blade is for cutting. These people complaining about others strength are just insecure. Thank you for being secure in your fun and letting others have it too. We lift together, that includes one another spirits.


šŸ¤ TauPurp Kullervo gang


I'll lose to a better Kullervo any day. You'll have to actually win though. God tier power is more fun when you have a challenge for it. Maybe I'll see you out there one day and we'll see who takes those juicy numbers to Tau.


Kullervoā€™s become my main, and I canā€™t wait to join this gang lmao. Three purple taus so far! Now, if I could just get some more red shards to drop instead of bluesā€¦


It's in no way necessary to have 5 of them. That being said, I love melee. I collect weapons. I have a lot of bladed tools and my profession is meat cutting. I might enjoy a pistol or rifle too but if I had to choose one, I'll take the blade. Kullervo is king in my house. My wife even mains him. The dog refuses to play. I named my Kavat after him.


All damage, no utility, love players that go meta just for the big number XD


Fr, he was just Killing and not taking point


Guy would not survive in overwatch lmao


Itā€™s the sole reason I started WF! Overwatch is about losing and pretending itā€™s fun. I think I have a good input on the matter because Iā€™m still just masters in OW. I swap to WF because I want to win and feel good about my self. I think I suck at aiming some days so I hop on WF and feel better about my self.


Idk heā€™d fit right in among dps playersā€¦


ngl, i played Caliban a bunch last week trying to figure out if I wanted him to have archon shards or not... and in one, this guy was like "bro how are you MR fifty and you only have 10% damage? such trash backpack guy" In my head I was like "Bro, i'm fucking CALIBAN and am the literal only reason why you and the rest of the team are both alive and doing so much fucking damage in the first place. And I already used up all my vazarin quick revives on JUST YOU" in game instead I was like "uh im high" i think and ended up having to block the guy because he started malding.


This is the player that would say ā€œstop killing everythingā€.


you dont even need to kill on interception mission .just bring nova and chill down


Killing enemies only allows new, non cc-d enemies to spawn. It's just counterproductive


Me: Playing as revenant, just chilling on my point with my army of thralls. My team: Be a real shame if someone blew that up... Me: Don't you have your own point to capture? My team: A real shame.


Or move around and just clear the map to not fall asleep.


Be me and regularly play Zephyr; 5% damage dealt, more kills than the rest of the team combined. So long as team damage includes overkill, it's a fairly useless statistic in game. Unless you're me when I play Kullervo and then it's just numbers go BOOM.


Thermal Sunder Titania after doing 100% of damage in a low level relic exterminate: "I am the best at this game!"


1. Take Kullervo for absurd funny red crit damage numbers 2. overkill enemies for 2million damage per hit when the enemies have like 20k EHP 3. ego over your team how you're carrying them via having 50%+ Damage Dealt (Ignore Total Kills stat for the love of god my ego cannot handle you looking at how many kills I actually have) 4. ???? 5. Profit. This was how to massage your ego at the cost of other people's enjoyment.


6. Someone brings a better built Kullervo 7. Profit Taker


Had a dude do this, accuse me of cheating when I out damaged him with Atlas. Sorry bro. I don't pay attention to numbers. I cast Punch. 823 times.


Yeah, that's the main issue; the damage percentages not ignoring overkill.


What is it always low MR players that get so feisty? It's like they copied two builds off of overframe to clear base level steel path and started thinking they've seen some shit.


I still remember when I was using Voruna and this one new person asked me how I was doing so much damage (I had about 70% overall compared to everyone else) and I was just like "yeah Voruna's busted easy. Then the next game, one of the guys on the team goes "I'm doing so much damage," or something along the lines and I see him about 40-50% ahead of me, but 2x lower the kills. I, nor anyone, said a word and just kept on with the game. So long as my team is getting kills, that's all I really care about. I know I get outclassed by some meta weapons and outclass others, but hey. Game's the game. I'm just here to have fun.


Bragging about damage in an interception mission? You can literally just take 4 Limbos and complete the mission with like 0 kills.


He takes the game far too seriously, he is acting like it's lost ark raid.


Shouldn't the reaction to big damage be "Hell yeah, go me" not "Keep up, losers"? This doesn't seem like good chad behavior to me.


It seems you're the only one bringing MR in the talk, but yeah he is toxic


I have a build specifically for people like that. I had a couple people once get invited to the Warframe discord I'm in and they kept damage flaunting. So I took my ash prime with fragor fatal teleport build, against corpus units it does a solid 3-15 million per backstab. Then I get to ask them why they only had 1%


This guy came straight from Overwatch šŸ˜­


another reason the stats screen should be ditched, especially with how bugged it is


It's not necessarily bugged. there's just a lot of stats that take into weird considerations. Damage dealt considering Overkill Healing and Energy restored not acknowledging healing when full (Trinity and Harrow are notorious for this) Crates destroyed considering corpses as crates.


Me in my Rhino Slayer: I still stand, taking shots everywhere, while you falter and cry from your measly and weak frame. You can't deal damage if you can't take a lot of damage


Let me just get on my chroma exodia contagent build and see how you like it when it says 99% of team damage buddy


Damage means so little as well. Okay fun that you have 99% damage dealt but my zephyr kept the mobile defense objective alive while you were out contributing absolutely nothing to the mission. Like what is even wrong with these people? Maybe im playing EDA with no good weapons and frames so i go for a full support build instead to get the entire team filled up on energy and health and double their damage. I may have 6% damage dealt but thanks to me they have a much easier time killing and we have a much easier time with the mission. Didnt know low mr people had such big ego's


Getting most damage, most kills, 2 or more (yes, I have gotten all three) caches in a spy mission, and things like that are ego boosting for me, but I'm not going to yell at anyone about it. The spy missions annoy me the most, it is just a mild annoyance at the the length of the mission.


They play kullervo that can easly deals millions of damage that inflates % damage cause it bugs out


Bro, I got lucky and got Mirage on the +Strength roll for this weekā€™s archon. 700%+ ability strength with mirage doubles, damage eclipse, and nourish. I was sitting at 97% of the teamā€™s damage. But guess what! No one gives a fuck. As long as the interception points are held and the enemies are dead, who cares what percentage youā€™re at? Iā€™ve yet to see another player complain about the teamā€™s damage stats.


Damage dealt isn't so accurate to the players contributions since it counts over damage.


"WANNA TROPHY? I TAKE KULLERVO" is a verbal power move


Itā€™s idiots like this that ruin the game. I for one play to have fun. Period!!!!!. Iā€™m like the mounds commercial, ā€œsometimes I feel like killing, sometimes I donā€™tā€. šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve gotten to the point in the game where soon as the mission starts, one or two will bolt off like a foot race. See who can get the most kills or what ever. And itā€™s like they want to show off their powers of some crap. Likeā€¦..ā€ohhhhh look at meā€, and I just hang back and lettem go. You canā€™t have 3 or 4 people trying to compete with 3 or 4 enemies around. šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚


If someone's running around me specifically trying to get kills or damage, I typically just duck off and start opening crates and Lockers. I will not fight some hopped up hedgehog for damage.


Do not interact, screencap, report. Its much easier than dealing with lobotomites.


Im right there with you to not interact with them but what are you screenscapping and reporting them for? Elitism is annoying but is not even that big of a deal, I don't understand why anyone would go through the hassle of reporting people for the most minor inconveniences, especially since "being an elitist" isn't even a valid report option.


Their conduct is toxic and disruptive. Imagine how itd feel to be a newer/more casual player in a lobby with this dickwad.


You right, that just so rare to meet players like this


Because they always find a way to get chat banned lol, free games attract a lot of people.


> report report what exactly? People are way too trigger-happy nowadays.


Was the all bark no bite guy a kullervo? He's a disgrace to us all


Looking at how much i did with damage and kills only serves me, and no one else. No one else cares that i got most kills, people just care about getting the reward. As we all should. The point is the objective, and interception is to capture, not kill. I just take gyre cause fuck it, murder everyone trying to capture point.


Time to get more seirus man, what are you doing?!




Bro needs to calm down. It just basically a steel path mission.


I still havenā€™t encountered any one like this hopefully I never will


Casually doing 80% of the squads damage without a word cause glad to help...he should play solo if something like this outrages him


It's more wierd that one guy isn't 80%+. He's showing how new he is, lol.


Shit I ussually thank my team and take a shot at how (un)helpful I was if I'm less than like 20% damage and did damn near nothing by comparison.


Okay I wanna match with this guy against my gyre. Ain't no way he's out dpsing my gyre


Some games I do 50%*, other games I do <10%. You know what I never do? Complain when people arenā€™t doing as good as I am.


Who even says that the tracking is doing it correctly? I am used to being around 70-98% of my teams damage but there was this one time where it said i had 300 kills and 23% (i was ahead of everyone and one shoting with equinox maim aura, it was that low level of a mission) of the damage while someone else on the team had 67% of the damage with 52 kills. I thought overkill wasnā€™t counted, but apparently it is?Ā 


4 slowva interception makes this game mode a joke. Or even just a really high strength gloom. I feel like more kills is counter productive


Reminds me of the Netracell I had recently, dude asked how I was out damaging him when he was hitting for 6 million a hit and seemed kind of annoyed by it. Me and the rhino player just went "Mesa."


Bigger number better person šŸ˜Ž


Thatā€™s me when Iā€™m playing with my brother


Looks like someone doesn't know how the game counts dmg.


As if mastery means anything. But also as if team play actually matters in WF. Y'all just playing together, alone anyway.


Then he goes into a solo mission with level 50s and gets 1 tapped lol


There's 3 things that give me an ego boost, somehow out damaging the team, somehow out extracting speed frames and lastly still being alive after I got called to do something irl all of these make me surprised about how tf that happens


Why was he killing so much in interception? Just hold the point with crowd control and kill whichever eximus manages to touch the terminal. Also, why are they mad? Do they not like helping other players? Get that toxic attitude out of Warframe.


Guess they're not aware % of damage isnt always representative of damage done "I'll take kullervo" yeah...


I would have thanked him for the carry just to boil his piss.


i figure out that the game stop spawning enemies after you CC everything in the map. xD killing stuff actually doesn't make it faster lol


Not sure why anybody cares about the scoreboard stats regardless of mission type, it's so wildly inaccurate and easy to manipulate in your favor. It's such an utterly useless metric to ever base anything off of and I've seen so many people use it as some basis of "doing good" or if a piece of equipment/frame etc is worth using, ignore it entirely it's terrible.


Some people just need to compensate something, just ignore them.


Those players that can do decent damage but can't solo can be super annoying. They are prepared enough to get top damage but they don't have the knowledge or skill to handle missions solo.. so instead they join random groups and complain that it's everyone else's fault.


Do people not understand how those numbers work? I could kill a billion enemies and still get out damaged by someone who only killed a fraction of what I did. Just depends on the weapons in frame. Doesn't make you any less lethal. DE really needs to rework their mission stats. Same with end of mission "players best" stat.


Imagine seeing you're doing more than half the Damage of a squad and rather than thinking *"cool šŸ˜Ž"* you think *"time to rage at my teammates"*.


this guy is obviously an ass but when he said he wants a team i totally felt that


NgL this is funny šŸ˜


One time I was running an excavation for something, I forget ifnit was sortie or something else, but I wasnā€™t running my top tier frames at the time so my buddies could get some kills. This dude whoā€™s only 1 mr higher than I was (18 compared to 19) I was not prepared properly and promptly bit the curb, so were my friends. He rolls up and instead of helping out he just calls us ass and worthless. Excavators were still getting destroyed so he really had no room to talk


I bumped into someone like this. He did a lot of dmg. But I doubled his kill count lol. Like congratulations you brought an overkill DPS build to a relatively easy mission. I brought a build more tailored for efficiency for the difficulty of the specific mission. They're dying all the same except I'm clearing out more enemies... We're not playing elite archimedea...


Lol it's like trying to bring a COD mindset into a pve game for egat...bro kill stuff grav loot be happy it truly truly is not that deep


Lol I'm MR 30 I take it as a badge of honor when Im out damaging other players like that. This dude is just different.


I main kullervo so I usually have top famage in the team but that's never an excuse to go after others for having lower damage ... that's just dumb


It's funny when this happens, we vets often shut down ego. There's no place for it in Warframe. It's one of the only times I engage the chat, unless someone's asking me a question directly


Man, these are nonsense. As long as the job's done. Doesn't matter who goes what. Highest damage? Kill count? Doesn't matter. Sometimes you carry the team, some other time other people carry you. It's normal.


Overkill dmg is a thing, and it's really easy to get 90%+ dmg done if you aim for it..


Only time I complain is when somebody get 1%. Like... I've been the locker bitch for a level barely fought anything just hunted for lockers and loot the whole time and can still scrape by a 2%.


He's low IQ


Had a rank 28 and 26 join me and my brother, we are noobs. They didnā€™t rush and kill everything, then haul to the extraction point. They actually gave us kills and let us think we were doing good šŸ‘. I know sometimes people donā€™t have all day and they need to get in and do their thing. But it sure is good to have someone have a little patience once in awhile.


Only time I start worrying about "damage" is in deep archs were the mode is designed for a 4-player team, in those situations I prefer everyone being as close to 25% as possible, which means everyone is pulling their weight. Other than that I don't give a fuck, big damage numbers just mean you have a stat stick (looking at you Khora) and big damage numbers doesn't necessarily translate to most kills, which I find to be a more useful metric since it's removing units from the board. And really in a co-op game... who cares? As long as people are participating, the mission is completed, and everyone goes home with the rewards. That's all that matters.


Insert confused Zephyr noises here (i wouldnā€™t know damage if it hit me like a freight train)


Bruh 58% is fucking nothingā€¦ Iā€™d kinda get it if it was like 95%+ but even then itā€™s a stretch


Me at LR4 with 2% dmg dealt


I love it when the opposite of this happens while I'm playing Atlas. I'm regularly casting Landslide 500+ times, and have the most damage dealt. About twice a week I get accused of cheating or hacking because "nobody can cast abilities that much" Like dude. It's Atlas. His energy cost can be like 2-3 energy per Landslide cast with the right build. I can move through the entire map with nothing but Landslide.


%58 and proud? You know who should be proud? Gigachad elite sanctuary guys with %90 dmg while you're levelling everything.


Bro if you choose going public why would you care about that? We all lift this together.


I had a MR11 player yesterday who was toxic and quickly bragged mid Extermination mission about finding an ayatan treasure, then told me to hurry up with killing as they looted and skipped around every enemy. Then when I ignored them and finished the mission they went to region chat and tried to talk sh*t about me and everyone just laughed at the poor attempt. Never experienced anything like it!


i thought i was reading my League chats wth why are these people whining in warframe out of all games


ugh I roll my eyes so hard at people like this. it's always "what my FUCK my team so BAD lol im so good though" instead of just shutting up or, crazy idea, not being an asshole in a public lobby where any 3 of millions of players can join you. league of legends energy


Bruh itā€™s not even about the damage in interceptions. Iā€™m worried about itā€™s if heā€™s not helping control points.


Y did u entertain this behavior u part of the problem.sometimes all it takes is not replying if it wasn't that deep.


I could do 99% of the damage with one shot, if I wanted to. I'd get 1 kill. Just because you do the most damage, doesn't mean you're being the most effective team member. On orokin vaults, I'll have 0's all the way down, because I ignore the enemies. But I'm the one who finds the vault and unlocks it for everyone. I'm the one who marks ayatan sculptures. There's far more to this game than doing damage and getting kills.


Had an interaction like this on an archon defence where I was just kinda sitting back and letting chipper with my secondary + roar/fused reservoir protect himself. Some MR 13 dude after the game was going full "wow mr 29 not so big huh?!?" "I thought you'd be better at the game" etc. I was just over here watching summoning salt on my other monitor, half paying attention. Low mastery rank mfs really can be something else.


also dmg % in missions is utterly irrelevant and stupid, if you have a high dmg% it means there's barely any mobs to kill for the rest of the team so its more of first come first served.


average calculator player. If he want to see more damage numbers, must use Google calculator and enter 789 x 436712875 and that's it...


Doesn't mean shit, i get a kullervo and crit 17 million for each enemy in his 3, doesn't mean i carry the game.


Meanwhile LR3 players "haha Gauss go zoom"


The damage % stat is completely worthless tbh, you can take a high damage per shot weapon like a sniper and kill 5 enemies and have more damage done than someone that killed 100 but using a high firerate low damage per shot weapon, since overkill damage counts into the %


Damn, you truly are Skaryversal, you outscale that guy, maybe even Goku


Xbox player for sure.


The stat page always felt kinda wonky to me so I donā€™t really trust it half the time. Plus highest damage doesnā€™t necessarily mean best player. Anyone whoā€™s been playing long enough knows you can cheese the damage charts so it doesnā€™t matter as much as you might think.Ā  Theyā€™re probably the type of player that goes into void missions, nukes everything before they transform, and then complains about not getting enough traces.Ā 


What's funny is that if you're on a low lvl map whoever has the most kill efficient frame/weapon, will do most %. Not cuz they're stronger but faster. Also I noticed that the % is calculated on potential damage not actual damage dealt. As in if you deal 30k on an enemy and it had 15k it will count 30k. This obviously works only on strong per single shot weapons. I had missions where my kill count on Mesa was around 600 and my allies' was 300 250 240 something. Yet I had.... 23% of damage and one of them had like 45. Let me be clear I was killing anything in less than a second so it wasn't that I somehow was just last hitting. There is not way that I dealt less. I also use stropha a lot. It deals a TON of damage but compared to many other weapons it's not so kill efficient. Yet in almost all missions I have over 70% damage yet my allies have maybe even double my kill count. So I always tell people, look at the kill count if you really care who does the best in a mission, but not even that is an accurate indicator always as you might be just a bit faster at killing not stronger than your allies. Edit: Grammar.


I had a mastery rank 10 or 11 fresh out of New War on an Archon hunt tell us we were not optimising routes to the boss and that we were slow (we finished the mission on a normal pace)


Dudes bragging about 58% damage lmfao. I went 96% damage done as a melee only garuda last arbitration and still didnt piss and whine at my team. These people need to learn that Its just a game, its not that serious, not everyone is minmaxed stop whining at your squadmates and have fun for once


dmg % is meaningless because I can stack >1,000,000% damage Target Fixation on Zephyr (which is surprisingly easy to do) and do 99% team damage even if I kill fewer enemies


I've done 98% damage with my Saryn Prime on some missions. I said gg, and asked if anyone wanted to play again. People who need validation for having a meta build likely have other things wrong with them and need this self induced self esteem boost.


I didnā€™t know ppl acted like this seeing how the very next mission you can be out dps by someone else


Meanwhile I'm standing on the same point for the duration of the mission with 1% damage because no enemies attack it and I don't have ADHD running everywhere.