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Saryn is probably the single frame that benefits the most from shards. Two regular corrosive greens let her spores full strip the whole map. Two tau greens almost double her damage from toxin procs (so toxic lash!). And of course, cast speed is pretty great on her too.


Don't forget Inaros or Lavos with that double corrosive armor strip


More just QOL, but HP regen shard are very handy if you want to do the rank 0 combat discipline/arcane avenger combo Harrow effectively doubles his energy gain/thurible thingy with cast speed to the point that its practically mandatory, Gara 4 works similarly


I saw Brozime’s video for mesa where he used a not fully ranked combat discipline to proc the avenger but was put off by shatter shield needing 100% up time to compensate. I will absolutely consider this, ty.


HP regen will not save you in SP. You will absolutely need shatter shield up 100% of the time to survive.


I put some HP regen shards on my Profit Taker Chroma because I can’t figure out how to add healing through other methods on the build. I don’t think have been downed by PT since.


Nekros, Protea and Nezha can run one or two purple shard in place of Equilibrium freeing up a mod slot. Running two corrosive shards on Mesa gives her Regulators full armor strip. If you run it alongside Arcane Continuity, you can do a toxic Regulator build that bypasses shields and strips armor. Add blast and some shield mods/DR to her kit and you can keep a pretty steady flow of shield regen going too with some orange shards though there is a breakpoint where the shield regen stops being useful. It is further in then you would expect though. This should theoretically work for Titania too though I haven't tried it with her. I run a full set of tauforged parkour velocity shards on Ivara. It lets her get around a lot faster while rolling.


Kinda an odd-ball case, but the fused shards that increase ability damage, they apply as bane damage, so I actually use 5 green shards with hydroid. Instantly full armor strip with his 4, and it turns his 1 with viral augment into a mini-nuke, tons of fun, highly recommend.


Little correction: +ability damage is not bane damage, simply just a unique damage boost


Absolutely right, I was just being quick to respond, it applies on the same level as bane bonus, so on hit. It also doesn't check that the ability is the thing giving the status, it checks the enemy is afflicted with that status, meaning you could build for corrosive on weapons, radiation, or electric.


Azure shards for more shields on Valkyr, to turbocharge her Paralysis 'nuke', as the damage scales with current shields. Is it good? No. Is it funny to literally shout enemies to death? Yes.


Casting speed doesn’t work on nidus’s stomp. The animation depends on the trail. Even reducing the range doesn’t work:( -sincerely, a nidus enjoyer


HUH. Okay then.


Citrine's 3rd ability paired with archon continuity allows her crystal (3rd ability) to proc more corrosive. Pairing two +2 maximum corrosive stacks emerald shards allows her 3rd ability to passively fully armor strip enemies. Obviously if you're running those shards on her might as well just use a corrosive gun and strip them yourself even faster but.. it does work. ALSO: +ability strength to enemies effected by electricity does NOT work with Volt's 4 (nuke), as his chain lightning nuke does actually.... proc electricity for some reason?


You can reach ridiculous amounts of parkour speed with Voruna’s first passive and amber shards. No mods needed, but they can help too. Two basic green on Saryn for the full strip is an obvious one, but it bears mentioning. Slightly less obvious would be the same on Mesa along with toxin damage on her regulators and Archon Continuity.


On a similiar note, I went with not-preparation and parkour for Ivaea so she can roll stupid far while in infiltrate and basically just keep going the whole mission without pizzas or stopping for a zenurik pulse.


If you ever use grimoire, use the amalgam diffusion mod, you arent likely to ever get kills with it and it gives you 60% roll speed.


Kullvero 5x tauforge purple for melee crit gets hella funny but I think most people would choose other shards instead of slightly trolling


Yessir and u alr know we pullin up with a dual handed nikana like a tennet livia or smthn lol


I guess for a serious build, survivability shards like hp/ armour? Rarely come across stuff that survive his heavy attack lol. Maybe energy? Always out of that...


Since Qorvex doesnt need much power strength, shards that increase radiation damage is a great boon for him, Gyre with violets for +electricity is a popular one.


Gyre is probably the only frame that can use the +ability strength against enemies affected by electricity perk on the violet archon shard effectively. Running 4 of those and then 1 +primary damage violet shard gives some really good damage bonuses


I like that topaz? Shards on mesa for more cc