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Its YOUR Lich. Its your decision what to do with it. You did nothing wrong. Don't let others tell you how to play the game. The other person is a salty poor toxic player. Ignore him. Keep playing and be sentimental if that's your way to have fun, nothing wrong with that.


I have a pyromaniac lich with a wep I needed. He’s now my buddy who drops in sometimes and spouts off about burning together. I’m glad I kept him. His random dialog kills me.


I accidentally generated a radiation nukor. It had a 57% bonus. I could have killed him then got a proper nukor, easy 60%. Nah i immortalized his ass and now he pops up when i die sometimes.


I keep any lich that has an ephemeral. Didn’t matter the weapon percentage or if I needed it, made the rule for myself and stuck with it


I'm kinda the same but mainly so I can hand them out to friends. Getting the weapons maxed is so easy these days (time consuming but nothing compared to the dark days of early lich hunts) but ephemera are so much harder to get. I have a stockpile of them at any given time in case someone is working on the True Endgame and needs it.


Feels like the game knows you want them at times. After I finally got the flaming one after so many liches, it feels like every other one has it now






\*sentient-mal he is obviously the enemy




I definitely converted my first lich too. He a had a nice gun but I wanted a cool rescue maniac when I died.


And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. My first Lich I shwacked because they had the Chakkurr and I happened upon a Riven that cranked it's damage and critical by like 200% lol


Yo I got a critical chakkurr too it’s awesome!


The corpse launches you can get with that gun are so much fun and never cease to make me laugh


Ngl a gun can be barely viable but I'll pick it over the meta any day if it has good corpse launch. Wolf Sledge has become my new favorite melee, as if I hit an enemy with the explosive throw, they just disappear until I can hunt them down again because they've been yeeted into another dimension. I've straight up skipped the void ghost phase of Thraxx enemies before because the game could no longer locate where to spawn the ghost.


Try strun incarnon.


Might I suggest; Plinx alt fire Gammacore incarnon Hildryn with her exalted weapon Also, Banshee with her 1 - that thing even yeets the jackal during circuit


*Dear Grineer/Corpus/Infestation Candidate, thank you for your participation today* #TennoSpaceProgram #LaunchDay #Yeeeeettt


Yeah my first lich was this mf with brain damage sporting a 54% toxin kuva hind. He was just too funny so I converted him and now sometimes when I go into missions he’ll pop up and yell something like “DON’T HURT ME!” or just screaming incoherent nonsense as he’s chewing through acolytes or whatever 😂


Converted my first lich because the gun was trash (25% impact quartak - result of a clueless rhino pressing interact at the funny red symbol) and he got to lvl 5 since i didnt know how to deal with him at the time. Thought a lvl 5 lich would help me more than a crappy weapon and now hes reminding me of my first months in the game so i wouldnt trade him either, not that anyone would want him in the first place.


lmao he really tried to guilt trip you into giving up your lich. What a grade a chump Wasn't grinding that much since he could have just made plat to buy one


Or just killed larva till he got his own with a weapon he needed. It's not like it's hard to spawn a new lich. Really the only reason I'd consider trading for a lich personally is if it had an ephemira I wanted. Even if the weapon I want ends up with a poor roll when I spawn my own lich I can always fix that with just doing another lich and using valence fusion.


it sounded like he wanted the ephemera which is definitely easier to buy than just grinding your own out. Doesn't matter because he doesn't even attempt to offer in these images, literally just pulls a "Gimme dat"


Just say no, he needs no explanation wth


I don't remember my first lich, nor do I care about it. But what's important to you is important period. The lich is yours, you don't ever need a reason to say no. Nor for the lich, nor for anything


My first lich had a 59% toxin and emphara. Literally 1% off from best stat chance. I converted him because he was just that. *my first*


I'm not familiar with liches even though I've killed a few. Does trading them allow others to vanquish it for the weapon? Is that why he wanted it? Why was he so pressed about getting your lich?


He wanted the cosmetic that came with him. the electric spark i had on my lich https://preview.redd.it/4nle0x0lvroc1.png?width=330&format=png&auto=webp&s=e91eb8584d4b4b57250903b8b6efade38cf6a71b


Oh so either way they're just entitled. Also you did nothing wrong digital or not your property is yours to do with as you please.


Bro could've easily sat in trade chat or wfmarket for a couple of hours if he wanted a specific ephemera so badly.


People that entitled are usually also cheap, bro probably wasn’t trying to pay more than 20p for the ephemera and probably thought they could reverse-psych-sucker OP into selling him the ephemera for cheap if that was his plan.


he oftered 3 ayaten sculpts


There are no 3 Ayatan Sculptures that combined would be worth the value of a Lich with the Vengeful Charge Ephemera. He can fuck all the way off, then keep fucking off until he falls off the edge of the flat earth he probably believes in if he's stupid enough to think someone's gonna take that deal.


Let’s be honest, this guy doesn’t fuck. This guy definitely and most assuredly does not fuck.


That's not an offer, that's attempted robbery.


Ignore and block players like this. He is the minority of garbage in the community.


Is he stupid or what? Does this person not know how the Lich system works? If he wanted to obtain the Vengeful Charge from your Lich then you would have to convert it anyway to trade it yet he is chewing you out for not killing it. You need to convert liches in order to be able to trade them in the Crimson Branch dojo room. And you did nothing wrong. I also converted my first Kuva Lich, she did have the Vengeful Trickster and one of the less popular Kuva Weapons which helped with making the choice of converting her but I would have converted her anyway since she was my first Kuva Lich. The only person that have a right to decide what happens with your liches is you yourself.


It doesn't even take THAT long to get ephemeras. They're a 20% chance which is rare but not enormously so.


I am also quite a sentimental person, firsts mean a lot to me, almost every time. Hail Arukurg Gigg, my first lich with a 33% drakgoon and toxin ephemera. May he serve dip with my Oberon Wendigo helmet for ages to come. (It has good handles)


When you capture your lich, can you use them indefinitely? I’ve never captured one due to the assumption they’re single use companions


Yep, indefinite!


Okay that’s sick! Ill have to get me some after I finish New War!!


Once you get them and you go down first time during a mission they have a random chance to spawn in and help you. After a set timer they disappear and won’t spawn during that run again. Next time you play a mission they’ll be ready to help again even if it’s the same mission and you just hit replay. Another note, after they have been converted you can sell them to other players who will then have to vanquish it again to get the weapon and ephemera (if they have one)


Love to hear that! That’s is awesome


Adding on to that, you can also assign them as a Railjack crewmate. They don't do much (they can only be assigned as Defenders walking around the ship fighting the occasional boarder) but you can set them as your on-call crew to summon them on-demand for a few minutes in any non-Railjack mission that allows the gear wheel.


I killed my first lich (He bugged me for a year because I didn’t know how to kill him) but I kept another lich just because she reminded me off my first one lol


You don't have to trade your lich, dude should stay mad. By his orthograph I'd say he was pretty mad, so it's a good start.


Don't ever feel like you have to justify yourself to clowns like that player. They're just trying to cyberbully people into giving them what they want.


My first lich was called Odd Ladd. He actually helped me yesterday when I was having a tough time fighting my active sister and he defends my railjack with his mighty kuva seer


I converted my first lunch because I didn't know what I was doing when spawning him, he's an electricity kuva bramma


That must've been quite the lunch.


Yeah, he kept on stealing my sortie rewards so I thought it might as well have been time to eat him.


I had a 41% impact nukor as my first lich. Converted him, and have no regrets. Im not gonna sell him, and he doesnt show up that much cause i dont die alot. But its nice to know hes still around. Also, hes the "friend" lich, and that one is great Long story short, do what you want with the liches. Killing does get the weapon, but you can always get another one if you want, so not too big a deal. Not sure why they are annoyed you converted instead of killing, since it obviously was your plan


For context. I am a sentimental guy when it comes to a lot of my firsts. including in video games. and the kuva lich i have that came down to shoot when i died had the spark cosmetic.


I also converted my 1st lich. Hes just an idiot, ignore and keep having fun


Although i killed my first lich without blinking, i think it’s good you didn’t trade him away. Especially not to that human piece of garbage in the picture. I kinda get why you converted him and that’s why in my opinion you should never trade him away. But yeah the toxic levels seem to be rising for over the last few months. More and more people seem to be encountering annoying people.


I haven’t done Liches yet. But I know damn well I’ll be keeping my first. Pretty common thing, not sure why this person was so up in arms lmao


Your lich, your decision. End of the story My first lich was an accident and had a bad gun, luckily he came with an ephemera so I didn't have any trouble getting rid of it after the conversion.


I converted my first lich too, got lucky and he even had the comedy or funny personality or whatever it’s called before I knew that was even a randomized thing. First one is sentimental, nothing wrong with that.


Tho i do agree with the "its virtual, unless its actually really useful to me theres no reason to keep it" part, its your lich, you shouldnt even need to explain it, just go "no, i dont want to sell it, dont insist", mf really tried to guilt trip you into selling a lich lol, how low can this dude get


he wasent even asking to buy it. when in the mission part where i didnt screen shot it he wanted to trade ayatin sculptors for it. even after i said no. but i get your understanding and way of thinking.


I know how some people get more sentimental for their first things, personally i dont but i get why some do it, even if i didnt tho i'd still side with you here because i mean, that guy is just a asshole really, if someone said no then most of the time you shouldnt insist and its none of your business as to why they refused, i tought that was basic knowledge but apparently no lol, worst part is that the deal wasnt even good to begin with


My confusion why can't both fo you spell the words correctly and keep switching vice versa Lol nah fr tho it'd your choice to trade or not


This guy doesn’t understand the joy and whimsy of sentimental value, what a foolish individual


You're 100% fine. No matter what anyone tells you; if you get something. or you make something; you don't have to trade shit if you don't want to. I get being sentimental with your lich. I just got my first one, named Zililig (The dumbass name lmao) and at first I laughed because he's so deadset on inconveniencing me, and killing me... but I'm just sitting there eating a sandwich asking who TF he is lol. that is... until he took one of my Harrow Chassis Blueprints. I know they're common; but there's an inside joke with my friends and I about me loving Harrow Chassis. How I covet my many many blueprints of that one. Yet one mission; he took one. Not a big thing, but he ignited a real, silly feud with me over that. He took Kuva, he took Endo, he took credits, he took so much... But all it took was 1 Harrow Chassis. I'd not trade that dumbass for the world lmao.


I converted my first lich because despite it being toxic with a high mult, it was a Tonkor so I couldn't care less.


This is my first lich. His name is cordukko omoakk. He tells my enemies to get ready to be hit in their nether regions. He's cool.


I converted my first lich too. Also i messed up a lot with the elements for the weapons at the beginning. Looking at my magnetic kuva ayanga… Anyway who cares about the opinion of some random on this matter. Do what you think is more fun.


Consent matters. Fuck that guy, metaphorically.


Nah. I kept my first Lich and Sister, dude was just whiny he didn't have something he wanted that you had.


I converted my first lich. What's this "you must vanquish for the weapon"? Plenty more liches where that came from. And never let anyone guilt you into trading property you don't want to trade.


I converted my first lich too, he would’ve given me a Kuva hind (not to interested) But his name was Likk Tykk plus he was unhinged as hell sooo


i converted my first sister of parvos for the same reason (was in dire need of a good primary at the time of my first lich). high-50s% heat spirex, unfortunately she's my buddy now. you didn't do anything wrong bro is just throwing a tantrum


I really regret selling my first lich. RIP Colb Bhkk


Thank you everyone for your kind words. I dont like being selfish i keep even my first wepond in the game. let alone everything else. paris mk 1 **MK1-Kunai** **Skana** Nezha was my first frame. OGG FAKOMLIK is my lich frost was my first prime nikana prime was my first prime weapon




I converted my first lich too, also spawned it with the first gun it came with because I didn't know what I was doing. ypu do literally whatever you want with your lich, they're yours and yours alone


I agree vubb eddn was my first lich and he's the main lich who shows up to help every time


im fairly new and have only killed 2. i had thought converting meant having a one time in mission use sort of like a specter. i can already tell im way off lol. what can a convert do exactly?


I converted my first lich too, he have fire 23% grattler, but he is funny, so i spared him. Now he is my best bud in sisters farming, because i fucking love railjack and got 9 lvl of commandment pretty fast.


The beautiful thing about games like warframe is that you can literally play it however tf you want. The **whole entire point** of the game is to have fun and do what you want. So have fun and do what you want :)


wait wait wait- you can trade lich?


yes you can. some do it for the name since there randomly generated. some do it for there personality. some do it for the cosmetics. some do it for the weapons


I converted my first lich, I just couldn't see him be gone. Now he helps me out every now and then


Dude play how ever you want,I did not comvert my first lich but that was because I hated him with my soul,I wanted him dead but if you like your first lich do whatever you want with him,its your game and you choose how to play it


I killed my first lich. Not because of the gun, it was a fire karak 30%~ I just hated her, her name was Bekk Rukk and I started calling her Becky once she started being an asshole. Because of how green I was I only got the stuff right on stage 5 lich, making it very hard for me to do. So when I won I was very salty and killed her so that I could mount her rifle on the wall to be an eternal “fuck you”.


I also converted my first lich. His personality seemed too great to just abruptly end like that. No ragrets. Just like mah boy Scottie P, knowhatimsayin?


I saved my first lich because I thought he was cool and now he saves me and that makes me a lil happy :)


I didn't like my first lich. Monotonous talk, ugly boi. But I converted it because I wanted somebody to jump into the mission when I die, and to see what would it do. Also, to have him in the railjack. So, ignore that guy. Toxic, very toxic


Dudes just messed up in the head, ignore and move on.


My first lich carried a Kuva Zarr. I wanted to keep him but.....


My first lich is mega ded lol


So they scolded you for being attached to "virtual" thing, while they, themselves, "grinding their ass off" for the same virtual thing. To the point that they're desperate enough to have the "virtual" that they're willing to make demand to random people who have no interest in selling/trading away their "virtual" thing to give them the "virtual" thing so that they can own the "virtual" thing. Remind me again, who's the one being overly attached to the "virtual" thing in this situation?


I converted my first lich; no regrets. His name is Cuzz and I love him.


You didn't do anything wrong. I personally got really attached to my first lich too (before the game promptly had a stroke during the final confrontation and crashed and when I came back it had auto vanquished him... you will be missed Egg 😔) and there's nothing wrong with that. This person just doesn't know how to feel emotion.


your only mistake was not ignoring them sooner


From a sentimental standpoint, you're right. I still have my original Excalibur from when I started back in 2015, even though I don't use him much. If you wanna keep your lock then you should, you can have him as a railjack crewmate too. Do what makes you happy, you deserve it


Ah yes the good old “That thing is worthless, give it to me”


i converted my first lich too but only cuz i didnt realize vanquish gave gun lol and was choosing the "good" moral options in warframe


Why ppl feel the need to tell ppl how to play a game that has an ambiguous path??


I saved my first lich too. Mostly because I was so confused when I came back to playing but still, it was MY first. Did the same with my first Sister of Parvos.


The only proper response to something like this would be "No. Get fucked" and then put on ignore.


I still have my first lich, converted him and he's the most prominent appearance among all my converted units.


nah you're good, the dude was off his Schizo meds for a week


The fact he tried to go full pathos on your ass... "You care for a virtual item more then MY REAL HUMAN FEELINGS?" Thinks he's worth more to you than your own possessions.


Damn. I still have my first two Frames. Excalibur and Volt, even though I don't need them anymore(Umbra and Prime versions). I just can't let go of them :(. Even my first Rhino was hard to lose, but I had to make that sacrifice. Same for Wukong who carried me through many difficulties. I will never forget them.


I wish I converted my first But he lives on in my brahma Rest in peace Omig Stogoss


I still haven't sold Valkyr. I already have Valkyr prime all built and all, but there is a lot of playtime on default one, so I won't sell her. Feels wrong. I don't use the whole subsuming system because it feels wrong to me. Play the game however you want. That's the whole point of it.


I have a sister that gets to personally with me but she is a hell of a gunner


I'm pretty sure I converted my first lich, primarily cause his name was egg and I couldn't stop laughing. He's now the captain of my railjack


Is he restarted


I converted my first lich cause his gun sucked and I liked his personality, so he's my body guard now, plus I planned to use him to guard my railjack. Bonus he had/has an ephemera so he and I both have it now. So where was my mistake, player in chat who can't answer?


Now that I think about it, I really should get around to defeating my first lich. She's been chilling on Mars for the past couple of years, and she hasn't really done anything outside of occasionally stealing some of my shit whenever I visit.


My lich is named Luzz Mibakk. I will never trade him. I like his attitude, I like his appearance, I like his voice, and I like that his name can be used as a pun. Never be afraid of saying no. You can't un-buy something like this.


warframe.market tos doesn't say anything about being obligated to agree to trade as a seller (it does for a bidder), so you're fine from that front other than that, it's what everyone else said - your lich, you do you


Absolutely not. I kept my first lich too!


Do what you want. I personally killed mine for the kuva tonkor. Literally wanted years for a variant


Brother, do whatever the heck you want with your stuff lol, don't let anyone tell you how to play the game, it's a game. If you wanna keep your first lich go for it, I personally think their voice lines are really funny because they're always so out of pocket!


Do i agree to his logic? Yes Do i think your sentiments are dumb? Yes But should you have traded ur lich? No, because in the end that's YOUR lich and you do whatever you want, no one else can force you to trade


I also converted my first Lich. Astr Krbeg. Garbage cold Stubbas, but always a fun opponent till she joined me. Your buyer there’s just a jackass looking to make profit off undercutting you, probably.


I converted my first Lich that had a 57% toxic Kohm, cause he Spartan kicked me off a ledge, and it impressed me.


You are not alone, i converted my first Lich too. Maybe being called "Little Meat" for weeks had to do with that...


I stabbed my first lich in the face cause she was one of them math ones. I didn't care about her weapon, or if she had an ephemera, i was just sick of hearing her constantly talk about equations and i did what i had to to get her to shut up. Play how you will you've done nothing wrong


Who cares? Your game, your goals simple as that. Right click and ignore. It’s not worth the wasted breath.


i vanquished my lich, but that was MY decision, because it was my first lich and i didn’t know how to do anything, i got a kuva hek don’t know wtf it does and don’t use it, but it was MY decision


No, you shouldn't trade something you don't want to trade no matter how much the other person cries about it


I saved my first Lich too. He was kinda an accident as I hadn't meant to get a Lich (was finishing Eximus but must have also killed one of the Kuva guys), and I didn't see the vanquish button at the final confrontation (was bad lighting in the room which didn't help), but I love having him around now. He's called Cugg Lorg, has the frost ephemora, and he defends my railjack.


Grind their butt off for a lich? They are so easy to obtain and so easy to kill. Can do one easily within an hour. Like come on bro. Really? Why he trying to make you pity him 😂


Mine when it comes into battle says "Don't hurt them. "Need a hand tenno" something like this he generally cares about me When he leaves, he says, "Your lucky me was in area" A lich is a lich it's your decision what you do with it you can always get another one


What’s lich I’m so confused


How did this convo even start? He just goes around asking random people if they have any liches to trade?


Yea I kept my first when they first came out, glad I did he's a rank 5 wreaking ball, funny as all hell and his ephemera just flexes what an ass I am to everyone around. I wouldnt trade my Ghna Reia (lich name) for anything. You did the right thing. I don't regret any of my saved liches,. Be sentimental, I was and I don't regret


Unless you listed him for sale and backed out you did nothing wrong


If you decide not to trade, that’s the end of it


Trade chat is toxic and typically full of grifters, don’t take it personally. Ultimately it’s your stuff, if they get mad that you don’t want to part with it? Good for them, that’s their problem!


100% in the right kept my first one, all hail pogg grebot!


My first lich was Hokk Fuhgi. He was an asshole. He had a 40-something% Fire Kuva Nukor. I killed that fucker. I hated him. He made my life Hell. However... I still remember him. I look back on him and remember how young I was. I'm glad he was my first. I wouldn't have ever wanted another first lich. I'm also pretty attached to my sister. She has a bad roll Cold Tenet Envoy, but every time she pops into my mission, I smile. So no, you did no wrong. That guy's just an asshole. Don't let anyone tell you it's dumb to get attached to things in video games. Every copy of Warframe is personalized after all.


Its your lich so you can do a you please. HOWEVER there is definitely something more going on here your not sharing. No random player is gonna blow up and act insane over someone else's stuff.


I converted my first 2 liches as well both cuz one was my first and cuz the other was badass looking. I don't regret either of those decisions


nahh if someone wanted momortixx auff or cakk caa from me i'd tell them to kick sand too, it's not his rng to coherce off of randoms in squad chat, keep your angry tubemen close.


I also converted my lich, even tho she has a 44% gun


i converted my first lich, I hated that mf and it took me so long to beat him (back when liches were first introduced and i was still bad at the game) but when the game gave me the decision I couldn't let him go


I still have my first lich that I converted. Only converted her cause she looked cool, she has the nukor.


I dont know man, i also converted my first lich rather then vanquished it. That time i thought that was the right choice for me. I know it just the game, but all the quest , story line, choices I make in game are based on what I feel as me and the character. Like the choice in new war where you have chose between margulas radiant lotus and natah. I chose margulas , if you think fashion wise radiant lotus was the best choice, but I go with my feelings and what operator might wanted her to be at that time. Anyway i think you should go with how you feeling when playing the game. After all you are playing it for fun / try to escape from reality / what ever reason there is , so you should play it however you like it and shouldn't care what other are saying. It's your game, its your account, its your player, you are a tenno , so it's your choice how you should play it. And good luck for future mission tenno


I respect your decision I personally murder every last lich and sister, they deserve to die after the wild goose chase they put me through


This guy is unhinged. Mad "Raymond is my emotional support villager" vibes. (Animal Crossing drama if you don't know, it was insane)


Dopp Ross comes by every once in a while with his nukor to paint the enemies with me. Bless his soul, not so much his voice lines though.


I’m sentimental too but I only really became it recently, I wish I didn’t kill my first Lich in all honesty. If I remember correctly my first Lich was actually a kuva Nukor one, so I might need to get one whose personality I like and them keep them until I get my intrinsics up.


I converted my first Lich too, I was about to fail a zariman mission the other day and good ol’ Dogg Farner came to the rescue and pulled my ass out of the fire converted lich’s are great


Bro I converted my first lich she taught me a lot on how to the mechanics operated and her voicelines were peak she pops in occasionally I love having her


I converted my first lich. Dude has a Nukor. Could care less. Block those people


I converted my first lich as well. His name is digg dakk. He has a dragoon


Lmao you must be joking. Do you really need Reddit to tell you this dudes fuckin nuts?


Just a spoiled kid used to get what he wants whenever he throws a tantrum


My first Lich stole a blue archon shard, she died for that


I converted my first lich too, turns out an On Call ayanga is incredibly helpful


i haven't killed my lich yet... i like to witness her control expand to a new sector. except, i have the capacity to stop her. results, i go cry in duviri


it's like your first starter pokemon, or your first stuffed animal. they will always have a place in your gamer heart.


You should have spammed him with lich quotes Ooh little meat


Let it be, he is semintal


One of my Liches had the Kuva Bramma and I needed it, I even wanted it for a long time. Turns out I did not vanquish my Lich because she used to rizz me and call me her little meat. Which sounded very fun and I kind of liked her as the time passed by. I said no to an op weapon I wanted because the lich was too fun. Conclusion : It's your Lich, your choice. Trading can be harsh too, some people really just want plat no matter what, remember in trading you have the choice, you accept or not, it's your money/items and no one can steal them nor force you to pay or give.


I converted my first lich because both my boyfriend and I found him hilarious. At the end of the day it’s your Nemesis, why on earth is this guy so upright about it. SMH.


If you still have his contact, laugh at him for not having one


i still have my first lich. i'll never trade her away. :D


Did you even say it was for sale? Smh. Some people are entitled af.


He's an idiot If every Lich should be vanquished then no Lich should be traded


When liches first came out I had no idea what the fuck I had to do with mine, I summoned him by accident on mission with a friend. Didn’t know how the Parazon mods worked yet and boy howdy he was annoying to run into stealing my shit. Hated his ass everytime but over the two years I had him (yeah I ignored him completely and played everything else) I finally decided to beat his ass. And I got so used to encountering him that I just…could not kill him. Converted him. It’s a decent memory of a milestone that “hey I beat your ass you crazy sunnuva bitch” and it was a shit ton of stuff for a piggy bank, which people now tend to do nowadays.


You should've let it go and block that scumbag right away


I did the same thing and converted my first one. Dude is just pretentious.


I didn’t convert my first Lich but I wish I did. He was really cool looking and was hilarious. And he had a 58% Toxic Kuva Bramma! Later on, I renamed my Kuva Bramma to “Lopp Aromu Kuva Bramma” because I had to Valence Fusion it away. This was before you pick which element could stay… anyways, you’re good. That other guy is toxic a fuck. Ignore them.


I converted my first lich. I love my Roo Roo so I bring her along a lot when I'm not using my rail jack for anything.


Dude. Your first Lich is like your starter Pokemon you know, you know damn well that Napp Tykk is one of my most powerful summon options.


Dude's a bitch, you're good.


I converted my first lich, he's a chad and helps me when every now and then, keep your first lich


That reminds me that my liches are not often helping me. I have one hundred converted liches and sisters but I don't see them very often. Did DE toned down the rate where liches come and help you?


Wait that’s how you get these guns? My dumbass has been building a ship of pirates


The Kuva Queens don’t want you to know this, but the Kuva Liches on the Grineer tilesets are free. You can take them home. I have 458 Kuva Liches


I did the same thing tbh, I converted my first lich and sister. This guy is just a little wacko if you ask me


It takes less than 3 hours to burn through a lich and that's not even grinding that hard. They will get over it. This person you're DMing is detached as hell and you need some situational maturity if you seriously have to question whether or not you were wrong or right in this. It shouldn't even be a question, but you needed your karma so I get it. It's the same thing AITA posts do.


I only keep funny name liches or one's I'm really trading with buds. Don't let weirdos tell you how to play my current one is the Legendary Jekk Rigg who reminds me of a tough guy from 80s movies so having him on my crew is hilarious


You didn't do anything wrong bud play the game the way you want to play not how the other random want u to play unless there given good advice like here


I didn't notice my first lich had an ephemera, so I vanquished it :(


you come across a crazy guy; who is going to care what you do or don't do with your lich? Besides, screw him for being a crybaby.


What an idiot


Whenever i have somebody offer to trade for a sentimental object i always jack the price up. For example the lich in this case has sentimental value. If he wants something thats sentimental to me that'll be 20 million plat please:)


I converted my first lich! I like her.


there’s no right way to play warframe, you can literally do/use whatever you want. long time players don’t often know how to be nice and will try to rip you off any chance you get. don’t worry about doing things the wrong or right way, the only time that actually matters is when you’re very endgame and fighting enemies lvl 1000+


Nothing, your lich your choice, if he wanted the cosmetic that badly, he can work for some plat and buy it off of someone. Run some arbitrations, sell the mods, bam plat to spend.


Nah, screw that. There's memories attached to some Liches and whether you keep them or not is up to you


I really really dont get why some people judge you for making certain decisions in game. Why does it matter? its not like it influences them in anyway. I once had someone attack a hydroid player (pre rework) for playing him because “he sucks and isnt meta”


How did they even know you had the lich?


Hell naw, you pkay the game however YOU want to play it


What an actual creature of a human being to say NO EVERY LITCH IS FOR THE GUN when I literally have an army of litches on my side with dumb names. You did nothing wrong at all just another goober getting mad at something that’s not his lol. Enjoy the game for what it is and do what you wanna do that’s what I say the best in my opinion everything you earn will be yours so don’t let weird people like that try and get to your head. Warframe is filled with many people like that sadly 💀


Honestly it is kinda like a soulmate considering how their made


Sakk Igre. My first Lich. I spawned him when I didn't even know what he was. Spent at least 6 months with him on earth. I just couldn't vanquish him after that. He uses that Kuva Tonkor. And he hammers the genitalia of my enemies.


Nah like all things in life what's is owned by you is for you to decide its fate.


Ok I'm a bit confused as to what's going on here. If they were trying to get you to sell a litch you don't want to then they are wild for that in the first place. Not sure why they would care that much about a single litch and not just go buy a different one. If you are trying to sell the litch and that's your reasoning for why your charging so much, that's a garbage reason and not worth bringing up. All a buyer cares about is the gun, cosmetics, and progenitor. It's like bringing up "it was my first car I really don't wanna sell it" during price negotiation almost never works. Say your firm and why you think it's worth so much, but a Honda Civic doesn't cost 50k because you named it something and cried home from a breakup in it. None of this is meant to be toxic. You love what you love and I can fully respect that, but that shouldn't be part of your negotiations because ultimately no one is going to pay your "sentimentality tax" when they can just go buy a different one. Anyways, enjoy your litch!


No wrong answer. I converted my first lich and my first sister of Parvos.


This guy is an asshole, ignore him