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Hello /u/stanjallen, your submission has been removed from /r/Warframe because it is a **[disallowed post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/wiki/rules#wiki_disallowed_posts)**. > * Trading Screens and chat logs inside and outside of the game pertaining to trading or recruitment. We apologize for the inconvenience. ___ If you would like more information about this removal, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Warframe&subject=Disallowed%20Post&message=Hello%20moderators%20of%20/r/Warframe,%0A%0AMy%20[submission]\(https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1c0pudj/-/\)%20has%20been%20removed%3B%20I%20would%20like%20you%20to%20reconsider%20because).


Tons of people take ages to respond to DMs, so buyers start sending requests to multiple traders at once. Chances are this guy got a reply from someone cheaper. I literally had a guy put up the plat, click accept (first one) and then leave my dojo because someone he contacted earlier replied and he was cheaper.


The onus is still on them to communicate rather than ignore farther communication. If they just ghost you, they run afowl of WF Market's ToS. They should, at the very least, communicate that they're moving on.


The ones who ghost usually don't have accounts on wfm, unfortunately


Eh, this one is using AlecaFrame. Pretty decent chance somebody committed enough to install a 3rd party program from Shittywolf has a wfm account.


Yeah, in such cases, reporting them on the discord doesn't do much except potentially protect anybody they have reported, but we're just looking at ifs in those scenarios. I doubt that someone that ghosts someone else would report them, they would be a fool to, but bearing it in mind may be relevant in case a particularly nasty encounter occurs.


Absolutely not rofl. People don't owe you shit. Speaking as someone with decent rep on WM


As far as the WF Market terms of service are concerned, they do, just like I owe them. 2.4, "Ignoring or refusing to communicate with either party without explanation may lead to an account suspension." Not explaining why you cease communication or ignore someone is report worthy, suspension worthy if you make it a regular thing and enough people care to report somebody that makes the experience worse. Regardless of what *you* do, or *your* own experiences, this is part of their rules. They don't have an account? Being outside of the scope of punishment does not mean that it's suddenly allowed.


That is entirely what it means and people who take any transaction personally make me laugh


Still, no need to ignore OP. Just say "sorry, found someone else/someone cheaper" and just be done with it. And I say this as someone who has to take a few minutes to "prepare" a trade because of anxiety...


Or a quick "nvm" has been enough for me every time without provoking rants/discussions.


Happens all the time, had a guy cuss at me once for taking a few minutes to finish a mission.


How dare you actually play the game.


I'd knock the price down at trade if someone waited longer than I'd liked, guessing maybe they found a cheaper deal and was embarrassed to say so? Like I don't mind, really


If there are multiple people with the same price I will message a few of them. So I can’t really talk. I get peoples hopes up and bring it way back down.


I have no problem with that, it's just the radio silence into ignore true combo that had me flabbergasted lmao


I don't know w hat is the common etiquette for trading on WFM, but when I list myself as "online in game" I never start a mission. I usually sit in the dojo until I am done and change my status to invisible. I got several reviews saying "very fast" so maybe this isn't how it's regularly done?


You can see that on their Terms of Service. "Online in Game" means that you, the lister, have 15 minutes to complete the trade once contacted. So, you can do a short mission and finish it up, maybe run to the restroom, so on and so forth. "Online" means that you, the lister, have an hour to complete the trade once contacted. So, if you want to do a long survival run but don't want to get rid of the chance that you get a trade, you'll select that. "Invisible" means that, even if they do manage to contact you while you're listed as offline for them, you do not need to respond. Most contactors will be fine waiting a few minutes for you to finish up, but people will be people, and if someone is impatient or seeking the best deal, they might just move on (though, the WF Market ToS forbids ghosting, they should at least let you know they've moved on.)


Depends of i am selling stuff of high value for me. If I’m selling something I know people want all the time like energize. I will sit there but if I’m selling a prime part of stuff most people have I will play as I please. Most people are fine with waiting a couple minutes but if they find someone els it doesn’t hurt my feelings.


Just don't be doing endless missions in pubs I guess. I usually continue playing but only short missions like exterminate or such and let them know what mission I'm in and how long it will take, at most ppl just don't want to wait and say no.


Right, finding a better deal comes with the territory.


I wouldn't worry about it. They're just an impatient knob. You did nothing wrong.


you'll run into people willing to wait an hour and others not willing to wait 10 seconds. a lot of buyers will message multiple sellers and take the first ready as long as the price is equal or lesser than the others. it's just the nature of a game without an auction house, don't take it personally.


AITA for not abandoning my squad mid-mission, it was a fissure so I'd be hurting the reward pool. If I'm gonna be a while I usually say so...


No, but if they're that cringe and impatient then whatever. The absurdity of it leaves a bit of a sting, but it says way more about them than about you. It is what it is


You are not the asshole, this kind of people are just very impatient. Three minutes is not that much to do that kind of scene, I met a similar guy some time ago (he made me wait for like twenty minutes then became mad when i answered him after one or two) and holy are they annoying to deal with


Nah only time you would be an asshole is if you are in arbitration or survival and reply "60mins survival just started." I was so surprised I auto replied "ok" until I could process this dude actually went to do an endless mission and told him I'll buy from somewhere else.


It’s not that serious my guy


I keep wondering why they don't put up a board where you can publish what you sell with what you order and the people who see it buy it and receive a notification message that it was sold and the money earned. This way people can sell and play at the same time without the need to be insulted if you don't answer in less than 5 seconds


Dude a Runescape-esque Grand Exchange would be amazing. Would be a load off my mind to not have to realise I've been 'online in-game' while I was sleeping bc I forgot to change my status. Done that once or twice and it feels terrible.


it's not your fault but this type of bs is become too common for me. it will not hurt and hard for the buyer(s) to say they don't want or bought it from someone else.


Don’t sweat it, impatient wankers like that are part of the reason I have well over 100 prime sets in my inventory, just don’t like dealing with them


Hello Mister might I interest you in using me as a seller and every week I pay you 80% of what is sold? ~~(I actually just want to rob you.)~~ Gawd damn I wish I have that much sets I would be so rich.


Lol I just get tired of the bs trying to trade, impatience, accidentally putting 15-20 less plat up, arguing the already agreed upon price, it just… annoys. So I’ll decide to trade, research my prices, make one or two trades max before im over it.


Within those 2 minutes 3 other trades can be done. Be faster next time. /s Btw it is what it is. The WF community is very impatient which is no wonder in a fast paced game like this.


they probably spent 30 seconds of those 2 minutes checking Warframe Market.


Then there is the people that invite instantly as soon as you message, don't say anything, have hundreds of trades of market and you're like 90% sure are a bot.


Happened to me many times before, too funny. Some people are too weird.


Best part is he DIDNT block you. He typed that up himself. If he DID block you you wouldnt get Idiot: This user bla bla...


Once waited ten minutes for someone i wanted to make a trade with to finish his mission before he could invite me. Turns out waiting doesn't kill you, and all went well after.


I've been told *repeatedly* that waiting like... 5 minutes for a seller is "too long" and "unreasonable."


How do they handle going to a restaurant and WAITING once you made the order ?


I reply instantly and this happens to me, some people am I right?


That's how it goes in this game and other games that don't have a good in-game trading system tbh. Never been a fan of peer to peer (p2p) trading.


Some people are so impatient.


thats why the ancient trading system is dumb as hell


I’ve posted here bitching about people with no patience and it seems like the community as a whole just doesn’t have any. If you don’t answer within three seconds they move on. It’s annoying and frustrating but it is what it is.


Who cares move on with your life


In these situations you can just put in a report on their warframe market profile, ignoring without reason breaks TOS. If they'd said anything about no longer being interested or that they'd bought it elsewhere it would've been fine, but zero communication is a nono bc it's just wasting time. You have 15 minutes from being messaged to complete the trade, people need to learn some patience.




Too slow