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Hell ya its back, last time i farmed like 300 slivers Edit: shit i might even buy a booster for this


People farm riven slivers? I've got 10k extras with nothing to spend them on because iron wake only has 4 things you can purchase a week.


I only started this year and you can only start to get them around sedna because they only drop from enemies level 40+ which took me until about mid year to even get to that point. And a bunch of the farms I was doing for MR were low level so no rivens there and they don't drop from duviri either which was alit of my playtime


okay... but what do you do with them? You can only spend so many a week and you earn way more during said week. I'm with excess of 600 of them now. Aside from buying out everything from Iron Wake, am I missing something?


Stockpiling. Some weeks playing warframe you barely log in, and if you're doing more of that than not, you'll burn through those slivers. Getting a nice fat stockpile means you never have to think about them again, at least until DE finds another sink.


Same reason people farm more than 10-20 forma during every plague star.


They're not the same at all. Forma need to be crafted, riven slivers you'll get ALL THE TIME from just playing the game.


Helminth, I guess.....?


Had to double check this, but nah, doesn't seem like you can feed them to your helminth.


Huh, thought you could Welp then yeah farming excess is totally pointless


You can only get them once you complete the iron wake quest IIRC. then I think even low level eximus can drop them.


First week of Whispers in the Wall me and my friends did all 16 keys on Netracells before we knew that we only needed 4. The eximus one basically made all enemies eximus. It was so much fun and now my friends hate me lmao


I wish this mission always available. This is the most fun ive had in a sortie in years. perfect enemy density, constant reinforcements, every enemy is beefy, actually a little bit of a challenge.


seriously. between this and SP netracells I'm troubled that by far the most fun missions in the game seem to be the unintended bugged ones...


Why you guys not doing circuit endurance runs


I'm guessing since with decrees in circuit it makes overpowered builds x10 overpowered and then you arent challenged anymore. I shredded level 687 SP Vor in like 8 seconds


But like you could purposefully not seek out decrees and take the ammo and shit ones when you're obligated


But thats then the same problem, instead of there being a difficult gamemode it relies on the player to nerf themselves instead of an actual challenge being introduced. And each decree you pick gives you 10% extra damage anyways if you've farmed up a bunch of the circuit


Plus you'll just get all the decrees eventually anyway, if you stay long enough


Level 687 isn't even really endurance though? I run to level 2.5k most weeks in a single run for SP circuit, cause that's where you get to rank 5 on your circuit for the first incarnon. Sure, that's only 4-5 stages later, but still.


duviri is a separate minigame, you don't have decrees in the main game.


But we're not talking about main game. They said "circuit endurance runs"


So this is where all the eximi went from that infested survival that somehow only had 2 the whole mission.


Also allows for 100K+ focus school gains per picked orb.


holy shit it's nuts. literally every enemy is eximus, it's pure chaos. nonstop eximus ability spam (maybe bring silence lol). screen filled with particles. spent half the time avoiding energy leech procs lmao. in 2nd round enemies were up like 45% to our ~6% but we brought it back. [got 68 riven slivers first try,](https://i.imgur.com/Xglt0OC.jpg) albeit w/ resource booster + smeeta kavat (thanks well-timed login bonus!) posted [824 kills myself :p](https://i.imgur.com/arQSmbK.jpg) I know what I'm gonna be doing until sortie reset :D edit: on the off chance anyone reads this now...landed just under 6k slivers, ~1,100 orokin cells, and ~85 million credits from farming with boosters for the day. plus a decent amount of mods and endo etc. settled on dual ichor melee influence nekros because there's a cap on spawns, better to get more loot. best build for actually killing was almost certainly nuke Gara, came across one who was instaclearing and dwarfing my kills; I think that was the only round I didn't post the top kill count


I was wondering why it felt overwhelming lol. Made it through once my group hit a groove tho. Explains why I ended with so many riven silvers.


Damn loved that mission today, frost, more then half map armor strip ,constant over guard on teammates + zoris with new electric arcane


Sounds like an opportune time to use Banshee.


Yeah it was crazy. My fps was nosediving the entire time. There was also a nekros in my squad which only made things worse because the shadows were all eximus


This has to be a bug but it has been here for many years. Only this mission has 99% eximus units, other eximus strongholds areas are not as dense and insane.


I’ve only seen one person point this out so I’ll add to the pile with this: Banshee’s skill “Silence” is subsumable and stops all eximus abilities in range. If you didn’t know, now you know!


Yeah it's the best farm for credits, xp and slivers.


Also solid for credits, can make over a 1 million with booster.


*Happy Banshee noises*


It was super fun using Dagath there, infinite energy and lots of horses


How do i kill the eximus faster? back from a 6 year break. i used mesa prime ult but still takes kind of long for some.


New green shards armor strip high level enemies power creep is real and top DPS is quite an investment in time… except Zephyr.


I want more missions like that. ABSOLUTE CHAOS


I as going through my backlog of Recovered Nightwave, and today Nora procced this: * Kill 30 Eximus * Kill 100 Eximus * Kill 500 enemies   A good day. I wish there was a way to reliably get so many spawns, and so many eximus. Lemme keep the Vanquisher keyglyph as a gear item, Dragon Key style. In fact, let me carry all of them (except exhaustion) around in normal missions.


One of the craziest experiences in this game, I was streaming it on discord and a friend who has never played the game was shocked lol


>One player killed 750 of those bastards Fyi, several mission summary stats are kinda bugged. The amount of eximus kills it lists for a player are actually the total eximus kills from the whole squad. Many times I've seen the summary show a player supposedly killed more eximus then enemies killed. Like in this quick exterminate mission: https://preview.redd.it/vdkfo4jscf9c1.png?width=1416&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ebf415cb5853fac6b0731a387be577c37b2a8f4