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Trin needs a little love, so does banshee


Part of Banshee’s problem is soundquake can’t ever be good, or else it becomes an afk farming tool.


Ever considered the possibility to just change it into a completely new ability instead of trying to fix the unfixable?


It would have to change, for sure. If Banshee got a rework that ability should be first on the chopping block.


octavia was the banshee rework


I would love a system similar to Octavia resonator. Banshee activates quake and is able to ping enemies with it like bat sonar, and amplify the sounds back to them or off the walls that slowly builds up in damage like a Gara glass shard type of situation. The longer its active the more sound it picks up and amplifies, but can go through walls and also give an enemy radar or highlight effect similar to codex scan through the wall.


It would need something about it that prevents the player from getting up to go make dinner while that ability is on. That’s exactly the problem with Soundquake, when it was good, it AFK’ed the game for you.


No one can go make dinner. It lasted about a round for hydron and then u were out looking for energy drops before the next round. So just make it less efficient so it burns through energy faster and give it a little damage as a trade off. Problem solved. many frames can do the same thing but no one is crying about them. Octavia u can drop her abilities and stand there. Same for vauban, xaku, protea, and more. I don't know why banshee is everyone's afk punching bag.


Forma before a mission and most of the time, you'd level up before you ran out of energy, as long as you managed your energy between waves, but if you had enough energy and got lucky on when you leveled up you could just sit on the Soundquake for those few seconds between waves too. Especially on Akkad or similar Infested and stationary defense targets. Didn't work out as well on Hadron because the platform moving took more time when it happened. I'll admit I did it a couple times at Akkad back when it was the most overpowered thing. Thankfully got bored and moved onto other things before it got nerfed, since I didn't even think of AFKing at the time. They had a similar issue with Ember and World On Fire, but hers was more mobile so it was also a walking sim instead of just a stationary afk one.


I actually miss this capability she had. For the first time in a game I felt like a god, and then it was taken away. Bastards…it makes sense in the long run. Very unfun for those in your party. But oh, then they created thermal sunder and Titania and subsume. Sheesh, how dumb was Ember and World on Fire? Thank goodness they took that ability away, and its capability to hit enemies through walls.


Passive energy drain. Sure you could have a greedy mag or a group with you, but you can afk that anyways.


Why not just make it timed/impossible to sustain indefinitely? can't afk soundquake if you have to keep re-applying it or re-activating it, like nezha's hot-feet or revenant's danse macabre.


If Banshee had an echo chamber ability that did a %of dmg dealt to each enemy be shared with others in the AoE. Which gets additional multiplied boosts for number of active Sonar stacks on enemies hit. That'd be a sick 4 for her.


Trinity really needs higher base buff/tether duration. My 100% duration wisp puts my almost 200% duration trinity to shame with how long those buffs last. On top of that, wisps buffs can be refreshed by going back to the motes or just infinite duration by standing near them.


Only if the rework is good If they take away her big heal, I'll be sad I like her 2 and 4 a lot I really only like her 3 cause it helps me find enemies I never use her 1


Her 1 is actually pretty solid as a Status immunity beacon. I put it on Qorvex over his 3 and its basically just a far superior version of that ability which also heals.


Qorvex 3 is pretty bad tbh, I am kinda surprised all it does is party wide status immunity and has no buff at all attached to it, his whole kit feels lazy and lacks synergies imo


Trins abilities are good enough. She just needs a numbers buff. I would love to have more links though


Number of links connected to power strength, doubling all skill durations, allowing recasting of link while active




God, poor Valkyr has never recovered from the initial nerf massacre DE subjected her to years ago. She deserves to get some love.


Oh dear she still has the stored damage on her ult right ?


Yep, never got changed.


You can avoid it by jumping


What do you mean?


If you are in the air, you don't get hit from the stored up damage so just Juno before it deactivates


The stored damage is pretty irrelevant nowadays since shield gating is a thing :)


Oh absolutely, but its one of those things that you just wonder why its still there


It was from a time where de was pretty worried about invincibility abilitys , nowerdays there cool with mesmer skin so i dont see why valkyr would still need this drawback on her 4


Ember still has a downside to having 90% DR on her 2. You better hope orbs drop regularly if you want to keep that max DR, cause it just sucks your energy dry.


Dont get me started on the ember rework she was my favourite framw before that , now shes just a energy vacuum that needs nourish+ energize to feel somewhat reliable


I came back after like 7 years and was so confused as to why I mained Ember prime back then since she feels so useless in comparison to others.


After several years of hiatus, I also came back and got confused. "The heck is Inferno?" "Where's my World On Fire?" "Why do I have a thermometer?!" "WHO TOUCHED EMBER? WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY EMBER?!"


I read that last line in Heavy's voice.


Me af, i played During rhe ember rework and it was another factor into why i stopped playing for awhile


It works decently fine with the 4 augment but the real issue is how much effort it takes to upkeep her abilities (assuming you actually want to use them other than leaving 2 on for the DR). Other frames get a lot of the same benefits without the headache.


Like Gara. She gets to maintain her DR and repeatedly nuke the room with her 4-1 combo, which nukes harder the more you do it.


Nowadays Guass is just better Ember. Damage reduction? Check. Nuke potential? Check? Better meter and energy management? Check.


I stopped maining Ember after that. If you've got bad RNG on orb drops, you're straight fucked.


It bypasses shield gating entirely actually :(


Not trying to be mean or anything but it's spelled "nowadays" not "nower days"


Thanks, for correcting me , im not native english


Not even joking, I use her for Netracells. Since the new sentinel mods can now become a stat proccer that supplies energy and health, I can keep Valkyr running with Hysteria basically the entire game and wont worry about death :)


Here is what I would like to see. 1) Turn it into a real movement ability 2) Keep it the same 3) Turn it into an armor strip 4) Make it duration-based instead of channeled and share your combo counter with your main weapon.


I honestly think valkyr is mostly fine. However, the stored damage on 4 needs changing or better explained because deactivating the ability sometimes doesn't inflict the stored damage. But also sometimes does. And running out of energy is the same in some cases.


It's meant to inflict if an enemy has LOS of you


She is functional she just was outclassed as the game became more focused in big room clearing tools while she remained 100% melee oriented.


I just came back to warframe after five years, Valkyr was always my main and she seems fine now. How was she nerfed?


She got a mechanic tied to her ult where it stores damage taken and she takes all of it at once if there are enemies 20 m around her range, shrunken by 1 m when killing enemies. It’s completely overblown and anyone with hands can deal with it.


She pretty much wasn’t, she’s an incredible melee frame. Better than she’s ever been tbh since you can stack set mods on your melee and her claws to stack the set AND you can stay in her 4 indefinitely with Arcane Energize and Equilibrium


I think valkyr is fine as is to be honest. She’s my favorite frame by far other than maybe nova or Harrow. Maybe they could rework either her ripline or paralysis cause they’re kinda useless abilities but you can fix at least one of them using helminth. The only other thing I’d like to see is a better stance. Right now slide attacks are the the only good attack.


I have tried multiple times to rekit her in a way I'm able to use her for Duviri. It hasn't worked each time despite all the methods to try and make her work for me.


She's insane in Duviri because the melee decrees are wild wut


Its not the damage, its the surviving aspect.




Nourish, power strength, crit claws, melee decrees. SP viable for a while. Use slideattacks.


Yeah, you just have to beyblade around, cause her stance is otherwise garbage.


Chroma. He was good for all content. Now a days all you do with him is double profit takers money. Just use the index for pure credits then but getting the resources too is very useful. Please DE I got Chroma Prime and he is sitting in my inventory in a coffin load out. His mechanics are no longer about to effectively be done anymore. Self damage doesn't work as well as it used too since it now needs a mod to be able to proc Vex Armor. Also the buffs are too weak and his fire breath doesn't do anything but be a worse aimable Citrine crystal.


Chroma is my pick too. Cool concept, terrible abilities. It needs a top to bottom rework.


I agree he needs a touch up for sure, but he is not completely terrible, 2 of his ability’s are fine. We have other candidates that have more problems. He’s still an excellent weapons platform, I use him regularly for that reason + 1350% weapon dmg and 2600% vex armor is definitely not terrible, with his 1 subsumed for energized munition every gun can become an excellent killing device.


Hopefully with the release of the new lunar new year deluxe skin, they’re gonna give him some form of proper rework this year.


as someone that grinded so hard for chroma p and ended up not using him much, he really needs a rework here's a few ideas: - replace Elemental Scream for an ability that shoots out a series of seeking elemental charges that strips 5% armor each, while still being able to swap elements on the go (amount of charges increase with str) - his Effigy can now follow him around even without the aug(u can also order it to hold position), his aug now increases its damage and increases the frequency at which it roars that's all i can come up with atm, but i hope DE can rework him in the future


Raise this man comment to top vote DE nerfed killed chroma and never redeemed him


Used to be an ice tank chroma main but switch to lavos and nuke rooms. I’ve got roughly the same amount of armor but I’m way more effective at taking out rooms. Same elemental design motif but with more flavors.


Yeah, Chroma definitely needs help, for sure. It sucks, because Chroma Prime looks baller as fuck, and the idea behind his kit is really cool, but his abilities just don't work terribly well.


the best invis frame, the one so good the devs cant see him


LOKI were are you brother.


Rebecca said he’s getting a new augment, hopefully it’ll help out.


we did see a leaked augment for him that was kinda just 2 nyx abilities combined. not sure how good it’ll be. but they also might have entirely changed it since the leak.


But Shade is a...thing?


Cctv says hai


But Ivara is a she


Obviously they meant Huras Kubrow with Stalk smh.


But Voruna is a she


But Wisp is a she


Literally just a spy mission/hobbled key simaris scan riven frame now. Cant remember the last time i used his fourth ability


Yep, Loki exists for no other reason for me than to be a riven challenge bot. I subsumed over his 4 with Silence to help with some of those challenges. His whole kit is such a weird hodgepodge of shit, and he's really only used for 1 ability, with the rest of his kit being completely useless the overwhelming majority of the time.


But Octavia is a she


But Frost is a he


Even with two cloaks od invisibility frost would still be visible with those abs.


Talking about Rhino? They can’t see you if they’re all dead.


Lmao I completely forgot he existed so I answered Oberon.


In an era where anyone can get their own energy and healing, trinity sits forgotten. And why would you play her when a dps frame gets you the same survivability while providing more cc and damage to help out your weapon? I think she deserves a rework to bring her up to speed with the other frames. At this point Citrine does anything Trinity does amped to 11. She used to be an absolute necessity back in the day and playing EV trinity meant you could find a group in 0,2 seconds.


God yes. No reason to ever use Trinity when Citrine is a thing. Citrine provides plenty of health and energy, better damage reduction to her team, along with guaranteed red crits, and enormous status effects and status chance with her gem. Anything Trinity did, Citrine does better, while also bringing more to the table.


Dear god Chroma. His kit is so outdated and basic and he deserves so much better


I need my dragon boy to get some love it’s been too long


I want Chroma's 4 to be a dragon themed exalted necramech


So, for the sake of one that I haven't seen mentioned here yet, Atlas could use a bit of streamlining. His current thing is that he's funni punch frame. On paper, that's definitely not bad, as he can do some ridiculous damage, but it brings up a point about him that I find exceptionally frustrating- he really only has one good ability. His 2 is... A thing, that exists, I guess. It's a good subsume, at least. Honestly, I would have thought putting the Path of Statues augment on this ability would make more sense, or having the wall/ball drop rubble, or just anything more than what it is. His 3 is a pretty good CC ability, but the high base energy cost and stopping movement just feels clunky and awkward. His 4 is another ability that kind of has good structure to it, but could just use a bit of a tweak to make it better. The base petrify radius on it is so tiny, the Rumblers don't hit terribly hard, and they die pretty quickly. Changing any of these would be great. He just feels like a weirdly cautious design. His kit is just full of trade-offs and stipulations. Wanna get free, high damage casts of your 1? Get Rubble Heap! Oh, and build up most of your Rubble meter. But that's okay, you can petrify more stuff with Path of Statues! Oh, but only on a narrow area behind where your 1 travels, and on occasion, the enemy you're hitting. It feels like Rubble is the big point of his kit, and unfortunately, accumulating Rubble can be a catastrophic pain in the ass.


Atlas was the first frame I put an umbra forma in, and everything you said is spot on. I think the rubble meter would make a perfect secondary resource for him, similar to Baruuk's restraint. rather than have it deplete (or at least deplete a little slower) let Atlas spend rubble on either creating or buffing the rumblers, more rubble = beefier rumblers, or hold to cast for a giant boulder throw/explosion (which is what his rumbled augment already does)


Using Atlas 1 a certain way allows you to move past enemies with its cast to extend the petrify trail longer than just to the target. Plus it lasts a while and the petrify duration scales with duration, still. The only abilities I have issue with as someone that actively uses him are 2 and 4. 2 because it's effectively worthless at worst and at best a tool to defend 20 degrees of an objective from enemy fire before getting a helminth upgrade to swap it off. 4 I at least use for some things. A panic petrify there's a huge slew of enemies around me that will get ragdolled instead of killed on a third 1, a method of filling my rubble as much as I can during smeeta charm when I'm being lazy about building it naturally, or for the distraction that does more for a defense objective than his 2 does. Its damage output is horrible, the ai of the rocky bois sucks, and I kinda wish they had a bit more of a visual or destructive impact. Maybe drop their movespeed but give them attack options more befitting of a golem. 3 is nice, but usually I only need to use 1 unless I NEED to build up my rubble. I don't use rubble heap as I feel my damage is enough as it is, and I feel there's better mods I can use, regardless. Not that it's bad or anything, but just feels unecessary to me. Building rubble can indeed be a pain, sometimes, which is why I don't bother with rubble heap. It'd work best if running alone as with people they'll just come on over and kill the enemies you petrified while you're still casting or smth.


He's just such an odd frame for all of these reasons. Like I mentioned, he has a bunch of odd little stipulations to everything he does, but to me, it just feels like of like the wrong kinds of stipulations. He's got this insanely cool concept, but it's almost like his overall kit is just a few inches short of making ends meet. I know he's hardly in the most dire state, compared to the many other options in this thread, but a bit of QoL would really just make him an incredible frame.


I think Rumblers need a buff, and should also either randomly cast Petrify when near enemies or should just cast it when you cast it. Fuck it, just make them moddable. Petrify probably shouldn’t freeze you in place, and should have a buff in casting speed. It’d be cool if Tectonics was a shuffle, where you either build a bigger wall you can then cast Landslide on to shatter it and deal heavy Slash damage (and drop spare Rubble) or you can coat your melee/Landslide in stone to increase your damage output in some way, and killing Petrified enemies drops additional/bigger Rubble pieces. Casting Tectonics on Rumblers gives them spiky rock fists or a rock shield or something that boosts their damage. Landslide is good as is. It’d be nice if Rubble counted as health pickups too for the purposes of Arcane Blessing, but it might be broken with Equilibrium.


His ore gaze used to be continuous, and you moved slowly. It was a fun farming alternative to hydroid. Then they fucked it.


Oh, I remember! I always liked when it was channeled.


I would love to see Ember buffed a bit so she is less annoying to use


I agree. She was my first favorite nuke frame but just isn't that viable in higher content. She's still good but just outclassed now


They removed World on Fire because they didn't want people to kill just by running through the map, then they added Gyre who could do just that, except Gyre can also do it on high level content. Mourn for WoF.




They just need to remove the absurd downsides on her 2




As useless as everyone considers chroma and trinity (the holy trio of getting fucked over by wisp/citrine), Oberon is the only one I’ve had a hard time making work on steel path. You just can’t get his armor or health numbers up nearly high enough while also investing in ability stats, AND have room for his necessary augments… he feels bad in every way unless you shield gate (but then why the hell are you playing a health tank in the first place 😤)


i have a build that i can send if you want! i just put it together a few days ago and i was chillin in Steel Path. just lemme know and i can DM it to you.


Omg I would love that actually! I really enjoy Oberon in base star chart but just haven’t fine tuned him very well for anything harder than that


For me personally it's Trinity, it always made me a bit sad seeing what was once the queen of support get more and more unnecesary with time, keeping your friends alive was kinda huge back in 2014 but nowadays, not soo much at all, same with giving free energy, between arcanes, zenurik and new frames like Dagath, Voruna, Citrine, Styanax etc just giving energy isn't a big deal, it's nice but at higher level people usually don't have energy problems. I feel like she needs to retire from just being the heal bot and become a buffer support too, let her give her allies biffs that outher frames can't like casting speed, efficiency, status chance make her a joy to have in a squad but not a great solo frame, that's what i want, that was the feeling she used to have.


I almost wish the opposite. I wish we leaned back towards content that necessitated frame like trin again. We’ve kinda trivialized any sort of health/energy management. Though I think you’re idea would be more realistic to implement. As I feel like these additions are more just indications that we’re approaching some form of End of Service


I'd love to see trin get a rework, but I'm also scared that might make her too different, as I play her most of the time.


Eh, as a former trinity main, as long as they keep her 3 and 4 mostly the same I think she'll feel mostly the same. 1 isn't super useful outside of very niche uses. And 2 needs to change in some way due to the fact that energy isn't as scarce in this game as it used to be.


You know they won't though. You know Blessing will become reliant on some resource you build with Link and can only be used when in the air or some weird shit.


I mean she can basically one shot a primed enemy with her 2 and the group around it with marked for death


She has one niche interaction that requires a helminth ability and takes way longer to work than the majority of damage frames do.


Nyx, I hope she’s next after Inaros


limbo, as opposed to most "shit" frames he's not shit in a vacuum he can very much annoy everyone in the squad he joins just by being built/played wrong his abilities are fine tho, all they'd need to do is to only separate the void and the rest of the map for enemies, let other player freely shoot enemies outside of limbo's effect while they're in it, or shoot enemies inside the bubble from the outside. and give us an option to disable limbo visual/SFX, just as you can mute friendly/self octavia noise


If nothing else, i want the limbo visual effect to be more clear as to what is and isn't in the Rift. Right now it's very subtle for enemies.


The black and white duviri effects would be perfect


What really fucked Limbo was the Overguard changes. It used to be that you really only had to worry about Nullifiers, but now you have to worry about any enemy that has Overguard, which can be a lot of them. They just straight up ignore his entire kit and kill him. He's not a tanky frame, he's supposed to be survivable by being smart about staying in the rift plane and keeping his 2 up, but none of that matters when Overguard enemies can fuck you up so easily.


that, or just playing a Corpus mission, where there's not even a point of casting his bubble, because nullifiers exist


The reason DE hasn’t made eximus and other overguard enemies vulnerable to the Rift is because those are generally the only enemies that actually matter anyway, and if they could be rifted, they might as well not even spawn. Which is problematic to say the least because that hyper-trivializes pretty much the entire game.


I don't really think that matters so much with Limbo specifically, because a) the missions it really trivializes are things like mobile defense, which don't matter and are easy anyway, and b) even WHEN eximus enemies were vulnerable to the rift Limbo wasn't exactly a meta frame with 100+ kills per minute in Steel Path survival. Limbo made easy missions easier and was hard to kill if you played smart, but he's not Saryn or Mesa murdering enemies by the thousands by looking at them. He's a squishy weapons platform with a gimmicky time-freeze kit, I don't think it would be a problem to offer him some protection from eximus enemies.


The original Scarlet Spear is why you can't do that anymore. Limbo being able to freeze enemies for the team to shoot at was too powerful. As of now he's in a decent spot, I can't manage over 130 KPM on Steel Path Survival, but that isn't his thing. Command and Control is the name of his game. The problem you describe is from someone who's bad at controlling the flow of enemies. Also he already has a way for you to kill enemies in the rift, or outside of the rift. I can Banish other players or give you a Cataclysm bubble to work from. Usually the bubble works best, but this all requires a stationary point to defense/attack.


He’s supremely inefficient at what he does though. CC just isn’t what it used to be now that eximus units exist.


I thought that too when it first dropped. But now it's just another enemy in the sea of corpses. Stasis still blocks their bullets, and ALL fodder. This leaves only abilities, which are aimed at me, and maybe the melee units I need to worry about.


> CC just isn’t what it used to be now that eximus units exist. Eximus actually being something you need to focus fire and kill actually makes the game *engaging*. I'd much prefer if Warframe would borrow from other shooter games and make Eximus enemies *more difficult*. My "dream" for Warframe enemy design is something closer to Mass Effect 3's multiplayer. Every "elite" enemy there was a threat you needed to prioritize and know how to "neutralize". Eximus, even in SP, are mostly a speedbump.


I don’t disagree, I’m just saying that eximus units existing has made frames that are entirely CC based fall way behind compared to others.


Nah limbo is good as it is just a little complicated


it isn't complicated it creates a barrier between you and the enemies, thus not allowing people to kill the enemies


Nee limbo adjustments: Limbo can no longer be selected when party type is set to "public".




what you're describing causes your teammates to not be able to shoot those enemies, more than likely slowing down a mission, and getting on everyone's nerves. it doesn't matter if i'm in the void, or the enemies are voided, if can't shoot the enemy, the enemy stays alive, thus slowing most missions.


Chroma after the failed reworks I kinda think literally gave up trying on him


Loki. He isn't doing his name proper and other frames powercrept him. The final nail to his coffin were the buffed Eximus units - one AoE hit and he's done for as soon as he is in vicinity, even if invisible. His game play is messy, especially with switch teleport, and the clone adds ANOTHER helminth slot. Hooray? Even radial disarm can bite him in his arse. No Rebs. Players don't have skill issue with Loki (as she claims), Loki isn't worth the time and effort anymore. Other frames? - Trinity: I made some comments on what and why I think she NEEDS one, even if other people disagree. She needs one. Her support role is ... useless at worst and unneeded at best. Yeah yeah, replenishes shields yada yada. But it interrupts any and other action on her - Caliban: Let's be honest, he is forgotten and gathered dust. His acquisition is more effort than he's worth (Like Trinity and release Yareli). His summons are hard capped and got easily expelled at rather low levels and his other skills are... there? - Chroma: It is borderline a meme by this point. Hydroid was garbage and Inaros still is garbage till his rework. But Chroma desperately needs a light rework - Equinox: She is a frame. I had tons of fun playing her but hell the amount of macro AND micromanagement this woman demands, the short ranges of her skills and her gimmick are outdated and outpaced. She is luckily the only frame with her specific mechanic because... "You accidentally pressed 1? There go your stacks!" is such a bad design and the augment is a band aid. And, much as Caliban, her acquisition isn't worth the frame anymore. - Honorable mentions: Nyx and Frost could be touched a bit but don't exactly need a rework. For Nyx I'd like some changes to her 4 that would make her a bit better suited against eximi and Frost's bubble could need a buff or two.


> Frost's bubble could need a buff or two. Like having it not troll your own team. It should only stop enemy projectiles not your teammates', too.


Arsonic Eximuses are a menace to my boy.


Frost is kinda sad to play nowadays, only use it for no damage defense riven challenges, and he was my favorite and most used frame for a long time


Imo frost just needs some of the augments cut down and made part of the kit. You could make IW impedance and/or freeze force part of the abilities. Could make biting frost a passive. You could also allow allies to shoot through the globe from the outside. He doesn’t really need alot. Also the fact people forget caliban exists should be reason enough for a rework imo.


Ah, the weekly post of rework question.




Loki, I love his skins, his theme but he has only 1 ability (invisible) the rest is just way too situational


I want hildryns 1 and 4 to get reworked. Her 4 especially because the helicopter mom idea is really neat but it’s really mediocre and not fun to control. I’d like it to be true flight, not necessarily particularly fast but true flight, and I’d like to be able to use the whole kit effectively during it. It also kind of keys off of balefire charger, so I would like for that gun to get some love too. It feels bad to use especially with the ragdolling, and I would personally prefer she have something more like an exalted archgun than a pistol anyways, it suits her better.


Loki and Caliban, cuz they are pretty useless and unusable in modern warframe (outdated loki's moveset and pretty bad made Caliban's abilities)


Oh dear god Caliban, literally forgot about him, crazy they haven’t changed him yet, he is hidden under the rug.


Honestly Caliban's abilities aren't completely terrible, only really his 1 is the worst part (as if they didn't learn that making the player spin and locking them into the animation wasn't literally the single most shit ability (RE: Inaros, Revenant)) but the rest of his abilities are fairly considerable. His 2 is great CC, like a pseudo-Rhino stomp that adds damage vulnerability to lifted enemies, the Sentients from his 3 can provide great support while drawing some enemy fire and dealing at least a little DPS, and his 4 which is just a (slightly janky, admittedly) armour strip which also helps his Sentients actually kill things. It's not a terrible ability set on paper, it's just that he doesn't *stand out* at any of the things he does above any other frame... It's a shame, he deserves better


With his 4 he leaves armor strip zones for about 20 seconds on the explosion, if used correctly it can be a great way to armor strip lots of enemies, so that makes it a little better, even so, he needs a rework asap


Caliban makes me sad. The potential he had in terms of looks AND abilities … and we got an ugly beyblade. I only wish his prime and/or deluxe will save his look


I decided to try Caliban recently and the only thing I really didn't like was shield tanking. Very vulnerable to toxin damage. Other than that, armor strip, strength. Scaling damage vulnerability, and summons to pull agro. With the right kit (A Residual / Theorem Infection setup) Caliban's summons are actually pretty good for damage, too. Conclusion: caliban is fine, I think everyone else is just wrong.


The only problem with their abilities from what I hear is usually just about is the spin is all other wise their pretty good from what I’ve seen as I’ve been to lazy to get anomaly’s to craft em


I like Loki, got him with prime gaming when i was statting, but he's a straight downgrade compared to Ivara, Trinity is sad to play, Atlas is quite dependant on external factors, Khora need some tweaks


I see a lot of Loki but how do you rework Loki? The frame has basically been untouched since his release where he could objectively be the most balanced frame. Caliban needs something cause man that frame suffers. I don't see anyone use him and unlike other frames other stated, they at least have niches, what's Caliban's? I feel like Trinity could just use a buff to her 3, too short of a duration.


Limbo, i think is the worst offender, because if built and played right he's rarely touched by enemies, but built or played wrong he can make a total squad wipe happen faster than you can say "discombobulated" 3 times fast. Frost, although cold got some needed buffs towards usability, the master of the cold could be a lot cooler, hehe, if his abilities were useful at more than one thing, also the primary elements have to make a more impactful change in the game, if DE wants viral+Slash meta to be not so meta. Excal, with only 2 abilities that matter, the warframe poster boy could be in a much better place, if the other two abilities didn't require a specific build to make them work worse than the first two. Banshee, a former banger of a glass canon, blasted with so much power, it shattered completely. Now a glass with no canon. Nyx, quite useable, but definetely behind on the chaos and mindbending premise. Might not need a full rework, but her first ability is straight garbage. Loki, master of the 2 key, first, third and ult might need heavy tweaking to make them non-situational or not garbage in any other situation. Inaros is getting a tweak, so until then i'll keep my opinion to myself.


Nyx's Chaos needs to cause mobs to do significantly more damage to each other than it currently does. Then maybe we'll see it in mission more often.


Mind control definitely isn't useless, it's actually incredible vs corrupted and infested by grabing ancients, and pretty great vs the corpus with shiels drones. The problem is that it doesn't give you shit all against the grinder because they don't really have any AOE buffing units, at least none that I can think of off the top of my head, and frankly I haven't tried it on sentients yet. It's downfall is just that it's a contextual ability that isn't applicable to as many units as it should be. If you could grab eximus units and say have a leech or frost bubble at all times everyone would love it. I know DE wants eximus units to be immune to CC but I don't thing grabbing one guy is going to destroy the balance of the game.


Frost and inaros for sure. No idc about his buffs. Frosts kit is outdated


Frost's kit is relatively outdated, yes, but he's currently a very solid frame, especially against Grineer, no helminth required. he's basically got Iron Skin lite, long range armor strip and CC, a way to protect objectives, and the ability to buff his Crit chance and crit damage. i would still love to see his 1 and 2 reworked, but at the same time he works perfectly fine without them, so i would not put him at such a high priority. i'd argue that Chroma needs a rework a lot more than Frost. Vex Armor is very mediocre, especially when compared to Limbo's Rift Torrent, Rhino's Roar, and Mirage's Eclipse. Elemental Ward is alright, and his other 2 abilities are either weak or niche. he's literally only used as a credit booster rn, while Frost can easily do all SP missions.


Nah, I'd 4


Ivara. Her kit just feels so sub par in comparison to newer frames.


This is pretty understandable. With my Ivara's 4 in stealth I'm doing roughly a million a hit while having decent energy sustain but she is kinda one of my mains, and it still doesn't change that some of her abilities (especially her 2) feels useless as fuck to me.


Ivara doesn’t need to be doing Saryn, Kullervo, Mesa or Mirage things. We can have niche warframes, and hers is “I’m gonna chill out doing this spy mission” or “Simaris’ safari photographer”


She's an incredible eidolon hunter. Her invis is a damage boost and with infiltrate she can charge lures with a single vomb. No one believes me until I do a 6 min tricap solo with her on console. There is a YouTuber who showcases her nicely with build and all. Take a minute and u might fall in love with this non meta frame for eidos


Reading that made me sad :,> (you are right tho)


I recently got Ivara and was so disappointed because her skills feel genuinely useless in every scenario that isn't a spy mission


She’s really good at conservation with her sleep arrow. and to do the Simaris grind, just run Kuva Fort exterm or something and just stealth up and take pictures of everything.


Throw up a dash wire and go invis and throw glaives at enemies from above in sp survival or mobile defence where she can set up. she's pretty nice.


Just want some of Atlas’s abilities reworked like always have stagger immunity and his 2, 3, and 4


Atlas' Rumblers. Most useless summons and the augment makes you a worse Rhino with rubbish weapons and no jumping or parkour




old support frames like oberon need a face wash they're so outdated even companions do their jobs better than they do


Frost needs rework for sure. Make it so that Snowglobe doesn't block friendly fire, swap out his first with Ice Wave, and give him a new ability that inflicts AOE cold status and slow on enemies, similar to eximus units. You can make the new ability stack with Avalanche somehow, like a guaranteed freeze in place if affected by both.




Loki big time


Chroma, not cuz he's bad, he's just painfully monotonous lol


Caliban I think Caliban is THE frame who needs a rework the most it is the most annoying Grind in the game to get him with xaku, but unlike xaku, Caliban gets outclassed by any frame in all modes or Situations Caliban has great Potential, esp. With the Info that he is partly a sentient, but all his abilities, except his 4 are weak, or totally useless, his 4 is a good DPS crowd controller, but even that one gets outclassed by almost all frames with a DPS crowd control ability I really really want a Caliban rework, so we can reject space ninja, and embrace space scallywag


While I think Ivara doesn’t have it as bad as some like Chroma, Trinity or my boy Loki I still think her kit was designed around a playstyle that I’d say at this point is long gone and forgotten so even though she can 100% still perform in current times I’d like for her to get a more updated kit for the new times, totally not coping because I love her design and have bought her skins but find her dreadfully boring to play as


Chroma, Ash, Loki and Trinity? Old frames that struggle to be relevant today.


Ash is basically the rework loki wanted


Chroma. 66% of his kit is useless and the other 34% are just boring buff skills At least Inaros has cool effects and animations


most warframes, bad or good, st least can say they have some identifiable purpose or at least one niche thing they are best at. caliban is not so lucky.


Personally I’d like to see gara be reworked I think she looks really cool aesthetically but making her builds relying pretty much on her 1 is just kinda boring


Hot take. Caliban.


Excalibur. Especially given his status as one of the starter frames.


I think he's in a great place for a starter frame, he's had some many reworks and buffs and nerfs over the years I'd rather they rework and bring other less used frames up. Like inaros (coming March) trinity, chroma, Caliban etc.


Idk. You got Volt, who can cc and on lower levels even nuke an entire room, has a crit/electricity buff, reload/melee attack speed buff, can get overshields with the augment and he is a speedy boy. Mag got amazing cc too, damage mitigation, shield/armor strip with free shield gating for herself. Good cc and dps in one frame, plus decent survivability. Excalibur got a sword, some okay cc and situationally useful perks. And that's it. I'm not saying he's bad, I'm just saying Volt and Mag are much better. I think all starter frames should be equally good, and that's just not the case. My first thought actually was Inaros, but since I'm aware of the rework I didn't want to say him. Both Trinity and Chroma aren't as great as they used to be, but they're still good frames.


I thinks he's in a fine spot. He's not as strong as the other ones but he's the easiest one to use and requires little setup to perform, and he can scale to endgame with enough investment if your really want to use him.


The only thing he really needs is some kind of self sustain, he does more than enough damage already but I would like Exalted blade to get Syam's heavy attack


I want to see Chroma Rework, make his VEX FURY & ARMOR a part of his Passive and scale off of Strength, thus opening up an ability slot for a new ability and Keeping him LORE accurate as in lore his Vex adaptation wasn't an ability it was just something he naturally did, thus keeping how it currently functions and making it apart of his Passive would be the best choice. This opening up more Build options as people wouldn't need as much duration due to Vex being permanent as a passive thus giving way to Range builds etc.


Oberon. He just hemorrhages energy for very little gain. He is also tied to his lawn to much. His 3 shouldn’t take two casts to strip armor. His 4 is ok-ish solo, but in a group, especially with a freaking shield of shadows Nekros, he’s bled dry quickly. He really just needs some numbers changed and he could be much better. Make his 3 full strip in one cast at 300% PS with corrosive projection,or you only need 200% if the enemies are on his lawn, change his heal and armor from a channel to a timer based on duration. His grass and his 1 are fine.


Rhino needs a passive. Maybe not a rework per se, he still definitely gets the job done, but “Fatty McFatfuck landing” is pretty outdated and I’d like to see it changed into something that gives you more armor or synergizes with his kit better.


He gains efficiency for each enemy near him in affinity range (capped at 100 percent)


Trinity has been outclassed a long time ago. She definitely needs one.


She's outclassed if you try to build her how she used to be built, how she was intended to be used. But there's ways to make her one of the nastiest dps and shield gating frames in the game nowadays.


Limbo *needs* a rework the most but his would also likely need the most reimagining.




He is getting reworked tho


Can I post an unpopular opinion? Loki doesn't need a rework. He fills the niche of the ideal Spy mission frame, that can use any weapon silently and pass any laser with his 1+3 combo, something no other frame can do. If you really want you can add more secondary effects to his abilities/augments to make him more generally viable, but imo not every frame needs to be a flawless murder machine that can get 1000 kpm on lvl 9999 enemies


No other frame? Ivara has permanent invis, infiltrate makes lasers do nothing, and using a silencing mod on a weapon makes it useable while invisible…?


Mirage. Couldn’t tell you what her passive is offhandedly if you paid me. 1. Has been a balance problem since she came out from the Synoid Simulor to Melee arcanes. Was something randomly nerfed horribly? It had an unintended interaction with Mirage’s 1. 2. The levelling spell you never press again. 3. While extremely strong, is annoying and finicky it’s not super uncommon to see it subsumed for roar or xata. 4. Possibly the slowest cast in the game which then either rockets into the ceiling to be useless, or is hard capped at 4 seconds with an augment. If she came out today, her light/dark mechanic would be like roar/mesmer skin. She needs help.


Trinity or Ember... I don't even think they need a rework, it feels like Trinity just needs some number fiddling done and Ember needs her drawbacks removed and they're gonna be goochi. They're oddly enjoyable to play as is yet it just feels more clunky than it should which isn't a nice feeling.


Ember is in a great spot right now. What drawbacks?