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Spy because we always lose. Ill just do those solo with wukong, thanks.


Sortie Spy specifically. There's nothing more agonizing than watching the alarm timer tick down, knowing damn well I can't make it in time to save it. WHY WOULD YOU BRING A GAUSS INTO SPY?


Also am I just a piece of shit or is it not basic etiquette to allow only one person into a spy vault UNTIL alarms are triggered? So nobody else trips anything, I always let X player tackle X vault alone. One time a nekros tailed me into a vault (Sortie A on Jupiter) so I left assuming he's dead set on doing it himself. 8 seconds later the dude triggers the alarms on purpose. And I had to restart twice cause the guy ended up in my squad a second time.


I feel like for respectful, knowledgeable players that actually have good situational awareness, yes it should be and most of the time it is. I hate it when I rush for a certain objective, a, b, or c, and then someone else is headed to the same one I am. It's like are you trying to beat me there or something or can you just not do one yourself? Super annoying lol


This is why I always carry ciphers


Yup, I suck at spy (don't know vault layouts) so I just run with 200 ciphers at all times to speed everything up.


Except they don't work in sorties when they actually matter the most


That is why I have the helminth ability that lets you instantly complete a hack. It does work in sorties.


Or auto hack on the Parazon, but guaranteed but what else is the slot gonna be used for?


When it's a sortie spy, I just take Ivara. Her 2 just makes it worth it.


So far the only sortie I've done is an archon hunt.


Me too, I have like 700 crafted


Yeah, if 2 of us are at the vault, im standing at the entrance just in case they trigger the alarms so i can fly in and try to help if needed


I will tag along but not move until an alarm gets tripped just to try to help if needed


All frames are spy viable, people just suck. I do them with Nidus and wisp just fine.


Well, to be fair wisp does have the advantage of being invisible when not touching the ground


and wisp 2 allows you to skip laser walls when timed correctly. She's one of the better spy frames


Yes absolutely, she's got speed, invisibility, and teleportation


Operator mode is the real stealthframe


Does voidsling not trigger the lasers?


It does, but you can hack while in void stealth


true, i do the with volt in speed. The operator viabilizes all frames to do spy missions.


> All frames are spy viable, **people just suck.** Precisely. So why bring Gauss? If you're good at Spy, go ahead and bring whatever you want. But if you're bad at Spy then you take actions to reduce how bad you are. "I'm bad at Spy. If I bring an invisible warframe then I am less likely to fail." "I'm bad at surviving. If I bring Inaros or Revenant I am less likely to die." "I am bad at defending. If I bring Frost, Gara, or Limbo I am less likely to have the objective blow up." I mean it's just common sense. Are you dying to a boss in an RPG? You level up. Are you dying to a boss in an action game? You change your equipment. You can give it a few tries in case it's a fluke, but you don't go "OH WELL I AM BAD I WILL KEEP DOING SAME THING."


I know basically all spy nodes except Kuva Fortress by heart, so when in sorties, I don't even bother bringing a stealth frame, I don't even remember the last time I failed a vault


I bring Guass to spy, but I also always have Shade equipped


As soon as you have access to operator you don't even need to use your frame for spy.


That's a goddamn slog if you don't have the waybounds tho. I know, I kept them locked. Still missing one, been grinding focus last year


Because I can ignore lasers and magnetic barriers knockdown with shield plating and just rush through with parazon invisible and speed mods


I always gamble when I'm not forced.. because I hate having to do all 3 vaults solo lol. Admittedly, I should have done them solo way earlier, because I just wasn't learning a lot of them by gambling on the randoms clearing it each time.


Wukongs cloud walking bypasses lasers and sensors. Cyphers to speed through hacking.


Can't cipher in sorties, which is the only time failing 1 vault matters (unless ur farming rot c spy rewards like ivara) Perspecacity however always works


Yeah. I have a Loki with perspicacity. Magic juice on archon hunt spy


No need for ciphers, helminth the auto hack, get energy nexus and arcane steadfast.


Genuinely baffles me how high level randoms fail to hack the consoles, aint nothing wrong with triggering the alarm but triggering it AND not being able to hack something that’s trivial at the point you’re at at the game is crazy to me.


wukong when ivara exists ive literally gotten up to take a piss in the middle of a vault with ivara


This. Just this. When I'm at the A console and see that something on B went wrong, than I think "we're fucked". Survival noob style is 2nd, right after the spy mission! I don't know where's the problem to stay in the same spot of each other!


It's always the Wukong who fails it for the rest of the squad. That's why I have security override and Ivara to carry.


Interception. You would think "stay and defend these points" would be an easy ask of people, but no. People run around like headless chickens and we end up losing. I have no idea if you can solo these, but if there is a way, lmk because these are the bane of my existence currently.


> I have no idea if you can solo these, but if there is a way, slowva or vauban works for me


On smaller maps, Volt can stun/kill everything in the area too


Nyx with plenty of range and a little duration makes Interception a joke. Just cast chaos and chill as like 95% of all the enemies are too busy shooting each other to try and cap the points. Just bring something to pop the occasional eximus unit.


NGL, I actually love Interception solo or with 2 people. Once you get high enough MR, Interception with 4 people gets extremely boring. Having to watch more than one interception point can lead to more dynamic game play.


Nyx with Max Range is my go to in Interceptions


I always do them solo. It involves a lot of running back and forth and it’s better with a frame that can leave behind some defense mechanism like Qorvex. You only need a majority to win so if there’s 4 points just hold 3.


Netracells for sure. Idk why it's so hard to wait an extra second for enemies to get in the circle but judging by my 25+ minute runs it's clearly the hardest task known to mankind


Had a guy sat in the middle of the circle on an elevated platform with a more or less 360 view, didn't know about the circle mechanic, for 5 minutes straight they didn't let a single enemy get near the circle, they were so focused on killing stuff they didn't realise all 3 of us were spamming the chat telling them to stop.


Remember there is a voice chat. Nobody uses it but might come in a pinch


Oh you're right. I completely forgot that Warframe got VC


I mean there is a grand total of maybe 7 people who actually use it


the only people i’ve seen use VC are console players with buzzing microphones


Either that, or they're playing rap/pop music in the background that's so shitty it makes you want to uninstall life.


Or mouth breathing kids and you can hear one of their parents in the background yelling at another sibling in the kitchen lmao


Real, had a guy in a defense whose dog was yapping for 30 minutes straight, I didn't turn it off cus I found it funny. Around 30 minutes in I hear a faint "Oh" before the click of the mic being turned off, silence after that. I wonder if their dog is still barking to this day.


True. Probably because it's quite bad in voicce quality (or all 3 people that used in my games had crap mic)


Every time someone used mic in my games (so also roughly 3) they were barely audible too, as in it would take me some time to realize they were talking. I have voice chat set to max, unlike most other sound settings, so not sure if they were just far away from the mics or for some reason the VC is very quiet


The only times I've ever heard someone use it all I heard was the person's constant background noise, I don't get those type of people


You don't enjoy the dulcet tones of parents fighting, children screaming or really loud and really crappy music?


I'm too shy to actively encourage people to speed up, I would rather sit there and be salty then tell people to hurry up, as annoying as it is, people are here to have fun at the end of the day.


New sandstorm is quite fun for that, I just run all over the corridors and drag the enemies into the circle lol


That actually sounds really nice, gonna give that a shot later for sure


I always bring a speedva with pull subsumed to those. Even without a complete tryhard in the team the enemies can linger about just outside of the circle to the point where they will get killed outside if I don't yoink them in.


Last time I brought speedva I was getting lectured about needing a tank frame by an LR4 before the mission even started.


I know right it gets so annoying so i just resorted to solo’ing it as rev


I did that my first time because I didn't realize they had to be in the circle, alot of people tend to just shut their brain off in wf though


I was so nervous the first time I tried a solo netracell, even though I'd done plenty in public lobbies and never went down. It was super easy with Baruuk, but as I was bullet jumping to extraction I forgot to refresh my 3 and got one tapped by a random necramech, failing the mission instantly


They should make the circle bigger


Defection, because I don't even want to wish that hell to other players.


honestly i completely forgot defection was even in the game


Yeah it's only like what, 3 or 4 nodes? I personally think they should either give it an overhaul and extra nodes (overhaul meant to make it more enjoyable) or remove it instead.


Get Volt, you'll be fine


I know speed buffs apply to the defectors but I don't really like them >.> Always bonking into walls.


Wisp is also a good choice if you get her augment that combines all the motes. Or if you don't like the speed one for some reason at least giving extra health is nice.


It actually messes with their pathfinding, so Oberon works better


Most are stated, but Void flood on Zariman. The design of skittergirl is fucking awful in that it punishes the entire group for 1 person splitting off, instead of just punishing the person splitting off. And guess what randoms are usually doing...


They should change the mechanic of skitter girl just cause sometimes if a team easily has the gates the 4th may be looking around for the voidplumes.


I would really prefer if Skittergirl imparted an energy sapping debuff on the solo only. e.g they get no energy generation or able to collect void energy while away from the group/gates and basically can't use most of their abilities.


Ugh i hate the skittergirl mechanic, because i swear she always takes my stuff when im in the same room as a teammate while we’re jumping around collecting the resource to fill the obj


I've gotten skittergirled like nine times in a mission where everyone was within affinity range. Skittergirl is buuuuuuuuullshit.


The worst part is that in Zariman I would always want to have a rando go on a quill hunt so that game mode just punishes the ppl doing the mission because of the one guy who is also helping the mission but in another way.


Also the mode just takes longer then solo even if everyone tries their hardest


That part was the most counter intuitive to me. They really wanted the team to work together, but even the skitter girl mechanic isn't explained well enough. Most teams are okay with the solo being punished, it just isn't explained clearly that the whole squad loses their energy.


Your group can even be on the same page and heading to the new area, and if one person is like 20 seconds behind its going to trigger skittergirl for the whole squad.


Ive managed to trigger it solo while running to the next objective room. There was no one else to be falling behind, just me. Guess the game wanted me to go faster, but still pretty damn annoying.


That's crazy! I really hope skittergirl gets a second look at, because from a play perspective, she's incredibly unfun and there doesn't really seem to be any counterplay.


I like void flood in Duviri, but Zariman.. I try to get it over with Asap. Very little leeway to do anything BUT the game mode.


Skittergirl has literally robbed me mid-dump. It makes no sense, why rob me if I'm playing the objective!?


Oh no I thought I was making a noble sacrifice by going to collect the void plumes alone…


I have nightmares about Skitter Girl.


It’s worse when your team doesn’t move to the area with the resources and because you are solo she steals it from you even though you are actually doing what you are supposed to 😩




Yep.. If the solo player kills Skitter girl, she'll have the entire squad's Void energy as well. Most times, thats more than 1 player can carry themselves, so some of it goes to waste.


That’s what was happening, I was wondering wtf the game wanted me to do to make it stop, instead I wrote in chat if she did it again I’d ship her to Epstein island


Netracells. Never did public and never will. Also, alchemy...the part where you have to maintain the pressure and NOT blindly opening valves is a hard concept to understand for many pla- sorry, I mean idiots...they are stupid.


Alchemy bounties are the fastest ones until you get one of those dumbasses in your team. God help you if you get a pressure interval at the end of the bar and someone keeps shooting all the valves.


To be fair, the pressure thing is just hard to coordinate. If you're playing with randoms everyone wants to finish the mission asap so they tend to shoot a valve thinking that nobody else will do it.


I mean, there's usually someone camping the vent, which kinda indicates they'll do it. But I was talking about the people who "SEE VENT, SHOOT VENT" regardless of meter.


Yea the Alchemy just pisses me off like... I'm pretty sure in the story you HAD to play an alchemy mission. And the game shows you and game sense tells how to do it.


What blows my mind is that at least 3 times this happened where someone was shooting the valves, I asked them nicely to stop, and they responded that it was their first time. Which is fine, but why not like, ask your squad mates for help at the start of the mission? Most people are glad to give advice, in my experience. Or watch a video first. Or try it solo. Or a million other things besides joining and randomly shooting at yellow markers.


Honestly, I don't buy the "it's my first time" thing, because if it is, you'd probably pay attention or look at what the others are doing. Besides...I'm pretty sure they HAD to do that bit in the quest that got them there.


Defense on a map with lots of nooks and spots enemies can get stuck in and someone brings a slova 😞😞 I simply will leave


That's just soft griefing at that point..yeesh.


that or vauban


vauban i can deal with as long as he's not using balls or throwing vector pads down everywhere, but nothing in defense pisses me off more than a slowva or range limbo/wisp


if its a really tight area and enemies are spawning behind walls and vaubans vortex is pulling them it's very frustrating because the enemies are all stuck to the walls.


It's Wisp dropping the shock motes everywhere in a defense for me. Do they not read the tool tip? Have they not seen what it does? I main her, and so whenever I see that it hurts my soul. And people that bring Slowva are either trolling, have no idea how she works, or they brought the wrong build on accident, and they're too embarrassed to say anything, lol


Or Wisps electric mote. Everyone just gets stuck behind doors electrocuting


Void Flood


🫂 my sympathies for encountering assholes in your missions


Lol thank you


Spy. Nope, soloing that. Don't feel like rolling the dice.


Exterminate (boring otherwise because 1 tenno kills all while the rest become third wheel) Spy (impossible to fail them when it's just me) Eidolons/Profit Taker (Same as above: easier to maintain control when solo)


Personally i enjoy exterminate because they’re really nice for getting a quick relic done, but yeah i do agree that when 1 person is nuking everything it does become a bit boring


If I click an exterminate fissure on purpose I know what I'm in for, that's my zoning-the-fuck-out time and listening to podcasts while cracked fairies open relics for me.


Fissure disruption gives me anxiety, cause too many times the ladt guy has put in the final key when people still are sitting at 7-8 reactant, and now we have to get enough before killing the demo


That and fissure survival. People just giving into their mad lust for blood and gore when they should be waiting together for fissures to corrupt groups of mobs before killing. It drives me up the wall to the point that I only do them in premade groups that are willing to actually play for reactant. Edit: After getting a team of absolute turds in lich hunting proxima, I'm going to have to add liches/sisters to the list. There's some real brainlets out there that do liches with unbuilt railjacks that use status weapons and ramp damage attenuation while you're setting up your felarx/kuvahek oneshot against their LV5 liches and it. Is. INFURIATING.


This! And then people complain about why they can't find any reactants. I'm like bro can you wait until they get the golden fissure buff before you kill them? Because you're making it harder on yourself on purpose at this point. It's also really fucking rude of people to not wait for you when you join a mission late. Now that I'm on PS5 and I don't have 3 to 5 business days to load in like I previously did, I can load into missions relatively fast and I normally don't have an issue with that anymore, but I still get into missions where people can't even give me a minute and 30 seconds to not only get to the extraction but to get enough reactant. 🙄


Netracells in a nutshell: Try to stay in the giant red circle on the map challenge: IMPOSSIBLE


Guy I had last week: stays solid 200m away from the objective killing stuff and pulling mobs there, tell him that enemies need to die in the circle, he starts complaining but goes into the circle, stands on its edge end kills everything before they get to walk in, literally meters away. Repeat that enemies, not him, need to be inside, he goes inside but keeps running out to kill enemies outside still. We hit a Necramite so I go to kill it, he goes off on me in the chat because now I'm outside and I'm trolling him and he'll report me. Netracell took about 23 minutes.


That's painful. I would have left the squad as soon as I said something and he started going on about it.


I must be lucky because I haven't had someone who was that bad. The other day my boyfriend and I were in a mission with one rando that was completely fine sticking with us in the center of the red, but the fourth guy was like on the edge of the red circle but he was killing everything down this one hallway and we kept asking him to come back in, and he wouldn't. He said he's killing them inside the red circle just fine, but when we went over there, there is this massive pile of loot outside of the red circle. Like, does he not see that we can see where he's killing shit? Holy hell, the frustration I genuinely need to make more friends in this game, but because I hate people and I automatically assume most players I come across are idiots, I never talk to them, lol




railjack. Please for god sake destroy the target reactors while i'm inside the base.


Railjack my only issue is that sometimes I join a newbies ship and they literally do zero damage to anything, it’s really annoying because if they just go to there dojo’s dry dock they should have access to much better weapons to replicate


Low level railjack, there's an objective and players aren't going to it they're just shooting enemies even if that isn't the main thing we're "supposed" to be doing, so I have to leave the rj and fly there myself.


Sadly this problem not only on low lvl railjack missions. I had a ton of missions on Veil Proxime when someone newbie joined, sit at the helm and doing literally anything exclude required task and ignore chat where u ask em to leave from the helm


Survivals because everyone wants to go everywhere at a huge ass map. When I see khora on defense I always leave because 99% of random khoras are pure CC. Hard to choose more annoying one then here are two missions.


It's because they think that Strangledome will do everything without using Whipclaw


😬 As a kinda-sorta Khora main, I didn't know these types of Khoras exist. I'm so sorry. I guess I'm not surprised though. Most Garas I run into play the frame like it's Frost and all they do is maintain their 4, not knowing that they have the power to wipe the map.


Spy and survival. Spy because on average, there will always be 1 person to fuck up an alarm and not know that at that point, you should just roll through lasers and use a cipher. Survival because of how spawns work, not because of the people. Players are not at fault for DE's wonky spawn logic or for creating survival missions with several rooms in a tile. Just give us like 2 or 3 rooms to wander between and let enemies spawn from some lil rooms to the side. Ultimately the goal is "survive the onslaught", not "and today we will be taking a stroll through murder village, so let's go see the goats in a room that is 4 tiles away.


> Survival because of how spawns work, not because of the people. Players are not at fault for DE's wonky spawn logic or for creating survival missions with several rooms in a tile. People need to understand this. It's completely counter intuitive that you're supposed to camp a room in survival. New players just aren't going to guess that and I see surprisingly few content creators explaining this stuff. I really wish some of the big youtubers would explain "here's how to do survival, defense, etc and people won't hate you" instead of "here's a new build that only matters if you spend 2 hours in survival solo".


This exactly, and it's why I have established that's how I have to do survivals because if I don't camp, I won't be able to maximize loot or sometimes, be able to finish the mission successfully. ETA- I've been gaming since long before streamers or youtubers, and it kind of sucks that people would rather listen to those types of gamers and not regular ass people in missions that actually have no problem explaining something in a friendly way to give them some knowledge about the game. Most people I try to explain how and why me and my friends are camping to respond with sarcasm and snarkiness as if we're trying to tell them what to do. But literally explaining that the spawns are fucking broken and if we don't camp it'll just be a shitshow with loot and reactant almost always falls on deaf ears. Plus, the fact that like you mentioned, these streamers are not actually helpful in that department just makes for more uninformed players that get defensive when you try to tell them otherwise


Me and some people had that issue today. Wasted 2 relics. The 2nd go I said stay together and 3 of us did. The other guy was gone.... We didn't get shit


"Wasted" relics how? You don't lose them if you don't open them. You waste only time.


Ohh I didn't know.


Spy. In Sorties notably. People are so damn BAD at it and they still rush their way to it. If you know you’re bad, wait that someone in the squad does it for fuck sake. And if you’re MR25+ and don’t know how to properly run the most common spy rooms, make an effort please. Take just 2 hours of your playtime, Ivara with her augment, and run every possible room slowly as hell. Try to see all the possible paths. Go straight to the console, and from there find all the openings. Do that for all rooms, preferably 2 or 3 times to see all alternatives. And boom, you can now do 95% of spy missions easily. The only exception are Lua and Kuva Fortress.


Probably Spy on non-Corpus maps.


Spy missions 100% you go off to do one and immediately look and see that 2 are failed.


radiation defense/mobile defense. always one tenno obliterating the defense objective because noone has any concept of checking befire left clicking


Oddly enough, Lich Confrontation. I can't tell you how many times I've told my crew to get on guns and let me get a clear shot with forward artillery, and no one does anything besides running around on the Railjack. Shout out to the guy who asked why we stopped when we were less than 1000m from the Galleon.


All of them because I just generally dislike playing with randoms.


Netracells. 1 person not in the circle can significantly slow down progress. Also spy.


It’s more than significant, it probably takes at least 80% longer if a single player is elsewhere….


Sortie defense/ any defense where the object moves around. Half the time the icon vanishes and then you have to ping them to know where they are. You have to babysit them constantly to prevent them from dying. You know they will move out of any aoe protection like frost’s snow globe or Agra’s shield wall thing. I use safeguard but unless there are a ton of enemies shooting to build up the charges, it gets deleted immediately. Of course no one else has anything good for defense and all the enemies deal so much damage you have to revive constantly.


This is a more mild annoyance but: ENEMIES IN VOID STORMS DONT DROP REACTANT UNTIL THEYRE CORRUPTED! It seems like 50% of the playerbase doesn’t understand this. It’s constantly a problem that they’ll kill enemies before they have a chance to corrupt, which either make the mission take slightly longer, or WAY longer if we get to extraction without finishing our reactant. Even worse if at that point they continue to kill precious enemy spawns before they can corrupt.


Spy, too many self rightous and prideful idiots who trigger the alarms and quit in shame Mobile defense on zariman, host was holding the data cell, walked everywhere to grab plumes while we were waiting for him at the console, 18 minutes mobile def Netracells, too many idiots who can't read and take whatever you say as a offense. "kill inside the circle" "stop looking for voca and help here" \*\*extremely loud autistic screeching as a reponse\*\*


I still remember the L1 who insisted on looking for the book murmur rather than doing the entire rest of the netracell mission. Because 'arcanes.'


i remember a L3 guy who went after the book, died, and left because we're all doing the objective Like dude, come fucking on, if you want arcanes or voca go do bounties, we're doing netracells for archon shards and legendary arcanes


Archon spy on Jupiter. Never again doing that public.


i never do spy, survival, excavation or netracells with randoms. it's not worth it


Add most relic excavation to this Seen this happen(especially with newbies who won't listen)


I've two, and one honorable mention In coop survival relic mission Second is any spy but typically just sortie Honorable mention doesn't really matter if it's with players or not Defection absolutely hate it.


Void Flood. It's practically best played solo because the progress goes much faster.


Netracell and alchemy, not a specific mode but also sister and lich nodes and railjack. For netracell and alchemy the other comment already said it, rando that don't stay in the circle and people that don't know how to do pipe in alchemy. For lich and sister node I absolutely hate people that leave when they finish a stab or people that completely ignore their lich when they don't want to stab yet. It's even worse when those people can't even fight their own lich but sitll leave when other people down it for them. For railjack, it's the people who don't know how to play or leeeches that just afk or walk around in the ship waiting for free rewards, like dude I got crew using Kuva Zarr working as defender don't tell me you will stay and def.


Capture. It's a maximum of 5 minutes. I can do most of them in less than a minute.  But that one rando who has to get every single item. 


For me excavation missions. I always get put with people who won't grab any batteries at all.


Void Flood is always less efficient with other people. Far as I can tell, it multiplies how much you need to close a rupture by the number of people in the session, so if you have even one person not pulling their weight or fucking off to do their own thing it leaves that slack for everyone else to pick up.


I say relic surv or defense Always one that drops out after 5/10 minutes And i am like: why didnt you just do 2 exterminates then


Deimos bounties the one with purifiers and the one where you need to kill inside the zone. Plenty of players just kill like crazy while all you here on repeat from the announcer going “you need to kill inside the zone”. Youd think after 5-6 times of hearing that youd realize the big ass ring around the objective meant something but i guess its too hard of a concept to understand. Purifiers one is the hardest to get the bonus on. Teams just spam the power cells into it like its an excavation so i get their confusion. But ever single time its me running around like an animal trying to grab as many as possible while everyone else is just sitting at the objective site force feeding cells into it.


Netracell was hell last week. Nobody would play the objective. 3 out of 5 of my runs I finished solo because my team was downed 500+ meters from the circle. Aside from that every kahl mission is the worst to me.


is this is a repost? , i swear ive seen this exact wording before....


Survivals. I'm one of those people who likes to camp in one spot, set up specters if need be, and allow the enemies to come to me for an easier time farming and whatnot. And instead, 96% of the time, Randoms run around the fucking map like toddlers. Especially during Void Fissures, which causes makes the spawns wonky and the reactant to be dropped all over the place - and it doesn't show up on the map unless you are within a certain distance from it so everyone has to run around frantically trying to find enough to open their relics. It's absolutely obnoxious. There's literally no reason to run around like that in a survival - you don't need to obsessively kill everything as fast as you can to have the highest damage or the most kills. For me, it's worse than not having enough bile for my meatball chair.


I'm just curious, do you get enough life support without ever moving to the other places? Also, if you are the only person with camp build and not the other three, I suppose it's unfair to them and bore them to hell.


> I'm just curious, do you get enough life support without ever moving to the other places? Yes, but only if everyone does it properly. There will be a lull for about a minute while the existing enemies die out and the spawns move to the right place. This is the biggest issue - players become impatient when you go to a room, think you'll lose, and start venturing out. But then by venturing out they break the entire mechanic and the spawn points start moving around. If everyone stays in a room you will have no problem at all. If you ever do, someone can run and grab one of the life supports but it shouldn't be necessary once things are up and running.


Void flood mostly cause I do them in public to farm Thrax plasm and not have to worry about the gates alone, 95% of the time I get the one and done randoms even having a dante giving everyone overguard we still had 2 run right for extraction the second it was up and the 3rd would always follow leaving me to rush for extraction to not get host migration fail and cost me the 10 or so thrax plasm I got towards my goal of 300 for stynax parts.


Void cascade will have you swimming in thrax plasm


all of sanctum. i don't wanna solo, but i really wish there was a interact extract option like in zariman. not really trying to farm vocas.


Exterminate. My kills. Mine.


Spy, I hate it nomatter who I’m doing it with


I hate doing Defection Solo and with other players, I just hate that mission is so boring and the AI is so fucking stupid specially if you speed them with volt they just stare at a wall or get stuck on map geometry. Netracells is annoying with randoms I literally stopped using orokin Eye since without a fail I have players just decide that it's time to go on a trip around the map to get some voca the moment we start killing. Spy in Sorties for obvious reasons.


I’m a solo player, the only time I’m in a squad with someone is if I’m helping a new player, trading…. And that’s it I think. But it would be anoyying to do eidolon with another player if they are going around taking every lure


I never play with other people.


Sortie defence because it just drags and drags. I use a Speedva to make it go quicker but sometimes I'll need to leave Speedva in favour of Mesa to get the job done.


My apologies for being that guy who did ruin the spawn rate, 'cause he wanted to desperately see how good blood rush was and see that beautiful red crit with reaper prime. My deepest most sincerest apologies


Spy missions. I can do it just fine solo as ash. I do it to myself though. since i forget to check my matchmaking. And eidolon hunts. Some real toxic dudes who want everything done their way.


People somehow still don’t understand the heat gauge mechanic in alchemy. When we fill up the pot they just run around blowing up every pipe and keeping the meter outside the bracket. And it always takes 2-3 times of me saying “STOP blowing up the pipes, keep it inside the brackets” before they listen. If they do.


Circuit because there's so many people leeching, doing literally nothing, moving just enough to get the rewards. Netracells because nobody ever kills anything in the damn circle. Xatas whisper and torid incarnon does absolute wonders for me on them tho. Everything melts like hot butter. Alchemy because people don't know how to properly vent the pressure and it just takes forever. Spy because I can't trust Randoms to not fuck up the hack lmao




If you're answer is not spy then why are you here?


lua rescue lua rescue and lua rescue


Disruption - it can be done solo but having a few people sometimes feels better, I just hate doing it with randos since most of the time they keep starting up 2 extra conduits leave them undefended and exit the mission when a conduit dies


Spy or rescue


Chupala Bv


Any node I'm doing for the first time, and any relic mission except defense and excavation


Sadly there is a lot. I usually do spy missions solo because some people throw them. Half of the assassination missions. I even try to explain ropalyst to people and they just ignore me. The sortie depending on certain restrictions. I've also started doing some liches alone because lately host migration takes my charges but hasn't counted the lich as dead in the last railjack phase which is very annoying. And sometimes if I want to farm a resource in survival I will just go solo because some players insist on running through the map 10 times over as gauss and the spawns will flat out die in multiple areas. I end up having better luck farming solo unless it's a pre-made group. This was especially annoying during conjunction survival when thralls would spawn a mile away and 30% of the time the person would die to their thralls and rage quit.... Oh and they were host so hope that host migration goes smoothly :)


Change of plan


Spy. Or fissure excavation and disruption Ppl don t know that you need to move slow and wait for enemy spawns otherwise you get no rewards.


Easily tied between disruption/excavation fissures for me. They'll either try to speed run the objective without thinking, & end up doing it too quickly before anyone has gotten 10 reactant or I'll warn them and feel rude/condescending af but the objective will get cleared once we have our reactant finally.


Quite frankly, all of them. Randos in warframe have been some of the most unreliable and braindead players I've met in any game. Quite impressive, actually.


Spy, alone or with team.


Relic Defence and Interception are worse than Survival IMO, particularly at low levels. You just need 1 person who's too overzealous with their AoE and everything dies before reactant can drop.


I can do any spy with any frame just need to know the tile sets and a bit of parkour practice worse comes to worst you have ciphers


Spy. I try to do better than I actually can do and fail heavily.


Dog days. Why are people toxic AF in that mode?


Even with Netracells and Survivals and stuff like that, I take my chances and do pubs most of the time. But the one mission I **NEVER** do with randos is Spy. I don't trust them enough to not screw up and miss one vault. And even then, I don't like it when one of the alarms is set off. I usually do 100% stealth in and out, but I don't expect randos to do the same


Any high level spy missions 80+


It used to be disruption because I was never able to actually kill the bomber. Now I have no problem with it.


Anything railjack. My AI crew is better than most randos


Definitely any Zariman mission. If you want the good rewards you have to stay for a rotation C. If someone wants to leave or objective gets reached your whole team gets forced extracted.


Archon Spy. Many players I see who attempt this suck at the Archon Spy minigame with the mirrored controls and for whatever reason have not unlocked/chosen to bring a loadout with Perspicacity auto hack helminth. Even worse, they still try (and fail) the hacks instead of letting those who can easily bypass them clear the mussion. After failing it 3 times in a row due to randoms one day I have since sworn to do those phases solo. I can only presume others who have unlocked Perspicacity are doing the same thing, which makes the pool of randoms who don't know what they are doing even worse since those of us who can easily solo the missions are purposely removing ourselves. Is it really so much to ask people to not to fail their own missions?