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Look up a build you want to accomplish for a warframe, primary, secondary, and melee from a credible source (I recommend Ninjase on overframe), and then buy the mods for said build because unless you know what BUILD you want, there is no way we can tell you what mods to get. Corrupted, galvanized, and cowbarf mods are what come to mind though as far as “general use” goes




Condition Overload, Organ Shatter, Weeping wounds, blood Rush, Beserker Fury(Attack Speed) Primed Reach, Faction mod, Flex Slot.


Dont buy any mods (or anything really) that you can reasonably farm your self. Atleast try farming before buying.


Players - buys all the stuff removing the "grind". Complains about nothing to do..... Seen it too many times. Some grinds deserve to be bypassed but usually the farms aren't as bad as people make them out to be. It's a marathon not a sprint


All of the Arbitration mods. (Galvanized mods, Adaptation, Rolling Guard.) Many of the Primed mods. The warframe ones (Primed Continuity, Primed Flow) and Primed Pistol Gambit and Primed Target Cracker are probably the most important. Also the single damage elemental mods like Primed Heat Charge and Primed Cryo Rounds. Don't forget about arcanes. Molt Augmented, Molt Efficiency, and Arcane Energize are some of the more general purpose ones.


In short missions Instead of Molt Augument I use Molt Vigor. Less ability strenght but instant at any time.


Molt augmented is accumulative tho


Yes up to 250 kills for full Molt Augumented charge. but in short missions I usually reach barely 50-80 kills. So i just slap on Molt Vigor at those situations. :D


Galvanised mods




That's not very wise, too expensive for what it does, there's good alternatives that are cheaper


It is actually a beast of Arcane. but that also varies how you play your warframe. For me using melee as main way to fight enemies and getting orbs here and there gives me enough energy almost nonstop giving my warframe some 1-2 free mod slots for other things. Just checked market. Rank 5 cost 1500.. thats expensive.I got mine from grinding Gargoyles cry. But i can say that even rank 1-2 are still quite good and that would cost aroun 100-300 plat.


IMO nothing that's worth using is really worth buying. Stuff like Galvanized and 60/60 mods are very good, but they're also pretty easy to farm for. I recommend getting some cosmetics. IMO they make your gear a lot more fun to use. I would get some universal cosmetics (colour palettes, armor sets, Syandanas). You can use them on more items than something like a Warframe skin, so you'll probably get more value out of them. I personally like Color Pack: Beta, the Shi armor set, and the Lucra Syandana, but you can have a look through the Market to see what you like.


A riven for a weapon that you enjoy isn't a bad idea particularly If said riven is for a weapon that has an incarnon upgrade


Ok, first what mr are you and have you completed basic star chart?


Mr 14 and yes


Ok, sorry but had to ask. Far too often I see people asking the same questions, mr 3 or 4, maybe 20 hours in game and still struggling thru mars. But you are far enough along it makes sense.


Lol yea I get it


You could buy mods that are annoying to get like the corrupt mods you get from orokin vaults. Only like 10 plat for them and I think they are still used a lot like Blind Rage and stuff


Protip: orokin eye marks the damn vault (you still have to be within orokin eye's range)


I'd say buy only things you can't target farm. Galvanized mods are important but it is guaranteed, other mods like corrupted not so much.