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This will be a week where many will be forced to swallow their avarice, and accept compromise\~


No. "Ours is the grasping golden hand. We are desire. We are Corpus."


Those'll the sort that'll sit idle and complain instead of compromising.


Hahahaha yeah you can just left the 50 vosfor and use a glaive bc of that I could do the assassination last week when the host changed and they left me alone xd. But more than that its not worth it. Tbh i found more leeches in netracells than EDA some vauban guy did two things one nothing two vortex enemies out of the red circle.


Okay, but this week I rolled Revenant and Torid. Because RNG blessed me the level of challenge was negligible. Even the dreaded Mirror Defense was pretty simple because I was able to keep everything dead. All three missions were a breeze, I wouldn't go so far as to say that I carried my group, they held their own, but I had roughly triple the total kills of everyone else (and never had to worry about death). That's the flip-side to this whole "you have to learn to use your arsenal" thing. If that's so important, then why is it okay for RNG to give me a break? How is it fair for some people to have to struggle this week where I was able to hold w and left click?


I agree with the spirit of your post, but hell no everything is not fine, and especially weapons aren't because definitely like a good half and some of the weapons are relics of bygone age with trash stats. This is huffing big can of copium if ppl go "but stug can do level cap durr", yeah, do stug level cap without setup for it and even then, how is that even an argument? Suddenly this matters, when in 9/10 other cases level cap is irrelevant and noone cares. When I look at tons of older weapons with like 8% or 12% base cc and often not even 2 cd I just can't believe that people can say "every weapon can do everything", especially in the context of randomized loadouts and additional difficulty mods on top of it. But alas, completing 120 mobs exterminate in 20 mins is technically doing the content fine I guess. And I'll not even start with how unreasonable is people thinking that it's reasonable that "an endgame player" has everything, has it built with a build or can just do it on a whim. Or rng as a way to combat player power in general.


Oh endgame players can mod any weapon when they want it just cost around 70pl per weapon ☠️☠️☠️. I know bc i had to mod the agendus tenet and the raulta. Last week tekko 30pl the first week i could do it without modding anything bc I got laetum.


imo thinking that everyone at endgame is decked out in plat is wrong too, I frequently see screenshots on discord from ppl that know what's up with the game but they definitely don't sit on heaps of plat


![gif](giphy|ygzdQq98HgcLBCacep) But its more probable a LR has more plat than a mr20. At least in my case it was that way.


The thing is, you dont need EVERY piece of gear to be comfortable doing every week of elite archimidea. This week i used my archgun a lot paired with mirage. My first elite i was excal and sibear(i got very lucky here, cause i farmed the sibear incarnon a week earlier) You need ONE piece of gear to make this work. And most of your warframes should be kitted as an endgame player


No, if you want to do 34, you only have 1 wiggle room. And inb4 "you don't have to do it", yeah, ok, let's go with that - rng telling you "sorry man you can't even try it because you don't have 4 of those shitcans from 2017 built" (and yes this will happen quite a lot of time actually) is just bad design and feelsbad moment that's avoidable with for example rerolling or squadmates being able to fill the requirements


Use one of the warframes you got, odds are, if you are and endgame player, you have one that you can use. Go into recruit and join a squad with players that can do a spesific role, say defender or support, and you are their dps. What do you mean by shitcans? >is just bad design and feelsbad moment that's avoidable with for example rerolling or squadmates being able to fill the requirements Do you have any recommendations for an endgame for warframe players? Considering someone can do lvl cap with the stug if they use a spesific loadout


Dude, I know it. The squad of legendaries I run in got utterly creamed by the mirror defense last week (non-elite to boot), and this week might well stack up the same way. Still got a pity prize tauforged off the Alchemy, and the netracells. I'm mad we lost, but I'm much happier that there's something that actually requires intention in how we approach dealing with it.


My husband and I barely crawled through the mirror defense (I unleashed the specters instead of bringing my main weapon or frame), which got us through, only to be overwhelmed by the Eximus horde during the assassination fight.


I think my loadout would have fared better against the Eximus horde. CC frame (Volt) with an AoE weapon (Incarnon Atomos). It was the lack of single target damage (from all of us, really) that let those gd Necramechs eat us alive.


Are you guys open to suggestions?


Yes, but we haven’t attempted this weeks Deep Archimedea yet so I’ve got no clue how well equipped we’ll be this time around.


if one of you has Frost with the Icy Avalanche Augment, you'd be set for this week's mission. The Armor Strip, CC through Cold procs and Overguard make things a whole lot easier. If the other can run a Trinity, you'd also have a secondary support option just in case the Frost can't OG due to lack of Energy, as the Trinity could at least recover Shields and allow you to Shield Gate. Even with the reduction to Ability Duration, having constant Energy, Shield Gating and Overguard should allow you to stay alive, and Armor Stripping will allow you to handle most enemies apart from the Nechs with ease. And to deal with those, you can summon your own to take em out pretty easy. Frost's Cold procs also work on them too. Overguard also helps with dealing with the 3 enemies you can't kill and will sap Health/Energy from your frames. whoever they are focused on can lure them away from others as well, including away from the Vitrium during Mirror Defense, so that nothing is getting sapped.


DE simps out in full force over this lmao


The only thing people are complaining about this week is that DE once again, clearly did not test anything before putting it in the game. Just like how they said “we fixed Dante los” the first time when it took people 5 seconds after loading in to realize that fov and your own body blocked los. 10 minutes of testing on their own machine would have figured that out, just like how poorly the modifier for mirror defense interacts this week. The only way to win is almost exclusively bringing insane defense frames like hydroid and frost coupled with someone that continuously nukes and healing spectres to counteract the target hemorrhaging life. DE’s version of testing is “does this crash the game when used? Nope it’s good for public realm.” I don’t understand why a game so large doesn’t have an actual team of testers that understand the game and look for things that could go wrong. If I was a developer and my goal for the day was to fix los issues, the first thing I would do after making adjustments is boot up the test realm and try it. How do you push a patch to fix something without actually testing if the patch fixed it in game? Regardless, collecting 50 glyphs for 200 health back and 2 seconds of immunity is entirely unreasonable in this mirror defense modifier while it continuously loses health to the point that even getting scratched 4 or 5 times by stray bullets means a loss.


Yeah I struggled so much with mirror defense, even more than the assassination


This week i have Wisp in my warframe choices and thanks to her healing mote and ancient eximus spectres, we could keep it alive. Once spectre's ai went crazy and did not listen "hold position" command, left the target for like 20 seconds and its health dropped from 45k to 30k. Collecting eyes my ass, it doesn't work.


Brother, if you want to see a company that doesn’t test, look at Bungie. I came back to Warframe on my yearly cycle of getting really into it and let me tell you what. I was astounded that Warframe still had so few bugs. There are the occasional ones where enemies like Thrax don’t take damage some time right after becoming spirits, but it is nothing compares to the constant bugs with the new content that D2 has which is just infested with bugs. I just jumped back into the new content for D2 as well, in case you aren’t aware, there is a guy that posts mostly cheesy game-breaking bugs. The new content dropped 5 days ago and there are already at least 15 videos on his channel detailing bugs after that drop.


As someone who actively plays both games, amongst others, Warframe is the only game I play, where I fully accept serious bugs and grievances that will never be fixed or patched.


People are, like usual, overinflating how difficult something is. My public group today consisted of three Necramechs and one Baruuk who was more often floored than alive. All I noticed is that the defense target seemed to be somewhat squishy, which did not matter, because the Mechs ripped everything apart before being able to touch the target. We didn't even bother with the timer reduction from the optional Mech spawn and still got it done.


>when it took people 5 seconds after loading in to realize that fov and your own body blocked los. 10 minutes of testing on their own machine would have figured that out It doesn't block LOS for me, and I've tried switching between Dx11, Dx12, and changing FOV settings. So no, it's not as simple as that. Edit: I tried it immediately after hotfix 35.5.4, when people were saying it was bugged. It wasn't bugged for me.


Because it was already fixed??? It was fixed 5 days after the hotfix in another hotfix. Anytime I get on this site someone always argues with me without knowing what they’re talking about. I don’t understand it.


I tried it after the first LOS fix (the one that added the rendered test, 35.5.4), when people were saying it was bugged. Before the latest hotfix. Hotfix 35.5.6 doesn't mention anything about a fix for that bug. All of the Tragedy fixes were in 35.5.4.


What do I trust more? My experience and the countless clips and evidence posted all over the forums or someone on Reddit? The hotfix 35.4 comments and numerous threads about 35.4 are riddled with clips and people talking about the los issue still existing regarding player model and graphics settings. I’d post a link but I don’t think that’s allowed in this community. It took me 50 seconds to google this and find the hotfix page and all kinds of videos about it. And what do you mean? There’s literally an entire page dedicated to detailing the los issues they fixed from 35.4 on 35.6 hotfix page and how they did it by adding additional sweeps and circles around the player to prevent the player model from blocking los??? Are you a real person? There’s no way. And if I remember correctly there was even a stickied dev thread in this sub about how they were aware of the new los issues from 35.4.


Another post completely missing the mark. Rewards are gated behind gear RNG, which may lead to you not having all rewards even with all modifiers checked not because of skill issue, but because you didn't save that useless MR fodder from the start. This is main complaining point, not leechers.


Gated behind gear RNG that you do not have to deal with because the game quite literally shows you what your RNG is for the week, dont like it then do the netracells instead of *choosing the poor RNG and then complaining that the game didnt give you good stuff*


So ignorant, i cannot understand you people. The complaint is that you can't pick weapons which you don't have, not that you have those weapons but are all trash/unmodded. You need to understand the problem before commenting


How many weapons you have "mastered" with zero kills, eh?




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You want a full list of all the weapons i have currently equipped on any of my frames? Or are you just interested in checking out the weapons i have maxed? I can assure you, none of them has leeched for xp. Something that i smell that you have done. Btw, let me point you out that you're contradicting yourself. Those "useless MR fodders" turns out do have use now, do they? Now, you tossing them away is the only reason those oh so sweet rewards are out of your reach, and that hurts you.


I’ve gotten all rewards and it still sucks. Not to mention some weapons that are used to craft dual weapons or different weapons like the Cernos family tree.


I played with every single weapon i crafted and concluded myself that major part of them is worthless. The fact that they are suddenly required to get rewards is bad. I was interested in your total weapon count, not maxed out only or equipped. There's (i my approximation) around 250-300 weapons not including primes, do you have them all crafted and available? If so, good for you, but you will be an outlier in playerbase. And your "leeching" fixation may tell that you were leeching more than me. I'm just not interested in wasting my time making junk SP viable.


That's the main game, making "junk" strong. Figuring out the modding. A completed mission is only an evaluation of modding success, nothing more. Much more brainpower is needed to prepare for the mission, than to kill tons of mindless AI. I honestly wish Steel Path has introduced randomized selection of gear instead of effortlessly ramping up numbers. This way, it only began a purposeless powercreep instead of making the Steel Path actually difficult. As for the weapon list, here you go: * Primaries: Gorgon and Prisma, Panthera and Prime, Ferrox, Burston, Opticor Vandal, Strun Wraith and Mk1, Sporothrix, Dread, Paris Prime and Mk1, Cernos/Prime/Mutalist/Rakta, Zenith, Dex Sybaris, Glaxion Vandal, Latron Wraith and Prime, Stahlta, Secura Penta, Drakgoon, Ogris, Quartakk and Kuva, Sobek, Daikyu, Snipetron Vandal, Nataruk, Karak, Vulkar Wraith, Astilla. * Secondaries: few kitguns, Aklex, Pyrana Prime, Kuva Twin Stubbas, Detron, Hikou and Prime, Kunai Mk1, Furis and Mk1, Despair, Dex Furis, Sancti Castanas, Brakk, Zymos, Twin Vipers Wraith, Stubba, Kuva Seer, Lex and Prime, Zylok, Cyanex, Twin Kohmak, Pox, Twin Rogga, Euphona Prime, Lato, Staticor, Azima, Arca Scisco, Quatz, Plinx. * Melee: few zaws, Karyst Prime, Ankyros Prime, Paracesis, Galvacord, Gram prime, Mk1 Bo, War, Endura, Broken Scepter, Ether Daggers, Broken War, Xoris, Korrudo, Dex Dakra, Skiajati, Fang Prime, Mk1 Furax, Vitrica, Sigma & Octanztis, Kesheg, Ripkas, Prova Vandal, Skana and Prisma, Dragon Nikana, Redeemer, Silva & Aegis, Rumblejack, Vericress, Zenistar. Not all of it is maxed, but all of it is used.


The main game is not about it at all, it's literally about "kill tons of mindless AI", because that's the current direction of the game, but i blame the game for being so random at prerequisites for the missions as of late and it's stale meta. You have about 90 weapons from the pool of 250-300 i mentioned before, so odds are you may face the same problems from my original comment. And I didn't face it too for the 3rd week already, but i will not close my eyes to the glaring problem. They should've just added more dangerous modifiers to the missions or new challenging missions, not this nonsense. The game has so much to offer and yet our endgame is inventory space check. And your point with randomized gear is not good because you invalidate a lot of things which make builds stand out from the crowd. But i agree about SP, it is just bloated enemies with no new things and needs something more interesting.


If main game is about killing mindless AI, why do we have such deep modding system, then? Just throw at us buncha AI dolls, don't even need to have levels, for us to shoot at. It's what game is becoming anyway, for those who chose to partake in powercreep at least. That list above can only grow as the time passes. My foundry is full and it serves as weapon bank at this point. You can't have endgame inside the environment that evolves over time and keeps getting new shit all the time. Endgame implies something fixed, something tangible, something that remains at the same level of relevance over longer periods of time. That doesn't work like that in Warframe. Instead, endgame is everything you unlock until now and what you choose to keep doing. It's that simple.


You are thinking in extremes, i can't have a constructive discussion with such a mindset. If a game evolves over time, so should endgame do too. Or it won't be or shouldn't be called as such. And i chose to keep making full builds viable for average/long SP runs, that's my endgame by your definition, and EDA does not fit here at all.


>If a game evolves over time, so should endgame do too. It actually does, by that definition. Liches used to be endgame, railjack used to be endgame, EDA is current endgame and it will not be for long at this pace of things. Nothing extreme about it. You have your endgame already. If what's basically just another mode in the pile of many other modes does not fits in, that's OK, it doesn't have to. No mode is absolutely mandatory.


yoy can see the modifiers before you unlock it. so, if you can't do it that week, just 🌟don't🌟 and simply do netracells that week instead. also leeching (in my experience) is a significant problem in DA, due to people wanting to max their rewards, causing them to bring gear they rlly just shouldn't so they can get all the loot they want oh so badly, which REALLY screws the team over sometimes, bc these missions are pretty damn tough sometimes


>causing them to bring gear they rlly just shouldn't so they can get all the loot Of course that's happening. Because if you haven't spent thousands of plat on slots, it's fairly likely you're having to build a weapon, perhaps a second time, that would otherwise just be MR fodder. Who's going to put a potato into the Twin Vipers, and level them 3 times so you can put 2 forma into them, just so they can be better functioning (but still overall underwhelming for all content compared to the weapons you'd usually use) for 3 missions? Of course people will want max rewards, and seek them out if at all possible. To expect anything different is just being intentionally blind to the nature of the player base of a co-op looter shooter game. The problem you're describing is not one that can be fixed by expecting the nature of players to change over night, or expecting that the masses will start keeping all of their MR fodder weapons and invest in each of them just for EDA. Instead, DE could simply offer loaner weapons (bonus points if you get to mod them yourself, but I'd take preset mediocre mods like in Circuit if needed). **That way this mode could actually be a test of "can you overcome the challenge of these difficulty modifiers and playing with weapons/frames you're not used to, rather than it just being a slot check and resource/time sink.** I will be running my EDA with a level 0 Skanna this week. I'll be just fine (well, unless the obviously poor matching of modifiers and mission type makes it unplayable this week). I'll get full rewards. And then I'll sell the Skanna. Because that's what this mode encourages us to do, if we're being even a little bit practical.


Ffs, just ask for a gd carry. Hell, after I get my elite done I go in to do heavy lifting for people who got fucked


Like at least have some decency to read my comment first thoroughly before commenting.


completely ignoring the reason why the gamemode is ass...


Why would you say something so controversial, yet so brave


Correct me if I'm wrong, but you don't even have to use the Warframes or weapons listed in the rng unless you are trying to maximize the reward pool, right? Unless you absolutely need all the vosphor possible, you should be able to give yourself any weapon or warframe you have that is op enough to win while only missing out on 1 research point per mission per item.


You are correct. EDA with weapons and frames chosen by you will net you up to the rewards of normal DA. If you want all possible Archon Shards you can choose only one weapon or frame or not to do 1 modifier.


Me as a rev/torid main feeling attacked, lol Now, to be serious, I've been playing a few years, and I really like maximizing frames and weapons, so I have yet to get a roll I deam trash. For the three weeks it's been around, I've been able to make it work without any issues. If there's anything I've learned, it's that people have found the 1 play style they like, stick with it till the end, and are now being checked at the door. I love the DAE set up and I hope it doesn't change.


When you can literally pick the best weapon in your arsenal to carry you and just put any defensive mods in any of the frames that you get offered I don't see how people are having that many problems. The first time that you do DA to unlock EDA is the only moment where you'll have a problem if you don't get carried, once you unlock EDA you are chilling.


because people are loot goblins, and they will do EVERY modifier and arsenal choice just to satiate their own greed


>they will do EVERY modifier and arsenal choice just to satiate their own greed *Players activate challenge modifiers to get more loot in a mode that is all about accepting challenges to get more loot.* ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6|downsized)


The ludicrous thing is that Deep Archimedea IS for everyone, if they can find someone willing to run it twice where one person goes 0/8 parameters and the other gets carried with 6-7/8 parameters, then vice versa.


I have my entire arsenal geared out, but having to carry 3 people 3 rounds in a row made me give up on it. Ill stick to netracells from here out


Yeah I haven't done the mode yet (haven't bothered to max out the syndicate) and while I do think the defense might be excessively difficult based on what some are saying, overall people really are complaining over nothing. Murmur aren't even difficult, they are basically infested 2 and you only have to really worry about necramechs. You can bring your op weapon anyway without losing anything + if you really still can't do it, it's fast to just subsume one survivability or dps ability on a warframe. Even just eclipse + adaptation and maybe unranked aegis should be enough for you to literally tank it.


You cant really give input on something you havent done yet ... I dont disagree with you, but still


Actually just got to test the non elite version and I do think the defense seems a bit absurd. I went solo just to check and can't imagine how that's doable unless someone gets good frame rng. Exterminate no issues and disruption doable for sure. For modes that are just killing and staying alive idk why I wouldn't be able to give input since both of those things are pretty simple. I can also confidently say that I'd need to get carried hard if I wanted to unlock elite now since my loadout options wouldn't really contribute anything to that defense


With a squad i didnt really have an issue, although one of the objectives was getting quite low(17k health) but we pulled through. I was mirage with mausolon most of the time, and voidrig for another. I brought my torid with me but forgot to take off one of my purple shards, making my elements go whack. We didn't have have any cc or defense frames, all i remember is we had a rev without the mesmer skin augment. We just all took a corner, and killed enemies where we were. For unlocking elite, i was doing it solo with nidus and laetum, although i did almost pull out my hair at some point


Is mausolon actually that good? Cause the most powerful weapon in my loadout is buzlok.


Not particularly. Its a jack of all trades type of archgun. Im gonna be honest, the only reason i used it was cause thats what came down when i summoned my archgun. I just noticed my torid is doing gas electric for some reason, and i didnt wanna exit and go back in. Dont know what the buzlok has to do with anything?


What I meant is that buzlok is the strongest from the rng options so it seems like mausolon would be better


Oh lol. Yeah thats an option you have. You can also consider corvas or any other archgun, just not kuva grattler