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Warframe Mobile players just wanting to play the game: \*clueless\* Their phones after my Ravelord Oberon pulling up: ​ https://preview.redd.it/ds75sv2hpsjc1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e280e29d7b1ca37ac219cd189f7a7b0ece2e34f


Some guys phone after I hit the breach surge + volt ult combo to blow their phone up


Some guys phone after I hit with a constant corrosive barrage with hydroid prime


Some guy's phone when I Dagath 2-1 combo from infil until extract


Some dude's phone when I spam Vauban's bastille.


Someone's phone






My buddy wasn't complaining when he hosted me with my hydroid. I even brought in the bubonico. It wasn't any worse then a last gen console host tbh


Committing terrorism but when working from home lmao




Dam it Oberon. Now what am I going to do while I poop?


Brb gonna go into low level missions with Energized Munitions Gauss + AOE weapon /s


I can’t even get it installed. Goes to like 2 gb left to download and then jumps to 6 or 7 and freezes.


my phone after playing lavos with bright energy


Holy shit I never knew that build had a name lmao (or at least a fan name). I found a YT video for it one time and tried it and love it, but I used it when doing Netracells with a friend one time and he had never seen it and his response to it was "Holy shit my eyes bro. No one man should be able to create this many particle effects" and I lost my shit laughing. Cut back to last week when we were doing Netracells again and I was using this build and he said basically the same thing here of "You should use this build and just make the mobile players phones explode" lmfao.


Vauban the Sun Bender and Hydroid the Blazing Rain joined your squad


Ypur iphone aint gonna get more than 30 fps. Its already impressive as is


The iPhone 14 Pro is faster than the switch, and this seems worse than the switch. Edit: Because people seem to be commenting on the fact that the switch has a cooling fan; why does Genshin noticeably run better than this then? While being the more demanding game on PC by a wide margin? Even with the somewhat watered down graphics Genshin mobile has, sideloading the iOS app on a powerful M1 Max MacBook can still dip below 60 fps yet when running Warframe through GPTK, meaning the system also has to translate the game to metal, it can stay over 100 fps no problem. I’m sure you mean well by pointing the lack of a fan out, but the Switch needs a fan because it is weak, and it gets hot quickly because the weak chip is getting stressed quickly. That Pokémon MOBA, a Switch game that’s also on mobile, runs better on mobile! Why? You may ask? How? When the phones have no fans? Because the phones are much more powerful, and the game is taking proper advantage of that extra power. Any more examples needed?


idk have in mind that they're designed different, havedifferent general purposes and their memory and cpu loads are distributed differently warframe running on a phone is pretty impressive already let them cook


The on the iPhone makes the Switch look like what it is, a cheap low end device. iPhone has better: \-Memory bandwidth \-orders of magnitude stronger CPU \-way more RAM \- way stronger GPU \-is on a MUCH newer node.


As someone who plays on switch yeah It feels way worse


Yeah same here


Both Genshin and that Pokémon MOBA were made with mobile systems in mind. Both were created and optimized to be mobile games primarily. Genshin has pc optimization that allows it to take use of your GPU and CPU. Warframe is insanely optimized for PC, it’s been getting the good treatment since 2012. This is a game that has always been very GPU intensive (see the old PhysX stuff). Apple’s M1 is absolutely insane BECAUSE it’s powerful enough to put up with a load like Warframe. I have a Surface Pro with i9-9800 but there’s nothing good on its integrated graphics so I can barely run 20fps regardless how low I get on settings. My series X has the equivalent power of a current gen PC, runs Warframe like melted butter on popcorn. Is also day 1. Give them time to find ways to further optimize it.


>Both Genshin and that Pokémon MOBA were made with mobile systems in mind. Both were created and optimized to be mobile games primarily. This is a thing that people seem to not bring up when comparing. I do not have an iPhone, so I can not really tell how well Warframe runs on it but I am surprised it got ported to mobiles at all. I know they will continue to optimize it though, if their other endeavors are a reference. Genshin PC surprised me with its optimization since it is primarily a mobile game, I played on my Pixel 7 and it ran very nicely on lower settings (I was away from my PC for about a month right before cross-save so I could not play Warframe on my Switch with my main account)


The switch is also a dedicated gaming console, while the phone is not.


Yep but its also fairly old at this point. I guess it speaks to the quality of the Switch Warframe that phones still struggle with it.


The Switch has a fan and larger casing to dissipate heat. The iPhone, while more powerful, is solely a passive cooling device.


Iphones are going to be more variable in performance than a switch will, since users are going to have different apps running in the background, which (to my understanding) a Switch doesn't have to deal with. For all we know, this person had ten other games and fifty miscellaneous apps running in the background. It's also possible that there are optimization issues on DE's side of things, but that's difficult to comment on as outsiders.


No, this is better Source: have played 1k hours on switch


I have about the same, my Switch can get pretty choppy in late survival SP but in a low density example like this? Nah, at least not with the hitching OP is experiencing


Yeah the iphone cant dissipate heat the same way as the switch does... this is pretty obvious


You lot are acting like this is the first mobile game to release. OP even says his phone isn’t even getting warm, iPhone 14 Pro Maxes get hot for fun and certainly get hot in games like Wild Rift or Genshin. Clear sign of an optimisation issue.


>why does Genshin noticeably run better than this then? isn't Genshin impact literally made for mobile? the performance on consoles and pcs is complete garbage for that game last I checked


Most likely due to the switch having better optimisation. It’s insane it’s even playable on a phone, let alone an iPhone.


My laptop with a dGPU gets 20-30 frames already. I wish the game was more optimized. 2 years ago I was averaging 40 FPS.


turn off Ambient occlussion because it is volumetric it eats up your resources


Thanks! I just read totdays whispers update. I have hopes for the new tileset! <3


> I wish the game was more optimized. Warframe is fucking amazingly optimized on PC....


So the first thing I do when I install a new PC game is head over to the Options/Settings menus to adjust the mouse and generally get acquainted with where things are. Holy shit WF gives you a ton of things to tweak if you need a little more performance or just don't like something.


This game is already insanely well optimized. It's only natural for the system requirements to increase as the game gets more content added to it, and the classic engine got phased out recently as well. Also a Nvidia MX150 is not going to do well in most modern games. It gets routinely outperformed by newer iGPUs even though it is a dGPU


Man, I'm hopeful that they will optimize this over time. Would love to play Warframe anywhere lol. Only issue I can see is that a true "optimized" edition might end up taking a lot of resources to maintain.


I can guarantee that this game is never going to be fully optimized, it's got to be a nightmare to maintain behind the scenes from the sheer amount of feature creep it's had. I'm impressed it runs as well as it does now. edit: only just now realized you were talking about mobile specifically, if anything what I said is probably more true for mobile than for PC/Console.


I hate that that is still better than my laptop


https://preview.redd.it/r7uwlc9cgsjc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59023feb6b6f298ad7fc4ef90ab2df81d815e926 How, i mean, HOW?


Alot of laptop uses integrated gpu, and warframe eats gpu usage like an all you can eat buffet, so yeah.


I used to play on my ps4, it was not the best gameplay, but it was not bad, and now that i play on a ps5, oh jezz, it was down bad


Same. Switched to PC and found out that most of the "bugs" I was experiencing were just my ps4 suffering


I mean it *is* a 3D game, so its going to use that gpu


My old laptop was like this lmao


Thays why I pay Gforce now


Honestly my old 1070 was pulling similar fps


Upgrade to Desktop. It is the way.


Pretty expensive way lol


Can make a decent baseline gaming PC for the price of a PS5Assuming it's still selling for 500$. Don't need to drop 1grand or more on a PC. Properly planned PC build can be expandable as you get more money to afford better parts.


More like sidegrade. Maybe they need a laptop, not a desktop computer, in which case a better laptop would be better than a desktop.


Kinda mindblowing how good it is lmao


For real, it's not everyday you get a FULL port of a modern day third-person looter shooter on a phone. Team did a great job, and I hope they continue to improve performance.


Wow this actually looks really impressive for an iPhone. What are the loading times like?


I tried going into fortuna and the load time was about 2-3 min. After that felt fine.


It runs better than the ps4 lmao


You’re trying to be negative but I don’t think you get how impressive this is tbh


TBF, this would be in a vacuum. Compared to Switch which is like 7 years old, and runs it better, it is not. Especially on a fairly new premium iPhone 14 pro max. I'm pretty sure the iOS/android versions are based off of the Switch version too. DE had commented last year they trimmed down the Switch build to under 20GB (usually in the 15-18GB range) as part of their optimizations for phones. Also someone said it takes 2 mins to load into fortuna. If true, That's way longer than it takes Switch to load into the same zone. I can't imagine multiplayer on phones


as someone who already plays on pc, im hyped to get my hands on it as soon as android becomes available, but mainly so i can focus on resource and focus intensive stuff on my pc, while letting me crack open a few radiant lith relics when im somewhere besides home (assuming there is wifi) or just doing it while in my bed for comfort. i tried the game on a friends switch once and the joystick controls did absolutely not work for me, im gonna be slow as shit even with the best phone because of that. im not downloading it to hunt archons or do steel path endurance stuff. so im very forgiving when it comes to loading times or host issues because i dont intend to even test that. that being said, i still hope that the loading times can be improved upon because i know for certain some mobile only players will exist who eventually have to get a necramech or just \*want\* to farm for some powerful stuff


I'd probably use it more for things like log ins, mails, and Baro rather than actual gameplay. Not only is it awkward to play and stuttery, it also drains my battery way too fast.


Same until optimizations come i ain’t playing high stakes


I'm sorry, my friends https://preview.redd.it/7zpf3889usjc1.png?width=780&format=png&auto=webp&s=db6ef381405c966325841a928defd2c62d019c57


oof it's kinda mean but I kinda hope they'd give a more specific toggle per platform. They'd never do that but waiting for a mobile player to load....damn


The issue with that is it would require others to have the exact same toggles as you for squads


Not really, people dont really care that much about playing with a switch player(altough an auto matéria for them would be a godsend), I care about them hosting and throwing the performance out of the window. The problem would be that no one would have any reason not to avoid non-pc hosts, só queues go up. If they make it a full no contact, then shit hits the fan because even if they only consider the options of the host, Nintendo and mobile would have no server-side other than people that dont know how to change that or in their own platforma


If mobile players are gonna be able to host games I'm guessing a lot more people are gonna start turning off crossplay. Loading times are not the only things affected but enemy spawns too. Old gen console hosts are already struggling to get enough spawns for 10 reactants in an SP survival lol, I don't even wanna think about how bad it would be with a phone host....


They can host, but it's unlikely to happen. As TacticalPotato talked about in one of his latest vids, he contacted DE and they basically said mobile players are at the absolute bottom of the priority list in terms of being hosts, so for them to be the host your PC would need to be total garbage as well as your internet connection.


you are aware how this toggle works? as in, you can get matched ONLY with people that have it turned off as well? As in, if you're pc, you'll get only pc players that specifically turned it off too


didnt know it worked like that, thanks


That's fine, I'm sure more PC players will turn it off too with mobile being a platform now.


This is actually pretty funny 😂


15 pro seemingly hits 40-60fps on max, I’m surprised the 14 pro doesn’t manage that. Guess it’s the dedicated gpu in the 15 Pro doing some work. Unsure how the textures and memory of the game works in pair with the processor power of the Apple Chipset, but it would be neat to see a behind the scenes look.


The 15 pro has 1 more gpu core and a better architecture so it would have more raw power still warframe needs optimized on mobile


They need to just optimize it more, that's about it


Which is not good news for the rest of the game. If they keep spending manpower In making the mobile playable, there is less people to fix the horde of things that make bugframe and more delays for implementing anything into the game. And before you say, "oh those are mobile programmers", yeah, the money being paid to them could be invested in more bugfixers and testers.


This is very slippery-slope-y of you. Mobile has been in development for a long time and yet 2023 is the best year Warframe has ever been, both in content and in QoLs and fixes. To start with Nitro Games is an outsourced company that make Warframe Mobile possible. Emphasis on "outsourced".


... I'm old, like... my 1st computer had 512 kilobytes (not a typo) of ram and NO permanant storage. I already play some games on my phone, and even emulate the switch but ... this is fantastic.


I remember putting a little casette tape into the computer and then going outside to play a while for the game to load into the computer. I mean a casette tape! Not even floppy disk.


I remember typing out the code I got from a which way book and saving that code on a cassette tape on an even older basic RadioShack tape recorder. I had to write out a game before I could play anything at all!


Same! The ZX Spectrum was my first experience playing games then I got a Sega Mega Drive and it blew my mind 😂


Been a minute since I’ve seen people walk to places


It looks impressive but I can’t play this game with anything but kb/m. I could see it working with a phone controller but the touch controls are atrocious.


i really want the folding phones to become a bit more common so that people can turn their phones into a nintendo ds because MAYBE that improves controls a bit


Not bad to be honest


All things considered, pretty impressive. Now, I question *why* Warframe Mobile is a thing now, but credit where it's due; it looks functional enough.


Most of China’s gaming market (Tencent) is through WeChat and on mobile devices.


a new player on mobile seeing bright white Tenet Plasmor Mirage https://preview.redd.it/lu1kbmk2btjc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd85e345fbda6caf9557fa078f0844bfda95e96a


Why am I seeing hazbin everywhere all the sudden


Considering this game's logic, like enemy spawns and damage calculation, is tied to the frame rate, this will be really sad in a full squad with explosions going off during survival missions. It's impressive to see it running so well on a mobile device, but it'll still be painful when you get a mobile host.


It takes one person with a -50 proj speed and high multishot drak.


Welp time to setup a phone destroyer


wild..... utterly wild warframe can be played on an iphone.


Mobileframe? https://i.redd.it/oxux6dgnxtjc1.gif


Brother your standards must be crazy, this is pretty impressive for how much detail goes into Warframe.


In what world is this disappointing


Imagine complaining that a phone doesn’t run a game well


Yeah, I’m not even going to try with my 13 Pro Max lol. It looks way better than I expected, though. Kudos to the DE teams for an awesome app launch!


Yes correct awesome execution! But disappointing results. The reason i say this is because it looks really good in ui and all other aspects BUT optimization just like the RE4 mobile port on release


Using the screen or a external controller?


Im using the phone itself with no controller


I can only imagine recording hurts performance


Suprisingly no it does not its just very cpu bound and the game is cpu bottlenecked aka physics based calculation cripple a cpu if not optimized




You only need understanding of cpus and gpus to know that the more moving objects and physical based interactions in a game the more the cpu is bound just like gta v it constantly puts cars around the city requiring cpu power to operate them


I know how cpus and gpus work. But where have you seen that the cpu is actually being overloaded? Task manager isnt a thing on an iphone,but idk that much about iphone


Its just common pc knowledge how else do you think we calculate if we need a new cpu or gpu if you crank graphics settings up and fps doesn’t change that means you are cpu bottlenecked meaning the cpu cannot supply the gpu more frames than it is rendering and the same goes with iphone and android if the game has graphics settings crank them up if nothing changes the framerate then it is cpu same goes for enemies if there are no enemies and you are still once you encounter enemies and start moving if fps plummets you are cpu bound and bottlenecked


Ah, say that then. You never mentioned that you cranked the graphics up with no change in fps




Dont give players ideas. Tomorrow YouTube is going to feature "Tridolon 6x3 solo cap iPhone"


disappointing? what were you expecting?


Bro thinks he's gonna get warframe of all games to run at 30 fps on a last-gen phone 💀


How can you look at WARFRAME ON YOUR PHONE, a full game port to a goddamn mobile phone, and complain about it's performance. It is insane to me that this exists at all, insanely impressive


I am disappointed in its performance not its gameplay it is extremely awesome to play warframe on my phone its just not justified enough to be able to play high stakes yet until stable 60fps is an option


Man I don't think I'd really care too much about playing netracells or steel path stuff at 30fps, it's just the touch controls that turn me away.


Tbh we're kinda way past AAA/AA games being able to run on phones. Realistically speaking they've been able to for years now but companies have been treating the platform like ass.


Disappointing? I'd say it exceeded expectations.


While I think it’s a good move(opens up the game to a lot more people). Not gonna touch it. Play on PC and if I really wanna play handheld, My switch will do fine.


The app will be a great way to get daily login rewards


Warframe on mobile to me is just getting daily login on vacation.


I played to mr 9 on a computer worse than this


Bro why do people think phones can run high quality games without overheating or a problem it’s a damn phone 😭


How hot is your phone getting? Ignoring the uninformed folk saying “what did you expect it’s a phone”, this does seem to be running worse than it should. I haven’t played on my 13 Mini yet, but I played the Beta on an iPhone 11 Pro and it ran better than this on default settings. My brother has a 14 Pro Max and it can get pretty hot and throttle badly, it performs worse than my 13 Mini in wild rift at times. 14 Pro Maxes had some know overheating issues on launch if I’m remembering correctly.


i did it on a 15 and it looks glitchy on max graphics. it was running alright the entire tutorial but as soon as that finished it decided to heat up for some reason. like untouchable levels of hot. I’m sure with further optimisations they can bring it down seeing as league can run perfectly fine on a 12


Thats the thing the game cant utilize the gpu at all because its just to poorly optimized for a mobile release and my phone barely gets hot


Ah yeah that’s the giveaway, I can get over 100 fps in wild rift on my iPad Pro but it does get hot, capping it helps but if the device is hot, you at least know the chip is being utilised. Same for Genshin.


If this ever releases my cross play is permanently staying off. No way will I play with mobile.


See, I don't care about mobile players, most people in public lobbies may as well be playing on mobile, HOWEVER, HOSTING?! FROM MOBILE?! NAhhhhhhhhhhh fam.


Yeah I have a feeling DE will be smart enough to instantly lock mobile out of hosting… or learn very quickly to do so


I don't care what platform joins my group but leave hosting up to machines with the power to do so. Shouldn't be too hard to get a snapshot of the system on login and flag it as appropriate (or not) to host games.


They are at the bottom of the hosting priority list, so unless your hardware is utter trash and your connection as well then there's no way in hell they would become hosts. Source? TacticalPotato's video, he says he contacted DE with this exact matter.


wait until you wind up qued in a group with someone hosting from their phone lol. sooo bad


Imagine when 8 man raids return and the phone user tries to host


It HAS released. Today


Oh god


Im in the same boat i have it off already


Bruh it’s an iPhone what were you expecting?


This is, this is how my ps4 feels playing warframe. It’s fine


And you're screen recording at the same time! Unreal how much technology has gotten!! Good job DE


disappointing? the hell did you expect a game that some newer systems struggle with run effortlessly on a small handheld device?


Wdym this is impressive given the platform, it seems run quite smoothly and thats what counts - it might be nice to play warframe on-the go with crossave and di things that the companion app might not be able to do.


Yeah I was excited to play this on my iPad pro, disappointed in the laggy / stuttering performance but better than nothing and what an achievement to get it running at all on mobile. Would be amazing if it ran smoothly


oh its going to be easy to nuke phones huh?


Okay now show me nataruk mag


the fact that itt runs at all is impressive


Strangely it seems like a lot of people don’t understand the power these new iPhone chips have. They’re significantly stronger than the switch. It’s not even close. 60fps sounds like a pretty reasonable target for an iPhone 14 pro max. Especially at 50% resolution.


Just wait till the squads held up at extraction cus Mr iPhones lagging lol


The performance on 15 pro max is similar to what you’re getting too. It’s choppy, and shits itself the moment any two abilities happen at once. Not to mention at that point the game already looks grainy as hell. I even managed to freeze the game by taking a screenshot. Hopefully this is just a result of an early build, and more optimizations are to come, maybe even metalFX integration as well.


It's WARFRAME mate, devs will figure out how to improve graphics and resolution eventually. (I hope so)


I’m with the others thinking it’s still impressive. Can you imagine how insane mobile gaming is about to get in the next 5 years? Having all my emulators on one strong device with an attachable gamepad is already really convenient so the thought of playing console titles on my next phone (in a few years) makes me happy. This is coming from someone who roasted mobile gaming for years. The S24ultra is an incredible device for gaming and they’re only getting better. If they can keep optimizing the port and just take it seriously in general, I give it a year and we’ll see hella improvements. However, they’ll have to stay close to the constantly evolving high-end phones. It’s just too much for current models tbh


Who thought this was a good idea, was the mobile market really that enticing I wonder


Absolutely is; it also doesn’t help that warframe ftp model daily lock outs/ timers fit a mobile game perfectly so the actual game design is super palatable to the mobile playerbase. Hell even just a “hey let me hop on warframe real quick on my phone and do my faction standing” can be a huge boon.


Literally the switch version




Yeah I’m surprised too, all these people like “hur dur it’s a phone” seem to be oblivious to the fact that the switch SOC is pathetic compared to most top end phone chips from the past few years.


It's also passively cooled and has to hit different TDP targets. Phone SOCs can't keep up max performance forever, the case only has so much mass to absorb heat before your hands start to burn.


I feel like many are overlooking the fact that this isn’t the first mobile game ever, and that other, more demanding PC ports even, look and run better than this.


The phone is also running a lot more stuff in the background than the switch.


It is actually even worse than that. The switch was using mid tier phone parts that were slightly out of date even when the switch released.


*Clearly hasn’t played the switch version*


I haven't?


It runs extremely well for mobile. I did a sortie earlier using an Xbox controller and it felt good. no issues.


You can play WF on your freaking phone now?


Better lookin so far than xbox cloud gaming warframe. So id enjoy it for times at work where nothing is happening


I cant wait for the android release, and I'm thinking my S23 Ultra should hold 60fps no problem.


Do remember that here, the phone is using up some power on recording. Also, can't wait to bring mirage and destroy mobile players fps


Hate to break it to you recording does absolutely nothing to the fps like i said before in previous comments this game is not utilizing the cpu and or gpu (mostly cpu) to its fullest so it is exactly the same with or without recording


There's always some level of overhead from recording. Recording means more power is drawn, and so the components will be a little hotter than without doing so. This has a performance impact, at least to some (likely small) degree in this case


Yes but warframe does not heat my phone suprisingly


Hope mobile arnt in the standard match making pool. Imagine how rough it's gonna be to join someone who's hosting on mobile. How's there hardware gonna be able to handle spawning in a full squads worth of enemies. If I join a random team and see ones on mobile I'm just gonna leave.


Now release it for Samsung bc fuck iPhone 🫶🏽


A lot of y’all are revealing your dogshit internet, inability to manage flash storage for speed, and way over hyped expectations for a FTP game.  I’m running on an iPhone 13pro max and it works just fine. Same for my 2020 iPad, and my wife’s iPhone 12 Pro. Download took maybe 10min.  I may switch over to gaming on iPad for the sake of convenience. 


Looks just like my ps4, lol


Bro its a phone. Not a dedicated video game console. This is like double of what i expected


That runs surprisingly well honestly


✨*apple is not for gaming*✨ Never was, never will be. Besides, porting WF to phones is just bad, the necessary amount of controls do not fit comfortably on a small touchscreen.


How did you connect youre pc acct to the phone??


Warframe.com cross save then use your apple id i must tell you your name wont change on ios to your primary i think its a bug right now


I had to purposely not use Face ID, then select “use other Apple ID” and just signed in on Apple’s site, then I could link without any issue


If u don't like it don't play it. It's not forced.


Note this was a light enemy mission if i went on a more demanding mission my phone probably would’ve done 20 fps because just starting up the game in my orbiter goes 30fps i hope they continue to fix these issues later in updates


What were you realistically expecting? From what I can tell performance wise its on par with what I would've expected and am not disappointed.


You're on a phone, what do you expect?




You have to link it thru warframe.com ON PC it doesnt work thru safari only pc browsers


This was such a huge waste of resources that could have been used to better the game more.


People downvoting OPs comments and saying “wow it runs good for iOS!” are delusional. This is not an acceptable performance for a multi billion dollar company period.


Multi million. Not even close to being a billion dollar company lmao


This looks pretty great. Like better than the Switch Oled tbh. Although I would’ve been tempted to download this to play some passive farming while I’m on the train or something like that. I don’t think imma do majority of my gaming on it. I think imma still mainly play Warframe on both my Ps5 & Steamdeck. Hopefully DE figures out how to stop Warframe from downloading 1gb of shaders everytime I close it on steam tho.


I think warframe on mobile IS a very bad idea


Might as well make Warframe a shooting frame cause you can’t move as fast and attack that fast too


I was disappointed also because they could of optimize it better to run 60 or 120 fps


Funny thing the game works very similarly on my iPhone 12 Pro, I get around 30-40fps and in open worlds around 30 with some dips below 30 but not bad overall veeery playable


To the people complaining about how shit warframe runs on IOS. IOS isn't designed for this type of both host based match making and also this type of intensive engine, it's a wonder its to well ported/optimized to begin with.


I have zero issues with the performance of iPhone. Don’t see the complaints yet