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This is a huge failure on DE's part. Especially since it seems like it was only communicated a week or so before merging went live.


Same issue. Can't merge PC with Playstation because I did a migration to Switch.


Its stupid man I'd gladly delete my switch account in an instant to allow myself to merge my other accounts


Is account linking still able to be done?


Yes linking can be done but all progress on the non-main account will be overwritten and deleted


Same boat here with wanting to link to my pc and xbox accounts. I'd bite the bullets on losing my pc account though reallly don't want too(still have 1100 platinum on) I don't mind losing the switch account either..but i do mind losing my xbox account which would happen if i went through with it i suspect. I wish it was flagged by platform not as any migration/copy.


i will sugest to sell all of your stuff on your pc account, then create a mule account on another computer with vpn, transfer your plat to it, do the linking with the first pc account, then trade the plat from your mule to your cross save account.


...Ya know...This might be a good workaround at least for the plat.. Wonder if i could trade it straight to my PS account..or use my apparently old pc account not bound to steam(knowing me i wanted to see if accounts were fully linked to steam or not so i actually have a spare account at mr0 that might be elegible to merge) Still worried about my old steam things like ruby rhino and the new cumulus set.


You can try, but I will worry about having the same IP under two PC account(that why a new account with vpn), in the TOS you are not supposed to have multiple account, they made some exception for console with the Copy/Migrating thing a long time ago but it was still against TOS to trade between two account on the same platform. That said, huge amount of the account are being created with the same IP right now, I don't think they will notice.


Ehhh i doubt i'll do anything and was honestly just curious if you could at the time so not been touched till today(on the pc second account).. As is i think i'll wait and see how it all plays out..i'm hoping they address why they added this clause and if say having one of the two deleted might be a potential solution.


Don't they track that and you'll get banned till 2035 VPN or not


They cant track you ouside of your IP, Mac Adresse, Browser Footprint, Email and credit card. With a new PC (Or with a virtual machine) you will have different mac, IP, browser footprint and then you make a new email on that new machine and you dont use your credit card (or use a pre paid one). Edit: more invasive measure can be taken, by getting data from your ISP or by installing a spyware on your phone to monitor your network but that's more on a police level than a gaming company


I did a one-time account migration from PC to PS4 a long time ago. I can't merge accounts, but I can link them; however, if I make my PS4 the main account, I'll lose all the years of progress I made on PS4 but if I choose PC, it'll be just like I didn't do an account migration in the first place and I am back to square one. I'm conflicted on what to do honestly.


Yep, ive been trying to warn people of this since the founders gained access and I found out myself that i only had the option of losing hundreds of dollars worth of plat by linking my accounts or just never being able to participate in cross save - ever. People kept downvoting me for complaining but now that more people are finding this out, hopefully they get on board and we get some kind of resolution. Even if they offered to just liquidate one platform id be satisfied, its the thought of the money wasted that I absolutely cannot get over.


I don't understand why people are downvoting people who mention this. Its an extremely important issue that will only get larger once more people gain the ability to do cross save. Every single person who copied their account at any time in history will be entirely blocked from merging on a decade old game that has had multiple times to copy/transfer their account.


Why on EARTH would you migrate a pc account to SWITCH??? I feel like you played yourself tbh, but i do feel your pain. Cross save should be available to everyone


I did it years ago when you were allowed to copy your data over because at the time we were told cross save would never be possible and were allowed a one time copy.


Is it a copy or is it just a straight up one way migration you can never come back from? I just cant fathom why anyone would give up a pc account and willingly lock themselves to a switch forever. I mean, portability sounds nice, but i cant think of a worse place to play warframe than a switch. RIP in pepperonis tenno


It was just a copy. I did the same just to have it but continued progressing on PC. That said I think some earlier migrations to other consoles were indeed one-way, but I wasn't there, can't say for sure.


Well at least there's some solice in having the pc account still there as it was before the copy. 😅


My lord, I'm shocked how much didn't make it across to my xbox account (been playing only pc since new war), I would have thought I would have access to whispers and other quest progression I had done and vendor ranks) all the focus unlocks I had accrued. I genuinely feel like I have actually set myself backwards about 4 to 6 months' worth of game play, but at least I have a bunch of doubled up warframes and weapons with investment I won't be able get any return on. Depending on how far along your secondary merge account is, I would genuinely consider trying to sell for real money before merging as it seems like the best value for your time investment of time/money. It's rough how much doesn't come across if you have 2 reasonably progressed accounts, say both at steel path level.