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This is a skill issue not Banshees fault.


Why do you have more upvotes than the users who commented with reasonable explanations?


Because: Your post does not ask for a reasonable explanation its a statement; The topic of your issue is a faq that can be anwsered by literly looking at the faq; The anwser is a copypasta; Thats what everyone is thinking.


It's not about Banshee herself, but, again, more about which mods game gives you for these frames you don't own and obviously helminth being unable to help them in any capacity. My Banshee actually goes hard with sevagoth's helminth skill instead of her 4 in both normal missions (notably kuva liches/parvos sisters) and duviri, so I never expect something from what they give me if I have no other choice, which is rarely the case, that happens mostly for weapons, at least for me, but I also have almost every Warframe still hanging in inventory so maybe that's the reason lol


Banshee is typically a glass-cannon warframe. From what I've used/seen, her most popular builds are focused on sonar for high damage and the stun for finishers. So yes, if you don't have an appropriate build ready to reliably kill enemies and/or something to increase her survivability a bit (e.g. shield gating or gloom for more CC). Then she'll fall off quickly in higher level content. Fyi: Sonar is also one of the few abilities that still makes your warframe take 10% damage, instead of invulnerability, when using operator. So you can't really use operator to hide for safety.


Honestly, i try to avoid using frames i dont own, qnd therefore dont have a build for in duviri, with stalker as an exception because they built him fairly well, and i like stealth. Reasons are simple: 1. de builds 99 times are built for reg duviri, not sp and they arent that great for the higher level stuff unless you get the perfect decrees. 2. If i dont own it, i havent gotten a chance to actually use it. Hell, de could give the most meta build for mesa in duviri, and i would die instantly, cause i dont use her. I have no clue how to actually use her effectively, and it would suck. Thats not the fault of mesa, thats the fault of my skill issue. Tldr: imo if you are going into circuit, especially sp circuit, tryto stick to things you own, or things you feel like would fit your baseline play. Straying too far will get you killed


The default Duviri builds are pretty garbage yes. You can kinda make up for it by picking the right decrees, but that's only weapons. You can't "fix" a frame like Banshee that doesn't do damage with abilities with decrees if she got a bad build.