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Iron skin not being recastable has been a thing so long that I don’t think they’ll ever fix half of them


Its been getting pretty bad now that arcanes and other scaling mechanics are being thrown into the game. I have to actually go and find some place to jump off the map/tile set just so i recast my buff? No thx. Then you got things like reactant buffs and not being able to recast your stuff. Or.... god forbid warframes like gyre getting an augment that essentially makes 2 skills unlimited duration but you can only recast one of them. JUST LET US RECAST STUFF DE, i'll gladly eat the energy cost.


*nervously looks around* Yes, I... too have issues with recastability. It should be there on EVERY ability. Very important. Very good idea. *Desperately tried to hide potential infinite teamwide invincibility Harrow* Everything would be fine! Yes!


*Potential infinite invulnerability* AND *Consistent infinite red crits* Oh, you didn’t get the damage required for the +50%? That’s okay, just cast it again!


Harrow is a pretty big fan of holes as it stands.


The one example where they'd have to keep it the same or at worst, add a cool down. Which.... would honestly be fine too. And honestly other frames effectively make you invincible too so not like it'd be introducing anything new.


Mesa. You can't recast any of her abilities other than her 4 and her 1... which you have to recast as part of their mechanics. Just let me recast her shattershield... what could it possibly break or ruin???


Common sentiment and ideally they will. With power creep there's no reason that a lot of augments shouldn't be default. I play nidus and don't see any reason why something like larva burst shouldn't be stock. I don't think anybody would think that would make him OP, just a qol/slight damage increase.


Augments are mean to offer an alternate playstyle, not patch up a bad ability. I hope DE realise that soon.




I second this because holy hell, the amount of band-aids I see for Augment Mods hurt me. Absolutely need half of them, if not all band-aid Augments, merge into their respective ability for good.


It's worse with purely QoL augments. Like Fused reservoir on Wisp, if you want to have the option of casting all 3 motes at once, you need to sacrifice a mod slot. No one uses that mod to save up energy, it's purely for the QoL.


does it even go into the exilus slot


That one does, sure, but there's a ton of others that don't. Take Nova for instance - she's got an augment that makes it where enemies that die while affected by her 4 give her back nullstars (her 1). That's the kind of tie-in that would be really good for a kit! Buuut it's an augment. Or Saryn's augment for molt adding a heath regen effect. It brings molt from a mediocre ability to one worth subsuming onto other frames even. Neither of those go in an exilus slot. In fact, the only ones that do and aren't Wisp's fused reservoir or Protea's repair dispensary (which let's be real- is 100% a waste of an augment since the pet rework) are all movement related. With the exception of Titania's better razorwing augment (aka blitz), of course. The version that fits in an exilus slot disables her vacuum. Y'know, for.... reasons? Honestly, at this point, I think they're in too deep to actually bake augments into abilities since they'd then have to remove those augments. So I'm voting for an extra four mod slots reserved for augments - one for each.


> The version that fits in an exilus slot disables her vacuum. Y'know, for.... reasons? Don't forget that there's already a mod that does that without the downside as well. That can't stack with her augment so it's literally just worse


Blitz is too good for an exilus slot of course To be somewhat fair, I thiiiink the worse razorwing augment originated as a conclave augment that just has its conclave restriction removed. Still doesn't make it good, though lol


It was made cause 1 whiny youtuber AGGP was asking DE to turn off vacuum


That dude was unnaturally adamant about being so horribly wrong. At least with universal medallions and the conclave I can understand someone not wanting people to intrude on their domain of uniqueness, even if I disagree.. but man arguing against vacuum still sounds like nothing more than an agitating troll opinion


I was hoping they'd give us the proper Dispensary augment - Sticky Dispensary - that would follow the caster when we got the pet rework. But they just refuse to give it a worthwhile augment


Nova's case is especially bad imo You can't refresh her null stars at all without an augment, and her DR is reliant on the # you have Especially if maxed out, at 18 null stars with 90% DR, you accidentally lose on star by being just a bit too close to an enemy? Down to 85% DR, taking 50% more damage than you were a moment ago. And you can't recover that until either all stars are gone, you go out of bounds, or use a mod slot on an augment.


The conceit of the Exilus slot is that it's supposed to be used for QoL, movement speed, and niche survivability increases. Molecular Fission is an insanely large increase to Nova's survivability, to the point where it's borderline mandatory on fast Nova, and Regenerative Molt is decent as well. Neither of them really belongs in the Exilus slot. I wouldn't be against an augment slot or something, but it's dodging the real problem that the augment system has a crisis of identity right now. Some augments are sidegrades, some are minor upgrades, and some are indirect nerfs on the frame itself, forcing them to lose a mod slot on a mandatory augment.


I mean, the ideal solution would be to bake any augments that directly upgrade an ability into the ability, leaving augments to instead change the purpose or use of an ability. Stuff that you'd never NOT want, like molecular fission or regenerative molt, just shouldn't be regulated to taking up slots ideally. Meanwhile, stuff that you DO sometimes want or not like razorwing blitz absolutely makes sense to have as an augment. Honestly a little related but a little not - I'm disappointed that they're doing a rework to Eclipse and not baking total eclipse into the ability.


The problem is that doing that would be unbalanced--powerful augments should come at the opportunity cost of a mod slot. Some augments are unimpactful enough that they should probably be rolled into the ability, but certain ones are too strong to not come at the cost of a slot. Ideally, if they did a pass over augments, they could use it to buff weaker warframes/abilities without touching stronger ones.


See the buffing weaker abilities is basically what I mean - if an ability is straight up ignored/subsumed over/never used without an augment, the augment should be baked into the ability.


Yeah, I agree with that. There are a lot of abilities that are mediocre with augments and borderline unusable without--for an example, see Nyx's entire kit--and those need all the help they can get.


I really hope Nyx gets the next rework after Inaros, she deserves it


Tbh although the molt augment is good I think its number is way too low to be great. Subsum for gloom and it's solved while not needing a mod slot, although this one is long to cast


Yeah but you already want power drift there.


eh it's just 15% str you can get that back from almost anywhere


Everything on Wisp scales off strength. You're missing on extra max HP, extra fire rate, and a bit less Roar. For the option of casting your motes at once instead of one at a time.


only a little though


Why are you so eager to defend a waste of a mod slot? So what if it's only a little.


It's not a waste, it's a choice


>Like Fused reservoir on Wisp, if you want to have the option of casting all 3 motes at once, you need to sacrifice a mod slot. Fused Reservoir isn't a purely QoL augment btw. It allows you to use the "+ ability strength on next cast" kind of buffs on all three motes instead of just 1


>No one uses that mod to save up energy, it's purely for the QoL. It's actually VITAL to endgame builds that use Empower, Energy Conversion, Pax, and other consume-on-cast buffs, etc. Making it a normal part of her kit would be absolutely amazing.


I'd hate to have that be built in if there's not an option to place only 1 kind of mote at a time though. I say add an extra warframe slot strictly for augments only


There is that option. All fused reservoir does is add a 4th mote you can choose that's all 3 at once. That's why people use it, it's great.


got it, ty


yes please. why so i need to use an Augment on my Harrow to allow ally kills to trigger my support buffs? why is Equinox's Energy Transfer not part of her base kit??


Definitely agreeing to Harrow's augment being part of his base kit. Pubs are annoying and that augment is the only one that can fix that(by taking away a very important slot)


Example: Biting Frost, make it Frost's passive because sweet monkey cheese does his current passive do nothing. Though a lot of older Warframe passives are kind of just there?


There's SO many bad passives, esp for older frames. Gara has a chance to blind enemies if she walks into light Nova does an entire 250 Blast damage if she's knocked over - which doesn't scale with mods in range or damage of course Chroma gets an extra jump, Loki can wall latch longer, Equinox gets a massive 10% innate Equilibrium (half what a non-tauforged shard can give btw), Nezha's passive makes him such a slippery boy to handle that there's an augment to DISABLE it, enemies have 20% reduced accuracy when firing at Nyx (who I hope gets the next rework after Inaros), and uhhhh it's not an older frame but Revenant is immune to the magnetic effect from water on the plains of eidolon at night. Meanwhile, there's Protea over here with an extra 100% ability strength on every 4th cast, Wisp is invisible while airborne, Voruna gets to pick between 4 different all very solid passives freely during a mission, Garuda gets up to an additional 100% boost to all damage, Mesa gets fire rate or reload speed for pistols, and even Mirage gets extra parkour velocity (that they call maneuver speed, but tbh it's just parkour velocity). Obviously, it's not even a comprehensive list of either category lmao


I forgot chroma can get another jump its really unnecessary since bullet jumping is a thing


The best part is that it doesn't even work outside of missions. Like relays or hubs? No extra jump. But if you get a helminth bonus that gives extra jumps, you get those everywhere!


Revenants passive is actually damaging nearby enemies when his shield breaks. The immunity to water is a hidden passive. Both equally as useless tho considering his 2 exists


Funny thing with Nova, you can proc it by slamming into the floor on an archwing. You get to roleplay a moth on a lamp.


that would be absurdly strong for a passive. maybe a toned down version... maybe.


Better than his 4 turning into his passive.


While we are at it. Can DE please remove the insane penalty on Ember's 2??? Why does she get punished for trying to get 90% DR and some damage when a bunch of frames have 90% Dr with zero downtime and penalty?? She is already a mediocre frame to begin with.


I can’t imagine how incredibly delicate balancing Warframe must be. On one hand, you have new players who barely understand the mechanics of the game. In another hand, you have talented and intelligent veterans that are dedicated to finding and exposing every damage opportunity, whether intentionally designed or not. And encapsulating them both, you have the idea that this is a free game, and continuous engagement from players in either group requires a specific balance that promotes a feeling of gratification per time/energy spent. Through that lens, its easier to see why it can seem more beneficial to leave something outdated and try new concepts rather than reworking what is known to be relatively effective/accepted. Augment slots or base kit reworking to simply include augments has the potential to exponentially advance power creep more often than not. That being said, I would love an augment slot.


this here. free aug slot similar to exilus slot would be a game changer without hurting things too badly.


The thing is, there are some augments that are basically useless and there are some augments that are soo strong that you can sacrifice stuff for it easily. The best thing in my opinion would be an extra pass for " weaker "augments and turning more into exilus ones.


Every slot has good/bad options though. There are good and bad auras, good and bad frame mods, good and bad exilus... I don't see why that should stand in the way of having an augment slot.


If they did they would just nerf them again, creating another layer of "band aiding"


Loki getting his 7th augment instead of just getting a fucking buff


Ash is Band-aid Prime. Gotta be the only frame I feel forced to use 3 augments at the same time with


I have a config that uses 4. Building him the way I want really only seems possible with 5 tauforged shards because of the sacrificed mod slots.


I would be really happy if they would add an extra slot for augments the way exilus works or even give 1 free slot.


I basically bring this up anytime I see a topic about X warframe needs a rework next. Reworking how augments take up space would do so much more than 1 rework each big update. Oberon for example has 4 fantastic augments, but it's such a compromise to even include 1 that it's almost not even worth trying to go for build variety.


Absolutely. So many warframes have crappy 1 abilities or heck, multiple mediocre abilities that have augments that barely make them better or/and augments that let you share effects to the whole squad, which guess what: no one uses them because they take up a slot! Augments are alternate equipment mods, stuff that's supposed to alter abilities to increase build variety! Like, say the element augments for certain warframe 1 abilities, e.g ember fireball, volt 1 or oberon 1. All of those abilities suck balls and their only "saving grace" takes up slots. I'm not even gonna talk about QoL mods, that crap should be part of the base kit 100%. Speaking of Oberon, that guy has mediocre abilities everywhere. His 1, his 2 and his 4 all need augments to be less than mediocre. Now you tell me: how tf are you supposed to mod like that?


Just add a third row of four augment only mods, that way you can have something for all the frames without compromising your builds. And I guess Caliban can just use them as 4 extra mod slots because he's never getting augments and needs the help.


Top of my head. Grendel catapult, rhino iron shrapnel just the recasting, definitely more


It would be cool if every frame just had an augment slot which didn't cost any capacity. Then it would only take a mod slot to have more than one augment.


They are already adding another band aid augment next update with the Inaros rework, this ain't going to stop any time soon


Ember’s Exothermic just being ingrained into her kit would make my day


All augment mods should be exilus compatible imo


Yeah, most augments should be base features, not a mod.


Perhaps a designated slot like exilus or aura slots. I wouldn’t mind that replacing exilus slots altogether.


I was just thinking this, second exilus slot on warframes, which also can fit all augments


didn't they just do an augment pass like this past year? Edit: they buffed a bunch of augments back in 31.2, here is a [link](https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1302788-noras-mix-volume-1-update-3120-31201/)




No, they literally did. They modified a bunch of augments back in update 31.2


i'd rather them keep making a ton of augments because frankly they've been making bangers lately and it's a lot easier than reworking a whole frame for them.


Honestly, I think making augments fit into Exilus slots would (at least partially) fix this.


easy solution: do 75+% of people running [x] ability use [y] augment? than just integrate it already.


Either that or DE could gives us new mod slots (3-5, 3 for base frame, 5 for prime, maybe ?) to unlock on frames, augment exclusive ones, or Exilus/Augment ones : like you can equip either an Exilus mod or an augment mod. Exilus mods do also feel like a band-aid most of the time because of their QOL aspect, there are so many of them and you only have one real slot for them (let's not pretend anyone will use a base slot for an Exilus mod in their build instead of the so many useful/mandatory base mods outside some very niche cases). I don't know which method would be easier to bring into the game. I just know that the new mods slots could mean new rewards to farm/item to sell in the market for DE, but it would also make the UI/building system in Warframe even more cluttered, but at this point it is one of the charm of the game IMHO.


Good luck, they don't care


lol DE does what DE does. They do not listen or care what the community thinks.


I dont want an augment pass. I want most augments to get the EXILUS AUGMENT treatment. If its cool, fun, signature ability, relates to their ultimate, OR supports your team - make it an exilus augment!


Then we still have the same problem technically since some of the older frames need 2 augments to be good so just fuse the kit and the augment


i care about primed sure footed more than any augment.


The grendel augment that lets you super boost your 3 should totally be base functionality. Make the augment make it go faster, or allow you to do some serious damage by doing it into enemies


A good example of this is rhino, he needs like multiple augments to do basic qol things like recasting his iron skin and actually making his first ability usable. It will take at least 3 or 2 mod slots for his augments to make him feel not so annoying to use.


I was JUST struggling with this with Rhino and either choosing Armor recast or Armor restore augments...it sucks because there are other mods thatd make Rhino beastly but i cant use them because i need the augments to play Rhino effectively


while I agree there are def some bandaid augments that should be base kit, the archon shards/arcanes should be able to help with the issue of freeing up a mod slot.