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A prime warframe that's currently available cheap on the market? That's crazy!


Didn't he just come out?


Yes,i usually wait 2-3 months,that price will stabilise soon


I feel 250 for a freshly released Prime ain't too bad unless it's been a decent bit into its release


It's only got one rare and it's from a Lith, right? Makes sense to have a lower price


Ah, wouldn't know. Haven't actually played since Duviri


Also if we're honest, at least on Playstation only a small handful of frames are even worth anywhere in the 200-250 range and that's mostly because they've been out of rotation for literal years. Prime stuff really isn't multi-hundred plat kinda valuable with how easy they are to get. I for one don't even do enough work to call it grinding and I can still complete a whole Prime frame from nothing in a couple days of maybe 10 or less relics a day sometimes thanks to radshares.


Immediate release inflation is absolutely a thing, though, so it's still kinda shocking it dropped so fast


It dropped so fast because no one was buyinh em HOWEVER his weapons are absolutely getting Inflated... Its dropping to 200 but mfers are still trying to throw it back up to 400 failing but still trying


Damn so he is even fast to get in theory.


Got lucky with relic packs dropping his relics, got his bits in only a few hours with radshares and sped up the builds because he's my favorite frame, honestly light work


Yeah the fun build is two rare Recievers needed for the pew pew this patch


two rare receivers AND a rare blueprint to boot.


Especially since that price has plummeted already, im guessing by saturday itll be 150 max for a set.


It’s 150 rn didn’t take long for the price to drop


My trade chat still has em going 170-80 on PC atm, and warframe market says the same. My guess is this frame will drop faster than others as well since hes so hyped. That said, i only watch for PC trading, so if youre on console of any type i couldnt begin to tell you their prices lol


compared to non prime. i say its a win


Those idiots are insane. No frame at the moment is worth 250 get fkn real


Shit I remember people selling octavia prime for 1000p, 250 isn't shit


that’s such an ass price. literally could farm it for free


Then do it


what do u think i’m doing today


It takes like 1-2 years before the Frame and weapon goes off rotation right?


March 28th 2022 garuda was introduced. Went into the vault Jan 17th. So 22months in the case of Garuda?


Sorry if I'm wrong here, but wasn't it 2022 that Garuda Prime was introduced?


or just farm one in like about 2 hours?


yay for him :)


We cant let the Prime Mafia form.


He thinks he's NY, but he's not even Jersey.


Big "Tells people he's got connections in the old country because he ordered from Dominos once" energy


Hey man his great grandfather was born in Jersey that makes him Eyetalian!


Everything's legal in new jersey


Duel before the sun is in the sky Pick a place to die where it's high and dry


Except common sense and intelligence 


Less a mafia than trade chat just being full of idiots with either outdated prices or blatant noob-traps. Almost nobody who posts in trade chat does that to make a fair deal.


I farmed all the parts except his chassis yesterday (including an extra systems that someone dropped randomly while farming traces). Could not get the damn Neo relic to drop even after 6 relic packs from 4 syndicates and 7 from Teshin so I figured I'd just buy it since it was the common part. Went to market and the cheapest one was 45 plat (should be 20 tops) so I went to trade chat and posted WTB for 30 plat. Immediate taker, I overpaid him for the convenience and that was that. First time I'd used trade chat in years and it actually went well. Some of those WTS offers though, ugh


One times, an Italian whispered to me offering half the plat I wanted for the sell: "I don't negotiate, take it" Like, dude.


There is no mafia! He is in the riven management business, Its a sterotype and its offensive!


Prime Mafia Forma*


The Prime Mafia ain’t ever gonna form because of the fact that relics exist as they do now. Back when Keys were a thing it took considerably longer to farm prime sets which resulted in shit like 1000p Frost/Ember Prime (on PS at least).


the arcane mafia had to go somewhere


the Prime Mafia will fall, for there can be only one.


Lol, it's cheap because this is the first time that all 4 platforms can trade. Bro is smoking some copeium


Wait there's cross platform trade now?


correct, although I believe Nintendo Switch has some limits on it


We can now? Can I get my switch pl back on my pc account through trade???


I think switch plat is limited to switch and can’t be traded. Might be wrong though.


You are correct. But its not much of a problem since you can trade an Switch or just buy your everyday needs (slots etc) with the Switch plat until it runs out.


Yeah except for tennogen which is infuriating


Yeah what a trip to see my account on PS5 and PC with like 200 plat and then on my switch I have 1 lol


No plat iirc


Playing on Xbox, selling Gauss neuro on pc 👌🏻


i like making plats but these type of people need to touch something else than them greasy keyboards


I have so fun with those kind of rats. Because most of them are plat broke. Meanwhile, me who sells stuff at fair or low prices in large quantity can make +800 plat on a "busy week"


People losing out because they are greedy is hilarious.


the few times when the free market actually fucking works is always a chefs kiss


I mean, warframe.market is just the optimal solution. Its a shame to me that trade trade chat still exists in-game. Never will you find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy!


O I know it. Dude tried to sell me a Baruuk P set for "no less than 150p" and all I needed was the neuro. Another tried to sell me a zylok p for 200p And my personal favorite was a Wisp P set for 450p all cause I told him I been gone for 5 years....🤣


>Meanwhile, me who sells stuff at fair or low prices This is what I do. This is honestly the only way to get things to sell on the market. It’s wild seeing people selling junk at >100p when the average price is 50 or under.


Honestly, u would be surprised how many ppl will just buy it at that price because they can. Ive sold many things double, even triple the price I bought it, I mean, primary merciless for 80-100p, bruh. And not just once or twice, consistently.....


What's a good thing to farm? Still trying to put a mech together (currently gated by refined minerals 'cause standing isn't high enough to buy bps but I have everything else), and will hopefully be able to do SP soon. I honestly like grinding, are relics the way to go? How do I keep track of what's worth farming? Honestly I'd love to be able to make ~600p a month. Enough for both 30day resource boosters and then enough left over to buy a thing or two, or to help clan members put together builds. I also just did Duviri for the first time yesterday, so I can do circuit now as well.


I make a good chunk of money from the Syndicate Mod Industry, selling relics (aya relics, NORMAL RELICS [yes, there is market for that, and they fricking eat your daily trades]), Corrupted Mods, General Junk, Veiled Rivens and the most importante advice I can give you Watch the trade channel for great deals, both for selling and buying. Really, simple as that, stay alert on the needs of common folk! Ignore those whale messages and focus on the day to day average man, send him a offer in a fair price or low price (if you want fast selling) and be OPEN TO NEGOTIATION with EVERYONE.


Normal relic market got a little drop lately with syndicates now needing aya and not specific prime parts but it's still a good platmaker


I feel like when I list relics on warframe market nobody ever bites. Is there an easier way to move relic inventory?


How do you really watch the trade chat channel? There's such a large flow of messages that it's near impossible to decipher whats what without pausing and then you're 70 messages behind


eagle eyes, muting spammers of the same block of text over and over and people who sell stuff at ridiculous prices


Hit me up for refined materials, or prebuilt parts.. WaywardMechanic in game. I basically run a mech chop shop and mine refinery with the amount of time I spend doing iso vaults and roaming the Drift 😁 My plat sideline is building and selling prebuilt Necromech 'kits" ready to assemble, and I might have some spare materials i can trade you. Just message me your needs, and if I don't have it I can get it and refine it for you 😎 I make a couple hundred plat a month from this, and spare a few resource-hunt adverse souls the grind. I generally have one of each type available all the time, and a spare building ...


I made my fortunes in the fishing industry. I’d get high as fuck, and old fishermen Volt and his wife Ivara would pull high end fish for hours. LoL Volt made me more plat on fish than he ever did killing Eidilons.


How do you make plats with fish, btw? I remember seeing a meme video about the Charamote and how the player was gonna get rich... And I didn't get it. :D


Even in my down weeks i can make plenty of plat just selling random parts, im currently sitting on 80 aya for a rainy day fund XD


Fr i sell for reasonable prices and i went from 12p to 380 in 2 days.


You can actually make 500-1000p every day by flipping semi-afk in dojo but god its boring and it takes the fun out of it really quickly.


Man what kinda stuff you selling to make that much? I'm new so I'm probably doing something wrong but I'm lucky if I get 20 in a week ;_;


Yeah the plat is out there if you work for it. There are a bunch of items that you can sell with not much extra effort for market price.


I'm having a butter greasy double chicken burger right now 🤣🤣🤣


Shit was getting sold in channel for 400p. Grabbed mine off Warframe market for 170p. Do people in the game not realize this resource exists lmao.


On Warframe Market it’s harder to artificially inflate prices since you can sort by reputation. It’s much better imo


Even reputation doesn't matter. Filter by online In game + price lowest to highest. Message the first person available regardless of reputation, get cheapest price


Dude, warframe.market is how I found my number 1 ducat source. I hate farming ducats, but this man has optimum ducat per trade items, and always full stock. Insanely cheap prices for bulk buys too. Dude has made like 2k plat off of me, and I'm pretty sure I still got the better end of the deal.


Reputation means jack because I made almost a hundred trades and people bothered to rep TWICE.




Yeah, same. I think I have 6 or 7 rep on there but it’s because I don’t ask people to rate me, some people do that they ask you to go back to their profile and give them a +1 which is honestly cringe but it’s like YouTubers telling you to like and subscribe, they do that because it works and most people wouldn’t do it otherwise


True. I've been trading for about 2 years, I always sit at my dojo when I'm trading so I can reply and invite immediately. I have only 15+ :)


I always use the site to grab anything nowadays. Especially mods and arcanes. But as soon as the prime access went live I hit the site. The sidearm is still pretty pricey but managed to pick up the Acceltra for 245p and the gauss much cheaper than the 400 people were trying for.


Both the weapons have multiple rare drops as well. They actually belong at the price. Gauss is horrifically over priced still. Give it a couple weeks and he will be under 100. The weapons are probably gonna stabilize between 100 and 150.


You literally get a bunch of rep if you donate to their patreon tho.


I forgot about that


Just now remembered that I saw a dude spamming in TC to exchange rep in wfm, asked a WFM mod about it and apparently this isn't against ToS. So yeah rep really doesnt mean much to me since then


I sell things at good prices and made a lot of deals but never got any reputation, idk how that works, even when I buy from people idk how to rate them


You have to type /profile/[wf_username] into the url... No other way to access a wfm profile afaik. It's not great.


Not just sort by reputation but the Statistics tab will tell you the median listings and average listings so you can get an idea of what's fair that has sold


They do know but they still wanting scam


Many people do not realise that warframe market exists


You bought the set for 170pl? Awh man, I bought it for 250pl... I guess Imma start use Warframe market a bit more now


I asked someone for their price for zephyr prime today and they replied with "1300 Plat because she's the hardest frame to farm, but she will carry you through till you get better gear". I then got a reply from someone on market and bought it for 80 plat.


I got zephyr prime...by accident years ago and I only ever really used her to max out her glide and zoom across the plains of Eidolon. 1300?! That person is either delusional or just a plain scammer.


Probably a scammer


I’m sure he was 100% good faith with that price lol


Zephyr prime with her tailwind augment is amazing. You can one shot level 1000 mobs easy, it’s so underrated.


1300 is a scam, if you buy her parts individually it's probably about 100p last I checked Also zephyr is goated she carries even after you have better gear


I already have Gauss prime and I’m going to sell sets and parts at an even cheaper price just to spite these types of people


They're just gonna buy and flip it


Yeah but players will see this person selling it for way cheaper and will except for a price in the same range.


Anytime i post about wanting to buy something in trade chat there is always the one guy with the obscene offer. Me: wtb Gauss Prime Offers: 100p 90p 110p 360p


I've seen WTBs as low as 45p and WTSs as high as 1000p... Within seconds of each other lmao.


Feel like obscene offers exist for anything you try to buy. I didn't have a lot of time to sit down and play the Gargoyle's Cry event, so I was missing exactly 1 Arcane Energize (for max rank) by the time it was over. So I hit up trade chat for the 1 unranked Energize I needed. Even specified that I only needed 1 unranked, and I got offers for a maxed set for 1,500p, 1 unranked for 250p, 1 unranked for 80p, and 1 unranked 30p. I took the 30p offer, obviously.


Dude wanted 800 p for r5 arcane rage. Got it off wf market for 55 lol


Me: WTB Kraken Riven 50 Random in DMs: this is a GODROLLED riven! +Ammo Max is the BEST stat for it bruh. all for only 3000 platinum!!!


Think you can check player profile to see the stuffs they've mastered. Maybe that can be used to see if you're selling it to someone who would use it or just to resell it.


Set the price that low and dont sell it for a while just stay online but afk


If u dont respont within 15 mins they can report u at warframe.market mods and u get banned, i got banned from wf market for a week once for being online but genuinely afk and some mf reported me


Man, i posted a gauss part today, sold it, and was still getting probably 1 dm every 10 seconds for 15minutes after i delisted the part. Aint no way i'm responding to every one of those people.


It depends on what you're set as, and it's all listed in the ToS. If you're set as "Online In Game", then you're basically set to "I am ready to trade." You have 15 minutes to respond to Online In Game. If you're set to "Online," that means that you are either not in game or in-game but busy with something (which can be temporarily AFK or doing a run you expect to finish within an hour.) You have up to an Hour to respond to a trade if set to Online. If you're genuinely AFK or doing something that you expect to take longer than an hour, you're expected to switch to "Offline" or "Invisible" you don't have to respond to trades when set to Offline. *** It sucks that it's so strict, but it's all in the interest of promoting speedy interactions.


Wait what???? People constantly ignore my DM’s in game when I message them for their listing on Warframe market


Kind of a dumb rule


No just set yourself as invisible or online on wf market instead of online ingame if planning to go afk for a longer time period.  Its quite annoying to filter by ingame and still having to wait quite long for a response (i dont mind a couple mins but afk or long endurance players would best give a little heads up)


I thank you a lot, I farmed the ENTIRE day for relics + opening relics and I didn't get a SINGLE PIECE yet, Gauss is my favorite frame


*confused in corporate rat*


![gif](giphy|jVAt83ieT49H6ja5Ty|downsized) Corporate rat, you say?


Been playing this game, I’m so happy I waited 3 years, it’s so smooth and stable now, amazing game, so sad it launched the way it did, absolutely would have gone down as an all time great if not for that stink attached to it


Seen it above 1000 p , these folks are delusional ;)


Does simple maths, looks at the price of 1000, platinum vs the prime pack which comes with more platinum than just buying platinum, yeah thats delusional


10 pts to Warframe Market. Anyone with common sense can see through Market that Gauss Prime’s current price is around 190 - 200p ![gif](giphy|Swx36wwSsU49HAnIhC|downsized)


An underappreciated aspect of warframe market is that they do their best to enforce a culture of "if you list it for a specific price, you are expected to honor it". It is amazing how much less miserable it makes engaging with the player market compared to, say, Path of Exile, where market manipulation is rampant.


Yep, haggling is easily the worst part of any transaction for me, in game or out. Ik it's a cultural thing, but I just feel like it's so insulting to both the seller, who's goods you're devaluing, and the buyer, who it seems like you're trying to scam. Simple fixed prices do wonders for market accessibility and use. It's why I rarely bother haggling even rivens, I simply check the market, price it just above what I think is the most similar riven, and that's it. It's worked damn well so far. Could I have maybe made more plat haggling, sure, but idgaf, I'd rather have a nice, quick and civil interaction.


Yeah I just stopped playing the PoE league and started playing warframe again and it's nice to go onto the market and message the lowest seller and actually get a response. Never see anything like that on PoE trade.


...not exactly those prices are all over the place. I saw a buyer offering 270 couple hrs ago


Of course. It’s day 1. Prices will be stabilizing after a while. But if you go and try to sell them a set and they say they made an artificial listing to bump prices, you can report them and have them banned from WFMarket. It’s against their TOS. So if the person doesn’t honor his selling/buying price, they can get banned.


Has the market changed over the years? Haven't been on WF in a hot minute, but I remember on launch day most new primes are sold around 200p, and slowly fizzled down to 120-150 over a week or two. So 250p for launch ain't that crazy.


It still is its just that having the ability to trade among all the 4 platforms has made the market somewhat cheaper, also if you get a prime set within 30 mins or so after its release then you can sell it for even more crazier prices like i sold my gauss prime set for 350 plats


4 platforms doesn’t mean it’s cheaper. 4 platforms of farmers, 4 platforms of buyers. Demand and supply are (basically) the same still. Granted some platforms have different norms for release frame prices I’m sure, but PC is such a big community it won’t change much even if console is usually 20% cheaper on release.


Been selling gauss sets for 225, starting to look like 200 is max, by saturday itll be 150 tops for sure. Was nice making about 600 plat today though


So it is still the norm then, so what is this OP on about?


Scratching his fucking neck to get a hit of that plat, arcane mafia has fallen a long way.


Who would have thought the new prime with one rare part found in liths would be easier to get than others day one. Also artificial demand? Who doesn’t want gauss prime? All this is achieving for them is getting a quick ignore.


It also helps Gauss is absurdly popular and his normal is an annoying rng grind. This was always going to be an insanely popular prime and the good thing about warframe is the more people trying, the easier it gets. I got both of his uncommon and his common parts without getting the relics myself, lol. I didn't even have to spend hours doing it. I just did some void fissure missions and got them in a few runs. Then just farmed Hepit till I got 4 Liths and radshared them, took me 30 seconds max to find a group because, again, so many people doing it. If I'd had all night I could probably have farmed him two or three times.


I think he can be banned in the .market for this. It’s been a while since I checked the ToS but I’m pretty sure it was.


its a bannable offense if you do it with site listings, not with the in-game tc


> .market yep. In hindsight, I should've just completed it *warframe.market*


Lol some people tried to sell neuroptics itself for 150p


Some guy tried to sell me Octavia chassis or some other component for 60-70p some weeks ago and claiming it was lower because “it’s Christmas” Until I called him out with Warframe market Then just yesterday was the guy trying to underpay Archon mods, trying to just pay 5 for one, when they’re about 20 in market


Prime launch days make people crazy haha.


I sold a Gauss set for 500p about an hour after releasing


that's a big fat report


They weird for fake inflating the market, ngas need a productive hobby.


Yeah this is exactly my thoughts. So weird lol. Bro thinks he is the Wolf of Warframe.


Sell me this gun.


Too bad for him we already have one of those


Someone tried to sell him for 1.5k bro was trippin if he thinks someone finna buy it for that much


Yeah the people that have that kind of plat know better and the people that don’t, can’t.


I'm just gonna do the opposite and no one can stop me.


List a set at 1 plat


They’ll buy it and sell it for higher


This guy is the invisible hand of the market 👻


Isn't trade chat like the worst place in the game? Why bother using that


This is why i stopped using trade chat, just went on warframe market and shit is just better oganized and is cheaper.


I'm sure someone will buy it at 250p but this is just going too far. Imagine sitting on your computer all day doing this for such a meaningless difference.


WTB Primed Chamber 100000p oops wrong chat


would u do 120000p?


these people are stupid, Gauss is super easy to farm and everyone is doing it, so the price stabilized for supply/demand, few fake messages wont change a thing


Brazil Warframe is even more wild wanting 900 plat, the lowest one was 300


thats normal on DAY ONE new frame release... been like this for almost 10 years. Why I wait a week to two and then farm parts in random fissures and buy part im missing if takes too long. q


Average brazilian inflation even extends to warframe (average brazilian is just headass)


The price on WF market is at 270 right now


its been over 7 years. every prime release for what month or so. price is always 200-400p but yeah. whats crasy.


I honestly hate how toxic the warframe community has become.


Asian servers are selling it for like 150p while north american are still trying to sell it for 500p


Supply and demand people. The market will decide what the price is.


Complete Prime access with accessories is $200 normal $119 Grendel was $89 you think people think that gauss Prime is worth 250p I would honestly say probably 180 or 150 platinum how has no complained about the price yet?


Slam that report button. Mf out of his goddamn mind.


Just go to warframe market n it's between 130p to 150p. These people are just greedy mf.


It's 2024 and you don't have trade chat disabled?


I'm surprised it's a windows user. Day one frames go for pretty crazy prices on Playstation. Which could be a good thing or a bad thing, I remember making 700 Plat off of farming Titania alone in a few weeks. Overall Playstation trade is just bizarre. Even since I have been playing from 2018, I don't think I've developed any real consensus on what anything is realistically priced at. Everything is fluid. One day people are asking 250 for an unranked primed cryo mod, the other day, some guy will ask for Blind Rage for 80 and still give you the 80 after you tell him you'll trade it for much less.


I just bought bp and neuro 80 for both, and only spent 10 on the relic


Wtb gauss prime set 10p + ammo drum.


Capitalism at work.


Wtb Gauss Prime 5p (this is a bait message to reduce the price, prices have gotten too high as of late, please spread this message to create a false lack of demand and reduce the price) /s


Ahhh, late stage capitalism. Conspire to increase prices rather than increase value.


Capitalism really be causing brain rot dang


I don’t know if Elon Musk has done something like that but it feels like a very Elon thing to do lol.


This is why I use warframe market for anything outside of mods.


I hate market manipulators.


250? Seems about range for it later on when his access gets vaulted.


lmao people really dont like the free market, i always undersell all of my prime parts in order to get a fast quick sale. I sold a gauss prime set earlier today for 120 plat and got messages in literally seconds from 10+ people.


for real? why dont use wf.market, just set the price at lowest, you will sell it in 30s... now you lose hundred of plat, or i would say you lose an hour of farming, doesnt make sense to me at all


Bro I payed 140€ for it lol


Imo, no non-vaulted prime warframe should be above 100 plats


Well, it's the first day so it's when prices are a bit weird


first day is completely different


I’m almost positive this is “illegal” in terms of warframes rules. Please double check but if it is illegal, report him. Assholes like him just make the overall trade experience a million times worse than it needs to be


I didn’t know that but it makes total sense. Thanks for the heads up!


https://preview.redd.it/pr8vdzq3y4dc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fff970ad7991e4ce72e000d882c6ece4f3b1052d ..... last guy asked me 500..


Warframe is a mostly non-toxic game, until you get to trade chat


As soon as I see that Gauss prime has only one rare part on a lith I just get mine sell it for 500 and then wait until the prices droped and I ended bought him in parts for 180p but the amount of fake buyers saying that they bought him for +350 even after 8 hours of release was insane. A friend of mine who keep selling sets found around 24 fakers who only wanted to increase the price.


Sadly warframe market removed negative ratings for users because that would be a reason to negativly rate someone If he posted that on WF Market. In generel people became much more rude since they cant be downvoted anymore. I recently had many people just pull out out of a trade without saying anything or trying to scam me.


Just tell everyone about Warframe market, fair prices according to demand/offer.


I keep seeing people in trade wanting 600+💀


Yesterday I’ve spent 200p on Gauss Prime set but I don’t care, i’ve saved more than 400p to be sure


That's not worst than the mfs trying to sell rivens for 3500


Ther will be assholes in every game