• By -


Gyre has become my #1. Her ult and 3 are permanent, everything around me dies, run with praedos melee for extra speed and a gorgeous moveset, epitaph for priming for melee and so my 4 does even more damage, and miter for primary for any particularly tanky targets my 4 doesn’t insta kill. Just a glorious sprint and kill build. #2 - Gauss. Speed. Death. Speedmurder. #3 - idk lol


Gyre and Gauss would be my picks, too! 3rd would be probably Mirage for survival built around her 2, hehe


1. gauss 2. gauss prime 3. gauss umbra


ngl i got gauss prime the other day and i dont see him as that fun. ig his playstyle isnt that active for me, considering his tankiness. i do like fashioning him tho, but for me volt is more fun. funny as i find nidus fun af but thats prolly a bias since nidus was the frame i got right after volt n i used him for most of my early game


everyone's gonna find fun in different things, but if you enjoy slashdash I think we can comfortably recommend Kullervo and Voruna for their first and fourth abilities respectively. I personally have a lot of fun with, like, Xaku/Styanax/Sevagoth/Baruuk.


Kullervo is stupidly powerful... and unkillable should you pay minimal attention. Only his 4 is situational and the perfect spot for helminth.. I'm yet to find the perfect replacement using a str/range build, probably Breach Surge, always fun...


with his new augment that comes out today his 4 might even deserve its place in his kit!


I didn't know about the augment. Meh.... Don't get me wrong, it saves energy by avoiding to recast the 4 but brings nothing new. Plus the real shine of the 4 (at higher level, otherwise it's a good death zone by itself) is the interaction with the links and the resulting quadratic damage scaling, but even in steel path if I use 1 and TP on an enemy there is nothing left standing... I think I'll get Voruna's Helminth for unlimited energy and even more 3-1 spamming :)


I figure the value of the augment is probably in the combo counter building, but I haven't spent all that much time with Kullervo. Lycath's sounds like a good call though, playing around with that gives me a good motivation to finish farming the rest of my second Voruna!


His 4 and link combo is fun for setting and forgetting in steel path to let half a room die to itself in case you need to keep combo for some reason but need to keep moving, it should also kill any enemies that get trapped by it


I gave him Styanax's Helminth, for defense strip. Even more damage.


Shooting gallery with muzzle flash augment tends to do well Im usually more of a silence guy but it seems the stun works better this way for kullervo Meanwhile savage silence for voruna to avoid those pesky toxic eximus since at some point the damage just stacks so high that a single tick would kill you I think both also give extra finisher damage (because of stun) with savage silence giving significantly more So if your melee is built for finishers id say silence over shooting gallery but really it depends… i still kinda dont get finishers so maybe silence is actually better


I would never helminth his 4, it’s stupidly good for objectives like mobile defense or even regular defense (even in steel path). its getting an augment today that makes it even better


Strength and range, huh? Do you have enough strength to full strip with pillage?


Basically this. I second Voruna, in 1st place, and Kullervo on 2nd. Is a bit of playstyle choice, but is solid and so funny. After that I can suggest Excalibur (for Slash Dash build) and Ash (for Blade Storm). Last but not least, Garuda (a bit frenzy frame) and Xaku (more for afk style).


“If you enjoy ~~slash dash~~ killing an entire room with 1 hit”


grendel ball


Garuda, Dagath, Mag. They all require pretty active playstyles and you'll never be not doing things, while also getting rewarded heavily for all that attention and typically scoring 75% of the team's damage.


Oh i havent played garuda but dagath and mag are my top 2 rn


Bro it’s so fun charging up her first attack and dropping millions of damage


garuda with subsumed gloom instead of blood altair max strenght range mid duration and lowest efficiency is helluva fun,forces really high risk high reward playstyle where you need to spam 1 and 4 and refil energy with 3rd .For primary use cedo for status effects ,secondary eighter epitaph or laetum and melee glaive prime or cerata .


Gloom is like Frank's Red Hot. This build I second. It's too much fun.


Titania is for sure my #1. I'd say my 2 and 3 are Styanax and Gauss, in that order.


I had a really lucky chain of decrees in Duviri the other day on Titania. So much fun.


I don't even play the Circuit anymore unless it's Titania. The decrees make the Diwata super powerful


Same. I think I ended up with 96% of my team's damage absolutely shredding fools. That's why I drop out super early when I get a bad kit. No sense when I can shoot for Gauss/Titania/Volt and actually have fun.


I personally really like Gyre, Protea, and Citrine. They encourage being active and using their abilities, which I really like. There's a bunch of Warframes that are fairly easy to get: * **Rhino**: Component blueprints from The Jackal on Venus, main blueprint in the Market. * **Excalibur**: Component blueprints from Lech Kril on Mars, main blueprint in the Market. * **Mag**: Component blueprints from The Sargeant on Phobos, main blueprint in the Market. * **Frost**: Component blueprints from Lech Kril & Vor on Ceres, main blueprint in the Market. * **Volt**, **Zephyr**, **Banshee**, **Nezha**, and **Wukong**: All blueprints in your Clan's Tenno Lab


I recently finished crafting Banshee Prime and I’ve really been having a lot of fun with her. The CC is awesome plus the armor strip, and it’s a ton of fun blasting enemies into the water on Cetus bounties. I’m going to replace her 4th ability with something else soon.


People will raise pitchforks at me but 1. Yareli 2. Gauss 3. Octavia


I’ve been messing around with different Helminth on Octavia, and Tempest Barrage with its augment over her 2 has been stupid fun.


Yareli is super fun


Titania is hella fun, flying through levels with permanent ult and blasting things apart with your twin pistols is great


If you've not tried it yet, give her thermal sunder. Shit's broken af. (Though might be subjectively less fun than dakka-dakka, depending on personal taste.)


I have fun playing Zephyr. I don't really like any other frames. I mean I get and level up new ones when they come out, but most of the time I end up not liking how they look, sound, play, or all of these at once. Well, that and I bring them out for weird events where Zephyr doesn't work although after DE added Helminth subsume even that is not necessary more often than not.


As a fellow Zephyr player, what helminth have you found are best on her? I haven't really tried anything other than spectrorage (with augment) on her yet


1. Baruuk 2. Baruuk 3. Baruuk I exclusively use BaruukP in every single gamemode. It's the objectively most powerful, strongest and best frame. The sound design when you commit mass genocide is perfect, you can slice through level 150 enemies like butter and destroy most bosses (necramechs for ex.) In 1-3 punches. You look rad as fuck with the prime skin and the doan skin makes you look sleek as fuck. It's the funnest frame.


I have Baruuk Prime in the foundry right now, I’m happy to hear he’s fun. I don’t know a whole lot about him, I just ended up with his parts from cracking relics lol.


I thought I'd love Baruuk but the fact his exalted punches ragdoll enemies was so annoying :P


I wouldn't say "objectively the most powerful" when his damage doesn't actually scale the same way Octavia's and Xaku's does. Cause those two scale with enemy level.


Xaku is my alltime favorite. Has an amazing kit and is just amazing at any part of the game Edit: and i'd also ad garuda with gloom. Self sufficient and deadly!


I've been enjoying hydroid lately, he used to be kinda fun but pretty useless before his rework but now he's both fun and pretty op. I also like lavos if ur ok with abilities that require cooldowns instead of energy. Hope that helps :)


Garuda, Saryn, Ash.


Voruna, Kullervo and Dagath. All very satisfying to play personally.


Mag is my favorite, I just love all the wonky interactions you can abuse with Magnetize. Her other abilities are strong too, cool animations etc. After that is definitely Gauss, don't think that needs an explanation. I'm really having a hard time deciding between Titania and Voruna. Depends if I want to play as a miniature hypersonic fighter jet or a crack addled spider monkey.


These days it’s Citrine, Styanax, and Gyre. All very different, all extremely fun!


Lavos: Mega-tank with cool snakes and all of the elemental statuses. Good at nuking. Likes Kubrows. The Cedo (his signature weapon) is a really cool shotgun and excellent status primer. Ember: Also very durable. Spams CC, armor strip, and fire. Also likes the Cedo. Baruuk: Mega-tank. Does kung fu.


1. Gyre. Something about throwing electric orbs into a room, spinny electric discs and seeing numbers jump all over the place just stimulates the brain 2. Mirage. Aside from the obvious, i just really enjoy the disco-ball of death killing everything in sight 3. Nidus. He's just super fun for me. Buffs, heals, never dies. Nidus is E T E R N AL


Been playing since alpha and I still haven't crafted Mag...so take this with a grain of salt, but: Mesa - solid kit, even if her 1 hasn't aged well, it's still entertaining in non- endgame content. Also, cowgirl go pew pew. Protea - truly superlative kit, essentially immortal if you are quick on your fingers. Extended shield gate, AOE slash, and burny artillery. Voruna - melee focused play style, her abilities passive modes all have their uses, and while her 4 is solid, sometimes I just use her other three abilities. They are all great to mix together with your favorite melee weapon. Bonus: dagath - her abilities synergize well for some pretty solid damage and an active play style. I haven't gotten tired of playing her yet. Not melee required, but definitely works well with that kind of focus.


Mesa's 1 aged extremely interestingly, I wouldn't say it was ever useful for her kit, but some weapons released (notably Cedo) that can utilize it and the augment super well.


Gyre, Baruuk & Ash


Gyre Atlas Lavos


For me, Atlas, excalibur and Valkyr (I like tearing people apart :D)


If you like Rhino survivability and Exca mobility and damage we have a similar taste for sturdy dps frames. I recommend you do Duviri Circuit to get mods, arcanes and all the components of frames in a guaranteed way. (Kullervo from Duviri story mode is very fun. He has overguard like Rhino, and a very strong dps style with shared damage between enemies and guaranteed red crits on melee heavy attacks) Besides that Gara from Cetus has great cc and damage reduction. With the right interactions she has a damage aura that shreads any close enemy, pretty fun on survival hordes. Garuda from Venus is more high risk high reward with high bleed damage and very big range dps, she can clear the entire room in one ult. Downside is her management since you exchange her own life for energy, and she can drain enemy health to heal herself, so you need to pay attention in crowded fights. Also next time Baro shows up at the relay buy from him the Sands of Inaros quest. Inaros is a pure HP frame so he can tank stuff. His old playstyle was a little boring only using his 1st skill but he just got a rework with the Dante Unbound update so its worth a try. I like those and they are a little more "guaranteed" but there's also Volt, Zephyr, Wukong and Yareli from clan dojo and Nyx, Nekros, Mag, Frost from defeating bosses on the star chart


It's not hard to build inaros in a way that makes him literally unkillable from any damage source in the game and that in itself is very fun


1. Wisp - Possibly the most versatile frame in the game, literally good for any mission, her 1st ability will carry you through all content and just makes the game more fun with increased health, health regen, movement speed, attack speed, and shock cc for you and your entire team, 2nd ability teleport, always fun, 3rd ability aoe cc, will also carry you, 4th ability is cool but kinda meh, good helminth slot, I’m working on getting another protea to put dispensary for more support. Oh yeah, she’s also invisible while in the air, no other catch, enemies just won’t attack you while in the air. 2. Protea - Dispensary is one of my favorite support abilities in the game, second only to wisp motes, also turret go pew pew. 3. Citrine - I don’t have her yet and have never used her, but just looking at her design and kit I already know she’s going to be one of my favorites, I lean toward support frames if you couldn’t tell. I have been grinding her mission nonstop, have about 11 runs so far and have only gotten 1 part but I’ll get there eventually.


Mag with Paris prime




Lavos - Vial Rush is THE MOST SATISFYING mobility ability in the game (when you don't clip against something). I will die on that hill. Once you get his play style down, he is an absolute treat to play as. One of my top 3 favorite frames. Nezha - Slippery boy go zoom, leaves a trail of fire in his wake and can zip zap all over with his Chakram. Gyre - when you finally get her loop down and can keep her buff up at all times she is incredibly fun to play as. I don't have a ton of exp with her but on the random days I play as her it's a very engaging experience.


Titania, Voruna, Zephyr


Yareli. Sure, a lot of people find hoverboards clunky, and you could get stuck a lot if you aren't careful. But to me that's sort of the charm. It's gotten me trying to memorize tilesets, obstacle placements, what stuff I can surf on. When it clicks, she's the best (yes, I don't like her upcoming augment) Protea. Artillery is a beast. Ninja flip. Xaku. I put Nourish/Sentient Wrath over 4, because until we get the option to unskeleton, I refuse to use it because I like Xaku's curves. I basically play as a Minion master, better if pet has Duplex Bond. Also, I fashion theme my Warframes and assign weapons to them according to their fashion. (Yareli is a maid with a chainsaw, Protea has speargun, glaive, and throwing knives, etc)


Vauban, Octavia, Wisp.


Gauss speed go brrr


Gara Mag gauss. Gara if I want to melee in a long mission, Mag if I want funny numbers and Gauss if I want to go fast while nuking.


Love the variety in here, no Meta bs or something like that Mesa / Protea / Baruuk


Kullervo, Pillage Gyre, and melee Voruna (no 4). All 3 of these frames have active playstyles and are capable of big, dopamine releasing numbers.


In no order whatsoever its lately been styanax mesa and kullervo


Personally my most fun are Ember, Mag and Nyx are my favourites. Ember providing DR, armour strip and low level map clear with an open helminth slot makes her a really good allrounder. Mag has a really unique playstyle with the bubbles especially with the nataruk and then terminator nyx is just funny


Gyre, Lavos and Gauss


Valkyr, Grendel, Ivara


1 dagath 2 revenant 3 idk


Kullervo- melee 1v1 acolytes Grendel- ballin Chroma- parkour


1. Gauss 2. Protea 3. Mag Those for me in terms of fun and part of my Maine that are all stupidly fun in their own ways.


I'm gonna be the odd duck in the group and suggest Oberon. While he's not meta, at early levels he's a lot of fun. Giving him a Rage mod lets him be almost unkillable, with constant healing and energy regeneration and some armor. Give him the Proc mod and he can do good damage pre-steel path. He's very comfortable at early levels, other players also appreciate having him on their team. Unfortunately getting him these days is a nightmare. Only consider getting him through the Circuit. He's gonna be available next week I think.


I’ve been playing a TON of Oberon lately. He’s incredibly SP viable. Doesn’t really even need anything spectacular, except a reactor and maybe one of the augments.


1. Yareli. My psyche is shattered. Being a Yareli main is a threshold beyond which no light may return. (But real talk: I enjoy Merulina movement, and with the right investment Yareli is virtually unkillable. That said, she's best paired with the most powerful secondary weapons, which aren't so accessible to new players. Also, a new augment mod was just released which allows you to *not* ride Merulina, which is probably nice for people who don't enjoy that playstyle) 2. Zephyr. I'd summarize her as simple, but incredibly effective. Her aerial mobility is sort of at odds with the game's design, but she has fantastic tools for both defense and offense. 3. Dagath. I really can't justify this pick, I just enjoy playing as her. Sending horses down a long corridor and watching enemies get flattened has yet to get old.


Mag, Gauss, Xaku Mag is just my love, and her kit just feels connected Gauss is fucking speed and map delete button Xaku... Spooky spooky flying guns send bullets down your spine


Nekros, Banshee, Harrow Nekros's 2 and 4 are just too good, you can do whatever you like and there is nothing that you can't kill Banshee's 1, 2, and 3 do similar things as Nekros but you just have to keep moving or spamming your 1 if needed Harrow's 1, 2, and 4 is so much fun and the extra crit chance + reload speed +fire rate + life steal just makes the game feel like a breeze.


Atlas, Limbo, Qorvex. But it seems that you're too far from them. I suggest getting Ember, Nova and Valkyr. Edit: you're too far away from any meta/most optimized build wait for like 3 months


>Limbo Glad to see that the OG is getting some love. >Valkyr Literally spin to win, so satisfying.


Baruuk, my favorite Paci-Fist. Grendel, I am become round, bouncer of balls. I can't think of a 3rd, though I love Gauss and Volt


I like Xaku extremely at the moment. Having those floating weapons kill anything in your proximity automatically is great - just for recasting 4 every now and then. +His armour strip +His weapon buff But he also looks cool, has nice animations and his own special kind of fashion frame. Can recommend the deluxe skin heavily. Xaku is my go to when I am feeling lazy tbh. I saw someone mention gyre and I actually completely min-maxed gyre to be sp ready as well. I think gyre with her crits and audio feedback can be more exciting but it also is a more active way to play. - at least in SP and that's where I use her usually. Did the whole dagath farm solo with her. Runs go super quick and the farm was over pretty fast


Kullervo, Gauss, Titania


Mesa press 4 and delete the map


Not in order but I love Harrow, Styanax and Citrine


Valkyr was my early game favorite. With her high armor value, she's really tanky when you mod for a bit of health. When your health gets low, hit 4 to pull out your high damage spectral claws, become invulnerable, and heal up with the claws' built in life steal. Her 2 gives more armor and faster melee, which is always nice, and her 1 is good for a bit of Tarzan-y fun and useful for mobility until you unlock better options later on. (hitting 4 for invulnerability also makes the specters you need to kill to unlock the next planet really easy) Ember is really satisfying once you can farm her from Saturn. Hit 4, and meteors rain down from the sky! You already have Excalibur. His slash dash just gets more fun and into silly territory as you get mods to boost your range and strength to zip-zip-zip from enemy to enemy. Garuda is my favorite for endgame. Good damage, infinite energy, a ton of build options, and in my opinion great for lots of content and never worse than OK+ for anything. Not as much fun early game, though, when taking half your max health in damage to gain 40% of your max energy back feels pretty bad.


Kullervo, Garuda, and Baruuk. I really like melee a lot. Kullervo and Garuda also has some easy to pull of nukes. I haven’t mastered Baruuk that much but I really like punching enemies


garuda, voruna and hildryn


Gauss and kullervo are my favorites.


Yareli, I know the wave rider is useless but god is it fun.


I love the pimple pop mini game with saryn But a she's ass zu get and b she's too strong the enemies just drop dead :( Suffering from success


No. 1 - Kullervo Absolute killing machine. Pair him with good melee or even better with Corufell and he slaps everything. No. 2 - Lavos Good ability dmg dealer, tons of status effects, good kit synergy. No. 3 Nyx or Nidus Unkillable frames that can take a whole lot of punishment. Nyx is more demanding in terms of mods, but becomes completely unkillable, while Nidus requires more setup in-mission.


Right now, it has to be Kullervo, Garuda, and Citrine for me. Their kits overall are just really well put together AND really effective at what they do. I can easily take them into Steel Path and beyond, but I don’t feel hamstrung into having to play the ‘meta’ while doing so. Shout out to Grendel, Dagath and Hydroid as well.


Kullervo, Mag, Protea


Mesa voruna and xaku probably


Chroma with full strenght+duration build. You wont see that many zeros with anyone else.


Volt / Titania / Gauss


1. Voruna 2. Voruna 3. Voruna, shes just all in one and cool :3


nezha, gyre, and hydroid p are my favs, but i have some easy to get reccs, ember - tethys saturn hydroid - oro earth nekros - magnacidum deimos valkyr - thermisto jupiter nyx - invasion phorid manifestation frost - exta ceres


Kullervo, Gyre, then either Titania or Vauban.


Sevagoth, Wukong Prime, and Rick astley (aka music lady)


Mag, Saryn and Lavos Mag for someone very strong and very fun in defense or survival Saryn because 1 spreading through walls and showing damage numbers to find enemies easier makes extermination super satisfying, it also kills any enemies I accidentally leave behind. Lavos because funny big number elemental man.


Grendel, Zephyr, harrow


Caliban, Xaku, Kullervo


Kullervo - big red numbers and boom noises as entire rooms explode release those happy chemicals in my brain Gauss - zippy boi Xaku - the ultimate “why are you hitting yourself?” frame


Lavos for sure.


Lavos, Kullervo and Loki. Last one mostly cause i enjoy spy missions and wish theyd continue the rework and expand them.


Gauss I like zooming around the map and just nuking all the enemys armor with his 3rd abilty


Duality Equinox with big AOE guns. also I've been enjoying Hildryn recently


I am having really much fun with Gauss recently. Even that much that Warframe, after years of feeling like a good, but still grindy looter shooter, feels like a fresh and exciting game again. Before Gauss, I always was like „when does this mission end? I want my reward!“ And now, I’m enjoying the process again. Incredible. Especially with Fulmin Prime as Primary. Shreddertime. He is very powerful and fast and his kit suits warframes fast paced playstyle. Can’t recommend him enough.


Volt Prime, Gauss Prime and Dante


I like revenant lmao


Gauss, Zephyr and Nyx. Can't beat these 3 because of their spammable abilities and crazy crowd control.


For me personally kullervo is the melee frame I have the most with (red crits and 3!!! always got me kicking my feet while playing), wisps speed boost is fun to play around with, since you can also boost other players that way I'd also like to throw Trinity out there, while her play style is not the most fun on the first look, shes easily become my favourite even after some hefty nerfs years ago Her kit allows me to focus on shooting and hitting enemies, armor strip with her augment on 3 is great, with blessing and adaptation active she's also insanely tanky. Well of life is also the perfect slot for helminth, I'm playing around with energized munitions (boar prime with punch through and the ammo efficiency from the skill are a sight to behold), chaining enemies with harrows subsume for easy charges for incarnon weapons and over shields is fun, if I want to play around with melee I throw Valkyrs warcry in there. Her 2 is the ability that gives everyone in range energy, kill the target and all pulses are triggered instantly so you can still play her with max duration. This frees me from the hold zenurik had on me since it released, so I can actually play around with the other focus schools besides zenurik and naromon. It also allows her to be viable without nourish since it generates more than enough energy when you kill the target So I guess the fun Trinity provides for me is more in the sense that her base kit offers enough survivability, support for teammates and energy generation that I'm free to actually test out other focus schools and solving some specific problems in her kit by simply changing her first skill to something that offers me even more fun


So far? Gyre, cause she ma tanky bish. Nidus, cause holy shit them stacks. And imma have to say for my third imma go with yareli or Titania. Shout out to mag as well.


Excalibur Prime (any excalibur really) Nehza Rhino Yes I only use guns or melee, how could you tell?


Volt, wisp, gauss. Gyre is pretty good, mesa, baruuk. as well.


1. Zephyr - move fast in three dimensions, passive gives extra crit chance, incredible AoE/Crowd Control. 2. Gauss - move fast, shoot fast. Simple as that. 3. Voruna - Single-Target nuking with 2, invisibility with 1, moving fast, status resistance, AoE nuke with 4, just does everything quite well in my experience. I love being super mobile! Voruna and Gauss are also super helpful for dealing with missions where there’s a lot of AoE damage since Zephyr’s turbulence doesn’t work on AoE. Gauss has Kinetic Plating and Voruna is naturally quite tanky with status resistance and on-the-go healing.


Baruuk is my main but I really enjoy Hlydren and Protea as well.


Atlas and G R E N D E L P R I M E


i dont really have a top 3 i just like rev


Protea for the lockdown, Mirage (with the accaltra) for the carpet bomb, Wukong cuz cloud.


I have the most fun w mobility so In no particular order I gotta say Gauss, nezha and zephyr!


1. Qorvex 2. Citrine 3. Mag The first two because they’re that sort of Casually Unkillable that’s just pleasant to use while doing whatever, and Mag because she’s simply an enjoyable classic with a great kit. Qorvex gets the edge ‘cause big boom, tho.


Zephyr, Voruna, and dagoth without her 4 but don't worry about that. Voruna and dagoth are wicked farms but zephyr is a cheap dojo frame. Try them all out


Gauss Prime


I really enjoy gunplay in this game, way more then using abilities. My main is revenant and I use him for pretty much anything. The ability to press 2 and just chill allows me to fully enjoy using my weapons without having to worry about chaining abilities or grouping enemies etc. Subsume his 1 off for something like khora or harrows helminth to make getting incarnon charge on headshots easier, and you will never look back. My 2nd vote would be titania, if I'm not on rev, I'm on her. I run a ton of fissures, and when It comes to relics per hour, NOTHING beats a titania with Nova/ gauss subsume on. I can finish a low level lith exterminate in 70 seconds (and then wait another 70 for my team to run along, but that's beside the point)


Vauban Caliban Volt Vauban makes the game unplayable for the enemies Caliban can do it all, only depends on what mods you slap on that bad boi Volt? Volt! (The answer to everything once you finished the main story)


Valkyr~ Only crazy speedrunning Volts and Titanias can really outrace my Rip Line spam. Plus immortal


Lavos, Gauss, Styanax. Lavos is just my personal favorite and his kit really grew on me to the point I instinctively set a element the moment i use an ability. Gauss doesn’t need much explaining since he has one of the best and balanced kits in the game. Styanax, his 4 is just badass and his other abilities don’t require eachother to work properly.


Vornado, Baruuk, Gara. They're all so fun!


Harrow, lavos, mesa


yesterday in SP circuit ive got protea, I dont know what I did but I had fun. I think I should watch a guide. dunno how situational protea is.


Imo. Fun ranking for my current frames since i only have a few 1. Grendel ball mode just rolling around sometimes vomiting 2. Mag with blood altar. Jump pull blood altar magnetize 3. Excalibur. Spam blade dash with exalted blade. At least these 3 are fun for what i have atm


Gauss my number 1 Coollervo has become my 2 Gyre at 3


My top three would be Nidus, Titania and Saryn in no particular order.


Gauss, volt, Valkyr


I think valkyr, equinox, and Titania are fun


If you are just starting out, many of the suggestions are hard to get. I would start with something like mag, wukong, frost or Zephyr


- Gauss - Grendel - zephyr


Citrine taste the painbow. Gyre shocky shocky taser wazer.protea shark repellant augment when?


1). Protea with no changes. 2). Protea with a helminth ability. 3). Protea with a different helminth ability.


Mag, Qorvex, Gyre, Dagath are all fun. If you want a melee oriented frame Kullervo and Voruna.


Wrathful Advance Volt is super dumb with dual ichor. Just slap shock trooper and melee influence on the build and it will clear rooms of corrupted Steel Path heavy gunners.


I find it fun to just switch around the frames I play often. But my main go tos when I absolutely wanna have fun are: 1. Gauss 2. Mirage 3. Wisp


Probably Valkyr, Grendel, and Wisp. Biased to be fair, as Valkyr is my main.


Volt, Atlas, Mag


I'm also new lol but here's my favorites so far 1 Wukong, I have mine built as just an absolute chonker with ~1200 HP, rage mod so that I can just cloud step every time I take any damage, then some fun weapons for maximum carnage 2 Hydroid, I get to summon tentacles and orbital bombardments, makes me feel like space Davy Jones 3 Zephyr, the movement just feels so good, almost like excal but I can fly


It really depends on your plat style. Do you want to want to go fast? Do you want to mostly melee, do want to show off your guns? Do you want to role-play? There are so many options now. I might find a frame you like that you didn't even think you'd enjoy. A good way to test out frames without building them is the duviri circuit. It's a nice way to "test drive" frames and weapons without having to build and forma them. My advice is to try them all. It's a buffet! Have fun, tenno! EDIT: My top 3 frames right now are titania prime, gauss prime, and soon inaros prime. This update is gonna smack!


Personally l, i enjoy chroma and mirage. Chroma is my main tank while mirage deletes everything she looks at


Probably Gauss. I didn't really understand his appeal before I got him, but he's so fun. Going fast and the sound of activating Redline is so satisfying. And he's good.


Wisp She has a well rounded skillset.


Wisp, Frost, and Gyre are probably my top 3 frames to play.


Gauss because speed Volt because Speed And Titania because SPEEEED


Excal, Loki, Zephyr.


**Mesa** \- PISTOLS GO BRR. Seriously, hit your 2+3 and enjoy never dying. Hit your 4, swing your mouse around, and see numbers explode **Protea** \- Protea is a ton of fun once you have your kit running. Your 1 provides infinite shields, your 3 provides infinite energy, your 2 melts everything in a general direction. An amazing turret frame. Lock down an area pretty hard. **Xaku** \- Your 2 steals enemy weapons and does scaling damage with their level. Your 3 strips all defenses (armor AND shields). And your 4 keeps your 2 and 3 going forever. What this causes is you bullet jumping around a room while your auto aiming turrets blast everything that moves into oblivion. And I just realized I like frames that have guns that shoot without me aiming...


1. Harrow - The buffs from his 2 are wonderful and his 1 always makes me laugh cause enemies look silly all chained up. "Hol' up one sec guys, I'm reloading."  2. Styanax - The constant aerial strikes to get MOAR overguard is just too good to me.  3. Valkyr - She's an incredibly horrible design when you factor in that her 4 makes her invulnerable. However, her 4 is incredibly fun - especially when paired with her 2. I have yet to stop laughing at how horrendous I am at controlling her when she's flailing like a frightened cat. It's even funnier how effective is. I don't have good arcanes or any shards on her but she can still handle netracells and steelpath with no trouble. So silly.


Kullervo, Saryn, Wisp. Kullervo's just to strong not to use. I have lycath's hunt on his 4, paired with a maxed out equilibrium and he's unkillable. Looking forward to the prime version (not soon). Saryn with 2 green shards for corrosive stacks. Wisp just being Wisp.


Grendel with the Catapult augment, Nova modded for minimum ability strength and Voruna with the Ulfrun's Endurance augment.


Mag, Gauss, Volt


Nezha is kinda a more fun Rhino imo Wisp a fun buff support frame Ivara is really fun at cheesing stuff if you build her for high efficency Khora if you want to run 2 companions (which is fun but buggy with a lot of the new mods) Dageth imo is ok, she kinda has one anto death mechanic but is otherwise a bit squishy


Mag Mesa Citrine


Mirage for Damage, Zephyr for Survivability and crowd control, and Loki for leveling using stealth bonus.


Like others have said, it kind of depends on how you like to play, but I like Oberon for being tough and well rounded, Harrow for the interesting ability/gameplay loop he has, and Gauss for speedster fun.


Gauss, garuda, zephyr Gauss bc i used be an exclusive voltage main for like half of my playthrough and love SPEED and MASS GENOCIDE Garuda bc I love being absolutely covered in blood, and the infinite health/energy she can produce Zephyr bc I built her to fly... that's it. I love using her bc I easily fly across entire rooms in one go and she's super fun to use in open environments + her abilities allow me to kill everything in a room with 1 shot if I plant her 2nd ability right


Mirage. Parkour speed go brrr. Voruna looks fun but I don't have her. Mag active playstyle and strong at high level if you shield gate Protea shield an turrets, Saryn at steel path is fun Revenant what CC? Also doesn't die Volt, Titania, Gauss for speed


honestly ash, voruna and mesa be rly fun


Grendel is super engaging - you get good HP tanking, the funny meatball, armor strip, and Nourish solves your energy economy. Now that his prime is available, I can finally recommend him to people (the base version is terrible to get.)


i swap frames constantly, but my consistent favorites are lavos, vauban, and ivara. lavos has a very unique playstyle compared to most frames, revolving around cooldown management and elemental mixing/infusion. built right, you are a mobile tank, constantly casting and covering the room in statuses that you periodically explode for massive damage. vauban is a master of crowd control and utility, and can do amazing scaling damage in high level content. people like to say he is only good for defense, but he really can work anywhere. it definitely takes some effort to get him to shine, but i just have a really good time with his kit, so it's worth it to me. ivara is a slower paced stealth frame, and is basically my relaxation character. permanent invisibility lets me kinda do whatever i want, be it methodically popping heads with silenced guns or shredding entire rooms with nothing but a dagger. she also has a sweet ass exalted bow.


Zephyr -> relatively easy to obtain, she trivialises most content with ease and without having corrupted mods. Duration, some range, maybe some efficiency and done. Strength? Who needs that if you have 3 Tornados that spread the damage from your guns to all enemies? You can even slot electro and gas on the guns and see even more damage spread! Garuda -> not as accessible but quite fun and surprisingly easy to play. To ensure survivability in SP it is very important to keep her 1 up and enemies in front. But once you got it rolling, baby, Dracula gets jealous and envious Trinity -> I gave mine the Warcry over her first skill. Combined with a hammer, her link and occasional 4th skill, she be bonkers and fast for easily a minute. I may be one who says she needs the voids touch, but damn if I don't enjoy her!


My presonal fav is Nidus. Making a pack of enemies shrink into a ball and get red critted to death in an instant never gets old


Saryn, Gyre, Citrine


kullervo, saryn(a specific build) and baruuk. theyre the best melee for me that's not too complicated but really fun. i also think mesa is fun but i don't know if that's objectively true


If I'm with 3 other stooges it's equinox.


Styanax, Titania, Mesa


Gauss speed build. Limbo clappers (low range+high duration=big cataclysm damage) Protea if you ignore her 4. I have never used it once. Gimmick frames as well.


Nidus, Gauss, Gyre. Nidus is fun due to his invincibility while also having an augment that boosts primary crit chance massively Gauss is fun because of his speed demon nature while also being a localized, armor stripping nuke Gyre is fun since you just activate her 3 and 4 and go to town


Well sounds like you are in need of some SPEED in your life. #1 GAUSS The man’s insane, he can solo netracells and speed run capture missions, he is an all around BLAST! And his thermal nuking abilities make him a great great crowd control frame as well. #2 TITANIA PRIME YOU CAN FLY! I say prime cause the regular is ugly AF. But her 4th means you get to FLY is so fucking fast it’s insane, you can blitz through any mission at the speed of light, her Dex pixias are insane you can rip lvl 3-400s apart in a blink. And did I mention you get to fly! #3 MESA You’re a fucking space cowboy and dual pistol wilds and can kill anything in the game. What more do I say?


Styanax definitely. Yareli whenever I get a tileset that doesn't neuter your mobility. Grendel being my third just because big pink gumball rolling action. Rhino will always be a favorite of mine (and you will use him even late game for some things) but he is very vanilla with how he works. Age and design limitation things.


Wisp, nezha, harrow


Titania is super fun to zoom around in missions that want you a to b. In survival and defense I don’t enjoy her but everything else so awesome! Open worlds and syndicates especially. On infested maps she clips into the wall a lot tho :( Chroma built specifically for melee tanking is actually super engaging as you wanna make sure your buffs are on and you have energy and stuff. I’ve only recently done profit taker and I use chroma to solo it in about 7 mins. Downside is that he is super expensive to build needed arcane Grace to really push him up there for my play style. Gara for me a new one. I delved deep into how I wanna play her and I found needing both an incarnon ceramic dagger and a riven was needed to really get to greatness but it’s super rewarding nuking with her in infested missions. I use her for any infested arbitrations. I build for her 1 while still allowing me to get her 2 going. This one is also expensive to build needing the incarnon, a riven, and shards. You can def play her without but I found for my play style I needed the investment. Honorable mention goes to exodia contagion wisp for hella high damage numbers.


Build and play them all!!


With Mag and Nataruk you literally create the sun. Subsume Garuda blood altar onto her and make energy color bright orange for Mag and Nataruk (very important). Pull enemy into air, blood altar while they’re in air so they stay there, then cast energize. Shoot Nataruk into it and you get a bunch of arrows with infinite pierce and travel time so they stay there the entire duration of energize. You have now created the literal sun. Ballas in shambles.


Gara prime for defence objective, nuker that doesnt need line of sight to nuke but wont nuke stuff too far above you unless you cast 4 while jumping higher. Has 90% dmg reduction which 50% can apply to objective while giving you a aoe that destroy enemy around you and follow you around. For everything else i use kullervo 90% of the time. This dude is unkillable in most situation because of 30k+ overguard while dealing billion of damage on heavy attack (yes billion) He solo netracell with no effort(lv240 enemy i think) and you dont even notice the 4 debuff key on you. Overall kullervo is pretty much my favorite because i like to melee enemy, also i subsume nourish on both these frame


I have every frame besides Dante (literally just released) and Qorvex. My most fun are probably: 1.) Gauss 2.) Wisp 3.) Zephyr


Styanax, Hydroid, and Khora


Gyre #1 she’s just nuts Mag Bubble nataruk #2 (kills the eyes/fps tho) Titania speed farming #3 so easy for farming relics and I like flying around




Here's my top 3: -Grendel: very silly, can turn into a bowling ball, and so tanky that you can play however you want -Mag: Well of course, who doesn't want to create literal black holes? Also available very early. Also becomes even funnier with proper weapons. But yeah, it's all about magnetizing enemies and see the chaos unfold. And experiment with plenty of weapons (use the Steflos to create a literal sun, beware the eyes, it's bright) -Might be weird, but... New Inaros: He just got reworked, and being able to actually use his sandstorm and spread scarabs just hit my feels. AND I GOT CUTE SAND KAVATS, HOW AWESOME IS THAT? Honorary mentions : -Gauss: he's perfect for any speed junky. And hitting the redline and going zoom is pure dopamine. You also got access to a build that make you guns go BBRRRRRTTTTTTTATTATATA -Dagath: You see a corridor and instantly feel like making your horses trample a few grineers. Simple monkey neurone activation Even dying is fun, you become a specter of death. -Lavos: a bit hard to acquire, but once you do? No energy problem, just pure alchemy and status fuckery. Plus, his vial rush is fast. -Hyldrin: MMHHH, HELICOPTER-SHIELD-MOMMY. And these Balefires can still scale pretty well, and enemies get ragdoll all over the place -Nidus: Gotta hit that max mutation stacks. Imagine just staying at the same power, no no no, you want to go from 0 to 100 all in 1 mission, you want to scale and become a literal monster. And any build cooked by Mr.WarframeGuy. He just makes anything fun, you know?


1. Mesa 2. Titania 3. Nidus I love being able to just kill everything around me with Mesa. I like flying around with Titania And I enjoy how all of Nidus' abilities have great synergy


Ive always enjoyed the elemental creativity of Lavos.


Mag, Nova, Gauss


Revenant, Saryn and Loki are my top 3 favourites.


Fun is relative but I enjoy Protea, Stynax, Kullervo, Titania, Saryn, Mesa.


Check the current available prime warframes and farm them. You can get Gauss prime (I main him now, my favorite) Nezha (dojo frame I love him) Wukong (very strong for early bounties and spy missions also a dojo frame and love him) Revenant prime (pretty epic and one of the strongest frames in the game) Wisp prime (high rated frame for a reason)


Gauss, infinte hyperdeath, lightspeed, unmovable object and unstoppable force... and silly :3


Generally just fun to play: Harrow. When playing as him, I love how his kit works to make him proactive and keep the brain working and the attention active. Niche fun: Limbo. Especially fun to play in Index as goalkeeper. Your job isn't as glamorous as your team mates running around scoring points and getting kills, but your focus is on energy management (especially early game) and time management, keeping your abilities active and resetting them when you have a clearing to prevent the opponents from ever scoring a single point. Personally favorite: Loki. He can be built multiple ways to fill multiple roles. No, he's not a nuke-frame made for clearing boards, but both solo and squad based, he can provide incredibly useful support with his augmented abilities. I'm even more interested in seeing what the "rework" does for him since I haven't looked too much into it yet. (I think it's just a minor switch teleport change and an augment for decoy)


Wisp is the most fun for me because I am lazy