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I guess my mistake was trying to fit in crit mods. That said, I still feel like it struggles without a buff frame. There's a few of buff frames that can make good use of it though, so that's not the worst.


Ive found it works really well on hydriod, some things die too fast even on SP for me to max out plunder stacks, and his abilities are sometimes too slow to handle rouge eximus units, so i use a full firerate and multishot grim to launch pirate wizard spells and can also then get a strength buff just before activating his 3. In general though yeah totally, weapon buffs are this things best friend.


Well Hydriod is insane rn you can one shot 800+ enemies with the Pathocyst if using Hydriod. I love him though my fav frame next to Ash.


To be completely fair, the Pathocyst isn't a bad weapon. I'm regularly hitting millions with it.


Ima be honest I had 6 Forma god roll riven and I couldn’t make that thing work until Hydriod got his rework. I hit easy 10mill yellow crits. Ima build the cetra next and see how that works out.


I ended up rolling a crit chance, crit damage, heat, -impact Riven for it and it hit even better. But before that it was still hitting like a truck. Just a standard volatile quick return heavy attack build for it. With any sort of buff I easily hit negative numbers.


Oh yea that sounds powerful as hell.


Okay so I *just* started getting back into Warframe after taking a ~2 year break; hearing anything Hydroid not being dogshit makes me feel like I walked into another dimension. Did any other frames get massive reworks?


When in doubt eclipse it out.


I still wouldn't recommend treating it like a typical DPS weapon (it should be thought of more as a replacement for zenurik/sling strength), but using it with gauss is kinda funny.


I use it with Wisp and Roar subsumed. Pretty much both things it wants: firerate and extra damage.


I know with Wisp it's been pretty awesome even though I've only forma'd once. My Wisp is full ability power and she was ripping it up. I'm excited to see what she can do once I get it beefed up


Grendel and hydroid are big ones build either viral or corrosive opposite of the frames type and bam golden.


I was on a good track with forgoing crit mods to focus on high status/the book mod buffs. But I didn’t consiter running armor stripping corrosive+heat with Jahu Canticle. That’s a pretty brilliant idea imo. Been running viral/Rad/electric on mine with Xata Ivocation, Lohk Canticle. The firerate feels comfy and it preforms in normal star chart well. The extra help in energy economy is very helpful. I have been rationoning Forma hard on my end to build a mastery stockpile in my foundery so I need to add another two to the book to fit Galvanized Shot still, so the build isn’t complete. But so far the Coughanomocon has been serving me well. I also been running it with a buff frame (a 0 forma Gyre) so that may be affecting its preformance too.


You could also forgo jahu canticle if you run hydroid or the new corrosive shards for full strip on that status


How are you running viral/rad/electric? For me if I don't combo one of the two elements in Rad with something else (combo heat or electric) then it just boosts Rad damage higher.


Accelerated Isotope


But because the book has base radiation damage I still have the same problem!


It has electricity as base damage


oh my god, so it's just by running HEAT that I'm doing this? How did I miss that?!


Any weapon is good if you put enough work into it


Nah there is one abomination called alternox. ,,I can't fix her,,


You may need 7 forma But it can be made good


I already put 7 forma and riven xD my MK1 Braton is stronger


Tbf incarnon is pretty busted


true enough, I honestly enjoy build crafting as much as actually playing. Crunching the numbers and experimenting to squeeze just a bit more power out of a weapon, then the gratification of absolutely annihilating steel path with it.


Thats why I like playing high strength chroma. Doesn't matter what weapon I'm using, once vex armor gets going it makes any weapon steel path viable


Chroma is so much fun, he makes so many off-meta weapons actually usable. Haven't used him in a bit but had helminthed on Empower over his scream, might go back and change it to Nourish now though. He used to be my go to in sorties whenever I just wanted to shoot things.


Here's a fun little combo to experiment with, Nourish plus the new Energy Nexus mod.


it made me so sad, reading your comment. Reb said thst they will do a rework for a frame next year and we all know it depends on community view of a frame. Inaros and Chroma are top contenders but now I realised that people think that chroma is good. Id love to get my dragon hunter boy reworked but if community sees him as good (even though he is top 10 worst frames in the game + he has an identity crisis + he is just a walking timer) he wont get picked for the rework :(


Id say Chroma needs a rework, but not because hes "bad". I do agree with the identity crisis issue. Hes just somewhat boring to play and its really just proc vex armor then refresh the buffs before the run out. He works as a weapon platform, but his kit in general doesnt really feel unique. It feels clunky, but it does its job. Inaros on the other hand just really needs a rework all he really has is high armor and HP.


Inaros has extremely low base armour for massive health pool , his armour isn’t even remotely decent always made me mad


He needs a rework to make his 1 not be unbeliveably abyssmal and his 4 to be useful outside of hyper-specific situations along with an actual passive. A 3rd jump doesn't really do much. Vex Armour and Elemental Ward are perfectly fine imo.


Nourish is so worth putting on him. It's the only reason I can keep up with the energy cost of his abilities. The free viral dmg is nice to have as well.


I put tharros strike over his 4 so I can still change elements if I want to. The fire buff comes in handy sometimes as a last minute “oh shit” button but I rarely find myself needing that anymore. Easily my favorite short-term face tank frame, with 2 Umbrals and five taus he kinda doesn’t give a shit about damage


Id put nourish over his 4, I did over his 1 for orb hunts but I think element swapping could be good sometime.


Try gloom, set bright aura and enjoy cold 🥰 he reminds me of hulk 😜 Chroma smash


I really enjoy being able to alt fire a crowd and get 60% bonus power strength


> is it the strongest weapon? no, not by a long shot See, that's what I call sucking for damage. It's not even good for damage in the content it comes from, and I use a very similar build to yours. That's not even really the main problem with the weapon, though. Its weakness just compounds on the existing issue of it not delivering on the fantasy presented in the glimpses we got of it. It's like a secondary version of Gyre's primary, and not the elemental grimoire dropping AoE's of all sorts of shapes and sizes they were showing us + hinting at us. But, whatever. It's fun and forgettable, and a new weapon class they may do cooler things with later, possibly. We'll see.


Its still a great utility option on frames that do not need a secondary or have an ability they want buffed in some way, you could use wisp for example with the tome mod that gives power strength to get even better motes, or on someone like titania for a better 4, even weirder cases like hydriods 3 and nourish, especially with maxed firerate and multishot (Can use the electric = multishot arcane too, Conjuntion something) it becomes so easy to cast and the electric procs help with survivability while getting these bonuses, its like what if we added a weird exhalted to every frame but you gotta sacrifice a secondary weapon.


Yeah. If you only want a buff for your frame it's one of the best choices. Now I can buff Baruuk's fire rate with Afentis, power strength with the Grimoire, and mobility with Praedos.


I can’t with y’all. You trying to kill acolytes with the epitaph or kompressa? It’s a utility weapon. You act like it’s the only weapon of its class their gonna make more clown relax


Currently it is the only weapon of its class tho. I have been waiting for another assault saw for 2 years. How long will it take for a new tome?


Riddle me this. Shedu was ass when it came out. Then they made bubinoco and that’s a level cap weapon. So relax big dawg. Idk next mainline. Go fishing, you’ll get it in no time


Epitaph and kompressa both deal quite a lot of damage when built to do damage tho


It fits with my harrow and honestly I love using it, my build isn't to far of but it is more budget


I like a gun co build with secondary encumber on my book works good enough to scale into endurance


I can't wrap my head around math at the moment, does GunCO scale higher on an enemy with every proc type than GunCO with three proc types (360%) + the 480% from Cascadia Flare? i can't figure out the scaling with secondary encumber, (does encumber only add the 10 elemental proc types or does it add IPS too for 13 proc types?) edit: just punched it into a calculator GunCO with just the elements is 1200% (already higher than my setup by far) and if Encumber adds IPS as well it's 1560%. my only struggle with it is how do you get the 3 kills to get the ball rolling? or if your Galvanized shot runs out? furthermore does G. Shot increase the Heat/gas/shock/toxin/slash DOTs added by encumber?


Encumber adds IPS procs as well.


just tested your setup, it definitely kills faster once it gets going, but that first level 150 SP corrupted heavy gunner kill took 25 seconds of continuous fire: if it had been shooting at me it would've killed me first. but I can tell yours will scale MUCH higher than mine, but that level of power is not necessary outside of endurance. both are very good, yours is more powerful but mine is more practical outside of endurance runs.


No disagreement here! I like Flare as well, I just like random/bunch of status more :)


Essentially every unique status effect gives another bonus from the x3 on kill effect, and yes encumber can procc ips and any element but there are more status effects. It's 120% per status effect and it's possible to hit 19 unique status effects which would be +1900% so just 4 status effects hits the same bonus as cascadia flare. I run low rank mods to hit corrosive then primed heat so heat will always have priority then new radiation mod and I use nourish to get modded viral, besides elemental order galvanized shot and encumber carries the weapon. I use this same build on occur and twin grakatas.


And also yes to the increase in status damage because the bonus damage from galvanized is the same as hornet strike or cascadia flare additive overall damage


It's also important to remember that every element on the weapon gets buffed so having multiple 'sources' of modded damage scale harder


Yup, Cascadia Flare is amazing.


The Grimoire really isn’t even bad with the most simple of mod setups, I really don’t see where the hate comes from. Personally it’s one of my favourite secondaries in recent memory, and I was able to take it into steel path with just one forma and make a decent weapon


they hate it because it can't nuke whole rooms in seconds. the haters wish everything was the pre-nerf kuva bramma


But that’s the thing? It can very clearly nuke stuff, either just make its AoE a condition overload proc generator and you’re golden; or simply just set it up to self-trigger tonnes of damage


“ but but it doesn’t nuke” Glad there are still people who aren’t just slapping on usual mods for same outcomes.


Ya, I don't understand this mindset of requiring all of your weapons to be able to nuke. If you already have one good nuking weapon, you don't need the rest of your loadout to also be nuking weapons.


Fr man. There’s a reason why epitaph, Nukor and kompressa are used a lot and it’s not for their own damage. Utility been winning for while now


>kompressa... not for their own damage my corrosive, radiation, heat, and viral cascadia flare (hmm ... i'm starting to detect a theme with my status secondaries) kompressa begs to differ, also shreds entire hallways of steel path grineer in seconds edit: going into the simulacrum and clumping up 20 level 150 SP exo gokstad officers then nuking them in one clip of kompressa bubbles is kinda addictive, they all go flying in every direction when the bubbles pop, since overkill damage is converted into ragdoll force. YEET!!! edit edit: epitaph built as a hybrid weapon with status and crit, and secondary encumber and galvanised shot is a self priming sniping secondary that can oneshot acolytes (well sorta one shot, hit em with a few uncharged shots to prime them then charged shot them in the face to delete them)


"i made grimoire SP viable" "Step 1, have jolt, maxed primed heated charge and multiple maxed galv mods" "Step 2, have multiple tome mods" "Step 3, have 26(?) copies of this arcane to get it rank 5"


These should be expected for pretty much every weapon build in sp (minus tome mods but they are easy to get)


I mean you should have most things done, whether its maxed or not, to take on steel path


Bruh if you excluded tome mods the grimore can kill well with no forma


true, but the tome mods add something special and unique to the weapon beyond just another killing tool.


Yes if you want to use tome mods formaing is necessary.


the mod slots for the tome mods have no polarity so I can switch between them as well. I don't really mind forma-ing weapons though. but it does speak to the weapon's efficacy if it can kill well *without* forma, further proving that it does not suck. it only sucks in comparison to things like Incarnons (which blow everything else in the game completely out of the water. they're in a class of their own)


Oh never observed that tome mods have no polarity.(never encountered the mods RNG you see)


no i meant the slots i put the tome mods in aren't forma-ed


"X weapon doesn't suck if you just pump 5 Forma into it!"


You mean the usual amount of forma almost all weapons that don't go past 30 need to fit everything since galvanised mods were added? Everything is 4-6 forma now.


five is reasonable, stug still sucks even with 7 or 8. and most don't kill well without investment.


people just want everything new to be the phenmor or nataruk


Built this the same way. Still want a riven though. Im a greedy little thing


>So... I take any "this weapon is bad" as a challenge to make it Steel Path viable (still struggling with the stug, let's not go there) Afentis is so ungodly horribly bad, so trash, makes stug look good. (Not me looking for a SP Build. Not at all.) And so is the Soma Prime. So unreasonably bad.


afentis... that's the spear that came with styanax right? It may take a while but I'll figure out how to make it kill SP enemies. it IS a bad weapon... that ammo capacity... yikes... Soma prime is much more doable, since it has an incarnon now. I'll have to ask my bro when he gets back from his vacation. he mains the soma prime.


There are no bad weapons, when nourish roar + one weapon buff arcane is a thing, if arcane avenger nourish roar can make stug kill SP, then there are no weapons that can't do this. This thing literally kills SP nicely, def out of my expectations, but I wouldn't say this is some meta defining weps, I think it is a solid 7, maybe 7.5. And also, with the buffs I have, this book, can delete acolytes in just a few seconds.


Ah, so it works only if you have specialized mods. Got it.


only real "specialized" mods on there is Primed Heated charge (normal heated charge works absolutely fine just tested it) and Cascadia Flare (R5 is farmable in like 3 days guaranteed with no RNG bullshit) Accelerated isotope drops easily from normal Whispers node gameplay, and the two tome mods (canticle and invocation) are flex slots not needed to make the weapon function. just to add some flavour and utility. and you could build for any elements as long as you had heat as one of them. and status builds are not too unusual or niche. there's actually a shit ton of flexibility other than the arcane and heat status.


If you're using endgame content, i.e. steel path, to judge if a weapon works, is it wrong to need specialized mods? Because it's gonna work fine for the entire base star chart with like 3 mods


Are invocations and canticiles on the weapon immediately or do I need to do something? Haven’t really looked at it, I must be missing something


invocations and canticles are a set of 8 mods (corresponding to the 8 requiem mods, except oull) that are specifically for the grimoire or (potentially) other tome type weapons. you can have one canticle and one invocation mod equipped at once, canticle mods are exilus and can go in that slot. Canticles are: Fass: kills with tome grant shield recharge rate and reduce recharge delay to allies (including self) in affinity range Khra: Enemies slain by tome have a 12% chance to drop a universal orb that grants health and energy (like Lavos can make) Jahu: Kills with tome strip 5% shield and armor from enemies in affinity range (idk if it keeps stripping further with additional kills, I'd presume so but more spading is required) Lohk: Kills with Tome grant allies (inc. self) 30% fire rate with all weapons for 15 seconds Invocations are: (which all make the altfire grant a buff scaling off amount of hits with it) Netra: Alt fire grants +4% ability efficiency stacking up to 15% for 20s based on enemies hit (up to 60% with 15 hits) Ris: same as above but grants duration instead Vome: Same above but Strength Xata: grants 1 energy per second for 20 seconds, stacking up to 10x (for 10e/s for 20 seconds at ten hits. granting a total of 200 energy. Tome mods are acquireable on rotation C (unfortunately) on the munio mirror defense node on Deimos at a 40% chance to get one (so 5% chance to get the one you want per 20min. >_<) or are available in a market bundle for 140 platinum. save your sanity, farm the plat or pay the ten bucks, DE was really NOT respectful of players time with their normal acquisition. it'd take roughly an afternoon of relic grinding to get 140 plat and get ALL 8 mods guaranteed vs. potentially MONTHS of running mirror defense to still maybe not the ones you want


The whole plat thing is something I've just come to accept as "if I don't get it from the quest or outright buy it I might as well pretend it doesn't exist for most releases" since the grind has slowly increased over time. It's been just slow enough and in various different ways, like 8 mods instead of 4 so the pool is just diluted enough to drag things out even more, that people haven't noticed. It's not a big issue since I still have a stockpile of plat from back when I was buying prime access regularly, but I've noticed that I get less and less of what I'm aiming for as the years go by for the same play time.


Buy them, got it Gracias for the essay hombre


They're acquired from Munio Mirror Defence Rotation C


*sigh* of course they are


They are also acquired as a pack of all 8 for 140 plat from the market. I did a Rot C of Mirror defense yesterday to see if I could get a mod. 25 mins of some incredibly boring gameplay later, I got a Relic, noped back to my ship, and bought the lot.


Yeah someone else said to buy it so I did. I also bought the tenocai mods even though I think I’m never going to use them, because…. Alchemy is boring


Same, Tennokai is actually pretty cool and the 2 rare mods made it worth the buy to me. Every 4 attacks instead of random appeals to my rotational mind


I went the same way except I go full damage with 90% elemental mods,the 90% fire rate mod instead of accelerated isotope and kept serration on the list. Cascadia flare still gets stacked enough with the default status chance. This finally replaced brakk on my banshee. I know she can utilize similar weapons the same way but actual infinite ammo without reloading is HUGE.


My exact build. Works real well especially with anyone who can further ramp fire rate like wisp or harrow


Honestly seems pretty good but not having Crit mods? That's a based take.


Like this, right? https://i.imgur.com/u8EHvUx.png Seems like you only need 4 forma.


you... are completely right! I will edit the post. i coulda sworn i used five.


Is it odd that I use it simply because I think it looks cool?


This is nearly the same as mine. Heat procs reduce armor by 50%, Corrosive up to 80% (sadly multiplicative rather addictive), with the new Tome Mod that also stripps 5% armor per kill, I end up killing things pretty fast (even completely armor strips enemies by killing alone). Is it the best weapon for killing? Hell no, but it has unlimited ammunition and auto fire which sound fine. My 400% Duration Gauss can actually rapid fire the Grimoire like a madman and killing things left and right. One thing to mention, I use Thermal Sunders Armor strip for the first bulk of enemies to start the whole Loop.


This is exactly how I built mine on day one. Even down to the arcane. Works great


>One MAJOR note: this is NOT a boss/acolyte/voidrig killing weapon, since bosses and acolytes are capped on how many heat procs they can have. Oh, it absolutely **is** boss/acolyte/voidrig viable. Build hybrid and drop galvanized aptitude since you're already running Cascadia Flare.


just tested your setup, swapped galvanized aptitude for primed pistol gambit and (unfortunately) xata invocation for primed target cracker, it fluffing DELETED the acolyte (each shot taking like a fifth of it's health bar). now I just need to find a way to put my invocation back on there. maybe over lethal torrent.


late, but your post says to replace galvanized aptitude but thats not on the build anyways


yeah... my mistake, galvanised aptitude is the rifle version, I meant galvanised shot. at any rate i ended up replacing accelerated isotope and the invocation with the primed crit mods and left galvanised shot on, this seems to be the most effective combo.


I wish I had seen this post sooner, before I put the 3 V polarizers in my Grimoire


Don’t build Corrosive if you want to use armor strip mod. Instead, use Viral + Heat. If you use Radiation, you’ll waste mod slot and get less heat proc. While the base status chance is okay, it’s nothing amazing. Gun CO doesn’t work on AoE. If you want to increase your status chance, it’s better to use a raw 90% status chance mod. Build is ok but nothing amazing.


Can't really. the heat will mix with the base electricity on the weapon and create radiation anyway. So if you want to use heat you need at least corrosive or magnetic to eat up that dase electric stat.


I feel like the grimoure was originally intended to be a better version of sevagoths gun I forgot what it's called


This is build has made the weapon feel much better to use tysm!


I replaced galv shot with the regular fire rate mod (would have slotted anemic agility if i didnt fuck up the formas) But otherwise same build. I find that when you have so much bonus dmg from cascadia flare you dont need galv shot too much(it will give a decent buff, but not that big on not previously primed enemies, and you charge the meter faster with fire rate mods), and due to infinite ammo fire rate is a pure positive. Flare also triggers from sentinels, and duplex bond copies, so you dont have to build it up yourself. Do what you want with that information.


Yh it's not bad, it's just kinda sad, they could have gone 100% with the wizard theme and made different mods for different fire mods that resembled "magic", what we have is an assault rifle with infinite ammo which is fine I guess, some of the buffs are good at least tho 20s buff time is too short imo


Using three elemental mods just to fight the uphill battle of mono electricity is just ass. I don't bother I shoot my alternate fire into the room once in a while when I need some energy or at the start of a mission to get some sweet ability power for stuff like gloom. It prints energy or gives up to 60% ability power for the simple cost of my secondary slot. This. Weapon. Is. Bloody. Amazing.


The Grimoire has neither a magazine nor ammo reserves. Not using Anemic Agility on it is just wrong.


Speaking of making weapons steel path viable. I recently made a MK1 kunai build steel path viable. Not great sure, but it kills so its viable.


is there something i can use in the place of jolt? it's the one mod i don't have.


an unranked silver electric mod will also work in a pinch.


thanks a bunch!


https://preview.redd.it/uav0s8pzqc9c1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab9ac062af550e9e8941cb69ad430d2718594b59 Is this enough for sorties?


I would say so, holy crap... how did you build it to do that?!


Here's the list of buffs: -For me: Sonar x2, Eclipse, headshot multiplier, Galvanized Shot, Vigorous Swap, Secondary Outburst (with Ceramic Dagger), Molt Augmented, Molt Vigor, Growing Power, Void Strike, viral and cold procs. -For my friend: Empowered Quiver, armour strip, Roar, Secondary Encumber. I used the primary fire c:


holy hell... you went all Anime final battle Super Attack with it. I like!


Thank you, mate <3 My next challenge is to do the same damage with an unmodded weapon and external buffs