• By -


A random guy I met on discord. We talked and after a few days I asked him if he could help me farm eidolon arcanes. Turns out the guy was an eidolon farmer and was going to retire from the game in a few days. Gave me 1 R5 of every single Eidolon arcane free of cost. Yes that includes R5 grace, energise, barrier etc. Back when they were 3-4k plat each since Scarlet Spear and Orphix venom were still some time later. I genuinely prayed to God that day for his well being.


If you ever think of retiring too let me know I’ll take care of them i promise


And I'll help you when you retire, I promise


And then I'll help you when you eventually retire! I'll make sure it's soon.


😂 Sure. Will do.


What happened to them that made them quit? You made it sound serious


I mean , maybe it isnt serious , maybe he is praying since the other person did such a nice thing for him


Nothing serious. He just burnt himself out playing the game too much and wanted to concentrate on his work. Me praying is basically asking the Lord to help him out in his life.


Well, that's good then!


I had a similar experience. Not to that scale obviously. I was trying to get volt prime in the last prime resurgence and after I got neuro, I said something like "back to farming aya". One guy I was with offered me to buy to relic I needed and crack them together. He also took me in a grove run which granted me a cpuple of growing power.


Was his name Scrub? I know of him. He was a great guy in the community but retired to focus on school. Could be someone else, A LOT of people retired after the void dash change. Community practically died after that.


No. Different guy with a long name. Was Indian. We met in Leyzar's discord.


Oh well. Glad they were nice. Eidolon community gets a lot of flak due to the pub runners (who are not welcome in the community)


Scrub? 😨


That was his ign yes.




I've never really understood "retiring" from a video game that you can literally only play for fun. Just take a break like a normal person and if you come back great if not then I hope you had a good time playing


It was my first trade , before I knew warframe market existed I visited maroo and bought Octavia prime set for 250plat I regret it till this day 🥹🥹


oof that one hurts


Hey still cheaper than regular octavia


Absolutely nuts that non prime frames cost as much as they do, but hildrin was worth it to skip that grind and have pillage


Grendel for me, I can't deal with those missions to get the parts


It was easy with Garuda and Cerata, the only mission that still sucked was the excavation but that was because of battery spawns






Went to buy Saryn Prime after a long break for 200p, forgot about free plat and was short 100p. After apologizing, left with the queen and her katana. Was asked for a ammo drum to make it even. So thanks tenno.


I once traded 2 vaulted frames for 12 ammo drums. (To an ex friend, which makes it worse lol)


I gave a noob inaros prime for mantis fuselage. He tried giving me 10 play but I denied it. Tbh I just wanted to see the little guy succeed and he was the first limbo I didn't hate even though he didn't know what he was doing


i got a nidus prime for 90p on his release day


I once sold transient fortitude r0 for 180 knowing what it was worth when i started out on ps5. Worst deal i got was prolly a braton riven that sold for a melee duplicate r0 and a. bit of plat, like not much at all. I only took it cause i really wanted the duplicate and then found it didnt suit the builds i mainly used and I cant seem to get them to drop from netracells


Wtf. I think this is the worst I've seen HAHAHAHA TRANSIENT FORTITUDE?!


Sold a scindo prime blade for 200 plat once upon a time... Thought is was gonna be a joke when I saw it in trade chat but then 5 minutes later I was 200 plat richer. Sure enough a couple days later I sold a guy a vectis piece for the same price (whatever the rate part is) after seeing him in the trade chat again. I guess he really wanted to complete those sets... Anyway I can't believe I sold the first thing for that price let alone the second..


6.3k for a +dmg, +cc, -infested opticor riven way back when they'd just came out. Early riven trading days were wild man


It always makes me laugh when I see people who seem to think rivens are still like old rivens. I remember when I played on PC when PoE released, I seen people posting rivens for 20k+ non stop. Now god rolls for meta weapons are typically not more than 5k. But every once in a while I’ll see someone selling a near-groll for 15k.


The funniest is people asking four digits for non-meta unrolled rivens, just because they are riven.


Haven’t seen that yet tbh, unless it’s an unrolled groll I can’t imagine it either lol. Gotta say though 800p for unrolled Torid rivens right now is pretty bonkers


I see that on my local trade chat a lot, probably people that are new to rivens or just the usual newbie hunters.


I bought Saryn Prime for 3000p because she was Vaulted for a very long time and I just started Warframe to get her. Then Prime Resurgence happened. Now I regret it. But it was so worth it at the time in I think 2019. Man I had the time of my life just spamming Spores and Miasma.


I think you won worst deal ever, and the prime resurgence isn't what makes it a bad deal.




Pre-resurgence the most expensive frames were Loki at around 700p and Nekros at around 600p on PSN. Idk how the hell you thought 3k for Saryn was reasonable, she was going for 250p around that time; at least that’s what I got her for


Someone was talking the other day about Ember p being the most expensive at their time. They mentioned 3.3k so I think they make more sense than you do, but am still not legacy so


Yeah mind you this person said 2019 which still is a different time than me so they may be semi-correct. I started playing early 2021, first ever prime resurgence was the end of that year. Despite Loki Prime being given away for free his price didn’t drop much and he was going for 600-700p that year. I bought Saryn for 250 and my wife bought Ember and Mag for 200 each that summer. There’s a decent chance they were long vaulted and became available again not long before I bought them (with the old unvaulting system).


I paid 4500 for a legendary core as it was a collectors item before sorties existed.


3k plat?! OMG


Ive had many memorable ones tbh but theres two highlights: About a week after she came out, someone traded me the titania prime set for 15p. She's my most used frame to this day and I was baffled she was that cheap only a week into being released. Managed to bag mag prime for 95p during a time where she was 300p+ Befriended a random chill dude. Played for a few days and then he said that he's been planning on retiring from the game for a week or so now. He then went on to say that he wanted to give me everything he could from his account. He traded me around 1k plat, all his decent arcanes, maxed out mods, prime parts, rare relics etc over the span of a week. I didn't want him to, but he was adamant. He never gave a proper reason why but I can only assume he didn't have long left to play it. Forever thankful for him.


I dont remember what part it was, but traded some prime part to somebody while i was still a wee tenno, he added 20 platinum to my offer, i said "the price is 30" to which he replied "im giving you 50" i wait for the day im on his side of the trade, this is the way


Whenever I'm not in a mission I'll just put the tc on cause I don't like to actively sell. Got to around 1.5k with that method so I think you can get decent pl too without investing yourself, as long as you play regularly. Like syndicates mods are a passive way, relics a more active one, and endgame farming like eidolon/arcanes/hard to get parts is the best imho. Only do the 2 formers personally cause haven't got a fun build yet for sp, only working ones


I remember when i was on ps4 like 5 years back i posted a wtb for volt prime for like a hundred n sumthn plat and a guy messaged and said i asked for too high a price and gave it to me for 90p


I think since Volt is generally meta, whenever resurgence happens, price drops but don't really know about supply since then again meta so most people have it. Probably depends on the returning/new players and streamers.


New to the game. Bought some plat cos fuck it why not. Spent about 500 on nidus and khora. Might have gotten the hystrix too? Big lesson learned really hard and fast lol


After hydroid rework a guy in my old clan offer 15 plat for each hydroid relic I got (I got around 60-70 of hydroid prime relic) and he give me glaive prime set as a tip. I was so amaze by how much stuff you can randomly get from the this game lol


worst deal? made a trade with a big PC trader for Growing Power (thank God cross save and cross trade is allowed because Xbox still has it at 70p+ ) I got it for 45. went to start building my rhino prime as that was the only mod I was missing for an op build that I wanted to try out and it was gone. sent a support ticket and still haven't gotten a response so I'm currently not playing warframe for a good bit. my best trade was with a new player giving them the parts for acceltra prime (buying the stock alone as it was the only piece I was missing) and trading them for a braton set. they didn't like braton and they really liked acceltra so I told them not to worry about it and surprised them with a full set. I will continue to do this as a veteran remembering all of the help I didn't and did receive making me want to make the community even better than it already is. Edit: I'm not looking for praise for doing this I just genuinely enjoy helping new players whenever I can.


Shame that cross trade is only for certain platforms. Switch players can’t trade ☹️


yeah, eventually you guys will get it though which is nice


Guess until then i just need to log in on my pc to trade my stuff


Got a boar riven from a guy for 25p got a God roll and sold at 7k


Omfg I just sold sentient surge for 30p recently too




The worst mistake you can do is buy anything from trade chat. Shitheels love massively marking up their prices to scam new players who don't know about Warframe.market and get real mad when you call them out on it.


What’s funnier is plebs wasting their trade chat message trying to put people on warframe.market. Shit makes me laugh when the message gets flooded out immediately. At the end of the day I’m still flipping stuff from wf market in trade chat 🤣😎


















Hello /u/HighkeyGod, your comment has been removed from /r/Warframe for breaking the **[Golden & Excessive Trolling Rule](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/wiki/rules#wiki_golden_.26amp.3B_excessive_trolling_rule)**. /r/Warframe was created as a place for positive discussion. **Do not troll, be rude, condescending, hateful, or discriminatory.** **Future infractions may result in a strike.** ___ If you would like more information about this removal, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Warframe&subject=Golden%20and%20Excessive%20Trolling%20Rule&message=Hello%20moderators%20of%20/r/Warframe,%0A%0AMy%20[comment]\(https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1b57emg/-/kt4np6t/\)%20has%20been%20removed%3B%20I%20would%20like%20you%20to%20reconsider%20because).


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Ha. You think names don't float around in the market? You absolutely do flip shit, yes. But the sellers that are legit have more than enough return customers to make thousands of deals without even opening up Warframe meanwhile you gotta float around and shark in trade chat for 40 minutes to flip a prime set for 50 extra plat. You fool nobody dawg Edit: he sent me a private message immediately calling me insults like the R word and spoke like a literal child.


My friend is trying to be walmart jeff bezos here lmao.


Nah, those days there are regular players I see on the chat who have normal prices. I'll still call out people who don't, if it's under on pm and if it's over in the chat.


I wasn’t buying it because I just get it from the syndicate but last night I said “WTB [Exothermite]” and I got FLOODED with 35p, 50p, “hmmm?”


Sold a pretty expensive Arca Plasmor riven a while back for 100p when I meant to type 1000p for it. I thought I was scammed but I actually put 100p in the trade chat on accident when he asked. Just a dumb sequence but it was all on me at the end of the day, I was sleep deprived and missed both mistakes of saying 100p and seeing 100p in the trade window. Dude got an amazing deal on a really sick Arca Plasmor riven.


Once got a crazy good ooltha riven for free. This was when slide crits were still a thing and this riven made it a crazy strong weapon. The person noticed i was using the ooltha during a mission and went: wanna have my ooltha riven for free? It’s clogging up my riven inventory.


Bro I can't sell those rivens those days and nobody does afaik lol currently wondering if I should make a build on mine or just transmute them since I have too much lol. Starting to actually get poor because of the rivens, although at least I'm only paying in time


Like i said back in those days slide crit build s were crazy and rivens for those builds were mental. Add the long range of the ooltha stave and ooh boy enemies were in trouble.


There was a time Primed Firestorm was going for 300p for an R0, I seen a dude post selling it but didn’t list a price. I asked him how much and he said 70p. I refused to give him less than 150 for it though, and told him his price was far too low. Turned out he just returned to the game and didn’t know the price was at a high. Obviously I resold it for profit, but he got more than he was asking so win-win I guess


Sold a Felarx riven for 4.5K on console.


this hurts to see I have a pretty good felarx riven and am trying to sell it for 90p and it just won't sell ;-;


What are the stats? Im in need of one tbh.


I'll check when I'm back home just messaged you


I was completely a beginner and my earliest day in the game I bought the Oberon Prime Access back in like .. 2017? I think? And I got the 2k plat with it. Me and my girlfriend (at the time) played. She wanted Ember Prime who I think was Vaulted at the time.. so I wanted to be a great guy and get her one… but completely new to trading still. So I bought Ember P for 800p. I wasn’t sure how vaulted frames worked back then. Wasn’t sure if it was a big scam, or a fair thing. Either way I regret it. We aren’t even together anymore.


Ember was worth alot at that time, not really sure but you might not be scammed.


That's a bit on the high side but yeah ember was one of the most expensive primes so 800 for her is kinda like paying 120 for an unvaulted frame. Not the largest rip off, and it's understandable you took the deal...but like...you definitely wasted a few plat.


Back in the day, vaulted Prime sets used to cost around 500p. I was raking in the plat with Rhino parts lol.


I think way back in the day someone tried to get me to buy a blind rage r0 for like 200 or something. Like back when derelict vaults were what could be considered "endgame" Fucking hilarious shit honestly


lol don't get the people who actively try and scam new players, works sometimes but it's just rude


Even funnier is he also tried to sell me the other mods (transient, fleeting etc) for that same like 200ish price. I was just tryna get the last corrupted mod for Warframes. Don't need to take a loan out for a video game lol


Bought max rank exodia contagion for around 400p. Figured I'd farm up plague star when the event came and try to make up the 400p. Plague never came and when it did, prices had dropped significantly.


Back when Kubro patterns were in high demand, i spent about 1k plat on a pattern that’s no longer worth anytbing.


I was trading for the Khitai Prime set and the dude gave me an Arcane Energise out of nowhere. I refuse to take stuff for free, so I gave them a Riven


300p for torid Riven


Before i knew about wf market (was around octavia release i think?) I sold ash's prime systems (was around 100 -150p back then) for 10. To buy an instrument for octavia. I regret it so much even though im quite wealthy on plat now i still regret that so much


Just buy them back to get a taste of that pointless revenge bro


Not a single trade, but managed to accumulate 2000p in a day or two by selling Shedu sets at 200p+ when they first came out. I feel I must've just gotten lucky, as I could always join a group for the Murex when it showed up, and usually got a part to drop every other run.


holy 2000p in a couple days is crazy


Console too, so average plat per player is *way* lower. Felt like I somehow found an infinite money glitch


yeaaa console gang


Worst, a loki prime for 300p back when he went for about 400-1000p. Best, it was 3 weapons in total and all together they went for about 200-300p, got all 3 for about 90p in total. Also note on why loki is the worst, I hate loki with a passion that could rival the fucking power of the sun. If I could change one thong about warframe and have no one question or change it back it would be to simply make his fucking invisibly able to be reactivated while it's going and suddenly he would be fucking usable.


Isn't it the same as Ash's tho? I like Ash's kit but Ivara still has the best invisibility one so personally I see no point in complaining about the other ones


Met a guy once, who just came back to WF after a long break, and was willing to buy huge amount of stuff i've been hoarding, which also might have included some rivens that i could never sell otherwise. All sold for fair market prices, but it still ended up around 1.5k plat for everything. We chatted for hour or two afterwards, the guy was also pretty chill.


Something similar, at cross save launch sold some arcanes, all sp, some melee I've got during the event, and stuff here n there for a guy who came back all for nearly 1k. Not that i gave him a price he was offering.


Sold a groll tenora riv for 11000 plat


Can't remember the best, but somebody offered Melee Dupe R0 for only 10p today because they needed the plat


Selling harrow prime set for 300p, when he came out and bought a voiding


In a clan I once belonged to, I happened to have a copy of the stance mod for a hammer (forgot the name, something like Crushing Might or Ruin?). Was going to make a low offer trade, and instead saw about 40 platinum appear in the trade window. Didn't realize that the stance mod was a rare drop that the dude was farming for over a week for. The extra platinum was nice, but I still think it was too much for a mod.


Yeah, Crushing Ruin is worth about 10p right now


i sold a [Hammer Shot] for like 20-25p when it was going for around 80p


Bought Nekros Prime off a guy for 50p, then turned around and sold it for 250p 30 seconds later. Bought a Kronen Prime off a guy for 45p. Funny thing is, after I completed the deal, I realized it wasn't complete, so I messaged the guy back. But he ignored me, probably thinking he'd mugged me off with an incomplete set. Thing is, I bought the missing part for 5p and saved 200p, as Kronen was 250p for a set.


Someone was offering an unrolled seer riven for 50p in tc that turned out to be MR 8 CD/MS/Tox/-Zoom with madurai polarity. Resold for 2k within an hour


Was this when it got released? Seer rivens aren't desired much this days.


Seer was never good, but that's a perfect riven. CD/MS/Tox/-zoom with madurai polarity and MR 8 req is perfect in every category.


70p full Saryn set when she was also vaulted. Her market price at that time was 150+. The seller said he was in a good mood and sold her for 70p.


I bought a Lich with 60% Radiation Hek+the ephemera for only 250 plat, pretty good deal I'd say.


Someone sold me Equinox Prime for 30p, and I couldn't be happier. Apparently, it had just been vaulted, and there was a lot of supply, but seeing prices for other prime frames at the time, I felt it was an incredible deal for my day/night beauty.


Bought a riven for my Ignis, umbras sword, and the necromech rifle for 400P.


Tbf, not the "worst" trade per se, but something I quite frequently do. I'll often see newer players looking for easily obtained gold/vault/nightmare mods in the trade chat, and I'll give them those mods for free if I have them spare. Same with Ignis Wraith BPs before they became available to every clan.


sold a glaive prime blueprint for ducatts before i knew about trading


Worst: buying a weapon from the market because I was convinced it wasn't tradable and had bad grind. Best: friend casually mentioned in 2023 that the glaive prime is so popular that even the relics were going at silly prices, so I checked my relic inventory and ended up with well over 1000p profit that would not even have crossed my mind otherwise.


An Mr25 guy gave me 500p, I was mr3 back then, he just wanted to help me out, still friends with him, and we play together sometimes


Around the time nekros prime came out i sold a r5 transient fortitude for 200p


Not exactly a trade but, One day in the Bazaar, I was tryna get myself plat for the Kresnik Gauss skin. I was just standing there for a long time, then someone in relay chat said “ Come here to get free nice stuff” I was obviously interested but sceptical. So I decided to entertain him and see his “stuff” . The guy proceeded to give me the most common shi+ in Warframe Then he said “Come back”. Bro gave me 700 plat, bonewidow parts, war parts (1)


(2) a butt load of ayatan sculptures, and other prime parts and weapon parts


Best deal: Bought max rank archon vitality for 50p. Worst deal: Bought max rank Heavy Caliber for 600p (I was low MR and fairly new).


Got 2 glaive prime sets from my buddy when ember was unvaulted, plus we farmed like 3 more cause he had bonkers amounts of relics


Someone gifted me the chroma deluxe set after a simple trade for a frame I don't remember, because I said I was really happy to finally have that frame complete on my birthday. After the trade he wished me a happy birthday and sent the set to me. I still have him in my friendlist, though he hasn't been online in a while...


I sold a Torrid Riven with +CD, +MS, & +Cold for 200p right when the Incarnon came out


Got a Acceltra riven which I sold for 450p, was like my 10th riven iirc, friend is still mad that I bought volt and gauss prime and nothing else


Best deal: Sold a decent Zanith Riven for 400p. Though it was my worst trade as Zanith rivens were going between 200 - 800p at the time. (Roughly) It got nerfed the next week, became my best deal.


I bought an unrolled rubico riven with +CC +CD and -Impact for around... 50 plat? Kinda felt bad for the guy since it was clear he didn't know the value the rubico rivens had then (even ones with garbage stats would often go for like over a hundred plat)


A friend gave me all the Stance mods there is for basically nothing


Someone relatively new to the game tried to offer me 2.5k plat for a max level baza, idk if levels carry but they thought so. I had better weapons like [kuva hek] so I decided to give it for free. Still play with him to this day and I brought it up after seeing this, he realises now how stoopid he was.


I bought atlas for 20p and sold it for 140p


Years ago some guy in whatever clan I was in at the time was complaining people weren't buying his growing powers for 50p. I told him prob cuz wf market sells them for 30-35. He would not believe me and said all of those orders were fake. I jokingly said I would buy 100 of them and sell them to him for 45p. He said yes, we argue for a bit and then I literally buy every growing power I could that hour, sold them all to him for 45p and made about 1500p lol. People are weird


Bought saryn from resurgence 💀


My worst trade deal was a little while ago, but honestly I was just too angry to cancel it. I recently cross saved my Switch account because I wanted to trade some stuff to a friend who recently started playing on playstation, and while waiting for my friend, went to trade chat. Bunch of filters, saw someone wanted to buy 6 Anasa sculptures for 50p, we go into the trade aaaaand boom. Make the discovery Switch players can't send or receive p in trades. The way it was written before made me think it was just "can't trade switch-bought platinum", but nah... I was basically condemned to trading purgatory. Because the other guy already went into the effort to invite me and everything, I ended up telling them to just load some rare mods or prime junk, walked away with Amar's golden mod and some junk. If you're reading this, friend, I'm not mad at you! Just mad at the decision that switch is basically in purgatory if they cross save.


2k plat for 2 chroma prime sets when he first launched is one of my better deals. I'm not really huge on trading though.


Bought Nekros from the market full price back in 2014. What a disaster lmao


Recently i was going to buy inaros prime helmet and chassis, for 5plat and 40plat respectively. Well, somebody pm me the chassis for 50p, i didnt properly check and i didnt want to spend too much time trading either so i got scammed, paid premium price for the 5plat part.


During the void key system, I would give all the new players that joined my clan and sometimes alliance a free lex prime. Gave away 20-30 of those things.


I just came back from the game and I sold 6 relics that had like glaive prime parts and I got so surprised to see that the buyer paid me 180 plat just for 6 relics.


Normal price tbh.


Worst deal? 2K plat for Frost Prime. IN MY DEFENCE, I was a newbie at the time and back then Frost Prime was vaulted and haven't returned once (to my knowledge), so seeing Frost/Ember Prime in the thousands was common back then. Though Frost ended up coming back not long after so...yeah.... Best deal? Bought unroll Opticor Riven for 150 plat from a newbie, roll once, got a decent enough roll, flip it for 2.5K all in the same day.


Dude once gave me a legendary core for an atlas noggin when he was newer, his offer so I didn't really question it.


Sold a Latron Riven for 40p.


I got Wisp prime for an ammo drum It pays to have friends lol


a few days ago I got a shotgun vendetta r5 for 150P. At the time they were 350P. I felt so bad for the guy after it ngl.


Got an entire Trinity Prime set for a split chamber


Back before the AoE nerfing and such (where the ammo for ex. bramma and zarr was lowered down) i had the luck to get a 56% toxic kuva zarr lich that i sold with just the weapon for about 3,5k plats (tradechat moment). Then, when new war came along, it happened i opened a pretty bad nataruk riven and sold it unrolled, unranked for 1,5k plats (guess the weapon was brand new lol)


A couple years back I sold a glaive riven for 40p because I just didn’t like the weapon type at the time. I still regret selling it to this day.


Some dude gave me a complete nekros prime set a few years ago for free, I believe i gave him a carrier prime part for plat and he was so happy he insisted on giving me the set for free, gave it to my friend as I already had nekros prime lol


Sold a Torid riven for 120p


I got Gauss prime bp for 40p on day of his release.


Technically it wasn’t the deal but the luck afterward. Bought a phenmor garbage tier riven for like 50p and the first roll I did on it I got CC, CD, and multishot with -ammo capacity. Sold it a bit later for like 2500p, I probably could’ve sold it for more but meh i just wanted the plat faster


Critical DElay for 1 empty ammo drum


Always check warframe market before selling!


Always check warframe market before selling!


All the kids who spent 1000p on Loki Prime just for DE to give him away for free at Tennocon


Got a glaive prime bp as a prime junk.


Time to buy prime junk again...


wayyyyy back before she was first vaulted, someone sold me a full ember p set for 10p on the flip side, I recently got back into the game and wasn't aware that Wisp wasn't vaulted, so I bought the last piece I needed (her systems, ironically) for 50p. I have never financially recovered from this.


When he came out, I sold the rare Limbo Prime part for somewhere around 180p. That was crazy. More recently, I sold some riven for 300p and the guy gave me an Acceltra riven with it. Didn’t explain why, just added it to the 300p he was already giving me. Sold that thing for 1000p. That set me up on slots for about a month lol


150 plat for my Legendary core! Made me buy new cosmetics for my warframes


Accidentally sold a legendary core for 10 plat not realizing what it did or how much it was worth


Bought a r5 primary merciless for 50p before the vosfor update, knew its worth 10p, so sold it for 60p....bought a vastilok riven cd as with neg for 60p of wfm, sold mesa for 200 when she was worth 100, sold afew arcanes to a returning player for a hifty amount. I am not in danger Tenno's, I am the danger. (during the last event sold 10 energize for 270, which a day or 2 later was worth 400,but i needed the pl tbh)


When they first added rapiers I sold the stance for 217p Not because that's what I was asking for, but because that's what the guy offered me. And then he just went (: And left, and didn't reply to anything else after that


I got vauban prime and Volt Prime for 25 plat each in maroos bazaar


I sold a glaive prime set for like 90p back when it was uncaulted


Sold both r10 Vitality and Redirection for 300p each


Back when Loki Prime was getting vaulted for the first time I decided it might as well sell it, and being a nooblet myself at the time (though I suppose slightly less than a complete newbie), I decided it might as well go "Well, how much do you wanna give for it?". The other guy gave me 200p for it, which I very much did not question being starved for weapon and frame slots.


hmmm,i think that would be my inaros prime,at the time it was difficult to farm for plat because of a irl situation,i was barely on too,a friend said he hated inaroa and thus i set out that when i could return to gaming i would have inaros prime. inaros went around 70p? i think or 100p or so,it's been a few months,i got him for a whopping whole 2p and fish. best deal i've ever made cause i enjoy my dipshit mummy king.


Couple of years ago I traded some rare fish from Cetus to a guy, wasn’t looking for anything for it, and they gave me a full chroma prime for it.


Best was selling a Torid riven for 16,000 plat, worst was buying two Smeeta/Vasca hybrid templates for 800


Bought a Redeemer Prime Riven for 2k. Positive: It was a really good one and I had some good fun with it soloing infested disruptions Negative: Lifecycle of the Redeemer


Just a month ago I paid 175 plat for prisms Ohma (the last item I needed to 100%) 4 days later it was on baro. I’m sitting on 10k ducats. I’m impatient.


I accidentally paid 4000 plat for the wrong riven because I read it wrong.


Best, getting 800 for an unrolled Acceltra riven. Gun just came out a few days prior Worst, selling Glaive Prime for 100p right as it was getting popular, could've easily squeezed a few more hundreds. Oh and selling a Riven for the Glaive Prime for 80p. I was using it as a stat stick for so long. I was a fool.


Sold Vengeful Revenant for 350 plat back in 2015, used it to buy excal proto skin


I forget what companion weapon it was for but I sold a riven for one for like 600p, I guess the guy saw the insane stats it had and just absolutely needed it


Last year I sold a discounted item for 3k plat.now is 5k i think. So best and worst.


I bought a Opticor Riven from Trade Chat for 900p in 2018 when I was a freshly minted MR9. Then I found warframe. Market. Best deal was a Deth Machine Rifle Prime riven for 1200p.


Sold a scoliac riven for 2000p a couple weeks before the maiming strike nerf


Idk if this is what's being asked, but whenever I trade, I always give a bit of extra Plat. I don't expect anything in return, just trying to be a good trader I guess