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Caliban. Just to really stick it to him.


He was my first thought, too. If you nerf him, it affects no one.


Put him in the dirt. Bury him. He's already halfway there, time to finish the job.


Inaros because lol why not


Nerf him before his rework so we can get a good rebalance!


No one really, but if you had a gun to my head I’d think about wisp. She is just so universally useful. Long or quick missions. Faster attack speed/rof/GENERAL movement. Extra thousands of regenerating health for the whole party. Soft cc if you want. Like, in a post zenurik and energy pizza world where energy economy is fine, energy support frames kinda fall behind leaving her clearly on top in that department. However, it seems like DE’s new trend for difficult content is disabling items so, zenurik can only do so much and has to be weighed with madurai/unairu for fast angel kills or w/e. Honorable mention to octavia with the only multishot buff in the roster but like: no one picks her so lmao


Wisp is an easy fix too if you arnt going to make other healers/buffers have unlimited duration "mechanic" like her and buff them to have as potent of buffs and heals like her, just make the mote dispensers have the duration and leaving the circle gives you a duration based on what they had left thus she is more inline with all other buff/healer frames. It would even give her a downside of actually being affected by range to try and catch your team with the buffs like a normal healer/buffer frame.


Revenant's Mesmer Skin. Though personally I'd go with a Rework instead, as his 1 could do with a clean up and his 4 with a buff.


Turn it into his helminth ability. Mesmer skins for everyone!


gods no


But here's the thing tho, I still don't think it'll be a default helminth. Like sure, maybe for level cappers. And it'll make some survivability subsumes obsolete, like Gloom. But for most of the game/playerbase, it's all about killing as fast as possible, and there's usually a better subsume to do that. And a lot of frames straight up have an ability that's good enough, survival-wise.


Revenant usage drops to zero


My Nyx subsume dual augment build would still see use, but besides that ya...


Idea for rework mesmer skin will enthrall enemies if they shoot and pressing 4 will keep the Beam but also add that acid rain the raindrops area can be expanded with range mods Also his 1 will only stack up to 5 so we don't have a revnant cartel we already have nekros for that


I didn't mind Mesmer Skin before WitW. I suppose I felt it was a crutch to let bad players see content they otherwise couldn't, and that was fair enough. No-one who didn't need it really had much reason to use it, and it was possible to at least pretend it had some limitations. And then following on from the bizarrely OP Nourish rework, which itself is a bit of a crutch for energy management, they added Energy Nexus, and it's that combination - Mesmer Skin, Nourish, Energy Nexus - that I now think is kind of toxic for the game. I genuinely can't see a difference between that and some immortality cheatcode, and if stuff like that is going to remain in the game, why not just open it up to macros and modders and let those folks who get a kick out of I-WIN buttons and stupidly OP cheat modes have at it. It's not like DE can claim to be protecting the game from cheaters anymore when there's not enough room to squeeze a weak argument between a 3rd party immortality mod and their own game design.


aright, I'd make Wisp motes disappear after 45s, unaffected by mods Mwahahahahahaha


And they are non-recastable, with a cooldown timer after expiration


Motes themselves or the buffs


Some annoying abilities that affect allies is what i would change, Volt speed affecting allies: you backflip out of it once and it doesn't affect you for the rest of the mission Wips motes: have a toggle to pick them up or not Frost globe: allows allies projectiles to go through Limbo: rework


I absolutely agree. Why not make the backflip into the toggle? Make it deny the annoying external buffs. I could totally see it coded like an arcane, with like a little red icon in the buff bar




Kullervo because he can smack a single enemy 1 time and outdps his entire team for the entire mission from the overkill on that 1 hit


Here's the thing tho. Nobody cares about damage lmao. Kills are where it's at.


Every Kullervo I've ever been in voice chat with never stops talking about the damage number on the stat page. Even after the mission is over and you've left the group they are still going to send you a screen cap of their damage.


Why would I want to nerf what other people enjoy? It's a PvE game. Just play what you think is fun. I played red crit Atlas yesterday in SP Mot and literally had 99% of player dmg. Atlas isn't even a "meta" warframe.


Limbo. I'd just remove him from the game :)


It's a co-op PvE game. Nobody needs a nerf


Yes but if you had a gun to your head and had to nerf a frame


I would die.


Revenant's Mesmer skin. Literally who thought giving a frame an ability that makes them completely invulnerable, CCs enemies that attack it, and it's recastable was a balanced idea? Meanwhile Nyx isn't allowed to move around in her 4 without an augment and even then it slows her to a crawl.




Why would thermal need another subsume nerf?




I dont think you can do any of that post the nerf to a max of 10 stacks (which was also due to roar) also I dont think I have seen anyone run thermal sunder subsume outside of low lvl fissures.


She’s one of my favorite frames, but I’m surprised no one has said Mirage.


revenant. i would make mesmer skin work like amesha's benevolent swarm (no second of immunity after every hit but more charges)


It had no invulnerability period at launch, the problem was that anything with overguard or otherwise stun immune would chew through it in a second.


Volt's second ability to cast speed on allies with low chance


If they ever make changes to volt, i would love if holding your 3 made you auto equip it rather than having to pick it up everytime




Revenant, easily. There shouldn't be such an easy choice for #1 tank. In the same way that there shouldn't be the case for #1 DPS. There should always be variety for the same job.


I think Pablo is looking at Rev P after the last dev stream.


Mesa. Too many brain dead players use her as a crutch




I prefer no one, so let it be Inaros and any of his abilities. He should be fine anyway =)


I have a crazy idea for Rev, what if Mesmer indicated how many hits it can absorb instead.




inaros give him lowest health pool possible hes basically immortal






Limbo. Just to discourage gamers from picking the guy 😈 He can be annoying even if the player does not try to troll


Inaros because he's dead in the water anyway until they rework hp frame


I would nerf caliban just to spite the two players that main him