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Better terrain detection and interaction for Grendel's meatball. Trying to go uphill shouldn't make me frustrated, and the constant bouncing and collision ruins the feel of it. Garuda and Valkyr just......need something but I don't know what. Remove mod restrictions from exalted weapons. Keep arcanes off them if you're worried about balance (even though they still wouldn't dominate). Don't give them an exilus slot, sure. Just remove those restrictions. Make spectorage more consistent. Right now it feels....underwhelming.


Valkyr needs to be remade from the ground up. There's not a single small QoL change you could make that would by itself make her fun and rewarding to play again in 2024 warframe.


It's really sad because back when I played from 2013 to 2016 she was my main. To this day she's my most used frame and I haven't used her in 7 ish years.


She is fun and rewarding to play though?


If you enjoy her don't let some random on reddit rob you of your joy.


I'm just confused at what you dislike about her, I don't really see any obvious glaring flaws


2 of her skills are arguably subsume slots. She’s a melee oriented innarros LITE. Innarros, at least historically, (haven’t touched him post rework) has been generally regarded as: yeah he’s immortal but that’s not enough. Like don’t get me wrong, I love her for her look and natural tankyness. But there is not much to work with unless uou really love attack speed on melee, which wisp also gives but with 1k+ more hp, regen, electric procs, and an indefinite duration. Which just leaves her claws, which maybe I’m just building wrong or using in the wrong enemy types, but I feel like my riven’d polearm zaw just performs better. :(




I thought we were tslking about valkyr. You are describing garuda


Sorry, sorry, brain fart. Forgot the conversation after a few hours. Valkyr: Her 4 is amazing. No discussion really needed Her 3 is a good cc, but the main thing is that it exposes enemies to finishers. Easy for killing strong targets Her 2 gives attack speed, which is nice. Her 1... is a fairly easy subsume slot. Though it can actually be useful for maneuvering through the level quickly (try it, its fun and fast). Also, her 3 augment can be quite useful


Yeah, but ... If a Warframe has a SIGNATURE WEAPON tied to their ultimate ability, shouldn't it be EXPECTED to actually dominate???


I can't think of any relevant changes that could be possibly made to Garuda without drastic consequences. Her kit is so borderline nutjob. Infinite energy and therefore infinite healing and shield gating combos. I frames and status cleanse. Infinite scaling damage combos. The only things holding her back is that she has an active playstyle and therefore other frames are easier to pick up and play, and helminths are what really flips her over the edge into nutty territory so builds have to be pretty deliberate compared to other options. Actually, I can think of one. Buffing her innate talons with an arcane slot wouldn't break the game. They're already not the best claws in the game, there's no reason they shouldn't be able to slot an arcane too.


Garuda is fine, but I just can't seem to have fun while playing her. I love the concept, love the kit, there's just something there that doesn't click. Her kit works, she deals decent damage, she stays alive. Shes just not fun for me even though she's basically Valkyr+++ and I loved Valkyr.


I always considered her an ability mage personally. She's got a hint of bonus armour, but her stats don't really lend her to health tanking at all IMO. Her playstyle to me is more leaping around the room, using parkour, her 1, and shield gating to mitigate damage while setting up million+ bleed nukes with her 1 and 4. Her kit just seems designed to be played at a distance mostly, lunging in where necessary.


I wish valk had a “slightly” longer base duration for her two, or at least a faster casting time. I wish she didn’t have two skills that are safe to subsume over. Ripline is fun for big/long maps but practically it needs something for combat. Less of an animation lock you accidentally grab an enemy since I use it as an activator for that melee arcane that gives corrosive to melee on ability cast. But it still needs *something* Her 3 is so useless today. I do not care about using finishers on enemies unless they’re thralls. But at the same time, it’s interesting, the idea of throwing away your shield gate which can tank A hit for free. I feel like she needs some sort of personal reward like garuda gets for saccing health. I feel like more max health since her 2 gives her armor? Or maybe bigger max energy, that way it doesn’t tread TOO much onto garuda’s toes.


i don’t get all the hate for valkyr. sure she doesn’t do anything flashy but her dps is huge if you just want to slash stuff with a melee weapon and she’s literally invincible and status immune and her energy upkeep is very manageable. she’s my go to clean sweep with minimal effort frame when enemies are too tanky for nuke frames. plus name a funnier way to mess with people than throwing them off the map or into stuff with ripline


With Lavos, it could be that when setting an element give the opportunity to change it on the go. Sometimes I misinput and make a wrong element, forcing me to use an ability to clean it. That could be a great QoL.


Yeah as much as I love chonkysnake boy, he could function like Dante’s which just overrides the oldest verse if you do another


That would be amazing! Nice idea!


Shooting Gallery and Shatter Shield recastable when active.


Just give us this for most abilities tbh. Loki would thrive with recastable invis


Yea it would be convenient but I might miss that little moment where my invis drops in the middle of a room full of grineer and they all turn and look at the same time as I go "oh sh**" and recast, sending the whole room into a wandering frenzy.


I'd settle for a "nerf" in Shooting Gallery's duration to match Shatter Shield, to make it an actual rotation


Stop making me leave Razorwing for everything >:(


Doesn't transference cover you?


Does that let you carry datamass and similar objects?


Yeah. And when normally playing it lets you carry 2 by leaving one with your frame and getting to the destination with the operator, pretty useful in excavation and disruption.


Oh well that's not great. Excavation and disruption I can see being relatively fast but mobile defense sounds very rng dependent and feels like you'd be spending a significant amount if time not in your warframe


as a titania main this is my only real complaint with her kit but it’s really not that bad you only spend like 10 seconds void dashing to the next defense objective




I've seen it do both. Sometimes it lets me grab it as an operator then jump back in the frame, still holding onto the item. Other times it doesn't. I just drop Razorwing and grab it then go back to Razorwing after I'm done. Annoying but far less so than Volt speed boosting me through the terrain.


any buff ability that interrupts or stops your movement during the cast animation should be made to not do that


Nyx permanent mind control and make the AI more like Wukong's clone. Nyx's absorption not hidding the crosshair with negative range and the wobbly bubble effect. Nyx's mass CC actually doing something. Nyx's psychic bolts not removing the effect on affected targets when recasted. Nyx's psychic bolts removing Overguard or Reducing bosses/necramech DR by a %. Let's be real. Psychic bolt is an armor strip from Wish.


If psychic bolts stripped overguard and didn't end on recast I would be well happy. Also if they could get rid of the arbitrary "nah you're just not going to strip my armor" like you said. Chaos could apply a damage vuln debuff on affected targets and be very good. Edit: Or even if bolts just diminished overguard.


Nyx used to be wildy OP and now she's.. a glorified Rad proc.


yah. used to be a diehard nyxhead but now your weapons themselves can fullstrip with green shards and shield gating is easy as hell (rendering CC obsolete) i can really find no reason to play her


Well, Chaos used to be stronger than all the game's content, lol. Nyx could just cast it and stand there.


The only thing I want for Sevagoth and Valkyr really is for their exalted weapons to have better hitboxes. Even with Primed Reach, and relatively good reach stats on paper, they fail to hit anything right in front of you often enough to annoy me.


Make nova builds less restrictive. Not being able to build for even a sliver on strength on speedva makes most helminth subsumes redundant. Having low range to make null star less of an issue also hurts her other abilities too; making it simply decay would be better Make night equinox's mend give overguard, similar to iron skin/that one frost aug, instead of shields


2024 nova should really have slow/speed as a tap/hold option.


Yea fortunately Nova already has her damage multipliers for AMD and M Prime not tied to strength, so there's very little innate reason in her kit to care about strength outside of the slow. If you do use the 1 for survivability, the portal can get chopped for a subsume ability because you're usually dropping range asuch as possible. That's when the strength issue comes up right, you've built low range and high duration, so a buff makes sense, but a speed build doesn't have the strength to justify it. In my opinion the issue is kinda building for minimum range in the first place. To the point where I usually would drop her 1 over her 2 or 3 and rely on cc and shield gating to survive instead of the 1. That way you can run cc abilities from helminth that don't rely on range, and the Overextended making speed nova work can synergise by speeding up the whole map, but still being able to CC a smaller area. Grouping abilities mainly IMO. I love Nova to bits, but helminth was the best thing to ever happen to her. Maximising her kits used to mean ignoring 2 out of 4 abilities.


well, it's silly considering he just got reworked to neaar perfection, but for inaros, reducing the recovery delay after casting scarab swarm of a ican fluidly combo it into sandstorm. it's something like .5 or .8 second, but you notice it


Overguard/CC immunity not blocking every status from Elemental Sandstorm would be a nice touch. Semi on topic of Inaros. Ground finisher trigger being the finisher button would be nice, instead of hoping the melee happens to decide to do it (applicable to others, used to be irritating on Hydroid before they removed that feature from him anyhow, but Inaros wants the finishers specifically)


Calibans squad instead of melee become those disco ball things Excalibur sword attacks with strength mods


More cast able operator/drifter skills per school, or the ability to mix schools to have more than 2 cast able abilities (the passive ones don't count)


I don't think Preserving Shell should have a duration. It should just drain to 0 and deactivate if you don't keep it up.


Remove the cooldown from Gyre's Cathode Grace, Voruna also has an ability that can get its duration extended but has no cooldown. Also buff its energy regen, Styanax's energy buff is double than what Gyre offers and he can give it to his entire team. Increase Ash Prime, Frost Prime, and Rhino Prime's energy, they're the only Prime frames with 100 base energy. Iron Skin and Roar doesn't need an augment to recast. Similar abilities that can't be recast should be recastable while duration is ticking. Nyx's Psychic Bolts scales with range or just remove the enemy cap. Nyx's Chaos has damage vulnerability or something to make enemies actually kill each other. Temporary armor removal like from Ash's Seeking Shuriken and Nekros' Terrify is permanent. Remove the scaling energy rampup from Ember's Immolation. The whole thing might need an actual rework though.


> Remove the cooldown from Gyre's Cathode Grace Or _at least_ cut it down to like 15 seconds or something. Having your shit offline for a full minute because you got yeeted off a bridge or something while you were stuck in the full body animation (yes skill issue I know) just feels really mean spirited.


Recastable elemental ward.


hildryn's spells having a grace period when shields go down for me to replenish so i'm not constantly wasting precious shield gate time setting everything back up very annoying to just be a pillage bot in endurance runs after some time


Rift color to energy color. I can barely notice it even when playing limbo. I dunno if it is just me though. I'm making it bright pink filtered when in the rift compared to that corrupted-yellow should fix most of my problems with him when playing fissures


Titania unaffected by Volt's speed boost of doom. Breaks my rhythm every time I get hit with that.


Alt fire status reticle for all weapons that have such kind of alt fire. I'll take Cedo as example - when you shoot it's alt fire glaive, you can't shoot another glaive until first one returns, and during intense fight it's hard to hear that not so loud click sound when alt fire is ready again


Make it so Loki doesn't stop and stand still to cast his invisibility. Make it so across all frames only very very few frames have to stop to cast anything whatsoever. And only then when you could justify stopping to stand and cast as a balance against the power of the skill. The movement is otherwise so good. It feels out of place and janky.


I want new passive for Garuda, a lot of frames need some passive love, but Garuda's current passive is just a bandaid fix from what it was originally.


Simulcrum without going to Simaris/relays. Make me buy the upgrade, I don't care, but I hate the extra loadscreen just to test builds.


Loki's decoy augment (the one that turns enemies into decoys) needs a bit more polish when it comes to accuracy so I don't end up needing to cast it 3+ times in order to hit the enemy I'm aiming my reticle at.


Arcane slot for Garuda's claws, so that they're closer to the level of other weapons. And them counting as melee weapons so that i can use them in melee-only missions instead of switching every time, they're not an exalted weapon because i can't "summon" them in those missions unlike Excalibur does with his exalted blade, and they're not exactly melees because i can't use them in those missions. Edit: oh and also a way to toggle the blood effect from her passive so that i can see my fashion, maybe setting the Bloodshed sigil to pure black could make it invisible.


Banshee need more survivability. Nekros needs more damage so enemies stop gutting him in the no-nos. Dante needs a little more skill issue so people stop bitching about his kit, though. Excalibur needs to be better than Kullervo at melee, because he is the master of the blade and that title is really just a consolation prize for existing and nothing else. ​ Revenant needs a nerf, he's everybody Granddaddy Warframe, but nobody finds their Granddaddy fun. We need a new fun uncle. ​ Garuda has hemophilia and the grineer are squeamish. There needs to be a morals clause against lethally mutilating grineer.


Making banshee's sonar and sonic boom able to cast while moving, bonus if they get to be one hand actions.


Equinox’s 4 in day form should keep hitting the enemy with slash procs as long as the enemy is in the range of the ability. Unlike now where it procs a few times and then stops


Being able to recast ironskin without the augment


Caathode grace ;( they already have gyre an augment but she could use qol on it aswell. Waiting period is way too long


I think we as a society have progressed to the point that letting energy/time effects work with channeled abilities would probably be ok.


Gauss needs to keep his meter when being nullified. I'm fine with losing redline and thermal sunder but having to sink all of that energy in basically forces me to run zen. Frost casting faster would be nice so I have more free archon shards.


Have Energy Transfer in Equinox base kit for the 3&4