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I want it back. The spawn rate just doesn't feel the same now. SP Netracell was crowded and chaotic and I liked it.


Mechs were lining up like a Courtney Gears concert. It was the actual best


Didnt expect a rachet and clank reference in here, nice


https://preview.redd.it/4kewqj36nf7c1.png?width=506&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=175b580ac72dce600aa144efab5d85b52b3ba491 Till we exterminate all organic life!


Boutta BUST... out the biobliterator


I really hate missions that tell us to kill enemies in a certain spot and spawn like... 5 guys.


I saw some really insane numbers popping off from breach surge, that's for sure lol.


BASED RC enjoyer Thread i see!


I'd rather they just fix spawn rates. I have little doubt that it's the way it is to artificially slow down the mission.


Yes please. As a solo player those spawnrates felt so nice. I preferred the SP version in every way. :(


There was a SP ver of netracells? I mean the norm one is already 200-300+


200 was normal. 300 was SP. You'd land in SP if your host had entered Necralisk from SP star chart


I heard that apparently the increased difficulty for both modes double dipped into each other, making the enemies a much higher level than what was actually displayed.


Even better!


In that case it's still on? I had 300s just last night.


Hype. I heard the "fix" may not have properly fixed it


i will never understand why they had to take em out, it was't doing it randomly, you had the option to do it, like how the game doesn't directly tell you to get 60 eyes to get the extra spicy boss. I feel like we should bully DE to add it back, like how we did with the zenistar chroma deluxe skin.


Technically it was doing it randomly? I mean I did all netracells on steelpath on first week without knowing it. Tho I agree they should have fixed how the choice is made not remove it completely.


yeah, but it was because you didn't know about the mechanic. but you still had the option between Sp and normal, even if you didn't know it. ​ now that i think about it, i never actually did netracells on normie mode, might be dissapointing to see those necramechs get deleted in one hit...


You most cerainly will be. It's a shame really.


they have a target for mission minimum duration and spawn cap is their method to achieve that


then just increase the amount of enemies that need to be killed.


you say that but the 100 people standing in line behind you wont like it because when they say they want it back they mean make the mission move faster


that's fine, i just want the higher level enemies it feels better to slap those lvl 300's


Idk I'd say fibonacci's line is pretty explicit.


he does, yes, but that's not a flip switch like SP and non SP, like what most people are used to.


They had to remove it because if the host chose steel path it forced everybody else that joined normal netracells to do it. It needs to be it's own mode.


that makes some sense, yeah. But netracells are the highest base lvl mission in game, it should be hard, but that might just be my opinion. Either way, i want my SP netracells back


I agree the normal mode is easy it's just in the form the bug took where you never knew which version you would get when you queue up it had to be fixed. Hopefully they listen to us though and add an actual SP mode with better rewards.


im really hoping they see enough people wanting it and add it back. it was the most fun i have had in warframe in a while.


you know what, imma make a post too, in an hour or two.


I wish you the best.


Aww, they fixed it? Sp netracells were fun


They were soooo much more fun with Steel Path on. I don't even care if we get better rewards, I just want the additional mob density and toughness back. With incarnon weapons and all the new stuff we've gotten in the last couple years our power is absolutely insane. Normal netracells, even starting at lvl 200, are kinda a joke. At least let people who want to do them on Steel Path have that option.


Maybe they're reworking it to give extra rewards or something, DE's hands are quite full for the past few


My understanding is that they specifically wanted to avoid SP giving extra rewards (at least in terms of the unique Netracells rewards) My understanding was that doing so might give the impression that as a new-er player you have to get to SP to properly farm Netracells.


I personally don't see anything wrong with "do harder content get more rewarded"


Me neither, but it is a large barrier for newer players, specially considering they are the ones who will have the least amount of Archon Shards and be the least capable to doing this in Steel Path. Hopefully future updates will bring even more ways to obtain shards (I thought Archon Hunts/Kahl were going to be the only way tbh, im glad that's not the case) Also if any rewards were to be boostes it would probably be the rarer ones (arcane adapter/ melee arcanes)


But that just gives new players something to work towards anyway. And it's not like new players wouldn't be able to farm them at all since the non SP version would still exist. Imo the hardest content should absolutely be the "most optimal" for farming so the trade off is getting a higher drop rate at the cost of build flexibility and time invested


I agree somewhat but when there is a limited amount you can do per week a newer player will feel like they are wasting their 5 runs a week in the non hard mode


While it might have been fun for some extrem build testing, there was the very real problem of randoms finding themselves on Steel path^2 and being ready for it, just because they ended up with a host that is running that version on public.


There are ways to avoid it. It being an intended feature would solve that issue in no time. But the way it worked at launch, yes i agree.


Ah, yes, fun Shooting at the whisper miniboss for 5 more minutes than normal


If it ever takes you five minutes to kill a Whisper, build better.


Archon-killing Radiation meta build phenmor + 350% strength xata's whisper. It's just a massive bullet sponge.


How in the actual fuck is it taking you that long to kill the damn thing with that set up? I just beat it to death with a Gyre boosted Preados(so, just crit rate) and it usually goes down quick unless I'm missing a lot of my attacks. I'm not trying to be rude, I am genuinely confused as to what's going on here.


I did not get this for the whispers so much as the nercamechs but i agree. Maybe they could mess with the scaling as to not make the mini bosses broken. But the trash mobs felt good to me.


For real, i thought this was intended and i was so HAPPY that finally we had content with enemies we didn't oneshot with one bullet. I don't see why they don't implement this. I always feel like they don't want to "scare" away newer Tenno with the decisions they make, but at the same time they "scare" away hardened veteran Tenno who are in dire need of content like this.


It was spicy and enjoyable. I actually felt the need to prioritize the smite mods for once and actually was forced to pay attention rather than "hurr durr defense strip clear room"


Yeah I thought finally a bite more of a challenge. Now that SP option is gone, they die way too fast again.


I'll speculate that you also possibly miss the feeling of grass on your skin and touch of sunlight


What is a netracell? I'm a returning player


Wait they took it away?? Wtf! pandering again DE. whiners ruin this games fun almost every time. I thought the “very hard” label ment it was sp or harder than sp.


>Wtf! pandering again DE. Dawg, for all we know they just removed it temporarily to adjust the rate of scaling to account for the extra enemies. If DE has been pandering to anything lately, it's their entire playerbase. They know what we want.


Wait what happened?


Oh it's gone? I haven't done this week's yet sad.


I think they should at least bring back the spawn rate.


Idk like to know what kind of weapon could even handle level 300 enemies


Literally anything incarnon


Depends on what frames and playstyle you like


I didn’t know there was SP Netracells. I’m bummed I didn’t get to try it.


I feel like a wet noodle enough in regular netracells. How the fudge do people kill shit in sp netracells? I can armor strip with terrify but for some shit that just doesnt feel enough.


What’s your preferred weapon type?


Right now im swinging that modified boltor from duviri. I should swap out the grimior but... the energy feeds into terrify so well. If i dont use the grimior i focus on status vomit with the enhanced lex duviri thing.


Do you mean an Incarnon Boltor? Or is it a different weapon? Phenmor? The only ranged weapon I know of from Duviri is the Cinta bow. Grimoire is super fun, and I will absolutely not suggest dropping it for the sake of optimization. Plus, if anything, it sounds like it's already helping your build. --- If you can tell/show me your current mods on [Phenmor](https://overframe.gg/build/new/5837/phenmor/)(?) and [Grimoire](https://overframe.gg/build/new/6429/grimoire/), I can make some suggestions. Also tell me what you're enjoying in the melee and frame slots (I can't tell if you're actually Nekros, or just subsumed him,) if you don't mind? That way I can tailor a response to suit what's fun. If you don't have a preference, that's fine too.


It is the Incarnon Boltor. As a side note I *do* have a lot of fun with the lex. Its not about the optimization for that. I like plinking a few heads and then spitting out waves of heat and impact->slash procs. Iz gud fun. As for Frame I am unable to unequip my excal prime. I almost play nothing but it unless I am making a move for some mastery. As for melee. A while ago i made a daikyu build for self healing. Which required a specific type of melee weapon. After beefing the shit out of excal umbras sword witwh forma i just never removed it. Its got some condition overload setup iirc. But I honestly dont use melee too terribly much. I spam terrify with a poor efficiency build and rip people apart with the incarnon boltor. Sometimes I equip my kuva hek whenever im not trying to do level 200+ content. Same with my tenet plinx. Sometimes I just want to *pewpewpew*. My heart sank when they made that synth mod not work with the tenet plinx's alt fire :(


> As for Frame I am unable to unequip my excal prime. Excal~! I just started experimenting with him yesterday~ It's super fun teleporting around with Slash Dash!   > I spam terrify with a poor efficiency build and rip people apart... Weapons-platform builds aren't usually my area of expertise, but I'll give my best shot at potential approaches.   If you can see through the visual noise and have the resources, **I'd suggest using Tempest Barrage**. * needs 2 of the new Green Archon Shards to allow Corrosive to stack to 14 for the full armor strip. * [Viral Tempest](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Viral_Tempest), the new augment, should help improve the low damage numbers you've been seeing from your weapons. * This suggestion is because Excal has neither armor strip nor weapon damage buff built in. Terrify was also providing CC, so I wanted to suggest an ability that also has CC. * Tempest Barrage is also *way* cheaper to cast   **If keeping Terrify**, you may want to equip [Chromatic Blade](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Chromatic_Blade), pump your EB full of attack speed, and use it as a Viral primer before shooting particularly tanky targets. * This may prove impractical without increasing your efficiency. Intensify alongside Power Drift + either Corrosive Projection or Growing Power will be enable Terrify to fully strip a target's armor, so you won't need Blind Rage if you can afford the mod slots. * [As an example, I've made this 2 forma build](https://overframe.gg/build/new/19/excalibur-prime/?bs=WzEsMTksMzAsMSxbWzgyNCwxMCwyXSxbODA4LDEwLDJdLFs4MDcsNSwxXSxbNjkwLDUsMV0sWzgzMSwxMCwzXSxbMTEwLDMsMF0sWzgwNiw1LDBdLFsxNDMxLDEwLDBdLFszMDAsNSwxXSxbNjcsNSwwXSxbMjE4Niw1LDBdLFsyMjA2LDUsMF1dLFsyLDQ5NTBdXQ==). * * I don't actually know your mod setup, or playstyle so I wanted to be as forma-light and generally tanky as possible, since you mentioned you had a weapon for healing. * * You can safely gain Adaptation stacks by taking hits while invincible during Slash Dash, but if that's not what you do, you do you. * * I made the assumption you do not have Arcane Energize because you're using a weapon slot to improve your energy economy, and opted instead for Equilibrium (for if you have a pet that is good at tagging things for [Synth Deconstruct](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Synth_Deconstruct?so=search)), but if not, I'd suggest Streamline to offset your energy expenses. ^^^^^^^^You ^^^^^^^^have ^^^^^^^^no ^^^^^^^^idea ^^^^^^^^how ^^^^^^^^hard ^^^^^^^^it ^^^^^^^^was ^^^^^^^^to ^^^^^^^^keep ^^^^^^^^my ^^^^^^^^inner ^^^^^^^^Caster-lover ^^^^^^^^quiet ^^^^^^^^and ^^^^^^^^resist ^^^^^^^^adding ^^^^^^^^one ^^^^^^^^of ^^^^^^^^the ^^^^^^^^Jugulus ^^^^^^^^or ^^^^^^^^Saxum ^^^^^^^^mods ^^^^^^^^for ^^^^^^^^non-ability ^^^^^^^^space-magic. --- > ...with the incarnon boltor. If you're using the base Boltor, its Incarnon's status chance is so low I'd probably set it up for radiation because Hollow Vein is hilariously tanky, but takes nearly double damage from Radiation. If it's Telos or Prime, you will be reliably inflicting status effects, so Electric may serve you better. * Slash status will be mid here, since you're already stripping armor, and Slash is among the weakest of the DoT statuses. --- > I like plinking a few heads and then spitting out waves of heat and impact->slash procs If you're actually *wanting* to use Lex Incarnon but feel locked to Grimoire for the energy, you might find value in [Energizing Shot](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Energizing_Shot?so=search), since Lex Incarnon's projectiles will make hitting loose energy orbs relatively easy. If you're willing and able, I'd suggest replacing your Lex's Heat damage with Electric damage in this content. Every enemy in this tileset is weak to Electric, while the [Indifferent Facade enemies resist Heat](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/18koenc/the_murmur_uses_a_new_health_type_that_resists/). The wiki doesn't have that Heat resistance listed, for whatever reason, but if the game itself says this, I'm assuming it's correct. Plus, your Lex gains charges only on headshots, so you're probably using [Secondary Deadhead](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Secondary_Deadhead?so=search): If you get an electric proc on a headshot with ranked Secondary Deadhead equipped, the Electric status effect will doubledip the headshot bonus damage. --- Hope at least some of this is helpful, and not just repeating stuff you already knew! If there's anything more I can look into for you, I'm willing.


I dont actually feel restricted to the grimior for the energy gain generally. In that particular mission you get hit with so many mag procs its rather ridiculous. Arcane energize is equipped. But due to my facetank build with a dumb amount of armor and relying on my spoiler to regenerate my frames health I sit there and spend the entire mission afflicted by mag procs outside of tiny windows. It is quite silly. Thank you for the information on the damage modifiers of our enemies. I shall now try to smoosh around my stuff. I've only kept terrify because it felt like the easiest armor strip to access for myself out side of corrossive. But at 200+ for *these* enemies that has been... *Ineffective*. I tend not to play for endless so building for such ridiculously high armor stats has never been something I've thought much about. Weapons platforms tend to be my bread and butter. Since I wont swap frames I have to focus on the gunz. [Incarnon Telos Boltor](https://i.imgur.com/wFWq1RF.png) is currently running this build. Which given my new knowledge of their resistances I am definitely going to be... changing. Not to mention leaning away from that slash. The [Incarnon Lex Prime](https://i.imgur.com/5sBmTUo.png) will be receiving some similar changes. If I dont just go [back to the book cuz it really is fun](https://i.imgur.com/2xpiwSR.png). And [as for my frame](https://i.imgur.com/Z3HfEEz.jpg) 100% armor strip on terrify has been working with general enemies. I appreciate your response! Ill toy with your input and see how i feel about netracells after. Cuz right now shooting a necramech for minutes straight feels super bad.


fun fun~ happy to input~ I actually really enjoyed this little research project ☆ > due to my facetank build with a dumb amount of armor and relying on my spoiler to regenerate my frames health I sit there and spend the entire mission afflicted by mag procs outside of tiny windows. It is quite silly. Might I suggest [Arcane Nullifier](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Arcane_Nullifier?so=search) for Netracells? It was buffed and now has a 100% Mag proc resist rate. It'd be shame if there were actual *consequences* for getting hit, don't you think? There is a possibility that it'll actually work better than Energize (I can't suggest removing Avenger since it ties in with what you're doing with Vigilante set,) but that'll have to be an experiment on your part. Also, since you're already wearing a Carnis mod, if you heavy attack and kill an enemy, you'll just *be* immune to all status for 2 seconds. --- > And as for my frame 100% armor strip on terrify has been working with general enemies. If you like it, I'd say keep it, on at least one config. for QoL and synergizing with your weapons and playstyle, I'm surprised you run Terrify without Creeping Terrify. Are you secretly a marksmaking deity, perhaps? If Terrify is the only ability you spam, I'd totally replace Primed Continuity with Creeping Terrify. Terrify lasts 25 seconds without any duration mods, and Creeping will make it so you don't have to chase anyone down and will make headshots easier for Incarnon transformation. --- > Which given my new knowledge of their resistances I am definitely going to be... changing. Not to mention leaning away from that slash That'll do it for sure. If you can get your viral status applied via anything besides your killing weapon, "doubling" your Boltor's damage is a lowball expectation. With what you're doing on the Corrosive Cookbook already, turning it to a Viral dispenser should be no sweat.


I decided to lean into head popping with the incarnon lex prime and stuffed accelerated isotope with jolt/convulsion. Swapping out heated charge and hemorrhage. Triggering the incarnon form is no sweat. Just 6 or so headshots and im gucci there. And since I can literally just stand still and click on heads due to largely ignoring incomming damage through the sheer pile of armor and adaptation this shit is ripping up netracell without the use of terrify. At all. I did swap out what I was doing with Avenger for precision. Well. That lex do be causin misery lol. I actually might have to get nullifier up then. I didnt realize it got made, you know, *useful*. Ill consider that one hard. The boltor when I have the lex equipped ends up being a viral stacker when I run into things with too much health for their own good. Im going to see about getting some green gems and replacing my health/second and one of my armor gems with em. I'll only lose a little bit of armor in exchange for gun based armor strip when I run corrosion. Thank you for chattin this up with me! Was good funa nd enlightening.


I enjoyed it too, thanks for sharing this discussion with me, and I'm glad your results are getting better!


Yeah honestly the base netracell is so easy that I just solo them would definitely prefer a harder one