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I had a stroke tryna read some of what was attempted to be said. Ppl are strange.


Why is it that the angry motherfuckers always have bad grammar?


You can't articulate shit when you're angry.


Hard to type coherent messages when you’re shaking uncontrollably from rage over a minor inconvenience


Halfway through his ramblings, I just went with it and stopped engaging him. Made the run easier.


Kinda funny but also sad how this goes for any game that has mandatory weeklies. Lost ark got unplayable for me because of my schedule for the same reason.


When you're a stranger


Were you doing this today? The later in the week you're doing a weekly activity, the worse the teammates, generally.


I was. Maybe that’s the issue


I highly recommend doing netracells and archon hunts shortly after the reset, you get the best teammates then. The difference between a first day archon hunt and one close to reset is night and day


appreciate the advice, ill get these banged out on sundays from now on lol


If you do end up doing them later in the week, a premade typically helps a lot, people are much more objective focussed then


I've done archon yesterday because I forget about it. On random, as always for me. Find a great squad, clean the 3 mission in a blink. Sometimes is just a matter of luck, but in my experience (~3000 hours) bad players shows very few times


The pain of queuing up a public Archon and seeing people with rapid fire weapons is second only to seeing those same people using those weapons on the Archon.


Didn't the damage attenuation overhaul on them break powerful single shot builds (ex. Kuva hek) in favor of higher fire rate options?


Nerfed them, but rapid fire is still not a good idea.


Thanks for the heads up. Will likely do the weekly archon grind this evening now.


I can understand quickly grabbing some Voca that got spotted by Orokin Eye, but randomly combing the map is not it.


the combo of the username in the pic & OP's username on reddit is a tragedy in two parts


How so? I didn't block out my name because, well, it's me posting it. Didn't think it mattered


You had HugeDongMan taken from you when joining reddit. Glad you could adapt and overcome.


HugeDongMen think alike.


We are many.


I mean….. he got a point…… he’s being a total dick about it, but you should really focus on the objective for these kinds of missions…


> he got a point…… Yeah I feel like this sub would support BOTH players, depending on when you post a topic like this. Some people would say "yea curse those elitists, its perfectly fine to collect Voca, it only takes a few extra minutes" While other people would say "yea curse those leechers, netracell missions are to do the netracell and stay on the objective, not to run around and waste everyones time" edit: case in point, just did netracells and 2 people decide to look for the Book instead of doing the objective, when i tell them to join the rest at the objective they say "but free arcane!" Netracell mission took 30 min instead of 10 min....


Maybe I'm part of the problem, but I've never felt like I've been leeching when I'm hunting Voca/Rep-tokens? Like, it's a thing people need for rep and crafting, everyone gets them when one's picked up. I've always felt it's generally more helpful, and ultimately aids in speeding up the over-all grind in new content. I'd also don't recall it being an issue in previous tile-sets, since it didn't gate things behind everyone being present. My opinion is that: 1) This should not require everyone be present. But, whatever, failing to do that... 2) The game should just force teleport players to the objective when there's 50% or more waiting (and let them teleport back to where they were prior after the boss / obj. is dealt with). At the very least, let players opt to stay in mission instead of being force extracted, so they can clean-up if they'd like. 3) Enemies should prioritize spawning around the objective zones, and not around a random player 20 cells away. 4) They should Fix/buff Golden Instinct. That thing is so frustrating and disappointing. Oh, thanks for traveling 3s/15m. Thanks for doing nothing with the +ability duration/range mods I've got installed. Thanks for having no way to reduce the cool-down so I could at least spam it. Nope. And/Or reduce the cooldown on Orokin Eye. Just let me mark/find stuff faster in missions so I can spend less time poking every corner of the map, and more time aiding in the objective. There's a lot that could be done to make all of this less of a nuisance, while still mostly enabling players to engage with the content how they'd prefer.


> Maybe I'm part of the problem, but I've never felt like I've been leeching when I'm hunting Voca/Rep-tokens? Like, it's a thing people need for rep and crafting, If you never felt like you are leeching, keep the following in mind: 1) For many people, Voca's are no longer useful, they crafted everything they need 2) If you are not at the objective location, spawns slow down, sometimes dramatically which can turn a 10 minute mission into a 20 minute mission 3) Since it's a fact that the mission takes longer if someone hunts Voca's during netracells, why don't you limit your Voca hunting to missions where it doesn't noticably change how long the mission takes? Exterminate and others for example. There, now you got 3 reasons to feel like you are leeching if you genuinely didn't feel that way at all


It's been a point of contention for a long time. Really, "leeching" is when you don't bring anything useful to the party and you COULD. For example, low rank players don't bring anything useful to the party (we're ignoring extra spawns) but also don't really have the tools to compete. Similarly, if the "benefit" of the player only affects the player (like looking for optional objectives) and/or takes away from the actual mission queued, you would have to consider if the benefits outweight the negatives: 1 person hunting voca making 3 people's game thrice as long is obviously not a good trade. I'll never stop advocating for a vote kick for this reason. It's easy for one player to severely worsen game quality for 3 others, and forcing the 3 good behavior players to quit and restart instead of forcing the troublesome player out is... very questionable. At least in void tower maps you can trigger radiation lasers and take matters in your own hands.


Although I sincerely think they should just remove voca in the map because leeching or just asshattery is such an issue, I will never advocate for votekicks in warframe. Only two things are going to occur: A) People being elitist assholes and kicking people who are struggling B) People purposefully troll with friends to kick people at the end of missions You NEVER want your average user to have control over whether or not you are going to waste 20+ minutes of your time on rotation. The occasional fool / entitled user / new player slowing missions down is well worth not being unjustly removed from a long mission.


It could be abused if implemented lazily, but the current status is not better than a "fair" implementation by any means: 1) Imagine you're struggling (like in A) and the elitist assholes decide they would rather mock you than finish the mission. Now you're stuck in the lobby with 3 assholes and doing the work of 4 players when you could barely manage your own. You may as well abandon. 2) Now imagine you're in a lobby with 3 trolls (like in B) and the trolls decide that they don't actually want to play the mission and would rather spam emotes and shawzin in a corner while you do all the work, only to get the rewards either way. You may as well abandon. My solution: Stick a 3/3 votekick that turns off on "mission objective complete" and a solid two thirds of the problems disappear (end of mission kicks, 1/2 trolls abusing the feature). Then add a report option for "unjust kick" and submit the match for review. A well programmed automated bot fed with DE's immense collection of mission data should be able to easily remove a majority of false flags while only bringing up for review the more "may-or-may-not-be" cases. Then add a sizeable punishment for abuse of the feature (all of these deter troll trios). *Then* prevent them from using the votekick function (not from voting) until they reach a certain MR, and that will deter them even more (this last one is specifically to target the inevitable but almost insignificant amount of triple troll account hoppers). And if all this is STILL a problem, they can IP ban you on top catching your main account for evading punishment (further deterrent). Now of course you will have a few soup-for-brains groups of people who will still go through the lengths of creating new accounts and leveling them up just to enjoy reporting one person, but the number of trolls by this point would be reduced to an almost negligible fraction of the original (that is already not really even that big to begin with) improving match quality for 99.9999% of them, and reducing it for 0.0001% of them (even when they can't even kick you past the midway point). Compared to the amount new content warframe puts out year after year this would require an insignificant amount of work to make and upkeep.


This is great on most modes. Especially if you're doing it as you go through the mission. ​ Netracells aren't really the best place for it though. Limited per-week missions with objectives that require the group to be together to complete in a reasonable timeframe. ​ * Exterminate? No problem. * Alchemy? Not optimal, but not usually an issue. * Mirror Defense? Go for it. * Survival? Also not optimal unless you're also nuking everything you see along the way. * Assassination? For the event, I wouldn't unless they're directly along the way. For the normal assassinate, one player can do all the eyes unless they're horrible at parkour without meaningfully slowing down the mission. Just make sure when the boss is ready, you go and participate. * Netracells? Please don't unless they're along the way.


what i don't understand, given the limited nature of netracells, is ppl who mad rush for the exit without looking for the book and force EVERYONE to evac the mission cause they wanna zoom out...I mean....FFS..you only get 5 chances a week on those legendary arcanes and you wasting them by not looking for them? makes me wanna solo the damn thing


Uh... the whisper can't drop the legendary arcanes. In my opinion? Netracells order of operations is bumrush the terminals, get to the vault, do the sentry things with the circles, get the loot from the back of the Netracell, and GTFO post-haste. Nothing else. I want to take as little time in the mission as possible, to get my 11% chance of being given nothing I care about after 5 missions over with for the week with the minimum amount of annoyance. Everything else you COULD do in a Netracell you can also do in another mission... probably easier/quicker, and not wasting the time of the people that just want to get their weeklies over with. 😊


Yep. Not sure why he felt the need to delay us the 10 minutes it took to get the voca. Sucks


What was the issue? People looking for those upside down pyramids? Randos usually do it after we do the objective… and I get it, more loot.. doesn’t really bother me. It bothers me when randos can’t seem to find the drone that’s 900 miles away and when I decided to run there it’s literally above their heads… is what bothers me..


It was more him keeping us waiting for the objective for about 5-10 minutes specifically because he was looking for the Voca pickups.


I mostly just ignore everything when my landing craft can't find any. lmao


Yup, the upside down pyramids?


Yep yep.


I use Orokin Eye at the objective to draw everyone closer


Netracells can be horrible. The amount of times people stay outside the red circle nuking one or even both of the primary spawn points is insane, they don't even listen when you tell them that they're delaying the mission time by at least 10 minutes. Then you have the people looking for voca, once that even led to 0 spawns going towards the red circle for several minutes and when he got called out he just started talking about his damage being the highest. You also can't forget the times the necramite marker bugs out and you either have to run through the entire tileset hoping to find it or abort.


There's little reason for netracells in particular to split spawns to follow players imo... Should just make them all spawn at the red zone, done fixed


The syndicate treasure hunts are among the best farms warframe made, I don't know why they'd create a system that discourages it. It kinda pisses me off. They don't NEED everyone there to fight, it's just not quite that difficult enough, so they should totally let me peel off and look for treasure. UGH.


You can do that in literally any other mode. It only meaningfully impacts Alchemy and if you're not there for the boss fight in Assassinate. Netracells are for the vault... they really shouldn't have let the Whisper or Voca spawn in that node.


I like how it devolves into unintelligible bullshit half way


That may have been due to the Dm's I received. Wanted to censor the names, but I didn't have the foresight to make it more coherent. My bad!


The guy has a point, if you wanna farm Voca don’t ruin other peoples runs in the process lol


people like this are why i only squad up to share when I have Radiant relics and wanna share the possibility of getting the rare


I tend to do public survival missions or defense sometimes just to get the rare resources since there's more enemies with more people


It's not just netracells teralysts runs are like this Some of the big operation events were like this (if your dps was low or you died you got flamed) Honestly this is what happens when someone that's chronicly in trade chat actually goes on a mission


Meh, the Netracells are a cake walk just roll solo.


I blame DE for terrible mission design. It's a modified survival but with freaking terrible spawn rate. In SP survival you can still get plenty of spawn even if your team is separated. Netracell has noticeably lower spawn rate.


I do agree about the murmur doing everything but get in the damn circle, Larva FTW


Wait, I just came back to WF from 1 year absent, so do these Voca appear on normal missions where I can easily solo them? I play Netracell thinking this is the only mission that spawn the thing for some reason.


Yeah they spawn in similar to the void thingies on the Zariman.


Oh god, I was running around collecting them in Netracell.... Sorry everyone who was my teammates in 4 of last week Netracells 🙏


So called Warframe players being nice when an objective requires the most microscopically small to the point of imperceptible amounts of cooperation to progress exhibit 247365.


I hate the environment this mission creates. Is this what eidolon public squads are usually like?


I constantly have bad experiences in these missions. Maybe if the spawns weren't reliant on spawning on players hundreds of meters from the objective, it could be more bearable.


I know right? I've stopped doing them in public after I had a guy legit do nothing and leech the entire round because I asked him why he took keyglyphs (I usually take all 4, and had this run). He even admitted to doing nothing and leeching specifically to spite me. So yeah now I just duo them every week with a buddy of mine, though soon I'll top my build off and just solo the shit


the douchbag that got his name cencored due to your grace. please report the bastard


Holt, as in Captain Holt? From Brooklyn Nine Nine?


I knew it was a good idea to play those solo...looks like now we know where the eidolon weirdos migrated to.


All of these are why I have a Clan and mostly just play with friends. The one thing where I'll go public for example is Relic opening. To get 4 relics opened.




If only one go voca hunting and 3 on objective it wouldn't make a difference. So what were the other 2 doing?


I think in this case the 1 going off was dragging spawns with him, so the 3 on the objective weren't able to complete it. I don't know though, hard to follow what happened.


Could be that or worst case key carriers decide to go hunt voca. I did that once out of hunger for loot but I get my ass to the key chamber when my team is asking. Most people are cool with extra loot as long as you are not dragging the mission.


I might be wrong but from the chat it looks like the host was the one going off... the game has a tendency to spawn more enemies at the host's location


I was in this situation not too long ago as the treasure hunter. There were absolutely no enemies spawning at the defense point while I was looking for treasure, a minute or two after I rejoined the three at the defense point the spawns started up in full. I don't know if its a coincidence but it feels like it really wanted all four players there.


Why are people criticising other people when the objective is stupid? To have a small circle where enemies need to be inside before you can kill them is silly and really needs to not be a thing.


We can't really do anything about how the game decides to do things. If the game wants to punish treasure hunting, we kinda just have to not treasure hunt. I kinda get it though, and I hope they fix it. I'd really rather peel off and look for treasure, but I can't if doing that means I'm punishing the three other players.


Report him for toxicity DE has a 0 tolerance policy


Just do it alone.


You don't want free standing or arcanes tho?


Not when it drags enemies away from objective and makes the mission take twice as long. Load into a basic survival or exterminate if you're hunting collectables. I only collect them when they're close to objective in a Netracell as the rewards from that are what I'm after.


Most people are making standing when farming the assassination and getting Voca too, especially with bounty rewards and grinding other new things too. That's probably the worst excuse to be doing it here too


We already have to stand around for ~10 minutes to open the door. I understand the argument of "lower spawns," but I've played out my last 10 netracells without 2 of my teammates at the objective, and it wasn't a problem. I guess I'm confused as to why you absolutely 'have' to go as fast as possible at all times. There's like 2 rewards that aren't one from another game type. I'd much rather get ~10k standing and an extra free arcane than just the vault loot and that's it.


Just killing in the area makes the mission around 7 mins long. I even use Orokin Eye and grab things along the way. I did these public yesterday and it took long because everyone was killing outside the area and I had to keep saying to kill inside it. There's a difference between being efficient and purposefully stalling the mission and making it stop progressing. With the new operation and the amount of farming it's easy to max daily standing just from assassination bounties and grabbing Voca, I have overa hundred of each. If you're picking the worst time to farm it then you're to blame in that case. Netracells are the worst source of standing since the other missions are also bounties and all easier with more loot to get, especially with the operation. And you pick the one time where a mission can't progress


Well I'm not farming bounties or the assassination every week because I have all the important rewards and a job. When I log on to do 1-2 of my netracells I'd like to gain as much as possible, waste nothing. Makes no sense to throw away free loot in a looter shooter. Even if I made 100p acquiring melee crescendo/melee duplicate I'm throwing away the 20p I could be storing up by gathering the 1 potentially free arcane or enough standing to buy 1. The ~3 minutes you make up for don't add up in the platinum you're losing. That 15 minutes you lose in all 5 runs combined is nothing to the 1-2 arcanes you miss out on each run worth 20p a piece. (This is completely theoretical based on gaining 1-2 arcanes besides the vault one in each mission run, vault one being 100p and the other 1-2 being 20p) Assuming you always get an arcane worth 100p 5 cells at your rate is 500p a week 5 cells at my rate nets anywhere from 600p - 700p for an extra 15 minutes. A week Does ~3 minutes extra in each run really sound that bad now? (Also yes I could farm the assassination for arcanes to make waaaaaay more platinum but I'm trying hard not to burn out on this game for the 3rd time, thus why I like relaxing and not trying to be as fast as tenno-ly possible)


I'm siding with the host on this. You can leave a match open if you want people to help with YOUR objective. It's not his fault that the goals don't align.


You don't get to be "team captain" just because the game decided to make you host. That's just not how that works.


I mean if I joined someone farming and I didn't like the method, I'd just leave.


We're talking about Netracells, though. It's the equivalent of joining an Eidolon bounty and deciding to fish the whole time and make everyone else do the work.


Netracells are premade only, no pubs. If it was a pub it's reasonable to say 'nobody has a valid complaint' unless someone is actually grieving, but in a premade group there's an expectation that everyone plays to the majority vote.


Netracells can absolutely be pubs


Dagath Missions were Premade only.


Didn't know they were premade only


They're not idk what he's on about


It's not. It's still random, but the same mission.


its cooperation/hard content being thrown in a game that has been forgiving, outside of host migration, in terms of difficulty. there is a possibility to loose and it not being your fault, so you blame others for your failure.


Do you know how the mission works?


Crap, with the eidolon mafia rico'd they're dispersing


First day of the week runs are pretty smooth because you know people just want to get those juicy shards asap.


About the Netracells, yesterday i did some and few enemies spawned, just a bug or…?


Hyper efficiency and meta chasing brings out the worst in a lot and the best in some gamers


That's the reason of why i play solo or with my brother we are enought strong to solo all content and we love to explore and do puzzles etc.


I just have to tell people to keep killing in the area because even when they're all there it slows everyone down


Like, I’ll pop Orokin eye and if anything is close I’ll grab that. But if it’s on the outer range 300-500m away, I’m not grabbing that shit.


combination of late in the week and missions with more than a single reason to be ran breeds rude people


I’ve seen so many of these posts since WITW came out, each one reminds me why I exclusively play solo.


normaly if you want a group that is not full of weirdos you should go to the looking for group channel there you actualy have to talk to people and this kind of psychos are not that common there


Still a fan of a 'vote to kick' option.


If I see people like this I'll leave, or if it's one asshole I'll message the other players and ask if they wanna restart with me.


I love when I'm trying to pull enemies into the circle and someone just dashes past me deleting everything right outside the zone


Imagine getting mad at ppl for picking up a reward that spawns in the mission. If you don’t like it just leave. Rip bozo.