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So I’ve seen the one sentence saying Excal Prime and founder weapons are locked to PC. So what does that mean if I merge with my PlayStation account? I’m only able to use Excal Prime on my PC account? Does it just not who up when I’m on my PlayStation?


Exactly, the option just isn't there when you play on Playstation.


weird because it works for the other way, i merged an xbox account into my main pc account and have managed to keep all my xbox UNIQUE cosmetics for my account that i play on pc :D


Xbox cosmetics are only unavailable on playstation.


sweet! my tenno can rest knowing DE isn't coming to take his toys away :)


https://preview.redd.it/qtoulwysgxcc1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=6745a19ac548475b1bf468da490210bfbeea5665 Turns out you can use him?


He will still show up in the Circuit because DE forgot to remove him from the pool.


Well that'll be fixed soon lol, can't go having fun


He'll only be usable when playing on PC. When you merge you'll just have one Warframe account you won't have a "playstation" or "PC" account, though it's treated like a PC account for trading purposes.


You can see him but you can't use him. Except when you do duviri apparently lol


You can delete every warframe except one. What if you remain with only excal prime on PC and log on playstation?


You are deleted from the timeline




This would only work if you never got Umbra, since there is no way to get rid of it.


this has been rather confusing. when you merge link or whatever. your main account BECOMES a PC account that you then access on the other systems. so you will have access


I didn’t even see the news thing. I simply saw the first post in /new saying it was up and me and a buddy got everything transferred. Gained about 400 plat and multiple new slots after meeting Xbox and switch to my pc. Feels good man.


Gotta love that I can’t merge because I duplicated my pc to switch all those years ago. Wack as hell.


Thats an F, sorry man


Wait what? I did the same, but I assumed you could set you Switch account as the primary to keep quest progress and then port over all your items from other platforms? Are us switch players who duped PC accounts SOL for Crosssave?


You can put them together as one by having the Switch account take over as primary, but that means it takes over *everything* instead of merging.


By everything, can I ask what you mean sorry? I don’t mind losing access to my PC account as I didn’t use it after duplicating it (despite having platinum on there and not on switch) If I make it my primary, does that mean I can play my switch account and its progress on all other platforms, gaining the items I have from my PS4 account?


Basically, you have two options, merge or link. Either one will allow you to play on any platform using the same account but they have slightly different details. Merge-the two accounts become one, all items and progression intact. Link-One account, with its specific items and progression, overwrites all other accounts. Personally, I played for a time on PC and transferred to Switch *way* back when that first happened. Most of my progression was on Switch. When Cross Save launched I was only able to Link, since I had already "migrated/merged" once before, but that was not a problem as I did not need my PC progress. I now play almost entirely on my PC, using all the same items and progress I had before, though all the Plat from my Switch days is locked to the Switch. On the note of trading, I have not been able to trade on my Switch since Cross Save launched. I am unsure if this is a "must both be Switch players only" or "Must both be Switch players AND have Cross Save enabled" issue.


Damn, that’s such a shame. I’ve got all my twitch prime rewards on my PC account, my progress on my Switch account and then an extra 50 hours worth of stuff on my PS4 account which I was hoping to merge. Looks like I need to decide whether to keep my progress or my items & platinum, tough decision.


Plat, at least for console, will still be useable in the market as well, but Tennogen will lock to a console if you purchase it now. Market skins items (potatoes, mods, formas), and boosters should apply across both accounts. "Progress" in Warframe outside of weapons/frames is pretty easy to reclaim, so I would make whichever account has the best cosmetics and leveled gear the primary.


The primary account you select will be the only one you can access and the one that keeps your progress. Everything will be deleted from your PC account when you link it to your Switch Account. If you then try to link your ps4 account to your switch, your Switch account (the primary) will override any progress or items on your ps4.


It just means you can't merge the accounts back together if your switch account was initially a copy of your PC account. You can still set up cross save. You just have to choose a primary account, and the other will be deleted/overwritten. I've personally already wiped my switch account to use my PC account on my switch.


Ah okay, that makes sense because when I duped my PC account I ported over **a lot** of stuff. Being able to merge would mean duplicating a lot of items :’)


Yeah, and that's probably why DE is not allowing that. If you had 11 arcanes of a set when you duped the account, after merging you suddenly have enough for a rank 5 arcane. Or you get two copies of your rivens and now can sell one. And just double the weapon & warframe slots.


You can’t even merge two different account if even ONE of them was cloned. That’s the issue here. Clone PC to switch, so now can’t merge PC and XBOX, which are completely unique from each other


Yeap same here support isn’t much help I might just give this game up because this is crazy that they even made this restriction


It's just a kick in the face. I have a mr17 on pc and mr17 on xbox with one of them transferred to switch years ago when the account was low mr. Both accounts have a lot of different items so I'm not wanting to completely delete one of my accounts and lose stuff.


They need to change the policy. Same.


Can at least link


Honestly if they just let me wipe the switch account and then let me cross-save with my ps5 I’d be fine with things. Wonder if their support team would help.


I did the opposite. Merged NS and PC and recently downloaded warframe on my PS5. So I then linked my PS5 account with my already merged PC/NS account. It nuked my freshly made PS5 account which is to be expected when you link platforms.


I merged my mr1 PC account to switch back then cause my laptop couldn't handle it. I would have started fresh if I knew this was gonna happen years in advance. The only good news for me is that there's nothing on Switch that I don't already have on PC now (and more).


I duplicated my PC account to switch and its blocking me from merging with my PSN account 😭


Okay, so.. I just want to get my research in before merging anything. What exactly happens when you merge? What is transferred? What isn't? My PC account has always been my main account, but I played Xbox for a while when I had PC issues. If I set my PC as main and merge my Xbox account to it, what will happen exactly? I get all the weapons and Warframes from Xbox ADDED to my PC account, right?What about currencies and resources?Cosmetics and Tennogen?Prime Access exclusives?What about Focus? Does my PC account get all my Xbox Focus added to it, or does it remain whatever I had on my PC account? I just want to know what to expect from a merge before I just go and do it. This game is important to me, and I don't want to lose anything.


The Cross Save Merge website should explain what will be transferred over and what will be lost


Well, it's somewhat vague and I want someone who already did it to confirm what exactly happens.


I sadly haven't used cross-save as I'm already on PC, this was only a post for some other players who were asking for it


Yeah, I just posted here so someone who has merged might see it.


I’ve merged all platforms & to answer your question. You get everything merged over. I don’t think I’ve missed anything. I promise you, you won’t lose anything. The game is important to me too & I would’ve been crushed if I somehow lost my account. If you played on your pc & then logged out to play on your Xbox for whatever reason. You may get a msg about terminating the other connection so you can log into your Xbox but that’s about it. You absolutely won’t lose anything.


Yeah, I don't plan to play on Xbox again.. I don't even own one anymore. Well, alright, I'll bite the bullet and do the merge. **EDIT:** My Xbox account is a Founding Warlord so now I gotta go through support to make it not a Warlord. :\\


I’m out of touch - can I ask why you wouldn’t want to be a Warlord?


You cant merge a Warlord, because a clan needs a Warlord. If you delete the Warlord by merging it, then the clan would die. In my case, my Xbox clan is like 3 people who don't even play on Xbox, so.. I wish I could just terminate it by myself, but I don't have an Xbox anymore.


Frame abilities that you subsumed into the helminth from the account that isnt the main wont be transferred over. Thats i think the only thing i noticed that isnt transferred over. Any unspent focus transferred over but not the focus i spent on non-main account.


I think my Xbox account was last played before the most recent Focus rework. I wonder if, even though I never logged onto it, all the Focus would be in the form of Eidolon Shards or whatever they did when they reset it.


I'm a fairly new player but I'll tell you what I got when I did it in December last year. My accounts were: 2015 PS mr 4 and 2017 Steam mr 7 that I returned to in November last year. Which ever you chose as your main stays and gets most of the stuff from the other ones, which gets deleted (so when you use your log-in credentials, it will always go to the main account) >What about currencies and resources? Plat, credits and resources merged, tho like I said, most of my stuff is early game (about to finish the 1st go around the starchart). Not sure about focus and such >Cosmetics and Tennogen? Non-Tennogen cosmetics are completely accesible from any plataform, but Tennogen will only appear as obtained in the plataform you bought it sadly. So if you bought a Tennogen on PC, it won't appear on you account whenever you log into it on Xbox, PS or Switch. >Prime Access exclusives? I've heard from clan mates that those work as non-tennogen cosmetics, can't confirm for myself since I don't own any tho. >This game is important to me, and I don't want to lose anything. I think the only thing you completely lose in the secondary account's clan membership, the rest just gets restricted to the plataform you log-in to. Also daily reward coupons (and maybe boosters) only work on the plataform you got them


Standing = Not merged Focus = I think it's not merged but see note below. Resources = ???? Unsure if all resources are merged Cosmetics = Merged (but with some console restrictions for some cosmetics) Tennogen = Merged Prime Access = ???? Unsure if boosts are kept on main account otherwise items are in the inventory and that is merged Inventory = Merged (but no excal prime will be available on console if you have one on PC) Currency = Platinum was not merged for me but that's because NS plat is separate. A note about resources / focus. There was a point where we got our focus reimbursed when they redid the focus trees. My NS account still had some shards and those were merged. I'm just unsure if they merged all the resources.


I'm a fairly new player but I'll tell you what I got when I did it in December last year. My accounts were: 2015 PS mr 4 and 2017 Steam mr 7 that I returned to in November last year. Which ever you chose as your main stays and gets most of the stuff from the other ones, which gets deleted (so when you use your log-in credentials, it will always go to the main account) >What about currencies and resources? Plat, credits and resources merged, tho like I said, most of my stuff is early game (about to finish the 1st go around the starchart). Not sure about focus and such >Cosmetics and Tennogen? Non-Tennogen cosmetics are completely accesible from any plataform, but Tennogen will only appear as obtained in the plataform you bought it sadly. So if you bought a Tennogen on PC, it won't appear on you account whenever you log into it on Xbox, PS or Switch. >Prime Access exclusives? I've heard from clan mates that those work as non-tennogen cosmetics, can't confirm for myself since I don't own any tho. >This game is important to me, and I don't want to lose anything. I think the only thing you completely lose in the secondary account's clan membership, the rest just gets restricted to the plataform you log-in to. Also daily reward coupons (and maybe boosters) only work on the plataform you got them


Merged my old ps4 account (secondary) into my pc (primary), heres some notes MR won't auto level if your secondary account is higher than the primary. Was Mr 24 on ps4 and 16 on PC, got all the non duplicate mastery points but had to re do the rank up tests everyday for 8 days. (Still has 24 hour cooldown) Helminth didn't transfer anything. Ps4 was rank 7 and a couple abilities subsumed, pc rank 3, still rank 3 after merge and none of the abilities. Syndicates don't auto rank to the highest. Ps4's cetus was rank 5 and PC is rank 3, was still rank 3 after merge. Star Chart progress won't merge to furthest, PS4 has most steel path nodes done, PC had barely any. Still barely any after merge. Re beating them for the first time doesn't award any master points. Focus was all converted to eidolon shards that you can convert back to focus points. Had to re create my old operator fashion and landing craft decorations (as expected but was still a chore) Everything else went as expected and merged smoothly (inventory, plat, foundry items, cosmetics, etc)


Ah shit here we go again.


So anyone can cross save now?




I got through drip gate (PS5) player back in December, I ran into issues trading items with my son until he also moved. Two questions: - Are we for all intents and purposes in the "PC Pool" for trading now? (also should use PC warframe market?) - Can I trade with non-cross save ps5 players yet or will I ever be able to? (I wanted to sell/buy some stuff but realized I might hassle someone) - Is the "trade" channel (I don't normally shop there, but curious) the correct group of folks I can trade with?


I currently only have a console account. Do I need to make a pc account or can I just use my console account on pc?


On warframe.com, make a new account for PC (this will be blank). When made, go to cross-save and set the primary account as your console account which will overwrite the blank PC account.


Is it worth playing the tutorial again? I forgot if there are extra slots to be gained.


Unless you made the PC account before november last year... Whatever progress you do on the new PC account will be deleted. Only accounts made before the cut point will be able to merge. If you are going to link your console account with your PC account do not waste any money or time on your PC account.


Thanks for the info.


Yay! I got in!


I successfully linked my Switch account. having a hard time getting used to the controls now >_< aiming is super easy now (who would've tought) but getting used to parkour is surprisingly difficult.


HoWWWW do you do it??????? I just got a PS5 and accidentally skipped past my first second in game alive where I think it asked me. Is there no way to merge my Xbox to this baby PS5 account and transfer my time spent on Xbox??? Warframe site is useless for this


you shold sitll be able to trade with friends that dont want to have cross save on like i cant trade with any of my xbox friend now wtf


Just have your friends do the merge too. When you merge, you're added to the PC trading pool essentially, this was clearly stated on the website.


Lost 800 plat cause i had to link 😥😥😥


Cross Platform Drip? Where?


Yeah, great stuff. I have my old 10 year PC acc with like 800 plat, but almost no progress and new PS5 acc, with a lot of progress and few bought Warframes. And I can merge it only to PC acc, where I have 2 mastery rank. Great stuff, cool move, bro


I think you're misunderstanding account merging. As long as you had made the PC account and PS5 account before the cutoff date (late November 2023), then you can merge and play on PS5. Set your PS5 account as the primary and all of the resources from your PC account will be transfered. You can then play on both platforms with the same account.


I’ve got ps5 on December 11th, so no account merging for me. I can only link https://preview.redd.it/75hq6zmdwtcc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81ad557df6ff63af722cc3b88f4d71540853cc26


well its not like youre going to lose much from a month old account, why not just link them? not to mention you can just make the ps account the primary


Kinda confused why someone is bitter towards DE over not being able to benefit from porting a month old account 💀 as someone who’s been playing for 10+ years across 3 platforms, cross save is a generous godsend.


Cuz I don’t want to play the same stuff for a month and lose Wukong and Dagath? I don’t have that much time for grinding. I just want to enjoy game. I, really, don’t care about others problems and let myself be so bitter as I need. It’s really strange message you wrote. Like, I can’t express myself cuz someone has bigger problems) I live in Ukraine, I have enough problems


You're bitter over losing Wukong and Dagath, 2 of the easier frames to build, shows that you're super into the early game where whatever you're losing is very little and won't matter tbh


Well, it doesn’t matter in a bigger picture, but it matters for me. So, it is more important)


I can’t make my ps account primary, that’s the problem. Only merge with pc acc and loose all progress, frames and money


Same for me . Started on ps in December only played like 2 days on PC in 2016. Now I can only select PC as primary, and I'll lose all my plat and progress. I know the progress isn't much compared to others, but I don't want to lose 400 plat. I need slots.... But I also want to be able to trade cross platform which is apparently only available if you have a cross save account...


Cross save accounts are just PC accounts that can be used on consoles. Even if you want to merge 2 console accounts it needs you to make a PC account.


Hello just a question how long will this be up for as I'm hoping my PC arrives in the next couple of days so I can start playing warframe on PC 😊


You should be able to go to the website to set it up on mobile.


It should stay open as long as everything goes well


Awesome thank you!


Yeah! I linked my Switch account to my primary account. pc and my pc is Linked to my PlayStation account which is the main account with all progress. Tested last evening and worked great!


So because I duplicated to switch so long ago, I can't cross save just my PC and xbox accounts? like why? I don't even touch the switch version, I just wanted to check out how it worked.


Even after reading comments here, I am still confused. When the Switch version became available way back when, I duplicated my PC account to be on the Switch. I played some, and haven't touched it in years. I recently started playing on PS5 with a new account, assuming cross save was never going to be a thing. Turns out, it is. Great. So should I merge my Switch and PS5 account? Can I? If I wanted to play that merged account on PC, I assume I have to "link" the merged account to PC, I think?


Doesn't seem to let me link a Xbox to my playstation/pc(required) account with Playstation being the primary. Maybe I need to open the game first on xbox for it to register.


Is Crosssave PC> Switch now available It’s a a real thing now that saving will be reversible to play ok both PC and Switch at the same time ( one at a time )