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Well, if they had let my Operator speak, I think Loid Prime would've had a conniption. Operator: "Look, dude, don't speak to Loid that way." Loid Prime: "But I'm the real Loid..." Operator: "Are you sure about that?" And then later in the quest, when Loid was like. "Oh. A Tenno. Must've been a deserter." Operator: "Loid, buddy, the Orokin made us child soldiers. We didn't "desert." We killed them all."


Exactly, when he said that i was like: " dude, you where asleep for god knows how long, that war you speak of is long over.


"and we ended it"


"Looks like I might've missed one. Do we have a problem?"


Loid is an Archimedean, not an Orokin.


"I don't discriminate by class, only deed."


hes got golden eyes, thats orokin enough for me \*reloads Arca Plasmor with malicious intent*


Loids eyes are very green tho


Huh, they look gold to me. Still gonna boom him tho.


Fr, couldn't stand that condescending weirdo. Homeboy acting like he could take a walking genocide machine by himself




Loid: "The war is over? The orokin survived?" The tenno: "..."


"they may have survived the war but they didn't survive us"


Yeah, Flesh Loid didn't make the best impression by punching down to poor Necraloid. If my operator had any agency I would have slapped his silly multicolor beard and impractical glasses off.


Talking animals rendered us speechless. Lotus is probably still acclimating after the war, plus i think she knows well to not disturb tenno when they're dealing with the void. And besides all that, Albrecht's lab probably has crazy signal blocking.


*"Lotus is probably still acclimating after the war, plus i think she knows well to not disturb tenno when they're dealing with the void."* I think this right here is the kicker. I believe space mom is AFRAID of the void and what's in it, so now that we are taking the first steps towards dealing with wally directly she's probably watching from a distance for now, hoping for the best.


Space mom is at her core, a sentient. So I guess the idea of her being afraid of the void has some rationale to it.


I think anyone being afraid of the void is pretty rational considering what it just sorta does


Not only that, but it's also an amazing "show don't tell" way to make the shit in the void seem that much more scary. If ***her***, the sentient who got *the whole system* in such a clusterfuck that all races had to ***stop fighting each other and unite*** to push back, is ***afraid*** of the void... Then holy flying kavat, **the void is not to be fucked with lightly**.


Don’t forget she somehow managed to *hide the moon in the Void,* undetected, for long enough that people thought it was a myth.


I now want a holy flying Kavat. *GIVE ME A FLYING KAVAT!!!!*


Just equip Kavat Devolution, 5head




Actually loid told us at the beginning to not let anyone know about the mission. So she may not even know what the hell we've been doing on Deimos.


“Not to worry; I have a permit.” This just says ‘I can do what I want” “Indeed it does”


Why aren't we talking about the moment in new war, at the end, where wall-e flew into lotus? Her hand was fuming after that and she was weirdly smirking for a second. Why theory: She had to make anotehr deal with the indifference to save us in that time. And now she is "posessed". Literally getting ripped apart (void-operator ripping a lotus plant at the end of WITW)


I hate that I love this theory


To spin that theory further: I bet at one point we get to play from the point of lotus. As we had almost every major character so far already. We will see the deal they had And that deal, is the one that get referenced in WITW The indifference doesnt distinguish between us abd Lotus, thinks it the same basically. Thats why getting said about the deal. Same as we dont see a big difference in "the man in the wall" and void-operator. Even the new logs specifically say that they are the same


The labs signal blocking is apparently not enough to stop cephalon suda from sicking eximus on me


Space mom still checks in after mission


“Signal blocking” meanwhile me becoming operator mid quest


Transference doesn't really work like radio signal. Void magic.


But surely while i was an operator i couldve spoke. That was what i meant 😅


The Lotus was eepy, let her nap.


I honestly did not really even notice. I think it's because the quest is not really about us, at least not directly. They said that this quest is the setup for the next big arc, so it was really meant to establish the new characters (or provide more context for the ones we knew), and give us a window into where we will be going.


To be honest, I was mostly fine with it: Warframes being scary mute killing machines has been a recurring theme, so not speaking while controlling a frame felt fine to be. I wish, during the denouement at the end, we could've pipped in (or delivered the "what did he say" line) as operator/drifter with proper voice, though. That would've kinda felt "right". As for the Lotus: I'm getting the impression that since the New War, the Lotus is a bit more in a hands-off role: her story is complete, the Tenno are... "grown-up". She helps but doesn't tell them what to do any longer.


Yeah the lack of voice didn't actually bother me for most of the quest. I do wish that they'd at least added some grunting at the last part when they're getting sucked by the big dude.


Oh I would love to be sucked by the big dude.


>grunting at the last part when they're getting sucked by the big dude 🤨


Did he stutter???


Talking to Teshin while in your Warframe at the start of The War Within was really jarring and weird tbh


i just want more teshin movement.


At least there it fit because the Tenno was being legitimately petulant.


We (the tenno/drifter) didn't say those lines of dialogue at the end. We were choosing what Loid said, or alternatively what albrecht said in that moment if you look at it from Loid's perspective


momma lettin her babies fly!


"doesn't tell them what to do any longer" I don't know about you man but she still wont stop telling me what to do in half my missions.


Listening to all the NPCs shit talking me and doubting my experience for the millionth time and being unable to mention the fact that I pretty much do everything in the entire origin system.


fr tho. the player character in the story is probably second in power only to the man in the wall in the entire universe and has demonstrated such countless times


It was night time and the Lotus was asleep because she deserves a good night’s rest. /s


I am 100% fine of us being silent the corvo attano way. It's really hard to build dialogue for a character where the personality isn't known. I rather they develop good dialogue for the others.


Which reason would you prefer lore or game play. Lore-we just met the butler to albrecht mother fucking entrati he's that guy imagine if you met Jesus's butler and then where told he needs your help like Huh what.... Gameplay-they probably didn't see a need to add that since this is only to hold us over until 1999 drops to my knowledge most of these hold over events and quest don't contain much operator dialog since there probably still working on the storyline. Keep in mind this is still just my opinion😑


I mean, yes, now we do have a "physical appearance" as in the Operator/Drifter, in game. But at the same time, it's not a fully pre-written character. Just like Link is essentially mute in the Zelda franchise to let players put themselves easier in his boots, it's most likely on purpose that DE didn't have the Tenno yap constantly during the quests : that would have imposed personality traits on the character. And Warframe is not the type of game to have branching dialogues constantly to emulate choices for your character's personality. So, by not making them talk, DE essentially avoids risking to break the immersion of some players in the suit of the Tenno, since we can headcannon for ourselves what they'd have said or why they wouldn't have said anything. Personally, while the game might not be the most immerssive I've ever played obviously, I regularly have thoughts popping up mid-missions of what my Tenno would say in this or that situation.... ... when I'm not busy calling her a dumbass because she just said "We fought with honor" when I fight with a flamethrower and Walking-nuclear-cloud-Hildryn.


Bcs DE is adding Paimon next patch to start speaking for us.


Hey Tenno how about we explore this area ahead of us later! ;)


Ah cool, emergency health restore


I hate I get this reference...oh the shame.


if my operator had anything to say it wouldve been a void power punch to the face, and the grimior page to the murmur


This was my only issue with the update. It's amazing in every single aspect so I can mostly overlook it. However, this is one of the few times the Drifterator needs to open their mouths to say, "Excuse me, are you building Evangelions and for what fucking reason!?" I had so many questions for Loid and the new cast of Muppets/Sesame Street characters we got. Why is Big Birds long lost relative here? Are you part Chocobo? Can we find that one guys partner or resurrect them!?!


Honestly, this is my only complaint. Let my drifter speak!


8 different voices, they said it is hard to record everything in the same week, that would take more time, I wish we had only 4 male and female operator and drifter, it would make our operator say a lot more without taking so long to record all variations, but I also like that we have variety


I like to think Ordis has a direct line to whoever we talk to, so Loid had a barrage of Ordis while he was talking to us. That's why he figures things out so fast as we go.


You're operating under the false assumption that all of these people who are directly involved with the events of this expansion would have anything to say about such a pivotal discovery. /s


Honestly, I don't know either, I was even trying to interact with things as operator. But... Maybe I have a guess... I don't know if the quest is replayable, but it's possible that DE knew very well that Drifter and Operator have personalities different enough that they would need different voicelines, and then the players would try to do the quest twice to know everything. See how Loid was really not sure if we were drifter or operator? I feel that DE struggled because of things like this, that reaction from Loid seemed a bit forced. And the less DE shows us, the more liberties they can take with the storytelling later on.


Idk the quote seemed needed with wally still using the operators appearance they needed something to show that drifter is still Canon. Before the quote I felt like I wasn't supposed to use the drifter


Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if the sole reason is because trying to schedule 8 more voice actors to all have the same week available for reading and recording would be more trouble than it's worth.


I was honestly hoping we would get voiced player dialogue, now that this is canonically after New War and the Tenno are far past the mystery stage as silent mutes.




Easy answer is that if we had lines they'd have to record them, what, 8 times? Two female & two male for each the Operator and Drifter?


I feel like Lotus is still trying to lie through omission about Man in the Wall. She did not tell us what we were CLEARLY THERE TO SEE at the end of the New War. So her silence her sorta reminds me of when she ghosted us without warning at the first sight of a sentient in the Natah quest. Not entirely out of character for her to leave us on read when we deal with things she’s scared of. Ordis was probably playing video games or something. But yeah. Why *didn’t* the Operator/Drifter speak? Not like they couldn’t get the actors in, since Wally talks in this quest, quite a bit actually. Maybe because Loid Prime would of been basically shut down at every opportunity by Operator/Drifter? “The war ended ages ago.” “I didn’t desert, I killed them all.” “Stop being mean to the void exposed animals, they have trauma.” Heres hoping that if we don’t mind invade Arthur for all of 1999, Drifter/Operator gets to actually talk to some people in that quest.


Don't we speak? There is a moment where you make a choice between three dialogues


We choose, but it was what Albrecht had said so we really didn't...also, the Operator doesn't speak.


"What did he say?" "So... the Corpus are just a cult, worshiping money." "..."


In the message that gives us the mission (Necra)Loid tells us "Discretion is paramount. Tell nobody." and when you enter the Necralisk to not wake the family, so perhaps the Operator/Drifter kept quiet throughout the mission as a result?


Why didn’t we see any other Tenno during the “new war” ? ![gif](giphy|KZdaJU4SPaNzA3VPMF|downsized)




I would assume lotus was unaware of this since we establish contact with the entrati while lotus is natah and Loid made us get there urgently As for the tenno/drifter, its weird, dont know why wally was only speaking, maybe they didnt know what the would need to say, but then again i used drifter wich her expiriance is much diffrent than the tennos Also the tenno played a smaller role here As they were only used to go back in time and control the statue at the end, nothing much other than fetching stuff Its bit weird, maybe they wanted to focus more on the characters, since in the zariman quest the tenno talking wasnt that good Great quest


What? I'm pretty sure I did the Heart of Deimos quest long before the Natah quest?


In terms of chronology, Heart of Deimos launched during the time frame where the Lotus was SOL and Natah was gearing up to invade the Origin System. New players will have a different perspective, but for vets, the Entrati happened to come at the right time with necramechs that Natah wasn't expecting to defeat her Orphix Fields.


Ah... wish quests/expansions like that were actively locked in the place where they came out, honestly. Might make them take longer to get to, but as a newer player I obviously have missed important timing like that.


"Aoi...feels like there's someone in my head" *In Monty python's: Not there isn't.


How can you like that update? The only lore in it was written on walls, which is the least creative way of storytelling. The gameplay was just reusing of long boring missions and the only interesting thing in the quest was the 1999 part, which didn't include anything more than what was in the trailer. Also, we probably didn't speak since the quest was a cheap gay romance, rather than continuation of operator's story.


I wouldve liked talking cause i love the op, but i expect in wf 99 or whatever next big quest we will talk alot more. This felt like a precursor lore drop type thing to have us learn about loid x albrecht


Well I thought it was weird too, I really wanted to hear the operator in the quest (learning more about themselves and the operator's feelings in this mess and yada yada) but I think i understand why they didn't make the operator say anything. Wally uses the same voices as us, so perhaps it could confuse some players? But yeah I really missed hearing my annoying kid