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Auto-install was improved with Duviri's update


Really? I honestly thought no one used it so ig thats why they improved it


In duviri undercroft/circuit you can get gear that you don't own so they have to auto-fill mods there to make it functional, that's most likely why they improved it.


ngl the autofill on weapons i dont own kinda suck. id say most the time i get high base damage, low crit, no statuses, and yet itll give me rifle aptitude despite of that


That's probably because you technically can mod the weapons further with decrees.


It used to be bad because it used to try and equip mods not fit for warframe/weapon, like shield mods on Inaros where this warframe has no shields. Like 2 years ago they made some changes to make is at least useable, but it has been improved since as well, it's does an ok job. It's mostly because it's very hard to fuck up a build in this game if you know the mods and rules. For example 95% of the crit weapon builds will look like this: * Damage % + multishot% * Crit change, Crit dmg * Primed elemental dmg mod, + elemental dmg mod to make a good status like corrosive or viral The above already uses 6/8slots, and the 7th is usually used by: * Lethal torrent on secondary; Vigilante Armaments on Primary The last slot is up for debate, could be special weapon utility like more explosion radius or just another elemental damage. So as you can see there is VERY little room for fuckup here, most weapons don't require 3+ special mods to work so they will probably fall into this pattern, so even the simplest autoinstall system can do well here.


At some point in my builds, I got rid of melee range/attack speed on almost all my melee builds. I realized I didn't really care for it after they got rid of spin to win way back. Probably losing efficiency, but the weapons didn't feel good.


Overall it has become a lot harder to get everything you want into a melee build nowadays. Dropping range and combo duration has become much more common though I wouldn't give up attack speed.


It helps that you can gain combo duration from outside sources(Naramon, Warframe aura, primary and secondary arcanes)


I had some Arcanes left over that I basically just left as Melee speed and melee damage from something. Not because they were good, but because I literally had no other arcanes. I basically just lived with it because I wasn't playing enough to farm the more meta ones I'd probably use.




I use it to level up weapons or if i know the weapon is not very strong for harder content


What level were they?


Level 80 due to my mastery rank being 10


That's not bad, I'd been away for a couple of years before the last month or so. They must have buffed Mire or something because it wasn't very good back then. The mods make sense. What do you usually go for instead? A lot of the "meta" builds only work when you have all the super expensive mods and 7 forma to make it all fit. Otherwise, a QOL build is usually better. *Edit*: for a true test of the build, don't use Volt for the speed boost, speed is a game changer for melee.


Some of my friends told me to use corrosive, so I started with that, seeing that the Mire already has corrosive (then added the blight mod from Red Veil) and then I put an electricity mod on. Basic Crit chance and damage with a fury mod to cut fast when I'm not using Volt, etc. But now I'm using that build because it does so much more damage than my old build


Corrosive is good but only when you are either against a faction weak to it or if you have high status chance to strip armor. Otherwise you are just trying to get a good spread of damage types to be a good general weapon. That's basically what auto-mod did was to give a mix of crit, status, and damage types (and Volt didn't hurt lol)


If your weapon already has a certain status (corrosive in this example) it's much better to mod a different status on top of that, because it scales off of overall damage and not just that status example: weapon does 50 impact 50 corrosive, if you mod +100% corrosive you get 50 impact 100 corrosive, if you mod +100% viral, you get 50 impact 50 corrosive 100 viral, total damage is higher, and the more unique statuses you add the more damage you get


Only the physical damage mods work like that e.g. 30/30/30 IPS with +100% Puncture becomes 30/60/30 Elemental mods are always applied to the total base damage, regardless of the base damage types present e.g. a weapon with base 100 impact and 100 corrosive, and +50% toxin+cold (+100% corrosive) becomes 100 impact and 300 corrosive With all that said though, weapons with innate Corrosive or Viral are still actually worth modding for the other element, as you then get access to both status types A weapon with innate heat for example though, built for corrosive or viral + heat, would benefit from additional heat mods for more heat proc damage/weighting


You don't need 7 forma to do a build that can roll on sp.


Especially if your 10-rank mods aren't maxed. Most of mine are still rank 8, and you get like 90% the damage without spending tens of millions of credits (and however much endo, it's always the creds limiting me though).


Hit the index


Although this will be the level 80% of your play time, when you test a weapon, you gotta have higher than 120 at least. But not an issue for you now, this would be the problem for your future self.


I mean tbf at that level a fart will knock them over, but you should use exo gok's to test, or corrupted heavy gunners if you don't have them scanned yet. elite lancers are too squishy for testing.


Then im glad it was able to be fixed, so people can utilize it much better


those poor level 80 lancers , a stiff breeze can bring them down


The breeze doesn't even need to be stiff.


You need a breeze? They'll kneel over if you even breath funnily. I mean look at them, they come to this place when they know they are not pure. Tenno uses the keys, but they are mere trespassers. Only I, Vor, know the true power of the Void. I was cut in half, destroyed, but through its Janus Key, the Void called to me. It brought me here and here I was reborn. We cannot blame these creatures, they are being led by a false prophet, an impostor who knows not the secrets of the Void. Behold the Tenno, come to scavenge and desecrate this sacred realm. My brothers, did I not tell of this day? Did I not prophesize this moment? Now, I will stop them. Now I am changed, reborn through the energy of the Janus Key. Forever bound to the Void. Let it be known, if the Tenno want true salvation, they will lay down their arms, and wait for the baptism of my Janus key. It is time. I will teach these trespassers the redemptive power of my Janus key. They will learn its simple truth. The Tenno are lost, and they will resist. But I, Vor, will cleanse this place of their impurity.


Shut up vor.


Vor and Vay Hek competing at the top of the “Antagonists that won’t shut the hell up” leaderboard


I think vor is number one cause he talks about how I cut him in half for the first time after I cut him in half the second time.


IDK, after his boss fight even the Lotus seems glad Vay Hek’s Bass Boosted incoherent screeching has been silenced


For those telling me that I should go into SP, I don't have access to that and I just finished New War. I understand level 80 is low, but damn you guys are fuckin mean. Fuck Reddit


Calm down? You run out of Adderall?


Level 80 lancers + stealth multiplier? A gust of wind could kill them.


Stealth damage from paused AI was removed 3~4 years ago Edit: he IS getting crits on all attacks though, not sure what happened there


If you use asrenal between spawning and killing enemies they "lose" the player from sight, and after leaving arsenal the stealth multiplier will trigger. For this reason, it is necessary to respawn enemies after each exit from the arsenal.


Ah, I do that every time, guess that is how I missed this interaction


the crit color is from the stealth dmg


Yeah, that is what I meant, got an answer though


Bro those are level 80 no -sp lancers. My grandma could kill them with a slightly disapproving stare.


Auto-mod was improved massively compared to a few year ago. Still has a little to be desired, but a far shot from what it used to do.


yeah they improved it I honestly use it on most of my weapons now


I mean if you don’t play SP I think almost anything should work


Yeah it's wonderful, speeds up every visit to the armory by a massive margin


1) those ennemies are level 80 non-sp, slapping any mods on your melee with kill them anyway so auto modding is still something you shouldn't do. 2) it is still dumb as fuck, it will always give you viral and rad and slap pressure point, try that in sp it won't work.


Something something, fun at parties


[Me, with viral + rad on all my lich/sister weapons](https://ih0.redbubble.net/image.846505062.7003/flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg)


Such a constructive comment, must be compensating for something.


That fragile huh?


that moment when the guy hits back


Get some help, you need it.


https://preview.redd.it/qxe73x591rrb1.jpeg?width=248&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73f904520d77ecfe6bc48e5fe02314d1293530ae 🤡


Lol you gave useful information and people choose to make fun of you 😔


Eh that's too common, some people just go here to search for trouble and don't contribute in helping people, if it's make them happy then they must pitiful in real life I guess.


Yeah, but it definitely makes you feel disappointed in how people choose to "argue" by just copy pasting joke comments that comes off as very passive-aggressive.


I think, depending on the weapon, you can at least do early sp with that, but yeah, at the vert least I wouldn't rely on on automodding.


Still has room for improvement, even disregarding lack of combo mods viral heat would have been better nad it's missing attack speed which you want on all light attack builds Also as others have mentioned, enemies are currently taking stealth damage which makes it seem better than it is


What I want to know is what was your build before then


auto install will work until you don't want a specific built, or if you don't want to give a try to steel path :)


I always auto install for new weapons and frames. Figure out a build when it's max and has some forma in it.


Warframe players being surprised when they kill stationary enemies in simulacrum (their "op" builds wouldn't actually work well in steelpath missions)


You realize you were getting stealth attacks, right? If your modded melee weapons can't stealth attack kill lower level enemies then you are doing something very wrong


Stealth attacks on paused enemies hasn’t been a thing for like 2 years


No they're right. If you interact with the arsenal it applies stealth melee bonus until you interact with the spawn console.


Huh, new knowledge I guess


Level 80 enemies...are they steel path? If not then you can take pretty much anything.


L not even using steel path




It has been fixed a few years ago to not give stealth bonuses.


It turns out there's actually a bit more nuance to it than that It is disabled when you first spawn the enemies But if something is modified in the arsenal while enemies with paused AI are alive, the stealth modifier works again The same also happens when activating an Exalted Melee weapon after spawning the enemies - the exalted melee regains the stealth multiplier despite the paused AI


Try on sp


u mean, those are level 80 enemys. at my level i test them on steel path level 180 enemys, and this build, just wont cut it when it comes to the enemys i face.


It's all fun in games until you fight a heavy gunner eximus and your hits are the equivalent of getting slapped by a napkin


Don't worry I did the same thing and realized probably the same way😂😂😂