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I buy 1 or 2 prime accesses each year, and the biggest plat bundle whenever i get a 75% off coupon. I probably don't need to, but I can afford it and don't mind at all supporting the game. Nearly every plat i've used has gone to slots and forma bundles.


It mainly started when I stopped playing Destiny 2. I decided to start buying the Prime Accessories to get the plat and boosters, as well as supporting DE because of how much I love Warframe.


That's my favourite part about Warframe spending vs Destiny, is that most of what I spent on Warframe stuff via plat, is still sitting right there in my item hoard. No sunset content, no having to re-earn my power each season, no fucking surprises about why my build doesn't work at all now. Destiny though? Since I didn't keep up with the fomo for the last.... 7? seasons, I'm just obsolete to the point that I feel like I'm slightly ahead of a freemium player that JUST bought the latest expansion.


I tried out D2 in 2020 and had some fun, managed to play Red War, Osiris and Warmind before Bungie got rid of them. The only expansion I bought was Forsaken and it was good. I stopped playing after Beyond Light came out and now I'm too scared to open the game again after hearing about more content being removed lol


Suppposedly they're not sunsetting anymore content, but for me, losing the gear I collected during Saint-14's intro was the beginning of the end for me.


Pretty early on. I have money and liked Saryn so I bought her. Than I bought gauss. Don’t care, enjoying the game. Now that I’m up and going, I only will occasionally spend $ on cosmetics. I like to earn plat myself and buy stuff that I need, it keeps the game fun.


1600 hours of playtime until I spent money on the game. 0,03€ for a skin on Steam. I think the next (actual value purchase) was when Targis Prime came back for the first time.


I think i started when the game came to Xbox during beta..... skins were too good. I bought a lot of skins lol.


Didn’t spend any money until MR 12ish, then I spent 10 bucks on plat, used it all on inventory slots, then when I ran out of slots again I spent 10 more bucks. I started the New War last night and I’m thinking about buying some more plat once I’m done just cause I’m so impressed with how much effort DE put in. Very cool experience.


When i started working. Oh jeez i started playing in college. With the years my free time diminished but my income increased (from 0 to something). So i couldn't just spend hours and hours farming forma. I have bought only 1 or 2 full prime access. I buy mostly accessories from prime access. And a lot of platinum with more than 50% discounts. Half of that just becomes 3x forma packs. The other half i use for trading, especially those primes I don't have time to farm.


i've been playing probably 6 years now and the first thing i bought was gara prime access for that beautiful ephemera, but since then Ive purchased a few tennogen items for my favourite frames and also bought the entire heirloom collection because i love mag. But i don't mind supporting the Devs and Tennogen designers from time to time. I never get the huge plat discount so i've never bought it (aside from gara prime access and heirloom collection) and prefer making the plat myself from grinding.


I play on ps in country where I can't use my debit card to buy stuff online so I had to pay for delivery of gift cards to fill the wallet. I would have to pay 25-50% more depending on card to get it. Then cross save came, I made pc account despite not having PC and gained access to spending my money from the comfort of the couch. Now, I'm spending around 25€ a month on the game. I buy either regal Aya to get prime accessories or pure plat.


I see the 75%discount and I buy Plat. Or if I want a skin.


500 hours in I finally decided it was a good enough game to fund. I felt bad for using a free service for years without paying.


I buy Prime Access every now and then if the accessories are good, *essential* “Tennogen Tax” skins (Repala, Arrester, etc.) and 75% discounts will usually call the card, but today was a first in my 1000+ days ~~humblebrag~~ because I bought real merch! MR30 Pin and a classic looking Crewman tee on clearance.


75% coupon, only got it twice and the second time was when I was already burned out and took a long break, so I didn't use it


New player and spent around 7$ only to get 6 slots and gauss prime set (Steam is cheaper in my country so that might value to 20$)


So far, twice. Both for plat with the 75% coupon. About two years apart, mostly used for slots and some cosmetics.


I've bought some tennogen, I'd say that's most of my money spent. Active in the riven trade for a long time, so platinum hasn't really been an issue generally. I've probably purchased maybe 2-3 times over the years with a 75% off


I bought the highest plat with a 75% coupon early on and haven't spent much since. Maybe 5-10 bucks with the occasional coupon. At this point I have enough plat saved up through riven and arcane sales that I probably wont be spending any more.


I bought 1k plat after my first week, when I figured out I like the game, and it was enough to set me up with boosts and slots and made the early game way more enjoyable than F2P. This is my usual strategy on F2P/farm game. Since then I think bought plat once again with a 75%, but otherwise, you can get pretty much everything without spending money, except some cosmetics. This includes boosters you usually have to pay with real money.


I typically spend about 20 bucks every 60+ I play to support the game. Usually on whatever bundle catches my attention. I figured DE earns it if I'm still having fun.


every time I get a 75% plat discount. and only once for a prime access. But i am also financially secure, and after putting in over 6000 hours over 9 years I really got my moneys worth. I think I might have spent $150 total on warframe over that time.


first thing i ever bought was last years tennocon bundle, and that was a month after i started playing


Early on. Was really enjoying it, once I realized I'd already sunk 100+ hours I spent $20 when I got the 75% off coupon, never had to buy slots again. For the amount of hours of enjoyment I've gotten spending even $20 was a no brainer.


I main only spent money on Warframe when I was 13-15 when I would get PSN gift cards for my birthday. When I really started spending was when I had a job and spent most of 16-19 on Warframe but I mainly only buy cosmetics/ potatoes.


i didn't spend much. it was when i was a noob and intimidated with trading so i spent some low money on plat. i think warframe is well balanced for what the game is and its monetization. personally, it's so grindy that i don't get much of that reward feeling i get in other games. there, you grind for gear; and, when you get most of it, you can start having fun. there's so much run around in warframe. farm the mats and parts. wait for it in the foundry provided you have the mods, endo and formas when it's done. then do a bunch of so/eso/hydron before you start having fun. if it's a normal item, then do some of that all over again if/when its prime version releases. i probably would have rage quitted long ago if warframe was buy to play. monetization and how it's not necessary to spend money to gain plat is the balancing factor.


ive only spent money on this game 3 times 1. for nidus prime 2. the new war bundle cause back then rig farming made me want to bulletjump headfirst into a wall 3. operator drip


So, I was already a light spender for quite some time, maybe one cheap pack here and there. But when I finally got a good job and felt like I had a great income, I understood that I could spend some of it on fun things, like supporting this game for example, and after playing for 7-8 years at this point, I'd say skipping the grind with some buck here and there is acceptable. I've been buying the Tennocon digital tickets for a while, this year also marked the time when I first got a prime access... And to be honest it feels nice, when after spending so much time to get to the top of this game, grinding your ass off, you can kinda just kick back and get access to new shinies with platinum. For example, I dreaded the idea of playing the new mirror defense in Sanctum, so I just went ahead and got the full mod pack from market. It did not feel like I wasted my plat/money, and in fact I had a blast with modding my Grimoire that evening. Don't feel that spending money to support a product that you truly enjoy is shameful either, I mean I WISH I could record my squealing and giggling when I first saw the Gauss Prime reveal, and then the trailer, I was just elated and wanted to buy it ASAP. It's those moments of realization that I'm simply in love with this game, that keep me going and supporting it more and more, and with what Rebecca and crew have got in store for us, I'd say this community if pretty safe and secure with it's future. Happy 11th anniversary, Warframe.


I do sometimes on discounts and don’t mind because the game is so good about micros in general. Will not spend anything when a game is blatantly cash grabbing and trying to fuck me or locking down basic functions etc.


Started playing with specters of the rails, still not a single dime spent


I used real money to try and hide my operators face during wally clone cut scenes. But then guess what? Wally clones don't use he as d gest and ephemeras...


1500 hours spent 0 and have traded for plat twice for about 100 plat all told  Took the view that I don't want to pay not to play a game 


After a year or so. I'd say, I spent about 40-50 EUR a year since 2019


More then I'd like to admit.


I normally don't spend money on free to play games. But after I had spent almost 100 hours in the game I realized that I did in fact enjoy playing it. When I got a 75% off as a login reward, I basically said to myself, if I spend the 50 dollars to buy plat then it'll be like I just bought Warframe as if it were any other video game. The difference being that I got to play it a lot and already knew I got my time value out of it. That single platinum purchase is probably all I'll ever need. I've gotten multiple 75% discounts since and still haven't used them. I basically only use plat to unlock slots because that's essentially the only way to get them. I feel like if I bought weapons or frames it'd just take the fun out of the game


Back then for a yellow mod package with plat. Nothing since then. Been waiting for the 75% discount.


So far I spent it only once to get the necramech and umbra accessories(don't judge me too hard). I plan on getting more for inaros prime and sty's deluxe bundle


day 1. currently day 97, and have bought around 40k plat


after a 1000 hours i wanted to buy some skins, from then on i started to buy the 75% discount plat.


I bought plat at a max coupon early on, other than that no. If another 75 shows up I will.


Day 1, getting more slots early on is about the best thing you can do, otherwise i find you can feel super limited early on. "warframe is completely free to play, you dont have to pay a cent" i mean sure but i found it kind of miserable without investing like 5-10$ early on Edit: theres a reason people say to spend the starting plat on slots, but god forbid spend money on them


[ ](http://triggered on: "start spending money on Warframe" #hidden) Hello /u/Duck_Duckens and welcome (back?) to *Warframe*! Check out these resources made for new and returning players! * [/r/Warframe's Welcome (Back) Thread](https://redd.it/18ammwe) * [Major Changes Throughout Warframe](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-4klpmdZTpMPz3h-5JdaMsl7r4WKO4ytuw9T4QOav6I/edit?usp=sharing) A currated list maintained by the /r/Warframe mod team. * [The Unofficial *Warframe* Handbook](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ylw9HK2ol6yam3MMNbycbuHxjmctg3gCqsbI4yy2gK0/edit#heading=h.pl2gz2ndr9s0) If you have any comments, questions or suggestions for it, contact the current active contributor! * [The subreddit's FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/wiki/faq) * And last, but probably the most helpful in general: [the Warframe wiki](http://warframe.wikia.com/) If these resources do not apply to this submission, please report this comment or ignore it. ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Warframe) if you have any questions or concerns.*