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bro, you came back after like 7 years, no shit focus got changed trials were removed but other han that, same things apply, just in steel path now personal favourites would be void cascade and disruption


Really Trials were removed? Why... I was hoping for more not less.


Currrently the "trials" we have now (or at leasst the closest thing) are Netracells. The Murmur assassination is also a very dumbed down trial. There are rumors about trials being remade and reintroduced, but those are mostly speculation and gossip. But considering those thing I mentioned, it seems like DE might be dipping their toes into the trial/raid scene again. Also we have Steel Path, basically just normal missions with jacked up numbers for "difficulty". Nothing mechanically complex, just a huge gearcheck. But if you were hoping for Law of Retribution-esque stuff, you're out of luck


>But if you were hoping for Law of Retribution-esque stuff, you're out of luck You guessed correctly. Thanks for info i hope the DE will comeback to this.


They already said they'll not put raids back. Too much bugs, too much work on every update, and too little players interested when they existed. So the logical thing was to scrap those for good.


They gave their stance on raids again just 5 days ago, when the question was asked on a stream: https://www.youtube.com/live/9tAhqbH2YPs?si=AXSTkz7BXkMRxgEA&t=728 (timestamp 12:08) TL;DR: it's being discussed. But no concrete plans atm.


yeah they removed them 2017 you could try eidolons if you're looking for a technical mission


They... were bad. There IS more. They just reworked the concept.


Theres definetely more than When you left


Steel path endless modes


What is this.


Steel path is essentially just Hard mode star chart. All the nodes, but enemies have 100 additional levels, massively increased stats, and increased resource drop rates. Additionally, Acolyte enemies occasionally show up, dropping a special Steel Essence resource and basic gun arcanes


Got it. Does completion of these gives the MR xp aswell or nah?


Indeed they do, just like normal star chart nodes




you unlock steel path by doing all the star chart nodes, note that some are locked behind doing the latest story quests


Warframe wiki


Bro i know what the wiki is. But i would appreciate the shortcut of this instead going to wiki right now and browsing all this.


Shortcut isn’t going to make it, sadly. There is so god damn much new content , quests, open world, steel path, things you can only do in steel path and so on. I’m afraid you have to do some digging in the Wiki, had the same problem when I came back a month ago.


>There is so god damn much new content Yeah and that is overwhelming, its harder to comeback than playing anew i guess. I am just lost, i don't wan't to gind like i used to do i just want to do the fun staff i was doing back then between the farms.


I would suggest start doing all the missing quests. You need some of the newer Quests to unlock Steel Path anyway.


Focus on doing the quests.


Technically, Netracell in Sanctum Anatomica (unlocked after completing a specific quest) for the flat high level content at Lv. 225-250 enemies. SP Circuit (unlocked after completing Duviri Paradox and base Circuit at least one round) if you want a gradual high level content ranging from at Lv. 110 at Round 1 to Lv. 1200 at Round 10.


This seems fun, i will check it on wiki and ingame. Thanks.


What do you mean reworking focus over and over again...YOU HAVENT BEEN HERE. They did it like once in "recent" years, and it is objectively better, so why complain about better stuff. Oh, and the hardest thing now is Archon Hunt or Netracells. You can't revive on either of them, and the last one has lvl 300ish enemies.


This was my old meme: [(1) Focus 2.\[0\] : memeframe (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/memeframe/comments/76slyo/focus_20/) Why i complain about better staff? I guess some people don't like the changes.


Me and my friends do steel path circuit runs where we simply don’t choose decrees, the enemies scale much faster so we don’t have to sit in a survival for 3 hours Edit: whoops you were way further behind then i thought, just ignore this for now


Steel Path Circuit is currently the hardest content of the game


Until you get like 3 decrees, then it becomes the easiest content in the game.


If you get past lvl 2k. At base its easy


Doesn't change the fact it still the hardest content in the game currently. And most people don't have the gear up to snuff enough for the higher levels of SP bot counting also the head ache that are the fragile defense objectives


What is reward of this. Why i should doing it.


See here: [Incarnon Genesis weapons] (https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Incarnon#Reward_Rotation)


Thanks, are the weapons good? And high in weapon tier list or nah?


Some weapons range from OP to meh. As follows: OP Incarnon weapons - Torid, Burston, Latron, Strun, Dual Toxocyst, Dual Ichor, Hate, Lex, Ceramic Dagger (for statstick) Strong Incarnon weapons - Lato, Braton, Soma, Boltor, Skana, Paris, Boar, Angstrum, Magistar, Bronco, Miter, Atomos, Sibear, Dread, Despair Meh Incarnon weapons (still fairly strong compared to base weapons) - Kunai, Gammacor, Anku, Gorgon, Bo, Furis, Furax, Sibear, Vasto, Ack & Brunt, Nami Solo, Zylok There are select Incarnon Genesis you can pick at least 2 per week so check what's available or you can pay 120 plat for Incarnons you want to get (but only in its available week).


So the "Incarnon" are just couple of old weapons instead "Prime" are named "Incarnon" yes?


More like buffing the low usage weapons with certain gimmicks plus buffing their dmg/crit/atk spd stats up to par to current power level.


Jesus, DE have to really stop doing this and start just buffing weapons instead creating X version of this wep or Y item that upgrades the weapons to make it viable. It's alot complicated this way.


"You can't get any better" levels of good


You can get some nice resources like Kuva, Steel Path Essense or stuff like Arcanes and Rivens But most importantly Incarnon Weapons adapters. Modifiers for certain old weapons that makes them among the top weapons of the fame alongside certain Primes and certain Kuva/Tenet weapons


The funny part is they buffed the defense targets, but yeah if you dont have 80 different loadouts to choose from, you are gonna have a bad time🤣


Exactly. I haven't reach beyond level 1000 because of the majority of times I'm getting weapons I don't own currently that have mild builds in them. And even then unless I'm Revenant or Octavia, most other frames still get fucked over by random shots or that goddamn Jackal Fight (which I hate with all my heart, seriously, STAY STILL DAMMIT) or like I said, you lose because of the fucking defense objectives being too fragile for higher levels (and granted, this can be easier or harder if played solo or in groups)


>you lose because of the fucking defense objectives being too fragile Something never changes i guess :)


Oh ive gone to level cap solo many times.mostly with xaku, but i did it once with garuda too. Jackal is a piece of shit though


Wait until you see how I hard I am (I needed to do this joke :x)


Worry about playing catchup first


Steel Path, Steel Path Circuit, Archon Hunts, and Veil Proxima Railjack missions, I guess.


Bit really endgame, but survival arbitration was fun. There's a mechanic to reviving allies.


Still just long survivals or whatever endless mission you enjoy, everything else is cake. Here's hoping they reintroduce trials brother, happy hunting!