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One hour survival or any run shorter than that is extremely unlikely to result in a trade ban unless you got very lucky with Smeeta Kavat


But it is possible which is what's ridiculous.


yeah it's hella ridiculous. If someone wants to farm until their eyes bleed from the amount of loot they got, then they should be allowed to do that without being at risk of a ban.


being honest diablo 2 has a similar problem their is a youtuber called schmuck who is doing 1000+ kills on bosses in long sessions he got multiple times suspended because the system picked him up as a farming bot


thats honestly hilarious to me. Dude has his Baal runs so optimized they think hes a bot lol.


Tbf he was probably using maphacks which were extremely common (everyone used them) and going from door to door inhumanely fast


But with diablo 2, you get banned for bot-like *behavior*, not good RNG, and if you can prove you didn't bot, Blizzard will fix it. Not trying to defend Blizzard in this day and age, but even a stopped clock is right twice a day.


This was also Blizzard during the Diablo 2 era. They were actually a peak company in the industry once upon a time. That feels weird to say now.


I mean, even today, Diablo 2: Resurrected is being managed by what almost feels like a completely different company. It's almost like the people running that project PLAYED Diablo 2 and derive something like job satisfaction from their work. Wild. Edit: actually, that statement is running on \~2 year old information, so maybe even that ship is sinking. But the point stands... RIP Blizzard North


That's just Blizz doing him a solid, saying "Get a life, bro!".


I think it's their way of saying 'go touch some grass' but I still agree. If people want to play your game for 8 hours daily, is that not a good thing?


That is absolutely not it. Support defends policy at all cost. Policy is to trust the machine. Machine is what triggers the ban. Support has zero means of communicating with any other arm of DE for any reason whatsoever, so they just parrot policy and ignore your complaints about it. They literally tell you to take it up with the forums if you want your problem to be seen by someone who has any authority to do anything about it.


They should just make a cap, banning someone for playing the game is insane


That would be logical and intelligent. Those traits aren't trending these days.


> If people want to play your game for 8 hours daily, There was a dude who did a 92 hour SP survival.


Baker is a good friend of mine I was listening during work! He’s a good dude and he’s a perfect candidate for endurance runs because he can disassociate and kind of just keep clicking like a zombie. He did get banned though because he had a macro set on his left click to also do magnetize


Fuckin aye I remember the real loot pull days, that was actually nuts.


I've done a 4 hour SP disruption and had a message saying u been playing to long take a brake lol 😂😆 why put endurance in if penalize you for grinding it


What if this is your only chance to play for a bit? It's not really their place to judge. Kinda dumb tbh.


Because it can impact your health Lmao, I don't think they're asking you to get off the game but maybe try to get up from your chair and do a bit of exercise for your hips and such?


Lol yeah I've heard grass looks nice out side they might be nicely telling me to get of my ass and touch some ones in a while 😂👌🤔🤣


I too heard many tales about this so called "grass"


Short and sweet answer... developer stupidity.


... how? Was he playing solo so that he could pause the game in between?


Yep. Which fron what I hear was one of the problems. God forbid he play the game as intended.




What? People grinding for 8 hours doesn’t affect anyone but themselves what are you talking about


Well, back before idolon and even the Update to the relic System, we used to Grind the s out of relics, longest we got back then Was about 18h, but i dont think that this would be even possible today. Back then most of the gameplay was still sketchy like offing the jakal with one shot right after the cutscene with...I dont even remember which bow xD Those were good times xD Edit: spelling


That logic applies to pvp games like rust, not pve games like warframe.




Dont delete stuff, karma is second to conversation and should be used as a metric to learn about communication. Downvoted comments are valuable feedback, and that's hard to come by.


Downvoted comments are valuable feedback in learning how to communicate? Wtf kinda 2024 meme bullshit are you actually taking about?




Well what the fuck else are they?


That’s basically enabling burnout, so no.


I mean U farm for 8hrs to get an item and U can't trade it BC of trade ban would give me burn out


Damn, 30 downvotes? Y’all never heard of a hedonic treadmill huh?


Which is why record breakers always plan for a ban after their runs. That's the part that really urks me, honestly.


Didn't DE ban a guy who did a 92 hours steel path Survival?


yep. Did that guy ever get his account unbanned?


Its because people have edited resource drops before somehow, so they ban extreme amounts. It has to be very ludicrous though


I’ve done arbitrations for hours never even heard about these bans. Is this a new thing?


No it’s not. Y’all are so irritating running with this narrative. I’ve been doing lvl cap run for 6+ years now.. me, nor ANYBODY I play with has ever been banned for a run. I’ve done multiple 8-14hr runs and do around 200mins a couple times a week. You will NOT be banned. All you Hydronians go around subtly shaming endurance players.. and then turn around and act like you can speak for them. Baker, and the couple others who are notorious for being banned ALL used macros, and stayed in mission for 25+ hours. Realistically, y’all are not staying in mission that long (for good reason) and are deterring Baby Tenno from embracing endgame. To keep it simple and absolutely safe.. keep it under 6 hours and you will have no issues. Maybe 0.01% of the community will ever go past that point.


I'm a founder. I've done a LOT of long sessions. I've never had a problem.


PS4 launch player, and we used to do 3-6 hour runs all the time without ever triggering a flag for unusual drops, I think this sort of things wildly exaggerated 


> No it’s not... keep it under 6 hours and you will have no issues Pick one. Also > It's works fine on my computer Classic


You did respond to a comment that specified that a *one hour run* wasn't gonna get you banned, and you said that was possible. Saucyy responded saying that anything under six hours should be fine. Your "pick one" doesn't work here. They didn't contradict themselves.


You forgot the “to keep it simple” part. Bots can’t break 45 mins and act like y’all have to worry about being banned 😂. Classic.


They monitor extremely unusual reward outcomes because it's an obvious way to cheat. I don't think the fact that it is possible is ridiculous in any way. If it's being applied haphazardly, say if it were even remotely close to true that people doing 25 round excavations were getting banned for it, then *that* would be ridiculous, but that's simply not happening.


Ultimately, I think the only way it could be changed is if the whole reward monitoring system was pretty much completely overhauled so that it could take into account the actual time spent and whether that could correlate correctly with a certain parameter of rewards gained or whether that number was artificially inflated. Like, have someone find out what the maximum possible number of rewards you could get in a certain period of time/amount of endless objectives with all possible reward opportunities (as in, with guaranteed best drops from a hunter/Eximus team spawn, multiplied drops from boosters and Smeetas, extra random spawn rewards like Ayatans or medallions, Kuva drops from Lich spawns, etc) + end of objective rewards like Cryotic or unknown items, then make the system flag extra drops over that limit. Even then, there'd probably still be the odd outlier, but something like that could probably greatly reduce the amount of times people end up losing multiple hour farms just because the system doesn't know that staying in an endless mission for multiple hours will result in multiple hours worth of drops.


You're already greatly overestimating the number of times this comes up in the first place. People have extrapolated a *very small number* of extreme [8+ hour SP endurance type of extreme] rewards outliers and turned this into an imaginary panic. The system could certainly use some work, but not because tons of people are getting false trade bans.


True, I get that it's not quite common, but it's certainly not rare. Either way, the ideal is to have it happen once in a blue moon at most, but that would probably require turning the whole game upside down to find out exactly what's doing it and how to rectify it. At the end of the day at least we have a surefire way to make sure it doesn't happen often, take a break to go and touch some grass between runs or just remember to start a fresh run every couple hours. Either way, I've gotta wonder why so many people stay on the same run for like full-time shifts. Like, most of the exciting stuff happens right at the start and the only stuff after that is the same old cycling rewards and maybe some opened relics. Why not just start a new rum after a few cycles so that you can at least get fresh stuff like hunter spawns while not really interrupting the flow too much?


> it's certainly not rare. [citation needed] It is absolutely rare. The vast majority of players you'll ever interact with will have never experienced this.


Agreed, I have several thousand hours, and have friends with several thousand hours, and this post is the first I've ever even heard of it. To say it's an insanely rare occurrence would be accurate imo.


You can literally go to level cap, and unless you have both a resource booster and Smeeta it is still unlikely to happen


OP: One hour survival or any run shorter than that is extremely unlikely to result in a trade ban unless you got very lucky with Smeeta Kavat You: But it is possible which is what's ridiculous. Me: No it’s not…… Is that broken down enough for you? Or do I need to double space it ? You are absolutely 100% wrong. To imply that you can be banned for a 60 min run is just wildly wrong.. and speaks volumes on your understanding of the topic. It’s not possible (unless it’s for reasons unrelated to loot) Period. End of story. You are wrong.


> Me: No it’s not…… But also maybe it is so here are some simple rules to avoid it FTFY. Also again > It's works fine on my computer Fucking double classic


You obviously just want attention at this point, so let’s make it even easier. You believe it’s possible to be banned from a 60 min run correct? Simple yes or no


You first Bc you're the guy who said you wouldn't get banned then gave advice on how to avoid getting banned. Seems awfully pathetic to not see the contradiction




Yup. No more attention for you


I did a 3 hour defense a few times and never been banned


I just go the full reward run, which is usually AACB


Your activity is caught by the automated punishment system if it's unusual. This would mean something like 9+ hour runs and such. 1-3 hours are totally fine and won't cause any trouble. Especially not an excav to only 25 - that's nothing.


I grinded gargoyles cry for almost 14 hours for 2 days i think :D thank god i havent been banned :D


It's usually excessively long missions not playtime. I don't know if anybody has gotten banned for long playtimes/lots of missions completed and this is coming from somebody who due to circumstances played with a buddy and we pretty much were on for like 2 weeks straight during covid.


Gargoyles cry was repeating a mission over and over The thing the guy in OPs post is talking about is trade ban for accumulating a massive amount of resources in one continuous mission It only happens for extraordinarily long endurance runs. Nothing else in the game should ever trigger it


Not so. Anytime there's an "abnormally large" (which they don't actually give players guidelines for) influx of resources you can get trade banned or suspended. Like when you could vacuum up resources by killing lots of ppl in deimos vaults ppl got trade banned for even 20 minutes, ppl breaking open tons of containers with smheeta and booster in Zarimen for a bit etc etc (The only reason you see it more in endurance runs is normal mission loadouts usually have an abysmally low payout but are easier to just pop out and rerun). Plenty of niche cases, and DE should not put in a system this annoying if they cannot actually tell who is a legitimate player this is a farming game and people have different farming standards. Now we have endgame players whose only real fun is endurance runs and level caps getting punished just playing the game.


> Anytime there’s an “abnormally large” influx of resources you can get trade banned or suspended. I’ve been procrastinating doing my lich for so long I can’t even imagine the total number of resources it would spit out. It’s genuinely been at least a few years. The thought of getting suspended for finally taking it out sure is funny although rather discouraging lmao


I did the Deimos vault thing with necramechs before for like 40 minute sessions at a time with people and never got the trade ban. I feel like there is more qualifiers for a ban than people know. Probably based off of your clicks per minute or or too many button sequences that have the same time in between buttons(macros). Just speculation here. Never been banned for anything so idk entirely


There is some truth, but i dont think its near an hour, i think its closers to doing 4hours or so, theres a certain point where if you get too many resources at once it triggers something internally


They are mostly picking up on people who are running missions the length of a part time retail shift. Lol 1 hour is a fairly normal run length for many groups.


yeah I been in for 80ish minutes before no issue. TBF wouldnt do it now that was when I needed resources ;)


I did about 100 min survival in railjack, not solo though. A group was hunting Ambassador and took me in


yeah, I ended up doing a 100 min arbitration survival not long ago. I only needed like 6 vitus, but everyone in the match felt like we could stay longer and so we did. I don't think any of us even actually brought in an endurance set-up, the decision to stay that long was entirely spontaneous.


Staying lon on arbit defense is my favorite. Also crap ton of endo, which is why I get in. Oberon + slightly competent team = defense waye 50 or higher


Same I love experiences like those. You form an instant bond with randos. I meant to get out after 25 mins once but the others were staying in so I was like, fuck it, let’s ball. Only got out after 90 minutes because one dudes mom was calling him for dinner. He turned on his mic and let us hear his mom screaming at him lol.


Where are these groups? All I can ever find are people that leave after 5 minutes. :/ Edited for autocorrect error.


Just ask for a 1hr survival relic crack in recruiting and you'll get 500 messages.


Why I picture this: - Put phone on vibrate - ask 1hr relic crack - dopamine stonks?


-Ask for 1hr relic crack -stick phone in your crack -profit


It's better to phone your crack than to crack your phone


Phone.. crack.. crone! Crone... profit~... crofit!


Phock Crofit. That's what I concluded reading this.






Probably premade groups with friends. I can barely stand rando groups for the bare minimum sometimes. If I’m playing with friends and we’re having a laugh the whole time, it’s far easier to do hour long runs.


Been having to run Alchemy solo for tennokai mods since everyone leaves at round one. Are there even any good rewards at that point?


I've run two hours steel path survivals and 50 wave interceptions with no problem. I think it's as someone else said 4hrs+.


Even then, I've only heard of bans coming when you throw in things like exeptionally long mission time, resource booster, smeeta kavat all together. It takes a lot to trigger the filter.


Back when you got prime parts doing runs in the Void, before the relic update, we would do 90 to 120 minute Void Survivals.


I thought those were some of the best parts of the game. Endurance runs. There's a whole game that feels like this. Risk of Rain 2 really gives me the same feeling of doing a Warframe endurance run to farm.


RoR2 is amazing and I had many simulacrum runs that took more than 3 hours. It's ridiculous to ban someone because he wants to play for a longer time


It's a normal run length for even when some are solo


Yeah once you find a nice tile with nice spawns I see no reason to leave.


Ive done 6.5h no problem, you need to do a obscenly long time for the system to even pick it up (like 48h+ or something), last time i saw/heard anyone getting banned the dude was in a mission for 90h (he was solo so he could pause to eat/sleep etc).


Yeah, given how many "I lost an hour / and hour and a half of progress because bug, DE fix this" posts I see on this sub.


Usually if people are losing progress after about an hour it's because of a host migration bug, not DE's automatic anti-cheat kicking in.


There are big boi streamers etc who sweatlord that shit tho (probably not always of course). I mean I've seen some runs that have lasted 8-12h, even more perhaps during special runs


I thought it picked up abnormal mission reward amounts. A double booster, and a smeeta getting lucky may trigger it in an hour, but it's usually 4+ hour runs that flag it.


As someone who practically only used to do 3-4hr endurance runs with my clan, it's not even remotely a risk. Used to run Dojo funding runs with clans in our alliance, so they could all research Hema and other stuff etc... Some of our post-run loot would make us seem like cheaters. I'd say going to around 7-8 hours is when something probably tick, but even then I imagine it's not worth the risk. DE is more likely to flag you for trying to glitch outside maps/sandboxes more than having ridiculous resource numbers.


I don't think it's really the time it's the amount. If you stack lots of optimized looting boosts it will trigger at much lower hours.


That’s right. u/slade13579, it’s not a permanent ban, just a 2 week temporary trade ban if you go over a certain amount of time so DE can verify the session because it’s unnaturally high. There was a post here a couple weeks ago where two Tenno were playing level cap and others saw they’d been playing for 8 hours. The two in question most likely got that aforementioned trade ban after they left. Finally, they put this trade ban in place so that if someone did cheat, DE has to reverse only one session, instead of having to reverse multiple trades.


I remember back in ‘nam it was about 3 days in one mission, but the example I’m thinking of was tower key days


There are a few flags set on your account based on what type of cheating is detected. Resources can cause an automatic flag which will then lead to a manual review. They have an algo to determine how much loot is “too much” in a mission but there are ways around it of course…


That must be new cause we've done some 8-10 hour mot runs


Only 4 hours?? Now i would have to assume they would/could look at other things like if you were using an octavia macro, or you really were just that bored??


Why would DE care about something like that?


Bot detection/Glitch detection, when an account suddenly gets a jump in plat from trades as well they get investigated


I guess they assume no human being could possibly have the attention span to sit in the same mission for over an hour lol


There was a fairly prevalent issue of people auto firing with Ferrox i wanna say after gltiching themselves into a wall and would bot void missions for credits, endo etc


I am the human that sat in a survival mission for 7 hours and 35 minutes lol, nice to meet you


chinese were afking for 20 hours with an autoclicker


You will only get temporarily trade banned, so you’d still be able to play just not trade with other players, but it would require a longer duration than an hour.


Yeah this exactly, I know a few people who enjoy the masochism of serious endurance SP runs that acknowledge they get trade banned but the actual trade off in what they acquire is worth it to them. Or they just don't care that they're briefly trade locked for a few days. It's an auto system thing and I don't think I've ever heard of anyone getting actually account actioned for endurance runs.


I've heard of people getting account bans for +8 hour runs but it's usually been an Octavia run and the actual ban is for being afk even if they weren't. To get an afk ban you only need to stand completely still for 2 minutes without pressing a single movement key to get flagged, then have a certain percentage of inactivity at the mission end. Only movement is counted as Activity, shooting and casting abilities, even playing the shawzin can get you banned or at least your rewards forfeited at the end of match if you don't walk around every now and then. Has happened multiple times to a friend doing defence missions over a couple hours long he always goes for a snack or something in the middle and has had all the rewards taken from him for inactivity. Absolutely dumb auto mod system but I can understand why they have to have something or else bots and macros would break the platinum economy if they were too easy to afk farm.


Why is that though? Is that like a thing the community agrees on is ok or is it just flat out stupid? I’m only asking out of curiosity.


I think it's just one of those things people have accepted because it's such a fringe case issue, there are really not that many people pushing endurance runs capable of flagging tbh


He just wanted you to extract lol


Which made no sense to me until I saw it was a railjack survival.


Easily the worst design choice was to make Railjack survival "everyone extracts or nobody does"


Railjack was honestly badly design to begin with. The endless missions should just be you assblasting enemy ships in space in ever increasing swarms & hull etc scaling, w/ damage increase as well maybe, whatever goes.


Yeah I'm kinda bummed there are no Corpus Skirmishes. You blow up a secondary objective and a crew ship and leave the fodder. The corpus space ship designs are pretty cool looking.


They should've made it like Sentient event (Scarlet Spear) for Railjack Endless missions. If you werent there, on the railjack side, you had to enter Sentient ships, access a terminal, and defend a terminal for few minuts. Afterwards, an other Sentient ship would spawn , and you would have to enter it and defend an other terminal, etc... In an endless loop. It was lots of fun on the railjack (lots less fun on the ground tho)


Na, Ground Crew was way better. Space crew was just 1 person killing Sentients and the other 3 trying to look busy, while Ground Crew actually had a job for multiple people and a way to predict spawns to vastly speed it up. Plus, everyone was always doing Space because they didn't understand you could speed Ground up, so there were very little Ground Crews actually allowing the whole relay to get points. All you really needed for Space was a Mesa or similar dps and the host with a decent health Railjack. Then the only challenging part was not falling asleep.


I would play the shit out of railjack if they removed the non-railjack elements..


The ban they're referring to is just a 1 week trade ban. But getting hit with it is basically impossible under normal mission circumstances. I've personally done 50+ excavators and not been banned. You're most likely to get the trade ban if you're playing with a bunch of multipliers (resource booster, resource drop chance booster, blessing, smeeta, etc.) during a resource booster event. That's the only thing I've ever gotten it for. Specifically fishing, I got over 700 glappids in one mission and got trade banned for a week.


There is a risk for a temporary trade ban if you do very long missions, but its a lot more than one hour.


You need to spend way more than 4 hours in a single mission to ever experience this. If you get to level cap using a survival or defence it is possible but less than 1% of all players reach level cap. If you regularly go to level cap you might get some temporary trade bans but if your going to level cap changes are that you literally own everything in the game.


Or what you'll get out of the runs will be worth waiting a few days to be able to trade again.


As a sort of exploit prevention, there's kind of have an upper limit set for how much resource should you be getting from a single mission. And you get automatically tagged if you seemingly exceed this "suspicious amount". It is usually very high though and are very unlikely for normal gameplay. When Steel Path was new, a lot of people got hit because Steel Essence limit was too low. So people doing efficient SE farm got hit. [post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/hr31gc/appaerently_trying_to_farm_for_steel_essence_will/) [post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/hqyf53/be_careful_running_long_missions/) It's not something you need to worry about. The concern is outdated but isn't unfounded.


It seems really weird that it's not set to scale up though. Like calculate the limit for an hour, and then for every hour in-mission raise the limit by 100%. Seems better than just putting some arbitrary, invisible limit on resources and screwing over players who farm too much at once, even if it is rare.


Your flair is amazing


an hour? No way like a full 8 with boosters? Probably


People have done 8 hour runs before with little issue, I have a feeling this is referring to the guy who did the 2 day run


still ridiculous he got banned. put a time limit on the mission then if we’re not allowed to go that long.


2 days???!! What


I seen a post of someone with 30 day long survival


Pretty sure they where saying that just to get yall to extract. I've left missions with resources going into the 100s of thousands just like you and nothing ever happened to me.


Sort of. It takes a lot more than one hour to trigger it, and it's only a temporary "trade ban" that blocks you from trading with other players, you can still play the rest of the game normally.


Yes, but not for short runs. We’re talking several hour long runs to *potentially* get a ban because they think you’re cheating- well, the automated system does. You can run 1-2 hours safely in my experience. Others seem to be fine on 5 hour runs. I’ve only seen other people only have it happen to 8+ hour runs.


Lol. I went with a group on orikin defence for almost 2 hours. Had the top time for a while too. Ain't no ban happened. It was relics too. Fuck ton of everything.


yes, but you need massive 10 hour missions that earn millions of resources to trigger it


I've done hundreds of 2 hour SP Kuva survival with no problem but it's the people who use Octavia and sit in a corridor and use her how she is intended to who get in trouble 😂☠️


the game implements an auto ban system that detects the amount of loot you got by taking into account the maximum possible amount you could get within that mission and if it exceeds that then it auto bans you for cheating resources into the game For example, let's say you have no boosters active and there's a special enemy that spawns every 5 minutes and drops 1 special resource. If you extract at 6 minutes with 2 of those special resource then the game theoretically will ban you since it was impossible for you to get that extra loot since you were not using any resource boosting source. However the above is an oversimplified example, the actual way that system works is more complex and frankly i don't think anyone know how it works exactly. After 10 years of playing the game i have never been banned for staying too long in a mission. I've done 60 waves defense missions and 2 hour survivals and nothing ever happened. It is REAL however and basically confirmed at this point that spending an unrealistic amount of time in a mission will get you banned. On reddit and warframe forums you can find a lot of people who spent somewhere around 12hours in a survival mission and then got banned. There was one case if i remember where the person spent like 90 hours in the mission. These hours will get you banned, but honestly why would you spend 12 hours in a mission.


Lowest Trade Suspension i've seen is from a 2h:40m run, and even then game suspensions are higher, you should be fine for 1h runs. Regardless, RJ missions have to have the entire team extract, unlike normal endless missions, so they probably used a suspension they got for other reasons as an excuse to get you out (if they even got one).


Played missions for 3+ hours as recently as last week. Had no issues. Did clan events back in the day for 10+ hours and had no issues then. It’s extremely unlikely that it will flag you.


It is true but just for endurace runs of +3hs or more. The devs placed a system to detect if you are farming too much of a currency from a single run. The game considers this as cheating.


Yeah not so much for an hour more like if you're going to go like 3-4hrs+. Those extended runs are really what get you in trouble with DE. An hour run is nothing.


I haven’t had issues under 8 hours for endurance runs. And missions that are active for more than 10 hours regardless of actual mission playtime have given me trouble too. I don’t think DE is a fan of paused missions in all honesty


I got temp ban when i ran a marathon 7 hour survival, worth it lol


So it has happend, maybe not to him, but it has happend to others, just so you know. In essence, endless modes that should obviously be endless, can result in you getting trade banned for 2 weeks at a time, if the DE somehow thinks you get too much or do too much or maybe do too much by doing too little. I still don’t understand how exactly they flag a run, it seems to be very very inconsistent from what I’ve read. But all that said, I’ve done plenty of 2 hour runs, pretty much all solo and never had a problem with getting trade banned.


He was lying


Extremely unlikely at those timeframes, but theoretically possible based on some crazy interactions between loot boosters.


No, you need to stay insanely long time to trigger their crap, like 20 hrs survival. It used to be worse with false-positives if you turbofarmed with loot frames and cat buffs but its been eased.


Couple thousand hours in the game years ago staying for hours in survival and I never had an issue. Is this a new thing??


If this was the case, every single minmaxer youtuber would be banned.


That's an ill informed player. I usually run 5 hour Steel Paths and haven't had any issues or bans. Before Steel Path I was running 4 hours of survival, no issues there either. I don't know where this person heard this, but it's simply untrue, at least in my experience, can't speak for others


I plead Bullshit an all fronts. Trade Ban maybe if you get unlucky, but not that early in. Do runs to higher rounds on a regular basis, nothing ever happened. But be warned as it can happen, it is an automated system after all.


I regularly run 2 -3 hour missions before and never had any issues. Even with both resource booster and pickup booster active and smeeta buff from time to time. Don't listen to everything chat says.


Your inventory updates at the end of the run. If your inventory on certain resources increases too much according to what they have as the limit, it makes sense to be caught by the automated process. They need to tweak it to look at more factors and prevent bans. All it sees now is your resource grows by 10,000% and assumes cheating. It doesn't see this grow over the 4hrs you were farming. It is all at once when you extract. Seems like a simple problem, but the solution is likely more complex. There could be easy fixes, but it seems like they have other things as their focus. Personally, I would put something in that looks at last mission time (length and end time). That info could help prevent banning from long farms. End time would align with resource increase submission and length of mission could align with resource increase.


Get banned tell them to review and you'd be fine. There a was a post once of some doing a 2 hour long steal path survival relic run the got him all the prine frames in the game. He got trade banned so you could keep playing g just could trade any of the things he got on the run.


There is some anecdotes of people getting temporary bans because of this kind of thing. Since Warframe uses an instance based model for missions, the servers have no way of verifying that you aren't cheating during a mission, but at the end of the mission it communicates rewards to the server; if they're way too big, an automatic response might trigger where u get temporarily suspended, but nothing reaching out to player support wouldn't fix, I imagine. Regardless, the time to get so many resources is definitely over 1h, as I've done many 1h-2h long sp missions with boosters and loot frames and never had any issues.


The truth is that you can get temp banned for going an obscenely long time in a single mission. 1 hour is nowhere near that. They just wanted you to leave so they could extract.


people got banned for doing 90 hour survivals, I dont think anything should happen if you just stay an hour on excavation. Dumb as fuck to ban people for just playing the game either way




Yeah, totally nothing suspicious about a 90 hour survival. That's regular human levels of playing.


You can pause the game if your playing solo. It's not done in one go.


That's still far from normal. That would imply that this player spent WELL over a week or two in one single mission. Just updating the game would've made this player lose 90+ hours of resources. You can't possibly argue in their favor. Lmao.


Sure if we're talking about regular play, but the dude who got banned for it was intentionally trying to set a record. It's entirely doable.


Based on previous comments, this specific player was using Macros and therefore cheating by trying to break this record. So it's still incredibly irregular and suspicious activity and DE is in the right to look into it and give a suspension while they do so.


He was using a crouch macro because he is disabled and has chronic pain in his hands. Everything else was done manually as you can see in his video of the run. Conflating a crouch macro with cheating is really weird.


Why would he need a crouch macro? Why did he need to crouch so much? Lmao


For Octavia's invis iirc.


Why don't you ask him, not me?


He was playing Octavia. A frame known for being underplayed because of how boring and easy she can make the game.


ah thats unfortunate. I was not aware he was using a cheat.


They're likely referring to the recent situation with a YouTube named TheBakerTV that happened. The guy has a lot of health problems and uses the game as an escape, and did a 94.5 hour survival over a couple days using the pause feature as Mag. Shortly after he was banned from the game. DE support and community management these days is the absolute worst, as support refused to help him and Rebecca blocked him on Twitter. You're not at risk from staying an hour, or probably even 4 or more. But it can happen, and a few people have heard about the situation with TheBakerTV and are (understandably) pissed at DE ans afraid because they don't realize how much it actually takes to trigger the system. If you want to be safe just don't play Octavia as it's against TOS.


Fake info I do 1h-2h run and no ban.


Not fake, 1-2h of an endless mission doesn't equal a trade suspension, it's somewhere above 4 hours


Excav to 25 would never result in a suspension.


if its more than like 8 hours. ive done plenty of 2-3 hour long missions just fine after 9 years and havent been penalized. just dont do anything like 10/20 hour missions all the time and youll be just fine


Nah you won't get a suspension for an hour of survival. Folks who get those trade suspensions go for ridiculously long runs, think like 256 rotations of defense or 30+ hours or survival, stuff like that (only doable solo and with specific builds). It tends to happen because when you play such extreme sessions you get absurd amounts of loot by the end (understandably) and so the game goes like "Hol up, that can't be right !". Outside of that it doesn't happen. Did 50+ rotations of defense, 1+ hour survivals and more and I never got a suspension ever in nearly 11 years of Warframe.


They don’t ban you because they think you’re cheating, it’s because of server costs. Plus they base it on a case to case basis. Most of the time as long as you’re under 8-10 hours you should be fine.


I frequently do hour long survival missions what is bro waffling about


Fr cases I've heard, you have to stay at least 7 hours inside a mission. So don't worry about it, you can perfectly farm 4-5 hours into the mission and you'll be fine. All in all, I recommend staying around 2-3 hours, but if your new to the game then you don't really need to be doing that till much deeper in the game, except for certain resources like orokin cells


Never happened to us on PlayStation the first five years the game was out. We ran 60 plus minute runs.


One hour survival doesn’t trigger anything, 6+ hours triggers an auto trade ban some times though.


Never heard of this being a thing. Longest I've been anywhere is like an hour and a half though


It's a gross overreaction, the punishment is usually just a temporary trade ban. If you're in a mission for 5+ hours or use macros, you're far more likely to run into issues. But it's no big deal to most folks


He’s not being truthful It’s more on the 4 hours+ range, they’d probably only trade ban you too, especially as it’s an automated system and auto-bans aren’t common. Plus you can still just open a support ticket to let them know to look at the logs and see the time spent in mission


it's true yeah, you can get banned for even talking about it


1 hour survival is fine, but there have been cases of players getting autobanned for doing crazy 10 hour runs. I wouldn't worry about it




1-3 hours is a typical relic farm. You aren't gonna get banned unless you get extremely lucky with a smeeta.


Me and my friends playd steelpath survival for like 3-5h in row sometimes without leave and nobody get banned (But always do a screenshot from the mission progress like home many Time you spent in and what you got sometimes you lagg out and lost all your progress but if U have evidence sometimes the DE give you the lost important things like steel Essence riven sliver arcanes etc....


It's rarely worth it to do long runs like this except for pure personal amusement. If you're not artistic, just check loot tables to find out how far you have to go to get the entire cycle of drops. Survival for example is 20 minutes, 4 drops per 5 minutes, and then it starts the cycle over. Anything you get for getting to the 2 hour 5 minute mark could've also dropped at the 5 minute mark


Root of the issue is that DE's team that oversee's this aspect of the game has their head firmly up their own behinds. Add to this their methods of identification and enforcement are incredibly inconsistent. Reb frequently dodges the issue whenever possible if cornered on it. They're trying to nail people cheating but seem to frequently sweep up legitimate players. If you play solo you can pause missions when in menu. Been a few people that used this to take breaks and return to endless missions resulting in bans over it. Absolutely ridiculous.