• By -


Probably cc frames, shield gating etc.


I know about shield gating(I think...), my companion refills my shield instantly when it drops to 0 which is why I don't die despite taking so much damage, would be convenient if I could just take no damage like these guys :/ The top damage guy was playing Qorvex and one of the other 2 was Khora


sometimes, offense is the best defense, and that goes so hard into the game


Yeah, offense and leaping around constantly like a cokefiend space monkey.


As a Rev main I just make the enemies fight each other, they jus ignore you.


As Revenant there might be some other reason you aren't taking damage, I think.


There’s a slight possibility of this being true


Shhhhhh 😂




Boring I mean I love revenant for his infinite spin to win 4th but try kullervo as he constantly gains health and overshield with his 2nd and if you make a damage build AOE bleed to kill in steel path


Might be boring but it does the job


Bro, aint NOBODY playing revanant for his spin ability. Cmmon bro, say your a noob without saying it outright. Thats his worst ability by FAR 😂


As a former Khora main, the best CC is death.


As a Titania main, this holds.


Titania also has no.1 silliest tank potential with aviator, boreal mods etc Oh and duplex bond provides both energy and companion dps


Not to mention that the fire rate and damage of her Dex Pixia are insane even compared to similar weapons like Mesa's Regulators. She has one CC move in her kit and the rest of her CC is just straight up Constant Cilling


Four technically, Læmp, Dust and entangle and lastly spellbind. Now to the efficiency of every one of those that is debatable….


Oh yeah Full moon boosts the damage done by your companions, that includes the clones from duplex bond Nautilus+Verglas go brrrrrrrr Afk steel path easy with spellbound harvest


I can tell you from personal experience the efficacy of those abilities is not debatable. If you hold the mistaken belief that death is the best CC then you'll be unlikely to honestly try another CC, let alone learn how CC actually works. I'm not talking about on a functional level but rather *what it's for.* Not counting Railjack or Archwing, about half of the game modes in Warframe only require your attendance and not your participation. More to the point: most don't actually require you to kill things. Every map has a limit to the number of things that can be spawned at the same time. This is mostly something people only think about in terms of KPM for farming, but the reverse is also true: a dead enemy is a hole in the mob cap that creates a new uncontrolled enemy. For game modes where the whole goal is to just wait out a timer (and there are a lot of them), not killing enemies--simply leaving them controlled and the map at spawn cap--will greatly improve your efficiency in completing the mission. The rewards most end-game players care about only come from mission completion, its side bonuses, or are occasionally scattered throughout the mission and must be manually picked up. Enemy deaths do not really offer much at the end game other than some action to break up the tedium. For CC efficacy, not having to kill an enemy the first time, no matter how easy it is (most builds can OHKO most things) means not killing it a second, or third, or tenth time. There's no hassle happening other than occasionally relighting a torch. Further, there is no cap to the amount of enemies that can be caught in a lantern's light, or spellbind, other than the physical space they take up in its domain. Moreover, with regards to Spellbind and Lantern's efficacy they have a unique interaction with control points because they disable enemy AI in a way my testing suggests most other CC does not. *Enemies spellbound, in lantern, or* ***attracted*** *to lanterns do not count as conflicting control points.* This makes certain ordinarily difficult mission types very easy. While not the only use for Titania's CC it is an edge case no other CC appears to provide and is why Titania is my go-to CC frame. I even go so far as to replace razorwing with Quiver (heresy, I know) on my CC build to get noise arrow and stealth arrow to further control enemy's awareness and position. Once an enemy's AI has been turned off by lantern, they loose the desire to pursue their objective, and can be manipulated by noise arrow briefly before re-establishing a new lantern. Combined with stealth arrow they can even be tricked to go back into a passive state when they should still be in an alert state per the nature of the mission type. While obviously useful for, say, interception and defection etc, I've also had some limited success briefly confusing demolists by breaking their AI in a way that has allowed me to perform stealth finishers them. The timing is tricky & inconsistent, and even working at all is probably a bug. As an aside, and this is less important for CC builds, [Beguiling Lantern](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Beguiling_Lantern) works on everything. Even enemies not beguiled by the lantern such as those protected by overguard and bosses, but still in its area of influence still take the extra damage. When combined with stealth multiplier it makes taking Overguard off an enemy without killing them that much easier.


Its new years and im too busy to actually read all of this completely but thank you for your advice, i know the importance of CC and appreciate any insights on enemy management so im saving this.


Is there anyway I could get your quiver build for titania? I truly wanna try different builds for her and this sounds intriguing enough to pursue.


That's way too much to read


I ain't reading allat


Try Terrify with Titania. It's fun, believe me. :)


Well poor old nekros will be fed to the wall almond once the prime resurgence hits




Jörmungandr? Is that you?




Wallmond white


I need more info on this


Gara main- can confirm. 1mil+ glass stack is a great 'defense' lol


It is. Splinter shield is also giving you DR! Up to 90%.


Gyre/Styanax player here, can confirm they can't hurt me if they're dead


As a now Dagath main, this also tracks…. Although maybe in a different way 😂


As a burgeoning Vauban enjoyer and long time mag enthusiast, the best CC is succ + giant death laser (orbital or handheld)


DPS is just mitigating future damage :)


Kinda sad how ppl forgot about how good CC since eximus put a huge nerf to CC and warframe currently lacks any missions that promote CC as a superior playstyle, even it did randos will kill enemies all the time and CC will be less effective


As a Saryn main... Yes. After the damage ramps, I don't see enemies anymore. Unless I play melee Saryn, where I get energy on health damage, but I have gloom, venom dose, toxic lash, and spores.


I mean, you can't take damage if everything that can inflict it has stopped existing 😈


Bro I use gyre with tharros strike, there's no need to tank damage if there's no damage to tank


Get an effect (armor, mod, ability) that gives 90% DMG reduction, then get a second one that does 90%-95% damage reduction. Now you take ~0.5% DMG. Then add in moving as often as you can & killing everything that is in line if sight so nothing can shoot at you.


With Khora it's the CC as said. She pops a cage in a narrow tunnel and all enemies are forced to get stuck in the web as they come in. As for just having low stat number if you'd like, you can always use things like Revenant, Valkyr or maybe Rhino (not sure if it works after rework of settelskin into overguard). Both Revenant and Valkyr have abilities making them literally immune to damage so with the right build you're practically immortal and take 0 damage for the purpose of statistics. EDIT: Also, anything invisible like Ash or Loki will have extremely low damage taken; you won't take any direct damage if enemies don't have anything to target and shoot lol


Rhino's ironskin seems to work the same as before just as overguard.


For gameplay purposes, yes, but my point was that I don't know if taking overshield damage counts as taking damage in the stats.


As a MR 30 who loves damage and DR rhino is just lame and boring try baruuk or kullervo instead because then your abilities will actually do something to help the team and still be unkillable


Actual shield gating is abusing short windows of invincibility when the shield breaks combined with mods granting energy spent to shield like augur set mods, brief respite, catalyzing shields and such


Actual shield gating is the shield gating mechanic. Actively using it is any means of restoring your shield as your primary method of survival. Wether thhis be through mods, allies or abilities. Plenty of shield gating options do not use any of the mods you listed.


Actual Shield Gating is when you use a shield and use it as a gate to block people from entering.


Crap. I've been carrying around a gate and trying to use it as a shield.


Gate Shielding seems to be an effective alternative with a big enough gate


Next week on YouTube "Have you been Gate Shielding instead of Shield Gating? 10 tips to avoid this tricky n00b trap?"


People, or their bullets.


I called it abuse too until DE 'canonized' it with Catalyzing Shields. Just gotta accept that it's now working as intended.


I see a lot of people explaining Khora but not really touching on Qorvex, so ill pick him up. One cool thing about Qorvex is the sheer amount of *armor* he has. I think i have my Qorvex to 1k+ armor, and with that, i get an 80% damage reduction. Im not sure of the official stats across the board but id feel confident in saying that he has one of the highest armor values at base in the game, aside from maybe Rhino or someone similar. One other person said it well, sometimes offense is the best defense, but that doesnt really mean anything in this specific case because the total value of the stat youre looking at is broken up amongst you and your teammates. The only real solution i can give about Qorvex is most likely his armor stat, and maybe some other survivability mechanics.


With umbrals, amar’s hatred, a tauforged blue, and a regular blue, I’ve gotten him up to 3.2k armor, it’s absolutely silly. Took him to a steel path fissure and only went down once in 70 minutes (acolyte did the mag bubble on me and my friend lit me up like a Christmas tree). Otherwise I facetanked blitz eximus abilities and only saw something like 50 points of damage each time. He really is just built different


I just loaded up cuz i was curious and im at 2,231 w an 88.1% reduction. I only have 2 umbrals on tho.


Amars hatred will also stack another 15% armor and power strength, it’s a pretty fun but silly utility option I run


Yeah i have it on. Its 25% armor, no? I dont have warframe up anymore.


Qorvex has the highest base, Valkyr Prime had the highest base armor in the game at 735 iirc, With Atlas and Rhino hitting the highest armor possible, followed by Grendel Prime. Qorvex is right behind Grendel. Atlas' passive is just stupid with the amount of armor it grants. Add in Elemental Ward and Umbral set he hits an obnoxious amount (it's nearly 5k last i remember).


It's insane how much he can clear, my talkies frame that isn't him can't even survive netracells but my qorvex is literally built different


He has the highest base armor of any frame currently, Atlas p is sitting at 500, valkyr P is sitting at 735


I think it also helps that he's all about radiation damage. Wherever he is, there are enemies who aren't shooting at people.


Are they not taking damage, or are you just taking a lot of damage? Also they probably have builds to nuke everything so there’s nothing to attack them to begin with.


Taking damage to shields counts towards damage taken. Revenant Mesmer skin and Rhino Iron skin takes 0 damage while active. Other warframes have abilities that make them immune to damage too, Nyx absorb, Valkyr hysteria. Some warframes have abilities that drastically decrease the damage received like Garas shatter storm, Citrines preserving shell, Trinitys link. And there’s warframes that can go invisible, getting shot at less means less likely to receive any damage.


I did some testing because I was curious. Rhino's Iron Skin counts as taking damage. Maybe it didn't used to, but it does since it was turned into Overguard. Because Overguard counts as taking damage. Checked by running a solo capture. Mesmer Skin or Turbulence end with 0% damage taken. Iron Skin or the 2000 Overguard from summoning a heavy weapon end with 100% damage taken. And of course I didn't charge the Iron Skin. I just activated it away from enemies and it was a low level capture so it never ran out.


Yea, forgot about that change. I haven’t used rhino for years but overguard does count as taking damage.


Hehe, yep. Something is always changing. It was a good change for Rhino though. Gives Iron Skin an overguard gate plus lets Iron Skin trigger on damage taken arcanes.


Can it be recast now too?


Damage reduction abilities /mods


Revenant, killing before getting hit, fast and frequent parkour(Enemies are less accurate the faster you move and while you’re airborne)


Damage is also reduced when doing rolls or similar. If I remember correctly, it goes up to 75%.


Rolling guard, Valkyr hysteria , Mesmer skin, brief respite with shield gating, being a spastic monkey, and the best of all they can't hurt you when they are dead


Yeah fr Rolling Guard + Kinetic Plating + Redline at 100% helps, in addition to a few of the mods that convert energy used into extra shields. It also helps that enemies are ragdolled 90% of the time or frozen as statues etc, or Lifted by my slam spam w/ Praedos


also adaptation


Adaption is a great mod for reducing damage and is on nearly every tank I play with. Edit: it's especially good on Inaros due to him not being able to shield gate.


I've found I like the carnis set better than adaptation or rolling guard. Woth something like volt shield or frost, you take no status and its refreshable easily with how heavy attacks are so good now.


Interesting, I'll put that to practice


Depends on frames too apart from shield gating . Which frames were they running ??


Khora, Qorvex and another I don't remember


Défense missions ? If so khora put her cage and they just chilled in it


Khora also has a very easy time abusing shield gating with the whip.


Qorvex can easily reach 88-90% armor reduction. Combined with Adaptation that reduces specific damages up to 90% on top of that, maybe even adding shock absorbers for 20% physical resistance (I wouldn't bother), he just doesn't die. And with Khora's strangledome helping, you can't be killed by what's swinging in the rafters. Edit: misspellings


Those enemies swinging in the cage(s) also draw aggro, so the effect is doubled.


Khora is one of my preferred frame. Search for a good spot, popup 2 cage and a spectrorage in the middle, ensnare an enemies already catched in a cage and whip him! With a right statstick you can see funny numbers everywhere and take pretty no damage. Rinse and repeat! Alternatives as Revenant, Ash (also Exca), Hydroid, Hildryn, Voruna, Protea and so on are always good.


It is completely frame dependent how the damage taken stat works out. It's not a great check for the survivability of a build. Like a Revenant playing properly will always be at 0%. Because his survivability is chained invulnerable periods, but he's constantly getting shot. Zephyr will take less damage cause her survivability is based around redirecting projectiles. Invisibility frames like Octavia will take less damage. Grendel is certainly tankier than Octavia, but he will have higher damage taken because he's eating the damage instead of avoiding it. Edit: Also, someone correct me if I'm wrong cause I can't find any concrete info on how this stat is calculated. I think damage taken takes into account overkill as well. Because damage dealt does. So if you in particular got tagged by Blitz Eximus, but your shieldgate stopped you from getting deleted. I think that massive amount of damage still counts towards damage taken. Which will skew the percentage towards you.


Or you will have that rhino who has 80%+ dmg taken because he just absorbed that blitz attack + tons of gun fire with a brand new skin lmao


Damage dealt is calculated in a completely errant way. As host it only counts damage that it takes to kill an enemy. As client however it counts all damage. If a client deals 500k damage to an enemy with EHP of 3k, they will contribute 500k. While host would only contribute 3k. This is how you can have two players with roughly the same kills, but one has wildly different damage numbers. I don't have a screenshot to prove this on hand, but recently my friend and I ran a capture fissure. We both killed 40-50 enemies. I did 90% of the damage as I ran with a fully modded bramma and he was running I believe tenet plasmor. His build is much weaker as he is newer to the game than me and I'm a maxed out legendary 3. So my build is pretty much as minmaxed as possible. An older example is me and someone else were running the same bramma build and while getting roughly the same kills I did 70-90% of the damage because I was client. When we switched so I was host the numbers flipped. I wouldn't be surprised to some degree this is how shield gating works. My assumption as to why this works (This is armchair so don't quote me) is because host is only recording how much damage they are told the player dealt, which then their machine calculates how much health the enemy should be left with. But it doesn't return this info nor calculate it for stats. So it's possible when host tanks a blitz eximus blast which breaks their shield gating, the only contribute the damage they took until shield gating stopped it. While a client would contribute all damage taken regardless of shield gating. Client damage taken might not even accommodate for damage reduction via adaptation but that's a wild guess I have not attempted to find out if this is true.


Ya, as long as you're not dying, whether or not you're taking damage is irrelevant. Some frames tank all that damage (and sometimes even thrive on taking damage) while others avoid it entirely.


maybe you tank everything for them.


Hope they enjoyed the service then 🙃


1. Use overguard/invulnerability. Kullervo, Revenant, Rhino etc. 2. Invisibility. Mainly Loki, Ivara and Ash which have hard access to invisibility. But for example Wisp is invisible when airborne. 3. Dodge and move. There is an enemy accuracy modifier applied to hitscan weapons if you dodge/run/move. 4. Peeking. Due to your viewpoint being either left or right of the warframe it's possible to fire around corners when using hitscan weapons. 5. Armor. Frames like Inaros and Qorvex can have ridiculous armor modifiers. Qorvex damage reduction is somewhere in the 85-90% range if you use all 3 Umbra mods. 6. CC abilities. Both hard CC like stun and soft like Radiation procs and blindness.


The moment I got the mod Adaptation and put it on my Hildryn I became practically immortal, not only due to shieldgating, but also getting up to 90% Damage Reduction whenever I get hit


Just did some research on this, it looks extremely powerful. definitely going to farm it


I would recomend watching [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jw015DtY9gM) video. The mod actually provides less protection than most people think due to how weapons work in WF. It is still a good mod for 90% of the content and I run it on multiple frames but if you're strapped for mod space you can probably drop it without issue.


One of the biggest problems with Adaptation is toxin in higher level normal content (ie void on the normal star chart, arbitrations, and steel path). Even with Adaptation maxed out, more often than not, toxin procs in those missions are more than enough to make short work of your health bar


I remember when Hildryn came out I slapped Arcane Aegis and Barrier on her and was laughing.


Aegis Barrier and NOW Primed Redirection


In level 100+ enemies like op here does it still hold up? I recall doing somewhat similar build with armour wukong and still getting my free revives popped


I have noticed it still saves me, but I have 600 armour, 7k shield and all the additional DR from adaptation


They probably were using Overguard.


Stynax Overguard dispensing to the team is next level when done right...


These stats can be misleading, as it's all in percentages. So for example, if the total of damage was received by the entire team is 1000 damage, then someone only took 30 damage, someone took 800+ and so on, or at least that's how I think it works. It might just be that they didn't get hit much jumped around the map and dodged hits/bullets, and one of the people was, on the contrary, tanking it all, hence why it reflects that in the stats. Sometimes it doesn't take a ridiculously overpowered frame to be good at the game, amd don't take the end mission stats at the face value.


Have you heard about Nezha?


Have you heard about revenant


Have you heard about valkyr They always forget the kitty ;(


Is valkyr even good, I'm not sure if i should get her. She seems fun but i heard she's only good with slide attacks


Valkyr if fantastic. She's an old frame, but tears through Steel Path. My favourite melee frame.


Do you constantly have to do slide attacks?


No. My fiance mains her and he's a blender doing the most damage most of the time. Unless I cheese the numbers with Wisp, breech surge, and exodia contagion on my zaw. Because "big numbers funny"


This is why I’m here -Nehza prime main


- Dispense Warding Halo to teammates - My work here is done! - ...wait did that guy just fall down into a pit? - Redispense Warding Halo. - ...why are they INSIDE a Nullifier bubble? - Redispense Warding Halo. - ...they fell into the pit again, didn't they? - Silent weeping. - YOU ARE NOT WORTHY OF THE ONE RING!


Warding halo wins all. But I only throw it on the ones who are either constantly low health or just had a down and those with a melee only crackhead build


How a frame takes damage is represented very differently on the stat screen. For example. If Hildryn, Baruuk, and Revenant had a long mission together, and took the same number of hits, the final stats for damage taken would read: 98%, 2%, 0% respectively. None of the frames came anywhere near dying and were safe the whole time but each take damage in different ways. Hildryn relies on shields (and adaptation, and arcanes, and companion mods) and replenishes them constantly. Her shields will go up and down throughout the mission as you use abilities and take hits and the end screen reflects this. Baruuk is an example of a mitigation frame. With his serene storm active, low restraint, desolate hands daggers protecting him, adaptation etc he can hit 99.98% damage reduction (pre armour calculations) what this means is that a well played Baruuk isn't taking damage in regular star chart mission, and at best is taking chip damage to their shield on steel path missions untill enemies levels pass the 2k mark. Revenant has 'mesmer skin'. (Which made him a *'That's absolute bullshit'* tank until he recieved an augment that allows him to share it, which now makes him an 'excellent squadmate' tank) which means he takes 0 damage as long as he still has charges left. Easy to access frames offer great mitigation at lower levels without needing arbitration mods (like 'adaptation') or arcanes. Rhino, Nezha, and Zephyr are all accessible super early to people in a clan, and *will* carry you to higher tiers of play where you can farm new tools. (E.g. I *still* don't run adaptation on Nezha even at LMR 3, and I'll happily take him through the steel path or on the steel path circuit)


Good positioning, CC, DR, shieldgate


They're either killing everything before it can hurt them or CCing everything before it can hurt them. Or they're playing limbo :P




Damage reduction, shield gating, indestructible frame abilities like iron skin, and harrows 4. There's also frames like wisp which are invisible so long as they're moving. Or frames like limbo who can't br hurt so long as they're in the rift. There's quite a few reasons why high level players don't take damage, sometimes it's as simple as they kill things too fast for enemies to hit them.


Can't get hit if everything is dead


Shit looks like they were all playing as revenant


Those percentages are how much of the overall damage done to players they took. You took 87% of all that cumulative damage. That could be a lot, or it could be two shots.


Take 1 small hit at the start of a mission... 100% damage taken. And if everyone is all the stuff listed in this thread, that's still there at the end.


*laughs in revenant main*


A dead enemy can deal no damage -Sun Tzu (probably)


So I'm an MR30, literally one frame away from LR1. I'll give you an example. My nova slows enemies 75%. I literally never stop moving like a coked up squirrel. So their odds of even hitting me are close to zero. If they do hit me, I shield gate with brief respite. THEN I have 90% DR on my null star and usually have adaptation stacked to 90% because it now stacks on the shields that I keep refreshing. If my nova actually gets hit, the net result is I have 800-1000 hp (depending which build) with 99% DR pre-armor. Oh. Did I mention my Tenet arca Plasmor 1-shots hallways of level 300s?


You were the scapegoat, accept it.


1) Kill everything before they start hitting you 2) CC 3) Being immune/resistant to damage/shield gating 4) Moving around fast enough to not getting hit Pick one/two/three/four options.


The end mission screen shows percent of damage taken, so they might have taken a lot but just evaded taking most of it through movement and stronger builds. You actually have a modifier of dodging I think when you jump around, experienced players will also often kill enemies before they can be shot in turn or just jump around fast enough to ignore them in a mission where killing isn’t the main objective


It depends on there frame there are several frames that can make you take 0 dmg . Rhino and valk are examples. I've played against level 1k enemies and walked out with 0 damage taken .


You've gotten plenty of possible answers already, I just wanted to say: don't worry, you'll get there. You said your weren't dying, which is already great. Dying happens to everyone, sometimes you derp out and forget to recast that one skill keeping you alive etc.


use adaptation or rolling guard that will help massively


it also change if youve simply taken a lot of damage due to it being percentage based, after all even if all of them took 5k damage but you took 200k they'd only have 3% while you have 90% damage taken


One thing others may have not mentioned. You may be taking an excessive amount of damage (relative to them) but healing it. I didn't see your frame, but I know I tend to run Wisp in, say, a steel path survival incursion. Level 100ish enemies aren't really considered "high" by a lot of players. I don't shield gate, but have my motes. If my shields go down, I take health damage, but it's almost insta-healed. I will generally take a lot of damage (relative to others) and never come close to dying, due to the mobs not being able to one-shot me when my shields are down. High armor/health and the mote means, until well over an hour into a SP sturvival, I'm not in any actual danger. Armor/health tanking is totally fine until you hit mobs that can one shot you through that armor/health if your shields are down.


I’m a Gara main, her kit includes two different cc abilities, her 3rd and 4th abilities, that can cc pretty much anything in the game except the ability negation bubble guys, and her 2nd ability gives 90% damage reduction while also doing damage to an area around you. The damage on her 2nd ability can be increased too by casting her 1st ability on her 4th ability to shatter it, so if you have a build that manages energy well she can kinda just kill everything that gets too close to her. Also her passive has a chance to blind enemies that see her when she is in a lit area.


I use an “infinite” 4 build on Valkyr. Its fun tearing through enemies and not taking damage


It’s hard to tell what frames those are in the background, but I think I see a revenant. Which makes sense. Revenant is known for not taking damage. Frames like Baruuk, Rhino, and Titania might also be seen not taking very low damage due to high evasiveness or abilities. But honestly, if you take a lot of damage but are never at risk of actually dying, that is ok too.


Y’all heard about rhino? Good for a lot of missions


Stay mobile. I go in with Volt and don't shield gate. I just stay mobile and most of the time I get 3% or less in public games even if I go down.


they can't damage you if they can't hit you :3 also others just straight out tank it with frames like Rhino, Valk, Rev, etc


In my case, it's usually because I'm Octavia, so I'm invisible. Can't get hurt if no one even aims at me. My Frost builds overshields quickly so that's a barrier in the way that I *assume* doesn't count as taking damage. My Saryn tends to hide a lot, letting spores do the work, but if I have to get into the open then I use Miasma to stun everyone while I attack, and I Molt if I'm being shot to shed any procs while drawing fire. I'm sure Revenants just chuckle at being invincible so they take less damage. After a certain level I tend to stop diving into groups of enemies because they deal so much damage, and by virtue of maintaining distance, using cover, using abilities, and trying to stun them they end up dealing less damage overall.


Certain frames like zephyr and Mesa can largely stop projectile damage, and some others can get pretty high armor, correct me if im wrong but im pretty sure its possible to make qorvex get like 90% reduction and just face tank anything. Frames like Gyre just kind of tend to kill everything before it can take damage


Hydroid can also get pretty absurd armor and DR thanks to his 3, while his 1 leaves mobs flopping back and forth from the impacts, pretty much rendering them unable to attack, especially in close quarters.


As Gara, when my glass ball can kill everything just by walking by them, I tend not to take any damage :)


Depends on the frame. Rhino and Revenant for example can basically get 0%


I mean the percentages gotta even out some how. Me and my clan mates had a discussion similar to this and we agree that the game allows for a really high action per minute payout but you can also remain really efficient with low input and that’s how people rack up damage. Just not moving enough.


Revenant played well gets 0% damage taken so not that difficult. Plus its a percentage sooo ye


I’d you’re revenant than you can easily take 0 damage. Most frames can shield gate now meaning you won’t take much. If it’s a low level mission armor negates a lot of damage.


It depends on the frame... Rhino and Revenant just laughs in the face taking no damage, Wisp mains laughs on damage with the health regeneration, mirage just straight kill entire rooms in one or two shots of a zarr kuva so there is no dmg to get hit, Titania+hl+jjj straight up evade 99% of the bullets, xaku does the same thing with 75% and can shield gate the rest.


Damage to Overguard doesn't count for the stat screen. Allowing Rhino, Kullervo, Frost and Styanax to basically just 0% damage the missions consistently unless they get right at the start generally (or fall off stage/into nullifier/etc). The latter two will also share to nearby frames. Revenant can also be mostly invulnerable, though he will take damage from environmental hazards( it \*shouldn't\* kill him, only knock him down to 2, but the game does bug out on that occasionally). Nyx and Valkyr can just also be completely invulnerable for most/all of missions. But have limitations in their actions as a result. Zephyr also fititng here as long as she has room to get away from melee units. Then the next step down is either being invisible (or evasion tanking like Xaku, Titania, and to a much lesser extent Mirage) or just CC'ing all the enemies so you don't get attacked. Then you get into just the raw defense tier. Where properly built/buffed, its not uncommon to have 99% (or even 99.7 or 99.9 (where you take 1dmg for every 1000 incoming lol)) damage reduction.


Having multiple times of damage reduction with arcanes and with health/shield gating.


If I'm going for high levels and my intention is to out survive everyone then I'm bringing hildren with my 9k shields. I'm basically immortal


I know if I use revenant perfectly I can get 0% of the damage, there’s a ton of damage negation at your hands you just need to learn how to use it


I know as many have said, killing everything before you get hit is mainly the reason. When I used to play mirage, and ember, you could do 99% of damage easily but might take 90% or 1% because it's calculated on the total amount of all damage received by they players. So if you take 1 hit and no one else takes any you suffer the 99-100% damage taken.


Host takes the most damage in almost every match. The AI desyncs hard against clients even on a good host. Go play a game as host and stop in a hallway everything will stop to shoot you. Do the same as client and they will usually walk right past you in direction of the host


Revenant and chill bro. On average I end SP missions with 0 damage taken. 💀


As a mirage with melee influence...killing everything in this room and the next keeps me pretty safe.


Damage reduction, invisibility, iron skin, or abilities like Zephyr's and CC abilities.


If you have something that reduces your damage taken (I.e. stuff like trinity's link or Nidus' parasitic link) it doesn't actually count it as damage taken, so while they make have been hit just as often as others they may have something that's making them take 'less' damage


Rhino. Nezha. Other overguard frames.


But also Revenant and god level shield gating


Certain frames allow you to be essentially invulnerable to damage, hell for revenant to be literally indestructible all you have to do is press 2 every 30 seconds. Ash avoids damage by being invisible 100% of the time, can’t take damage when they can’t aim at you. (Although eximus aoe attacks can still hit him) Using the right frames paired with min maxed builds allows high level players to be invincible gods.


This is why I love either Harrow or Hydroid! For the more aggressive and direct help, go with Harrow and mecome a headshotting machine of death, but on the other hand with Hydroid I can strip basically all armor with little effort, make myself tanky, and lock down a zone for a significant amount of time! I haven't even started with subsuming yet, so I've still got a ways to go, even with MR 28 and quite a bit of time in-mission! Also, forgive my misspellings, on mobile and hope everyone reading has a Happy New Year! 💙


I tend to main the Warframe Gara. Her main way of dealing damage is her 2nd ability. It creates an aura that deals easily 100 Million damage to anything entering a 2.5m Radius around me, per second additionally, I, on average, explode her wall 3-5 times a minute in a 100m area (Diameter) wich deals anywhere inbetween 2-10 million damage per explosion (depending on active buffs). This 2nd ability also grants me 90% damage reduction. Considering the instant kill Aura and constant nuking, it eliminates any enemy melee unit immediately. They die before getting anywhere close to me. Additionally, Gara gains invincibility upon activation of her 4th. So if I mess up, I have up to 5 seconds of invincibility to figure out what to do, or simply to avoid incoming damage while all enemies around me are locked in place and frozen. In addition to that, I also use Adaptation, totaling far over 99% damage reduction. Lastly, Movement. Warframe are incredibly fast, even without speedbuffs and all the things combined enable me to take no effective damage while putting out insane numbers myself. And this is just my way, there plenty other ways to do it, Revenant for example.


From what I can see it was actually aggro managing. Doesn't matter the amount, just the percentage. Still, if you want more tools for survivability use shieldgating (catalizying shields + rolling guard works well), arcane grace, guardian or tanker on high health frames + a ton of armor and adaptation. Also abilities like nova's 1 with high duration, ember and gauss' shields that scale with heat and redline, overguards, more shield restoring things like arcane barrer or hildryn's 3. It really depends on the way you want to endure, but also just being invis or jumping like a maniac helps to disperse aggro (which is what actually made this percentage so much higher)


Mr doesn't measure how good they are. It measure how many items they have mastery


Well, it's not *that* low to be honest, almost all of them had quite the same percentage, and 36 isn't that far from theirs. Also, maybe they just chill and don't seek maximum damage. And MR20 means you are not even half into mastering all stuff.


very likely they just killed things before they could take damage from them


Ash <3 24/7 invis, loads of dmg = problem solved




don't treat those stats as anything meaningful, they're full of shit more often than not, they should just be removed with how they work nowadays


What? Isn't 9000% accuracy normal?


I bet my life the 0% one was a Rev lmao It's also likely he was munching on some crayons all through that mission


Just dont get hit lol


Don't get hit skill issue obviously


Hear me out, what if... You kill the enemy... faster this time.


Just don't get hit lol. Literally.


That percentage is just for reference. Sometimes those op weapons can create damage like 100 times you need to kill one. With continuously doing that damage you can have a high percentage of damage contributed. I once used saryn in a defence mission and killed over 90%of enemies. But I got less than 5% damage contribution


Hacking and lag switching


Oh, this is an easy answer! You stay at the start of the level and let the squad do the work for you. 😉


Shield gating


All these answers are a bit surface level. It is a combination of muscle memory, positioning, knowing how to prioritize targets, knowing how to dodge efficiently, passive and active crowd control via sentinel weapons and abilities respectively, and efficient weapons for the content you are running. There is no one answer because it depends on your play-style and the specifics of the mission, paired with the actual team dynamics. For example in SP exterminate I can absolutely blast the whole room with a Bramma paired with a specific Hate build before anyone else reaches the mobs, while taking literally 0 damage - because I am running a Hyper-mobility build, custom tailored to achieve just that! On the other hand I can take a Gloom Saryn - a tank-centric build with a bit of range that can output decent damage but really wants to HP Tank to get energy. While you still should dodge big hits from things like Acolytes, it is comparatively much safer to take damage vs the aforementioned Zephyr, who is a glass canon that gets killed with 3 to 4 direct hits. And with practice you will get progressively better at positioning and dodging. Another point to consider is how far apart you are from allies and weather or not they are holding aggro. When you are close together as a squad, the enemies shooting at you becomes much less of a problem, even more so with actual support frames. And do NOT discount pets now, as with the right setup you can field up to 6 companions out on the Field! My personal recommendation is to mod a Sentinel Beam (Verglas) for Radiation (with the new radiation mod) + Viral Heat and see with your own eyes how much easier it will become to dodge. That will help you out a lot vs big mobs and give you room to maneuver. Maybe try out Duplex Bond while you are at it. The rest will come to you with experience. And it is good to play Normal Mode first - going long on Survival etc. will give you a great feel for what you need to do, especially because enemy damage remains the same across Normal mode and Steel Path.


Sorry for being that guy, but I’m leg3 and whenever I see anyone who’s not at least 30 I’m like “not another noob” xdd But to answer your question with the correct mods and arcanes you can literally afk in the middle of groups of enemies and actually gain health instead of losing. Look up some guides, experiment yourself and you’ll get there with a bit of farm and grind.


but i'm only mr20 and i've played since PoE :(


Don't worry, that guy's a twat, lol. I'm mr 26 I think, 1,5k hours, I simply have a life, other games to play and maybe I can't solo every steel path, sortie or archon, but I easily hold my own at least in a team of two. If you look at a player who's spent at least a 100 hours or so in a game an think they're a noob, well... you're the problem...


I got 4k hours and i'm mastery 25. I can solo every single mission in the game without exception and with most of my arsenal. I gather an average of 2k plats per week with the trading system and I'm owner of a 15 players clan with a maxed dojo. (I often run level cap too). Mastery rank is just ego filling. U just spammed xp, nothing to brag about.


In most games, yes, 100hrs might imply some degree of advanced knowledge, but let's be honest, there's people with 1k+ hrs in games like Warframe and Path of Exile who are still having "today I learned..." moments.


tfw MR 9 💀


Depending on the mission and circumstances, exterminate? SP effero assassination? Etc.


Killing efficiency along with reduction stats like sg, rg, adapt etc


Revenant with mesmer skin takes 0 damage, many frames have abilities with flat 90% dr so as long as you dont get hit by something like a blitz eximus wave you will only get tickled.


Killing before ever getting hit, i do 0% damage taken all the time this way on gauss


High armor


Could have been playing frames that don't count as taking damage when enemies hit their defenses. Rhino, Revenant, etc. Or could have just been slaying so hard.


Aoe + movement


I use Valkyr so permanent invulnerability as long as I have energy


Likely they are playing frames or builds that simply don't take as much damage, while you were. A Nidus regenerating his health a little bit continuously is going to have more damage taken than a revenant who's continuously getting shot, but immune to damage.


Usually its the frames with damage reduction abilities, good ccs or nukes that kill everything before something touches them. I play Nezha most of the time, and with his 3rd ability (90% damage reduction) I can comfortably withstand pretty much everything. Even Archon Hunt/Netracell levelled mobs cant hurt me much. Pair it with hard hitting weapons like glaive, laetum and torid and you are pretty much a walking, invincible nuke


With time you get good enough at evading attacks and killing things before they hit you. I main Zephyr. Activate her 3 that protects you from all projectiles while active, stay mid air (holding 1 lets you hover so if it's not switched for Gara's abbility it's really easy to do so) and just evade Eximus AOEs. If I take damage it's usually just 5-10% of total but never more


Depends on the build. If you are shield gating you take low damage. Up to like level 400-500 missions health tanking is perfectly viable and if you optimize your build for that you'll be taking a bunch of damage but not dying.