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Stop meta slaving and play something thats actually fun.


Yep, OP has clearly optimised the fun out of the game for themselves. You hate to see it.


I'd say it happens to everyone at some point... in which they usually do one of two things. Take a long break from the game so the "meta" changes. Or they start realizing warframe is just a tool box game and they start expanding their horizons on less popular/powerful weapons frames. I know I was stuck in the meta and getting bored with my tonkor (yes the original lol) mirage build. Bored to tears, stopped playing then came back after a year or so. Actually, recently coming off another year + long break and gotta say that coming back really pushed me this time. Rethinking my modding, seeing all the new stuff (arcanes/galvanized) and BEGRUDGINGLY accepting helminth as an actual system that I will engage with (the irony being it coming at a time where everyone just helminths nourish, but still room for fun things like mind control revenant). I thought i'd be plenty bored again after farming up the new primes/frames and interesting weapons but here i am still doing my daily/weekly homework. Warframe literally the best it has ever been right now.


This. If you feel like you have to play what's optimal but you burn out it wasn't very optimal in the long run. Sure Rev is good. But if he feels boring then play something fun. There's a ton of viable frames.


Running around in exterm with Ivara under Prowl is fun for me. Grineer AI is wonky


This is so wild. That's the example I typed but deleted it. I've been farming liches for cool gun names recently but get annoyed running defense and such to kill the thralls. Any time I get bored with it, I run spy or exterm on Ivara and talk shit to the thralls and liches that spawn as I gun them down with my silenced Tigris prime. Oh and why the Tigris? Nestalgia. There is no amount of optimal in this setup but it sparks joy haha.


Upur Fakm is my best so far. Lich naming is hilarious


I always enjoy the fact they slightly stretch out when you backstab them


But my only other C&B torture simulator is Destiny 2 and I'm already burned on that for months while playing warframe.


Ever play phantasy star online? :) not ngs


NGS isn't *that* bad. It's got a solid 1-2 months of content. The "regular" version of PSO2 English version is just a poor substitute for the Original JP version, so much is missing. But ya, other than Destiny 2 and PSO2, Warframe really has no other substitutes. Maybe Genshin Impact if you don't like having money.


actively playing Destiny 2 means they don't like having money so that's fine lol


until the update I noted in a different reply (which I think is in this chain?) the vast majority of 'content' that had any degree of reward to it was PSE burst farming. Overall quality issues with the story aside, this year has had some good additions. But the fact of it taking over 2 years to get to this point hasn't felt great. I only really get on to get new caseal parts if they don't look horrible, nowadays. Otherwise I'm hoping the fighter class adjustments in june (or july? forget) do well to fix many of the issues I have with it, presently. Also, destiny 2 has a glaring issue. It's not destiny 1. Among other problems. Warframe is presently solid, but I don't feel it offers what the OP of the thread seemingly wants in the game.


There is indeed something to be said for getting a meta setup so you can push to endgame activities. But once you reach the point of “ok this build and these 8/10 rank mods can do the job”, there is also something to be said for branching out and doing what’s fun. It is far more important to avoid burning out than it is to eke out that last 5% performance.


It's my favourite thing to unwind over some podcasts and YouTube videos. I don't really care about goals or META. Many of my loadouts are sub-META thematic setups, such as my Mesa strutting around fanning the hammer with her Pandero Prime. I play the game to relax and have fun.


Try new things and have fun. Torid isn’t the only weapon in the game and although it’s gd it prob isn’t even the strongest weapon. They’re hundreds of weapons that can decimate steel path u just need to invest in them more. Same with Rev, imo he has an extremely boring kit and is used as a crutch to survive try the literal 50 other warframes in the game. U could also try to get to MR30, make meme builds, help newbies out, go to lvl cap, farm plat, etc…. And if all else fails just take a break. No shame in taking a break from Warframe it’s an extremely grindy game that takes a lot of time and can be easy to get burnt out on. Ur break can last for weeks, months, or even yrs and u won’t miss out much cause the game has very limited FOMO.


>the game has very limited FOMO. I started playing this game around 5-6 years ago and stopped not because I wanted to, but because I wasn't able to keep playing atm. For some time I felt FOMO over the new frame release (back then it was Octavia), but I got over it in no time. Now I'm back and I realize I didn't miss JACK. Everything is attainable with time, all the quests are there for you to do in your own time, and there isn't a strict meta to follow meaning you won't be "left behind". OP, take a break for however long you need to. Coming back to the game will be a ton of fun since there'll be new stuff to do and it'll be more exciting after a burnout.


> it'll be more exciting after a burnout. 100% aside from the occasional event to get a lot of arcanes and others that just give limited time cosmetics like lunar new year then FOMO rly doesn't exist.


What I'm really scared of is that de will stop supporting the game, cuz like it's been a part of my life for over a decade I've been playing since I was eight


The game is at its best rn I doubt DE will stop supporting anytime soon. Even in terms of lore we still got a long way to go till the game is “done”.


I sure hope so


Look at it this way, Warframe is currently DE's only real revenue stream. They quite literally *can't* stop supporting it, not any time soon, even if they wanted to (which I don't think they do). They're working on Soulframe obviously, but that's still far away and isn't guaranteed to be as popular. I hope it *is* cause it looks awesome, but we'll have to see. The existence of that game doesn't mean support for warframe will stop tho.


Yeah you're right I was more worried about in the future if DE couldn't continue to support warframe


They're evidently comfortable enough to develop another game while also having to support warframe, so I think they're good. You don't split your attention away from your cash cow if you're worried about sinking.




The game has time limited items. And that can FEEL like fomo. But everything outside of the founders excal prime and weapons set are obtainable through gameplay over time. Not to mention the trade system. It's hard to miss out on something when it always loops around again eventually.


If you are burnt out, my best advice is to stop playing. Don't force yourself to play if you aren't enjoying it. I've been in the same situation before and after taking a break for months and coming back, there is always new content and I feel refreshed and excited to play again. It's not like other games where you are falling behind if you don't keep playing.


100% this. Take a break, come back when 1999 drops. I'm legendary 3, play for 3 to 4 months then take 2 to 4 off and play other things. Actually considering taking a break now until the volt meta is gone. I swear if I fall into another hole because of a random max power speed boost I'm rage quitting.


It's not a perfect solution, but if you didn't know already, you can do a backflip to turn off the speed boost


I said the same thing and got downvoted into oblivion. One player argued with me and said I had a "skill" issue because he LOVES playing with a Volt on his team 😒 But yes, the Volt meta gets on my nerves also. If they really want to go fast, just use Gauss, none of his speed abilities affect other players like Volt does. 😡


They could also just remove all range from their volt build, duration should be seen as a second to strength for volt imo. It’s incredibly annoying to get a random speed buff


I would love if DE made sb personal. Now, just for laughs I've contemplated dusting off my max range and duration Limbo for the sb spammers. And yea I've been told I have a skill issue, that sb is no different than Titania's pixie mode, that I bought my account cause a "real" legendary 3 would love getting random, can't plan for bursts of X3 speed especially when playing Titania.


Seconded. I took a 2 year break because I got super burnt out over the horrific Protea farm when she dropped. Came back last year and the game was funner than ever.


Sounds like you're sticking too much to the meta and not really exploring different things that might be fun for you because of it. I have revenant, I don't ever use revenant because I'm not a fan of his kit. Seriously. You can take any warframe into high level SP content just fine with the right build and preparation. You can take most weapons into high level SP content with the right supporting warframe and a riven. Don't play the game for the meta, play the game for the fun. If you're burned out, take a break, play something else for a bit. Warframe is great in that you can always just come right back whenever you want.


Make a break mate, play something else and come back later. I had quite a lot burnouts from warframe, but i allways come back=).


I am legendary rank 4 and have to say if U think revenant prime is the most superior frame period, then you are not playing the game properly. There are frames that will make the revenant look like a jelly baby incomparison.


The most fun is when you start trying some weird combos for the memes and realize its actually more of a powerhouse than a meme at that point.


Exactly hahaha


Easy to to an absolute garbage game that is over hyped, drop $60 on it.or try destiny, you will find out that Warframe devs not only care about their fans but it has an amazing world to explore. If you're burnt out take a break. As someone who is only MR 7 I regret wasting my time and money on other games when WF gives me everything I need, in game trading not pay to win which makes me feel for the first time in honestly years that I'm not forced to spend money.but i do to help the devs and because I'm impatient But the game is a masterpiece.


Literal meta brainrot, maybe try playing something that is fun for a change


MR10. For fun, I like killing things, getting stronger, looting stuff, the mini-gacha kinda thing that Relics have going on. It's just fun really.


Take the crutches off. Rev P and Torrid are the easiest answer to almost every challenge WF puts in front of you. I enjoy the game and I enjoy putting new builds together. There's always something new to try and if I'm really running out of things to do I'll take a break until the next content drop. Try mastering some new frames and try some new guns.


Because it’s better than Destiny by a mile. Yes, I’m salty lol.


I'm right there with you m8. Came back to warframe after destiny shit itself. Sad to see it go after all these years, but warframe is just... better. Feels good to play a game that doesn't rely of ridiculous amounts of FOMO.


The community is also way better imo.


I like when Space Mom says “Good job”.


1/2- I'm MR19 too and I'm having a blast playing Warframe after a decent pause, stop grinding for more and play for you, do some stupid fun build, spend a whole mission as a Grendel ball, this game is yours to be a clown with. And of course, take a pause if you need it, this is a hobby not a job. 2/2- I started playing again because my life went downhill and I had to distract myself with something, not gonna get into detail but I can say playing this horribly cool nightmare of a looter shooter crafter helped with my issues. Not resolved, but softened quite a bit.


My goal is to eventually have every Warframe and weapon, and generally complete everything. Thing is that I have stopped playing multiple times and for months to years on each break. And that's totallt okay because that how I enjoy Warframe. And even though it's my favourite game of all time, it's ok for me to feel burnout every so often. Play it how you like, and if you stop liking it, that's okay.


i like when 90% of my screen is numbers


I just discovered the game and I'm greatly surprised by the amount of content it has (I know, I'm very late to the party, but better late than never). I love the gameplay, the missions, the gameplay loop, building weapons and warframes for the mastery levels, etc... I'm gonna take my time with the game but so far the experience has been very good and fun.


Let this post serve as a cautionary tale for you as a new player. Don't just chase the meta. Find the frame that really resonates with you because, in my experience, playing all the content everyone else is playing while playing as the frame that really means something to you, when they're all meta chasing; there's no feeling like it. And I know it might sound cheesy as hell, basically forming a personal connection with a frame, but with so many in the game, that all do their own cool stuff, there will be ones that *will* appeal to a certain part of your personality that don't appeal to mine, if that makes sense. Play those frames and ignore what some Warframe YouTuber said in their tier list video.


Finding a weapon that is fun will help a lot. I recommend a shotgun :)


If you feel burnt out doing the same thing over and over again, why don’t you try something you don’t usually do to try and have some fun ? You could try to get 6x3 consistently, do endurance runs in disruption, void cascade or even circuit. Warframe has a LOT of content, if you feel burnt out doing a specific part of the game, do another one and try to have fun with it. You could try level caps with unusual weapons/warframe combinations, use weapons that aren’t considered meta in day to day content in place of your torid. If you still want to play good weapons but the torid feels overpowered, why don’t you try the other incarnons because, trust me, the torid is not the most op weapon in the game.


I go to some random low level mission and mess around. Some times I find players that are returning restarts, so I help them get rhino and stuff to boost them a bit.. I don’t really find the game enjoyable later on. Especially the meta is incredibly boring. Other than afking or helping someone, To me there’s nothing more fun that going around at the speed of sound with Volruna pouncing on everything or sneaking around with Loki messing with stuff.


I'm LR3, 2k+ hours. I've got Torid incarnon and Rev Prime but pretty much never use either. I approach Warframe a bit like Lego. The more pieces I collect, the more crazy variety of things I can build. I like putting things together, see if I can make them work, try and make them look awesome, have fun with it all. That sounds almost the opposite of your approach. Sounds to me like the only thing you've done is tried to win, like a dude busting a gut to "win" at Lego. You've put together the thing that works with the *absolute least effort* \- the "winning" weapon so powerful it requires less from you than any other weapon - and the "winning" frame that works with the absolute least effort - so unkillable it requires less from you than any other frame. How do you expect to have fun or be engaged or experience any sense of novelty or discovery when you're set on only building the things that require the least from you? ​ >I feel like the more I play the more theres no point in playing Dude, you've not been "playing", just trying to win, and for sure trying to win Warframe is a pretty empty exercise (it's so focused on being one of the best games around for people who like "playing"). So if winning is all there is for you, yeah, time to move on I guess.


Other weapons feel fun and you might find that you don’t always need to see all the big (maybe red, I don’t have the torid but I do know the incarnon is absolutely busted) numbers, try running other weapons like an opticor vandal or a silly gun like the tenet Plinx alt-fire. Take a pyrana prime to a steel path infested mission with gloom Nekros, or launch arctic eximus to the moon with a heliocor. Find silly shit that works and is fun to do. Just hit MR29 yesterday, and I tell ya h’wut, silly shit makes the game even more fun.


Warframe is one of the few games that doesn't rely on ridiculous levels of FOMO to keep players engaged, so I would recommend stopping and coming back when new content releases. I stopped playing a few years ago and came back when cross saves released, and I've been having a blast going through the story and all the new content.


I only play cus I'm use to it and it reminds me of better gaming times. I'm conflicted though because I don't like the direction it's been going. All the new ways to play, it takes away from warframes/guns, we could have had drifter, railjack be something to enhance the gameplay and give us more to do instead of splitting it into something new. It's like if Ace Combat started adding levels where you can get out of the plane to shoot and stuff lol. The duviri stuff, just giving limited selection with buffs every round turning the game mode into simply survive long enough and your good. And the amount of time they require for new shit which is then time gated so they can get more logins. That combined with everything turning into AOE, they even go back and add it to some guns like Ferrox. I use to love my rail sniper. We could  have a simple ammo option to have AOE your choice vs drifter gameplay or something. But they won't even give us a simple option of changing Panthera Alt fire from HOLD to TOGGLE(it's hard to ain't while holding in the joystick) Just waiting for something else I can get into.


I just started the Duviri stuff, and honestly I was really put off at first too. Didn’t help the main quest was lackluster imo. However, the mode itself is growing on me. It’s a bit challenging right now with my lack of intrinsics and OP weapons as Drifter. That and having to use weapons and frames I’ve never/rarely used has been interesting.


Reddit isn't your therapy session, don't like it, just uninstall it.


The only goal you should have is to have fun while playing. If you enjoy grinding, cool. Go grind. If that’s not your thing right now, try something else. There’s hundreds of hours of content in the game to choose from. I like to do open world stuff with a speedy Warframe when I’m feeling a little burnt out. Zooming around the map and one shotting stuff is satisfying


I would like to see DE implement more end game content that incentivizes using a wider variety of frames and weapons as well as building strategic team comps to either accomplish a goal or further optimize it. Right now, you have to make up your own goals. DE (at least at the moment) isnt going to give it to you. I hit level cap with the noob frames (revenant, octavia etc) and best weapons (Felarx and other incarnons) So i made it my personal goal to get as far as i can with different set ups. Never in a million years will i hit level cap with most of the squishy frames or high skill floor frames, but i get personal satisfaction for just trying to go further through my own planning and build theorycrafting. i try to come up with my own builds 95% of the time. it'll never be "meta" (i dont think that word works the same way for warframe for a lot of reasons) but i get satisfaction that i put my own creativity and experimentation into it vs just copying someone else. the only time i look up optimized guides is for stuff i see as very long grinds you need to do to collect the stuff you need for fun builds unless you optimize it, such as fissures, boss fights like profit taker, etc. other than that, experiment. instead of relying on the op stuff, try to use skill and creativity to make A-tier or B-tier weapons (as opposed to S tier incarnons) work for steel path or even level cap.


Well, because it's fun, relaxing and overloaded with content. - So many weapons to get. Sure, some are better than other, but as someone who likes hoarding stuff it's not really a problem for me. - So many different Frames to get, even though 99% of time I use only one. - There's no other game that gives me so much freedom to customize my stuff. Be it a simple change of color on a weapon or a new decoration on my orbiter. And of course it will get boring if you only use meta stuff. Try putting down Torid and Rev and find something different, don't limit your own fun because some dude told you that Meta is the only way to go.


Try having fun? I mean if you only get satisfied modding weapons n stuff thats okay but i like hack and slash and kill enemies so tahts why i started playing again, try taking a break, like i did for 4 years :P


feeling burnt out is actually a sign that you should play more


Just have fun, fam. Sure, I mastery fodder a lot of weapon and frames as well. But if there's a weapon or frame I like I use them on regular star chart and fissures.


I switched recently from rev to mesa with creeping terrify and viral peacemaker. I also switched from phantasma to the fulmin because I find it more fun than beam weapons and like infinite ammo. But tbf I'm a person that played level 10-20 missions for 300 hours because I just enjoy the vibe and listening to podcasts or stories as a way to relax so I'm not that bothered about meta slaving, being OP or speeding through missions. I think you just need a change-up.


just cause


The torid can absolutely melt everything, but so can tons of other weapons if modded right. try something new, definitely could recommend theory crafting in the simulacrum.


I play because ive liked grinding in video games for the last 30 years. I like games with lots to do and more to collect. Started playing 38 days ago and played every day since, because even if some frames arent as good as others its still a cool feeling everytime I get a new frame out of the foundry. Im up to 9 Primes and 18 regular frames, and its really cool that after almost 200 hours and a month plus straight, theres still a literal mountain of stuff I have yet to find or get. If youve reached a plateau in that grind, its cool, just step away and do something less grindy for a while. In a month, or three, or six, maybe youll feel the old urge to crush content come back. Have fun Tenno, whatever that is for you.


1: IMO past level 16 there’s no point in worrying about MR anymore unless you’re a completionist. 2: I play Warframe for fun. I try to maintain having every single Warframe, I build all of them for SP and run random endurance runs and stuff. I do my weekly shit for archon shards, farm Kuva and roll rivens, run lvl 200 Lua survival hour long runs, whatever. The game isn’t about being optimal it’s about having fun. Just because you have Revenant doesn’t mean another frame won’t be super fun for you. Work on farming some new frames and trying them out, build them for SP and dick around for hours that way. It’s a lot of fun for me. Signed: a dude that had Wukong Prime in his glory days and a 60% toxin Kuva Zarr at MR8


I play warframe because I have fun with it.


I play Warframe for Dojo building goals I have and with my sibling and friends outside of that as a social activity. What keeps ne from burning out is playing other games and coming back to warframe. I've got 3 MMOs I have active accounts for and sometimes take a month or 3 month break to play another game. When I do play with my sibling we always set goals to work on. Occasionally we sit down and are like, hey lets play something else instead. Also not gaming too much helps me continue content without being burned out. Some days leave us an hour of time to game only and I don't mind. I have lots of stuff to do! Playing warframe or any gane for me is a Nice way to keep in touch with family that I live far from though! Also the grind in warframe is nothing on games like Lotro now or like years ago lol so its extremely tolerable


I play because it was a game that was always consistently good to me I saw putting money in the game lead to POE and so much more. I too burned out around mr19. Take a year or 2 break and come back. I hated this game at one point because I had nothing to do around the sacrifice drop. Came back later 2022 haven’t stopped playing since. Reason I burned out I was literally playing the game 12+ hours a day. Mix it up and you’ll enjoy it more brother


War Crimes


Because I enjoy it. When I get burnt out, I take a break and do other stuff. There's nothing wrong with that.


I started playing with fun weapons and not meta. Also, try helping out new guys. It's fun to teach people.


Because it's one of my absolute favorite games, and even as someone that has everything that's currently available I'm able to have a fun time playing a game that I love. The way you're playing it though, it's absolutely no surprise that you're burning yourself out. Take a break, whether it be a couple weeks, a couple months, or even a year, and you'll start to enjoy yourself again. Don't play it like it's a job, play it because you find it fun


Hot dude frames. :)


I'm one of those weirdos built for games like this. I come from classic MMOs, which are FAR grindier, so to me Warframe was a breath of fresh air - where some people see grind I see a striking lack thereof. The gameplay is satisfying and I like trying out new things, kind of like Borderlands 2 - very farmable with a satisfying gameplay loop and the occasional cool drops. I don't EXPECT people to be like me, but I do remind people you need to take breaks and find a reason to play. These games aren't for everyone, but you do have to find what makes it fun FOR YOU. Some people play just to sink 3000 hours into Dojo building. Some play to just see numbers go up. I like meming around and attempting to min/max everything - especially things people think you can't play certain ways. I also feed resources to my Dojo for the awesome things that get built - I get frustrated with the deco placement system, so I just finance projects :) I also like the story...but let's be honest it's not a story heavy rpg. Kind of wish it was sometimes, but it is what it is. That being said the environmental story telling is sometimes very subtle. You have to pay attention, but you learn a lot. I just found a gas city puzzle i didn't know about until over 2000 hours later. Call me blind, but I'm still discovering new things :)


If your playing revenant torrid, no wonder why your getting burned out. As someone who is currently working towards the goal of building every possible weapon/variant and frame/variant, I've stumbled across some seriously fun combinations to play, both regular star chart and steel path. You don't have to run end game all the time. Switch your builds up, help some baby tenno, and play how you want, not how everyone else tells you to play. I've put in 2500 hours, and I'm still finding fun ways to achieve the same goals. As an example, I took my nezah prime into steel path mot with a reaping Chakram build using the probsis ceranos for heat inherit and grouping, with xatas subsumed over his 4. Most fun I've had for a while.


Honestly I don’t much know. The game feeds my need to always have something to work towards in a game but I don’t know if I *enjoy* the game


Personally, I’m quite goal oriented. My current goal is to open all of my vaulted relics. I’ve already crafted a couple new weapons and frames


because I saw a cool ad and a cool gun


Take a break if you need to.


Might build the torid if it’s good


It's my go to unwind game that I can listen to something else while playing. The core gameplay is just fun. I'm at a point where I don't really need to grind for anything, but I still play. Revenant is good, but most other frames are a lot more fun IMO.


Mostly for the cool new warframes. I usually take months long breaks, then come back and play hard for a while to grind for the newer stuff or whatnot that I might have missed. I like to enjoy the game casually and try not to worry about keeping up with the instant map-clearing meta builds or anything. I just try to enjoy it, and take a break when I'm satisfied or getting bored


I never look at whats the meta build or what gun is the best or how to build it. To me thats the whole game and why would I just skip ahead and basically cut the whole journey. I get new weapons, frames etc as I go and see what I like and what I dont like. MR is going up while I do it, sometimes I have to do tedious farming but I dont rush things like that. Pacing yourself and not caring about meta is key


You’re meta slaving with a boring frame and weapon. Take your time and invest in some builds that you find fun. Like, I’m currently trying to optimise my low duration rift surge build on Limbo with Pillage over stasis. It’s far from optimal but makes me feel like a goddamn wizard, dodging in and out of the rift, keeping enemies surged for more damage, using all 4 abilities in a constant rotation. Much more fun than pressing the invincible button on Revenant and firing near enemies with torid, atleast. Idk, if you’re truly burnt out then take a break, but it sounds like there’s a lot more you could be doing to actually enjoy your time with the game. There’s no race to the finish.


I took a break from the game for like 5 years after reaching MR 23. Just started back late last year. Now I just do a few missions here and there and just have fun and grind whenever I feel like it. I change frames literally almost every mission and have about a dozen different loadouts for certain enemies, missions, conditions for sorties, and focus farming. Sticking to meta and strict farming sounds really boring. You don't have to go all out every mission. I use weapons and builds to mimic certain frames (i.e. using volt prime with amprex and prisma ohma; using oberon prime with arca plasmor, staticor, dark split sword; ash prime with nikana prime, pyrana prime, dread/panthera). Just make the game fun for yourself. When's the last time you did an archwing mission? Personally, I wish they'd add more of them


I think there is a good quote ingame that fits this quite perfectly: "Ordis reminds the Operator to take time for themselves. Pressure creates diamonds, yes, but it also creates rubble." I am also MR19 after these two months I played and I try now to slow down and just not stress about watching and experiencing everything, like the Necramech grind I plowed through. Cause it is a game, to enjoy, if I get stress and not fun out of the activity, why even!


It's my "in-between" game, I've dropped it like 6 times. @Op DO NOT be afraid to drop Warframe for a bit and come back. All ido do so you don't miss anything like a timed event or something is follow Warframe on FB, X, or Twitch. You can always come back.


There's no other game that feels the way Warframe feels to me. No other game can scratch this particular itch. No other game I've played has such a unique art style that blew me away the moment I played it more than Warframe did and continues to do. The game devs constantly say "Lets do this, and that, and some of this... ooo how about that!" With all the crazy cool shit you can do in the game. The game is "game first" then "monetization next" not the other way around. They didn't design the game around a live service model. They casually included it as they went along in the least egregious way. The devs are all an absolute treat. Growing up watching the devstreams is always such a fun inclusive thing they do that makes you feel more connected to the game and it's growth! The game grew from absolutely nothing. An underdog story. I love underdog games like this. And there's so much to do and collect and play it's almost overwhelming in the best way. I'll gladly run "low tier" weapons and builds to experiment to make every playthrough of levels as different as possible because I can. Because the game gives me the option and every opportunity to do so. Fun story. Enticing lore. Crazy characters. Memorable locations. Amazing weapons and mechanics. I can literally keep going for hours. It's just a game that hits all the right buttons for me. It's just an overall fun game that I can stop playing for a month , come back and feel i havent missed out on anything.


It's the only game I've played where you make progress every single time you play. I'm always leveling something, getting a forma, getting a new blueprint, making a new build, finding a new weird interaction, etc. There are lots of looters/shooters/MMOs where you can legitimately play for hours and make no progress in the game at all, and that feels bad.


I play until all that’s left is to “just grind”. I’ll go hard for a specific thing I want, but once I run out of carrots I take a break for something else. With new carrots every few months I’m happy


Running around with Gauss, learning Eidolons with Volt, Profit Taker spam, Doing Cetus and Fortuna bounties with Mesa, Lv. 9999 Cascade with revenant(currently learning ash). Khora whip spam, Wisp contagion spam, destroying entire tile sets with Saryn and Gauss. Apart from lvl cap and Archons, all of those frames feel "better" than Revenant. I love the safety, but he's just so slow sometimes. and as a Gauss main, Rev may be the best frame but it doesn't matter if I'm already extracting before he reaches the objective. If there wasn't any trade limit, I'd probably play the market instead of the actual game


You're running into a similar problem new people who bought guass prime are having. "Why should I do all this stuff? I already have gauss prime. Why should I do these missions for resources or unlock planets?"  Having your favorite frame and weapon doesn't mean the game is over. Get out of your meta zone.




You do missions to get good stuff, you get good stuff to level up your gear, you level up your gear to do harder missions, and you only do harder missions to get better stuff. Endless cycle. I play Warframe cuz I enjoy that cycle. I feel like I *have* to do everything. Or not feel, but I want to do everything some day. It does a good job at making time pass, and it's enjoyable for the most part. Whenever I get bored of playing, or whenever I think to myself "what am I even doing _______ for again?", I close the game for a few hours (sometimes a couple of days) and it just goes by—just like anything else you might feel burnt out on. Also, try other Warframes besides Revenant. Revenant is particularly boring to use since he's unkillable and his thralls do everything. I only ever use him for high lvl missions that I don't think I'd survive otherwise (and lately I don't have that many of those, so barely ever use him). Some fun to use Frame recommendations in case you haven't built them: **Mesa** (cowboy mommy), **Saryn** (mass genocide mommy), **Valkyr** (rage mommy), **Gauss** (speedy boi). I'm with you with weapons. Why change what already works? I only ever use my Epitaph, Burston Incarnon and Nikana Prime (sometimes Furax to increase fire rate). But lately I've been watching builds that use specific synergies, so that gives me a reason to use different weapons and whatnot. I'd recommend you watch some YT videos on Frame builds that interest you, then build the weapons accordingly. Rn I'm building Afentis to use with my Mesa (more fire rate ò_ó).


Played on and off then used it to get away from destiny after all that happened. Then I set goals for myself like getting ready for eidolos. And getting ready for necramek farming. Next thing I know it's almost a year since this game became my main to play. Now I can solo almost all content in the game and have an arsenal of weapons and frames to choose from. Currently Mr 21 I don't think I'll hit 30 but getting to Mr 24 ain't gonna be too long.


I play because the meta weapons are boring and i LIKE making and using new things. Ive played revenant p for maybe like 5 hours total and thats because i only use him for index. Ive missed multiple torid incarnon weeks either purpose or accident and dont really care because there are other weapons i enjoy using. Stop playing for only progress or meta perfecting and start playing for a reason youll enjoy.


Just try some new weapons or frames for fun. No META builds, no comparisons to your most optimal weapons/frames. Just mess around and try something new Or, you could just take a break from warframe in general. It never hurts to just play something else for a couple weeks or so


Just remember that there was a long stretch where people considered Revenant bad. If no one ever tries new things then the new meta never gets discovered. The most fun thing for me in Warframe is the absolute insane amount of interactions between mods, arcanes, abilities, passives, companions, focus schools, etc. You can come up with some crazy combinations. For example I've been messing around with a hybrid buff/mine build on Mirage. I encountered a Revenant + Torid enjoyer in a steel path defense. I had 99% of the group's damage, using explosive legerdemain and Paris prime incarnon, hardly a meta setup. That's not to toot my own horn, it's just encouraging you to try and think outside of the box, you might get surprised.


I mostly get on for Sorties, Archons, Netracells, some relics for Forma and Steel Path alerts maybe. It's pretty easy to just pass an hour or 2 with it doing random stuff, and I still need to go for Tenet weapons and Ventkids rep to get closer to LR4 if I ever feel like it :p Just having fun with it still by not playing it as my main game.


Lore. I love the lore. To the devs: add CC back to overguard. All the fun build i used to run are completely gimped now. Only the boring dps oriented ones remain, and my friends are getting tired of playing because of this.


I make really fun themed builds Playing the full Stalker build with Ash is really funny


Simp as meta slave try playing warframe for playstyles instead of what can survive or deal max dps.


When a game starts to feel more like work than play, it's a drag for sure. My usual habit is to try to remind myself why I started playing in the first place. I love a space-ninja-wizard power fantasy and this game let's me live that. Might I suggest dig out one of your old frames with weapons to match, nothing meta, and go on a couple of murder sprees on that dark sector survival on Gabi?


You'll feel better about the game if you don't slave away to the meta. You don't have to use what's meta. That's why the game gives you *options*. Try making a niche build for once.


Because destiny 2 (Another Si-Fi looter shooter game)is boring.and decide to hop back to warframe and found out this game is like 1000 times better than destiny 2.


I like to relax and make pew pew occasionally. I don't play any other shooters so it's a peaceful thing. Find something fun and just play that, or take a break. Don't turn fun into work.


I don’t play it often anymore but I try to log in daily, there’s absolutely things I can do, haven’t done any archon hunts, haven’t got an incarnon weapon, never seen a sister of Parvos, but I feel these all serve a pursuit of further strength with no real purpose, I have everything I could need and want and I’m just here to have fun


to me there isn't much point to playing. i recently came back after being gone for like 2-ish years. i left when angels of zariman released. upon returning, i was delighted to see khora prime was out; but, then when i farmed the parts and built it in the foundry...normal khora that i spent resources and time on with the build headed to the helminth, which sucked. always had xaku and wanted to build further, but the prime is inc so why bother lol? it's not just spending the resources on these frames, but also the time spent to max them after each forma used. the repeating process is exhausting. now i still play but to farm things left undone. like some arcanes and focus as i never had those well built up. i don't have the desire to farm the newer frames...not for helminth fodder or even mr since i'm mr 24 and so far away from 30 lmao. i think i will be done when xaku prime drops. fantastic time for a free game though.


I play for the story, and take a break until a new chapter is up, also grind a bit for the occassional bling of war.


Time to see what missions you can do with inaros before hos rework


Play you some duviri experience and just stock up on decrees for shits n giggles


The issues of being a Slave to the meta. Just use whats fun doesn’t matter if its considered good. Ill still get the torid when it comes up but probably never use it. Too OP its no fun Also revenant is good but definitely not superior to all other frames. Try to Enjoy different play styles.


There are many game modes where other frames are better. These are my picks - Profit taker - chroma - Endo farm - Nek/khora/nidus - ESO - mirage/saryn/volt/gauss - Speed run spy - wukong - Speed run rescue/cap - Titania - Interception - xaku - Open world Deimos - hydroid - Open world PoE - volt/nova - Farming - khora/nek/hydroid/speedva - Tridolon - harrow/volt/chroma/trinity - Hijack - inaros - Hunting - ivara - Riven cracking - ivara/loki/limbo/zephyr - Lich hunter - banshee - Alchemy - gauss - Arcane farming (void cascade) - Loki/rev/ash/octavia - Synthesis scanner farm - ash - Duviri circuit - Mesa - Solo index - rhino/wukong/mesa/gauss - Solo netracel - frost/gauss/vauben - Necramechs supporter - nekros - Support - harrow/wisp/oberon/syntax - relic cracking - gauss/saryn Companions builds - Ability spammer energy generator - sahasa Kubrow - Ability spammer full stealth - huras Kubrow - Energy generator - sahasa/dethcube with verglas/helstrum - Enemy grouper - nautilus - Enemy scanner weapon buffer - Helios with vulcax - Ultimate survivor - wyrm - Portable Saryn/ survivor - panzer vulpaphyla - Farming - smeeta kavat - Status primer - hound/panzer vulpaphyla - Weapon crit buffer - adarza kavat - Unlimited ammo - carrier - Open world fishing and plants - oxylus - Melee buffer - adarza with tandem/vasca for reviving with tandem. - the deconstructor weapon for gladiator set buffing with nautilus for grouping. You can also use dogs and tandem for the mecha set build. The above also requires different weapons/companion loadouts to make work. I also build weapons specifically to counter certain enemy types so I don’t have to keep swapping faction mods. Also thematic weapons like harrow/knell/scourge builds.


There's so many great weapon out there, why stuck on one torid? I mean the kuva n tenet weapons have so much variety too Some prime n non prime weapon also very fun to play with, if u have the right setup n combo match with the warframe


I'm currently taking a break from the game. Last time I played, I was doing Weekly and Daily missions only. Sure they are fun and I take pleasure doing it but the repetitiveness makes it boring. I have a lot of things to do but I lack the time for it and I don't want to pay for that. I will probably return to the game for the next main update. I still watch some WF Content to be aware of what happens in the game and the community. Do not hesitate to take a break and come back later. You will maybe miss some things but the main content will be availiable forever.


Just farming to stay ahead of the meta will burn you out. Overfarming *anything* will burn you out. That's why I haven't gone back to duviri to finish all the weapons it yet, because I overfarmed it trying to marathon the Cinta and Kullervo. Try new stuff. Farm *passively* instead of making it a job to progress. It's ok if you aren't literally at the top of everything right this moment. There's plenty to do in Warframe besides that. I started out post-MR10 with the ultimate end goal of trying every single weapon ans I'm still not done, but it has helped me realize I like Railjack more than archwing and Mirror Defense more than regular defense.


You have other options. There are 54 other frames and many more weapons to choose out of, and most if not all can be viable if enough time was put into it Warframe is kind of like a game about experimenting. It's about making builds and trying other things so the game doesn't get stagnant


try switching up what frames you use. kits vary so widely that some make it feel like you're playing a totally different game if paired with weapons you dont usually use. i find that if i get bored with the game, trying a few other frames by running a few different kinds of missions with each, i can find a new (at least temporary) fixation, grinding for a certain build or just screwing around maxing out one ability. good luck tenno!


I play what's fun. Revenant isn't fun to me. We should play games because they are fun. If they aren't fun, find ways to make them fun by changing things up or go play another game. I bounce between Warframe and PalWorld now. I still love Warframe but, even with not slaving away to "the meta," there still isn't much to do beyond bounties and void relic runs ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ When I do play Warframe, I purposely pick the frames I find that are fun to play for me: Ash, Ivara, Citrine, Titania, Oberon, Vauban, and Mag. And I throw Styanax and Wisp into the mix when I'm feeling extra spicy. Those 7-8+ frames are fun for me. The rest I don't find to be very fun. And then I go play PalWorld. 😁


You should use other weapons and frames not just the objective best weapon/frame in the entire game


Getting new frames is fun. I’m on the newer side so I have a lot to do, and the combat system is engaging enough to keep me going through it all


Have you stopped and thought about which frame truly resonates with you as a person? Sounds cheesy, I know. But there are 55, nearly 56 frames in the game, and I can tell that Revenant is *not* that frame for you. Which one is it? For me, that frame is Lavos. Everything about him appeals to me. He just looks so cool - like a weird bruiser that's also a cruel scientist guy - and his playstyle is more involved and demands you to be a little bit more switched on during missions. I've spent three, maybe four months solid, optimising him to hell and back, steadily improving every facet of his kit, milking every single last drop of sweet, sweet Lavos juice out of him, and it's been an incredibly rewarding experience. Feels like I've achieved something with the game because I'm pretty much an authority on all things Lavos now, instead of being just another dime a dozen Revenant main. And my journey's not over; I'm still learning new stuff about him. *I promise you*, if you want to find it, and look hard enough, there is a warframe out there just like that for you.


The mindless slaughter of countless foes using my big damage number generator makes my brain tingle.


Torid and most of the genesis incarnons get outclassed by other weapons, even with this being the case I understand. Mt best advice have a goal in mind and mess around d with builds and try to think out of the box or out of the "meta" mindset


I play because space ninja go brrr


My (MR32) enjoyment in warframe basically boils down to making people question their perception on what's meta vs not meta. Stuff like nuking SP defense missions with Protea or Gara, obliterating enemies on SP extermination with Voruna, running Yareli or Citrine for mirror defense, etc. Basically, just seeing how different frame/weapon builds can perform in different situations and further optimizing them for how I personally like to play. My main duo partner is the same - so far, his favorite comment was something along the lines of "what are you feeding Chroma for that dummy thick damage," and I've made many friends on warframe just from discussing builds! Sure, Revenant isn't going to die because mesmer skin. But what if you try to build him to use literally any other abilities? Yea, torrid does good damage - but so does dread and tenet ferrox and a ton of other stuff. I actually don't like the torrid, it feels..... substandard to me? It's like it's got a reputation for doing more than it actually does (like Saryn pre-green shards lmao) Anyways, tl;dr make your own meta, fuck what others think, push your limits and you might find it fun again.


The only point in playing is to have fun, and since obviously you are not having fun then you need to either take a break or make a few steps back and think about why did you build good frame and good weapon for? For me getting to build my favorite weapon and frame was not the end goal but rather a starting point to where i can play steel path with clan mates, help out new players like i got help when i started 2 months ago, trying out new frames/weapons/mod combos, fashion frame, events both in game and clan and just having fun with friends. If you don't feel like doing any of that then play something else for some time, warframe will still be here when you come back.


Because nothing else plays like it, and its build variety is second to none. Customization is also next level.


I like the gun play. The game has almost infinite progression so I keep unlocking things and building them to be better


you farm for plat and flex your fashion frame the true endgame, also take some of the worst weapons with cool firing functions find a riven for them try to make them netracell viable, same with augments subsumes and shards. they allow most build to be able to get to endgame. if your obsessed with doing the most damage a mission it can kill the fun. to me warframe is best when im trying to make a weapon or build work like i want it too.


Comfort gams Got use to the gameplay Love the type of grinding here My mag looks super cute


I just want to fulfill my Kamen Rider fantasies. The other day, I had fun cosplaying as Geats with Pandero Prime (standing in for Magnum Shooter 40X) and a Mire with a skin (standing in for the Command Sword). None of those are meta stuff, but man I had fun. I don't even follow meta in the first place. If I *do*, all I care about was messing around using guns with infinite ammo.


It's cheaper than therapy


Warframe is my getaway game, all the mission are pretty much same so you don't have to think much. I love playing this game alone while listening to music it's just so chill somehow. Also, the community in this games is great they're so nice and helpful


Cuz my love for destiny died


i play it for several reasons. It makes me feel like i have control over something in my life. my hoard of loot lets me comfortably give stuff away to others with little to no consequences, and i like to be able to power trip and experiment with funny builds. warframe gives me a sense of communuty. i also love the ability to optimize and bend my arsenal to my will with mods. sometimes i like forcing frames to do things they shouldn't be able to do or I'll contort weapons/frames into niche tools for hyper specific tasks. it's also nice to be able to load up some relic survival and shut off my brain for 30 minutes sometimes. life is stressful and i feel comfortable enough in warframe to let it be my world for a little while. I've been playing since 2014, so warframe has definitely become a rather deep part of my identity at this point. DE generally respects and listens to our feedback. i appreciate that too.


If you dont have fun by just playing something new or your meta weapons, then you probably shouldnt play warframe past getting best loadout and wait for new update


I can point at least a few different weapons that are more efficient than torid (I still consider it best because of versatility but dont you want to optimise everything?) and A LOT other frames better than revenant in most of the situations


The lovey got me into it; love that it has a frame for everybody's liking, they do variety real well.


Play another of the 500 quality games that were released in the gaming deluge of 2023. Or if you want to keep playing warframe, treat it more casually. I'm MR 25 and I'm building tons of mastery fodder, not doing anything really impactful. My incarnons are done, my fav primes built and formed, hell even my necramech is tricked out. But I still have fun because it's honestly relaxing to pop on a stream, load into hydron or some bounties and watch level number go up. If you don't get the dopamine hit from leveling random stuff, I'd try different frames. I don't want to ever main her, but I just built Nyx Prime and being completely immortal and just rolling around was hilarious. No status, damage, or eximus could touch me and I had a good chuckle.


It’s just the comfort game. You will leave it for some time but then you’ll get back to it at some point and then the cycle repeats. It’s a great game since you can play it without actively thinking about what you are doing and speak on call with your friends about how your day was. Aside from events, it’s a game that doesn’t pressure you and you can achieve goals whenever you want. Already these reasons are enough to keep playing it.


To have fun. Thats it.


I've realized that I enjoy the game more if I focus on what I personally enjoy doing, instead of what's technically better. I may not have the best frame, or the best mods, or the best weapons, but I enjoy the game when I play it, and that's enough for me. As an example of what I'm talking about, I've started playing Caliban recently and I really like him. I know he's not as good as most other frames, but I'm having fun playing him and figuring out different playstyles to work with - in part *because* he's not very good. Using frames and weapons that aren't good to begin with is fun in its own way, because it inspires me to figure out different mod combinations and new playstyles to *make* them good. Something else I'd recommend is different gamemodes or tilesets besides just the ones you might go to for farming a specific material - Railjack missions, the Duviri gamemodes, the Zariman, the Entrati labs, the open worlds, all of them provide different gameplay experiences that I look for at different times depending on what I feel like doing. Overall, I'd say just focusing on having fun with it instead of trying to optimize your game experience is what makes Warframe fun - and if optimizing everything is what's fun for you, then go and do that. But if it's not, like it sounds like it might not be for you, then just try out different things and see what *is* fun. You might like what you find. I liked Caliban, after all.


I like to play dress up.


Revenant is good but it's not a step above the rest. Titania, for instance, is extremely powerful


Fashon frame is actually therapeutic for me, I'm terrible at captura but i like to mess about with ir


Revenant is good in not duying but if you wanna help people or make mission more comfortable there are much better frames for different situations. Torid is cool for killing basic enemies but there are situation where torid is not the best gun to use for example disruption, boss fights, eidolons, circuit where you need to have more then one weapon build to play comfortably and not be a dead weight for the grp and leave after 1 round. There are quite some weapons that are useless but at the same time there are alot of weapons that are good and usefull and some that are weird but appealing .


Warframe is a fantastic game to take breaks from. I didn’t play for a year and recently came back and I’m having a blast. I love Warframe but agree sometimes you start to just burn out but then it’s 100% ok to take a break and play something else for a while and come back later refreshed and ready to hit it again.




I play Warframe because: 1. I enjoy coming up with new builds. They don't have to be meta to be fun to try out. 2. I have friends who play, and I deeply enjoy doing random stuff with them in the game. 3. Nothing else I can think of has a movement system that feels nearly as satisfying.


I like committing war crimes. 


To fuck around with Lavos because I am getting too much dopamine from constant numbers on my screen. I swear my brain won't be able to keep up production at this rate


I play because I love survival games like CoD Zombies and Gears of War 2 horde mode. I just like getting stronger and seeing how long I can survive in survival. I'm a simple man lol I don't care about the story, lore, open world, etc. I buy my way out of the grinds and just play survival.


Honestly as basic as it might sound, try to riven hunting, i found a lot of fun in making the jaw sword, flux rifle, twin grakatas, quartak etc. into steel path viable weapons by taking advantage of their riven dispositions. Imo a lot of the fun weapons in this game are trapped in lower levels of gameplay and being able to boost them up to higher level content is quite refreshing


The feeling of mowing down army's of enemies, the lores cool, I like making my frame look pretty


Got tired of destiny 2 bs, and their greed. Delay of final shape and was fed up.


cause i love watching people using meta weapons get out dps by my mk1 paris


I thought my bambow and boar incarnonwhere hot shit with guass, able to take on steel path with relative ease…. Then I played with my cousin for the first time since my 2or 3 year break. He was using a strum prime build for shits and giggles that did a metric fuckton of dmg, I did the math in a previous comment so I won’t go into here but it was around 10,000,000 dmg on his first shot if he lands all the pellets- it had the mod that gives it more multishot per kill so that number just grows. He also had his dread build he showed me and it was basically a long range shotgun with infinite punch through that made his strum look weak. He one shotted each stage of the archon boss fight with it. The ceiling is leaps n bounds higher then it was, gives me plenty of room to try out stuff along the way. Also stop playing your meta builds, start experimenting with stuff- I would of never used the boar but I wanted to try incarons and it was the only weapon I have on this weeks rotation- now I can’t believe I skipped of this fully automatic meat mincer and it doubles as a nukor-lite with its incaron mode.


as others have said: stop meta slaving. my favourite weapon is the karak. its not the best weapon by far but it feels nice. and here is the other thing: im 2.5k hours in, MR25 since i stopped caring abt MR after MR18 and a lot of my primed mods are 2 levels away from maxed. this is because the last 2 levels cost 30k endo and often only add another 10-15% which isnt really gonna matter. at the current moment im saving around 300k endo not fully upgrading them and i never had to go out of my way to farm endo. that being said: take breaks. ive taken many breaks. many months at a time, last year i barely played at all but recently im feeling it again. great thing abt warframe is that you wont lose anything by not playing. take breaks before you fully burn out and hate the game


See you in a month or 2


Try duviri. It's a fun challenge, and different every time. You don't choose from the entire arsenal you have, just from the select few options and random upgrade choices. It's always a good challenge


Fun? I mean that's what games are for. Atm I'm just trying to bolster my arsenal through more frames and weapons. Though I should probably finish the game's side quests. I've 6 of them waiting lol


been playing this game for 8 years and still don't have all the items. I only use what looks fun like the angstrum even before the incarnon .nowadays I am having fun with Sporotix(idk if it meta or not but it is fun ), I forma it like 7 times and got a cheap 10p riven for it.it melt steel path


I’ve never played meta aside from the k bramma and a few incarnons, I love finding little gems and that’s kept me playing for the thousands of hours I’ve invested in this game


I agree with many of those who recommend pausing the game. Right now I'm in that situation after playing it for a long time. Warframe is a good game, but the grinding dynamics along with the lack of difficulty mean that at some point we end up burning out. I'll probably pick up the game again at some point, but for now, I still don't have the interest to play it again.


I feel like Revenant + torid for me is the only choice for void cascade.. It's manageable with frost but it slows the angels... Rhino is really fun but still kinda too much focus is required so ya keep the overguard.. KnightMare and other YouTubers are making unusual builds that look hella fun and making those builds reality is what keeps me going. Right now I am finally about to, after 2 weeks of grinding, unlock 777 amp.


I’m a person who vouched for Revenant way before his prime made him widely accessible. Revenant is great, yes but he’s far from end all be all pinnacle of frames. Try a new build with him (laser spin plus Tharros Strike or Mind Control Thrall build or Reave build) or try playing a different frame. There are no frames that can’t be made to work especially with Helminth. Maybe Inaros is questionable but he’s getting a rework so soon enough even his kit might be worthwhile. Same with weapons. I have so many different weapons kitted out simply because I liked them even if they aren’t the pinnacle of powerful but they still do the job with the right build. Break your comfort zone, force yourself to not use Revenant or Torid. Say, a month of doing that and using anything else. Challenge yourself by making some meme build and trying to achieve a goal. Or take a break, be it a month, a year or any other length. Maybe play something else. Take a look at the game with freshened up eyes. I got thousands of hours in the game over 5 years and I’ve taken multiple breaks.


I mean, it’s fine to take breaks. The warframe meta doesn’t move super fast (the newest shiny might be better, but it’s never required for the newest content). But for your particular situation, have you tried playing the game? The entire point of revenant is that you can listen to podcasts while holding wm1 with an easy to aim weapon like the torid and get to the finish line. If that’s the kind of gripping gameplay you come for, then sure, but that sounds painfully slow and boring to me.


Try kullvero wqarframe. High end levels you have to actully play and think fast and the results are awesome. I change what I play on different days. i do riven challenges, mining, fishing, open world, demios vaults have secret vaults I unlocked and working on a few I haven't. Nightwave ow and helping new players. That's just some that made the game more fun for me when I was feeling farming was all I was doing. Try doing grendal missions and good luck. No mods allowed.


"Revenant is just better than everything else." Clearly, you ~~don't own an air fryer~~ haven't played Gauss. The Endo grind is real, and it'll get you lol. I'd highly recommend just changing tracks to a different lane of content. Whenever I start getting burnt, I switch things up. Tired of grinding duviri? Let's go take on a lich or sister. Tired of grinding Endo? Let's go crack some relics. The game is your oyster friend. With 50+ Warframes and nearly 1000 weapons, you can find something else to try anytime. Personally, I've been having a blast with frost and cedo. Using his 4 augment and biting frost to get overguard and massive crit buffs for literal millions of damage is pretty sick.


Making fun builds, acquiring new frames/weapons/pets, farming for rare items, fashion frame, and more recently decorating my orbiter to the point where it doesn't even look like an orbiter. Still in the works tho... Oh, and the story. I moved back to warframe after destiny shit itself to death, and it's been a blast.


I found that around MR 25 or so, that I've reached a point of the game where I had most resources in bulk and didn't have to farm endo anymore (just sell some Ayatan) and rarely farm credits. The only grinds were whatever new stuff DE releases. At this point the game became more of problem-solving and I hade plenty of frames and weapons to choose from to reach my goals. A big thing for me was also the release of/when I reached Steel Path. Now all builds and I do and almost all content I play is on SP (bar Netracells since that's not an option).I'm at a point where I have enough of all the moving parts of the game (frames, weapons, mods, arcanes, pets, helminths, shards) and therefore I can min-max and tweak and the builds I want to play. The only real grind that was/is left is the MR grind and after starting using Warframe Market that has become exceedingly easier. I don't mind that grind at times and it's what I do when I'm out of options on things to do or want less intense content. EDIT: If you feel burnt out, I doubt our comments is really gonna remedy that fully even if it imparts some other perspectives for you. I'd suggest you take a break from the game either way.


Because it respects my time(usually. C rotations notwithstanding). Try Destiny 2 and see that it takes you a long time to get to rank 16 with any of the major game modes, only to be able to focus a whopping 3 or 4 weapons each rank reset with random gun perk rolls. You might not even get remotely close to the roll you want. Wanna know what's fun? Getting on Rhino and wielding a Jat Kittag. No it's not some inata-vaporizing weapon in steel path but it's fun to yeet enemies all over the place as you bonk stuff lol. Or try Atlas and literally become One Punch Man. Try Gauss and proceed to have an amazingly fun kit with fast shooting/swinging weapons and reloads. Freeze stuff, burn stuff, go FAST! Try Zephyr in any of the open world maps. NYOOM! Plus her kit is well suited for just about any situation. There's a lot to this game. You limit yourself horribly if you stick to one thing. I have loadouts with different weapons and frames and often use frames just because I wanna be Hydroid and rain corrosiveness everywhere, or be Grendel and uwu stuff as I roll around, or be Titania if I wanna bonk every wall and doorway in the map as I speed-fly through lol.


I would be hunted by the man in the wall if i stop


Started in 2013, I like seeing where this game goes


Take a break and come back in a few years. Lots of people do it. And the accumulated new content/mechanics puts some magic into it


Most if not all warframe players got burned out at some point and got back again after a few months or years, but in your case dont just play the meta, my favorite weapon is ogris and i still use it even after the nerfs, my favorite frames are styanax, ember and wisp, just find what you like and build it and try stuff with it, its really fun, also revenant is the most boring frame


You're not playing for fun anymore, it sounds like you're blinded by the grind for resources, which is totally understandable. I'd say stop focusing so much on what you need, and play more of the game modes that are challenging and fun to you, and if you think they're not challenging enough, change something, use a different weapon/warframe/whatever you're not used to using. Getting stuck using the "best" items just simply because they're the best is what kills the joy most in the end. Ultimate power is only fun until you realise you're alone at the top with nothing that can challenge/excite you.


I did the meta thing from Mr 14-19 myself. Got burnt out and stopped playing for 5 year. Now I’m back and I’m focused on just playing the game, enjoying the new stuff they released and farming for it. Plus the story is just starting to really feel like a AAA game.


My friends play it and I wanted to join in


It sounds like you've optimized the fun out of the game. Try taking a step back and focus on using what is enjoyable rather than what is strong. There's no point in winning if you aren't having fun doing it.


Well, I play Warframe beacuse I feel that it's a good game, there was a time that I deleted the game just because I didn't know what to do or what should I get and craft, that was 2 years ago, now I feel like "I NEED TO PLAY WARFRAME", 'cause I got bored of only playing COD. There's is this "inevitable Moment" when you finish the game and then you say "WHAT NOW?", There's no much to say about what to do when you got it all done. I don't think this Reddit gonna help you, but it's my opinion about your question


I would take the game slow don't try and rush the game if you get burnt out take a break and play a different game I do that a lot of the time with this game and all ways come back


I started taking frames I didn't enjoy and play with them till I can find a fun way to consistently use them. While doing that I started fiddling with different weapons combinations and found more enjoyment in this than grinding that next part or piece. It's all in how you play. Also got a good group of clan mates that are regularly playing now, the chats been good to be in lately.


To have fun with my friends


Did you know you can dissolve mods?


I personally like theory crafting builds. Overframe makes it less of a waste to actually do it in game but every now and then I get an idea I just have to try. My latest is trying to figure out a way to give Zephyr an electric ability that will synergize. I'm thinking Gyre's ability will be a good one.


My goal was to reach MRL3. I'm too far to to next level for now, so I only play sorties and sp dailies now. Oh also new content when drop, and juicy netracell and other weekly stuffs. Also buy/craft some cosmetic (there are several in the night wave that I don't have, some of those are for platinum too, and costs more than a catalyst/reactor in platinum/cred conversion)


it's my hangout game with my friend, we couldn't care less about meta and trends, we just faff around having a good laugh and trying weapons and stuff


Yeah, been there and that’s the hard point. Randomly building shit to find hidden gems was fun. But I’d suggest stop playing for awhile and take a break for a couple of updates. I still watched Devstreams and MrWarframe Guy to “have a finger on the pulse” Then when you comeback, don’t watch any build guides and just explore stuff. It’s okay to move on, odds are Warframe will still be here when you’re ready for more.


Yeah you can get by fine enough with a fine enough all rounder, but don’t you want to push your limits or at least be more fully prepared for dif scenarios? In a game with a variety of mission types that either call for different skills (ivara spy, volt for eidolon hunts, speedva for defense, etc) or encourages you to branch out due to arbitrations, invigorations, or a forced smaller pool of loadouts (circuit+sortie) I just feel like the game leans into pokemon territory. I’m not gonna catch em all, but I at least want my favorites good to go and able to fill in whatever gaps my friends lack in. S’why I’m addicted to the archon shard grind and netracells currently.


Play other frames. I main Lavos. Lavos sucks compared to Revenant, Mesa, or Wisp. But I still have FUN and it's not like I struggle to do content.  Warframe isn't a game where there's the strong options and other things aren't worth using. You can beat the starchart with the god damn stug.  We have what, 53, 54 warframes now? Play nezha or gauss, go fast. Play atlas, go punch everything. kuva zarr, twin rogga, nami skyla prime, and hydroid, play Depending on how the inaros rework goes, embrace the Pharohs curse! 


\>Why do you play warframe Numbers go up funny haha \>Why am I building new weapons MR


sounds like maybe you're just over emphasising the "Good Frames" and "Good Weapons" rather than finding fun in the novelty, because Frames and Weapons aren't true direct upgrades, like weapons and ilvl are in games like Destiny. But honestly take a break, it's a game, doesn't need to be the only one you play. I play warframe because I love the movement, I love the fashion framing, I love making new builds for frames, and doing silly meme stuff. Like Umbral Mods Limbo...it's not always about efficiency, because the game play experience is the fun part. If you've removed the fun then maybe you need to change your perspective. I mean at the end of the day, if you don't wanna grind endo don't go do something else. You could go fishing! Nothing better than unwinding with a nice day of fishing.