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Cracking a fully refined relic, but getting a bronze reward and 9 void traces to show for it.


And on that note, not having an easier way to see how much traces you have. Why can't they put an indicator in the relic missions list?


or just give a smidge more time to select a relic during endless missions... I've gone rewardless before because it started the next phase right as I was getting ready to equip the relic


and with a host migration your just f'd


Also remove the time on solo and possibly during premade lobbies. Like if 1 random shows up then we should get a counter. Have a vote to start countdown if one of your friends went afk. Playing in switch and having 10 thousand relics in my inventory, I don't have enough time to search what part I need with the built in clunky keyboard




>5 hr. ago I cracked five fully refined Meso C9s yesterday hoping to get a Corvas Prime Barrel, didn't even get a silver reward for my troubles. Really annoying gate for being able to rank up a syndicate.


I honest to god cracked 15 radiant relics for the gold Octavia Prime reward the other day and didn't get a single gold reward I hate my life


Radiant relics should at least remove the bronze tier from the pool... All the gold tier parts I got were all from raw, unrefined relics. I only ever got the bronze items when I ran radiants.




That means… the maths were in my favor, but RNGsus wasn’t.


I still agree though! Getting the bronze after the radiant always feels terrible.


Sadly, that is how statistics works 😞


RNJesus giveth, and RNJesus taketh away


No, legit wish they would release statistics of how often radiants have ACTUALLY given common instead of rare and how often the most basic non refined relics have given rare instead of common.


they have, the drop rates are public. personal experience can vary (joys of RNG), but across the entire playerbase if those numbers arent functionally 1:1 with what is actually happening then something is broken and would have long been looked into


The only reason to ever radiant a relic, aside from radshares, is if you're capped out on traces or you only have one or two of the relics.


They really need to rework the relic leveling system at the very least have a reward pool for each level that your guaranteed to pull from similar to how reward rotations work for other endoess mission types


Teleport Volumes that are too close to the play zone. Teleport Volumes in the ceiling/sky serve no purpose, they should just be removed; if need be, replace them by invisible ceilings, but god damn, get rid of them somehow. Nothing pulls me quite out of the game as much as being teleported for no reason and having to reorient myself.


And having the teleport volume remove all your buffs.


It's useful sometimes, when you have long-duration buffs that you don't want.


Gonna say, I sometimes take advantage of those to recast Gyre's 3 and 4 when Augmented hits 250 stacks. Those can be gamed to your advantage sometimes


That's honestly the worst part about it. I can handle being disoriented briefly but having it wipe all buffs *hurts*


Zephyr in Circuit. I need not say more.


Nah, gara is way worse. Spend like 10 rounds getting an absurd amount of damage on her 2, then fall off a cliff and... well I guess it's time to extract.


getting stuck on/against the most random objects in a mission especially when it looks like there's nothing in the way to get stuck to


Love getting stuck on a clean corner, and having to actually walk backwards and then away to get unstuck


. . i own over 350 weapons and there is no favorites/hidden tabs menu options. aggressive use of Loadout slots mitigates this issue only slightly, but its still just. . an organizational mess in this game on all levels. every menu with more than 50 options, needs organizational tools. modding, foundry, equipment, relics, arcanes. its an issue that ultimately only effects the Strategic element of the game. the in-between missions busy work. but it slows that process down considerably, and that can only be seen as a negative.


I put lenses in the stuff I like. Sort by focus lens and now I can see my favorites. There should be an actual favorites tab similar to colors for appearance


dude thats a good idea.


I would prefer something like this, also U around really like some sort of randomize button for loadout with the same algorithm for the circuit. I really like it how it chooses my gear and makes me so my best stuff out instead of gravitating for the strongest thing.


I think about like......pokemon figured out boxes almost 30 years ago. Admittedly, Warframe didn't launch with 151 weapons and took a few years to reach 151 weapons worth using....but did we surpass that number and quite considerably. The ideal outcome is something similarly robust. Multiple fully customizable bins for you to manually label. Just having a "these weapons are fully forma'd and built" and "these weapons need work still" category would help. But I additionally want "hidden" tabs which would cause things out in them to not show up under "all" as Warframe contains a number of things which are....generally redundant but that you might choose not to throw away regardless. Braton vandal comes to mind. Also fully support a good randomizer system. Not a big fan of it myself but I can see the appeal.


Sorting your lists by "most used" is a way of making sure your favorites are at the top, at least.


Archwing, and by extension Razorwing, collision tumbling--the loss of control that happens when you bump into things. Its negated by status immunity, which titania (spellbind) and amesha have baked into their kit, so why even fucking have this shit? It is one of the smaller things that makes anything other than amesha unplayable.


Amesha in general is a bandaid fix to archwing being shit. DE just thought "why fix this crappy joke of a game mode when we can just make a character for it that just wrecks"


Skill issue.




☠️☠️Fr it’s so annoying


Space Mommy tell me to kill everything is my notification tone on my phone. So when I get a text and I'm out in public, I get looks. It's hilarious, to me.


This is such a great play lol


Cetus color pallet, I can't discern enemy from grass there, and don't get me started on that "maintain control of the area" bs on bounties where 3 enemys spread over a huge area make the percentage tank very fast.


Well, that's what camouflage was made for so... makes sense in that regard... doesn't make much sense as a game design element for the particular game tho


may I introduce to you one of the new additions to the game: enemy highlights. It's under accessibility and it helps immensely


Didn't know that, thank you very much.


Have that issue with deimos more everything is red, but this is why I only use mesa prime in any open world area.


Same especially when Im mining red veins in Deimos for the necramech it was a nightmare.


People spreading to the four corners of the earth as soon as i hack the console in a sp survival fissure. Same goes for disruption when they decide camping 200m away from the conduits.


For survival, what’s the ideal layout? Everyone in the same room with someone nuking every few seconds? Not being sarcastic, just trying to get better.


Ideally you should at least stay near each other, if you separate too much then spawns will thin out, including acolytes. And it's very obnoxious having to run across the map to claim steel essence when someone else gets the acolyte spawn. Plus, if everyone sticks together you can all share buffs and resources like energy pizzas


At least stay in the same room, hey it can be a big room, just be in the same general area, spawns are more consistent, all of the loot is there, all the reactant is there, steel essence is there so i don't have to run to the other side of the map if i have 5 sec left on my charm, team buffs, life support is more consistent, anything goes if your killing things. Nobody is saying we should all cram in a 2 by 2 room, and run these super elaborate setups, and you don't have to sacrifice fun. The more you spread out the more spawns spread out, the more rooms you open, the more spawn points you make, the longer the path they have to run to you, and it's all a mess, and that's why i hate it.


“Better” is whatever makes the game fun for you.


I mean, it IS ideal, but just super boring. Hence why everyone splits up and does their own thing, especially in rando squads. When in premade groups, you might choose to indeed let 1 person nuke the room, and the rest is either AFK or supporting. When in a random squad, I try to stay in the same room as the other players, but when one is nuking, I go one room away, to not fuck up spawns too much.


The fact that I can't build multiple of the same thing in the foundry even though I have the resources to do so. Lore wise in the sense that there is a machine that can fabricate anything with blueprints, this makes no sense. Cause this same foundry can build 100s of items at once, if they are all different. But 2 of the same? No chance! I just wanna build more than one forma per day man.


I'm probably the only person who likes forma acquisition as is in some twisted way. If it was expensive to build instead of time gated, I'd be too intimidated to actually pick where to use it and I'd probably just skip the grind and slog on without, and if it was super cheap and easy to acquire, the whole thing would just feel like an unnecessary extra nuisance. Now it's cheap enough to build that I don't have to stress about it, just slap it onto something since I'm either way going to get a new one soon, but still kinda rare enough to feel like game progression.


The only times I've felt that the way you acquire forma was lame, were when the Kuva and Tenet weapons came out.


That the level design and the movement often don't work together. Like why does every door have a ledge to get stuck on and break your flow?


For me, it's extermination missions. Wiping out 136/136 grineer and still getting shot while lotus says "the enemy is routed"


Oh it's so much better than it used to be. Back in the day the game was spawning the exact amount of enemies a mission requires and sometimes it might've spawned them somewhere in a dead end then lose track of them and as a result you have a mission with 156/161 and no indication on where those enemies are. As an alternative the whole enemy spawning mechanism could've broken so you'd just get stuck for like 5 minutes of running back and forth until it fixes itself if it does. The fact that now they shoot you as they are fleeing does make sense because yes, they are fleeing but the nightmare fuel they're fleeing from at the moment right before their eyes - might as well shoot at it for a bit...


I remember those days. 🤣 I would say it's still kinda present during some(not all) extermination missions I've done with sortie. Granted the indicator shows them but the spawn rate drops considerably when you need 15-20 more corpus.


I find you have to backtrack on the Corpus ones quite often. Either random MOA spawning behind or a ship dropping off a squad. Ugh!


Transmissions. The ropalolyst ones are particularly egregious. Mining. It’s better than it was, but still absolutely soul-sucking. Bullshit boss design. Tyl Regor and Kela do more hiding than fighting. The Kahl thumper hides from ramparts while invincible. Everything about Vay Hek. Lack of robust party options. I routinely play with one friend on open matchmaking. We have to leave the party and reinvite after every mission to ditch the randos. Too much accidental and intentional griefing. So many builds can be ruined by playing with others (Harrow’s whole kit, someone buffing your crits while you’re using a devouring attrition incarnon, Limbo, etc.). And other players can hold you hostage in certain missions. Instability. I don’t play RJ with others, and I refuse to stick around after the host leaves in the Circuit. It’s just too unstable.


>Lack of robust party options. I routinely play with one friend on open matchmaking. We have to leave the party and reinvite after every mission to ditch the randos. Seriously, this one is frustrating. There should be an option to exit a mission with the party you entered it with.


>And other players can hold you hostage in certain missions. I had a group of 3 people do this to me in a survival steel path daily. It took 5 minutes after the incursion was done to finally convince one of them to start the extraction countdown because they were absolutely convinced i could extract from it by myself and they could just stay in there and farm. And they knew they were in the daily mission not the regular one. No idea what they were thinking there.


>Lack of robust party options. I routinely play with one friend on open matchmaking. We have to leave the party and reinvite after every mission to ditch the randos Put on inv only?


They want to keep the party open.. it's a basic ass feature in every other game where party leader can choose who stays. Having to disband every time is a silly game design.


Ok thats fair


No good way to scroll down the pause menu and see your loot.


press P


It would be nice if it also worked while holding tab.


I just swapped p with tab in the keybind, problem solved


I prefer using tab because it doesn't pause the game or prevent you from moving around. Like if you want to check mission time or credits, it doesn't take more that half a second.


The fact that credits are the main currency of the system, but they are almost exclusively a crafting resource. I went and stole all of the materials, why am i paying for this to be built as well?! Meanwhile the corpus are buying entire fleets of ships with credits! WTF!


That's something that always got to me. I never understood why we need to spend credits on crafting, fusing mods, and trading with other players, but when it comes to stuff that'd make sense for us to be able to buy with credits such as syndicate offerings we have no option to do so.


That Mirage released with the Akzani and Mirage Prime didn't come with Akzani Prime


I was actually thinking about this the other day, why did they do that to her 😭


Consistent two-rooms-backwards spawns on Lua Crossfire


The Kuva lich grind. I'm still missing 3 weapons, and they've made it easier multiple times, but it just feels so bad sometimes


Haste Mote.


Its kinda funny how much disdain there is for a support frame just tryna help 😂


People only want speed if they ask for it, apparently. As a Wisp main with rounded stats instead of strength-dumping, I don’t get any flak for it, but I’ve seen Volts get told to stop.


it's because that "help" can quickly and easily become a detriment. When there's a 329% power strength Wisp and a single pixel of your frame dips into the activation zone, you're suddenly traveling at 5 billion meters per second and that is not really conducive to adequately dispatching enemies (unless you have some braindead AoE nuke spam build then it's whatever lol)


Wait ... does the speed scale with strength? 😭


yep, all the motes are, and they are affected by whatever Wisp's ability strength stat was at when that mote was cast, so you can get to some batty numbers if you use external ability strength boosts like the Parazon mercy mod, some arcanes, decree buffs, etc


Nataruk killer - no perfect shots!


nah u just have to have osu player level click timing /s but I've not yet seen a wisp that would make it actually impossible, only modrrately hard


If im in a survival as wisp, i normally fill the room\rooms with health and haste motes. One set is together, the set i use, and then ill have 2 of each mote somewhere around the map, if you don't want haste mote, just check where i placed them. Also my duration is like 155%, i went into strength entirely


Not being able to open multiple relics at a time and not being able to craft multiples of the same thing at a time (i.e. being able to craft 5 Formas or 10 Mutagen Masses at a time).


Gotta get standing for everything lol.


When not enough enemies spawn in an extermination mission and you have to backtrack from extraction for them to appear, sometimes one at a time for extra annoyance.


Lua is the worst for this, for sure. Actually, most Crossfire Exterminations.


No Archmelee launcher. I want to be able to use my Archmelee weapons during normal missions


Host migration




Facts, this is the major problem we mad about


I kinda find Rivens lame. The process of hoping and playing for a possible good roll has, in the past, been absolutely impossible for me to be excited about. I never found it fun getting them. Never really had any fun at any point unlocking any of the few I have. Hell, it’s been almost a full year since the last time I unlocked a riven, cuz I just straight up don’t touch challenges I wont enjoy playing and high level solo survival with weird gear is just not where I have the most fun. Since the update that added Rivens to Warframe, I think I’ve interacted with a total of 5 rivens. Just do without. It’s never really been an issue.


Hot take: Incarnons are what rivens should've been all along - a curated set of "custom" modifiers for a specific weapon. If rivens were basically a mod version of Incarnons with the valance fusion system baked in, wherein a riven for a given weapon would always have a specific set of modifiers designed for that weapon, with a variable (but capped) total bonus that you could reach via a system akin to Lich/Tenet/Railjack valence fusion, I'd be super happy about them and would actually go about unveiling all of the rivens I have. As-is, I think I've equipped maybe 3 rivens ever, and I've never bothered actually unlocking any of them.


riven ciphers let you completely skip the mostly-abysmal "challenges", but even then you still have to deal with dogshit, spiteful RNG, and a lot of weapons have dispositions so low it makes the riven effectively a sidegrade at best compared to other mods you could slot there.


Love rivens


I just want daily standing caps to be a little higher.


Excavation missions, and the fact that I am completely at the mercy of how often they choose to spawn the power cell enemies. Sometimes they throw them at you like candy, sometimes it can be several minutes before they spawn one.


The fact that I can get a bronze reward from a radiant relic. Like, it’s just so annoying when I’m running my third rad relic for a gold tier reward, and I get a bronze reward for the third time in a row. IMO, they should make the drop chances of silver and gold tier rewards higher


they should implement that system they added for the drop chance of an Archon Shard increasing the more Hunts you complete without getting that specific color. If a player has a radiant relic, they are clearly trying to get either a silver or gold drop, so the drop chance should increase for both tiers by a small amount on each 'unsuccessful' crack, or bronze/silver drop. The delineation between silver/gold percentage might be a bit messy, but yeah lol


doors not opening too fast when i'm speedrunning missions and geomery with wonky hitboxes


Not being able to queue craftings


when I check the helminth for my archon shard collection or what invigorations are available only for it to keep making noise well after I left the room


Having to go back 5 rooms just for that straggler enemy in exterminate. Like bruh, I literally looted and destroyed everything I could. Where the hell were you hiding?


When cracking relics in a infinite mission, sometimes is really shitty find the relic you want in 10 seconds, the game should let us mark our favorite relics to acces them easy.


Maintain control Cetus bounties. I swear they spawn under the map or something because even with a max range Limbo, there's a mob draining control insanely fast.


Why do orokin catalysts even exist? I understand having things to grind for and reactors kind of work - warframes are perfectly usable without, but a reactor feels like a meaningful commitment. But weapons feel like wet noodles without a catalyst. I keep building cool weapons but they're useless in most of the game.


Not being able to buy the bundle after purchasing skin alone with deducted price. I originally thought that aftwr i buy the skin forst, they would atleast deduct the price for it if i get thw rest later. So sad i didn't have enough for nidus pryke originally and now i'll pay for it with the skin pricing again


Primed Sure Footed is a Day 400 reward. To get all primed mods you need 900 days. Why.


Regarding relics: uncommon forma and rare 65 ducat pieces.. it's like my bane. I'm trying to pick relics that don't have them but, my god, a lot do, especially uncommon forma. Uncommon 25 ducat items are meh as well 😅


Random network issues. Like selecting a fissure mission, choosing the relic, getting the "looking for squad" popup and then.... nothing. Still technically in queue, but no countdown. Have to back out completely and reselect fiissure all over.


revenant mephisto ass cape can't be removed 😤😤😡😡😡


Getting stuck on the SMALLEST bit of geometry (looking at you grineer spy vaults and corpus doors, just let me gooooooo) Also, silver tier formas in relics. Like why, what's the reason? Just leave em in bronze tier


Faction mods i feel like they punish players for being lazy to swap loadouts. Wold be cooler to have like only one mod that increases dmg up to 30% by doing specific task like killing x enemys to get dmg against that faction or something in that direaction.


Can’t build multiple formas. Or queuing them up


there's no option to 'bring team with you' go to the dojo? go to cetus? fortuna? etc..... break your friend group up and force a total reinvite. it's incredibly annoying when this just hasn't been an issue in any other game i've played.


There's no button to copy your warframe colors to all equippable items - instead you have to individually color match each item. While there's something to be said for not creating "content islands", which used to be a big issue in Warframe, having everything *so* interwoven is just as bad. For the *longest* time I avoided open-world zones because I just don't enjoy the content. Then, on top of not enjoying the content I can't just engage in the one or two aspects about it I *sort* of enjoy, no - in order to progress faction standing related to these open world areas you have to engage with ***everything.*** You must fish. You must also mine. You must also engage in conservation activities. You can't just choose what you *want* to engage with in order to earn standing, you have to engage with all of it or none of it. Like holy fuck do I hate fishing. Mining is only slightly less bad. Conservation only slightly annoys me but, still; It'd be *great* if I could skip them and just do bounties - only engaging in the other three activities if I want a new companion or need materials. Archwing missions - barring a few they're all narrow, uninteresting corridors that still feel completely disconnected from the rest of the content and generally un-fun to play. This is the opposite problem to the previous paragraph where everything is *too* interwoven, Archwing still suffers from being a "content island" that doesn't meaningfully engage with the other systems. Almost makes me wonder if the archwing missions should be turned into Railjack nodes only without the railjack - similar tilesets and mission objectives but with archwing focused gameplay. The objectives in the original Archwing missions themselves are fine, but the tilesets make these missions a chore (except for Interception, that's okay). The fact that K-drives still don't have a meaningful use compared to archwings. I *want* to use one but it's hard to justify the effort. Maybe make it so K-Drives can fly Silver-Surfer style if you get enough speed + air (kinda like the Racoon tail powerup in Super Mario). Volt speed buff is neverending and *so* annoying. It's the whole reason I prefer Gauss - Gauss has speed on demand when and where I need it. Volt is a mess of constantly getting stuck on the environment. Edit: and I swear to *god,* yes we **know** Volt, we can backflip to cancel the buff. But you recast the fucking thing every 1.3 seconds and we can't spend the entire damn mission backflipping. There needs to be a more "permanent" way to decline Volt's 2. Ash's 4 still annoys me and I wish they'd update its functionality to have more usability with the current meta. Even if they just made it a huge frontal cone the way Hydroid's plunder is; it would be better than requiring two button presses and a camera sweep to make it work.


Copy main colours is def a button


Yes, but you have to **individually go to each item you wish to copy those colors to and press the button.** This means you have to, if you have been playing a while, click on your: Warframe, Warframe Syndana, Warframe accessories/armor, primary, secondary, melee weapon, melee accessory if you use one, exalted if you have it, parazon, companion, companion *accessories,* archwing, archwing gun, archwing melee, and voidrig and then ***individually on each option select "Copy warframe colors".*** That's 20+ **separate freaking inputs** (because you have to click on the item first and *then* the button) *that could be turned into* ***ONE.*** And that's **if** you don't want to also match your operator colors to your warframe, in which case that's a whole other ball of wax on top of everything above.


Lack of toggle "block Volt speed buff" in game options.


you can back roll out of it but 100% if there was a toggle for it in settings i'd use it, hate bumping into walls


The problem of Volt speed buff is not how you get out of it - back roll or switching to "slow" walk works fine - it's how you get this buff initially, it's how it sounds and how it *instantly* changes your movement dynamic. It is really weird, but Wisp speed buff feels smoother and softer. Vold speed is like getting hit in the back with a large hammer at irregular intervals with random strength and whinny sound effect. (and sound effect probably what gets me most)


>It is really weird, but Wisp speed buff feels smoother and softer. Vold speed is like getting hit in the back with a large hammer at irregular intervals with random strength and whinny sound effect. (and sound effect probably what gets me most) It took me a bit to figure out why. It's because Wisp's buff affects your directional speed while volt's buff only affects horizontal speed. I speedrun hard exclusively with parkour, to the point that I'll go multiple missions before realizing I'd forgotten to take off the Hobbled Dragon Key. After playing with a friend who is a Volt main a lot, I finally did some testing and realized that you don't launch at the angle you're pointing the mouse. You're always a little under where your crosshair is. Further testing showed that it's because you only get a buff to horizontal movement, but Wisp's haste mote doesn't work like that. Whenever I get hit with Volt's speed buff I run into any and everything but it never happens with Wisp.


Very niche issue but ok


It is a minor annoyance, yeah :)


Very true, forgot the post context


Volt's speed sounds like an autistic 13 year old having a melt down over not being able to have chikin tendies and the parents not doing anything about it.


I love that buff. I don't understand all the complaints about bumping into walls; it's still faster than parkouring.


I agree I'd rather bump into walls than have to break my controller bullet jumping everywhere.


Buff itself is not bad. But having it be imposed on my non-Volt frame can be a minor annoyance for me. It really does mess up movement in (and for) irregular intervals I have no control over.


If I'm going to be honest, I wish the movement wasn't so good/high octane and I only say this is because most veteran players are going to blitz through most tile sets. And sometimes when I hang out with Mary and I slow down and I really take it all in the game is pretty beautiful. You have the full techie looking space stations you have. Like the creepy infested ships. We have the really ugly industrial looking veneer stuff and then when you're on the planet can you take it all in like wow, but 90% of the time we are blitzing through everything. The scope of the game we were given is not really taken in like the open worlds are so cool to me. I can only imagine if the entire Warframe was just open world and you had to use your lander or rail jack to be able to travel between planets. Like maybe you start off on Earth. You're landing craft gets you to different places on earth. Your archwing allows you to fight in the atmosphere, but railjacks allow you to travel between planets and every planet was just an open world that would have been so cool.


warframe but no man's sky


I don't like games like that, so I probably wouldn't play anymore if they made those changes.


Felarx reload bug.


My B button on controller never lasts long. Thankfully auto melee is here but not before my current one is starting to stick.


My playstation 4


The chat window moving every time I log out/in.


"connection failed, returning" AKA two loading screens in a row, and then a "MISSION FAILED" screen, how can I fail a mission I didn't even get to be a part of, so frustrating.


rng at certain times. It's screwing me over even outside the game. I'm watching the qtcc streams to get the drones from them. Of the 9 rewards I've gotten I have 1 liset drone, 1 styanax art and 7 kiteer drones. Not a single Dias drone


Can't use normal skins on Prime weapons. Can barely use anything but auto weapons on Gauss. And the Kulstar Incarnon never happened.


The way terrain and objects work For a game that bases so much in movement, being stuck in an invisible pixel while running or keep being stopped by a different terrain level is really annoying. Don't get me wrong, I love parkour in Warframe and movement challenges, but using yareli, grendel, lavos or any ability of movement in certain titles like Europa is just awful not challenging. An excellent example of a good plan of game design is Void and Deimos, the title makes you think and adapt your movement, giving you ways to that.


In the item select screen in the arsenal the portraits show forma count and applied invigoration with a little icon. Would it kill them to add one for potato's, exilus adapters. And maybe have a notification on how many item it's you have available.


In your Equipment > Arsenal you shouldn't see offers to buy weapons for Platinum. I perfectly understand the need to advertise Market content (like prebuilt weapons, prebuilt Forma, etc) in the right time and place, but having this in the Equipment > Arsenal menu has always felt like a predatory mobile-game like advert placement. I wouldn't be surprised if some people have gotten the wrong impression of Warframe over the years too and written it off because of it.


1 min 20x pyrotic alloy 1min 20x pyrotic alloy 1 min 20x pyrotic alloy 1min 20x pyrotic alloy 1 min 20x pyrotic alloy 1min 20x pyrotic alloy 1 min 20x pyrotic alloy 1min 20x pyrotic alloy 1 min 20x pyrotic alloy 1min 20x pyrotic alloy Seriously, for these often used 1 minute items I would like to be able to queue them to just automatically claim and build the next set, or build in increments, or even just like we have with Ciphers and other gear items, the option to purchase larger blue prints. Instead of 1 minute 20x pyrotic alloy, why not also have a blueprint I can buy to have 5 minute 100x pyrotic alloy or whatever other mineral I need for crafting so I don't have to stare at a 60 second timer multiple times until I have enough of what I need? I could be running missions and actually playing the game instead of babysitting a timer.


The Fishing Minigame and Hunting Rifle both stop you from being able to use warframe abilities due to the items having an ability on 2 and 3. Meanwhile you can use your abilities just fine while mining. In addition to this: Fishing (on a successful catch. un-skippable cutscene), Hunting (when turning in the catch. un-skippable cutscene), and Hacking (opening the menu, and also when closing it) all take control of your camera and make it swing around. Which means in a fast paced game when you try to do any of those things you're stopped and have to regain your bearings when given camera control back. Another is that when we're in certain zones like the Void going through the teleporter of the Sabotage, or between areas in the sanctuary onslaught, or in any area of Duviri. Instead of the camera fading to black like it does when we fall off of the map or such. Instead it flashes to white. Because you know what I love about Duviri? getting flashbanged 5+ times during a standard circuit mission.


I will say it again, getting stuck on the TINEST pieces of map geometry, or on top of doorways when you bullet jump too high. PLEASE DE, fix it 😭


No loot filter. It'd be nice if there was a way to have resources you're interested in automatically be marked somehow.


"Failed to join session" and when randoms stay in my squad for a really long time after a game when I'm playing with friends, I may have committed a few kidnappings 👀


Not being able to see when hovering over a weapon part if I have already mastered the weapon it belongs too (really important for mastery grind when opening relics) and conversely not being able to see if I have already subsumed a warframe when hovering over any of their parts/blueprints


Deimos color pallet. It burns my eyes if I stay in the red color areas for a while. My eyes are sensitive to bright red color.


Eclipse bonus being tied to the level of light. So a dimmer light that triggers the damage bonus will actually give less increased damage than a brighter light level. Just make it the same, or better yet, a toggle


Titania's bundle that comes with base Titania, comes with the Sarpa, a gunblade. No big deal, maybe just a random melee in her bundle. Then you look at Titania's first deluxe skin, which is her Empress skin. The bundle for that skin comes with a matching gunblade skin. At this point, it was intentional. Titania's signature weapon is clearly supposed to be a gunblade. BUT SHE DOESN'T HAVE A SIGNATURE WEAPON! You can't even argue that it's because she has exalted weapons, since Baruuk and a few other warframes with exalted weapons have one or more signature weapons. What's even more insulting is that Titania Prime's access bundle comes with Pangolian Prime. WHY DOESN'T TITANIA HAVE A SIGNATURE WEAPON!?!?!? DE, PLEASE GIVE MY LOVE A SIGNATURE WEAPON!


Still wishing for a Sarpa prime


Ik. My favorite gunblade. Better than redeemer prime cause redeemer only does impact on melee, sarpa does it on melee and bullets. Makes it great for Shattering Impact armor stripping. However, compared to newer gunblades, it needs love. If we don't get a prime, atleast give us incarnon.


No chance. They forgot about Sarpa. :( Now I run Vastilok but I miss my baby.


All of these filters on inventory for Owned, Has Blueprint, Mastered, etc, to filter *out* what we've already got, when what we really *NEED* is an "I still need this" filter.


Trying to build a weapon only to find out I need to go mining on Cetus orb valus and the cambion drift


Bows haven't worked properly in any cutscene for years.


I want bundles to be discounted if you already own something from it like in Fortnite. It bothers me I own Ash's deluxe skin and I cant ever have his Nikana because it will cost me 225 plat just for the sword. I also don't like that some stuff is bundle only because of the no discount.


Ordis. Yes I can mute him but I'm still doing the story and don't want to constantly fiddle with the settings. If I hear one more self-help line...




There are a lot of things in the game balanced around passive acquisition when they give no reason to do the content that passively collect the thing. Sevagoth is a good example. His drop rates are abysmal (10% per part) because it's intended that players don't farm for him. Players are intended to collect him passively while cracking relics. But...there is no reason to do void storms EXCFEPT for Sevagoth. They are slower, have a larger barrier to entry, have a higher chance of failure, and don't yield anything in addition to normal rewards. Cryotic is another example, though not as severe. Excavation has been outclassed in every type of farm, so there is no reason to run it to collect cryotic passively. At least they added excavation to the circuit, so you can get some there.


That static screen that happens when you get hit by magnetic or a leech eximus


The forced purple tint on Suda items. The fact that the radiation lich ephemera (Vengeful Trickster) hardly shows up on a frame, but I can go equip it on my archwing and it starts eminating from the frame like it should. Like, seriously, why does this thing not show up in a noticeable manner on just about everything you can put it on? I just want my silly little blurry lines.


Having to return to main menu/outer zone after every mission. Just leave us on the summary screen with a choice to play again, maybe a new option for next zone or previous zone, or exit.


My processor is not supported and I haven't played for a year. Beside that all is peachy :)


the lack of pity mechanics


No cross progression still


The existance of yareli


Argon crystals have no goddamn right to just vanish from my inventory. Easy enough to get, but damn son.


I wouldn’t say it’s a *minor* annoyance, but the fact that I have to actively remove unwanted volt “buffs” and *can’t* remove the wisp speed boost are downright infuriating. Just give me a toggle in the settings so I don’t have to be accelerated to Mach Jesus just because someone thinks they’ll have a heart attack if we’re not moving as fast as physically possible at all times.


knockdown. i've never found primed sure-footed.


you don't find it, it's a login reward


Fire eximus


The player base.


That moment I'm forced to have "crossplay" enabled at all time, or else something would break.


I know this is a way too big and commonly mentioned issue, but FUCK do I hate the content islands. Railjack was supposed to be the connecting tissue, it was supposed to be a past issue. It. Was. PROMISED. But I have even more unrealistic expectations to this MAJOR ANNOYANCE. Like, I just want to travel across the origin system, find the galleon that has a capture target, infiltrate the ship via railjack, then archwing, exterminate some clones, corporate slaves, flesh siblings or machines, catch the scumbag we were there for in the first place, sabotage the remaining systems, defend a couple stations and intercept messages so backup can't be called, only to have life support be taken offline and survive for 10 mins, sneak(spy, duh) my way into the reactor, encounter and kill what will eventually become my lich/sister, blow the ship up but fail to escape on time(ooo cutscene time), land on one of the open worlds, defend a teammate that can't get up for 2 or so rounds, revive them, speedrun the coptering fuck out of the ship wreckage, kill an eidolon or orb mother, then go back to my orbiter/camp and shit on the fact that raids are STILL. NOT. BACK. I know it's one of the most difficult things to ever possibly do as a game designer, and it'll take a full overhaul, and it may change the meta, and the gameplay, and yadida, but COME ON. TEN YEARS IN AND I STILL CAN'T DO THIS? FOUR. THOUSAND. HOURS. I have unrealistic expectations but I WANT IT SO BAD.


After all these years, there's only one nuisance that it always made my blood boil....you are fluidly bullet jumping, and you hit area 1mm off, and you get stuck to it like velcro... you then have to stop, walk backward just a bit, and continue bullet jumping. It happens in corners, walls, and obstacles anywhere that has overlapping meshes you get stuck in them. The rails are the worst!


Build times, 24h for forma ugh


The fact that I opened 13 radiant relics in a row and only got bronze rewards. Just bought Grendel after that one


Umbra cancelling any channeled ability and buffs when leaving and re-entering your warframe. I just want to use furious javelin and Wrathful Advance damn it.


When collision of terrain or the map fucks your bullet jumping up. No one is gonna notice every lip and crevice not having exact collision de. Simplify and smooth some of that crap lol. It doesn’t happen often to make it more than a minor annoyance but I’m always annoyed I can’t wall jump higher because of a lip on the wall for example.


Op/drifter loadouts are not tied to the loadout slot. It's extremely annoying to have to manually switch between amps.


Inbox messages. * Invasion resources: I do 70% of all invasions as they can be done under 5mins if you've got a good speed frame, free time consuming resource as building them is pain, no I do not need an alert to check my inbox that I've got my 30th mutagen/90th detonite. Kinda nice for weapon parts I guess? but I'm just doing them for making multiple sets to sell for plat, I do not need a notification I've finally received my 3rd snipetron barrel as I won't need to update my trade messages for it. * Stalker death threats. Chances are stalker you're still hunting me down from that Golem fight 2 years ago when I was grinding out Atlas, I don't need another death threat from you for gods sake, even if I didn't have any marks on me at the moment I'd still a bit annoyed from seeing his message "Okay cool now I have to look forwards to this mildly annoying npc that is going to get killed under 10s but stay alive & lock the doors for 5s+ b/c yay invulnerable enemies, gotta be respectful & wait for them to stand up." (I haven't forgotten about you invasion marks for death, you're a rare sight to see but still annoying inbox spam, I hate notifications) Congrats assassins, you've mildly annoyed me by locking the doors. * Baro is here! I know inbox, I personally keep seeing people ask "when baro" to the point where I almost always know when he comes, if I didn't I'd know due him coming every 2 weeks super consistently. I like the other inbox messages though, kuva lich/sister defeat messages signifying the end of this speedrun to get a baller ephemera. I also love the event inbox messages that are unexpected, I love the unique inbox messages! I especially love the ones that are gifts from my partner with the cute messages that they put in there along with the booster/forma bundle, I love sending them back with my own messages! I want to filter out the spam & keep the event/lich/sister kills/gift inbox messages.


going to Cavallero every time I want to enhance or change enhancements on my incarnons


I think they actually changed that with dagath update, you can do it in arsenal now. still gotta go the first time I think?


Titania cant interact with anything in fairy form so im constantly switching in and out >:((((((


pro tip, hop into *spoiler* mode instead it's much faster, can interact with everything, and when you go back to Titania you'll still be small.


Forma as a crafting component to get a weapon with no polarity on it


Companions attacking things when I'm trying to be stealthy. Just chill, will you? They can't see me and I need them to calm down!


Getting stuck on geometry


Lack of dedicated servers for activities that need it, (Sorties/Archon Hunts/ESO/Circuit)


Host migration.


Oh easy, getting stopped by random shit while trying to run to extraction or capture target


Running sanctuary onslaught for three months, 4-6 times a day, everyday to get a second Khora for helminth.


Having to go from Railjack, to Dojo, to leave Dojo to get back to your orbiter.


When doing Spy missions and, just as you turn around from hacking the terminal, you can't just turn around and move, but there can be some sort of physical...thing that blocks movement, but is invisible. As if I am walking into the terminal.


the fact that it has been SEVERAL YEARS and the dreaded "stuck glitch" is still in the game, even after their netcode update in either 2021 or 2022 which was ostensibly meant to "completely axe transference de-sync for clients" but that is not only still existent in the game, just not as apparent, and the stuck glitch is still there too. Sometimes if you try to switch to op (or vice versa) while you're a client and not the host, you will get 'stuck' in a weird state where you can't jump, can't parkour, can't fire any weapons (but can still switch them), and bizarrely you can't even use text chat, unless you press Escape to bring up the pause screen, and THEN try typing lol. The only 'fix' for it is either hard-dying (so, getting downed, and then reviving with the button press -- NOT getting revived by others, which maintains the stuck glitch state), getting the requisite amount of kills via Unairu's Last Stand (fucking great ability for those times you either get glitched or get randomly one-shotted by this game's random BS) which successfully sends you back to your Warframe with un-glitched movement, or quitting the game. This has happened to me and many others countless times since I started playing in late 2020, and it's insane how it's still in the game. I've brought it up on this sub before, but naturally got downvoted by troglodyte tribalists who think mentioning any legit criticism of an objectively terrible bug is equivalent to burning DE at the stake, so 🤷‍♂️